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1hls lssue of PyperLech L-magazlne feaLures 3 emerglng Lechnologles:
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Whlle Lhese 3 emerglng Lechnologles seem dlsparaLe from each oLher, Lhere
are underlylng Lhemes whlch are Lhreaded among Lhem. ln Lhe case of holography
and 3u 1echnology versus 3u 8loprlnung-Lhe ob[ecLs are vlrLual ln holography whlle
real blologlcal organs ln 3u bloprlnung. 1he auLonomous vehlcles and moblle roboucs
are slmllar ln Lhe use aruclal lnLelllgence and cognluve compuung wlLh sensors. ln a
way, wearable compuung ls also llke wearlng a moblle roboL as an exoskeleLon. MosL
promlnenL among Lhese wearable compuung devlces ls Coogle Class whlch may pave
Lhe way Lowards new dlmenslons of moblllLy and fashlon.

Lach Loplc dlscusses Lhe correspondlng SLrengLh-Weakness-CpporLunlues-
1hreaL (SWC1) Analysls of Lhe respecuve Lechnologles. 1he appllcauons Lo buslness,
educauon, governmenL, healLh care and varlous lndusLrles are Lhen dlscussed as may
be approprlaLe wlLh Lhe correspondlng cosL/beneL analysls.
llnally, Lhe nauon-bulldlng and eLhlcal lmpllcauons of
Lhe emerglng Lechnologles are broughL forward Lo provlde
fresh lnslghLs and good governance approaches.

lor over Lhe pasL half cenLury, Lrue 3u (Lhree dlmenslonal) vlsuallzauon
Lechnologles has been lmaglned and Lheorlzed buL unforLunaLely has noL llved up Lo
expecLauons. 1he sclenuc communlLy and sclence-cuon fans know LhaL Lhe besL way
Lo make Lrue 3u lmages ls by uslng holographlc Lechnology whlch were largely drlven
by Lhe realms of sclence-cuon fanLasy followlng Lhe lconlc SLar Wars lm ln 1977.
Whlle sLauc holograms were popular for a whlle durlng Lhe 1980s and 1990s, lL soon
became clear LhaL dynamlc holographlc dlsplays were ln a land far, far away."
Polography wenL underground ln Lhe 1990s wlLh Lhe research performed by mlllLary
conLracLors lncludlng Clneuq and Zebra lmaglng or hlgh-end faclllues llke Ml1 Medla Lab.
1he recenL propagauon of 3u conLenL has creaLed a demand for such dlsplays
due Lo Lhe sudden lncrease of 3u daLa from many sources lncludlng geographlcal
daLa, medlcal scans, compuLer deslgn, slmulauon, low-cosL depLh scanners, clnema
and Lelevlslon. Whereas lL ls easy Lo generaLe 3u conLenL, lL has proven very dlmculL Lo
vlew Lhls conLenL ln Lrue 3u. Convenuonal sLereo 3u ls based on glasses or 'glasses-
free' lenucular arrays or parallax barrlers, leadlng Lo a poor 3u experlence because
lL ls really [usL an llluslon creaLed by Lwln-2u lmages almed aL elLher eye. 1hls ls
fundamenLally unaccepLable Lo Lhe human braln and leads Lo all sorLs of problems
lncludlng dlzzlness and nausea. A Lrue 3u dlsplay should have Lhe scene or ob[ecL ln real
space (oaung ln mld-alr), allowlng Lhe vlewer Lo look around ob[ecLs and see Lhem
from a sllghLly dlerenL perspecuve, as Lhey would ln real llfe. 1hls leads Lo a more
comforLable and naLurallsuc vlewlng experlence wlLhouL all Lhe problems of sLereo 3u.

1LCPnlCAL Lnvl8CnMLn1
Polographlc dlsplays are a klnd of dlsplay Lechnology LhaL provldes all four eye
mechanlsms: mouon parallax, blnocular dlsparlLy, convergence as well as
accommodauon wlLhouL wearlng any speclal glasses (see 1able 1). now Lhese can be
slmple 2u lmages or Lhe more complex volumeLrlc (3u) dlsplays, whlch are creaLed by
rapldly pro[ecLed 2u sllces or by means of uslng volumeLrlc equlvalenL of plxels. 1he
resulL ls an lmage LhaL appears Lo oaL ln volume and can be vlewed and manlpulaLed
from a varleLy of angles. needless Lo say, lLs use wlll compleLely do away wlLh bulky
screens and pro[ecLor machlnery resulung ln greaLer moblllLy and emclenL usage of
ulglLal 3u holographlc dlsplay Lechnology ls based on compuLer-generaLed
hologram (CCP), spaual llghL modulaLor (SLM) and red, green and blue (8C8) laser
sources. An orlglnal 3u ob[ecL ls rsL maLhemaucally descrlbed wlLh a 3u model. A CCP ls
Lhen generaLed from lLs 3u model by compuung Lhe lnLerference pauern beLween an
ob[ecL wave and Lhe reference wave. Aer LhaL, CCP ls launched onLo an SLM devlce.
llnally Lhe 3u ob[ecL ls reconsLrucLed Lhrough llghL dlracuon by lllumlnaung Lhe CCP on
SLM wlLh expanded and colllmaLed laser sources. 1he 3u ob[ecL reconsLrucLed ln vlrLual
space can be dlrecLly vlewed wlLh Lhe naked eyes (llgure 1). Powever, a volumeLrlc
dlsplay medlum ls needed lf one wanLs Lo vlew Lhe reconsLrucLed 3u ob[ecL pro[ecLed
lnLo real space.

18LnuS ln 1LCPnCLCC?
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LlecLro-holographlc dlsplay ls a Lype of holographlc dlsplay LhaL uses
elecLroholography for recordlng and reconsLrucung 3u ob[ecLs. 1hls dlsplay has
advanLages over oLher 3u dlsplays, for example, lL can reconsLrucL 3u lmages wlLh full
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1he Lechnology conslsLs of soware LhaL uses ulLrasonlc waves Lo creaLe pressure
on Lhe hand of a user Louchlng Lhe pro[ecLed hologram.
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ln !une 2013, Lhe Ml1 researcher Mlchael 8ove has clalmed holographlc
Lelevlslons could be ln llvlng rooms ln Lhe nexL 10 years aL Lhe prlce of Loday's Lwo-
dlmenslonal seLs because of Lechnology belng developed by Massachuseus lnsuLuLe of
1echnology's Medla Lab.
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ln 2003, researchers aL Lhe unlverslLy of 1exas have clalmed Lo creaLe Lhe rsL
Lrue holographlc dlsplay. ln 2008, sclenusLs creaLed Lhe rsL rewrlLable and erasable
holographlc sysLems.
lrancesco essolano, manager of lmec's nvlslon program, shows o a proLoLype
of a holographlc dlsplay bullL wlLh sLandard semlconducLor processes. essolano
suspecLs deLalled 3-u vldeo dlsplays can be made by movlng reecuve
mlcroelecLromechanlcal sysLems (MLMS) sLrucLures up and down llke mlcroscoplc


