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Hard Gainer Shock Routine For Fast Gains

This report is based on the book Super Squats, How To Gain 30

Pounds of Muscle in 6-Weeks, by Randall J. Strossen, Ph.D.
By Doberman Dan
Author of the yper !ro"th #us$le #ass Trainin% Pro%ram
& put my o"n spin on it and $han%ed a fe" thin%s. & feel this is a %reat
trainin% time'tested pro%ram for %ainin% si(e and stren%th. & left out the
nutrition aspe$t sin$e "e)*e been $o*erin% that a lot lately. This is a %reat
shock routine for you to use from time to time "hen you need a burst
to %et out of a trainin% rut.
+irst here)s my "ai*er,
Consult your physician before undertaking this or any other exercise, dietary, and/or nutrition
supplementation program. This program was deeloped based upon findings from a ariety of
sources and different interpretations of the studies and applications of their findings.
!ndiiduals ary in their response or reaction to exercise, diet and/or nutrition
supplementation. "orldwide Fitness and the deeloper and distributors of this manual will not
be liable for any incidental, conse#uential or other damages arising out of the use or application
of any of the information contained in this text.
The asics !f The Pro"ra#
-ne of the most effe$ti*e methods for buildin% si(e and mass .ui$kly is one
you ha*e probably ne*er heard about. The $ore of this pro%ram is one
/that0s ri%ht12ust 34 set of s.uats, but this one set is probably one like you
ha*e ne*er done before. ere is "here you find out "hat you0re made of5
This is one *ery intense set, but you only ha*e to %i*e it your all on this one
set. 6ou "ill use a "ei%ht that you $an do a normal set of s.uats "ith for 37
reps1and then you "ill do 87 reps5 & kno" you are askin% yourself, 9o"
am & supposed to do that:9, but "e "ill dis$uss te$hni.ue later.
This set of s.uats, if performed properly, "ill ha*e you huffin% and puffin%
like a frei%ht train, your $hest "ill feel like it0s blo"in% up like a balloon,
and your le%s "ill feel like rubber bands, but you "ill learn to lo*e this
temporary dis$omfort "hen you see the a"esome %ro"th it produ$es.
We will also add a few other $asic e%ercises to round out the
pro"ra#, $ut #ost of &our ener"& and focus will $e put
into that one set of squats'
Don0t let the simpli$ity of this pro%ram thro" you. &t is simple but it0s not
easy. & "asted 37 years of trainin% and a lot of money, tryin% all the fan$y
pro%rams and diets only to reali(e little to no %ains. &t "asn0t until &
follo"ed this pro%ram that & finally started %ettin% the si(e and stren%th
%ains that & had been lookin% for.
There is somethin% almost ma%i$al about that %ut'bustin% set of s.uats.
&0m sure that some do$tor or e;er$ise physiolo%ist, or some other e;pert
"ith a lot de%rees $ould e;plain 2ust "hat happens in your body as a result
of those s.uats, but this is ho" & understand it,
Those hea(&, hi"h-rep squats so#ehow cause a release of
hor#ones and other "rowth-producin" che#icals in &our
$od& and super-char"e &our $lood'
This 9super'$har%ed9 blood is no" $oursin% throu%h your body and or%ans
be$ause of the massi*e amount of "ork and stress that you are pla$in% on
yourself. These s.uats be$ome a %ro"th stimulus to all the ma2or mus$les
in your body. -n$e you do a set like & "ill dis$uss later, you "ill e;perien$e
"hat & am tryin% to des$ribe.
<hen you are s.uattin%, try to *isuali(e your blood, no" 9super'$har%ed9
$oursin% throu%h your body, brin%in% those %ro"th'releasin% substan$es
and nutrients to your mus$les.
After you ha*e pushed yourself to the limit on your one set of s.uats, ra$k
the bar, "alk o*er to a flat ben$h /hobble or $ra"l o*er to it if you ha*e to4,
lie on your ba$k $ross"ays on the ben$h, and do a set of dumbbell or
barbell pullo*ers for 87 reps "ith a li%ht "ei%ht. The emphasis is not on
the "ei%ht here, but your breathin%.
-f $ourse you "ill be breathin% /or should & say %aspin%4 pretty deeply after
those s.uats and this e;er$ise "ill help e;pand your upper body frame"ork
for the slabs of mus$le that you "ill be pa$kin% on.
Take se*eral deep breaths before ea$h rep, then take as deep a breath as
possible "hile lo"erin% the "ei%ht feelin% the stret$h in your rib $a%e, and
e;halin% "hile raisin% the dumbbell. Take 8 to = deep breaths and repeat
the pro$ess for 87 reps of dumbbell pullo*ers.
