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Weve been exploring Letters and Sounds.

This Term weve learnt six new Phonemes(Single sounds)
They are Ss, Aa, Tt, Ii, Pp and Nn
Weve learnt songs and actions to go with these sounds and we
can recognise most of them. Weve also learning how to write
Listening for sounds.
Weve been listening for sounds in the words we speak.
Do you know words that start with ssss?
Do you know words that start with p-p-p
Do you know words that start with nnn ?
Do listen to our special songs on you tube on the class page.
Weve been ordering things from small to big and
smallest to largest. We are also learning to use special
language to identify the positions of things. Words like,
inside, outside, on, under, behind, in front of, besides.
On our class page you will find links to special websites
that will help us understand and use new words in an
engaging way through interactive play.

Making play-dough porcupines were fun!
While we learnt about letter Pp. We made porcupines. We
named our porcupines and imagined what they were feeling.
Some of our porcupines were happy and some of them were sad!
They all had a story to tell.

We also made Puppets. We had fun playing with our
puppets. Next term wed like to have a puppet theatre
in our class.

Yoga helps us stretch and breathe. Exercise keeps our
bodies fit!

We made Funny Bunnies. Do see our Funny Bunnies in
Class. They are very cute!
We also made Chocolate nests with marshmallows
and snakes.

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