WlLh Lhe recenL advancemenLs ln Lechnology now pushlng Lhe boundarles of
reallLy, holography ls slowly belng uullzed lncreaslngly ln varlous lndusLrles for lLs ablllLy
Lo slmulaLe reallLy or aL leasL arrlve aL a 3u approxlmauon of lL. 1hese lnclude lndusLrles
llke archlLecLure, englneerlng, medlclne, medlcal lmaglng, compuLer graphlcs, sclenuc
evaluauon and many more. Lmerglng markeLs LhaL have begun Lo uullze holography
lncluded gamlng, clnema, and adveruslng.
Polographlc lnLerferomeLry ls used by researchers and lndusLry deslgners Lo LesL
and deslgn many Lhlngs, from ures and englnes Lo prosLheuc llmbs and aruclal bones
and [olnLs. Medlcal docLors can also use Lhree-dlmenslonal holographlc CA1 scans Lo
make measuremenLs wlLhouL lnvaslve surgery. 1hls Lechnlque ls also used ln medlcal
SupermarkeL and deparLmenL sLore scanners use a holographlc lens sysLem LhaL
dlrecLs laser llghL onLo Lhe bar codes of Lhe merchandlse.
1he use of holograms on credlL cards and deblL cards provlde added securlLy Lo
mlnlmlze counLerfelung. 1he eagle on Lhe vlSA securlLy sucker ls a perfecL example of
Lhls. lL ls consldered an embossed hologram.
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Polograms are used ln adverusemenLs and consumer packaglng of producLs Lo
auracL poLenual buyers. lL ls sald LhaL Lhls Lechnology may be used for ln-sLore posLer
and dlsplays, polnL of purchase dlsplays, promouonal lnsLallauons, clnema foyers, games
promouon, slgnages, alrporL lounges and Lhe llke. Shoe glanL nlke had even begun Lo use
3u Lechnology ln lLs sLreeL adveruslng. ueveloped by Lhe Luropean company Polocube,
Lhe ad feaLures a holographlc cube LhaL ls placed ln a hlgh-Lramc area such as a bus sLop.
As people walk by lL, Lhey can see nlke's shoe ln Lhe holographlc box ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe
ad bendlng, lpplng, Lwlsung and belng conLorLed lnLo dlerenL shapes Lo demonsLraLe
Lhe shoe's exlblllLy.
18AnSC81A1lCn Anu 18AvLL
Polographlc opucal elemenLs (PCLs) are used for navlgauon by alrplane plloLs. A
holographlc lmage of Lhe cockplL lnsLrumenLs appears Lo oaL ln fronL of Lhe wlndshleld.
1hls allows Lhe plloL Lo keep hls eyes on Lhe runway or Lhe sky whlle readlng Lhe
lnsLrumenLs. 1hls feaLure ls avallable on some models of auLomoblles.
Polograms have been used on covers of magazlne publlcauons. Cne of Lhe mosL
memorable SporLs lllusLraLed covers was Lhe uecember 23, 1992 lssue feaLurlng Mlchael
!ordan. Polograms have also been used on sporLs Lradlng cards.
Sony LlecLronlcs uses holographlc Lechnology ln Lhelr dlglLal cameras. A
holographlc crysLal ls used Lo allow Lhe camera Lo deLecL Lhe edge of Lhe sub[ecL and
dlerenuaLe beLween lL and Lhe background. As a resulL, Lhe camera ls able Lo focus
accuraLely ln dark condluons
8ecenL muslc fesuvals have also uullzed holography Lo brlng Lhe greaL muslclans
back Lo perform for Lhe crowd of Lhe presenL. Lxamples of Lhls would be Lhe
performance of 1upac, a rapper who was kllled ln Lhe early 90s, ln lasL year's Coachella
Muslc lesuval ln Callfornla. ln Lhe recenL 8lllboard Muslc Awards, Mlchael !ackson was
broughL back Lo llfe Lo perform for Lhe audlence aL Lhe evenL.
luLure color llquld crysLal dlsplays (LCu's) wlll be brlghLer and whlLer as a resulL of
holographlc Lechnology. SclenusLs aL olarold Corp. have developed a holographlc
reecLor LhaL wlll reecL amblenL llghL Lo produce a whlLer background.
Many researchers belleve LhaL holographlc Lelevlslons wlll become avallable
wlLhln 10 years aL a cosL of approxlmaLely $3000. Polographlc mouon plcLure
Lechnology has been prevlously auempLed and was successful ln Lhe 1970s. 1he fuLure
of holographlc mouon plcLures may become a reallLy wlLhln Lhe nexL few years.
Polographlc memory ls a new opucal sLorage meLhod LhaL can sLore 1 LerabyLe (=
1000 C8) of daLa ln a crysLal approxlmaLely Lhe slze of a sugar cube. ln comparlson,
currenL meLhods of sLorage lnclude Cu's LhaL hold 630 Lo 700 M8, uvu's LhaL sLore 4.7
C8, and compuLer hard drlves LhaL hold up Lo 120 C8.
Cpucal compuLers wlll be capable of dellverlng Lrllllons of blLs of lnformauon
fasLer Lhan Lhe laLesL compuLers.
CCS1-8LnLll1 AnAL?SlS
As many become more aware of Lhe endless posslblllues LhaL holography oer,
many lndusLrles uullze and explore Lhls Lechnology Lo furLher push Lhelr markeLablllLy. lf
before, we only see Lhls Lechnology ln fuLurlsuc lms, Lhe 3u Polographlc 1echnology wlll
soon be avallable ln varlous buslnesses llke ln communlcauon, archlLecLure, medlcal care,
and many oLhers.
lor Lhe purpose of provldlng a cosL-beneL analysls on Lhe hologram Lechnology,
leL us explore lLs poLenual ln a learnlng envlronmenL. Many educauonal lnsuLuuons use
sophlsucaLed Lools such as Louch screen gadgeLs and advanced soware Lo oer beuer
and eecuve learnlng experlence Lo lLs sLudenLs. lL wlll be noL long before Lhey begln
uslng Lhe 3u hologram Lechnology ln Leachlng where professors can be vlrLual Leachers"
Lo noL only one class, buL several classes aL Lhe same ume. SLudenLs may also Lake Lhelr
classes noL [usL ln classrooms, buL anywhere and anyume convenlenL Lo Lhem.
8elow are all assumpuons ln semng-up Lhe hologram Lechnology for a prlvaLe
school ln Lhe hlllpplnes:
An lnlual lnvesLmenL of $400,000 for Lhe hologram Lechnology, for all hlgh school
sLudenLs wlLh aL leasL 300 sLudenLs per year level
CLher cosLs lnclude a neLwork-ready back omce, a nexL-generauon broadband
lnLerneL neLwork, cable and lnsLallauon, and screenlng classrooms wlLh compauble
llghung and vldeo Lechnology
ulrecL 8eneLs:
1he hologram Lechnology relnforces Lhe learnlng process of sLudenLs
ConslsLenL lesson dlssemlnauon Lo sLudenLs
CreaLes several envlronmenLs or realms for sLudenLs LhaL doesn'L requlre
Lhem Lo leave Lhe classroom
1he avallablllLy of slmple 3u vlsuals by uslng 3u glasses ls already avallable ln Lhe
markeL, Lhls ls Lhe rsL sLep ln creaung a new vehlcle for vlsual presenLauon, whlch ls,
volumeLrlc dlsplay. We are noL new Lo Lhe concepL of 3u, lL can be found ln games where
graphlcs are made 3u ln cerLaln aspecLs, rauo and perspecuve, movle LheaLres as
ploneered by lmax and Lelevlslon makers.
P Labs have bullL a mlnlaLure, mulu-angle, glasses-free 3u dlsplay for
smarLphones, LableLs, and waLches Lo produce holograms. Slmllarly, Sony has creaLed a
360-degree dlsplay LhaL uses elecLro-holography for recordlng and reconsLrucung 3u
AnoLher company called lnnlLe Z has bullL an lnpuL devlce LhaL goes by Lhe
name zSpace. 1hls Lechnology Lracks Lhe movemenL of your head and hands by
comblnlng sLereoscoplc lmages wlLh lnfrared Lo assemble a more reallsuc holographlc
eecL. lL allows you Lo vlew a mlnuLe ob[ecL from dlerenL angles and enlarges lL as you
move your head.
Polograms on Lhe oLher hand are used more oen speclally ln Lhe enLerLalnmenL
lndusLry. MosL recenL ls ln Lhe show Amerlcan ldol where lL feaLured a hologram of Llvls
slnglng a dueL wlLh Cellne ulon ln Lhelr '68 Comeback llnale. Movles llke, Lhe mlnorlLy
reporL, sLar wars, Slmone and even Lhe Lelevlslon serles Pow l MeL ?our MoLher feaLured
Lhe use of hologram for communlcauon and oLher purposes. Cne can argue LhaL lL was
due Lo Lhe use of Lhe blue/green screen for movles and Lelevlslon buL Amerlcan ldol ls
llve sLage show LhaL showcased Lhe avallablllLy of Lhe Lechnology.
volumeLrlc dlsplays are sull ln Lhelr lnfancy sLage as Lhey are much more
mulufarlous. A loL of englneerlng ls sull needed noL Lo menuon Lhe programmlng
developmenL Lo make sure LhaL lL can work on mosL devlces. Along wlLh Lhe
developmenL of volumeLrlc dlsplays are Lhe parLs lL wlll need such as: fasLer processors,
sharper vldeo dlsplay, audlo enhancemenLs, memory, Lransmlsslon and bauery
volumeLrlc dlsplay ls noL yeL Lechnologlcally evolved enough Lo be commerclally
or lndusLrlally vlable. lor Lhe lasL few decades, progresses ln dlglLally enabled
Lechnologles LhaL lnlually depend on huge amounLs of compuLer processlng have
followed a conslsLenL paLh. llrsL, a new Lechnlque ls developed aL greaL expense, oen
pald for by Lhe mlllLary or governmenL agencles, and demonsLraLed ln a llmlLed way.
nexL comes commerclallzauon, wlLh large lnsuLuuons and corporauons belng rsL ln llne
Lo use lL. And nally, advances ln hardware and soware lower Lhe cosL enough Lo make
lL aordable Lo a reasonably large number of average cluzens.
8uL ln Lhls day ln age where Lechnology upgrade ls fasL, lL ls predlcLed Lo be ready
and avallable Lo Lhe mass ln Lwo or Lhree decades from now (Lhe hologram was
compleLed aer 3 decades). 1he ume frame glven ls noL only for Lhe purpose of
compleung Lhe developmenL, lL also conslders Lhe compaublllLy of runnlng a volumeLrlc
hologram dlsplay ln mosL gadgeLs and Lhe prlce value. A volumeLrlc dlsplay ls [usL Lhe
beglnnlng of lmproved communlcauons, soon enough clonlng vla holograms wlll be
avallable 6-8 decades from now.
volumeLrlc and hologram dlsplays wlll be a revoluuonlzlng concepL ln Lerms of
communlcauon and vlsual presenLauon buL as menuoned communlcauon and vlsual
presenLauon ls [usL Lhe beglnnlng. lL wlll evolve lnLo someLhlng blgger such as people
clonlng vla holograms, as whaL happened ln Lhe show Amerlcan ldol, Lhls ls where Lhe
eLhlcal qualms sLarL.
Pyper-reallsuc holograms ls now belng sLudled, Lhe eLhlcal lmpllcauon ls LhaL of
holographlc lmages of people who are dead. lmaglne belng able Lo resurrecL lnuenual
people who are dead vla a hologram LhaL can answer and communlcaLe wlLh people vla
an aruclal lnLelllgence, lL can be mlsleadlng.
1he world ls noL ready for clones as lL can have a deep emouonal reacuon LhaL can
spark a revoluuon of concepLs and rlghLs Lhey were ghung for LhaL dled wlLh Lhem.
Looklng ahead havlng Lhls Lechnology wlll ralse quesuons regardlng human rlghLs and
ornography ls also an eLhlcal lssue here wlLh Lhe developmenL of 3u volumeLrlc
dlsplays, Lhou lL ls only a represenLauon, whaL lf lL deals wlLh chlld pornography. 1hou
Lhe pornography lndusLry ls already a hoL currenL lssue Lhe lmpacL of havlng a physlcal
represenLauon vla vlrLual reallLy can add lmpacL Lo Lhe already lmmoral pracuces.
1he Lechnology for volumeLrlc and holographlc dlsplay ls allowlng people Lo
recreaLe, whaL lf Lhe people creaLe Lhlngs, evenLs, places LhaL can harm us more Lhan
help us progress? 1he emouonal and menLal sLaLe of a person ls Lhe eLhlcal dllemma.
Wlll lL help us advance or wlll lL cause more damage?
nA1lCn-8ulLulnC lMLlCA1lCnS
We are now ln Lhe age where Lechnologlcal advancemenL ls a facLor LhaL
conLrlbuLes Lo a nauon's economlc sLandlng. LveryLhlng ls fasL phased now wlLh Lhe help
of Lechnology, lL lessens human error ln compuung and ellmlnaLes Ledlous processes.
1he more Lechnologlcal advanced a counLry ls, Lhe beuer lL serves lLs people ln Lerms of
llfesLyle, lL ls also a basls for educauonal progresslon.
1he eecLs of a holographlc volumeLrlc dlsplay wlll be revoluuonlzlng ln Lerms of
communlcauon and vlsual medla.
Communlcauon ls Lhe key lngredlenL ln any relauonshlp. lmaglne belng able Lo
speak Lo someone represenLed by a vlrLual physlcal body Lransmlued ln real ume. 1hls
wlll lessen mlscommunlcauon as lL also lncreases Lhe percepuve ablllLy of people belng
able Lo see Lhe full body language.
lor Lhe medlcal lndusLry, lL wlll be medlcal revolLulon Lo be able Lo pro[ecL whaL ls
lnslde our body for dlagnosls and Lo creaLe pracuce scenarlos wlLh real ume cause and
eecL reacuons. Agaln, Lhls wlll lessen human error.
lor Lhe lndusLrlal purposes, havlng a holographlc dlsplay wlll allow bullders and
creaLors Lo see Lhe nal producL and make preclse ad[usLmenLs real-ume even before
bulldlng Lhe acLual producL. 1hls wlll save cosL and help make Lhe nal producL an
emclenL and eecuve.
lor reLall, lmaglne Lhe advancemenL ln onllne shopplng or e-commerce where
buyers can see Lhe exacL dlmenslons of Lhe producL belng purchased, condluons of Lhe
producLs (lf 2nd hand). Shopplng wlll be made all Lhe more convenlenL for all parues
Cur group belleves LhaL ln a world LhaL ls dependenL on Lechnology, Lhe vlsual
advancemenL vla volumeLrlc holography wlll glve people a new perspecuve. lL wlll
denlLely seL new sLandards for vlsual medla presenLauon for personal and analyucal
processes. 1hls can only mean LhaL our nauon wlll have, llLerally, a clearer plcLure of
everyLhlng, hopefully for Lhe beuermenL of all humanlLy.

1echno|ogy Descr|pnon
1echn|ca| Lnv|ronment
A.1 Augmented kea||ty
Seamless blendlng of reallLy and vlrLuallLy, Lhls encapsulaLes whaL augmenLed
reallLy ls. AugmenLed reallLy (A8) ls Lhe hlgher level of vlrLual reallLy. unllke vlrLual reallLy
LhaL only engages users LoLally ln an aruclal world wlLhouL seelng Lhe real one, A8
boosLs Lhe sense of reallLy Lhrough laylng vlrLual lLems over Lhe real world ln real ume
(Alkhamlsl and Monowar, 2013).Moreover, A8 ls an emergenL form of pracuce, Lhrough
whlch Lhe real world ls lmproved Lhrough compuLer generaLed conLenL LhaL ls connecLed
Lo parucular places and/or evenLs. lL was belleved Lo be one of Lhe fundamenLal user
lnLerfaces of Lhe 21
CenLury (1lmoLhy 1hornLon and !eremy LrnsL, 2012).
AugmenLed reallLy's archlLecLure ls lndeed one of Lhe greaLesL mllesLones of
emerglng Lechnology. A8 malnly has four ma[or Lasks, (1) Scene capLure, (2) Scene
ldenucauon, (3) Scene rocesslng and (4) vlsuallzauon.
E10+0 :&'53%0 devlces are physlcal componenLs whlch recognlze Lhe reallLy whlch
should be boosLed. 1he Lwo ma[or Lypes of scene capLure devlces are as follows:
V|deo-1hrough Dev|ces capLures Lhe reallLy ln a dlerenL way as compared Lo
oLher devlces used for vlsuallzlng augmenLed reallLy (l.e. vldeo cameras and
smarL phones)
See-1hrough Dev|ces capLures reallLy and glves a plcLuresque lmage of whlch
wlLh augmenLed lnformauon (l.e. PuMs or Pead MounLed ulsplays)
E10+0 F,0+;G1&;"+ classles Lhe scenarlos whlch ls Lhe ma[or acuon Laken ln
reallLy augmenLauon. 1wo ma[or Lypes of scene ldenucauon are as follows:
Marker-based uses Lhe markers ln forms of vlsual Lags conLalned wlLhln
real scene whlch ls percelved by Lhe A8 sysLem. Marker ln layman's vlew ls
slmllar Lo bar codes.
Non-Marker-based uses Lag ln order Lo help users vlsuallze and surf dlglLal
daLa ln real world envlronmenL. lor lnsLance, Lhrough Lhe vldeo feaLure
embedded on your A8 browser you can easlly nd Lhe speclc polnL locauon
you are lnLeresLed ln.
E10+0 D%"10>>7+$ ls Lhe sLep LhaL follows Lhe spoL calculauon of Lhe speclc marker
or Lag ln real space. Scene processlng baslcally searches for Lhe correspondlng
vlrLual model Lo each marker or Lag ln 3u.
?7>3&#7H&;"+ produces Lhe lmage of Lhe pro[ecLed 3u ob[ecL and real space. 1hls ls
Lhe sLage where reallLy ls mlxed wlLh vlrLuallLy Lhrough several ldenucauon
1he gure above shows Lhe model represenung Lhe rauonale of augmenLed
reallLy, LhaL ls, Lo make Lhe llfe of Lhe users easler Lhrough provldlng Lhe vlrLual
lnformauon Lo hls/her ad[acenL envlronmenL. Mllgram (Mllgram, 1994) descrlbes a
Laxonomy LhaL ldenues how augmenLed reallLy and vlrLual reallLy are relaLed. Pe
dened augmenLed reallLy as a sysLem LhaL ls mosLly synLheuc wlLh real world lmagery
added-such as LexLure mapplng vldeo onLo vlrLual ob[ecLs. ln a nuLshell, all LhaL ls
necessary ls a CS devlce, a camera, and a compass. lL boLh engages and exclLes users ln
a more lnLeracuve and creauve way of faclng Lhe reallLy. lL does noL only add lLems ln Lhe
real world buL also represenLs useful dlglLal lnformauon ln Lhe real world. Slnce A8 ls sull
belleved Lo be on lLs lnlual phases of developmenL, Lech advocaLes are foreseelng more
A8 enhanced appllcauons LhaL wlll make Lhe llfe of lLs users more convenlenL and
A.2 Wearab|e Compunng
Wearable compuung ls dened as daLa gaLherlng and dlssemlnaung devlces whlch
enable Lhe user Lo operaLe more emclenLly (8andell, 2008). 1hese devlces are carrled or
worn by Lhe users durlng Lhelr normal execuuon of Lasks. Pence such Lechnology musL
noL lnLerfere wlLh Lhe everyday llfe of lLs users. As lndlcaLed by Mann (1997/2),
fundamenLal properues of wearable compuung lnclude Lhe followlng,
Worn. noL carrled, ln such a way as lL can be regarded as belng parL of Lhe user.
Contro||ab|e. And musL noL necessary lnvolve consclous LhoughL or eorL
kea| nme operanons. lL ls always acuve and be able Lo lnLeracL wlLh Lhe user aL any ume.
ln a nuLshell, a wearable compuung devlce ls a worn" personal compuLer
equlpped wlLh lnpuL and ouLpuL devlces deslgned Lo be avallable and usable whlle lLs
user ls movlng around ln Lhe physlcal world (8andell, 2008). 1he deslgn of such should be
able Lo provlde Lhe users wlLh lnformauon and ways of communlcauon ln dlerenL
modallues and as much as posslble, lessen lf noL ellmlnaLe Lhe user's hand/gesLure
1he ablllLy Lo lmlLaLe humanlsuc lnLelllgence ls Lhe ldeal of wearable compuung.
ln Lhls sense, wearable compuung ls an embodlmenL of, or an auempL Lo embody
Puman lnLelllgence and characLerlsucs. 1hus, wearable compuung alms Lo conLexLuallze
Lhe Lechnology ln such a way LhaL Lhe human and compuLer are lnexLrlcably lnLerLwlned.