6ou "ill then perform 8 to = sets of se*eral other basi$ e;er$ises and you
"ill be done and out of the %ym in an hour or less. !o home, %et plenty of
rest, eat "ell, drink lots of milk, and %ro", %ro", %ro"5
6ou0ll be totally re$uperated and ready to repeat the pro$ess in a fe" days1
e;$ept this time "ith > more pounds on the s.uat bar5 9<hat:55 & $ould
barely %et 87 reps last time and no" you "ant me to do it a%ain "ith >
more pounds::559 & kno" ho" you feel, & felt the same "ay, but this is "hat
& ha*e found,
6ou "ill ne*er %ro" until you for$e your body to do more. &t0s $alled
9progressive resistance9 and a lot of people don0t pra$ti$e it and
therefore don0t %ro". & used to think that my body "ould tell me "hen to
in$rease the "ei%hts & "as usin% or that & "ould feel stron%er "hen & "as
ready to in$rease the "ei%ht.
#y body "anted to stay "here it "as1and it did1for years5 &t "asn0t until
& started pro%ressi*ely usin% more "ei%ht that & really started %ettin% bi%%er
and stron%er. This is "here the phrase 9#ind o*er matter9 $omes into
6ou are stron%er than you "ere at your last "orkout if you ate "ell, and %ot
plenty of rest. 6ou $an do > more pounds on the s.uat for another 87 rep
set1you are physi$ally $apable of doin% it, but you ha*e to belie*e that you
are $apable of doin% it, and, as the Nike commercial says, "Just do
it!" &t is only a fe" minutes of tou%h effort, but you "ill be re"arded "ith
the si(e and stren%th %ains that you ha*e been dreamin% about.
So & hope that & ha*e made my point $lear that you ha*e to for$e yourself to
%ro". ?*ery "orkout, that0s e*ery "orkout for the @ "eek period, %o up >
pounds on the s.uat but still do 87 reps. 6ou "ill be happy that you did5
-n the remainin% e;er$ises, push yourself to %o up at least > pounds e*ery
"eek. &f you $an handle more fre.uent in$reases on these other e;er$ises,
then by all means, slap on more "ei%ht.
To %et bi%%er, you need to %et stron%er and you must for$e your body to %et
stron%er. &t doesn0t 2ust happen. Ase that "onderfully po"erful $omputer
that is in your no%%in, pro%ram it for su$$ess, take $ontrol of your body and
"ill it to %ro" bi%%er and stron%er. Think bi%, train bi%, and eat bi%5
So, to su# up the $asics of the pro"ra#)
*' Hea(& +0 rep squats'
+' Go up , pounds on squats e(er& workout'
Don0t "orry that the prin$iple is o*er B7 years old. &t "orks5 Thousands of
people ha*e %ained more "ei%ht in a month on the s.uats and milk
pro%ram than they had after a year or lon%er on other pro%rams.
#any people ha*e e;perien$ed %ains of 87 or =7 pounds in a month. John
#$Callum, a %reat bodybuildin% author and promoter of the s.uats and
milk pro%ram, said, 9&f you don0t %ain at least ten pounds a month you0re
doin% somethin% "ron%.9
The Trainin" Pro"ra#
&n addition to your set of s.uats /more details later4, the rest of your
pro%ram "ill $onsist of some basi$ multi'2oint e;er$ises. The basi$
e;er$ises are ones that in*ol*e the lar%e mus$le %roups and the supportin%
smaller mus$les, as opposed to isolation e;er$ises. This is a %reat pro%ram
to do before startin% the yper !ro"th #us$le #ass Trainin% Pro%ram
"hi$h is a bit more ad*an$ed and tar%ets in on the indi*idual mus$le
<hat do & mean: +or e;ample, let0s say that "e are %oin% to "ork $hest.
An isolation e;er$ise "ould be dumbbell flyes. A basi$ e;er$ise "ould be
the barbell ben$h press or barbell in$line ben$h press.
The ben$h press not only "orks your pe$s, but also your shoulders
/anterior delts4 and tri$eps. The ben$h press is a stren%th and si(e builder,
buildin% se*eral mus$les in your upper body, "hile dumbbell flyes isolate
only the pe$s and don0t build as mu$h upper body mass and po"er.
6our fo$us should be on %ettin% stron%er in the basi$ e;er$ises ri%ht no".
