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1853 Most Difficult Words

(for GRE, CAT, GMAT)

Word List with Me!i!"s
(This word list is formatted narrow to make it suitable for printing)
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The words are given in bold. The meaning is given after the equal sign (=) following a word. We
have used the US spellings. The British spelling of a word, when different from the US spelling, is given
in bra!et after B"#T#S$ as shown for the word %el%or below.
belabor (BRITISH = belabour) = to assail verbally to insist repeatedly or harp on

Wishing %ou best of suess leading to worldwide opportunities for e&iting areer, great wealth,
enrihing travel, and famil% pride,
-Tany .

&'hitheter (B"#T#S$ = amphitheatre) = oval'shaped theater
!the& = urse, ban
!!ul = anel, nullif%
!od(!e = pain soothing
!oi!t = onserate, to appl% oil, espeiall% as a sared rite
!o!(&it( = state of being anon%mous, having no name
!tedilu)i! = anient, obsolete, pre histori
!tithesis = diret opposite
'thetic = unonerned, indifferent
'hsi = inabilit% to spea! or use words
'horis& = ma&im, old sa%ing
'lo&% = poise, onfidene
'ocr('hl = a doubtful authentiit%, not genuine, fitional
'ostte = one who abandons one(s faith
'otheosis = )eifiation, glorifiation
''ro%tio! = praise, offiial approval
rchic = *ntiquated, from an earlier time
rchi'el"o = group of islands
rdor (B"#T#S$ = ardour) = great emotion or passion
rri"! = indit, to all to ourt to answer a harge
rro"te = sei+e without right, to demand or laim arrogantl%
sce!d!c( = powerful state
scri%e = to attribute
she! = resembling ashes, or deathl% pale
si!i!e = stupid
s*!ce = to view with suspiion, sornfull%
s*ew = roo!ed, tilted
s'ersio! = slander, false rumor, damaging report
ssil = atta!
sse!t = to e&press agreement
ssiduous = hard'wor!ing, diligent, persistent
ssu"e = lessen (pain), to ma!e less severe, ease
stri!"e!t = ausing ontration, severe, harsh
su!der = apart, into different parts
to!e = ma!e amends for a wrong
u"ust = noble, dignified, awe'inspiring, venerable
)ow = delare
wr( = roo!ed, as!ew, amiss
+io& = self'evident truth, premise, postulate
%cch!l = org%, drun!enl% festive
%leful = hostile, malignant, harmful with evil intentions
%l* = hesitate, refuse, shir!, prevent
%!l = trite, overl% ommon
%!e = poison, nuisane, something ausing ruin
%stio! = fort, fortifiation, stronghold
%e"uile = deeive, sedue, mislead
%ehe&oth = monster, huge reature
%ele"uer = besiege, to harass, plague
%erte = to sold harshl%
%estil = beast'li!e, brutal
%estow = to give as a gift, grant
%e)( = group
%ic*er = quarrel, to have a pett% argument
%ilious = ill'tempered
%il* = swindle, heat, defraud
%l!dish = to oa& with flattering, grovel
%li"ht = dea%, afflit, destro%
%lithe = ,o%ful, heerful, or without appropriate thought
%o&%st = pompous speeh
%our"eois = middle lass
%roch = bring up a topi of onversation
%rus,ue = urt, rough and abrupt in manner
%ulwr* = fortifiation
%ur"eo! = sprout or flourish
%url( = hus!%, brawn%
c%l = plot, a seret group see!ing to overturn something
cd)er = orpse, dead bod%
c-ole = enourage, oa&, flatter
clu&!( = Slander, false and maliious ausation
c!rd = hoa&, a lie
c!dor (B"#T#S$ = andour) = fran!ness, honest% of e&pression
c!)ss = surve%, e&amine thoroughl%
c'ricious = fi!le, impulsive, whimsial, without muh thought
cree! = swerve, to lean on one side
csti"te = ritii+e, punish, hastise
ctcl(s& = atastrophe, disaster
cthrtic = purgative, purif%ing, leansing
ctholic = universal, worldl%
cucus = a small group within an organi+ation or a meeting of suh a group
c)il = quibble, raise trivial ob-etions
cede = transfer ownership, to surrender possession of something
ce!sorious = ondemning speeh, severel% ritial
ch"ri! = shame, embarrassment, humiliation
chlice = goblet, up
chr( = autious, wathful, e&tremel% sh%
cheru%ic = sweet, innoent
chic!er( = tri!er%, fraud, deeption
chide = sold, e&press disapproval
chi&ericl = imaginar%, impossible
choleric = easil% angered, short'tempered
circu&locutio! = roundabout e&pression
circu&s'ect = autious, war%
circu&)e!t = evade, avoid, to go around
citdel = fortress or stronghold
cl&or (B"#T#S$ = lamour) = nois% outr%
cle)e = to split or separate, to sti!, adhere
cle&e!c( = forgiveness, meriful lenien%
cloister = refuge, to onfine, selude
colesce = ombine, to grow together
coddle = to pamper, bab%, treat indulgentl%
co"e!t = well'put, onvining, logiall% foreful
co"!te = from the same soure, related
co"!o&e! = famil% name, an% name, ni!name
collo,u( = onferene
collusio! = onspira%, ollaboration, ompliit%
co&&odious = spaious
co&'licit( = guilt b% assoiation, !nowing partnership in wrong doing
co&'u!ctio! = remorse, regret
co!cur = To agree

co!fl"rtio! = large fire, big, destrutive fire
co!flue!ce = flowing together, meeting of two streams, meeting plae
co!fou!d = bewilder, to baffle, perple&
co!"el = solidif%, as a liquid free+ing, to beome thi! or solid
co!-ecture = h%pothesis, speulation, predition
co!-ure = summon, to evo!e a spirit, ast a spell
co!s!"ui!it( = related b% blood, !inship
co!secrte = ma!e hol%, dediate to a goal, to delare sared
co!strue = interpret or to e&plain
co!ti!e!ce = self'ontrol, self'restraint
co!trite = apologeti, deepl% sorrowful and repentant for a wrong
co!tusio! = * bruise
co!u!dru& = enigma, pu++le or problem with no solution, riddle
co!)i)il = soiable, festive, fond of eating, drin!ing, and people
co!)o*e = onvene, summon, to all together
co,uette = woman who flirts
corro%orte = to onfirm, verif%
coterie = small group, group of people with a ommon interest or purpose
cou!te!!ce = faial e&pression, to favor, support
cower = showing fear, to ringe in fear
crss = rude, unrefined
cr)e! = owardl%
crede!ce = Belief, aeptane of something as true or real
creed = Belief or priniple
cri!"e = ower, to shrin! in fear
cul'%le = blameworth%, guilt%, responsible for wrong
cu'idit( = greed
cur&ud"eo! = boor, ran!% person
dll( = prorastinate, to at pla%full% or waste time
de%se = to degrade, or lower in qualit% or stature
de%uch = to orrupt, sedue from virtue or dut%
de%ut!te = a girl debuting into soiet%
decde!ce = deterioration, dea% (e.g. moral or ultural)
dec'itte = !ill b% beheading
deciduous = shedding leaves, short'lived, temporar%
decorous = seeml%, proper, tasteful, soiall% orret
decr( = astigate, to belittle, openl% ondemn
defere!ce = ourteousl% %ielding to another, respet, honor
defile = pollute, to ma!e unlean or dishonor
deft = s!illful, de&terous
defu!ct = e&tint, no longer e&isting, dead
deleterious = harmful, destrutive, detrimental
delu"e = a flood, to submerge, overwhelm
de&"o"ue = *n unprinipled politiian, leader
de&e! = to degrade, humiliate, humble
de&ur = ta!e e&eption, to e&press doubts or ob-etions
de!i"rte = defame, to slur or bla!en someone(s reputation
de'r)it( = immoralit%, sinfulness
de'recte = belittle, disparage
deride = To ridiule, to mo!, ma!e fun of
desecrte = profane, to abuse something sared
desiccte = deh%drate, to dr% ompletel%
des'o!de!t = depressed, feeling disouraged and de-eted
desultor( = without diretion in life, at random, rambling, unmethodial
ditri%e = long denuniation, bitter verbal atta!