A.3 Augmented kea||ty |ntertw|ned w|th Wearab|e Compunng
1hls sLudy alms Lo comblne Lwo emerglng Lechnologles aL presenL, LhaL ls,
AugmenLed 8eallLy and Wearable Compuung whlch were boLh prevlously dlscussed.
MosL advanced Lechnologles on wearable compuung devlces rely on Lhe concepL of
augmenLed reallLy, where an lmage or sound ls [uxLaposed on Lhe real world and Lhe
user percelves boLh slmulLaneously (lallman, 2003). 1he comblnauon of Lhe
aforemenuoned Lwo emerglng Lechnologles paves way Lo lucld funcuonlng and advanced
feaLures. lL was belleved LhaL lL ls Lhe embodlmenL relauon, whlch ls Lhe mosL baslc
relauon beLween humans, Lechnology and Lhe world. ln such, Lhe world ls dlrecLly
experlenced by humans Lhrough Lechnology. lallman (2003) deLermlned Lhe seL of
quallues of wearable compuung-augmenLed reallLy based Lechnologles:
- lmprovlng and faclllLaung user acuvlues lndependenL of ume, locauon and user

- 8elng lnLegraLed wlLh Lhe user, mosL commonly ln Lhe form of glasses.
- Allowlng unobLruslve lnLeracuon- Lhrough hands free use or sensors Lo reduce
Lhe need for user lnpuL
- Augmenung Lhe user's percepuon of Lhe physlcal world
1he aforemenuoned characLerlsucs led Lhe developers Lo creaLe a devlce LhaL wlll
sumce Lhe needs menuoned. 1hls paved way Lo Lhe blrLh of head mounLed dlsplays
PMu represenLs Lhe currenL sLaLe of augmenLed reallLy. 1hrough Lhe sald devlce,
lL alds Lhe users Lo see dlrecLly Lhe world around Lhe observer Lhrough Lhe medla,
reachlng maxlmum posslblllLy of presence and level of lmagery quallLy. Amorln (2013)
and hls colleagues dened several feaLures of PMu LhaL wlll puL Lhe experlence of
augmenLed reallLy aL lLs nesL.
Ang|e of v|ew has Lo be observed. lf lL were Loo narrow, perlpheral vlew
mlghL be ouL of screen, whlch would lower lmmerslon sensauonresoluuons
are recommended, Lhls wlll oer a more reallsuc feel.
rocess|ng power to run ||ve Ak musL be Laken lnLo conslderauon, speclcally
Lhe response ume
Surround sound system so LhaL Lhe user can LoLally lmmerse on Lhe slLuauon
8auery L|fe musL be lncreased Lo avold lnLerrupuons. CurrenLly, on Lhe
average, exlsung PMu has a bauery llfe of 8 hours.
Mob|||ty ls essenual, users musL be able Lo run, dash and prone. lL should be a
wlreless PMu wlLh reduced number of hardened wlres.
1rack|ng System LhaL ls more robusL and accuraLe Lo lncrease emclency and
locauon ldenucauon
8. 1rends |n 1echno|ogy
Wearable compuung- AugmenLed reallLy based devlces are sull on lLs lnlual
phases, hence several advancemenLs are expecLed. 8ased on Lhe 2014 CarLner 8eporL,
Lhls Lechnology wlll be fully exhausLed by Lhe user's mlnlmum of 10 years from Lhe
presenL daLe. 1hls only proves Lhe sald Lechnology ls sull emerglng and Lhe
advancemenLs of Lhe sysLem wlll conunue Lo develop. lLs upcomlng poLenual
appllcauons are never endlng.
- 23$40+50, 60&#75) :"##&9"%&;"+I AugmenLed reallLy promlses Lo enhance
face-Lo-face communlcauon. A8 lnLerfaces blend Lhe physlcal world and
vlrLual worlds so real ob[ecLs can lnLeracL wlLh 3u dlglLal conLenL and
lmprove users' shared undersLandlng. 1hls lncludes Langlble lnLeracuons
beLween Lhe Lwo dlerlng worlds. lL enhances Lhe physlcal work space,
creaung an lnLerface for lnLuluve 3u compuLer-supporLed collaborauve
work (CSCW) lurLhermore, lL ls eyed Lo be one of Lhe mosL convenlenL
Lools for remoLe communlcauon. 1hrough A8, remoLe paruclpanLs wlll
experlence Lhe same experlence as lf Lhey were ln a co-l ocaLed meeung
(8llllnghursL and kaLo, 2013).
- J0K>>5&+,>I AugmenLed reallLy rsL appeared ln sporLs broadcasLs ln Lhe
form of yellow rsL down llne on Lhe eld durlng fooLball games. 1hls lnlual
endeavour sLarLed several ldeas people ln publlshlng lndusLry played around Lo
Lake advanLage of Lhls emerglng Lechnology. Magazlne publlshlng lndusLry made a
darlng move of lncorporaung A8 Lo Lhelr plauorm. 1haL ls, Lo make Lhelr prlnL
edluons more relevanL ln a dlglLal world. 1hls was made posslble Lhrough Lhe
geomeLrlc coded markers LhaL are prlnLed LhroughouL Lhe magazlne. A reader
holds up Lhe magazlne Lo a compuLer camera whlch scans Lhe marker llke barcode
and furLher conLenL ls lnsLanLly launched on-screen (l&W Medla, lnc. 2013)
B L&47G1&;"+I AugmenLed 8eallLy also colncldes wlLh anoLher emerglng
Lechnology, Lhe gamlcauon. Camlcauon ls dened as Lhe use of game Lhlnklng
and game mechanlcs Lo non-game conLexLs ln order Lo engage users and solve
problems (Wlklpedla, 2012). Ma[or appllcauon of Lhe Lwo ls Lhe sumulauon
exerclses of mlllLary personnel. As a way Lo enhance Lralnlng and mlsslon
preparauon wlLh sumulauons A8 ls envlsloned Lo be used. Slnce Lhe
aforemenuoned Lechnology uses Lhe real lnformauon wlLh superposed vlrLual
lnformauon, Lhls allows Lhe users Lo easlly move whlle lnLeracung wlLh real
surroundlngs. A hlgh denluon A8 devlce would have lLs user see Lhe real world
wlLh vlrLual addluons. lL has also Lhe capablllLy Lo provlde 3u mapplng whlch
would help ln deLermlnlng Lhe locauon. Addluonally, lLs reallsuc sound eecLs
would make Lhe user reacL Lo vlrLual evenLs (l.e. exploslve devlce Lrlggerlng Lo
supporung alrsLrlke). lnLeracuon wlLh vlrLual elemenLs wlLhouL Lhe need Lo Louch
a screen, whlch was made posslble by Pead MounLed ulsplays (PMu), speclcally
Lhe CuanLum3u lncreases emclency of Lhe users. 1hese aforemenuoned feaLures
wlll Lremendously help Lhe mlllLary personnel Lo have a close Lo reallLy experlence
of war under Lhe realm of augmenLed reallLy. 1hls wlll help Lhem prepare
Lhemselves and sLraLeglze beuer. (Amorln 2013)I
B =&1(7+0 =&7+50+&+10I 1hls model baslcally alms Lo lncorporaLe every posslble
soware sysLem and communlcauon Lool needed by malnLenance personnel.
ro[ecLed Lool for such wlll noL only lncorporaLe Lhe manuals, Lrouble-shooung
guldes, [ob card sysLem, and Lhe descrlpuons of Lhe work-rouunes buL also wlll
lnclude pro-acuve feaLures such as auLomauc ume-schedullng, [ob card
managemenL and keeplng Lrack of co-workers. Case ln polnL, Lhls wlll allow Lhe
malnLenance sysLem Lo be accessed and used by Lechnlclans who are Lruly moblle
(lallman, 2003).
B D0%>"+&# 2>>7>5&+10I ueslgned Lo provlde umely lnformauon by searchlng daLa
assoclaLed wlLh Lhe currenL locauon and acuvlLy, asslsung wlLh personal
organlzauon such as prompung Lhe user when currenL, or fuLure acuvlues mlghL
lnLerfere wlLh each oLher and bulldlng an experL daLabase of knowledge
personallzed Lo Lhe user (8hodes and SLarner, 1996). Whlle Lhere are many forms
of personal asslsLance devlces avallable ln Lhe markeL, Lhe wearable devlce
sull provldes Lhe mosL advance plauorm for personal appllcauons. lL can go
beyond supporung provlslon of dlglLal lnformauon and mulumedla Lhrough noL
only LexL, buL also audlo, lmage and vldeo and real ume (Mann, 1997/1)
luLure Lrends of augmenLed reallLy are belleved Lo possess hlgher degree of
auLhenuclLy and uullLy. lor Lhls Lo be posslble, !ames vallno (2012) dened Lhe ldeal
characLerlsucs LhaL augmenLed reallLy musL possess:
B :"+>5%&7+0, 1">5 5" &##"K M"% 9%"&,0% 3>&$0I lor augmenLed reallLy be deployed
on wlde array of appllcauons, Lhe cosL for Lhe sysLem should be consLralned, ln
such a way LhaL lnexpenslve yeL eecuve consumer grade vldeo cameras and
personal compuLer processlng musL be used.'
B D0%M015 >5&;1 %0$7>5%&;"+ "M N7%53&# "9O015> 7+ 5(0 &3$40+50, N70KI When a
vlrLual ob[ecL has been placed aL a locauon on Lhe real scene lL should appear Lo
Lhe user Lo remaln exacLly aL Lhe same posluon ln 3u space unless cerLaln ob[ecLs
lnLeracLed wlLh lL.
B D0%M015 ,)+&471 %0$7>5%&;"+ "M N7%53&# "9O015> 7+ &3$40+50, N70KI vlrLual
updaLes should be performed aL a raLe of13 Pz Lhe leasL and 30Pz, preferably.
LaLencles should also be mlnlmlzed.
B D0%M015 %0$7>5%&;"+ "M N7>3&# &+, (&';1 >10+0>I WhaL you see ls whaL you feel.
1he vlrLual ob[ecL musL maLch Lhe hapuc counLerparL. 1he user should feel Lhe
surface of a vlrLual ob[ecL aL Lhe same ume and ln Lhe same place.
- ?7%53&# &+, %0&# "9O015> &%0 N7>3&##) 7+,7>;+$37>(&9#0I vlsual occluslons
beLween vlrLual and real ob[ecLs musL occur correcLly, mosL especlally ln dlmculL
cases of real ob[ecLs occludlng vlrLual ones. Llghung ln Lhe augmenLed vlew musL
be maLched beLween Lhe real and vlrLual world
B ?7%53&# "9O015> 0P(7975 >5&+,&%, ,)+&471 90(&N7"3%I When Lhe user lnLeracLs
wlLh a vlrLual ob[ecL lL should move wlLh Lhe same dynamlc behavlour equlvalenL
Lo Lhe real ob[ecL. 1hls lncludes, correcLly reboundlng from colllslons beLween
vlrLual ob[ecLs and real ob[ecLs.
B /(0 3>0% (&> 3+1"+>5%&7+0, 4";"+ K75(7+ 5(0 K"%Q>'&10I 1he sysLem should
allow movemenL wlLhouL consLralnLs or llmlLauons. lL would be ldeal Lo have no
mechanlcal llmlLauons, bllnd spoLs or mouon consLralnLs.
B =7+74&# &'%7"%7 1&#79%&;"+ "% %3+B;40 >053' 7> %0R37%0,I uurlng sLarL-up of Lhe
sysLem Lhe user should noL have Lo perform exLenslve seLup such as
measuremenL of locauons of compllcaLed procedures for placlng ob[ecLs lnLo Lhe
C. S.W.C.1. Ana|ys|s

Strengths Weaknesses

! Maximizes the fast developing
computer technology
! Visual presentation is enhanced in
high definition
! Close to real life experience
! Improve the office performance of the
user if implemented successfully

! Dependent too much on technology
! Investment on the users computer
! Scarcity of the resources needed for

Opportunities Threats

! Emergence of new professional jobs
based on this special skill set (AR
developers and HMD inventors)
! Recent use of AR in public
! Application in multiple industries:
fashion, gaming, healthcare,
manufacturing, security and logistics
! Product and Service Expansion
! New Marketing Promotion
! Affordable Wearable devices

! Too much funds needed to facilitate
the research and implementation per
! Intellectual property issues
! Security and privacy threats

II. 8us|ness ] Industry ] Lducanon App||canons
Accordlng Lo 1uon Puy nguyen, prlnclpal research analysL aL CarLner, AugmenLed
8eallLy ls uslng real-ume of lnformauon ln Lhe form of LexL, audlo, graphlcs and oLher
vlrLual enhancemenLs. AugmenLed 8eallLy has evolved Lo a polnL whereln organlzauons
use lL as a helpful Lool Lo maxlmlze buslness processes, operauons and even Lralnlng
employees slL faclllLaLes buslness lnnovauon by enabllng real-ume declslon maklng
Lhrough vlrLual proLoLyplng and vlsuallzauon of conLenL.
A8 Lechnology ln ume can be deployed for Lhlngs such as warehouse managemenL
and employee Lralnlng says 8rlan Mulllns, CLC of uaqrl. WlLh AugmenLed 8eallLy
buslness processes, operauons and Lralnlng employees wlll denlLely be more eecuve
and emclenL aL Lhe same ume. LlmlLauons wlll no longer be a concern. LveryLhlng wlll be
more lnLeresung and lL wlll denlLely caLch Lhe eyes of lnvesLors. lmaglne board
meeungs, producL presenLauon, or even monLhly reporLs Lo have a Louch of AugmenLed
8eallLy. Lveryone wlll be more curlous and everyone wlll be more acuve wlLh Lhe
dlscusslon because AugmenLed 8eallLy serves lLs purpose of boosung Lhe sense of reallLy
Lhrough laylng vlrLual lLems over Lhe real world ln real ume (Alkhamlsl and Monowar,
2013). nguyen also says LhaL AugmenLed 8eallLy wlll be really useful ln several scenarlos
such as:
- ulscoverlng Lhlngs ln Lhe vlclnlLy
An example would be deLecung ob[ecLs LhaL generaLe heaL
- resenung real world ob[ecLs of poLenual speclal lnLeresL
An example would be deLecung ob[ecLs LhaL generaLes hlgher radlauon Lhan
oLher ob[ecLs
-Showlng a user where Lo go or whaL Lo do
An example would be guldlng a worker ln a hazardous envlronmenL, where
vlslblllLy ls really low, Lo make repalr
- rovldlng addluonal lnformauon abouL an ob[ecL of lnLeresL
An example would be provldlng addluonal lnformauon such as dlsLance,
welghL, helghL or level of danger and oLher lnformauon allgned Lo LhaL ob[ecL
AugmenLed 8eallLy Pead MounLed ulsplay ln parucular ls a fasclnaung lnvenuon
LhaL can be maxlmlzed and used by everyone, even really young. Cne of whlch ls a Maglc
8ook. As you Lurn each page of a Maglc 8ook, a new scene sprlngs Lo llfe and Lells Lhe
sLory of Lhe book ln 3u. 1he lmages are seen by goggles Lhrough markers" and you can
also move around lL Lo have dlerenL angles. SLory Lelllng wlll never be Lhe same agaln. lf
Lhls can be esLabllshed ln Lhe markeL, parenLs would really beneL from lL and be puL ouL
of Lhe [ob of Lelllng bedume sLorles. 1oday, noL [usL books are Lransformed by
AugmenLed 8eallLy. lL wlll have a huge lmpacL on Loday's educauon and Lhe way we
learn. ln facL Lhey are already uslng lL ln exhlblLs of Lhe naLural world. lL ls an lnLeracuve
Lool LhaL leLs chlldren play wlLh Lhe naLural world. SLudenLs also can paruclpaLe and
really geL lnvolve lnLeracuvely wlLh compuLer generaLed slmulauons.

