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IBPS CLERK Previous Questions
IBPS Clerk Exam Date 27.11.2011(East zone)
1.India has areed to !ro"ide #inan$ial hel! to %hi$h o# the #ollo%in $o&ntries so that it $an also
im!lement its 10th 'i"e (ear)s Plan (200*+1,) s&$$ess#&ll-.
1) Afghanistan
2) Myanmar
) Pa!isthan
") #e$a%
&) Bhutan
Ans ' &
2.Ex!orters and im!orters in India are re/&ired to kno% 0'E12) r&les. 3hat does the letter 01)
denote in the term 0'E12).
1) money
2) materia%
) mega
") management
&) mi(ro
Ans ' "
,.China has asked India to s&s!end o!erations o# 456C 7idesh in So&th China Sea. 456C
7idesh is an oranizationenaed in
1) oi% e)$%oration
2) fishing an* $ear% (u%ture
) resear(h in o(eanogra$hy
") *eve%o$ment of $orts an* shi$yar*s
&) $rovi*ing te(hno%ogy for (onverting sea +ater into $ota,%e +ater
Ans ' 1 Page 1
8.Prime 1iniser o# India "isited %hi$h o# the #ollo%in !la$es in Se!tem9er 2011 to address the
6eneral 2ssem9l- o# the :nited 5ation 4ranization.
1) #e+ -or!
2) .ashington /C
) Rome
") 0ienna
&) Paris
Ans ' 1

;.Pakistan has raised o9<e$tion o"er the $onstr&$tion o# =ishanana >-dro Po%er !ro<e$t 9ein
de"elo!ed in
1) Ra1asthan
2) 2ammu 3 Kashmir
) 4u1arat
") Pun1a,
&) 5ima(ha% Pra*esh
Ans ' 2
?.3ho amon the #ollo%in is the @eader o# the 4!!osition in the !resent Aa<-a Sa9ha.
1) Sri Shara* 2oshi
2) Sri Ravi Shan!ar Prasa*
) Sri Arun 2ait%ey
") Sri A6K6Antony
&) none of these
Ans '
7.@asith 1alina is a #amo&s !la-er asso$iated %ith the ame o#
1) ho(!ey Page 2
2) ,a*minton
) %a+n tennis
") (ri(!et
&) foot,a%%
Ans ' "
*.3ho amon the #ollo%in is the President o# 5e!al at !resent and %as in ne%s re$entl-.
1) Sri Ram Baran -a*av
2) Sri Ba,uram Bhattarat
) Sri 4yanen*ra Shah
") Sri Ma*hav Kumar #e$a%
&) #one of these
Ans ' 1
B.Sri B&rhan&ddin Aa99ani %ho died re$entl- %as the #ormer President o#
1) Pa!istan
2) Afghanistan
) Ira7
") Iran
&) Bang%a*esh
Ans ' 2
10.3hi$h o# the #ollo%in 9ooks is %ritten 9- Salman A&shdie.
1) the 4o%*en 4ate
2) 8he go* of Sma%% 8hings
) 8he Immorta%s
") Satani( 0erses
&) 8+o Lives Page 3
Ans ' "
11.Sex ratio (n&m9er o# #emales !er 1000 males) as !er re$ent data released 9- the $ens&s
$ommission o# India is
1) 9:
2) 9;:
) 9<=
") 9"1
&) 99:
Ans ' "
12.Che se$ond 2#ri$a India 'or&m S&mmit 2011 %as oranized in 1a- 2011 in
1) Sun (ity
2) #e+ /e%hi
) A**is A,a,a
") #airo,i
&) Pretoria
Ans '
1,.India has an extensi"e 5&$lear Ener- Pa$t %ith %hi$h o# the #ollo%in $o&ntries %hi$h %ill
ena9le it to 9&ild man- n&$lear !o%er stations in the $o&ntr-.
1) Russia
2) >SA
) 2a$an
") germany
&) China
Ans ' 2
18.3ho amon the #ollo%in is 54C a minister in :nion Ca9inet.
1) Sri Kama% #ath Page 4
2) Sri Shara* Pa+ar
) Sri S6M6Krishna
") Smt6Am,i!a Soni
&) Ms6Mamta Baner1ee
Ans ' &
1;.2mita9h Ba$h$han %as i"en Best 2$tor 2%ard in ;7th 5ational 'ilm 2%ard #or 2010 #or his
a$tin in the #ilm
1) Baa,u%
2) Cheeni Kum
) Paa
") Bu**ha 5oga 8era Baa$
&) Bhoothnath
Ans '
1?.3ho amon the #ollo%in is 54C a %ell kno%n a&thor o# Indian oriin.
1) Kiran /esai
2) Sho,ha /e
) 4agan #arang
") Chetan Bhagat
&) 0i!ram Chan*ra
Ans '
17.3hi$h o# the #ollo%in %el#are s$hemes is la&n$hed 9- the 6o"ernment o# India.
1) 2eevan Aa*har
2) Koma% 2eevan
) Mi* /ay Mea% -o1ana
") 2eevan Amrit
&) 2eevan Mitra Page 5
Ans '
1*.3hi$h o# the #ollo%in 2%ards %as i"en to 77S @axman 2011 9- the 6o"ernment o# India.
1) Pa*masri
2) Pa*ma 0i,hushan
) Ar1una A+ar*
") S$ortsman of the year
&) Ra1iv 4an*hi Khe% Ratna
Ans ?1
IBPS C@EA= Exam Date+ 27.11.2011 (so&th Done )
1.3hi$h o# the #ollo%in oranisationE aen$ies is s!e$i#i$all- set &! to 9oost o"erall r&ral
de"elo!ment in India .
1) RBI
2) SI/BI
) #ABAR/
&) E@AM