dichoto&( = a division into two parts
didctic = instrutional
dilett!te = amateur, dabbler
dis%use = orret, to free from a misoneption
dis%urse = pa% out
disco!solte = inonsolable, unable to be onsoled, e&tremel% sad
discrete = separate, distint
discursi)e = rambling, wandering from topi to topi
disdi! = to regard with sorn and ontempt
disi!"e!uous = deeptive, sl% and raft%
dis-oi!ted = disonneted, inoherent, being separated
dis'r"e = belittle, spea! disrespetfull% about
dis'rte = various, dissimilar, different in !ind
dis'rit( = differene, ontrast, dissimilarit%
dis'irit = disourage, to dishearten, ma!e de-eted
dissi'te = satter
diste!d = swell, inflate, bloat
distru"ht = distressed, ver% worried
docile = domestiated, trained, tame
dot"e = senilit%, mental deline
dour = sullen and gloom%, stern and severe
droll = amusing in a wr%
dulcet = melodious, pleasant sounding
du'licit( = deeit, treaher%, dishonest%, double'dealing
duress = oerion, imprisonment
e%% = reede, to fade awa%
e%ullie!t = e&uberant, full of enthusiasm and high spirits
eclectic = -o%ful
edif( = instrut morall% and spirituall%
effce = To obliterate
effro!ter( = insolene
efful"e!t = brilliant
elicit = provo!e
elucidte = ma!e lear, larif%
e&cited = underfed, gaunt
e&%roil = involve, ause to fall into disorder
e&e!d = orret
e!co&iu& = warm praise
e!cu&%er = burden, to hinder, restrit motion
e!de&ic = .euliar to some speified ountr% or people
e!er)te = wea!en, sap strength from
e!"e!der = generate, to produe
e!i"&tic = pu++ling, ine&pliable
e!-oi! = urge, order, ommand
e!!ui = boredom, la! of interest and energ%
e!thrll (B"#T#S$ = enthral) = mesmeri+e, to aptivate, enhant
e!tret = plead, beg
e'icure = gourmet, person with refined taste in food and wine
e'i"r& = sa%ing, short, witt% sa%ing or poem
e'ithet = name, appellation, phrase
e,ui!e = pertaining to horses
erode = wear awa%, to diminish
err!t = wandering, mista!en
eschew = avoid, to abstain from
es'ouse = to support or advoate
estr!"ed = alienated, separated
euth!si = mer%'!illing
e)!esce!t = fleeting, ver% brief, short'lived
e)i!ce = attest, demonstrate, to show learl%
e+cer%te = worsen
e+s'erte = irritate, ve&
e+ecr%le = ver% bad, abominable, utterl% detestable
e+e&'lr( = outstanding, serving as an e&ample
e+hort = strongl% urge
e+hu&e = unover, to remove from a grave
e+o!erte = free from blame
e+orcise = to e&pel evil spirits
e+'edie!t = advantageous, onvenient, effiient
e+'ite = atone, ma!e amends for
e+'u!"e = erase, eliminate ompletel%
e+te!ute = To diminish the gravit% or importane of
e+tol = praise highl%
e+tr!eous = not essential, unneessar%
e+tricte = )isentangle, free
e+u%er!t = -o%ous, happ%
e+ude = emit, oo+e
e+ult = re-oie
fcetious = -o!ing, sarasti, witt%
fcile = ver% eas%
fllow = unprodutive, unplowed
fstidious = metiulous, areful with details
ftho& = understand, to measure the depth of
ftuous = inane, stupid
felt( = /o%alt%
fecu!d = fertile, fruitful, produtive
fei"! = pretend, give a false impression
fetid = foul'smelling, putrid, stin!ing
fic*le = alwa%s hanging one(s mind
fidelit( = /o%alt%
filch = steal something of little value
filil = of a son or daughter
fitful = irregular
fl"r!t = outrageous, shameless
fled"li!" = -ust beginning, struggling
fli''!t = $aving a light, pert, trifling disposition
florid = rudd%, with too muh deoration
flout = to show disregard for the law or rules
foi%le = wea!ness, minor fault
foist = palm off a fa!e
fo&e!t = instigate
fortuitous = happening b% lu!, fortunate
foster = enourage
frcs = nois% fight
fru"ht = filled
fre!etic = harried, neuroti
fro!d = bending tree
ful&i!te = denoune, menae
fulso&e = e&essive, insinere
furti)e = stealth%
"i!s( = to den%
"r"!tu! = large
"r!er = gather
"rrulous = tal!ative, loquaious, word%
"uche = aw!ward, rude
"e!re = !ind, ategor%
"i%e = he!le
"li% = insinere manner
"lower = stare angril%
"od = enourage
"oss&er = thin and flims%
"ou"e = overharge, soop out
"ri&ce = e&pression of disgust
"ro)el = rawl, obe%
"uile = deeit, tri!er%
hc*!e(ed = trite
h'less = unlu!%
hr!"ue = a pompous speeh
hr%i!"er = forerunner
hu"ht( = arrogant
hedo!is& = the pursuit of pleasure in life
hei!ous = sho!ing, wi!ed
her&etic = airtight, sealed
hew = to ut with an a&
hitus = interruption
ho!e = sharpen
illi&it%le = limitless
i&%ue = infuse, d%e, wet
i&&ure = build a wall around
i&'ir = in-ure
i&'ssi)e = alm, without feeling
i&'ecc%le = faultless
i&'ecu!ious = indigent, having no mone%
i&'erious = domineering
i&'erti!e!t = insolent, rude
i&'ertur%%le = alm
i&'er)ious = #mpenetrable
i&'etuous = qui! to at without thin!ing
i&'lusi%le = unli!el%, inoneivable
i&'olitic = unwise
i&'ortu!e = urgent request
i&'re"!%le = totall% safe from atta!
i&'u"! = ritii+e
i!d)erte!t = unintentional
i!!e = vauous, stupid
i!c!desce!t = brilliant
i!crcerte = to put in a -ail
i!ce!dir( = burning easil%, flammable
i!chote = -ust begun
i!ci'ie!t = beginning to e&ist
i!cisi)e = !een, penetrating
i!co"!ito = disguised
i!co&&u!icdo = unable to ommuniate with others
i!co!tro)erti%le = #ndisputable
i!culcte = instill, indotrinate, to teah
i!cu&%e!t = obligator%, required
i!cursio! = raid
i!dict = harge with a rime
i!di"e!ous = 0ative
i!di"e!t = ver% poor
i!dole!t = la+%
i!do&it%le = invinible, fearless
i!du%it%le = unquestionable
i!e+or%le = relentless, infle&ible

i!flli%le = inapable of ma!ing a mista!e
i!fer!l = hellish
i!fir&it( = ailment, disease
i!"rte = ungrateful person
i!"rtite = pleasing, flattering, endearing
i!i&icl = adverse, hostile, unfriendl%
i!!ocuous = $armless
i!!ue!do = indiret and subtle ritiism
i!scrut%le = annot be full% understood
i!si!ute = to suggest, impl%, sa% indiretl%
i!si'id = flat, dull, la!ing flavor
i!sole!t = insulting
i!sulr = narrow'minded, isolated
i!su'er%le = insurmountable
i!sur"e!t = rebellious
i!surrectio! = uprising, rebellion
i!ter = bur%
i!terdict = prohibit
i!terlo'er = intruder, meddler in others( affairs
i!ter&i!%le = unending
i!ter!eci!e = mutuall% destrutive
i!tr!si"e!t = unompromising
i!tre'id = fearless
i!u!dte = flood
i!)ecti)e = verbal insult
i!)ei"h = to rail against, protest strongl%
i!)eterte = habitual, hroni, long'standing
i!)idious = inurring ill'will
irsci%le = irritable
iti!er!t = Wandering, unsettled
-ded = spent, bored with one(s situation
-u""er!ut = unstoppable fore
*is&et = fate
*!ell = sound of a funeral bell
lchr(&ose = tearful
l&'oo! = satiri+e, to atta! with satire
lrce!( = theft of propert%
lr"ess = generous donation
le"erde&i! = tri!er%
le)it( = 1rivolit%, humor
li%erti!e = one without moral restraint
lice!tious = lewd, immoral
li&'id = transparent, learl% understood
lisso&e (B"#T#S$ = lissom) = agile, supple
lithe = moving and bending with ease
lothe = abhor, hate
lo,ucious = Tal!ative
lu"u%rious = sad, sorrowful
lurid = glowing, sho!ing
&c%re = gruesome
&chi!tio! = plot or sheme
&elstro& = whirlpool, agitated state of mind
&l'ro'is& = omial misuse of a word
&lco!te!t = one who is forever dissatisfied
&ledictio! = urse
&lefctor = evildoer, ulprit
&lodorous = fetid, foul'smelling
&!ifold = multiple, diverse
&rtil = warli!e, pertaining to the militar%
&rti!et = strit disiplinarian
&sochist = one who en-o%s pain
&udli! = weep%, sentimental
&)eric* = a person who resists adherene to a group
&w*ish = si!eningl% sentimental
&e!der = to wander aimlessl% without diretion
&e!dic!t = beggar
&ercuril = hangeable, volatile, qui!