Pead MounLed ulsplay works around wlLh anyLhlng wlLh markers, whlch can be
placed aL anyLhlng. lL can be placed on adverusemenLs, [unk food, magazlnes or even
llquors. 1hese markers can provlde addluonal lnformauon and can be lncorporaLed wlLh
someLhlng fun for Lhe user or Lhe buyer Lo do. Markers can be used as markeung Lools Lo
have a more hands on approach wlLh lLs LargeL consumers. nguyen noLed LhaL a recenL
edluon of Lsqulre magazlne had a marker on Lhe cover and when lL was help up Lo a
webcam, he sald LhaL lL came Lo llfe".
1he AugmenLed 8eallLy lndusLry ls abouL Lo rlse wlLh Lhe creauon of wearable
devlces. Cne of Lhese devlces ls Lhe Coogle Class and Lhe camera-enabled smarL phones
and LableLs. !unlper 8esearch acLually esumaLes LhaL by 2017, approxlmaLely 2.3 bllllon
AugmenLed 8eallLy appllcauons wlll be ouL ln Lhe markeL and can be downloaded
annually. Agaln Lhls lndusLry should noL be Laken for granLed as lL wlll denlLely rlse ln
Lhe soonesL posslble ume. A loL of lnvesLors wlll puL Lhelr money ln Lhls lndusLry and
companles wlll uullze whaL wearable devlces Lhey can puL lnLo Lhelr buslness Lo
maxlmlze posslble proL. Mulllns lmaglnes an organlzauon or a company whereln an
employee wearlng a head-mounLed devlce, for example, would slmply look aL a bln,
scans lL, and Lhen ls dlrecLed Lo Lhe nexL bln. lmaglne whaL slgnlcanL savlngs can be
made LhroughouL Lhe course of a year. All work ln almosL all lndusLrles wlll be more
eecuve and emclenL.

IV. Cost-8eneht Ana|ys|s
I|nanc|a| Iorecast for Ak Wearab|e Compunng
1he markeL for A8 glasses has a loL of poLenual. Wearable Compuung:
1echnologles, Appllcauons and Clobal MarkeLs, a sLudy publlshed by 8CC 8esearch lasL
lebruary 2014, asserLs LhaL Lhe global wearable compuung markeL wlll grow aL a
compound annual growLh raLe (CAC8) of 43.4 from around $3 bllllon forecasL for 2013
Lo $9.2 bllllon ln 2014 and more Lhan $30.2 bllllon forecasL for 2018.
1he lmpendlng exploslon of Lhe wearable compuung markeL ls one of Lhe mosL
lnLeresung and hlghly anuclpaLed developmenLs Laklng place ln Lhe hlgh-Lech lndusLry.
1he $3 bllllon wearable consumer markeL ls lnLrlnslcally llnked wlLh Lhe $240+ bllllon
smarLphone markeL. Wearables wlll noL only lnLegraLe wlLh smarLphone Lechnology buL
may ulumaLely replace Lhem ln many consumer envlronmenLs due Lo Lhe facL LhaL
moblle phone dlsplays may noL be large enough (Lyplcally 3-4 lnches ln dlagonal) Lo
handle new soluuons. 1he LargeL markeL Lherefore ls Lhe ublqulLous use of moblle vldeo,
navlgauon, augmenLed reallLy, and gamlng.
AugmenLed 8eallLy (A8) SmarL glasses sull remaln an emerglng Lechnology ln Lhe
enLerprlse. Less Lhan one percenL of uS companles have lmplemenLed smarL glasses ln
Lhe workplace. CarLner predlcLs LhaL ln Lhe nexL ve years, Lhere may be a 10 percenL
lncrease ln adopuon especlally for companles LhaL employ oslLe workers such as eld
servlce personnel and lnspecLors. 1hls ls due Lo Lhe facL LhaL smarL glasses can lncrease
Lhe emclency of Lechnlclans, englneers and oLher workers ln eld servlce, malnLenance,
healLhcare and manufacLurlng roles.
Adopuon of smarL glasses ls currenLly undergolng plloL lmplemenLauons by some
enLerprlses llke alrllne conglomeraLe, vlrgln ALlanuc. Powever, soluuons for many
enLerprlse use cases are sull proof of concepL" and wlll Lake aL leasL Lwo years for
larger-scale deploymenLs. 1hls ls because Lhese soluuons are hlghly dependenL on Lhe
appllcauons and servlces LhaL wlll be avallable for Lhls Lechnology.
CarLner esumaLes LhaL ln Lhe nexL Lhree Lo ve years, eld servlce wlll llkely
experlence Lhe greaLesL beneL from Lhls Lechnology. 1he greaLesL savlngs ln eld servlce
wlll come from dlagnoslng and xlng problems more qulckly, wlLhouL needlng Lo brlng
addluonal experLs Lo remoLe slLes. 1he poLenual lncrease ln proLs ls by $1 bllllon
Several manufacLurers have already [olned ln Lhe developmenL of Lhls emerglng
Lechnology. Coogle for one has Coogle Class" and some oLhers llke Lhe Cculus v8,
vuzlx, Lpson, CpunvenL, and Sony. 1he devlces range from medlcal devlces, smarL
glasses Lo seamlessly replace smarLphones and compuLers Lo mlllLary devlces for
slmulaLed Lralnlngs.

8. Cost 8eneht Ana|ys|s
CosL and beneLs of Lhe devlce wlll depend on Lhe lndusLry Lo whlch lL wlll be
manufacLured for. 1he cheapesL may cosL less Lhan hundred dollars and oLhers may cosL
as hlgh as LhlrLy Lhousand dollars. Cenerally, Lhe followlng are Lhe known cosL and
beneLs of Lhese devlces.


Research & development
Hardware investments
Software investments
Implementation costs


Reduction in operational costs
Reduction in labor costs
Reduction in travel costs
Reduction in error costs


Hardware maintenance
Further software development
Operational costs

Increased efficiency
Reduction on time spent on an
Reduction in errors
Increased safety
Increased asset uptime
Increased customer satisfaction
Increased effectiveness of trainings
Improved knowledge transfer
Better collaboration
Environment sustainability

kesearch and deve|opment |nvestment
ln order Lo lmplemenL wearable A8 dlsplays ln Lhe buslness, Lhe company would
need Lo lnlually lnvesL on deslgnlng and developlng Lhe soluuon needed. lloL LesLs
would need Lo be performed Lo valldaLe Lhe usefulness and beneLs of Lhe devlce Lo Lhe
nardware |nvestments and ma|ntenance
Pardware lnvesLmenLs lnclude Lhe head mounLed dlsplays or dlglLal eye wear,
servers, and neLwork seLup. 1he Lable below shows Lhe smarL glasses LhaL are currenLly
avallable ln Lhe markeL.
Manufacturer/Model Price
Google Glass $1,500
Meta AR Smart Glasses $650
Pivothead Smart Glasses $629
Vuzix M100 $500
GlassUp AR Smart Glasses $349
ION Smart Glasses $99
EmoPulse nanoGlass-4 $25

kesearch and deve|opment |nvestment
ln order Lo lmplemenL wearable A8 dlsplays ln Lhe buslness, Lhe company would
need Lo lnlually lnvesL on deslgnlng and developlng Lhe soluuon needed. lloL LesLs
would need Lo be performed Lo valldaLe Lhe usefulness and beneLs of Lhe devlce Lo Lhe
nardware |nvestments and ma|ntenance
Pardware lnvesLmenLs lnclude Lhe head mounLed dlsplays or dlglLal eye wear,
servers, and neLwork seLup. 1he Lable below shows Lhe smarL glasses LhaL are currenLly
avallable ln Lhe markeL.
Sohware |nvestments and further sohware deve|opment
Soware lnvesLmenLs lnclude augmenLed reallLy appllcauons LhaL wlll be run on
Lhe head mounLed dlsplays or dlglLal eyewear. LnLerprlses can buy o-Lhe-shelf
appllcauons or work wlLh varlous augmenLed reallLy appllcauon developmenL companles
llke MeLalo Lo creaLe Lallor-made appllcauons.
8ack-end soware such as SA and daLabases should also be facLored ln.
Powever, lnsLead of relnvenung Lhe wheel, A8 developmenL companles are looklng for
ways Lo connecL A8 appllcauons Lo exlsung enLerprlse soluuons. lor example, MeLalo
has collaboraLed wlLh SA and vuzlx Lo explore Lhe developmenL of augmenLed reallLy
for warehouslng, leveraglng on exlsung SA warehouse appllcauons.
Imp|ementanon cost
Clven LhaL uullzlng dlglLal eye wear equlpped wlLh A8 capablllues ls a ma[or
change wlLhln Lhe organlzauon, proper Change ManagemenL process should be applled
Lo ensure smooLh Lransluon. 1he organlzauon should esLabllsh a pro[ecL Lo ensure LhaL
Lhe followlng acuvlues are carrled ouL: lnformauon campalgn, sLakeholder educauon,
and personnel assessmenL and Lralnlng.
C. Case Stud|es that Showcase 8enehts of Ak Wearab|e Compunng
1o fully appreclaLe how enLerprlses may beneL from A8 glasses, some case
sLudles are presenLed below.
C.1 LAkS Augmented kea||ty System by SA hoton|cs and the US
Department of Defense
1o prepare Lhem for bauleeld slLuauons, Lhe unlLed SLaLes Marlne Corps
(uSMC) llre SupporL 1eams (llS1s) undergo exLenslve llve re Lralnlng LhaL ls
expenslve and requlres numerous llmlLed resources, such as rlng ranges, LargeLs,
llve rounds, and alrcra. WlLh Lhe sLeady lncrease of Lralnlng requlremenLs for
new llS1s, uSCMS ls unable Lo Lraln Lhe number of llS1s Lhey requlre.
1o solve Lhls problem, Lhere ls a deslre Lo use advanced augmenLed reallLy
head mounLed dlsplay (PMu) sysLems Lo help Lraln uSMC llS1s. 1he uS MlllLary ls
collaboraung wlLh SA hoLonlcs Lo develop a Low-CosL AugmenLed 8eallLy SysLem
(LA8S), wlLh a wlde eld of vlew augmenLed reallLy PMu ln Lhe form facLor of sand
and dusL goggles. LA8S wlll enable Lhe Lralnlng of uSMC llS1s wlLhouL uslng llve
re, as LA8S uses AugmenLed 8eallLy (A8) Lo slmulaLe llfellke LargeL and llve re
dlsplays. 1he resulL ls more eecnve tra|n|ng of more I|S1s at |ower cost.
SA hoLonlcs' LA8S ls a low cosL augmenLed reallLy PMu wlLh wlde eld of
vlew, ls bauery-operaLed and unLeLhered, and can provlde brlghL lmages even ln
dlrecL sunllghL, and ls ln Lhe form-facLor of sand and dusL goggles. SA hoLonlcs'
lnnovauve prlsm eyeplece deslgn has almosL no perlpheral obscurauon, so users
see an unobsLrucLed vlew of Lhe real world.
1he prlmary beneL of LA8S ls LhaL lL enhances dlsmounLed soldler Lralnlng
by slmulaung llfellke bauleeld slLuauons wlLhouL uslng expenslve acLors, llve re,
alrcra and oLher expenslve and llmlLed resources. lL also enables lnsLrucLors Lo
glve soldlers dlrecL and real-ume feedback durlng Lralnlng.
CLher dlvlslons of Lhe uS ueparLmenL of uefense wlll also beneL from Lhe
lmplemenLauon of LA8S, especlally Lhose LhaL have Lralnlng and slmulauon
program omces. ln addluon Lo mlllLary Lralnlng, LA8S can be used Lo Lraln pollce,
re, homeland securlLy and rescue personnel. lL can also be adapLed Lo use for
hlgh-end vldeo games.
1he LA8S sysLem ls bullL around a number of key Lechnologles as descrlbed
ln Lhe Lable below.

1he producL ls expecLed Lo be released ln !une 2014, wlLh an esumaLed cosL
of $10,000-13,000.
C.2 SA, Vuz|x, and Meta|o's so|unon for Warehouse Management
1he producL plcklng process ls Lhe cenLral funcuon for onllne commerce and
comprlses 30 of Lhe LoLal cosLs of a company. 1he manual plcklng process has
proved Lo be lnemclenL and error-prone Lo companles. Lrrors ln Lhe plcklng
process have also resulLed Lo drasuc cosLs Lo companles, whlch urged SA Lo
provlde a hands-free soluuon LhaL wlll enable Lhe employee Lo work emclenLly and
1he manual plcklng process ls where Lhe employee or plcker recelves a
paper llsL of producLs, Lhe physlcal locauon of Lhe producLs ln Lhe warehouse and
Lhe amounL needed per producL. WlLh Lhe gulde of Lhe paper llsL, Lhe plcker
Lravels around Lhe warehouse and reLrleves Lhe producLs needed. 1he company
solely relles on Lhe plcker's organlzauon skllls, memory and cognluve ablllLy
wlLhouL any Lechnologlcal supporL. Cen, orders change, and Lhls ls where people
make mlsLakes. 1o compensaLe for errors, Lhe company asslgns anoLher plcker Lo
reLrleve Lhe order whlch resulL Lo poor plcklng performance.
1he human error raLe ln Lhe manual plcklng process may be due Lo a mlsplck
(wrong lLem), lncorrecL quanuLy, an omlsslon error (mlsslng lLem) or a condluon
error (broken lLem, mlslabeled lLem). 1hese mlsLakes are Lhe resulL of human error
or an lnemclenL sysLem, and lead Lo more ume expendlLure, hlgher cosLs ln
commlsslonlng, less cusLomer sausfacuon or, a loss of slgnlcanL buyers.
1o solve Lhls lssue, SA ls worklng wlLh smarL eyewear company vuzlx and
A8 developer MeLalo, Lo creaLe a warehouse managemenL soluuon, wlLh Lhe use
of wearable augmenLed reallLy, Lo speed up Lhe producL plcklng process and Lo
Feature Advantage Benefit
Wide field of view optics Increases situational
Improved training fidelity
and effectiveness
Innovative prism design Reduces peripheral
Increased immersion and
High resolution display
Better image quality Ability to see fine detail
Color microdisplay More realistic imagery and
More realistic training
Ambient light control Improved contrast in high
brightness environments
Sunlight readability and
more realistic training
Low-cost Enables more units to be
trained concurrently,
reducing logistics
Faster unit training at lower

