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Hello my fellow Mid-Western Collectors.

Today I'm proud to announce the Pre-order for the First WI-CO. These releases
are !oin! to "e se#eral fun mid-west and $ust fun themed limited release fi!ures
from ser#eral different %rd Party &roups.
The first up is.
Bullhorn leader of the Herd. (Bio coming soon)
I'#e set up a deal with 'FC to "rin! you this cow themed mini-cassette
transformer. This special release will "e limited to ()) release directly thou!h
me. Pre-orders start today* with the official release "ein! +ecem"er ,th at Mini-
con %.).
Pre-orders can "e pic-ed up at the Mini-Con in addition to non-attendee #ersions
"ein! a#aia"le that will ship out the wee- followin! wee-.
Pic--.p Price/ 012 .3+
3hipped Price/ 0%( .3+
4mail me at wiminicons5! to !et your orders placed and loc-ed into
this limited run fi!ure.
Hand painted Proof of concept shown finally product will "e cast in white plastic
with tampoed paintin! and details. In addition to special 6io Card.
Than- you for your interest in WI-Con 6.77HO8.
Please remit payment for your order to paypal account
Pay pal. Please send payment as personal for family or friends or add an
additional :; to your order total to co#er paypal Fees.
<our total order comes to 09999 .3+ for 9 =O>-?TT4+44
6.77HO83.Payments are ta-en up front for this item due to limited num"er
If any order needs to switch from attendee to non-attendee email me at time of
chan!e and order will "e ad$usted.
If you ha#e selected the on- ?ttendee release respond to the email with your
shippin! address in addition to includin! it on the paypal comments "o@.
Item releases on +ecem"er ,th at Mini-Con %.) with on-attendees shippin! the
fallowin! wee-.
I than- you a!ain for your order and hope to "rin! you more Mid-West themed
4@clusi#es in the future.
Mac- T.

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