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It is obviously clear that television, radio and Iilms are principal sources oI

inIormation nowadays. Television and radio are popular ways to share news and
events and Iilms are vehicles means/tools Ior criticizing the society and government
implicitly. Although these means oI communication play signiIicant rule role in our
liIe, their proIound impact upon it is undeniable.
Some people believe that media and widespread inIormation have negative eIIects on
our lives. The duty oI media is supposed to be lessening to shorten the distance
between people ,but now it just takes people away Irom each other. Spending hours
watching TV when you are at home, Listening to Radio while you are driving and
traveling by car and going to movies in your spare times all result in a kind oI
loneliness. Because in all these situations you are losing the opportunity to talk to
your Iamily and Iriends and share your Ieelings with them while this is what exactly
liIe is about.
On the other hand, some people are oppose to this theory, ; they believe that media
make the world a small village by spreading the news like wildIire and this it
adorable. They think Television and radio give this chance to events to come to
limelight and receive worldwide attention and movies help us to witness the events on
our own.
On balance, although media might wreck our personal relationships, we cannot deny
the revolutionary change it has made in to the world. As long as media won`t will not
cease to exist the only way to overcome the disadvantages is using to use this source
oI inIormation in a right way unless media plus everything that we have made to
make our liIe easier will would be our biggest enemy.
Estimated Band Score: 7.5
I really like the style of your writing. 1ust try to use more complex structures in
your writing. You can check for coordination and subordination complex
structures on the net, especially those involving reduction rules.
Good luck.
Comment [Afarinesh1]: uncountable
Comment [Afarinesh2]: try not to use certain
phrases. Overgeneralization Mistake!

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