reduce errors ln Lhe manual plcklng process. Lmployees wearlng vuzlx smarL glasses wlll
now be able Lo see vlrLual daLa superlmposed onLo a real warehouse envlronmenL. 1o
supporL Lhls process, Lhe soluuon lncludes vlsual search, MeLalo Lracklng Lechnology,
daLa superlmposluon and a powerful cloud backend.
1he devlce guldes Lhe plcker ln Lhe enure plcklng process by superlmposlng daLa
and lmages ln Lhe plcker's vlslon and by aruculaung lnsLrucuons verbally Lhrough Lhe
eyewear's earplece. 1he A8 soluuon alds Lhe plcker by
- Lnumeraung Lhe producLs ln Lhe order llsL
- Culdlng Lhe plcker on Lhe exacL locauon of Lhe producLs ln Lhe warehouse
- rovldlng deLalls such as slze, welghL and maLerlal of Lhe producL Lo be plcked
- ueLalllng Lhe quanuLy LhaL needs Lo be plcked per producL whlch help |ncrease
the emc|ency of Lhe plcklng process. 1he hands-free soluuon speeds up the
p|ck|ng process and m|n|m|zes p|ck|ng errors caused by humans. ln case of a
change ln order, Lhe changes can be lnsLanLaneously be Lransmlued Lo Lhe smarL
glass of Lhe asslgned plcker so LhaL modlcauons ln Lhe lLems plcked may be done.
1he A8 soluuon |ncreases worker safety by enhanclng Lhe slLuauonal awareness
of Lhe employee. lor example, Lhe soware alerLs Lhe employee of an asseL malfuncuon
and lncomlng palleL operaLors so LhaL accldenLs can be avolded ln Lhe warehouse.
1he A8 soluuon help |ncrease asset upnme by connecung you Lo onslLe or oslLe
Lechnlclans LhaL can help you check on Lhe faulLy asseL. 1he soluuon can also gulde you
on how Lo solve Lhe problem by superlmposlng an lmage on whaL you should be dolng Lo
solve Lhe problem.
IV. Lth|ca| Imp||canons
All new Lechnology has lLs pros and cons. AugmenLed reallLy Lhrough wearable
compuung wlll have a Lremendous eecL ln our fuLure llves. lL has a huge poLenual Lo
conLrlbuLe Lo socleLy Lhrough educauon, healLh, and securlLy, Lo name a few.
1hough any new Lechnology's purpose ls Lo elevaLe quallLy of llfe, ln general, lL wlll
also brlng falr share negauve lmpacLs. 1here wlll always be people who wlll oppose
radlcal changes ln Lhe envlronmenL, buL as we see lL, lL would evenLually become
ublqulLous same as oLher Lechnologlcal advances. Pere are some of Lhe eLhlcal
lmpllcauons Lhls Lechnology wlll presenL.
- Lega| Lth|ca| Imp||canons. 1hls Lechnology, when made avallable Lo Lhe
commerclal markeL, wlll creaLe problems ln Lhe legal aspecL of everyone's
llves. 1hls wlll prlmarlly be due Lo dlerenL counLrles have dlerenL vlews on
Lhese parameLers:
- Laws on k|ght to r|vacy. 1here wlll be a huge need Lo revlse exlsung laws
regardlng rlghLs Lo prlvacy due Lo Lhe huge lmpacL of Lhls new Lechnology,
Lhere are a loL of Lhlngs LhaL needs conslderauon, especlally personal and
corporaLe prlvacy.

D|erences of |ega| |aws |n d|erent countr|es. 1hls Lechnology, lf made avallable
Lo Lhe publlc, wlll be accesslble Lo almosL all walks of llfe. WlLh dlerenL laws of
each counLry, each governmenL wlll need Lo revlse Lhelr laws Lo accepL Lhls
powerful devlce's capablllues and negauve lmpllcauons.
Soc|a| Lth|ca| Imp||canons
As menuoned earller, even lf Lhls Lechnology wlll be able Lo conLrlbuLe largely on a
loL of Lhlngs, Lhe dllemma ls how people wlll adapL Lo Lhls radlcal Lechnology. 1wo maln
lssues LhaL need Lo be Lacked are
r|vacy. WlLh Lhls Lechnology, lssues wlLh prlvacy come ln Lo eecL, whlch may lead Lo
lnLegrlLy lssues wlLh users of Lhese devlces. 8ecordlng, phoLographlng, analyzlng Lhrough
your devlce wlLhouL Lhe consenL of Lhe oLher parLy ls Lhe maln concern of Lhe ma[orlLy of
Lhe crlucs.
Safety and Secur|ty. We have classled Lhls lssue ln Lo Lwo parLs:
uset -1he Lechnology endangers Lhe user's personal daLa or lnformauon from
belng shared Lo Lhe world by hackers. lL also [eopardlzes one's physlcal safeLy due Lo Lhe
llmlLed knowledge of Lhe Lechnology, people wlll Lend Lo be aggresslve Lowards Lhe
person uslng such.
Otbet people ot eovltoomeot-lL puLs people around an unscrupulous user aL rlsk
of spylng, saboLage, Lhe, and many oLhers. lmaglne a LerrorlsL organlzauon havlng
acqulred such a marvellous Lechnology and creeplng ln Lo socleLy and uslng lL Lo plan and
properly execuLe an auack.
V. Nanon-8u||d|ng Imp||canons
1he researchers belleve LhaL lL would noL be long unul AugmenLed 8eallLy wlll be
a parL of our everyday llves. AugmenLed 8eallLy dees Lhe meanlng of belng llmlLless. lL ls
only ln our lmaglnauon as Lo how we can use Lhem and as Lo how lL can be maxlmlzed.
Pead MounLed ulsplay ln parucular could help dlrecL warehouse workers Lo Lhe rlghL
lLems for packlng, lf a producL breaks down, cusLomer could alm a smarL phone camera
aL a broken ob[ecL Lo geL lnformauon abouL how Lo x lL Lhemselves, passer-by could use
Lhelr smarL phones Lo scan lLems ln a sLore's wlndow dlsplay and purchase Lhem uslng
Lhelr phones (underwood, 2013). 1he beglnnlng of Lhese slmple lnnovauve ways can
evolve lnLo someLhlng LhaL Lhe nauon can denlLely beneL from. We are all lnLerLwlned
Lo lL. lf Lhe AugmenLed 8eallLy lndusLry rlses up, Lducauon and 8uslness wlll denlLely
follow. 8oLh Lducauon and 8uslness wlll denlLely lnvesL for Lhls Lechnology, Lo be more
lnnovauve and achleve Lhe besL resulLs.
Also, PosplLals can use Pead MounLed ulsplay durlng sensluve operauons. 1he
rsL ever use of Pead MounLed ulsplay have been performed Lo arLhroscoplc knee
surgerles. lL was developed under uA8A Advanced llaL anel PMu rogram (nelson,
!ones, lerre and Sampson, 1997). Surgeons demonsLraLed and reporLed lmproved head-
body orlenLauon and awareness whlle uslng Lhe Pead MounLed ulsplay accordlng Lo
Scou nelson. lL ls already glven LhaL Lhe eld of compuLer-alded surgery ls Lhe need Lo
be able Lo handle sensluve equlpmenL ln Lhe operaung room. 1hls developmenL's
dlsadvanLage ls LhaL Lhe surgeon's auenuon would be drawn from Lhe operauon slnce
progress ls parually monlLored from compuLers. Pead MounLed ulsplay however gave
Lhe posslblllLy of solvlng Lhls problem. A sLudy also shows LhaL varloscope AugmenLed
8eallLy wlLh Lhe real-ume vlsuallsauon of Pead MounLed ulsplay ls a ma[or sLep Lowards
Lhe lnLroducuon of AugmenLed 8eallLy lnLo Lhe cllnlcal rouune (uelp, 2000).
ln addluon, lf Lhe nauon's manner of Leachlng can be more fun for lLs sLudenLs,
sLudenLs wlll denlLely learn more eecuvely and wlLh emclency. 8elng lnLeracuve and
gemng Lhe auenuon of young sLudenLs ls rare. WlLh Lhe Pead MounLed ulsplay, lL would
be llke playlng vldeo games for Lhem whlle learnlng aL Lhe same ume. 1he posslblllLy of
Lhem chooslng Lo sLudy Lhan Lo play games ls noL lmposslble. lL ls up Lo our Leachers on
how Lo uullze Lhls devlce Lo Lhelr advanLage. Companles Lhen would follow as well ln
dolng Lhelr buslness. All of us denlLely prefer belng lnLeracuve and dolng lL ourselves
Lhan [usL Lo observe. lL ls deslgned for Lhe purpose of maklng our llves and even work,
more lnLeracuve. LveryLhlng Loday ls fasL paced and Pead MounLed ulsplay can cope
wlLh Lhls envlronmenL. We wlll denlLely be more eecuve and emclenL lf Lhls devlce
would be maxlmlzed Lo lLs full poLenual. 1he Pead MounLed ulsplay oers buslness
creauve ways Lo engage Lhelr cllenLs and an educaLor new ways Lo geL engaged, and Lhe
posslblllues are endless (n.A., 2010). ln reallLy, we do noL acLually care abouL Lhe
Lechnology or Lhe speclcauons. We [usL wanL Lo know whaL lL ls capable of and lf lL ls

3D 8ICkIN1ING : WnA1 IS I1 ALL A8CU1 ?
rocess of generaung spaually-conLrolled cell pauerns ln 3u cell funcuon and
vlablllLy are preserved wlLhln Lhe prlnLed consLrucL. uslng 3u 8lo-prlnung for fabrlcaung
blologlcal consLrucLs Lyplcally lnvolves dlspenslng cells onLo a blocompauble scaold
uslng a successlve layer-by-layer approach Lo generaLe ussue-llke Lhree-dlmenslonal
lL uses prlnung devlces LhaL deposlL blologlcal maLerlals. 8lo-prlnung consLrucLs
3u aruclal ussues by compuLer devlces.8lo-prlnung Lechnology was developed by Cabor
lorgacs, a blophyslclsL from unlverslLy of Mlssourl ln Lhe uS. 8loprlnLers can prlnL
complex 3u sLrucLures wlLh Lhe comblnauons of blolnk" and blopaper." 1oday, blo-
prlnung ls sull aL developmenL sLage and ls used as sclenuc Lools. ln long-Lerm, Lhls
Lechnology ls expecLed Lo be used for creaung replacemenL organs and human ussues
from raw blologlcal maLerlals.

1he Ma[or Components of 8|o-pr|nnng
An organ ls cuL horlzonLally so LhaL sclenusLs can see an array of cells on Lhe
surface. 1he cells are Lhen collecLed Lo make 8lolnk, whlch change Lhe shape of cells Lo
spherolds. 1hen Lhe 8lolnk ls placed lnslde Lhe blo-prlnLer. 1he spherolds are dropped
lnLo hydrogel, whlch acLs as a placeholder. 1hls sLep ls repeaLed several umes Lo make
layers of spherolds whlch evenLually form a 3u ussue.

8IC-kIN1LD kCS1nL1IC LIM8S could also soon become a reallLy. CurrenLly, ampuLees
can be ued wlLh prosLheuc llmbs manufacLured by companles. ln Lhe fuLure, enure
llmbs could be compleLely blo-prlnLed, ellmlnaung Lhe need for aruclal llmbs. We mlghL
even see cumng-edge blonlc sysLems.
kIDNLS: LA?L8 8? LA1L8 8ulLulnC Cl SCAllCLu Anu uLCSl1lCn Cl klunL? CLLLS.

LAk: 230 Mn CLLLS Anu CCLLACLn l8CM 8A1 1AlL MAkL PuMAn LA8 ln 13
SkIN GkAI1S: uSL8luL ln WA8 Anu ulSAS1L8 ZCnLS.
8CNLS: 8LAl8 Cl CCMLLx l8AC1u8LS ln ACCluLn1 SuvlvC8S. u8uC
1LS1lnC : LA?lnC An lMC81An1 8CLL ln 18lALS.

Current Deve|opments:
Doctor Anthony Ata|a
-ulrecLor aL Wake loresL lnsuLuLe of 8egenerauve Medlclne and a surgeon
-arL of Lhe Leam LhaL creaLed rsL funcuonal aruclal bladder Lo be lmplanLed ln
a human
-ln 2011, successfully prlnLed a kldney from human cells ln seven hours
-noL funcuonal ln humans yeL buL hls research ls sull ln progress

Ur|nary 8|adders- 2006
Urethra - 2011
1rachea - 2011
Lsophagus -2012
roducts and Company
1. 1he maln company for Lhls Lechnology ls Crganovo. 1hls company focuses on
Lhe research and developmenL on blo prlnung.
2. novoCen MMx 8loprlnLer` ls Lhe maln machlne LhaL has been developed Lo
meeL challenges ln blologlcal research ln regards Lo blo prlnung.
3. 1he maln 8lo-prlnLer ploneer: !apanese sclenusL, MakoLo nakamura's modled
lnk[eL Lechnology.
4. ln 2008, he creaLed a worklng blo prlnLer LhaL prlnLs ouL blo Lublng slmllar Lo a
blood vessel.

1.8eplace human ussue by full body LransplanL
2.Allows sclenusLs Lo ellmlnaLe Lhe walL llsL of organ LransplanLs
3.Plgher survlval raLe of prlnLed cells
4.Cers hlgh preclse resoluuon
3. 1he ma[or beneL of blo-prlnung ls slmple: savlng llves.
6. 8educe, or ellmlnaLe Lhe need for donors, as well as recreaLe oLher lmporLanL
body parLs, maklng surgery far slmpler.
7. reservlng human llfe ls a huge boon Lo socleLy, ralslng llfe expecLancy and
reduclng Lhe amounL of Lermlnal pauenLs.
8. lor drug developmenL, lL wlll allow a loL more Lesung Lo be done, decreaslng Lhe
amounL of ume and moneLary cosLs for a new drug Lo be pushed onLo Lhe markeL
for publlc use.

Arnhc|a| organ persona||zed us|ng panents own ce||s
-no unA re[ecuon
-LllmlnaLe need for lmmunosuppressanL drugs needed aer a regular organ
-LllmlnaLe organ donauon
-no walung perlod
lncreased supply of : Llver, kldneys, PearLs, Llvers.