Don0t e;pend your *aluable ener%y on isolation e;er$ises. &f you "ant to do
some for fun or *ariety, and it doesn0t affe$t your re$o*ery'ability, then %o
ahead and do a fe" sets1A+T?R you0*e done your basi$ e;er$ise.
#y opinion is that you should 2ust $on$entrate on the basi$ e;er$ises until
you0*e %otten up to your desired body "ei%ht and ha*e had some
appre$iable stren%th %ains. After ei%ht "eeks on this pro%ram you "ill be
ready for a little *ariety and $an start doin% a fe" additional isolation
After ei%ht "eeks on this pro%ram & "ould re$ommend my follo"'up
pro%ram entitled, The H&per Growth Muscle Mass Trainin"
Some of you may find that this pro%ram $auses you to o*er'train and you
are not re$o*erin% fully bet"een your "orkouts. &f this is the $ase, & "ill
outline an abbre*iated, but *ery effe$ti*e pro%ram that is sure to produ$e
%ains in si(e and stren%th, e*en on the hardest of %ainers5
The -%ercises
This routine may not look fan$y or impressi*e $ompared to some of the
sli$k, fan$y routines in the mus$le ma%s, but it is D?R6 effe$ti*e. The
e;er$ises listed belo" should be performed in the order listed.
S.uats 3 ; 87 reps
Dumbbell Pullo*ers 3 ; 87 reps
/&mmediately after s.uats4
Barbell or Dumbbell Ben$h Presses = ; E to @ reps
Chins 8 ; as many reps as possible
Bent -*er Barbell Ro"s 8 ; @ to 37 reps
Seated or Standin% Dumbbell Press 8 ; @ to 37 reps
Barbell or Dumbbell Curls 8 ; E to @ reps
Standin% Calf Raises 8 ; 3> to 87 reps
Stoma$h Crun$hes 3 ; 8> to =7 reps
How !ften Should .ou Workout/
This pro%ram is normally done three days a "eek on alternate days, like
#onday, <ednesday, and +riday or Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Some of
you "ill %ain better if done only t"o days a "eek like Tuesday and +riday,
or <ednesday and Saturday.
& personally only did the routine t"i$e a "eek be$ause my body $ouldn0t
re$o*er fast enou%h bet"een "orkouts three days a "eek. & "ould su%%est
that you try it three days a "eek. &f you are really sore /not 2ust mild
soreness and stiffness4 and don0t seem to be re$o*erin% and pro%ressin%
bet"een "orkouts, then drop ba$k to t"i$e a "eek.
+or those of you "ho are still not re$o*erin% and %ainin% from this routine,
you "ill need to perform the ultra hard%ainers routine t"i$e a "eek.

The 0ltra Hard"ainers 1outine
This routine has put mus$le and stren%th on some absolute skeletons. This
is the routine that "as follo"ed by Peary Rader, founder of &ron#an
ma%a(ine, and allo"ed him to %ain o*er 377 pounds of mus$le5
Peary "as e;tremely skinny and "eak "hen he started on this pro%ram
after tryin% do(ens of other routines "ith no results. Peary started doin%
s.uats "ith only => pounds but soon "orked up to doin% 87 reps "ith o*er
=77 pounds5 So don0t be dis$oura%ed if you0re usin% li%ht "ei%hts to start.
Soon you "ill be doin% bi% "ei%hts and %ro"in% like $ra(y5
Squats * % +0 reps
2u#$$ell Pullo(er * % +0 reps
34##ediatel& after squats5
ench Press or 2ips + % 6 to 6 reps
ar$ell 1ows or 7hins + % 6 to 6 reps
How To Perfor# The +0 1ep Squat
6ou "ill be doin% hea*y, hi%h rep, parallel s.uats. These used to be $alled
9breathin% s.uats9 and it "ill be .uite ob*ious ho" that name $ame about
after you do your first set a$$ordin% to my instru$tions.
ea*y means different thin%s to different people. <hat is hea*y for you
mi%ht be li%ht for someone else1but remember1the only person you are
$ompetin% "ith is yourself. So let me define "hat & mean by 9hea*y9. 6ou
"ill use a "ei%ht that you $an normally s.uat for 37 reps1and you "ill do
87 reps. &t "ill not be easy, but you "ill do it be$ause you ha*e the desire
to %et bi%%er and stron%er. And you "ill %o up > pounds e*ery "orkout.
Doin% this, you "ill e;perien$e %ains in si(e and stren%th that are nothin%
less than phenomenal5
i%h rep means 87 reps, but remember, you only ha*e to do one set. +or
the ei%ht "eeks that you "ill be usin% this pro%ram, feel free to e;periment
"ith different rep ran%es on your s.uats.
