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Community English Program (CEP)

Level: Intermediate 2 (I2)

Teachers College, Columbia University
ummer 2!"#
Course In$ormation
Instructor: Lauren Hazony
Instructor e%mail:
Class &ebsite:
Class meeting dates and times: May 2

! "une 2#

Mon$ %ue&$ 'ed&$ %hur&: (:3)am*12pm
Location: +race ,od-e Hall .+,H/$ 30(
'bout the CEP
%he Community Language Program i& a uni1ue and inte-ral part o2 the %345L and 6pplied Lin-ui&tic&
7ro-ram& at %eacher& 8olle-e$ 8olumbia 9ni:er&ity. ;t pro:ide& 3n-li&h a& a &econd lan-ua-e to adult
learner& o2 di:er&e nationalitie& and bac<-round&. ;n addition$ the 8L7 &er:e& a& an on*&ite lan-ua-e
education lab in which %345L and 6pplied Lin-ui&tic& 2aculty and &tudent& enrolled in the pro-ram&
teach the cour&e& and u&e the 8L7 a& a &ettin- 2or empirical in1uiry. Here at %eacher& 8olle-e we belie:e
that ob&er:ation and cla&&room re&earch are the be&t way to learn about how we teach and -ain in&i-ht&
into how teachin- and learnin- mi-ht be mo&t e22ecti:e. %hu&$ we encoura-e ob&er:ation and cla&&room
re&earch and want people to u&e it a& a tool 2or learnin-.
Course (escri)tion
;ntermediate 2 i& an inte-rated cour&e that help& &tudent& impro:e their 3n-li&h &pea<in-$ li&tenin-$ readin-$ and
writin- &<ill& throu-h indi:idual and -roup acti:itie&. 4tudent& will impro:e their o:erall 3n-li&h lan-ua-e
&<ill& by practicin- a wide :ariety o2 communicati:e acti:itie& &uch a& con:er&ation& on 2amiliar topic&$ -roup
and pair wor<$ and oral pre&entation&$ which will combine the 2our &<ill&. 4tudent& will de:elop oral cla&&room
&<ill& and readin- &trate-ie&$ increa&e :ocabulary$ u&e -rammar &tructure$ ma<e more comple= &entence& u&in-
the :ocabulary pre&ented in the te=tboo<$ and complete practice e=erci&e&.
Course *b+ectives:
,e:elop a broad ran-e o2 tool& 2or u&in- the 3n-li&h lan-ua-e to meet the -oal& o2 your e:eryday li2e and
beyond. 4tudent& will be able to:
,e:elop a broad ran-e o2 &<ill& 2or u&in- the 3n-li&h lan-ua-e
;ncrea&e :ocabulary u&a-e
;mpro:e &pea<in- and li&tenin- &<ill&
6c1uire readin- and writin- &trate-ie&