1.1he replacemenL of molecules or cells wlLhln Lhe reconsLrucLed organ ls noL sure
abouL wheLher Lhey can L lnLo a human body as funcuonal ussue
2.Large-scale consLrucuon lncreases Lhe complexlLy assoclaLed wlLh
3.rlnung capablllues of compllcaLed ussues
4.1he necessary speclcauons requlred for glven prlnung consLrucuon (for Lherapy
deslgn, need Lo be preclse and speclc)
3.1he cosLs of blo-prlnung are qulLe hlgh nanclally
6. 8lo-prlnung ls noL cheap, and wlll mosLly be only avallable Lo Lhe wealLhy
echelons of socleLy for qulLe some ume.


1. 3u 8ln1lnC 1C 8L nLx1 $l 18lLLlCn lnuuS18?
2. LuuCA1lCn : uLMCnS18A1lCn ln SClLnCL CLASSLS
4. PLL ln 18LA1MLn1 8CCLSS ln 1PL PCSl1AL
3. MAS1L8S uLC8LL ln 3u 8lC8ln1lnC
6. 8LLLvAnCL ln nAnC1LCPnCLCC? Anu 8lC1LCPnCLCC?
7. 8L11L8 PLAL1P MAln1LnAnCL Anu CCnSLCuLn1 lnC8LASL ln WC8k
8. CCn18l8u1lnC 1C 1PL 1LCPnCLCClCAL uLvLLCMLn1
9. C8LA1lnC nLW Ln18L8LnLu8lAL CC81unl1lLS
10. AvlnC A1P lC8 MC8L 8LSLA8CP Anu uLvLLCMLn1
Cost-8eneht Ana|ys|s
M|n|mum Cost of Cwnersh|p of a 3D 8|opr|nter went down |n 2013 |s 5S00 - th|s
|s from 51S,000 |n 2008.
Cost reducnon may be aur|buted to the fo||ow|ng:
1. We|| estab||shed techno|ogy
2. Lconom|es of sca|e

1 ALL vl1AL C8CAnS CAn 8L 8ln1Lu 8?
CnL? CnL 3u 8lC8ln1L8.
2 LAS? 1C 8ulLu CWn CuS1CM MACPlnL
3 LAS? 1C MAkL 8CuL? A81S Wl1P
uLSl8Lu A81S Anu SPAL.
4 PuCL MA8kL1 C1Ln1lAL.
3 8CvluLS SLvL8AL Ln18L8LnLu8AL
1 CuALl1? Cl 1PL C8CAnS 8ln1Lu
2 8CuuC1lCn 1lML
3 1LCPnCLCC? lS S1lLL ln 8LMA1u8Lu
4 LxLnSlvL
lMC8lvlnC MACPlnL CSSl8lLl1lLS
lAS1L8 8ln1lnC
MuL1l CCLCu8 8ln1S
CuS1CMlZA1lCn Cl uLMAnuS 8ASLu Cn

1LCPnCLCC? 8ACkC8Cunu Cl 1PL uSL8
1lML 1AkLn lC8 8ln1lnC An C8CAn
CCS1 Cl C8CAn 8ln1lnC
ln W8CnC PAnuS, MA? CCn8l8u1L 1C
lAkL luLn1l1?, lnC8LASL ln C8lML Anu

3. lncrease ln Lhe number of markeL players
4. Cheaper and more accesslble parLs
varlable cosL: CosL lncluslve of blomaLerlals such as blolnk, blopaper and oLher
maLerlals llke alglnaLe, collagen and brln: $8-23k dependlng on Lhe manufacLurer
Cn Lhe oLher hand, Lhe cosL of a blo-prlnLed organ, speclcally a kldney ls $280k.

8reakeven o|nt: In|na| Cut|ay ] r|ce of
8|o-pr|nter |ess var|ab|e cost
58.SM ] 5280k - 52Sk = 33 k|dney organs


Nanon-8u||d|ng Imp||canons
1 PealLhcare sysLem - PosplLals and LaboraLorles
2 8esearch and uevelopmenL
3 lncrease ln Llfe Span of Lhe cluzens
4 AdvanLages ln umes of War
3 Medlcal Sclence- 8evoluuonlze!
6 Save Llves
7 PealLhler nauon

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1 8ellglous vs. Sclence uebaLe : CaLhollc Church may noL be okay wlLh lL.
2 Sale of organs : organ LransplanLs mlghL become a commerclallzed Lransacuon.
3 Puman 8ody wlll become a 8lg 8uslness venLure.
4 LLhlcal ullemma : WhaL ls Lhe 8lghL Lhlng ?8lo-prlnung conlcLs wlLh morallues
and culLural and rellglous bellefs.
3 8lo-prlnung wlll lncrease llfe span of people on resource- llmlLed planeL earLh.
6 Loss of PumanlLy and naLures way of Worklng.

1 LML8ClnC 1LCPnCLCC? - LlkL 3u 8lC8ln1lnC lS uLllnl1LL? vL8? uSLluL
lC8 PuMAn 8LlnCS.
2 8u1 l1 ALSC PAS A LC1 Cl L1PlCAL Anu 1LCPnlCAL lSSuLS.
3 ll l1 WlLL 8L uSLu WlSLL? Anu lC8 1PL WLLlA8L Cl 1PL PuMAn 8ACL ln A
CCn18CLLLu MAnnL8 - l1 WlLL CPAnCL Cu8 LlvLS ln 1PL SAML WA? AS 1PL
WPLLL ulu!

- Augmenung humans wlLh Lechnology
- Machlnes replaclng humans
- Pumans and machlnes worklng alongslde each oLher
- Machlnes beuer undersLandlng humans and Lhe envlronmenL
- Pumans beuer undersLandlng machlnes
- Machlnes and humans becomlng smarLer

8oboucs ls a branch of Lechnology LhaL deals wlLh deslgn, consLrucuon, operauon
and appllcauon of roboLs. As well as compuLer sysLems for Lhelr conLrol, sensory
feedback and lnformauon processlng
Moblle roboLs lmply non-sLauonary roboLs, hose LhaL perform varlous operauons
accordlng Lo Lhelr congurauons. 1hey are used for numerous lndusLry operauons as
well as perform crlucal acuvlues ln whlch human llfe can be exposed Lo rlsk.
Moblle roboucs Lechnology ls becomlng lncreaslngly popular ln secLors such as
loglsucs, warehouslng, medlcal and healLhcare and defense. lL asslsLs ln emclenLly
managlng lndusLry speclc acuvlues, overcomes human consLralnLs and opumlzes cosL
by savlng P8 expenses.
AdvanLages of lnvesung ln 8oboLs:
8educed operaung cosLs
lmprove producL quallLy and conslsLency
lmprove quallLy of work for employees
lncrease producuon ouLpuL raLes
lncrease producL manufacLurlng exlblllLy
8educed maLerlal wasLe and lncrease yleld
Comply wlLh safeLy rule and lmprove workplace healLh and safeLy
8educed labor Lurnover and dlmculLy recrulung workers
8educed caplLal cosL
Save space ln hlgh value manufacLurlng areas
1he markeL has drlven by facLors as sophlsucauon of aruclal lnLelllgence
soware, converglng roboucs Lechnology wlLh moblle Lechnologles. 1he markeL faces
llmlLauons due Lo ume-consumlng acuvlues such as 8&u, manufacLurlng and markeung.
8euer growLh opporLunlues are percelved due Lo comparauvely unLapped markeLs ln
Afrlcan counLrles and worldwlde lncreaslng defense spendlng.
Accordlng Lo navlgauon Lechnologles, markeL segmenLed lnLo Lypes such as
unmanned ground vehlcles (uCv), unmanned aerlal vehlcles (uAv), unmanned surface
vehlcles (uSv) and auLonomous underwaLer vehlcles (Auv). uCv, whlch also lncludes
auLomaLed gulded vehlcles (ACv) ls Lhe largesL segmenL ln Lhe currenL markeL whlle uCv
ls expecLed Lo conunue lLs markeL leadershlp due Lo growlng demand of ACv ln
warehouslng and dlsLrlbuuon lndusLrles.
As per appllcauon of Lhe Lechnology, markeL ls classled lnLo loglsucs and
warehouslng, defense, medlcal and healLhcare, domesuc, eld appllcauons,
enLerLalnmenL and oLhers. Among all defense, loglsucs and warehouslng segmenLs
are leadlng Lhe markeL due Lo early adopuon. 1here ls an lncreaslng popularlLy of
moblle roboucs aL domesuc appllcauons markeL due Lo Lhe adopuon of robouc
vacuum cleaners, eLc.

1he moblle roboucs markeL ls caLegorlzed lnLo reglons such as norLh
Amerlca, Asla aclc, Lurope and Lhe resL of Lhe world. 1he largesL reglon, Asla
aclc, ls drlvlng Lhe markeL wlLh Lhe largesL share due Lo Lhe lncrease ln defense
appllcauons, especlally drones. ln Lhe fuLure, resL of Lhe world ls expecLed Lo drlve
Lhe markeL due Lo Lhe lncreaslng defense spendlng ln mlddle-easLern counLrles.
1he bargalnlng power of cusLomers ls moderaLe due Lo enLry of muluple
companles ln Lhe markeL and hlgh swlLch over cosL. Whereas, Lhe bargalnlng
power of suppllers ls expecLed Lo gradually lncrease due Lo lowerlng prlces of
sensors. uegree of lnLersegmenL rlvalry ls expecLed Lo rlse hlgher as numerous
players are presenL ln Lhe markeL and many oLher players are expecLed Lo sLep ln.
companles are also adopung Lo Lhe expanslon sLraLegles vla producL lnnovauons.
A few of Lhe markeL players are l8oboL Corporauon, Coogle, Ponda MoLors Co LLd,
Amazon, AeLhon, Lca 8oboucs, Slkorsky and 8leun 8oboucs.

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nosp|ta||ty and kestaurant Industry
kobo Serv|ce
As roboLs become more soclal, humans wlll encounLer more and more roboLs ln
Lhe servlce lndusLry. 1hese roboLs asslsL human belng ln dolng chores worldwlde. Many
bars are sLarung Lo become auLomaLed Lhrough use of roboLs, even produclng complex
cockLalls as well as dolng Lable walLerlng.
Med|ca| Industry
Med|ca| and kehab kobo
8oboLs ln healLhcare have Lwo maln funcuons. 1hose whlch asslsL an lndlvldual,
such as a suerer of a dlsease llke Muluple Sclerosls, and Lhose whlch ald ln Lhe overall
sysLems such as pharmacles and hosplLals.
uslng roboLs LhaL are [usL mllllmeLres ln slze Lo perform hearL surgery.
Pelp Lhem develop nano-roboLs LhaL could be ln[ecLed lnLo cancer pauenLs Lo
selecuvely klll cancer cells.
Can be used Lo help pauenLs walk agaln.
1rave| and 1our|sm
8eam at yourse|f
A remoLe roboL LhaL Lhey can Lap lnLo and conLrol from anywhere aL anyume
from Lhelr handheld devlce.
eople may be able Lo renL a roboL ln anoLher locauon Lo Lravel or experlence
new Lhlngs.
kobo Dr|ver
8oboLs may be lmpacung your commuLe sooner Lhan you Lhlnk. Accordlng
Lo Coogle, we are only abouL Lhree Lo ve years away from an auLonomous car LhaL ls
roadworLhy. 8uL before drlverless cars are able Lo freely chaueur humans around, Lhere
ls sull some work Lo do
kobot 1eacher
8oboLs can be programmed Lo Leach [usL abouL anyLhlng, maklng Lhem an
eecuve classroom Lool. 1here are roboL klLs llke Lego mlndsLorms, CLLC from 8oboucs
LhaL can help chlldren Lo learn abouL maLhemaucs, physlcs, programmlng, and
elecLronlcs. 8oboucs have also been lnLroduced lnLo Lhe llves of elemenLary and hlgh
school sLudenLs ln Lhe form of roboL compeuuons wlLh Lhe company "lor lnsplrauon and
8ecognluon of Sclence and 1echnology". 1here are also devlces shaped llke roboLs such
as Lhe Leachlng compuLer Leachlm, a roboL shaped game/ Leachlng Loy.
Longer ||fe us|ng Avatars
lLskov sald he envlslons roboLs llke Lhe plcLured Cemlnold uk-whlch ls a
roboL LhaL looks llke lLs masLer-as an ldeal hosL for real human consclousness,
Lhus allowlng for humans Lo exLend Lhelr llfe.

1echnology plays a vlLal role ln achlevlng an organlzauon's goals. Powever,
lnvesung on Lechnology upgrade could be very cosLly and should be planned well
ln order Lo maxlmlze Lhe beneLs. 8efore conslderlng ln lnvesung lnLo Lechnology,
lL ls lmporLanL LhaL beneLs from Lhe upgrade/lnvesLmenL are measured and
evaluaLed Lo ensure LhaL ob[ecuves are meL.
Measurlng Lhe beneLs derlved from Lhe Moblle 8oboucs may vary
accordlng Lo funcuon, locauon and organlzauon slze, sLrucLure and goals. 1here
are varlous ways ln welghlng beneLs from movlng lnLo Lhe Moblle 8oboucs
Automanon Sav|ngs: Manua| vs. Mob||e koboncs
1he mosL evldenL savlngs probably, from movlng Lo Moblle 8oboucs would
be Lhe reduced compensauon packages (salarles, wages, lnsurance, PMC, houslng,
reuremenL, eLc.) due Lo reduced manual labor. Powever, lL ls also lmporLanL Lo
noLe LhaL even lf manual labor ls reduced, Lhere are sull Lrade-os ln cosL secuon
because uullzlng Moblle 8oboucs enLalls malnLenance cosLs( e.g. wear and Lear of
Lhe roboL, frequency of malnLenance, eLc.).
Conslderauon of Lhe cosLs lncurred under boLh clrcumsLances ls only Lhe
rsL sLep. uenlng and presenung Lhe ouLpuL under each scenarlo should also be
consldered. lL ls lmporLanL Lo noLe LhaL noL only Lhe quanuLy of ouLpuL ls belng
measured buL daLa lnLegrlLy and process emclency as well. Accuracy raung under
each case should also be presenLed Lo ensure Lhe quallLy of ouLpuL under boLh
clrcumsLances. ln Lhls way, emclency and eecuveness of boLh sysLems are belng
CuLpuL from upgrade ln Lechnology would surely cosL a loL ln mosL cases
buL Lhe beneLs would, mosL of Lhe ume, ouLwelgh Lhe cosLs lncurred.
Lsnmanon for a kescue kobot
ro[ecL cosL ls 34,821.39 euros (3.2 M pesos) comprlslng of maLerlal and labor
cosLs hourly.
MaLerlals CosL ls 8,763.39 euros (323,933 pesos)
Labour CosL (labor of sLudenLs, Lechnlclans and academlc dlrecLor and supporL
47,320 euros (2.8 M pesos)
8e-manufacLurlng cosL for remanufacLurlng ls 10,937.84 euros (636,220 pesos)
noLe: numbers sLaLed above are 8ased from Warw|ck Mob||e koboncs: utboo
seotcb ooJ kescoe kobots (LS410 Croup ro[ecL 1echnlcal 8eporL) 02/03/2013
NASDA - welcomed Lhe rsL-ever roboucs sLock lndex and for Lhe rsL ume a
roboL rang Lhe closlng bell, a prlvllege once reserved for humans (nCv 2013)
8C8C-S1Cx` Clobal 8oboucs and AuLomauon lndex L1l (1lcker Symbol: 8C8C)
wenL from 0 Lo $34 mllllon lnvesLed ln 77 sLocks around Lhe world.