Al"ays do a minimum of 87 reps but you also mi%ht "ant to try 8> to =7
reps. Feep it some"here bet"een 87 to =7 reps. & *ery rarely did more
than 87 reps. &f you do your set like & am %oin% to des$ribe to you, 87 reps
"ill be all you $an do.
9Parallel9 means that you only s.uat do"n until the tops of your thi%hs are
parallel to the floor. That is all the further you need to s.uat to thorou%hly
"ork the mus$les. !oin% belo" parallel in$reases your risk of in2ury
be$ause your ba$k starts to round out.
Feep your ba$k as flat as possible and keep your head up "ith your $hest
held hi%h. &t helps to pi$k a spot on the "all abo*e your head le*el and look
at that spot "hile you are s.uattin%.
Take an empty bar and pra$ti$e your form in front of a mirror before you
start your "orkout. This "ill also help you "arm up.
Some people pla$e the bar hi%h on their traps and others pla$e it lo"er.
The hi%her the bar, the more strain "ill be on your lo"er ba$k. Sin$e &
ha*e had a na%%in% ba$k in2ury for years, & al"ays pla$e the bar lo"er on
my traps, similar to ho" a po"erlifter "ould s.uat.
&f you $hoose to try this te$hni.ue, there is a natural 9%roo*e9 for the bar
"hen you %rab it, brin% your $hest up hi%h, your elbo"s ba$k, and your
head up. 6ou may ha*e to e;periment a little bit to find your %roo*e, but
you0ll kno" "hen you0*e found it. The bar a$tually rests on the top of your
rear delts.
&f you are *ery thin or find the bar $uttin% into your skin, it0s -F to "rap
the bar "ith a to"el or some kind of foam rubber pad. 6ou need to
$on$entrate on your s.uats, not ho" bad the bar is hurtin% your shoulders,
so use some kind of paddin% if ne$essary.
-F, no" "e are ready to %et started. Step under the bar and find your
9%roo*e9. Feep your ba$k flat or sli%htly ar$hed, $hest held hi%h, shoulders
ba$k, and head up, and push the bar up off of the ra$ks by strai%htenin%
your le%s.
Take appro;imately one step ba$k and put your feet about shoulder "idth
apart "ith your toes pointed sli%htly out"ard. Don0t take an unusually
"ide or narro" stan$e, 2ust put your feet in as natural position as possible.
Stay 9ti%ht9 in this position /ba$k flat or sli%htly ar$hed, $hest held hi%h,
shoulders ba$k, head up, feet in pla$e4 be$ause you should not be shiftin%
your foot position in bet"een reps.
Go" "e0re ready to do our first rep. Still in your stron% and solid position
/ba$k flat or sli%htly ar$hed, $hest held hi%h, shoulders ba$k, head up, feet
in pla$e4, look at your ima%inary spot on the "all and take one deep breath
and e;hale.
Go" take another deeper breath and e;hale. Take a third e*en deeper
breath, hold it and s.uat to parallel. As soon as you rea$h parallel start
dri*in% the "ei%ht ba$k up for$efully "hile e;halin% and maintainin% your
solid position /ba$k flat or sli%htly ar$hed, $hest held hi%h, shoulders ba$k,
head up, feet in pla$e4.
6ou may be tempted to hold your breath "hile dri*in% the "ei%ht up.
Don0t do it unless you "ant to pass out and %o $rashin% to the floor "ith the
"ei%hts on top of you5 ?;hale for$efully "hile dri*in% the "ei%ht up.
Con%ratulations, you $ompleted your first rep. Go" repeat the "hole
pro$edure "ith at least three deep breaths a%ain in bet"een ea$h rep. After
your tenth rep you may be takin% E or more deep breaths bet"een ea$h rep.
Take as many breaths as you need but ne*er less than three.
At about the tenth rep is "hen this really be$omes a $hallen%e and you ha*e
to %et mentally tou%h to do "hat it takes and finish the set. Takin% fi*e or
more deep breaths bet"een reps helps but most of your stru%%le "ill be a
mental battle.
6ou may be tempted to .uit and ra$k the "ei%ht be$ause it is startin% to %et
un$omfortable. Don0t do it5 6ou ha*e the ability to push past the
temporary pain and $omplete your t"enty reps, but you really ha*e to "ant
to do it.
Think to yourself that it is only one set that you ha*e to do and "hen you
finish this one set of t"enty reps, you "ill ha*e sparked the hormonal and
$hemi$al $han%es ne$essary to %et your mus$les %ro"in%. 6our mind is
more po"erful than the bar on your ba$k.
