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Belmonte Ap-Literature
Descriptive Essay
Daisy Luna
Joan worked on homework assigments until 3am everyday and wake up or
school at !am. "he dark wrinkly sacks under her eyes said it all since it was the
irst thing that catched your attention when looking at her. #he was known as the
$% year old senior with a &lack straight ponytail. "he ponytail that never changed
since there was not a day in which it looked dierent. #he always said that
having hair was 'ust a waste o time &ecause it took time to i( it."ime that you
could use to study or do homework. Everyone knew she was on the top ranked
list in the class and yes may&e &ecause she spent too much time on her
homework and always decided to stay in the house &ut with her grades you didnt
have to worry a&out not &eing accepted to a college o your choice. "he golden
awards she had received since reshman year were or &est attentance &ut that
was not what she wanted. ) she had worked her &utt o since reshman year
there was no way that she was not going to receive the most improved. *o way
that classmate the classmate in A+ +re-,alc - the one who always asked
Mrs.Lunt .uestions and couldnt answer pro&lems .uickly was going to receive it
when she worked or it all the our years. Dayan was not in the top ranked
students. #he was not even close to deserveing the award like Joan was .
/irst period A+ +re-,alc- the competitive period o the day or Joan since
o&taining the most improved award was now what she was chasing. E(acly the
day Joan decided to take the award rom Dayan was the .ui0 on simplyying
polynomials. "hird .uarter votes were already in or all the awards &ut passing
the .ui0 with a&solutely no misakes would deinetly make Mrs. Lunt think twice
wether Dayan was really the &est vote or most improved and could even
convince teachers that Joan was the num&er one.
1ow hard could the .ui0 &e when she stayed up until 3am that night.
Everything that was typed in the paper she had studying and even i she had not
studyed it was a piece o pie. Alge&ra pro&lems rom reshman year . 2hat could
possi&ly go wrong when she knew e(actly what she was a&out to take. #olving
math pro&lems was what kept her &lood lowing while eeling that addregaline
while waiting to hear she got a pro&lem right.
Mrs. Lunt passed out the .ui0es to each student individualy aced down so
no&ody would have more time than others specially since it was Ap class.
Everyone had to have the same amount o time. *ot minute more. *ot minute
less. As soon as Joan turned her .ui0 around she giggled in her head and was
sure a&oout not getting a single pro&lem wrong. Even i she had the same
amount o time as the other students that didn3t matter to her. "he &est had to
inish irst. )t was ridiculous i you thought u were num&er one and turned in your
work last. #pecially in a .ui0 in which demonstrates how much you learned when
doing homework and in class. Joan inished in $4 minutes whiles others 54
minutes latter which was e(tremely ridiculous. Many students were 'ust staring at
the .uestions with a &lank look on their ace not even holding their pencil as i the
topic was never given nor spoke a&out .Mrs. Lunt announced that she was going
to allow a retake &ut you had to come two days in the morning and your parents
were going to get a phone call or you not passing the .ui0. 6course there was
nothing that Joan worried a&out since she passed.
7#ince Dayan took longer taking the .ui0 she got a low score &ecause she
struggled 7 Joan thought to hersel the ne(t day when she walked in or class
desperately waiting on her score. 7 ) am very dissapointed &ecause there was
only one person who received a perect score7 Mrs. Lunt announced. Joan was
positive it was her. 2ho else other than her8 *o one &ecause she was num&er
one. #he asked Mrs. Lunt i she could yell out the scores so everyone could
know who got the perect score. "o show them that they might think Dayan had
the most imroved award &ut it will soon &e taken away rom her. 7 Joan 9 3 out o
547 72hat8::7 Joan was illed with em&errasment and wanted to dissapear when
she heard her score. "here was ocourse something wrong with the scntron she
thought &ut she realised that the .ui0 was all written down pro&lems. 7Dayan9 54
out o 54: 7 Everyone started to clap and congratulate her while asking her how
she did it when it was one o the hardest .ui0es they have gotten. At that
moment Joan right away went calling the teacher that their was no way she got a
3 out o 54 when she actually studyed. Mrs. Lunt replyed that trying to memori0e
a pro&lem was not going to work. ;ou had to know dierent ways to solve a
pro&lem and was something Joan didnt do. #ince she had one o the lowest
grades she was going to &e calling home to let the parents know how poorly she
had perormed on the .ui0 and make sure that Joan came in or e(tra help
&ecause she always thougt she could do everything since she was top ranked.

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