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PU11 Computer Science Notes Software Concepts


1. What is software?
Software is a set of instructions which tells the computer to do work.
2. What are the types of software?
The types of software are system software and application software.
3. What is application software?
Application software is software which is used to do some specific work such as accounting.
4. What is system software?
System software is software required for the basic operations of computer such as maintaining
the computer.
5. What is meant by programming language?
Programming language is a set of rules which user has to follow to instruct the computer what
operations are to be performed
6. What is meant by machine dependent language?
The languages that run on a particular processor are called machine dependent languages.
7. What is meant by machine independent language?
The language that run on a different processor are called machine independent languages.
8. What are low-level languages?
Low level languages are the languages where the instructions in a program are expressed in
strings of 0s and 1s. These languages are machine dependent.
9. What is a machine language?
Machine language is the basic language of the computer, representing data as 1s and Os. The
instructions given in machine language has two parts.
1. OPCODE (Operation code)
2. OPERAND (Address/location)
10. What are high level languages?
High level languages are the languages where the instructions in a program are expressed in
English statements. These languages are machine independent.
11. What is assembly language?
Assembly language is low-level programming language that allows a user to write programs
using letters and symbols which are more easily remembered
12. Give an example for high-level language.
C++ is an example for high-level language.
13. What is the purpose of a language translator?
A language translator performs the translation of high level language programs to machine or
assembly language program.

PU11 Computer Science Notes Software Concepts


14. Name the different types of translator?
The different types of translators are assemblers, compilers and interpreters.
15. What are utility programs?
Utility programs are those programs which support functioning of the operating system.
16. What do you mean by booting?
Loading operating system in to the main memory from the secondary storage device is called
17. What is multitasking?
Multitasking refers to the ability of the operating system to have more than one program open at
a time.
18. What is a thread?
A thread is a sequence of instructions within a program which is independent of other threads.
19. What is multiprocessing?
Multiprocessing involves the use of two or more CPUs to perform work efficiently.
20. What is a Buffer?
An area in RAM or on the hard drive designated to hold input and output on their way in and
out of the system is called a buffer.
21. What is spooling?
The process of placing items in a buffer so the appropriate device (such as a printer) can retrieve
them when needed is called spooling.
22. What do we mean by user interface?
User interface is a combination of hardware and software that helps people and computers
communicate with each other.
23. What are the different types of interface?
The different types of interfaces are command line interface and graphical user interface.
24. What is GUI?
GUI allows users to communicate with Operating system by using images and graphics.
25. What is CUI?
CUI allows user to communicate with Operating system by means of commands.
26. Name any two types of operating systems.
Two types of operating systems are single user and batch processing operating systems.
27. When are real time systems used?
Real time systems are used when there is a need to get computations done at high speeds.
28. What is distributed system?
Distributed systems represent a number of independent computers connected with each other so
that they can share data and resources.

PU11 Computer Science Notes Software Concepts


29. What is network operating system?
An network operating which supports networking so that multiple users can work
30. What is desktop operating?
Desktop operating system is designed for Personal computers.
31. What is mobile operating system?
Mobile operating system is designed for mobiles.
32. What is embedded operating system?
An embedded system is a computer system designed for specific control functions within a larger
system. It is embedded as part of a complete device often including hardware and mechanical
parts. Embedded operating system is designed for embedded devices.
33. Name any two mobile operating system.
Symbian and Android are two operating systems.
34. Who developed DOS?
DOS was developed by Microsoft corporation.
35. Name any two windows operating systems.
Two windows operating systems are windows Vista and Windows 7.
36. Who developed UNIX operating system?
AT & T Bell Labs developed UNIX operating system in 1960.
37. Who developed Linux?
Linux was developed by Linus Torvalds in 1991.
38. Define opcode.
The opcode or operation code denotes the operation, which is to be performed by computer such
as add, multiply, move data and soon.
39. What is an assembler?
The translator program that translates or converts an assembly code into machine code is called
an assembler.
Assembler is a system software which translator an assembly language program into its machine
language equivalent.
40. What is compiler?
Compiler is a translator that translates source code (user written program) to object code
(machine language program), the only form in which machine can execute.
41. What is an interpreter?
A interpreter is a language translator that translates a statement of high level language and
immediately executes it before translating the next statement.

