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Warm up (5mins)

2 minutes x skipping with rope

2 x 20m side steps
2 x 20m grape vine
2 x 20m high knees
2 x 20m descend pace

Stretching (5mins)

Dynamic stretches:

20 x Single leg swings back and forth (10 each leg)
20 x Single leg swings side to side in front of body (10 each leg)
20 x Single arm forwards swings (10 each arm)
20 x Single arm backwards swings (10 each arm)
10 x One arm forwards one arm backwards
10 x Both arms swinging behind head
10 x Twisting from side to side
10 x Swinging touching alternate toes (opposite arm to leg)

Strength and conditioning (45mins)

Continuous Training: - Targets Aerobic Capacity at 75% Max HR (220 18 x 0.75 = 152bpm)

20 min run
10 min power walk
5 min cross train
10 min core training

Core Training: - Targets Local Muscular Endurance

1 Plank 30 sec 2
2 Crunches 15 2
3 Sit Ups 10 2
4 Push Ups 10 2
5 Wall Sit 30 sec 2
6 Leg raises 10 2
7 Squats with 1kg
10 2

Recovery/ cool down (5mins)
Passive recovery: static stretching:

Hold for 15 seconds each side

30 seconds x bend arm behind head and hold
30 seconds x stretching bent arm against wall
30 seconds x forearm stretch
30 seconds x standing quadriceps stretch
30 seconds x standing calf stretch against a wall
30 seconds x lying down hamstring stretch
30 seconds x lying down gluteal stretch

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