2.3hi$h o# the #ollo%in States has ex!ressed its &nha!!iness o"er the areement on sharin o#
Ceesta %ater 9et%een India and Banladesh . ( 2reement %as not sined 9e$a&se o# the
o9<e$tion )
1) 2har!han*
2) Assam
) Mani$ur
") Bihar
&) .est Benga%
Ans? & Page 6

,.3hi$h o# the #ollo%in $o&ntries is a ma<or !rod&$er o# F&ite .
1) Pa!istan
2) Afghanistan
) South Afri(a
") Bang%a*esh
&) Sri Lan!a
Ans? "

8.Che !resident o# India "isited %hi$h o# the #ollo%in $o&ntries in F&l- 2011 and held dis$&ssions
%ith 1r. @ee Myung?,a!A the $resi*ent of the (ountry B
1) South Korea
2) Mongo%ia
) China
") #orth Korea
&) 8hai%an*
Ans? &

;.India is !ro"idin #inan$ial hel! to %hi$h o# the #ollo%in $o&ntries #or 9&ildin a lare har9o&r
there named as Kan!asanthurai 5ar,our B
1) #e$a%
2) Myanmar
) Bang%a*esh
") Sri Lan!a
&) 0ietnam
Ans? " Page 7
?.Che 6o"ernment o# India has re$entl- added the #ollo%in $&rren$- #or allo%in Indian
$om!anies to raise de9ts through E)terna% Commer(ia% Borro+ings6
1) E>RC
2) /inar
) 4reat Britain $oun*
") Chinest -uan
&) 2a$anese -en
Ans? "

7.3ho amon the #ollo%in is the ex+o##i$io Chairman o# the Aa<-a Sa9ha at !resent .
1) Mrs6 Prati,ha $ati%
2) Sri Mohamma* 5ami* Ansari
) /r6 Manmohan Singh
") Ms6 Miera !umar
&) Sri6 L6K6 A*vani
Ans? 2