PU11 Computer Science Notes Software Concepts


42. Give the function of linker?
The linker, links the modules or program segment together so that they can be executed properly
with proper reference.
43. Give the function of loader?
The loader loads the executable program generated into the main memory of the computer so
that it can be executed.
44. Define operating system.
An operating system is a computer program, which acts as an intermediary between the user of
the computer and the computer hardware.
45. Write any two functions of operating system.
1. Memory management
2. Device management
46. Name any one multiuser operating system
47. Name any one single-user operating system
DOS (Disk operating system)

1. What is software? What are the types of software?
Software is a set of instructions which tells the computer to do work. The types of software are
system software and application software.
2. What is application software and system software?
Application software is software which is used to do some specific work such as accounting.
System software is software required for the basic operations of computer such as maintaining
the computer.
3. Explain object code and source code.
The source code converted into machine language by any of the translator is referred to as object
The user written program by using any of the programming language is called as source code.
4. Give the merits of low level language.
Machine languages make efficient user of storage and instructions are executed very fast.
5. What are the disadvantages of low-level languages?
The disadvantages of machine language are:
a) Machine languages are machine dependent.
b) Machine language is difficult to program.
6. Give the merits of assembly level language
Merits of assembly language

PU11 Computer Science Notes Software Concepts


1. It is not required to keep track of memory location
2. Easy to write program, modify and debug when compared to HLL.
3. Easy to understand the program
4. Easy to remember opcode, because they are mnemonics
7. Give the merits of high level language.
The merits of high level language are:
1. They are machine independent.
2. Errors are less.
3. Documentation of program can be easily done.
8. Differentiate between interpreter and compiler.
Compiler is a translator that translates and executes after scanning all the program instructions,
where interpreter scans the current line and executes before proceeding to the next instruction.
9. Explain the role of operating system as an extended machine.
The operating system hides the internal structure of the processor, from the user It presents to
him a virtual system which concentrates on data and file name. The operating system hides the
user from the unpleasant tasks concerning interrupts, timers, memory management and
functions at lower level, thus helping the user to get his work done in an easier manner.
10. Write any four functions of operating system.
1. memory management
2. Device management
3. Processor management
4. File management.
11. Explain operating system as resource manager.
The operating system acts as interface between user of the computer and computer hardware.
Todays computer are made up of number of components such as processor, co-processor,
memories, various drives, network interface and soon. The aim of the operating system is to
provide orderly controlled allocation of these various resources among the various (components)
program competing for them. Thus operating system viewed as resource manager.

12. Explain operating system as a guardian and accountant.
The operating systems allocates the required resource for a particular program, but still have to
perform specialized tasks which are highly complex. It allows to perform a number of jobs in
specific order. It a guardian which provides proper access controls so that users do not interfere
with each other's programs and also the operating system is restricted from unauthorized users.
It's the function of the operating system to keep track of information such as disk storage, connect
time, the logout time and so on. Thus it's also viewed as an accountant.

PU11 Computer Science Notes Software Concepts


13. Explain multiuser operating system.
A multiuser or time-sharing allows more than one user to access a computer at the same time all
the user are interacting with the computer simultaneously, were only a little (PU time is allotted
for each user. The switching between the user jobs is so fast that each user gets the impression
that he is the only user using the system

14. Explain Real-time operating system.
Real-time operating system are used in situations where there is a very high need to get the
computation done immediately to prevent errors, misrepresentation these systems are used only
for dedicated applications the input to these systems are got from real world were sensor are used
to input data and computer immediately analyse the data.
The main application of these systems are in medical imaging system, weather forecasting,
weapon control, nuclear power station, airline reservation.
15. Explain batch processing.
In batch processing systems usually allow little or no interaction between users and executing
programs. All the similar jobs are collected as batches and run as a batch. This saves lot of setup
time in olden days. Users need not wait during the execution. Batch operating system will
function in FIFO (First In First Out) order.
This is well suited for application with large computation time and no user interaction, like
payroll, forecasting, statistical analysis and large scientific number crunching programs.
16. Explain time sharing system.
Time sharing is a popular representative of multiprogramming and multi - user systems. In time
sharing systems CPU time is shared between different users. CPU switches between different jobs
given by the users on time sharing basis. It provides equitable sharing of common resources.
Large CAD and text processing systems belongs to this category.
17. Write any two functional features of DOS.
The functional features of DOS are. It supports hierarchical file system and it supports many
languages such as C++, Pascal, FORTRAN and COBOL.
18. Write any two functional features of Windows.
Windows is the popular Microsoft brand preferred by most personal users. It supports
multitasking and multithreading.
19. Write any two functional features of Mac OS.
Two function features of Mac OS are it is more secured and developed by APPLE company.

