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Child Development 143: Math and Science for Young Children

Final Group Presentation Curriculum Plan

Creative/Title of Lesson: Shiny Pennies Focused Domain: Cognitive
Age: Primary Grades 1

Goal: Children observe a physical change.

Objective: Children will experiment how to clean a dirty penny with vinegar and

1. Pour the vinegar into the bowl and add the salt stir it up.
2. Give each children a penny and have them one by one put there penny
into the bowl and wait about 1 minute take them out.
3. Take the pennies out and rinse them out in some water.
4. Give children a penny and have them admire their shininess.

Advanced Preparation: collect dirty pennies enough for each student.

List Materials:
Old, not shine pennies
cup white vinegar
1 teaspoon of salt
Non metal bowl
Paper towels
Developmental Benefits:
Physical (fine motor)

Future Plans: Have the children try other ingredients like lemon and salt have
them compare the results.

Think about how you would transition children during the day to prepare
them for this activity: Explain the children what physical change is and how
the experiment is going to work.

Group Member's names: Heidi Gonzalez, Alma Vargas, Lisa Matthews

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