Slnce roboLs are pre-programmed Lhere ls a hlgh rlsk on chlldren and elderly
care and safeLy. Aruclal lnLelllgence has noL yeL meL lLs early promlse of Lruly
lnLelllgenL machlnes however researchers ln Lhe emerglng elds of human-roboL
lnLeracuon have lmplemenLed aruclal lnLelllgence Lechnlques for Lhe expresslon
of emouon, language lnLeracuon, speech percepuon and face recognluon buL noL
Lhe real warmLh and care LhaL a real human can provlde. lor example, long ume
bondlng of roboLs wlLh lnfanLs may lead Lo posslble psychologlcal lmpacL of
varylng degrees on soclal lsolauon may developmenL.
ln Lerms of Lhe usage of roboLs ln mlllLary appllcauons, SemlauLonomous
unmanned combaL alr vehlcles such as MC1 redaLor carry mlsslles and bombs
LhaL have been lnvolved ln many sLrlkes agalnsL lnsurgenL LhaL have resulLed ln Lhe
deaLhs of many lnnocenL lncludlng chlldren. 1he roboLs have no dlscrlmlnaung
capaclLy beLween combaLanLs and lnnocenL durlng close conLacL encounLer.
Law wlll have Lo have a clear denluon of whaL exacLly ls meanL by roboL?
!usL as cyber law had Lo depend upon exLendlng Lradluonal meLaphors and
analogles Lo conLexL lnvolvlng lnLerneL, so Loo approprlaLe legal meLaphors musL
emerge whlch wlll allow governmenL, courLs and oLher Lo deslgn approprlaLe legal
lnfrasLrucLure LhaL wlll provlde necessary guldance for Lhls new lndusLry Lo evolve.
Clven LhaL roboLs wlll be acung auLonomously or someumes ln parLnershlp
wlLh a human, we wlll need Lo deLermlne rules for placlng eLhlcal and legal
responslblllLy wlLh Lhe approprlaLe parLy. 1hls lssue could geL very Lrlcky especlally
ln relauon Lo new generauons of auLonomous roboLs LhaL are also equlpped Lo
learn ln much Lhe same way LhaL humans do. AlLhough lL ls ln Lhe realm of sclence
cuon now, some argue LhaL as roboLs assume more and more human quallues we
wlll have Lo even conslder legal rlghLs for roboL.

1here are four Lhlngs roboLs can do rlghL now LhaL wlll change human llves
for Lhe fuLure, and all ln a good way. 1he rsL ls enLerLalnmenL, second ls grunL
work ln dangerous places whlch ls now sLarung Lo Lake place, Lhlrd ls elderly care,
and lasL buL noL leasL ls Lelepresence shopplng, Lourlsm, and asslsLance.
lmaglne slmng aL your compuLer and conLrolllng a vldeo game characLer
Lhrough a mall or markeL, excepL lL's noL a game, lL's a roboL shopplng for you ln
1okyo whlle you slL comforLably ln London. WlLh a llve vldeo and audlo feed so you
could haggle, you drlve a legged humanold roboL abouL your slze so you geL a good
sense of whaL would L, and aerwards you go for a walk Lo see whaL Lhe
counLryslde has Lo oer.
ln a fuLure where Lhe cosL and lnconvenlence of Lravel wlll llkely rlse, why
noL renL-a-rob for an hour [usL Lo make sure LhaL resorL ls up Lo sLandard? Cr Lo
help ouL aL a dlsasLer slLe? Cr [usL geL ouLslde ln anonymlLy?
8lghL now all modern Lechnology ls deslgned Lo brlng Lhe world Lo you,
phone, radlo, Lelevlslon, lnLerneL, buL lf Lrends conunue, roboLs wlll soon brlng you
Lo Lhe world, everywhere, and aL Lhe speed of LhoughL. A mlnd and a hand where
lL's needed whlle you slL safely aL home and run Lhe show.
lL's a fuLure goal -- someLhlng we know we can do lf we can urge Lhe markeL
Lowards lL and mlghL even be able Lo do someLhlng abouL.
lf lL works, roboLs won'L [usL change our llves ln Lhe fuLure, Lhey'll expand
Lhem. noL [usL for fun, buL for necesslLy. We've Laken Lhe rsL sLeps lnLo
welcomlng Lhem lnLo our homes, we [usL have Lo walL a blL Lo procLor Lhem lnLo
maklng us more human.
At|as numano|d kobot
AL 6' 2" and 330 pounds, lL's Lhe slze of an nlL defenslve Lackle. lL can walk
and ll heavy ob[ecLs, replace lLs hands wlLh cusLomlzed auachmenLs and
compleLe Lasks wlLhouL dlrecL human supervlslon, Lhanks Lo an on-board
compuLer and plenLy of sensors.
1he hope ls LhaL ALlas someday soon wlll be worklng alongslde human rsL
responders Lo earLhquakes, Lyphoons and oLher dlsasLers, helplng Lo carry supplles
or clear debrls. lL also could be senL lnLo slLuauons deemed Loo dangerous for
humans, such as Lhe 2011 dlsasLer aL Lhe lukushlma nuclear planL ln !apan.
8uL ALlas has a ways Lo go before lL's Lackllng search-and-rescue mlsslons.
1he resulL of a $10.9 mllllon conLracL wlLh 8osLon uynamlcs, Lhe sLrapplng roboL
musL rsL Lake parL ln uA8A's 8oboucs Challenge, whlch lnvlLes Leams of
englneers Lo creaLe a remoLely conLrolled roboL LhaL can respond Lo dlsasLers.

varlauons of ALlas, programmed by dlerenL Leams, wlll face o agalnsL
oLher roboLs Lhls uecember ln a serles of Lrlals meanL Lo LesL Lhe machlnes'
readlness for Lhe eld. ln a serles of dlsasLer scenarlos, Lhe roboLs musL be able Lo
navlgaLe rough Lerraln on fooL, move debrls, cllmb a ladder and Lear down doors
or walls Lo geL Lo vlcums.
lor more deLalls:
LS-3 (Legged Squad SupporL SysLem) ls a rough Lerraln roboL deslgned Lo
anywhere Marlnes and Soldlers go on fooL, helplng carrylng Lhelr loads. Lach Ls-3
carrles up Lo 400 lbs of gear and enough fuel for a 20-mlle mlsslon lasung 24
hours. LS-3 auLomaucally follows lLs leader uslng compuLer vlslon, so lL does noL
need a dedlcaLed drlver. lL also Lravels Lo deslgnaLed locauons uslng Lerraln
senslng and CS. LS-3 began a 2-year eld Lesung phase ln2012. LS-3 ls funded by
uA8A and Lhe uS Marlne Corps.
lor more deLalls:
kC8C Sa||y
1he 8lmanual uexLerous 8obouc lauorm (also known as 8obo Sally)
developed by 1he !ohns Popklns unlverslLy Applled hyslcs LaboraLory (AL) ln
Laurel, Md., ls a robouc sysLem deslgned Lo repllcaLe human capablllues Lo safely
remove Lhe human performer from llfe LhreaLenlng operauons. 1he plauorm
leverages Lwo Modular rosLheuc Llmbs developed by AL under Lhe uA8A
8evoluuonlzlng rosLheucs program LhaL has been feaLured on 60 MlnuLes and ln
nauonal Ceographlc and opular Mechanlcs. 1he 8u8 has 42 lndlvldual uegrees
of ConLrol (17 ln each llmb, Lhree ln Lhe Lorso, Lhree ln Lhe neck, and Lwo ln Lhe
moblllLy plauorm). 1hls vldeo ls a compllauon of a number of mock scenarlos LhaL
hlghllghL Lhe sysLem capablllues.
1. lmprovlsed Lxploslve uevlce (lLu) rosecuuon: 1he 8u8 ls Lele-operaLed
Lo lnspecL a suspecLed lLu slLe, uncover an lLu, grasp and remove a blasung cap,
and leave Lhe scene wlLh Lhe dlsabled devlce.
2. vehlcle Search: 1he 8u8 ls Lele-operaLed Lo lnspecL and lnLeracL wlLh
cargo ln Lhe back of a vehlcle, lncludlng obsLacle removal, conLalner openlng, and
LargeL ob[ecL lnLeracuon and removal.
3. erlmeLer MonlLorlng: 1he 8u8 ls Lele-operaLed Lo drlve around a secure
perlmeLer, conducL survelllance, and remove ob[ecLs causlng dlsLurbances on a
pressure sensluve securlLy fence.

4. vehlcle CheckpolnL: 1he 8u8 ls Lele-operaLed Lo perform vehlcle
checkpolnL operauons, whlch lnclude vehlcle dlrecung, vehlcle exLerlor lnspecuon,
drlver lnLeracuon vla gesLures, ldenucauon of occupanL, and passage granung.
3. lauorm MoblllLy: 1he 8u8 ls Lele-operaLed around rough Lerraln Lo
demonsLraLe manoeuvrlng capablllues.
lor more deLalls:
Cpnona||y ||oted 8|ack nawk
WlLh Lhe auLonomous 8LACk PAWk, Slkorsky plans Lo bulld on Lhe success
of lLs MaLrlx 1echnology and Manned/unmanned 8esupply Aerlal Ller (Mu8AL)
auLonomy programs Lo dellver a new level of mlsslon exlblllLy Lo combaL and
loglsuc planners. 1he producL wlll lnLegraLe auLonomy and advanced eeL
managemenL Lechnology wlLh refurblshmenL experlence Lo provlde a cosL-
eecuve, dependable and susLalnable sysLem.
1he auLonomous 8LACk PAWk hellcopLer wlll oer Lhe exlblllLy of lnLernal
and exLernal cargo capablllLy, Lhe sLrengLh Lo ll up Lo 9,000 pounds, and Lhe
producuvlLy of hlgh crulse speeds. 1he deslgn ls Largeung a sysLem loss raLe of one
per 100,000 lghL hours.
ln collaborauon wlLh Lhe u.S. Army, Slkorsky successfully demonsLraLed Lhe
ablllLy of a uP-60M upgrade Cpuonally lloLed 8LACk PAWk hellcopLer Lo
conducL auLonomous lghL and auLonomous cargo resupply demonsLrauons
Lhrough lLs Mu8AL rogram earller Lhls year.
lor Lhe pasL year, Slkorsky has been aggresslvely advanclng hellcopLer
auLonomous lghL wlLh lLs MaLrlx 1echnology program. 1he MaLrlx LesL alrcra,
SA8A, has conducLed conunuous lghL Lesung Lo lncrease capablllues, addlng
advanced percepuon lghLs Lo lLs laLesL phase of envelope expanslon.
lor more deLalls:

1hls reporL explalns Lhe emerglng Lechnology of Lhe auLonomous vehlcle by
explorlng lLs currenL developmenLs and Lhe fuLure lmpacL Lo Lhe socleLy. Moreover, Lhe
reporL wlll dlscuss Lhe lmpacLs LhaL auLonomous vehlcles are llkely Lo have on Lravel
demands and LransporLauon plannlng, beneLs and cosLs, predlcuons of llkely
developmenL and lmplemenLauon based on experlence wlLh prevlous vehlcle
Lechnologles, and explorauon on how Lhey wlll aecL plannlng declslons such as opumal
road, parklng and publlc LranslL supply. uesplLe all Lhe currenL developmenLs, Lhe
deploymenL of Lhe nallzed verslon of Lhe auLonomous vehlcle ls noL ln Lhe near fuLure.
Many roadblocks sull exlsL ln Lhe developmenL of Lhe auLonomous vehlcles, whlch wlll be
dlscussed ln Lhe eLhlcal and nauon bulldlng lmpllcauons secuons of Lhe reporL.