*.3hi$h o# the #ollo%in States at the instan$e o# the S&!reme Co&rt o# IndiaG has de$ided to
$ond&$t ele$troni$ a&$tion to Iron and Steel !rod&$ers .
1) gu1arat
2) Bihar
) Ma*hya $ra*esh
") >ttar $ra*esh
&) Karnata!a
Ans? & Page 8
B.Saina 5eh%al is a #amo&s !la-er asso$iated %ith the ame o#
1) 5o(!ey
2) Ba*minton
) 4o%f
") La+n tennis
&) 8a,%e 8ennis
Ans? 2

10.3ho amon the #ollo%in is the !rime 1inister o# Fa!an at !resent .
1) Mr6 -oshihi!o #o*a
2) Mr6 #aoto Kan
) Mr6 A,e ShinDo
") Mr6 -asuo Eu!u*a
&) #one of these
Ans? 1

11. Central Dr& Aesear$h Instit&te is lo$ated in %hi$h o# the #ollo%in $ities in India .
1) 2amshe*$ur
2) #e+ /e%hi
) 2ai$ur
") Lu(!no+
&) /han,a*
Ans? "

12. 3hi$h #o the #ollo%in 9ooks is %ritten 9- the Classi$ A&ssian a&thor 1axim 6ork- . Page 9
1) As you %i!e it
2) Lo%ita
) 8he Mother
") .ar an* $ea(e
&) A%i(e in .on*er%an*

1,. S&mmer 4l-m!i$ o# 201? %ill 9e oranised is a $it- in
1) China
2) In*ia
) BraDi%
") Russia
&) South Afri(a

18.3hi$h o# the #ollo%in terms is 54C &sed in the ame o# >o$ke- .
1) Bu%%y
2) Eo%%o+ ' on
) Pena%ty (orner
") Centre $ass
&) S(oo$
Ans? 2

1;.Che latest merer o# 9ank %ith State Bank o# India is
1) State Ban! of 5y*era,a* Page 10
2) State Ban! of In*ore
) State Ban! of Saurashtra
") State Ban! of 8ravan(ore &) #one of these
Ans? 2

1?.1r. Sal"a =iir 1a-ardit has taken o"er as the #irst !resident o#
1) Re$u,%i( of South Su*an
2) 0ietnam
) Myanmar
") Li,ya
&) ira7
Ans? 1

17.3hi$h o# the #ollo%in re!resents #emale litera$- rate in India . ( 2s !er !ro"isional #i&res o#
Cens&s 2011)
1) =:F
2) =2F
) =&F
") <:F
&) #one of these
Ans? &

1*.Che >ead H&arters o# the 3orld Bank is lo$ated in
1) Lon*on
2) Paris
) #e+ -or! Page 11
") 8o!yo
&) .ashington /6C
Ans? &

1B.3hi$h o# the #ollo%in s$hemes is la&n$hed 9- the 6o"ernment o# India onl- #or s$hool
$hildren .
1) Kutir 2yoti
2) Kishor 2eevan
) Aa*haar
") SE.A
&) Mi* /ay Mea%

20.3hi$h o# the #ollo%in da-s is o9ser"ed as 03orld 4zone Da-).
1) 1:th August
2) 1=th C(to,er
) 1=th Se$tem,er
") 1:th /e(em,er
&) 19th 2anury

21.3hi$h o# #ollo%in 2%ards is i"en 9- the 6o"ernment o# 1adh-a !radesh #or ex$ellen$e in the
#ield o# $lassi$al m&si$E dan$e et$ .
1) Saras+ati Samman
2) Ka%i*as Samman
) 0yas Samman Page 12
") Shanti S+aru$ Bhatnagar A+ar*
&) Sahitya A!a*emi A+ar*
Ans? 2

22.3hi$h o# the C&!sE Cro!hies is asso$iated %ith the ame o# Cri$ket .
1) AD%an Shan Cu$
2) /avis Cu$
) #ehru 4o%* Cu$
") Ran1i 8ro$hy
&) .im,%e*on 8ro$hy
Ans? "

2,.3hi$h o# the #ollo%in is the $&rren$- o# So&th =orea .
1) -en
2) Kyat
) .on
") Ru$ee
&) Ringth

