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Articles from General Knowledge Today

Navratnas of Akbar (9 Gems)

2011- 05- 29 07:05:37 GKToday
Cont ent s
Abul Fazal
Miyan Tansen
Raja Birbal
Raja Todar Mal
Raja Man Singh
Abdul Rahim Khan-I-Khana
Fakir Aziao-Din
Mullah Do Piaza

Abul Fazal
Abul Fazl was t he chronicler of Akbarnama in t hree volumes over seven years,
t he t hird volume is known as t he Ain-i-Akbari.
Faizi was Abul Fazl's brot her, t he poet laureat of Akbar. The name of f at her of
Abul Fazal and Faizi was Mubarak Nagori, a scholar in t he philosophy and
lit erat ure of Greece as well as in Islamic t heology.
Miyan Tansen
Miyan Tansen was born as Tanna Mishra, in 1520. He was a disciple of Swami
Haridas and lat er became disciple of Hazrat Muhammad Ghaus (Gwalior ). He
was a court musician wit h t he prince of Mewar and lat er was recruit ed by
Akbar as his court musician.
Raja Birbal
Raja Birbal, a poor Hindu Brahmin Maheshdas was appoint ed t o t he court of
Akbar f or his int elligence, and became t he court jest er. The name Raja Birbal
was given by t he Emperor. Birbal's dut ies in Akbar's court were most ly milit ary
and administ rat ive. He was also a poet and his collect ions under t he pen name
"Brahma" are preserved in Bharat pur Museum. Raja Birbal died in bat t le, in an
at t empt t o subdue unrest amongst Af ghani t ribes in Nort hwest India.
Raja Todar Mal
Raja Todar Mal, a Hindu Khat ri was Akbar's f inance minist er, who f rom 1560
onwards overhauled t he revenue syst em in t he kingdom.
Raja Man Singh
Raja Man Singh, t he prince of Amber was a t rust ed general in Akbar's army
and was t he grandson of Akbar's f at her-in-law Bharmal. Raja Man Singh was
t he f oremost (7000 Mansabdari) and ablest among Akbar's milit ary
commanders and assist ed Akbar in many f ront s including holding of f
advancing Hakim (Akbar's half -brot her) in Lahore. He was also t he Mughal
viceroy of Af ghanist an, led campaigns in Bihar, Orissa, Deccan and was also
t he viceroy of Bengal.
Abdul Rahim Khan-I-Khana
Abdul Rahim Khan-I-Khana, son of Akbar's t rust ed general and t ut or. Best
known f or his Hindi couplet s
Fakir Aziao-Din
Fakir Aziao-Din was a suf i myst ic, and an advisor.
Mullah Do Piaza
Mullah Do Piaza, an int elligence advisor t o Akbar.

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