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Sequence of Events Journal

Miss Pak
Date April 12, 2022

Time 12:30-3:00pm

Today was my first day of my last internship. I ended up choosing to go with Miss Pak and her
third grade classroom which I was a little nervous about because I really enjoyed kindergarten
but not as much fifth grade so I was a little worried about moving up in grade levels. But I
came into her room and she showed me where I could set my stuff and where I could sit. She
told me she was interested to see what I end up thinking about her class. So we only had a
couple minutes to talk then it was time to pick up her kids from specials. When we picked
them up they were all staring and waving to me. They don’t understand that I’m only a high
school intern so they call me a student teacher. When we came back into the room instead of
read aloud we sat in a circle and we all got to share our names, favorite color, and one things
about us. You could already see who her more energetic and troublemakers are. After we
finished this they started science while they started with talking together about what they
remembered from the day before, then they split into partners and read a stem scopedia where
they did a three, two, one chart. During this time Miss Pak explained to me how she likes her
classroom to be, she loves them all and will be chill with them but also has very high
expectations for them. She also explained some things that would be helpful to know about
some of her kids in her class. She told me during this time she would wander around the room
and have conversations and make sure students are on task. They finished this and it was time
for lunch. They have a really late lunch at 1:20. So the teachers flip their plan time and lunch
so they can eat lunch earlier. During their time at lunch and recess she gave me a tour of the
building and we spent time talking about all sorts of things, and I got a chance to work on my
sequence of events and some other work while she was working. When they came back it was
time for writing, so she read them a fairytale story, then showed how you can have a narrator
and dialogue so they were going through their story highlighting their narrations. During their
work time I got up and headed out for the day.
Date April 13, 2022

Time 12:30-3:00pm

Today Miss Pak had a sub which she told me was going to be planned from the previous day.
So when I came in today the class was gone at specials and I met the sub they had. She had
informed me that there was something Miss Pak had left for me to do today. The first task she
had left for me was organizing her fraction pieces that were up on the white board into plastic
baggies. The other task was to write the first names of students on slips of papers for all the
third grade classrooms. When they came back from specials they had to read aloud through a
Youtube video on the projector screen. They then moved into science which their task today
was to do a word search with the science words they have been using. Some students were
having a very hard time staying quiet, being independent, and focusing on the task at hand. It
was then time for them to go to lunch and during this time I finished up the work she had for
me, talked with the sub, and finished up some homework. When they came back they had a
Youtube video that they had to follow and create this drawing. After they were getting ready to
move into writing which was the time I left for today. You could tell a difference in her class
today compared to yesterday when she was here. They had a very hard time staying quiet and
on task with what the sub was asking from them. Something that did work though was Miss
Pak says give me star so the sub had to do that multiple times today but it worked for the most
part to quiet them down, then I intervened when some students were totally doing what they
were not supposed to.
Date April 14, 2022

Time 12:30-3:00pm

When I came into Miss Pak’s room today I set my things down and she and I discussed what
the sub note was about and how I thought her class did. So I told her, her class was chatty and
seemed to get off task quite a bit but the sub had used a method that Miss Pak used and they
responded to that very well. We then went to pick up the kids from the library and she had
them meet her on the carpet. She told them there was some good news and bad news. Miss Pak
had a writing mentor who comes in, watches her teaching and then shows her ways to improve
or new tools she could use. She also helps the kid with their writing. So she told them it was
her last day tomorrow (which was the bad news) but they got to make something for her to
show her that they were thankful for her (good news). So she gave them two options of either
thank you cards, or you are important because and a little treat. She then had the kids close
their eyes and took a vote and the you are important won. So Miss Pak quickly got on google
slides assigned each kids to a slide and allowed them to type out why they though Mrs. Ezell is
her name and why she was important. So they worked on that until it was time for lunch.
While the kids were at lunch Miss Pak and I went down to the teacher work room and printed
out the slides they had typed on, she then showed me how the laminator works because I was
going to be using it later on in the day. Once the kids came back they got to draw a picture that
went with their little message. Little side note Miss Pak shared with me this was something her
class when she was student teaching did for her and they did it once before for a girl who
moved away from their class. They had limited time to color because Mrs. Ezell was about to
get there so they quickly finished up their drawings and handed them to me. I then spent the
rest of my time there in the work room, laminating and cutting out each page for Miss Pak to
later turn into a book. Once I finished cutting I left it in her mailbox for her to pick up
tomorrow for their little class party. By the time I had finished all that up it was time for me to
head out for the day.
Date April 15, 2022