28.3ho amon the #ollo%in is the Aail%a- 1inister o# India at !resent .
1) Sri share* $a+ar
2) Sri 0ir,ha*ra Singh
) Smt6 Am,i!a Soni
") Sri /inesh 8rive*i Page 13
&) #one of these
Ans? "

2;.3ho amon the #ollo%in %as a #amo&s S$ientist and is kno%n as the 0'ather o# India)5&$lear
!roramme) .
1) /r6 5omi 26 Bha,ha
2) /r6 Satyen*ra #ath Bost
) /r6 0i!ram Sara,hai
")/r6 Satish /ha+an
&) /r6 C606 Raman
Ans? 1

2?.3hi$h o# the #ollo%in is i"en to Dr. >arish hande and 1s. 5ileema 1ishra re$entl- .
1) Ramon Magsayasay
2) Boo!er $riDe
) 4o%*en $en A+ar*
") Mer(y Ravi A+ar*
&) Sangeet #ata! A!a*emi A+ar*
Ans? 1

27. 3hi$h o# the #ollo%in !a$tsE areements %ill allo% 2#hanistan to sell its oods in India
%itho&t !a-in an- tax .
1) SAE8A
2) Eree Mar!et Agreement
) Most Eavoure* #ation $a(t
") Agreement for /ire(t Eoreign Investment Page 14
&) Agreement to he%$ Least /eve%o$e* Countries
Ans? 1

2*.3hi$h o# the #ollo%in $o&ntries is a 1em9er o# 6+* .
1) Iran
2) 8ur!ey
) Eran(e
") BraDi%
&) China
IBPS Clerk Exam Date 27.11.2011(3est zone)
1.Dr.1anmohan sinh "isited %hi$h o# the #ollo%in $o&ntries to hold 9ilateral talks on 9o&ndar-
dis!&te %ith it in Se!tem9er 2011.
1) #e$a%
2) Pa!istan
) Afghanistan
") China
&) Bang%a*esh
Ans ' &

2.India is !ro"idin e$onomi$ hel! to %hi$h o# the #ollo%in least de"elo!ed $o&ntries 9- allo%in
a$$ess to its oods in India as d&t- #ree market.
1) Afghanistan
2) Su*an
) Pa!istan
") 4ree(e Page 15
&) Portuga%
Ans ' 1

,.3ho amon the #ollo%in is the leader o# the 4!!osition in the !resent @ok Sa9ha.
1) Ms6Miera Kumar
2) Mrs6Sushma S+ara1
) L6K6A*+ani
") La%u -a*av
&) #one of these
Ans ' 2

8.2ss&me that Aeser"e Bank o# India red&$es the Bank Aate 9- 1IG %hat %ill 9e its im!a$t.
1) %ess %i7ui*ity in the mar!et
2) more %i7ui*ity in the mar!et
) no (hange in the %i7ui*ity in the mar!et
") mo,i%isation of more *e$osits ,y (ommer(ia% ' ,an!s
&) none of these
Ans ' 2

;.3hi$h o# the #ollo%in states %as re$entl- in the ri! o# a se"ere earth/&ake and landslide.
1) >ttara!han*
2) 5ima(ha% Pra*esh
) Si!!im
") Pun1a,
&) none of these Page 16
Ans '

?.3hi$h o# the #ollo%in $o&ntries is a ma<or !rod&$er o# oil and !etrole&m !rod&$ts.
1) BraDi%
2) Bang%a*esh
) Sri%an!a
") South Afri(a
&) Iran
Ans ' &

7.:S li#ts $&r9s on ISA4 %as the ne%s in "ario&s ne%s!a!ers. ISA4 is an oranization enaed in
1) s$a(e resear(h
2) resear(h on nu(%ear rea(tors
) stu*y of (%imati( (hanges
") fin*ing +ays to enhan(e agri(u%tura% out$ut in *esert areas
&) fie%* of C(eanogra$hy
Ans ' 1