&ettle = ourage, apait% for braver%
&i!tor( = threatening
&irth = -ollit%, laughter
&iscre!t = one who behaves riminall%
&issi)e = letter or note
&odicu& = a small amount
&ollif( = to alm or ma!e less severe
&oot = disputable, previousl% deided
&ord!t = biting, sarasti
&ores = moral standards, ustoms
&ori%u!d = near death
&ote = spe!, small partile
&otle( = diverse, man% olored
&ultifrious = diverse, man%'sided
&u!ifice!t = generous
&(rid = innumerable
!sce!t = inipient, oming into e&istene
!tl = related to birth
!ecro&!c( = sorer%, bla! magi
.e&esis = implaable foe, often vitorious opponent
!eolo"is& = new word or e&pression
!eo'h(te = beginner
!ether = loated under or below
!ettle = irritate
!i""rdl( = sting%
!oiso&e = harmful, stin!ing
!o!e!tit( = person of no signifiane
o%durte = un%ielding
o%eis!ce = homage, deferene
o%fuscte = bewilder, muddle, to onfuse
o%li,ue = indiret
o%literte = destro%
o%lo,u( = slander, abusive language
o%se,uious = fawning, servile, overl% submissive
o%se,u( = funeral eremon%
o%sti!te = stubborn
o%stre'erous = nois%, unrul%, troublesome
o%tuse = stupid, dull
occlude = blo!, to shut
odious = despiable, hateful
o!erous = burdensome
o''ro%rious = abusive, disgraeful
ordi! = appoint
ossif( = harden
oste!si%le = apparent, seeming
oste!ttious = pretentious, show%
o)erwee!i!" = arrogant, forward
'cifist = one who opposes all violene
'e! = a song of praise
'l)er = babble, nonsense
'll = to beome dull or wear%
'llite = to ma!e less serious, ease
'llid = pale, sallow, la!ing olor or liveliness
'l'%le = touhable, obvious, real
'ltr( = sare, pitifull% small or worthless
'!che = flambo%ane, flair
'!de&ic = spread over a whole area or ountr%
'!e"(ric = praise
'!o'l( = full suit of armor
'r"o! = model of e&ellene or perfetion
'rih = outast
'rle( = onferene, disussion
'rr( = avert, ward off, reflet
'rtis! = supporter
'thos = emotion, feeling of sadness
'trici! = aristorat
'tri&o!( = inheritane or heritage derived from one(s father
'eccdillo = a minor fault
'ed"o"ue = dull, formal teaher
'ed!t = a person who is too interested in formal rules and small unimportant details
'e-orti)e = insulting, having bad onnotations
'ellucid = transparent, easil% understood
'e!!ce = voluntar% suffering to repent for a wrong
'e!ch!t = inlination
'e!ite!t = repentant
'e!si)e = sad
'erditio! = damnation, omplete ruin
'ere&'tor( = ditatorial
'ere!!il = enduring, lasting
'erfidious = treaherous ( of a person )
'erfu!ctor( = areless, done in a routine wa%
'eri'tetic = moving from plae to plae
'er!icious = destrutive
'ert = flippant, bold
'erti!cious = persevering
'erti!e!t = "elevant, appliable
'hilisti!e = barbarian, narrow'minded person
'hle"&tic = sluggish, someone who is alm
'illor( = punish b% ridiule
'i,ue = sting, arouse interest
'ith( = onise, to the point
'itt!ce = alms, trifle
'lcid = Serene, alm
'ltitude = trite remar!, stale
'le%ei! = ommon, vulgar
'lethor = overabundane
'oi"!!t = pungent, sharp, emotionall% moving
'ole&ic = a ontrovers%
'orte!d = omen
'ortl( = large, dignified
'ote!tte = sovereign, !ing
'rttle = hatter, foolish tal!
'rece't = priniple, law
'reci'ice = liff, edge
'reci'itous = steep
'recocious = advaned
'recursor = forerunner
'redilectio! = inlination, preferene
're&editte = plan in advane
're'o!der!ce = predominane
're'osterous = ridiulous, illogial
'res"e = omen, indiate in advane
'ri)tio! = la! of usual neessities or omforts
'ro%it( = integrit%, omplete honest%
'rocli)it( = inlination, tenden%
'rodi"l = wasteful
'rodi"ious = marvelous, enormous
'rofli"te = lientious, prodigal, orrupt
'ro"e!itor = anestor
'ro"e!( = hildren
'ro"!osis = foreast
'ro"!osticte = foretell
'roli+ = long'winded, word%
'ro&o!tor( = headland, ape
'ro&ul"te = publish, disseminate
'ro'e!sit( = inlination
'ro'i!,uit( = nearness, !inship
'ro'itite = satisf%, to win over
'ro'itious = auspiious, favorable
'rosic = uninspired, flat, dull
'roscri%e = prohibit, to ondemn
'rosel(ti/e (B"#T#S$ = prosel%tise) = reruit, onvert
'rote! = hanging readil%
'rotrct = To prolong, e&tend
'ro)ide!t = having foresight, thrift%
'rude = puritan
'rude!t = autious, areful
'rurie!t = e&hibiting lewd desires
'uerile = 2hildish
'u"!cious = ombative, quarrelsome
'ulchritude = beaut%
'u!ctilious = areful in observing rules of behavior or eremon%
'u!"e!t = sharp smell or taste
'ur'ort = laim to be
'usill!i&ous = owardl%
,uff = to drin! heartil%
,u"&ire = diffiult situation
,u!dr( = dilemma, diffiult%
,uell = suppress, alla%
,uerulous = omplaining
,ui%%le = to argue about insignifiant and irrelevant details
,uiesce!t = still, motionless, at rest
0ui+otic = impratial, romanti
rco!teur = stor% teller
r&'!t = unbridled, raging
r!cor (B"#T#S$ = ranour) = resentment, disli!e
r!t = rage, sold
r'cious = grasping, avariious, greed%
r''roche&e!t = reoniliation
r/e = destro%
reclcitr!t = resisting authorit% or ontrol

rec!t = retrat a statement
recidi)is& = habitual riminal ativit%
reco!dite = !nown to onl% a few
recre!t = oward, betra%er of faith
refrctor( = obstinate
re"l = ro%al
rele"te = assign to an inferior position
re!e"e = brea! a promise
re'lete = omplete
re'rehe!si%le = blameworth%, unaeptable
re'roch = blame
re'ro%te = morall% unprinipled person
re'ro)e = to ritii+e or orret
re'udite = to re-et as having no authorit%
re,uie& = rest, a mass for the dead
re,uite = to return in !ind
resci!d = revo!e, anel
res'ite = interval or relief
res'le!de!t = shining, splendid
restitutio! = at of ompensating for loss or damage
resti)e = nervous, uneas%
retort = qui! repla%
retre!ch = reorgani+e, to regroup
retrie)e = relaim
retro"rde = regress
re)elr( = merr%ma!ing
re)ere = honor
re)ile = to ritii+e with harsh language
re)ulsio! = aversion
ri%ld = oarse, vulgar
rife = widespread, abundant
ris,ue = off'olor, ra%
rostru& = stage for publi spea!ing
ru&i!te = reflet upon
rustic = rural
scros!ct = sared
s"cious = wise
sllow = si!l% %ellow in olor
s!"ui!e = heerful
s'ie!t = wise, shrewd
srdo!ic = sornful
su!ter = wal! in a leisurel% manner
s)!t = sholar
schis& = a division or separation
sci!till = ver% small amount
sci!tillte = spar!le
scoff = ridiule
scurrilous = abusive, insulting
seculr = worldl%, nonreligious
seditio! = treason, resistane to authorit%
se!te!tious = onise, tr%ing to appear wise
se,uester = to remove or set apart
ser'hic = angeli, pure
sere!di'it( = ma!ing fortunate disoveries
ser)ile = slavish, obedient
si&i! = mon!e% li!e
si&'er = smile foolishl%, smir!