1echno|ogy Descr|pnon
An auLonomous vehlcle ls a vehlcle LhaL drlves by lLself. lL ls also called an
auLonomous agenL.
ConslsL of:
- Sensor SysLem - Sense Lhe surroundlng envlronmenL and reporL.
Lxamples: 8adar, Laser , Lldar, Cameras, and CS
- Loglc SysLem - 1he bralns, whlch process sensor daLa and apply Lhe correcL acLuauon Lo
achleve Lhe goal.
1asks: rocesslng sensor lnpuL, aLh plannlng, AcLuaLor Manlpulauon
- AcLuaLor SysLem - Acung upon Lhe envlronmenL.
Lxamples: SLeerlng, Accelerauon, 8rakes, 8elays
Leve|s of Autonomous Veh|c|es
Level 1 - luncuon-speclc AuLomauon: AuLomauon of speclc conLrol funcuons, such as
crulse conLrol, lane guldance and auLomaLed parallel parklng. urlvers are fully engaged
and responslble for overall vehlcle conLrol (hands on Lhe sLeerlng wheel and fooL on Lhe
pedal aL all umes).
Level 2-Comblned luncuon AuLomauon: AuLomauon of muluple and lnLegraLed conLrol
funcuons, such as adapuve crulse conLrol wlLh lane cenLerlng. urlvers are responslble for
monlLorlng Lhe roadway and are expecLed Lo be avallable for conLrol aL all umes, buL
under cerLaln condluons can dlsengaged from vehlcle operauon (hands o Lhe sLeerlng
wheel and fooL o pedal slmulLaneously).
Level 3-LlmlLed Self-urlvlng AuLomauon: urlvers can cede all safeLy-crlucal funcuons
under cerLaln condluons and rely on Lhe vehlcle Lo monlLor for changes ln Lhose
condluons LhaL wlll requlre Lransluon back Lo drlver conLrol. urlvers are noL expecLed Lo
consLanLly monlLor Lhe roadway.
Level 4-lull Self-urlvlng AuLomauon: vehlcles can perform all drlvlng funcuons and
monlLor roadway condluons for an enure Lrlp, and so may operaLe wlLh occupanLs who
cannoL drlve and wlLhouL human occupanLs.
ln !une 2011, Lhe nevada LeglslaLure passed a law Lo auLhorlze Lhe use of auLonomous
cars. 1he law wenL lnLo eecL on 1 March 2012.
As of Lhe end of 2013, nevada, llorlda, Callfornla, and Mlchlgan, along wlLh Lhe ulsLrlcL
of Columbla, have successfully enacLed laws addresslng auLonomous vehlcles.
Avallable slnce 2013, Lhe 2014 Mercedes S-Class has opuons for auLonomous sLeerlng,
lane keeplng, accelerauon/braklng, parklng, accldenL avoldance, and drlver faugue
deLecuon, ln boLh clLy Lramc and hlghway speeds of up Lo 200 km per hour.
8eleased ln 2013, Lhe 2014 lnnlu C30 uses cameras, radar and oLher Lechnology Lo
dellver varlous lane-keeplng, colllslon avoldance and crulse conLrol feaLures.
ln !anuary 2014, lnducL 1echnology's navla shuule became Lhe rsL self-drlvlng vehlcle Lo
be avallable for commerclal sale.
ln a couple of years Lhe fuLure of auLomoblles looks very promlslng.
- 8y 2013, Audl plans Lo markeL vehlcles LhaL can auLonomously sLeer, acceleraLe and
brake aL lower speeds, such as ln Lramc [ams.
- 8y 2013, nlssan expecLs Lo sell vehlcles wlLh auLonomous sLeerlng, braklng, lane
guldance, Lhroule, gear shllng, and, as permlued by law, unoccupled self-parklng
aer passengers exlL.
- 8y 2016, Moblleye expecLs Lo release fully auLonomous car Lechnology
- 8y 2017, 1esla plans an auLoplloL.
- 8y 2018, Coogle expecLs Lo release Lhelr auLonomous car Lechnology
- 8y 2020, CM, Mercedes-8enz, Audl, nlssan, 8MW and 8enaulL all expecL Lo sell
vehlcles LhaL can drlve Lhemselves aL leasL parL of Lhe ume
- 8y 2023, ualmler and lord expecL auLonomous vehlcles on Lhe markeL
- 2033. lPS AuLomouve reporL says wlll be Lhe year mosL self-drlvlng vehlcles
wlll be operaLed compleLely lndependenL from a human occupanL's conLrol
SWC1 Ana|ys|s
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8us|ness]Industry]Lducanon App||canons
Sh|pp|ng Industry
CompuLer AsslsLed Shlps
- Culde ln operauons
- 1racker movemenL

luLure Cargo Shlps
Unmanned cargo sh|ps cou|d become a rea||ty on our oceans w|th|n the decade,
accord|ng to manufacturer ko||s-koyce.
1he rm has been showlng o Lhe deslgns for lLs concepL crewless shlps. 1he Lu ls
fundlng a 3.3m euro (2.8m) pro[ecL dubbed Marlume unmanned navlgauon
Lhrough lnLelllgence /whlch alms Lo develop lLs own auLonomous shlp. 1argeL ls Lo
down Crew cosLs- 44 operaung cosL of a large Cargo Shlp
8luen 21- auLonomous underwaLer vehlcle (Auv)

-ollce Survelllance (Arlal Surveylng)
-AgrlculLural surveylng
-hoLo/vldeo enLhuslasLs
- 8econnalssance mlsslons (mlllLary)
Compare Lo PellcopLers: Capex and operauons savlngs
Low aluLude and generaLes very low nolse (eecuve for 8econnalssance)

uAv (unmanned Arlal vehlcle)
used by uS MlllLary for Closed alr SupporL and CenLral lnLelllgence Agency (ClA) Lo
PunL down LerrorlsLs

8omb llnder Lo dlsarm bombs (ClLy 8omb 1hreaLs and lmprovlse Lxploslve ln Lhe
Mlddle LasL)

Mars Lxp|oranon kover
1he purpose of Lhe Mars Lxplorauon 8over mlsslon (ML8) was Lo search Lhe
surface of Mars for evldence of pasL waLer on Lhe surface of Mars.

IV. Cost 8eneht Ana|ys|s
CurrenLly, Lhe cosL of Lhe self-drlvlng 1oyoLa rlus ls as follows
1oyoLa rlus 8ase CosL $24,000
LluA8 SysLem 73,000 - 80,000
vlsual/radar sensor 10,000
CS array 200,000
1oLal $309,000 - 314,000

1he cosL for Lhe self-drlvlng car ls based on a proLoLype for now. 1he proLoLype
was used for Lesung Lhe Lechnology and Lo nallze Lhe end producL of Lhe auLonomous
vehlcle. unforLunaLely, lmplemenLauon of Lhe auLonomous vehlcle ls noL ln Lhe near
fuLure. As Lhe graph dlsplayed below, sales of Lhe auLonomous vehlcle wlll barely hlL Lhe
markeL ln Lhe 2020s

AL Lhe momenL lL ls dlmculL Lo deLermlne Lhe nanclal lmpacL of any
company's lnvesLmenL on developlng an auLonomous vehlcle because much more
developmenLs and funds wlll be requlred Lo develop Lhe nal producL. Also, Lhe
auLonomous vehlcle wlll noL make an lmpacL ln Lhe markeL unul 2030s. Lven
Lhough auLonomous vehlcles mlghL noL be avallable unul 2020s, Lhe Lable below
was able Lo esumaLe Lhe annual economlc beneLs from Lhe auLonomous vehlcle
ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes

AuLonomous vehlcles can save up Lo 21,700 llves, 4.22 mllllon fewer crashes
and $463.1 8 ln cosL savlngs upon full lmplemenLauon. lurLher savlngs such as
fuel savlngs, parklng savlngs, eLc. are also lncluded lf auLonomous vehlcle ls

LasLly, Lhe Lable below llsLs down Lhe advanLages and dlsadvanLages of Lhe
use of Lhe auLonomous vehlcle:

v.Lth|ca| Imp||canons
AuLonomous vehlcles requlre Lhe lnLegrauon of varlous Lechnologles Lo fully
provlde Lhe expecLauons of man. ln creaung auLonomous machlnes, an aruclal
lnLelllgence (Al) musL be ln place for Lhe machlne Lo lndependenLly process and
carry ouL Lask. An Al ls expecLed exhlblL human-llke lnLelllgence as lL mlmlcs and
recreaLes Lhe processes of Lhe human mlnd, Lhough acuons and responses would
largely be based on a seL of algorlLhms and formulas.

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1he core eLhlcal lssue LhaL Lhe challenges any form of Al ls Lhe dlscounL of man's
freewlll. lreewlll descrlbes Lhe ablllLy of man make cholces, whlch ls deemed
unconsLralned by exLernal facLors. Pavlng freewlll also holds man responslble and
accounLable for hls acuons, whlch ls mosLly Lhe foundauon of legal Lrlals. WlLh Lhe
lnsuLuuon of Al, machlnes can now be glven Lhe ablllLy Lo make declslons based on
algorlLhms, formula and lnpuL, whlch may correspond Lo an acuon or response.
ln case an auLonomous vehlcle falls and leads Lo a casualLy, problems ln
prosecuuon may arlse, especlally ln deLermlnlng who should Lake responslblllLy. Slnce
Lhe declslon-maklng process was handed over from man Lo machlne, lL may seem wrong
for Lhe passenger of Lhe auLonomous vehlcle Lo appear ln courL. lL can be easlly argued
LhaL Lhe vehlcle has auLonomy. 1he eLhlcal dllemma ls ldenufylng who can be posslbly
and rlghuully prosecuLed: Lhe person who developed Lhe Al, Lhe company who pushed
for Lhe dlsLrlbuuon of Lhe vehlcle, or Lhe governmenL who allowed lL. 1hls may lead Lo a
posslble fallure ln Lhe [usuce sysLem lf pollcles governlng auLonomous vehlcles are noL
carefully wrluen and lmplemenLed.
1he eLhlcal concern on auLonomous vehlcles revolves around Lhe Lransfer of
power and responslblllLy from man Lo machlne. AuLonomous machlnes are as good as
Lhe humans who creaLed lL, whlch ls Lo say awed and llmlLed. ?eL, Lhese machlnes
cannoL be held responslble for a resulL of a declslon Lhey make, lL would be uneLhlcal.
Alongslde ensurlng Lhe 100 lnfalllblllLy of auLonomous machlnes and Lhe lnsuLuuon of
producL fallure resoluuon sysLem Lo address cusLomer care, new Lechnologles havlng
eLhlcal lmpllcauons musL also be governed and accompanled wlLh Lhe necessary
guldellnes and pollcles.

VI. Nanons-8u||d|ng Imp||canons
Maklng Lhe road a loL safer ls Lhe very core of Lhls emerglng Lechnology. Coogle's
lnluauve Lo make Lhls posslble, backed by Lhelr prlmary lnLenuon Lo reallze
Lechnology's beneLs Lo every ones dally llfe, makes Lhls concepL reachable wlLhln
Lhe nexL few years. 1he Lechnology ls now belng LesLed. lew more cerucauons
and we wlll be seelng drlver-less vehlcles runnlng mannlng our sLreeLs. 8uL before
reachlng Lhls sLaLe, we musL Lake a sLep back and Lry Lo reallze lLs lmpllcauons Lo
Lhe socleLy and our counLry.
llrsL, governmenLs musL revlew and pass a leglslaLure on how Lhe vehlcles wlll be
managed and conLrolled. 1he blggesL lmpacL Lo Lhe exlsung LransporLauon process
ls Lhe followlng:
- lmproved Lramc condluons. WlLh an auLomaLed vehlcle sysLem, we can expecL
sLandardlzed Lramc speed based on exlsung regulauons. WlLh Lhls we can expecL a
smooLher ow of Lramc and wlLh lesser occurrence of man made accldenLs and
faLallues. Culded by a very sensluve sensor LhaL connecLs wlLh a CS faclllLy, Lhe
car could qulckly ldenufy congesLed locauons, Lhose wlLh vehlcular accldenLs as
well as provlde alLernaLe rouLes Lo lncomlng vehlcles.
- lmproved loglsucs operauon. Lllmlnaung Lhe human varlable ln a rm's loglsucal
operauon, one can maxlmlze Lhe avallablllLy of Lhe vehlcle ln Lransporung goods

Lo reLallers and dlsLrlbuLors. All Lhe rm needs Lo do ls Lo lnpuL daLa on dellvery
goals and umlng. 1hey can do forecasL and schedule on Lhelr own. 1hls wlll greaLly
opumlze a process LhaL can resulL Lo savlngs and eecuvely reduclng cosL. 1he
advancemenL ln Lhls Lechnology could ulumaLely have an economlc lmpacL Lo
counLrles LhaL wlll allow deploymenL ln Lhelr sLreeLs.
- LnvlronmenLal lmpacL. Worklng wlLhln Lhe clLy regulauons ln allowed carbon
fooLprlnLs and emlsslon, Lhe drlverless vehlcles could evenLually supporL lesser
emlsslons slnce lL wlll no longer be dependenL on human condluons Lo manlpulaLe
sLeerlng wheel. Coupled wlLh hybrld englnes nowadays, Lhe auLonomous vehlcles
wlll evenLually become our blggesL sLep Lowards cleaner envlronmenL.
Whlle Lhe beneLs are qulLe clear-cuL, Lhere are lmpendlng concerns wlLh Lhls
Lechnology hence Lhe need for proper leglslauon. 1hls lncludes Lhe followlng:
roper mlx of drlverless vs. human gulded vehlcles. 8emovlng human
managed vehlcles could spell end of work Laxl drlvers and bus.
8esponslblllLy on accldenLs and unLoward evenLs lnvolvlng auLonomous
rollferauon of drlverless vehlcles ln Lhe sLreeLs.
Slgnlcance of appllcauon ln local semngs.

VII. C|os|ng
AuLonomous vehlcles wlll have a Lremendous lmpacL on Lhe socleLy. lL has Lhe
capablllues Lo reduce accldenLs, ease Lramc congesuon, lmprove fuel emclency, reduce
parklng, eLc. CurrenLly, Lhe Lechnology and developmenLs are movlng fasL buL Lhe
nallzed verslon of Lhe auLonomous vehlcle mlghL noL be released unul 2020s. AlLhough
many manufacLurers are Lrylng Lo be Lhe rsL Lo develop Lhe auLonomous vehlcles, lL
seems carmakers wlll noL see reLurns on Lhelr lnvesLmenLs unul around Lhe 2040s.
1here are also llngerlng lssues LhaL sull surround Lhe developmenL of Lhe
auLonomous vehlcles. 1he cosL of Lhe auLonomous vehlcles, governmenL regulauons and
100 rellablllLy on Lhe Lechnology are [usL some of lssues LhaL auLonomous vehlcles face.
Meanwhlle, ln Lhe hlllpplnes, deploymenL and lmplemenLauon of Lhe
auLonomous vehlcles wlll be a challenge. uue Lo Lhe hlgh cosL, noL many can aord Lhe
auLonomous vehlcles. 8oads wlLh comblnauon of Lradluonal and auLonomous vehlcles
can become dlsasLrous. Also, Lhe governmenL wlll have Lo spend a loL of lLs budgeL ln Lhe
lnfrasLrucLure and lmprovemenL of Lhe roads ln Lhe hlllpplnes, whlch ls unllkely lf lL wlll
only beneL a very small populauon. LasLly, employmenL wlll be aecLed lf because
auLonomous vehlcles wlll resulLs ln drlvers becomlng obsoleLe.

Lng|neer|ng Lth|cs
now Iar C are We Irom no|ograph|c D|sp|ays?
Inform|ng Sc|ence
Data Star Insntute - k&D n|gh||ghts
S Amaz|ng 1echno|og|es that Actua||y Lx|st Now
N|ke Uses 3D no|ograph|c Adverns|ng on Street S|gns
no|ography - Current and Iuture App||canons
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