Time 12:30-3:00pm

Today coming in I was filled with lots of energy because before coming to Southeast we had
our first all school assembly since before covid and it was grade wars and the seniors won the
assembly so I was super pumped. So I had to bring myself down a couple notches and finish
out the day strong before I was able to get into weekend mode! I came in like normal, set my
things down and went with her to pick up the kids from specials. On our walk back she told me
they just finished taking a math test and they were about to take a science test. There is one
student in her class who has dyslexia and is able to have his tests read to him. So I got to read
the test out to the student. They took there test on Stemscopedia and they had multiple choice
and then short answer. He got done with the test pretty fast considering there was only eight
questions but that would make sense it’s about how long a 3rd grader attention span could last.
Once I finished up with him Miss Pak came back and talked with me wondering if I was crafty
and could make a poster for her. I told her I don’t trust myself to make that for you because I
don’t have teacher handwriting yet which is something I will need to practice on before I have
my own classroom. So she brought up the idea while the kids are at lunch and recess we will
project what she wants on the screen and all I will have to do is trace whats all ready there so I
felt a lot better about doing that. So then the kids went to lunch and recess and I got to work on
the poster. It was about how to tell time on a clock. I was still a little nervous to mess up
because I didn’t want to disappoint her but she was very positive and encouraging as I was
creating it! It was then time to pick up the kids and since they had taken two tests today it was
going to be more chill the rest of the day and they were going to have their little celebration
with Mrs. Ezell. I stayed for her read aloud and a little of the celebration then it was time to
leave for the day.
Date April 19, 2022

Time 12:30-3:00pm

When I came in today Miss Pak informed me the end of their day is going to be starting to get
prepared for map testing and she was really going to hype that up for them. So when they
came back from specials she had them go and sit on their sit spots and she explained what the
map test was, that it was similar to NWEA, how the day may look, and that they are going to
do very well and get to have a little celebration at the end. Then she first had them think of five
things on their own of how you can prepare for a test, each thing they thought of they would
put up one finger until they had all five fingers up. She then dismissed them by tables,
something interesting she allowed each table to do was choose their table name and they have
a poster per table, so some names are money bags or wild ones. Next, together at their table
they were to have 20 things written down, each person would write one thing down and then
share it out loud with their table. She then had them stop and then meet them back up at their
sit spots on the floor and she made two categories on her own paper: things to prepare and
things to help do well. She then called on students and put their ideas in one of the two
categories. Once her paper was filled up she had them cover their mouth with their hand so it’s
something they are saying back to themselves and promise to do these things and start these
things now in order to do well on the map test. When they were finished it was time for them
to go to lunch and recess. During this time she had me go and make some copies as well as go
through her books and count how many of each kind she had and put that into a google doc so
she would have an idea of how much she had of each. When they came back from lunch and
recess she did a read aloud, then had them spread out and do a series of stretches and exercises
before they had to sit down again things like touch your toes, jumping jacks, and sit ups. Her
writing lesson today was about adding strong describing words and possibly a simile. She
informed them that this was their last day to work on their writing because tomorrow they
were going to start revising. Right before they went back to their seats to work I left for the
Date April 20, 2022

Time 12:30-3:00pm

It was a very informative and productive day today which is always really nice! I came into the
classroom today and Miss Pak was wrapping up her very first meeting that she was the
presenter to the team. She informed me later she was very nervous and sweaty from it but from
the feedback she received from others she sounded like she did great, which I am sure she did!
We then picked up the kids from music. Went back to the classroom and had them sit on their
sit spots and she left them with me super quick to talk to them while she finished up talking to
another teacher. During this time they did get a little loud and crazy mainly because two of her
students were trying to put on a comedy show together but she was back in the room not long
after and got them ready to go. Today I did read aloud which I was a little nervous about but I
made it through, I read Jack and the Beanstalk. She then introduced one way they were going
to practice for the MAP test which was a website where she could assign the kids a passage
from a variety of options and questions. She then could go back and see how they did and what
questions were missed the most so she then could go back look at that question and figure out
what she needs to go over in order to help them better understand while they are taking the
MAP test. They wrapped that up and then the kids went off to lunch and recess. Today Miss
Pak and I talked quite a bit about how working with her team was going this year collaboration
wise and how being a first year teacher it’s okay to put your ideas out there because you do
have some fresh and new ones they might not have heard of, and that was a good conversation
that we had. Then at 1:45 until 3:00 I got the opportunity to go to a teacher who teaches
3rd-5th grade sped and just kind of watch how that works. I gotta see her with fifth grade
math, where they did bingo with adding and subtracting double digit numbers. Also third grade
writing where they worked on how a sentence should look when writing things like capital
letters and punctuation. Each time she has kids it’s only for 30 minutes, which would be kind
of nice to sometimes always be switching up. She then shared some more insight with me
things like they don’t teach off curriculum they teach off the goals that are set for each kid, she
currently has 19 kids on her caseload which is a lot, doesn’t do much less planning because all
kids goals are different and some kids are at higher or lower levels, or your day may be
interrupted by having to go help a student elsewhere in the building and those sorts of things.
So I was really glad I got the chance to see what that looked like and where I got to end my
day at Southeast.
Date April 21, 2022