si!ecure = well paid position with little responsibilit%
s*ul* = snea! about
sl*e = to alm down or moderate
sloth = la+iness
slo)e!l( = slopp%
so%riet( = omposed
so%ri,uet = ni!name
sodde! = soa!ed
so-our! = trip, visit
solce = onsolation
solecis& = ungrammatial onstrution
solicitous = onsiderate, onerned
solilo,u( = * monologue
solstice = furthest point
so&%er (B"#T#S$ = sombre) = 3loom%
so&!&%ulist = sleepwal!er
so&!ole!t = Sleep%
so'orific = sleep induing
sordid = foul, ignoble, dirt% and unpleasant
s'w! = produe
s'ecious = false but plausible
s'ordic = ourring irregularl%
s'orti)e = pla%ful
s'ur! = re-et
s,ulid = filth%
stid = demure, sedate, boring
stedfst = lo%al, immovable
ste!tori! = e&tremel% loud
sti"& = mar! of disgrae
stilted = formal, stiff, unnatural
stoic = indifferent to pain or pleasure
stolid = impassive
strt"e& = tri!
stricture = negative ritiism
stultif( = inhibit, enfeeble
st(&ie = hinder, thwart
su)e = smooth
su%li&te = to repress impulses
su%li&e = loft%, e&ellent
su%terfu"e = unning, ruse
succule!t = -ui%, deliious
sull( = stain
su'ercilious = arrogant
su''l!t = replae
surl( = rude, rass
sur&ise = to guess
sur&ou!t = overome
surre'titious = seretive
suste!!ce = suppl%ing the neessities of life
swrth( = dar! (as in omple&ion)
1(%rite = pleasure'see!er, lover of lu&ur%
s(co'h!t = flatterer, flun!%
tcitur! = who does not tal! muh
tlo! = law of an animal
t!t&ou!t = equivalent
twdr( = gaud%, heap
te&erit( = boldness
&'le = enough, speious, abundant
&'lif( = enlarge, inrease, intensif%
!cillr( = supplementar%, subsidiar%, subordinate
!o&l( = deviation from the rule, irregularit%
rtifct (B"#T#S$ = artefat) = an ob-et made b% human, of historial interest
rtis! = a s!illed handiraftsman
uthoritri! = ditator, e&tremel% strit, boss%
utocrt = ditator or a high ran!ing government offier
%ifurcted = divided into two branhes, for!ed
%lt!t = glaring, obvious, show%
%ou!tiful = abundant, plentiful
%r/e! = bold, shameless, impudent
%rech = brea!ing of a rule, agreement, or law
cricture = artoon, e&aggerated portrait
cr!i)orous = meat'eating
ctl(st = something that auses hange without being hanged
ce!tri'etl = tending toward the enter
chotic = in utter disorder
chu)i!ist = a man who thin!s men are better than women
co&'le&e!t = To ma!e omplete, perfet
co&'osure = 2almness of appearane
co&'ress = to redue, squee+e
co!stitue!t = eletorate, omponent, part
co!stri!t = something that limits what %ou an do
correltio! = mutual relationship, assoiation
corru"te = to wrin!le or draw into folds
de'ose = testif%, to remove from a high position
de'recite = To lessen the worth of
deter&i!te = )efinitel% limited or fi&ed, onlusive
de+terous = s!illful, adroit
dwi!dle = To diminish or beome less
erth( = rude
e!tit( = being, e&istene
e,uit( = impartialit%, -ustie
e,ui)ocl = *mbiguous, open to two interpretations
eulo"( = high praise
e+otic = 1oreign, romanti
e+te&'or!eous = unrehearsed
f%ricte = onstrut
flli%le = 2apable of erring
felicitous = ver% appropriate, pertinent
flir = a natural aptitude
flu!t = to show off
flor = plants
frudule!t = 2ounterfeit
fusio! = union, oalition
"er&i!te = To begin to develop into an embr%o or higher form
hetero"e!eous = omposed of unli!e parts, different
h('otheticl = theoretial, speulative
i&&u!e = 4&empt, as from disease
i&'rude!t = unwise
i!ce'tio! = The beginning
i!co!se,ue!til = 5alueless
i!defti"%le = never getting tired
i!dicti)e = suggestive, impl%ing
i!dis'ut%le = not disputed, unquestioned
i!f!tile = hildish, immature
i!"e!uous = na6ve and unsophistiated
i!-urious = harmful
i!!o)te = to invent, moderni+e
i!te"rit( = deen%, honest, wholeness
i!ter&itte!t = starting and stopping
i!tros'ecti)e = loo!ing within oneself
i!tro)ert = To turn within
i!)o*e = request assistane or protetion
iot = * small mar! or part
irre)ere!t = disrespetful
-u!dice = disease of %ellowish disoloration of s!in
lc*luster (B"#T#S$ = la!lustre) = dull, drear%, olorless
lud%le = .raiseworth%
le+ico! = * ditionar%
liti"tio! = lawsuit
lu!r = related to the moon
luscious = "ih, sweet, and deliious
&et'hor = figure of speeh omparing two different things
&icrocos& = The world on a small sale
&i"rtor( = Wandering from plae to plae with the seasons
&ish' = 7isfortune
&!e&o!ic = related to memor%
&o!oto!( = * la! of variation
o&!i)orous = eating ever%thing
o''ortu!ist = 8ne who ta!es advantage of irumstanes
orifice = a small opening
o)ert = open to view
'rdo+ = seemingl% in ontradition
'rsite = one who lives at another(s e&pense
'te!t = the right to ma!e or sell a new invention
'editrici! (B"#T#S$ = paediatriian) = a hild dotor
'erusl = reading arefull%
'le!itude = *bundane
'ol("lot = Spea!ing several tongues
'ro'"te = To spread
rectio!r( = related to, or favoring reation
reci'rocte = To give and ta!e mutuall%
re"i&e! = government rule, s%stemati plan
reh%ilitte = To restore to a former status
re&i!isce!ce = remembrane of past events
re!e"de = rebel, dissident
resilie!t = the qualit% of springing ba!
retrocti)e = appl%ing to an earlier time
se!sul = related to the ph%sial senses
stride!t = rough, harsh, austi, loud
su%li&i!l = subonsious, impereptible
su'er!!uted = retired

su'erficil = shallow and phon%
su''le = 4asil% bent
s(!chro!ous = happening at the same time
ti!ted = ontaminated, orrupt
tlis&! = an ob-et supposed to bring good lu!
theocrc( = government b% the priests
ther'eutic = mediinal
tortuous = with bends or turns
tr!sce!d = To surpass
tr!s&ute = To hange in nature or form
tri%ute = a gift or statement showing respet
tur%ule!ce = violent agitation
u!o%trusi)e = inonspiuous, not blatant
)e!t = small opening, outlet
)erisi&ilitude = appearane of being true
)erstile = adaptable, all'purpose
)icrious = substitute, surrogate
)iscous = sti!%, glue%, thi!
wrr!t( = guarantee of a produt(s soundness
w+ = inrease, grow
wether = endure the effets of weather or other fores
(o*e = -oin together, unite
te&'orl = limited b% time, seular, not lasting forever
te!cious = persistent
te!de!tious = biased
te!et = dotrine, priniple
te!sile = apable of being strethed
te!uous = thin, insubstantial
te'id = lu!ewarm
terse = onise, brief
tether = tie down, tie with a rope
thrll = slave
thwrt = to blo! or prevent from happening
ti&orous = fearful, timid
tirde = solding speeh
tod( = fawner, s%ophant
tor'id = lethargi, inative
tr!sie!t = fleeting, temporar%
tr!sluce!t = lear, luid, almost transparent
tr)est( = ariature, fare, parod%
tre!ch!t = inisive, penetrating
tre'idtio! = fear
trite = ommonplae, insinere
trucule!t = fiere, savage, tending to argue a lot
truis& = self'evident truth
tr(st = meeting, rende+vous
tu&ult = ommotion
tur%id = mudd%, louded
tur"id = Swollen, not flowing
tur'itude = )epravit%, evil
t(ro = beginner
u&%r"e = resentment
u!ctuous = insinere
u!*e&'t = mess% in appearane
u!sullied = spotless
usur' = sei+e, to appropriate
usur( = overharge, lending mone% at illegal rates of interest
)cillte = To waver
)cuous = inane, empt%, not showing intelligene or purpose
)'id = vauous, insipid
)e!l = willing to do wrong for mone%
)e!dett = grudge, feud
)e!er%le = respeted beause of age
)erd!t = green, lush
)e+ = anno%, to irritate
)icissitude = hanging fortunes
)ie = ompete
)i"!ette = sene, deorative design
)ilif( = defame
)i!dicte = free from blame
)irile = manl%
)irule!t = deadl%, poisonous
)itite = spoil, ruin
)itriolic = sathing, burning
)ociferous = adamant, lamoring
)olitio! = free will
)olu&i!ous = bul!%, e&tensive, or great quantit%
wllow = indulge, lu&uriate
w! = si!l% pale
w!e = dissipate, wither
wr( = guarded, areful
welter = onfusion, hodgepodge
whet = stimulate, to sharpen
wil( = shrewd, lever
wi!so&e = harming
wi/e!ed = shriveled
writh = ghost
wr( = twisted, amusing
/e'h(r = gentle bree+e, west wind
&'hi%i! = reature that lives on land and water
!chro!is& = *n%thing ourring or e&isting out of its proper time
!"ulr = Sharp'ornered or sharp angled
!thro'o&or'hous = 0onhuman having or resembling human form or qualit%
'othe"& = a short sa%ing
''rise = assess, evaluate the value
r%le = suitable for ultivation
s'erit( = roughness of temper
ss( = to anal%+e or estimate
udit = formal e&amination of final reords
u"ur( = prophe% or predition of events
)er = to delare to be true
)ersio! = intense disli!e
)ir( = age where birds are !ept
%!ter = to tease pla%full% and in good humor
%etific = supremel% happ%, angeli, saintl%
%e!i"hted = un enlightened
%e!iso! = Blessing
%l!ch = bleah, whiten, to ta!e the olor out
%lud"eo! = to hit someone several times with a heav% ob-et
%olster = To support or ma!e something strong
%ur!ish = To ma!e brilliant or shining
c!!( = lever and able to thin! qui!l%, espeiall% about mone% or business
cr!l = of the flesh, sensual
cr' = to find faults, omplain onstantl%
c)lcde = a proession or sequene
celerit( = qui! moving or ating
cessio! = Surrender, as of possessions or rights
ch&' = to hew noisil%
chstise = to ritii+e or punish someone
chttel = piee of personal propert%
churlish = rude, ungraious
circu&scri%e = To onfine within bounds
clir)o(!t = who an see the future, having 4S.
