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Aerodynamics is the branch off luid mechanics that studies the actions show non the solid bodies
when there is relative motion between them and the fluid that bathes a gas and not a liquid,ifitis
studied in the latter being hydrodynamics.
The aerodynamics developed from Newton's equations. With the equations of continuity,
momentum and energy can be obtained models describing the motion of fluids. A particular
case occurs when the fluid motion is stationary, ie, the fluid properties only change the position
but not in the fluid field with time, and also can be neglected when the fluid viscosity. With
these two features, steady movement and not viscous, you can get a potential role to be
derived fluid velocity is obtained at each point in the game. Once we have obtained the fluid
velocity, we can find other important quantities. The classic aerodynamic explaining how lift is
generated airfoils based on potential movements. This type of movement is ideal, since the
zero viscosity never achieved.
Modeling the fluid field may be calculated, in most cases approximately, the forces and
moments acting on the body or immersed in the fluid field bodies. The relationship between
forces on a body moving within a fluid and speeds is given by the aerodynamic coefficients.
There are coefficients relating the speed and force coefficients relating the velocity to the time.
Conceptually the simplest are the first, giving the lift, drag and side force in terms of the square
of the velocity (V2), fluid density () and the cross-sectional area (St):
Lift Coefficient :

Resistance Coefficient :
Lateral Force Coefficient :

Due to the complexity of the phenomena that occur and the equations that describe them, are
extremely useful both field trials (eg wind tunnel tests) and numerical calculations of numerical
Aerodynamic Problems:
Several classifications have been established, among which should be noted:
By application: aerodynamics aeronautics (or just drag) and civil aero.
Depending on the nature of the fluid: compressible and incompressible.
According to the number of characteristic mach problem:
o Subsonic (M <1: incompressible subsonic M <0.3 and subsonic compressible
M <0.8)
o Transonic (M close a 1)
o Super sonic (M>1)
o Hyper sonic (M>6).

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