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Subject code : MB2004

(4 credits)
Set 1
Marks 60
Subject Name : Marketing Management

Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.

Q. 1 What is brand equity and what are its determining factors? Briefly explain the major
decision areas in brand management. (10 Marks).

Q. 2 Explain how organizational buying behavior is different from consumer buying

behavior. (10 marks).

Q. 3 Explain what is meant by social marketing with an example. Why is the task of
social marketing more difficult than that of commercial marketing of products and
services? (10 Marks)

Q. 4 What is meant by ethics in marketing research? Give four different examples of

unethical marketing research. (10 Marks).

Q. 5 How is advertising different from the other elements of the marketing

communication mix? What are the 5 Ms of Advertising? ( 10 Marks).

Q. 6 What is meant by intangibility of services? What are the implications for marketing
strategy? Give two examples ( real or imaginary) of how services may be tangibilized.
(10 Marks).


Subject code : MB2004

(4 credits)
Set 2
Marks 60
Subject Name : Marketing Management
Q.1 What is a Strategic Business Unit? Explain with an example. How does a firm
evaluate its business portfolio and SBUs? (10 Marks).

Q. 2 What are marketing channels? Explain why it is more beneficial to the marketer to
use marketing channels, rather than sell direct to the consumer. ( 10 Marks).

Q. 3 What are the main factors which determine the strength of the sales force? What are
the different tasks that the modern day sales force has to perform?

Q. 4 How are advertising objectives determined? Give two examples of advertisements

with different advertising objectives. (10 Marks).

Q. 5 What are some of the problems associated with market research? According to you,
which is the most difficult stage in the research process and why? ( 10 Marks).

Q. 6 Explain the GAP model of service quality with examples. ( 10 Marks).

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