collte = to sort or put in proper order
co&'lis!t = *greeable, friendl%
co!se,ue!til = important
co!tu&cious = rebellious
cuisi!e = oo!er%, st%le of oo!ing
cul&i!tio! = lima&, final stage
curtor = in harge of a librar% or museum
du!t = to frighten, subdue
decli)it( = a plae that delines or slopes downwards
der!"ed = insane, delirious, maniaal
deri)ti)e = opied or adapted, not original
descr( = To disern, to disover or reveal
diffide!ce = sh%ness, la! of onfidene
dir"e = lament with musi, funeral h%mn
disco&fit = To put to onfusion, disomfort
discord!t = harsh'sounding, badl% out of tune
dissi&ulte = to disguise
distff = the female branh of a famil%
dolt = a stupid person
do&i!eer = to rule over something in a t%rannial wa%
dou"ht( = brave, dauntless
dross = waste matter, worthless impurities
d(s'e'tic = suffering from indigestion, gloom% and irritable
efflu)iu& = no&ious smells
effusi)e = e&pressing emotion without restraint
eltio! = e&hilaration, -o%
elo,ue!ce = fluent and effetive speeh
e&ollie!t = ream for softening, ma!ing supple
e!sco!ce = to hide safel%, settle omfortabl%
e!u!cite = verbali+e, artiulate
e'ilo"ue = The lose of a narrative or poem
e'ito&e = * simplified representation
e,uestri! = one who rides on horseba!
e+corite = to denoune
e+cul'te = to lear of blame or fault
e+'tite = to disuss in detail, elaborate
e+'trite = who does not live in one(s own ountr%
e+'ur"te = to purif% b% removing obsenities
e+tri!sic = not inherent or essential, oming from without
e+tro)ert = an outgoing person
fell = to hop, ut down
fer)id = fervent, passionate
fetter = to restrain, to bind
fi!ic*( = metiulous, fuss%
fissure = a ra! or brea!
flccid = limp, flabb%, wea!
fl&%o(!t = 2harateri+ed b% e&travagane
fluster = onfuse
for%er!ce = .atient endurane or toleration of offenses
forte = * strong point
frctious = wa%ward, unrul%, disorderl%
fre!/ied = feverishl% fast, heti
fu!erel = mournful, appropriate to a funeral
"ll = bitterness, nerve
"&%ol = .la%ful leaping or fris!ing
"u!t = thin, emaiated
"usttor( = relevant to the sense of tasting
hllow = to ma!e hol%
hor( = white, old
holocust = widespread destrution
i"!o&i!ious = Shameful
i&'ious = not devout in religion
i&'lc%le = doubtful, dubious
i&'ro)ide!t = la!ing foresight or thrift
i!cr!di!e = blood'red in olor
i!de!ture = bound to another b% ontrat
i!terstice = a small spae between things
iridesce!t = showing man% olors
-ettiso! = to throw overboard, abandon
-i!"ois& = e&tremel% aggressive and militant patriotism
lc*disicl = /istless, idle
l!"uor = /assitude of bod% or depression
l'idr( = relating to preious stones
ltitude = freedom from narrow limitations
lio!i/e = treat as a elebrit%
loiter = dawdle, loaf
lull = moment of alm

&riti&e = Situated on or near the sea
&e"lo&!i = mental state with delusions of wealth and power
&e!dcious = Untrue
&eretricious = *lluring b% false or gaud% show
&olt = to shed hair, s!in periodiall%
&o!stic = related to mon!s
&or%id = abnormall% gloom%
!i)et2 = a la! of worldl% wisdom
!ihilis& = a belief in nothing, e&treme s!eptiism
!o&dic = moving from plae to plae
!o! se,uitur = an irrelevant onlusion
!u'til = relating to marriage
o%-ur"te = to hide, sold
o'lesce!t = iridesent, displa%ing olors
or!itholo"ist = sientist who studies birds
orotu!d = pompousl% said
'lette = board for mi&ing paints
'stiche = imitation of another(s st%le
'tricide = murder of one(s own father
'ecultio! = theft of mone% or goods
'edi&e!t = triangular gable on a roof or fa9ade
'e!u&%r = partial shadow in an elipse
'er&e%le = penetrable
'hilolo"( = stud% of words
'li!tiff = in-ured person in a lawsuit
'l!"e!t = plaintive, resounding sadl%
'olitic = e&pedient, prudent, well devised
'ot%le = suitable for drin!ing
'rese!ti&e!t = sense of foreboding
'ri&ordil = e&isting at the beginning, rudimentar%
'u&&el = beat, atta!
'utrid = dirt%, rotten
,ui!tesse!ce = The most essential part of an%thing
r&shc*le = dilapidated, falling to piees
rtioci!tio! = reasoning
rucous = $arsh sounding
r)e!ous = e&tremel% hungr%
rectitude = moral uprightness
refector( = dining hall
re&edi%le = apable of being orreted
re&o!strte = to protest or ob-et
reti!ue = group of attendants
rococo = ornate, highl% deorated
roil = to disturb or ause disorder
slu%rious = health%
sere!it( = alm, peaefulness
serrted = toothed, with a +ig+ag edge
si!uous = 2urving in and out
slou"h = to disard or shed
slu""rd = la+%, inative person
so'hist = person good at arguing deviousl%
so'ho&oric = immature and overonfident
stccto = mar!ed b% abrupt, lear'ut sounds
succi!ct = 2onise
s(!thetic = artifiial, imitation
thre!od( = a sad poem or song, dirge
tre&ulous = trembling, fearful
tu!dr = treeless plain found in *rti or sub arti regions
u'%rid = to sold sharpl%
)"r!t = *n idle wanderer
)rie"ted = man%'olored
)u!ted = boasted, bragged
)ercious = truthful, aurate
)erit( = Truth
)er!l = related to spring
wr!"le = loud quarrel
%se = lower, humiliate
%sh = humiliate, embarrass
%dicte = give up power or position
%e(!ce = postponement, temporar% suspension
%hor = detest, loathe
%-ure = renoune, to formall% re-et or abandon
%lutio! = leansing, washing
%orti)e = unsuessful, interruptive while inomplete
%ro"te = anel, to abolish b% authorit%
%sol)e = aquit, to forgive or free from blame
%struse = diffiult to omprehend
%ut = touh, border on
%(s&l = defiient, sub par
ccede = %ield, e&press approval, agree to
ccli&te = austom oneself to a limate
ccli)it( = asent, inline
ccolde = applause, praise
ccost = to approah and spea! to someone
ccouter (B"#T#S$ = aoutre) = equip
c&e = summit, highest point
c,uiesce = to agree, ompl% passivel%
crid = harsh, bitter, pungent, austi
cri&o!ious = austi, bitter
ctute = indue, start
cu&e! = sharpness of insight
d&!t = insistent, unompromising, un%ielding
dduce = offer as e&ample
d-u!ct = addition, something added, attahed, or -oined
d&o!ish = warn gentl%, aution, or reprimand
droit = s!illful, aomplished, highl% ompetent
dultio! = applause, high praise
d)e!t = arrival
d)e!titious = aidental
e"is = that whih protets
ffect = influene
ffr( = publi brawl
"'e = openmouthed, wonder
""r!di/e = e&aggerate, to ma!e larger or greater in power
"hst = horrified
lcrit( = swiftness, speed, heerful willingness, eagerness
ll( = to reassure: to lessen, ease, or soothe
lle"e = assert without proof
lle"or( = fable, s%mboli representation
llitertio! = repetition of the same sound
llude = refer to indiretl%
&e!%le = agreeable
&iss = wrong, out of plae
&it( = 1riendship
&orous = strongl% attrated to love: showing love
&or'hous = shapeless
&orti/e = to diminish b% installment pa%ments
&uc* = murderous fren+%
!rchist = terrorist
!i&d)ersio! = ritial remar!
