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Grade Level 6-8 Environmental Science

Develop an understanding about green technology
The importance of recycling.
What thinking green means for the environment.

Classroom television
Environmental videos on green technology, recycling and pollution.
Work sheets with exploratory questions.
Old materials brought into class (bottles, newspapers, and other forms of reusable trash).
Basic art supplies
Suggested time: 3-4 class periods
1. Show the classroom video explaining what green technology is from
2. Discuss and answer student questions throughout the video and pause when needed.
3. After video handout a work sheet with questions about the video to further expand on
understanding about green technology.
4. Have another discussion about the questions from the work sheet.
5. Show a video on recycling from
6. Discuss and answer student questions throughout the video and pause when needed.
7. Go over recyclable products and the many different uses they have
8. Hand out worksheet with exploratory questions
9. Discuss the work sheet
10. Go over the homework and what they need to bring into class
11. Show this video on recycling art
12. Use the recyclables the students brought to make and art project
Work Sheet Questions 1
1. Why is green technology important to the environment?
2. What ways could green technology help the environment?
3. How can we make green technology a part of our everyday?
4. What are some types of jobs that would use green technology?
Work Sheet 2
1. Why is recycling important?
2. What kind of recycling jobs are there?
3. How can we reduce our own waste in our daily living?
4. How is recycling and green technology connected?
1. Bring in class a written paragraph on and actual job that is based on green technology
2. Bring in reusable trash
3. Bring in key terms with definition as well as written in a sentence
4. Mapping chart of the recycling process that is to be colored in
Terms to explore for homework
Green technology
Green technology jobs
Energy Star
Green technology
Green technology jobs
Renewable energy

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