Time 12:00-1:30pm

Today coming in I knew it was going to be a quick day because I had to leave early for a
doctor's appointment. I started off my day with Natalie coming to visit my building so right
when I pulled in she was also out in the parking lot so we got to walk in together. When we
went into Miss Pak’s room the kids had already left for their specials for the day. So Miss Pak
was just enjoying her lunch and Natalie and I just got to talk with her for a while. We talked
about retirement, how things have been going, what Miss Pak’s teaching career is going to
look like next year, and how it has been really good for me to see a first year teacher since I
have been able to watch a lot of veteran teachers. After we wrapped up talking with Natalie
she left for the day it was time for us to go pick up the kids from specials. On the walk back
Miss Pak whispered to me that for the time it was now until lunch time we were going to go
outside since it was such a nice day but we were going to trick the kids that we were doing
something else. So when we got back to the classroom Miss Pak said set down your things and
line up again because it looks like we need to practice how to walk in the hall. So they all lined
up very quietly and looked nervous because they knew Miss Pak didn’t look very happy. So
she sent them down the hallway. Then she opened up the back door and they knew they had to
go outside so they all got very excited and I smiled and laughed with them because we pulled
it off by tricking them. So then we got to walk laps around the track that they had outside.
Then we all played a game as a class where Miss Pak had a set amount of objects and I had to
figure out the number and there was a pattern to it. She would place these objects and move
them around but I kept guessing the number wrong. I was so confused on how the rest of the
class knew these numbers. We eventually played multiple rounds and I had no clue so I
eventually gave up. Then to learn they all knew the numbers because she would place the
number on her fingers that put it on her thigh so you could always see it but I didn’t pick up on
it. We then went back into the classroom and it was time for lunch so we walked them down to
lunch and it was time for me to leave for the doctors appointment, so it was a fun and relaxed
Date April 22, 2022

Time 12:30-3:00pm

Today was unfortunately my last day in Miss Pak’s room and the time went by way too fast. I
had brought the class treats so I was very excited to give them to them when they got back
from lunch later in the day. After specials it was publishing day for their fairytale stories. So
Miss Pak printed out a bunch of different borders then they got to transfer their writing on to
their new papers for their final copy. So the class was pretty quiet and hard at work. Some of
them would raise their hand and ask me how to spell words like animal or though. The rest of
the time I just chilled in the back so they could get their writing finished before it was time to
leave for lunch. While they were at lunch I made another anchor chart and we got ready for
science but instead of science today we got to play board games because that was something
they wanted to do with me for my last day. So when they came back in they sat in their sit
spots and they gave me a gift. Which consisted of a book they made, starburst, sticky notes,
pens and all the teacher necessities! I loved it and it was the sweetest things and all things I
will use and the book I will keep forever. Then I got to pass out my treats to them and gave
Miss Pak her card. Then I went and joined a group who was playing jenga and that's where I
spent the rest of the time. I had so much fun getting to talk with the group I was with because
they are funny and can have some good conversations. Some other kids in the classroom were
dancing and singing which was fun to watch, then there was more kids spread out playing
other games. Then I told them it was time for me to leave and this kid named Silas hugged me
and wouldn’t let me go. I tried moving and getting my stuff but he wouldn’t let go. The only
way I got him to let me go was to tell him that I would try and come back to visit. It was so sad
to leave. Many of them gave me hugs or were blocking the door which only made it harder to
leave. I eventually made it out and was sad to leave. I really enjoyed my time in Miss Pak’s
3rd grade classroom at Southeast.

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