User 1

User 2

User N




PU11 Computer Science Notes Software Concepts


20. Write any two functional features of UNIX.
Two functional features of UNIX are it is multiuser operating system and supports networking.
21. Write any two functional features of LINUX.
Two functional features of Linux are it is a freeware and supports multitasking.
22. Write any two functional features of windows mobile.
Two functional features of windows mobile are it is multitasking and limited versions of MS
office are supported.
23. Write any two functional feature s of Android.
Two functional features of Android are it is LINUS based operating system and supports multi-
24. Write any two functional features of Symbian.
Two functional features of Symbian are most of Nokia hand sets are using this operating system.
26. List the demerits of high-level language.
1. Lack of flexibility
2. Slower in execution
3. Requires a translator or complies
4. Lower efficiency
27. Name any two functions of the compiler
The two functions are
1. Read each line of the source program and converts it into machine language
2. Allocate space in memory for the storage location as defined in the program to be executed.
28. Write a brief note on translators.
A translator are system softwares that converts program written in one programming language
to a program in machine language the input to the translator is a source program and the output
is the object program
Example: assembler, compiler, interpreter
29. Write a note on compiler
A compiler is a translator that translates source code to object code
The various takes the compiler performs is
1. Read each line of the source program and converts in into machine language
2. allocate space in memory for the storage location
3. combine the machine code generated with the appropriate subroutines from the library.
4. Identify the proper order of processing, so that the execution is done faster and with minimum
storage space in memory
30. Write a note on interpreter
A interpreter translates a statement of a high-level language and immediately executes it before
translating the next source code

PU11 Computer Science Notes Software Concepts


The working of interpreter difference from complier in following manner. The interpreter takes
one statement of high level language and translates it into a machine instruction, which is
immediately executed. Translation and execution alternate for each statement encountered in the
high-level language. It requires less main memory for storage and execution time is more
31. Explain the purpose of utilities.
Utilities are those programs that assist the computer by performing useful functions like backing
up disk or scanning / cleaning viruses or arranging information's etc. Utility software is generally
called as Application oriented ready-made system programs. Some of the important utilities are
text editor, back up utility, compression utility, anti-virus software.
32. Mention the different types of operating system
a. single user operating system
b. multiuser of time sharing system
c. batch processing system
d. multiprocessing or parallel process system
e. On-line system
f. Real time system

1. Write a note on programming language
Programming language is a set of rules which user has to follow to instruct the computer what
operations are to be performed they are classified as.
1. Low level language
(a) Machine level language
(b) Assembly language
2. High level languages.
(a) Specific purpose language
(b) General purpose language
Low-level languages:
It is a set of instruction written in the form of binary numbers consisting of 1s and Os which the
computer responds directly . the instructions are divided into two parts
(a) OPCODE (Operation code) which denotes the operation to be performed
(b) OPERAND (Address/location) which gives the specific location or address of the data to which
the opcode is to be applied
1. Efficient use of storage locations.
2. Instructions are immediately executed no need of compilation or translation
3. Used to manipulate the individual bits in a byte of computer storage.