!i&us = hate
!!ls = historial reords
'ocl('tic = ominous, doomed
'o'le+( = stro!e
''ll (B"#T#S$ = appal) = horrif%
''ritio! = phantom
''elltio! = title, name
''osite = apt
'ro'os = *ppropriate
r%iter = -udge
rchet('e = original model
r"ot = slang
ri = operati song
rr( = arrangement
rro(o = gull%
rtifice = tri!
se'tic = sterile
telier = wor!shop
)u!culr = li!e an unle
/ure = s!% blue
%d"er = To pester
%di!"e = banter, teasing onversation
%"telle = nonentit%, trifle
%!d( = disuss lightl%
%rd = poet
%ro,ue = ornate
%s* = ta!e pleasure in, sun
%u%le = * trin!et, trifle
%etitude = state of bliss
%e"rud"e = resent, env%
%eholde! = in debt
%ereft = deprived of
%eset = harass, surround
%es&irch = slander, sull%
%ic&erl = having two legislative branhes
%i)ouc = enampment
%lse = bored with life
%ode = portend
%o"us = forged, false
%rc*ish = salt%
%ucolic = rusti
%urles,ue = fare
cche = hiding plae
cd)erous = haggard
cllow = ine&periened
c!i!e = pertaining to dogs
c'tious = fond of finding fault in others
crfe = bottle
crdi!l = hief

crrio! = dea%ing flesh
cscde = small waterfall
csuistr( = lever argument to tri! people
cuteri/e (B"#T#S$ = auterise) = to sear
chfe = abrade
chste = pure, virgin
chste! = astigate
ci'her = +ero
cleft = split
cli,ue = a small group
clo)e! = split
codicil = supplement to a will
co"itte = ponder
co"!i/!t = aware
cohere = To sti! together
cohort = an assoiate
co&'ort = to ondut oneself
co!ch = spiral shell
co!cordt = *greement
co!desce!d = patroni+e, tal! down to, to treat someone as though %ou are better
co!di&e!t = seasoning
co!dole!ce = s%mpath% for the famil% or friends of a person who has reentl% died
co!iferous = bearing ones
co!sort = spouse
co!t"io! = infetious agent
co!ti!"e!t = onditional
co!tort = twist
co!tro)ert = dispute
cordo! = bond, hain
corollr( = onsequene
cor'ule!t = fat
corte"e = proession
coruscte = spar!le
co)e!!t = agreement, pat
crestflle! = de-eted
cre)ice = ra!
cruet = small bottle
cull = pi! out, selet
cul)ert = drain
curr( = see! favor b% flatter%
c(!osure = elebrit%
d!* = damp
du!tless = ourageous
ded'! = e&pressionless
de%o!ir = sophistiated, affable
dec!t = pour
decre'itude = enfeeblement
def&tio! = slander
deflect = turn aside
defr( = pa%
dei"! = ondesend
deliriu& = mental onfusion, estas%
del)e = dig, e&plore (of ideas)
de&e!or (B"#T#S$ = demeanour) = behavior
de&e!ted = deranged
de&ure = sedate, reserved
de!i/e! = dweller
de!oue&e!t = resolution
de'ositio! = testimon%
de'redtio! = pre%ing on, plunder
derelict = negligent
desolte = forsa!en
desuetude = disuse
dilectic = pertaining to debate
di&i!utio! = "edution
disco!cert = onfuse
discretio! = prudene
dishe)el = muss
disi!ter = unearth
disi!terested = #mpartial
dis'uttious = fond of arguing
dis,uisitio! = elaborate treatise
dissolute = profligate, immoral
disso!!ce = )isord
distrit = preoupied, absent'minded
do""erel = poor verse
dolorous = gloom%
dre"s = residue, riffraff
dro!e = spea! in a monotoni voie
due!! = governess
ecclesisticl = hurhl%
eclt = brilliane
educe = draw forth, evo!e
effete = worn out
effusio! = pouring forth
ele"ic = sad
e&%l/o! = imprint, brand
e&%r(o!ic = rudimentar%
e&eritus = retired, but retaining title
e!&ored (B"#T#S$ = enamoured) = harmed, aptivated
e!cl)e = area enlosed within another region
e!"ross = aptivate
e'och = era
esc'de = adventure
e)iscerte = disembowel
e+ officio = b% virtue of position
e+cisio! = removal
e+e"esis = interpretation
e+i"e!c( = urgen%
e+i"uous = sant%
e+'leti)e = oath
e+t!t = e&isting
e+tir'te = see! out and destro%
e+trude = fore out
fcet = aspet
fctious = ausing disagreement
fctitious = artifiial
fctotu& = hand%man
fu+ 's = false step, mista!e
fe%rile = feverish, delirious
fer&e!t = turmoil
ferret = rummage through
fer)or (B"#T#S$ = fervour) = intensit%
fester = dea%
festi)e = -o%ous
fete = to honor
fit = deree
fire%r!d = agitator
fl"ellte = whip
flil = whip
for( = raid
fortitude = patiene, ourage
fret = worr%
fritter = squander
fri)olit( = pla%fulness
fruitio! = reali+ation, ompletion
"l)!i/e = e&ite to ation
"&ut = range
"r!ish = deorate
"e!elo"( = anestr%
"e!esis = beginning
"e!uflect = !neel in reverene
"hstl( = horrible
"le! = gather
"!o&e = dwarf'li!e being
"or"e = stuff, satiate
"or( = blood%
"r''le = struggle
"risl( = gruesome
"uffw = laughter
"usto = ;een en-o%ment
"utturl = throat%
h""rd = gaunt
hlc(o! = serene
hle = health%
h&'er = obstrut
hr%or (B"#T#S$ = harbour) = give shelter, oneal
hrrid! = hag or an ugl% old woman
hrr( = harass
heedless = areless
he"ir = a -ourne% to a more pleasant plae
hi%er!l = wintr%
histrio!ic = overl% dramati
ho&il( = sermon
horde = group
horttor( = inspiring good deeds
ho)el = shant%, abin
ho(de! = tombo%, boisterous girl
hu%ris = arrogane
hu&&oc* = !noll, mound
hu&us = soil
ichth(olo"( = stud% of fish
id(llic = natural, pituresque
i&&olte = sarifie
i&'le = piere
i&'etus = stimulus, spar!
i&'i!"e = enroah, touh
i&'o!der%le = diffiult to estimate
i&'ri&tur = santion
i&'u!it( = e&emption from harm
i&'ute = harge
i!lie!%le = that whih annot be ta!en awa%
i!c!ttio! = hant
i!c'citte = disable
i!cle&e!t = harsh
i!cri&i!te = ause
i!cu%us = nightmare
i!eff%le = ine&pressible
i!eluct%le = inesapable
i!fidel = nonbeliever
i!flu+ = inflow
i!frctio! = violation
i!i&it%le = peerless
i!i,uitous = un-ust, wi!ed
i!o''ortu!e = untimel%
i!ordi!te = e&essive
i!se!ste = without feeling
i!souci!t = nonhalant
i!su%ordi!te = disobedient
i!te"u&e!t = a overing
i!)ei"le = lure
irresolute = hesitant, unertain
-e-u!e = barren
-ostle = push, brush against
*e! = range of omprehension
*!)e = on man
*!ed = massage
lcerte = tear, ut
lc*e( = servant
lit( = la%men
l&%e!t = softl% radiant
l)e = wash
l+ = loose, areless
lecter! = reading des!
