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G U A R D A D O MA T .

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15 de junio de 2014

In the following paper, readers, may realize, how delicate is the
teacher profession, the document says about my teaching
Experience, in the Instituto Nacional De Santa Elena, during forty
hours, teaching thirty student from 10th grade. At the end of each
course, I have to feel the necessity of make to myself reflection and
answer the following question about teacher style.
1. Explain and include a Teaching Critical Reflection in what you
have been through in you TP and in the course.
2. Explain step by step how you are going to do a systematization of
the Teaching
Practice Process.
3. Explain and describe how you are going to apply the e-portfolio
approach including the new learning environment in the ELT.
4. Explain how you are going to deal if you want to use technology
in a school or place of work but there is not Tech in the classroom.
What are you going to do? How are you going to solve the problem?
Provide resources that you will use and the procedures.
Learn a new language in public school, is a challenge that teacher
has to fight with it, in order to give students the best acquisition of
the English language, They have to know you are able to overcome
this challenge for develop a English class, with real students in the
best way, but we need to be a reflective teacher, for can accept in
what areas we have failed, and at the same time give to myself the
possible solution for that problem.

15 de junio de 2014

Explain and include a Teaching Critical Reflection in what you
have been through in you TP and in the course.
Critical reflection involves analyzing your own learning and
teaching practices that may contribute to effective pedagogies
within key components of an effective curriculum.
Through this process, I could analyze my situation there, but I am
sure that I can improve my English, and I know that I have all the
resources that I need to make my best effort, At the beginning of my
teaching practice, I asked to myself if I might be capable to teach
students in a good way, perhaps everybody thought that I was
wrong, but at the and I could see that everybody could be capable to
make his/her best effort teaching, because now, I really know about
methods, strategies, techniques, and I can use and write my lesson
plans, using websites end so on. It is my tools for make the process
more easily for both. At the beginning of my class I asked them If
they want to learn English language, and the majority of them told
me that they want it, but in different way, and was clear, students
wants to learned from me and I was conscious about the
responsibility that I had acquired, because I am conscious about my
level, and I was focus in make a good job there.
At the beginning, I remember that in one class I made a mistake, in
the way how I developed the topic, and the activities that I used for
develop the topic. The lesson was to read some paragraph and
complete some sentences, and I just read and read the paragraph,
and everybody were so boring, and they did not looked interesting
to make the exercises, and some students in the last file were talking

15 de junio de 2014

and talking, at that moment, I remembered in some classes before
that I developed the class in interesting way, using games, activities,
give them examples using the Realia using kinesis and students
liked it because they told me, in that moment I could make the
comparison, between the two sessions and I recognized that was my
error. In that moment I took the decision to make class in dynamic
way, using games, interesting activities, using videos, pictures,
websites, power point in order to improve my way to teach.
For help my students, I took the decision to create a work my
objective was that students group who had more knowledge could
help to classmate that needed it, everybody were agree, but, when I
assign them homework in group, none of them met for make the
homework, even the lider, in that moment I felt frustrated because
they were not motivated, I really knew that students would not like
the idea, because they prefer work individual that in group, and I
am conscious that maybe they did not like the activities that I give
them. I could create relevant activities, in order to motivate student
to learn to work in group, taking in consideration, look for help in
the web sites.
Using technology, planning activities, using didactic materials I
conscious in the way how I created in my students a meaningful
learning. But my first priority and I pretty sure that I made it in
correct way was, create a good rapport between us, it was my first
goal and I can tell you in satisfactory way that I achieved it. Because,
I am sociable teacher since the first day that I was there, I felt
comfortable working with my students. But inside the classroom

15 de junio de 2014

only one girl looked me in a bad and when I give them an
indication, I could see that she told (I do not want to make nothing,
and I do not care what she is saying), try to forget that expression,
and not give them a rude answer, I tried to (and tried to speak with
she, because she did not want to participate in class, because she
looked very indifferent in my class and she was very shy with me,
but now her personality is better. I suppose that I made a good job
with her, because she had changed her attitude with me.
Through this experiences I could see, the level that teacher need to
have in order to transmit a good learning, having a good
pronunciation, good grammar , good lessening, for look in front
students as a responsible teacher, giving them real information, I not
only went to develop the topic and that is, no it more than it.

