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The conscious mind may be compared to a
fountain playing in the sun and falling back into
the great subterranean pool of subconscious from
which it rises.
~ Sigmund Freud
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A direct counterpart is Picasso's Guernica. Calder's
mercury fountain, is now at the Fundaci Joan
Mir in Barcelona.
Alexander Calder, Mercury Fountain
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A mercury fountain is a fountain constructed for
use with mercury rather than water. The most
noted example is a modern sculpture designed by
the American artist Alexander Calder and
commissioned by the Spanish Republican
government for the 1937 World Exhibition in Paris.
Mercury fountains existed in some castles in
Islamic Spain; the most famous one was at the
Kasr-al-Kholaifa in Crdoba.
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The artwork is a memorial to the siege of
Almadn, which then supplied 60 percent of the
world's mercury, by General Franco's troops.
Alexander Calder, Mercury Fountain
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Fondazione Querini-Stampalia, Venice, 1961/1963
Carlo Scarpa, Garden with Fountain
"Se vuoi essere felice per un'ora, ubriacati. Se vuoi
essere felice per tre giorni, sposati. Se vuoi essere
felice per una settimana, uccidi un maiale e dai un
banchetto. Se vuoi essere felice per tutta la vita,
fatti un giardino." (Carlo Scarpa)
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Fondazione Querini-Stampalia, Venice, 1961/1963
Carlo Scarpa, Garden with Fountain
"If you want to be happy for an hour, get drunk. If
you want to be happy for three days, get
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married. If you want to be happy for a week,
slaughter a pig and make a banquet. If you want to
be happy for all your life, get a garden." Carlo

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