*.'ederal Aeser"e is a #inan$ial oranization o# %hi$h o# the #ollo%in $o&ntr-.
1) >SA
2) Britain
) 4ermany
") 4ree(e
&) 2a$an
Ans ' 1 Page 17

B.Hatar and some other $o&ntries are s&!!l- @56 to India. 3hat does the letter 05) denotes in the
term @56 &sed here.
1) #eutra%
2) #itrogen
) #atura%
") #a$htha
&) #itri(
Ans '

10.3ho amon the #ollo%in is the President o# Indonesia at !resent %as in ne%s re$entl-.
1) Mr6#a1i, 8urn 8aDa!
2) Mr6Susi%o Bam,ang -u*hoyono
) Mr6Su!arno
") Mr6-ing%u(! Shina+atra
&) none of these
Ans ' 2

11.3hi$h o# the #ollo%in $entres is the larest mo9iliser o# 9ank de!osits in o&r $o&ntr-.
1) /e%hi
2) Ko%!ata
) Chennai
") Ahme*a,a*
&) Mum,ai
Ans ' & Page 18
12.1s.Dilma ro&sse## is the #irst %oman President o# JJJ
1) Argentina
2) BraDi%
) >gan*a
") Peru
&) #e+Dea%an*
Ans ' 2

1,.Che $on#eren$e o# 2ri$&lt&ral minister o# 6+20 nations %as oranized in F&ne 2011 in
1) Lima
2) Lon*on
) 8o!yo
") 0ienna
&) Paris
Ans ' &

18.3hi$h o# the #ollo%in 9ooks is %ritten 9- A.=.5ara-an.
1) A 8iger for Ma%gu*i
2) 8hree Mista!es of My %ie
) A 5ima%ayan Love Story
") A Ben* in the River
&) 8he Mother
Ans ' 1

1;.3ho is the s&!er senior $itizen o# India as !er the B&det o# 2011+12. Page 19
1) A $erson +ho has attaine* an age of ;: years an* a,ove
2) A $erson +ho has attaine* an age of =& years
) A $erson +ho has attaine* an age of =: years
") A $erson +ho has attaine* an age of && years an* a,ove
&) none of these
Ans ' 1

1?.India is !&r$hasin C+17 Stratei$ 2ir$ra#ts #rom %hi$h o# the #ollo%in $o&ntries.
1) Ita%y
2) 4ermany
) >SA
") Eran(e
&) Russia
Ans '

17.1an- times %e read the term ECB in ne%s!a!ers. 3hat is the #&ll #orm o# ECB.
1) Essentia% Commer(ia% Ban!ing
2) Euro$ean Cre*it Borro+ing
) E)terna% Cre*it for Business
") E)terna% Commer(ia% Borro+ing
&) none of these
Ans ' "

1*.3hi$h o# the #ollo%in a%ards is i"en to 6aan 5aran re$entl- 9- the 6o"ernment o# India.
1) Ra1iv 4an*hi Keh% Ratna A+ar* Page 20
2) Bharat Ratna
) Man of the -ear
") S$ortsman of the -ear
&) Pa*ma 0i,hushan
Ans ' 1

1B.2n&shka Sharma %as hono&red %ith the 9est a$tress a%ard 9- II'2. #or her a$tin in
1) Ban* ,a1a ,araat
2) /a,angg
) Cn(e u$on a 8ime in Mum,ai
") My name is !han
&) 5ousefu%%
Ans ' 1

20.3hi$h o# the #ollo%in s$hemes is 54C la&n$hed 9- the 6o"ernment o# India.
1) o%* age $ension s(heme 2) ,harat nirman
) Kutir 1yothi ") s+a(hha1a% yo1ana
&) 2eevan tarang
Ans ' &

21.3ho amon the #ollo%in is 1inister o# 'orein 2##airs o# India at !resent.
1) Sri Kama% #ath
2) Sri S6M6Krishna
) Sri P6Chi*am,aram
") Shri Shara* Pa+ar Page 21
&) #one of these
Ans ' 2 Page 22

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