De$ide to do "hate*er it takes to finish this one set so that you $an en2oy
the e;hilaration of $ompletin% this mental and physi$al $hallen%e.
A se$ret that & learned really helped me to %et throu%h my t"enty reps. &
"armed up "ith an empty bar to pra$ti$e my form /ba$k flat or sli%htly
ar$hed, $hest held hi%h, shoulders ba$k, head up, feet in pla$e4, and then
did a fe" li%hter sets for > or E reps.
After this "arm up & "ould %o to the lo$ker room and sit in a stall, $lose my
eyes and *isuali(e myself doin% all t"enty reps in perfe$t form. & "ould
$ount ea$h rep as & *isuali(ed myself $ompletin% ea$h one. After
$ompletin% the t"entieth rep in my head & "ould "alk ba$k out to the %ym
floor and %et in position and do the set.
& "ould softly say thin%s to myself in bet"een reps "hen it really started to
%et diffi$ult. & "ould say thin%s like, 9bi% and stron%, no problem, & $an do
this, pie$e of $ake, &0m stron%, &0m %ettin% bi%%er and stron%er, &0*e %ot it,
done deal91et$. &n other "ords, & spoke positi*e affirmations to help
pro%ram my mind for su$$ess. & e;pe$ted to finish the set and & al"ays did.
6our mind is a *ery po"erful thin%, and you $an pro%ram it for su$$ess or
failure. The $hoi$e is yours. &f you "ill take the time to read some books
and learn ho" the $ons$ious and sub$ons$ious mind "ork, you "ill start to
understand ho" you $ontrol your su$$ess or failure, not 2ust in $ompletin%
your set of s.uats, but e*ery aspe$t of your life.
So no" you0*e finished your t"entieth rep and you0*e ra$ked the bar. 6ou
are huffin% and puffin% like a steam en%ine, your "hole body feels like
rubber, and your $hest feels like it0s about to burst.
So no" you $an $ollapse on the floor for a fe" minutes, ri%ht: Gope. <alk
/or should & say $ra"l:554 o*er to a flat ben$h "here a *ery li%ht dumbbell
or barbell is "aitin% for you. Hie a$ross the ben$h and immediately do one
set of pullo*ers for t"enty reps.
Just like s.uats, take at least three breaths in bet"een ea$h rep, hold the
third breath "hile you lo"er the "ei%ht o*er your head, keepin% your
elbo"s only sli%htly bent. ?;hale as you raise the "ei%ht ba$k to the
startin% position.
The deep breathin% brou%ht on by the s.uats, follo"ed by a $hest
stret$hin% e;er$ise like pullo*ers helps to e;pand the rib $a%e and upper
body stru$ture.
<hen doin% pullo*ers, $ombined "ith the hea*y breathin% as a result of the
t"enty rep s.uats, you "ill feel a definite pullin% or stret$hin% sensation in
your $hest. This is -F. &t 2ust lets you kno" that this e;er$ise
$ombination is "orkin%.
6ou should only use a li%ht "ei%ht on pullo*ers. The emphasis here is not
on ta;in% the upper body mus$les, but on deep breathin% and %ettin% a
%ood stret$h of your upper body and rib $a%e.
After you ha*e done t"enty reps on pullo*ers you $an rela; and en2oy the
satisfa$tion of kno"in% that you ha*e finished the hard part of the "orkout
and ha*e set the sta%e for mus$ular %ro"th. Rest as lon% as you need
before %oin% on to the other e;er$ises.
6ou should try to $omplete your "orkout in an hour or less. &f you find
yourself takin% lon%er than an hour and fifteen minutes, you should $ut
do"n on your rest bet"een sets, or look at $uttin% ba$k on the number of
To su##ari8e)
9<ork super hard, breath *ery deep and %et bi%59
4ntroducin" The H&per Growth Muscle Mass Trainin" S&ste#9'
This pro%ram ro*ides a ne" type of stimulus for massi*e mus$le %ro"th.
The 9H&per-Growth Muscle Mass Trainin"9 $ourse is inno*ati*e and
$uttin%'ed%e and "e0*e seen remarkable %ains from it. This pro%ram is an
e;tremely effe$ti*e %ro"th hormone stimulator and pa$ks on mass, si(e
and leans you out faster than you "ould0*e e*er thou%ht possible5 This
manual "ill sho" you...
I &ntensity and *olume, ho" mu$h is enou%h:
: How to (ar& routines to continue to #ake $i" "ains'
I o" to %ain in$redible po"er J si(e...+AST5
!R-< #ASCH? +AST ?R?

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