li&! = portra%, desribe
lit!( = list
litotes = understatement for emphasis
lout = goon
lu'i!e = wolf'li!e
lu+uri!t = lush
&i& = in-ure
&!cle = sha!le
&ruder = plunderer
&sticte = hew
&trirch = matron
&ul = rough up
&usoleu& = tomb
&(he& = mutilation
&edle( = mi&ture
&elee = riot
&ellifluous = sweet sounding
&e!il = humble, degrading
&ete = distribute
&is& = to&in
&ie! = appearane, demeanor
&i!io! = subordinate
&i!utie = trivia
&ire = marsh

&isce"e!tio! = intermarriage between raes
&iscell!( = mi&ture of items
&odish = hi
&olte! = melted
&o!olithic = large and uniform
&ortif( = humiliate
&ottled = spotted
&ou!te%!* = harlatan
&uffle = stifle, quiet
&ulct = defraud
&use = ponder
&uster = to gather one(s fores
!o!co&&ittl = neutral, irumspet
!o!'lus = bring to a halt b% onfusion
!u%ile = marriageable
!u"tor( = useless, worthless
of = aw!ward person
o%elis* = tall olumn, monument
o%itur( = eulog%
o%ltio! = offering, sarifie
o%li,uit( = perversit%
odoriferous = pleasant odor
offl = inedible parts of a buthered animal
offertor( = hurh olletion
o"le = flirt
o!us = burden
o''ro%riu& = disgrae
o'us = literar% wor! of musial omposition
oriso! = pra%er
'leo!tolo"ist (B"#T#S$ = palaeontologist) = one who studies fossils
'l'itte = beat, throb
'!de&o!iu& = din, ommotion
'!der = ater to people(s baser instints
'!to&i&e = mime
''(rus = paper
'r&our = lover
'r'et = rampart, defense
'ro+(s& = outburst, onvulsion
'rsi&o!ious = sting%
'r)e!u = newomer, soial limber
'sse = outmoded
'storl = rusti
'eculte = embe++le, steal
'ed!tic = boo!ish
'ell3&ell = in a onfused manner
'e!urious = sting%
'ere"ri!tio! = wandering
'erforce = b% neessit%
'eri"ee = point when moon is nearest to the earth
'er-ur( = l%ing
'erortio! = onlusion of an oration
'etrif( = alif%, sho!
'ett( = trivial
'etul!t = irritable, peevish
'icres,ue = roguish, adventurous
'ied = mottled, brindled
'i,u!t = tart'tasting, spi%
'lto!ic = nonse&ual
'le%iscite = referendum
'lu&% = measure
'olit( = methods of government
'oltroo! = oward
'orte!d = signif%, augur
'rte = babble
're&%le = introdution
'reter!turl = abnormal
'ri& = formal, prudish
'ri&o"e!iture = first'born hild
'ri&' = groom
'ro%oscis = snout
'rod = urge
'rofusio! = overabundane
'ro'ell!t = ro!et fuel
'ro'h(lctic = preventive
'ro'ou!d = propose
'rosce!iu& = platform, rostrum
'rosod( = stud% of poeti struture
'ro)e!der = dr% food, fodder
'ro)iso = stipulation
'uiss!t = strong
'ur%li!d = obtuse, dim'sighted
'ur"tor( = limbo, netherworld
'urloi! = To steal
'ur)iew = range, understanding
'utti)e = reputed
,uil = shrin!, ower
,ui!t = old'fashioned
,ul&s = misgivings
,urr( = pre%, game
,u( = wharf
,ues( = squeamish
,ui' = -o!e
,uir* = eentriit%
,ui//icl = odd
,uoru& = ma-orit%
r%id = mad, furious
ri&e!t = lothing
r!*le = ause bitterness, resentment
rel& = !ingdom, domain
reco!!iss!ce = surveillane
recri&i!tio! = ounterharge, retaliation
recu&%e!t = relining
redole!t = fragrant
redou%t%le = formidable, steadfast
redu!d!t = repetitious
ree* = smell
refrctio! = bending, defletion
re"le = entertain
re&iss = 0egligent
re&!!t = residue, fragment
re&orse = guilt
re!d = to tear apart
re!der = deliver, provide
re!de/)ous = a meeting
re!ditio! = version, interpretation
re'rtio! = amends, atonement
re'rtee = witt% onversation
re'elle!t = ausing aversion
re'ercussio! = onsequene
re'i!e = fret
re'rie)e = temporar% suspension
re'ri&!d = rebu!e
re'risl = retaliation
retlite = revenge
retri%utio! = reprisal
re)ere!t = respetful
re)erie = da%dream
ri"or = harshness
ri&e = white frost
risi%le = laughable
rosete = ros%, optimisti
roster = list of people
rout = vanquish
ru%icu!d = rudd%, having health% reddish olor
ruffi! = brutal person, bull%
ru&&"e = hunt
ruse = tri!
scerdotl = priestl%
slutr( = good, wholesome
s!cti&o!ious = self'righteous
s!"3froid = oolness under fire
s!"ui!r( = gor%, murderous
s'id = interesting
srco'h"us = stone offin
srtoril = pertaining to lothes
ste = satisf% full%
stur!i!e = gloom%
st(r = demigod, goat'man
s)oir3fire = tat, polish
s)or (B"#T#S$ = savour) = en-o%
scrif( = ritii+e
scurr( = move bris!l%
scuttle = to sin!
se%ceous = li!e fat
seclusio! = solitude
sedulous = diligent
seethe = fume, resent
se&%l!ce = li!eness
se!esce!ce = old age
se'ulcher (B"#T#S$ = sepulhre) = tomb
se,ucious = eager to follow, dutile
serried = saw'toothed
shi%%oleth = password
shol = reef
shrew = virago
siderel = pertaining to the stars
si!ew( = fibrous, string%
s*i!fli!t = miser
s*ittish = e&itable
s*ulldu""er( (B"#T#S$ = s!uldugger%) = tri!er%
sl!der = defame
slei"ht = de&terit%
slither = slide
s&tteri!" = superfiial !nowledge
s&ir* = smug loo!
s!i)el = whine
sol)e!t = finaniall% sound
so&tic = pertaining to the bod%
s's&odic = intermittent
s'te = sudden outpouring
s'ectrl = ghostl%
s'le!etic = peevish
s'r( = nimble
s'u&e = foam
st!/ = division of a poem
sto*e = prod, fuel
strtu& = la%er
stu'or = letharg%
su% ros = in seret
su%st!tite = verif%

su%st!ti)e = substantial
succor (B"#T#S$ = suour) = help, omfort
succu&% = %ield, submit
suffuse = pervade, permeate
sultr( = sweltering
su!der = split
su!dr( = various
su'er!u&err( = subordinate
suture = surgial stith
s(l)! = rusti
t!tli/e = tease
t'er = andle
tr! = small la!e
trr( = linger
turi!e = bull'li!e
tut = tight, strethed
te&'erte = moderate
te&'o = speed
te!tti)e = provisional
te!ure = status given after a period of time
terr'i! = turtle
test( = petulant
thes'i! = ator
throes = anguish
thro!" = rowd
ti&%re = tonal qualit%, resonane
Tit!ic = huge
tithe = donate one'tenth
titulr = in name onl%, figurehead
tocsi! = alarm bell, signal
touchsto!e = standard
trduce = slander
tr)il = wor!, drudger%
tri%u!l = ourt
tro"lod(te = ave dweller
truc*le = %ield
tutel"e = guardianship
t(r!!( = oppression
u!ssu&i!" = modest
u!couth = unultured, rude
u!dulte = surge, flutuate
u!ifor&it( = sameness
u!s)or( (B"#T#S$ = unsavour%) = distasteful, offensive
u!scthed = unhurt
u!see&l( = unbeoming, improper
u!te!%le = annot be ahieved
ursi!e = bear'li!e
u+orious = a doting husband
)"r( = whim
)i!"lorious = oneited
)lor (B"#T#S$ = valour) = braver%
)!"urd = leading position
)ssl = sub-et
)ehe&e!t = adamant
)e!eer = false front, fa9ade
)e!il = e&usable
)e!tureso&e = bold, ris!%
)i!d = food
)ictuls = food
)is"e = faial e&pression
)iscid = thi!, gumm%
)itreous = glass%
)itu'erti)e = abusive
)otr( = fan, afiionado
)ouchsfe = onfer, bestow
)ul'i!e = fo&'li!e
w""ish = pla%ful
wstrel = spendthrift
w(l( = ambush
we! = remove from nursing, brea! a habit
wheedle = oa&
whi&sicl = apriious
wi!ce = ringe
wi!!ow = separate
wither = shrivel
wo!t = ustom
wrth = anger, fur%
wre* = inflit
wrest = snath
writhe = ontort
(e! = desire
(ore = long ago
%errtio! = different from normal or usual
%ettor = enourager
%!e"tio! = repudiation, self'sarifie
%o&i!te = to hate
%rde = to rub off a surfae
%ste&ious = 2harateri+ed b% self denial or abstinene
ccretio! = grow in si+e or inrease in amount
cer%it( = bitterness of speeh or temper
cetic = related to vinegar
cidulous = sour in taste or manner
c,uiesce!ce = .assive onsent
c,uittl = release from blame (as b% a ourt)
cturil = alulating
cuit( = sharpness
ddictio! = ompulsive, habitual need
ddle = To ma!e ineffiient or unable to thin!