Course ,aterials:
>ou will need to brin- the 2ollowin- to cla&& each day:
1. 7urpura$ ". ? 7in<ley$ ,. .2)))/. 5n %ar-et 1: ;ntermediate$ 4econd 3dition .%e=tboo</
2. 7urpura$ ". ? 7in<ley$ ,. .2)))/. 5n %ar-et 1: ;ntermediate$ 4econd 3dition .'or<boo</
-a:ailable in the 8olumbia 9ni:er&ity @oo<&tore .@roadway ? 110
Course Policies:
'ttendance: 8la&& will be-in at (:3)am$ plea&e come to cla&& on timeA 6t the be-innin- o2 e:ery cla&&$ you will
&i-n in to mar< that you are here. ;2 you arri:e a2ter the &i-n in &heet -oe& around$ then the in&tructor will mar<
that you were tardy. 4tudent& who are late 2or ten .1)/ cla&&e& will not pa&& the cour&e. 4tudent& who mi&& 2i:e
.0/ or more cla&&e& will automatically 2ail the cour&e. 7lea&e noti2y the teacher in ad:ance i2 you will be ab&ent
2rom cla&&.
Class Partici)ation:
o 7lea&e come to cla&& prepared
o 3:eryone will bene2it i2 they participate in and contribute to cla&& acti:itie&.
o ;n order to impro:e &pea<in- &<ill&$ &tudent& &hould :olunteer to &pea<.
o Li&ten to what your cla&&mate& &ay and$ i2 you want$ re&pond re&pect2ully.
o %ry to u&e 3n-li&h i& the cla&&room and a:oid u&in- your nati:e lan-ua-e to tran&late.
o ;tB& 5C to ma<e mi&ta<e&A 3:eryone ma<e& mi&ta<e&$ e:en your teacherA
.rading /rea0do1n
7articipation: 1)D
Homewor< 6&&i-nment&: 10D
9nit %e&t&: 40D
o 9nit 0 .10D/
o 9nit # .10D/
o 9nit .10D/
Einal 3=am .9nit& 0*F/: 3)D
Im)ortant (ates
Eriday$ May 3) ! La&t day 2or re2und& and tran&2er&
%ue&day$ "une 3 ! 9nit 0 %e&t
%ue&day$ "une 1) ! 9nit # %e&t
%ue&day$ "une 1 ! 9nit %e&t
'edne&day$ "une 20 ! Einal 3=am
%hur&day$ "une 2# ! La&t day o2 cla&&e&
Tentative chedule
(ates Unit co)e and e2uence
May 2$ 2F$ 2(
"une 2
9nit 0 ! 8lo&e 8all&
4imple pa&t and pa&t pro-re&&i:e ten&e&
%ime clau&e& with When, While, As$
%ellin- a &tory
%al< about what wa& happenin-
Ma<in- prediction&
"une 3$ 0$ 0$ ( 9nit # ! %he @e&t in Li2e Ma<in- compari&on& .&uperlati:e/ between three
or more item&
6r-uin-$ counter*ar-uin-$ ? concedin-
"une 1)$ 11$ 12$ 1# 9nit *%he 7er2ect Match 7re&ent 7er2ect %en&e
How many, how often, how long, for, since
%al< about what ha& happened
Ma<in- +eneralization&
"une 1$ 1F$ 1($ 23 9nit F*6&< the 3=pert& %o o22er$ accept$ and reGect ad:ice
Modal& Should, Ought to, Had better
"une 24 Re:iew 9nit& 0*F
97 100 A+ 87 89 B+ 77 79 C+ 69 and below
Fail/Repeat 94 96 A 84 86 B 74 76 C
90 93 A- 80 83 B- 70 73 C-
"une 20 Einal 3=am .9nit& 0$ #$ $ F/
"une 2# La&t ,ay o2 cla&&
In every chater there will be new vocabulary to learn!
*ther Policies:
Cell Phone Usage: 9&e o2 cell phone& are re&tricted to in*cla&& acti:itie&. ;2 you need to be contacted due to
2amily obli-ation&$ plea&e turn the phone to vibrate or to silent3
Classroom .uests: %hi& cla&& i& intended to help &tudent& reach a hi-her 2luency in 3n-li&hH &o$ no -ue&t& will
be allowed in the cla&&room.
mo0ing: 4mo<in- i& I5% permitted in any buildin- in the 8ity 9ni:er&ity o2 Iew >or< &y&tem. %hi& mean&
I5 4M5C;I+ by anyone$ anywhere.
'cademic Integrity
4tudent& who intentionally &ubmit wor< either not their own or without clear attribution to the ori-inal &ource$
2abricate data or other in2ormation$ en-a-e in cheatin-$ or mi&repre&entation o2 academic record& may be
&ubGect to char-e&. 4anction& may include di&mi&&al 2rom the colle-e 2or :iolation o2 the %8 principle& o2
academic and pro2e&&ional inte-rity 2undamental to the purpo&e o2 the 8olle-e
tudents 1ith (isabilities
%he 8olle-e will ma<e rea&onable accommodation& 2or per&on& with documented di&abilitie&. 4tudent& are
encoura-ed to contact the 522ice o2 6cce&& and 4er:ice& 2or ;ndi:idual& with ,i&abilitie& .564;,/ 2or
in2ormation about re-i&terin- with the o22ice. >ou can reach 564;, by email at oa&$ &top
by 1#3 %horndi<e Hall or call 212*#F*3#F(. 4er:ice& are a:ailable only to &tudent& who are re-i&tered and
&ubmit appropriate documentation. 6& your in&tructor$ ; am happy to di&cu&& &peci2ic need& with you a& well.
4eligious 5olidays
;t i& the policy o2 %eacher& 8olle-e to re&pect it& member&B ob&er:ance o2 their maGor reli-iou& holiday&.
4tudent& &hould noti2y in&tructor& at the be-innin- o2 the &eme&ter about their wi&he& to ob&er:e holiday& on
day& when cla&& &e&&ion& are &cheduled. 'here academic &chedulin- con2lict& pro:e una:oidable$ no &tudent
will be penalized 2or ab&ence due to reli-iou& rea&on&$ and alternati:e mean& will be &ou-ht 2or &ati&2yin- the
academic re1uirement& in:ol:ed. ;2 a &uitable arran-ement cannot be wor<ed out between the &tudent and the
in&tructor$ &tudent& and in&tructor& &hould con&ult the pro-ram director. ;2 an additional appeal i& needed$ it may
be ta<en to the 7ro:o&t.
CEP *$$ice Contact In$ormation
*$$ice: 4#3 Horace Mann Hall
*$$ice 5ours: Monday&*%hur&day&: (:))am*1):))pmH Eriday&: (:))am*3:))pm
Phone: 212*#F*3)(

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