Explain step by step how you are going to do a
systematization of the Teaching Practice Process.
The process of learning carries an important role in the teaching
practice which provides teacher candidates with professional
development. Each responsible teacher has the obligation to make
systematization in order to follow the learning process step by step,
in my case as first step I am going to make and stipulate my
methodology: because is how I am going to help me to guide
through the entire process, my objectives thought the course, after
that I am going to create my own syllabus, the question is, why do I

15 de junio de 2014

need a syllabus? In order to know about the topics that I am going
to develop inside the classroom, because everything is a process,
and teacher need to follow one topic from another, taking in
consideration the book that I am going to use for teach, and the most
important thing no lost the communicative approach, to develop the
four macro skill.
As second step I am going to create my planning, but why do I
need a planning? Because I need to know the dates that I am going
to develop each topic, because a new topic has to be allied with the
topic before developed, for give students to learn the language
through a process. As teeth in my person, I will going to make my
outline, where I need to stipulate and write the most important
activities, where students are the main character, when I going to
select these activities through these activities students will to put
into practice what they learned achieving a meaningful learning.
And for the last step I am going to create my lesson plans, in order
to give my class in responsible way, and also the lessons plans are
going to be my face, because these papers are going to tell what kind
of teacher I am? there are stipulate how I going to develop my class,
there I am going to stipulate the objective for each topic, the firs
activity where students could know about the new topic, can learn
new vocabulary for then put it in practice in the production
activities, that teacher is going to make with the objective to develop
the four macro skill, and as the last point the activity for closer the
class, through this activity teacher could know what students have

15 de junio de 2014

Explain and describe how you are going to apply the e-portfolio
approach including the new learning environment in the ELT.
English Language Teaching: the teaching of English specifically to
students whose native language is not English it is means that
portfolio need to has the necessaries tool there, with the objective to
help student to feel more easy lean a new language, and there are
tree kind of portfolio
There are three main types of e-portfolios, although they may be
referred to using different terms:
Developmental, assessment, showcase
The main purpose is to provide an avenue for communication
between student and instructor. An assessment portfolio will
demonstrate skill and competence in a particular domain or area.
The use of E- portfolio is relevant, because thought it you can
identify how teacher is update, or if teacher are using the technology
as tool inside the classroom. Each people can use it in the way that
he/she wants, but it is interesting for student the way how they are
learning and practicing the language, because there teacher need to
have his/her evidences. Because now we are living in a virtual
learning environment.
For that reason teacher need to use the most relevant resource in
order to be the learning more easy, using new website for teacher
and for students, the teacher needs to enter the digital world and not
remove the student from this, using for every class a technological

15 de junio de 2014

tools using Facebook for create a friendly atmosphere, using new
websites in order that students learn new vocabulary.

Explain how you are going to deal if you want to use
technology in a school or place of work but there is not Tech in
the classroom. What are you going to do? How are you going
to solve the problem? Provide resources that you will use and
the procedures?
In El Salvador, not all the school has the possibility to make use of
technology, for develop students skill, if you do not have this toll,
you need to be a creative teacher, using papers, presentation, write
in the boar, use CD draw in the blackboard, using flash card. Not
only with technology I can develop student`s macro skill, in order
that student can acquire new word, phrases in other words learn
new vocabulary, teacher need to investigate, need to look for
pedagogical materials, if I want to develop students macro skill, for
develop reading you can write in the blackboard short paragraph
describing someone, describing a place or animals, or you can write
little paragraph about specific topic, using posters for then read,
make a dynamics and complete some exercise about it, using
For develop the listen skill, teacher can read in a correct way some
interesting texts, in that way student could listen teacher
pronunciation, and also no less prestigious , teachers can write on
board a short song and then teacher sing the song and finally

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students repeat it, and also making some dramatizations in this way
students are pronouncing word, so will be able to lose the fear of
speaking and for develop writing, teacher can use of some imagines
and teacher can write whatever they want. For speaking can make
presentation, make a hourstable, and make dynamics, using Realia,

Each teacher has the obligation to give a real education, because
teachers are the mirror from students. We all the time have to need
the necessity to ask ourselves what kind of teacher I am? I am a
technological teacher, we need to be thinking, reflecting in what are
my w strengths and weaknesses, as I can do to improve. Teacher
need to be updated teacher and develop their classes with the
technology, discovering new thing, learning each day.

15 de junio de 2014

Ros OLeary is Deputy Director, LTSN Economics and Manager of
the Learning Technology Support Service at the University of
Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice - 12(4) Autumn 2654-
2659 2012 Educational Consultancy and Research

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