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Tour Guide Project!

You will be leading some tourists around Paris! You will be

speaking in the language of the majority of tourists, English.
You will be given a monument and will give the class an in-
depth tour. You can choose to make a Powerpoint or Prezi.
Presentations should be at least 4 minutes long (Madame
Zimmer has a stopwatch you can borrow to check your

What you need to complete the project:
1. Name of Monument & Your name
(you can also create a tour company!)
2. Location of Monument (Metro Stop & Address)
Show us how to get there from the airport CDG!
3. Photos/Video helping us travel the monument/museum
with you (Prezi, PP)
4. Facts (Historical, Cultural, Political, Architectural, etc.) --- Please include at least 3
memorable fun facts!
5. Detailed guide of what youre going to discuss (Outline, can be bullet-pointed)
***Please avoid plagiarism! For every fact & photo you find, remember to save the link/place
of where you found it.***

In-class work schedule:

Monday - In the classroom/Computer Lab
-Learn about the project & begin researching about your monument
-Save the links from your research in the guide
Tuesday - In the Computer Lab
Continue researching the project & formulating the guide, Slides should be planned out by the
end of the hour
Wednesday - In the Computer Lab
Finish Prezi/Powerpoint Presentation - add pictures! Have Madame look over your
presentation. (If you still need to add photos/facts, Madame suggests you do so over the
Monday - In the Computer Lab
Put on the final touches. Have Madame look over your project before you present!
Tuesday - In the Classroom
Present for the class!

Tour Guide Project! (cont.)

Your grade is determined as followed:
Participation in Class (Using Time Wisely) 30%
1st Draft of Guide 15%
Presentation checked by Madame Zimmer 10%
List of sources for photos and facts 15%
In-Class Presentation 20%
Creativity 5%
Grade Yourself! 5%

Alphabetical list of monuments to research:
(Please see me regarding which monument(s) you choose,
There will be no repeats, we will learn about different areas of Paris!)
- Sacre Coeur/Place du Tertre
- Le Tour Eiffel
- Opra Garnier
- Les Invalides
- Versailles
- Notre Dame
- Les Champs-lyses/lyse Palace
- Le Muse DOrsay
- Le Louvre
- Saint Chapelle
- La Place de la Concorde/Les Jardins de Tuileries

Source List:
Tour Booth photo:
Tour Guide photo:!How_to_be_a_Great_Tour_Guide_Bo
Nom & Monument________ _______
Time: _______
French Tour Guide Rubric
In - Class Participation:
- Managed time well in class ____/20
- Not distracting/talking to others _____/20
- Asked Madame Zimmer to check over your work ____/10
Components of the Guide:
- Architectural Facts ____/10
- Historical Facts ____/10
- Cultural Facts ____/10
- Other Facts/Political Facts (if applicapable) ____/10
- Fun Facts ____/10
Final Presentation:
- Location ____/5
- Images only , words on guide ____/10
- Time > 4min. ___/5
- Confident when speaking in front of the class ____/5
- Speech was fluid, clear, & easy to understand ____/5
- Not directly reading off the Powerpoint ____/10
- Powerpoint/Pictures/Video is appeasing ____/5
- Speech/Presentation captivates audience _____/5

Total: ________/150

Nom & Monument________ _______
Time: _______
GRADE YOURSELF - French Tour Guide Rubric
In - Class Participation:
- Managed time well in class ____/20
- Not distracting/talking to others _____/20
- Asked Madame Zimmer to check over your work ____/10
Components of the Guide:
- Architectural Facts ____/10
- Historical Facts ____/10
- Cultural Facts ____/10
- Other Facts/Political Facts (if applicapable) ____/10
- Fun Facts ____/10
Final Presentation:
- Location ____/5
- Images only , words on guide ____/10
- Time > 4min. ___/5
- Confident when speaking in front of the class ____/5
- Speech was fluid, clear, & easy to understand ____/5
- Not directly reading off the Powerpoint ____/10
- Powerpoint/Pictures/Video is appeasing ____/5
- Speech/Presentation captivates audience _____/5

How do you think you did? Total: ________/150

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