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1.Steady Days: A Journey Toward Intentional, Professional Motherhood jamie .

!. "usy #ut "alaned: Pratial and Ins$irational %ays to &reate a &almer, &loser 'amily mimi doe
(.I )o*e +ou ,ituals #e-y #ailey
.. Momfulness: Motherin/ with Mindfulness, &om$assion, and 0rae denise roy
1. Plantin/ Seeds: Pratiin/ Mindfulness with &hildren
2. &onfident Parents, ,emar-a#le 3ids: 4 Prini$les for ,aisin/ 3ids +oull )o*e to )i*e %ith
5. The 6a$$iest Toddler on the "lo-: 6ow to 7liminate Tantrums and ,aise a Patient, ,es$etful, and
&oo$erati*e 8ne9 to 'our9+ear98ld 25.::
4. 6ow to "eha*e So +our Preshooler %ill, Too;
:.%hen +our 3ids Push +our "uttons: And %hat +ou &an Do A#out It9 #onnoe harris
1<. Parentin/ %ith )o*e And )o/i
11. If I 6a*e to Tell +ou 8ne More Time... 88.14 libris 74.99 okian
12. Simplicity Parenting:
13. The No!ry "iscipline Sol#tion:$7.99okian
14. The %ighly Sensiti&e !hil':
45.:: ,8=
1(. )race*ase' Parenting
123 +agic ,or ...
Thomas - Phelan

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