d-urtio! = solemn urging
d-ure = to request solemnl%
d&o!itio! = 3enteell% point out mista!e
"ilit( = nimbleness
"ittio! = e&itement, uneasiness
li&e!tr( = suppl%ing nourishment
llure = appeal, attrat
llusio! = indiret referene
llu)il = soil deposits left b% rivers
&l"&te = To mi& or -oin together to beome one
&/o! = female warrior
&%rosi = food of the 3ree! gods that provided immortal %outh < beaut%, an%thing sweet and pleasing
!diro!s = metal supports in a fireplae
!!el = to graduall% heat and ool in order to soften, redue brittleness
!!uit( = *n annual pa%ment or inome
!tecede = To preede
!thro'oid = manli!e
'ir( = * plae where bees are !ept
'o"ee = The lima&
'othecr( = 8ne who !eeps drugs for sale and puts up presriptions
''urte!!ces = subordinate possessions
,uili!e = li!e an eagle, bent, boo!ed, urved
rcde = a roofed passage between shops
rcheolo"( = the stud% of anient ultures b% loo!ing for and e&amining their buildings, tools
ro&tic = fragrant
rr!t = 0otoriousl% bad
sceticis& = dotrine of self'denial
ssess&e!t = estimation
stro!o&icl = enormousl% large or e&tensive
thwrt = aross, opposition
ureole = sun(s orona, halo
urorl = pertaining to the aurora borealis
usculttio! = at of listening to the heart or lungs to disover abnormalities
usterit( = qualit% of being self disiplined
%ffle = to frustrate or unable to understand
%!d!! = large, bright'olored hand!erhief
%r% = sharp pro-etion from fishhoo!
%rr"e = a lot of questions or ritiism
%rter = to give in e&hange rather than pa%ing mone%
%ssoo! = reed instrument of the woodwind famil%
%te = let down, restrain
%wd( = indeent, obsene
%edi/e! = dress with vulgar finer%
%edr""le = wet thoroughl%
%efuddle = onfuse thoroughl%
%ehoo)e = to be fit, to be right
%e!i"!!t = Benevolent in feeling, harater
%ere)e&e!t = state of being deprived of something valuable or beloved
%ete !oire = aversion
%etrothl = 4ngagement to marr%
%i%ulous = 1ond of drin!ing
%i"otr( = disrimination, pre-udie
%ls'he&ous = profane, impious
%l/o! = print or deorate something in a ver% notieable wa%
%lurt = to sa% something suddenl% and without thin!ing, espeiall% when %ou are e&ited or nervous
%oorish = "ude
%ouillo! = lear beef soup
4owdleri/e = To e&purgate in editing
%r""docio = someone who boasts
%r/ier = *n open pan or basin for holding live oals
%ri!dled = tawn% or gra%ish with strea!s or spots
%rittle = 1ragile
%rocde = rih, gaud% fabri
%rooch = a piee of -ewelr% for women whih is fastened onto lothes with a pin
%uffoo!er( = oarse -o!es, et
%u"%oo = bugbear, ob-et of baseless terror
%u&'tious = full of offensive self'oneit
%u!"le = to do something wrong in a ver% areless or stupid wa%
%us*i! = thi!'soled half boot worn b% ators of 3ree! traged%
%u+o& = plump, vigorous, -oll%
c&eo = when someone famous appears for a short time in a film or pla%
c!*er = an% ulerous sore, an% evil
c!to = part of an e&tended poem
c'riso! = show% harnesser, ornamentation for a horse
c'rice = * whim
crillo! = a set of bells apable of being pla%ed
cr&i!e = rih red
crousl = To drin! deepl% and in boisterous or -ovial manner
crte %l!che = omplete freedom to do what %ou want
cr(tid = sulptured olumn of a female figure
cste = one of the hereditar% lasses in $indu soiet%
ct'ult = slingshot
ctechis& = boo! for religious instrution
ce!sor = to prohibit publiation b% law
ce!tur = m%thial figure, half man and half horse
cere%rtio! = thought
chff = worthless produts of an endeavor
chs& = a long, deep, narrow hole in ro! or ie
chiro'odist = one who treats disorders of the feet
chi)lrous = ourteous to ladies

cilited = having minute hairs, one'elled animal
circlet = small ring, band
cl!"or (B"#T#S$ = langour) = loud, resounding noise
clrio! = shrill, trumpet li!e sound
cl)icle = ollarbone
cli&ctic = relating to the highest point
cli&e = region, limate
cod-utor = assistant, olleague
coc*de = deoration worn on hat
coe)l = living at the same time as ontemporar%
co" = a spo!e in a wheel, a small and unimportant person
cohesio! = onsisten%
col!der = utensil with perforated bottom used for straining
coll"e = a piture made b% sti!ing small piees of paper or other materials
collier = wor!er in oal mine, ship arr%ing oal
colossl = huge
co&el( = a woman who is attrative in appearane
co&esti%le = something fit to be eaten
co&eu''!ce = rebu!e, one(s deserved fate or punishment
co&it( = ourteousness, ivilit%
co!cl)e = private meeting
co!di"! = adequate, deservedl% severe
co!!i)!ce = pretene of ignorane of something wrong, assistane or permission to offend
co!!u%il = related to marriage or matrimon%
cor&or!t = greed%, rapaious bird
cor!ice = a deorative border around the walls of a room lose to the eiling
corsir = pirate ship
co)etous = ver% desirous of something, avariious, greed%
co( = sh%, modest
co/e! = heat, hoodwin!, swindle
cr%%ed = sour, peevish
credo = a set of beliefs
cre'usculr = pertaining to twilight
cro!e = hag
crotchet = a fan%, a whim, an eentriit%
cul3de3sc = a blind alle%, a trap
d''led = spotted
dstrd = * base oward
du% = to paint arelessl%, to smear
dwdle = to waste time b% trifling, to move slowl%
de%e!ture = bond issued to seure a loan
decollete = having a low'ne!ed dress
decre'it = 4nfeebled, as b% old age or some hroni infirmit%
deduci%le = derived b% reasoning
deflcte = to misuse mone% put in trust
defectio! = desertion
deif( = To regard as a god
deli,uesce!t = apable of absorbing moisture from air and beoming liquid
delusio! = 7ista!en onvition
delusi)e = deeptive, raising vain hopes
de&es!e = domain
de&olitio! = destrution
de&o!icl = related to evil spirits, devilish
de!ottio! = the e&at literar% meaning of a word, designation, definition
de'ilte = remove hair
derisio! = "idiule
der&tolo"ist = one who studies the s!in and its diseases
desc!t = disuss full%
desidertu& = that whih is desired
des'oil = to bereave, rob, plunder, strip of possessions
des'otis& = *n% severe and strit rule
deter"e!t = leansing agent
deto!tio! = e&plosion
de)ol)e = to roll down, to hand down
dide& = rown
di!t = means, effort
di'so&!ic = a person having an unontrollable desire for alohol, inebriate
dis''ro%tio! = re-etion, disapproval
dis)owl = )enial
dish%ille = in a state of undress
disherte! = disourage, lose spirit
dis&e&%er = ut into small parts
dis'ort = amuse
dissusio! = advise against
di)er"e!t = Tending in different diretions
di)i!tio! = The foreast of future events or disover% of what is lost or hidden
doc*et = a list of ases to be dealt with
dodderi!" = sha!%, infirm from old age
doff = ta!e off
dorsl = belonging to the ba! side, posterior, tail
douse = to plunge into water, to e&tinguish
dowd( = slovenl%, untid%
drud"er( = $ard and onstant wor! in an% dull oupation
dur!ce = onfinement
ecli'se = The obstrution of Sun b% moon, or of moon b% earth
eerie = weird
effloresce!t = opening in flower
elusor( = tending to deeive e&petations
el(si! = relating to paradise, blissful
e&!te = to e&press a feeling or qualit% through the wa% one loo!s
e&e!dtio! = orretions of errors
e&etic = a mediine that auses vomiting
e&olu&e!t = salar% or fees for a -ob, remuneration, pa% sale
e&'(rel = elestial, fier%
e!co&istic = praising, eulogisti

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