PU11 Computer Science Notes Software Concepts


1. Machine dependent
2. Difficult to program, need to remember all opcode
3. It is difficult to correct and modify programs as location of error is a tedious job.
High-level languages:
To overcome the difficulties of low-level language, high-level language were developed. These
language have an extensive vocabulary of words and symbols which are English like and are used
to instruct a computer to carry out the necessary procedures. The high level instruction generates a
number of machine code instruction when its translated.
a. Machine independent
b. Easy to learn and use.
c. Fewer error and easier modification
d. Better documentation
a. Lack of flexibility
b. Slower in execution
c. Requires a translator or compiler
d. Lower efficiency
2. Explain any five functions of operating system
The functions of an operating system are
a. Memory management: Allocating memory to the running programs and deallocating when they
are completed is job of operating system.
b. processor management: processing the jobs deciding on the job scheduling technique and how long
a job is to be processed. Releasing the processor when the job are execute completely.
c. Device management: allocating the input and output devices to the running processes and
deallocaring then when the processes are terminated.
d. File management: managing the files system in terms of where the files are stored, their status and
memory locations. Opening and closing files, providing access permission to the files.
e. Overall supervision of the computer and hence minimize the computer operators interventions,
providing thereby tremendously fast computer speed.
3. Mention the differences between on interpreter and a complier.

1. Translates the program line by line 1. Translates the entire program
2. Requires less main memory 2. Requires more main memory
3. Each time the program is executed 3. Converts the entire program to machine code,

PU11 Computer Science Notes Software Concepts


Very line is checked for syntax and then when all the syntax errors are removed and
Converted to equivalent object code executes the machine code
4. Source program and interpreter required 4. Neither source nor the complies required for
For execution
5. Good for fast debugging and at 5. Slow for elebugging and testing
Testing stage
6. Execution time is more 6. Execution time is less.
7. No security of source code 7. Security of source code

4. Explain different types of operating system
The different types of operating system are
a. Single user operating system.
b. Multi user operating system.
c. Batch processing operating system.
d. Multiprocessing operating system
e. Online-system
f. Real-time operating system.
Single user operating system
A single user system is one in which only one user can user the computer for only given time. The
user can do only one thing at a time on the computer. The computer will execute other programs or
application only when the earlier program has completed execution.
Multiuser operating system
This system allows more than one user access a computer at the same time. Here all users are
interacting with the computers simultaneously. In this system only one CPU is shared amongst all
users logged into the computer.
Batch processing operating system
In this system, users submit their jobs to a central place of a computer, where these jobs are
collected into a batch. They are subsequently placed on an input queue from where they are taken
for execution one at a time. The user has no interaction with the job during its processing.
Multiprocessing operating system.
A multiprocessing system allows multiple users to access and use more than one CPU. Here all
users are interacting with different CPU s of a computer.
On-line operating system:
This system allows transaction data to be fed under the CPU control directly to the storage device
without being stored. In this environment, the computer provides computing receives to multiple

PU11 Computer Science Notes Software Concepts


user concurrently on-line. The user is in full, interaction with the program during the execution,
and the computers response time may be expected to be more than a few milliseconds.
Real-time operating system.
These systems are used in situations where there is very high need to get the computation done
immediately. The system are designed to the interrupted by the external signal that require the
immediate attention of the computer.
7. Write the merits an demerits of assembly language
1. It is not required to keep track of memory location
2. Assembly language programs are easies to modify than machine programs
3. Requires fewer instructions to accomplish the same result.
4. Assembly language is easier to understand because mnemonics are used instead of numeric op-
5. While writing programs in assembly language, fewer errors are made, and those are mode easier to
find and correct.
1. Program base on such languages cannot be executed on small sized computers. They are machine
2. Programs take longer to code because of the more complex nature of the language
3. Lack of portability.

8. Mention the differences between machine level language and high level language.

Machine level language High level language
1. User only two symbols of 1. Uses (alphabets, digits) English like statements.
2. Can be directly executed 2. Cannot be directly executed
3. Machine dependent 3. Machine independent.
4. difficult to understand, 4. Easy to understand. Write modify and debut.
Modify, write and debug
5. Faster in execution 5. Slower in execution
6. No translation program required. 6. Translation program such as compiler required
7. Not standardized 7. Standardized
8. Called as first generation 8. Called as the third generation programming language
Programming language

PU11 Computer Science Notes Software Concepts


9. Mention the features of UNIX OS.
UNIX was developed by Dennis Ritchie and KEn Thompson on DEC in 1985 by Sun Micro systems.
The features of UNIX operating system is
a) It is a multi-user, multitasking operating system
b) It has hierarchical file organization.
c) Portability and machine independent.
d) It runs on systems ranging from microcomputers to main frames can run.
e) It offers character based interface.
f) It supports networking.
g) Excellent tools and tool building facility.

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