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ATMD Meeting Minutes, Thursday, 5/22/14

8:17 meeting called to order

Meeting attended by:
Corbett Hoover
Chris Musgrave
Bill Hesford
Suzie Null

Suzie takes meeting notes as the secretary

Bill Hesford will serve as treasurer

Bill will go to the Durango Area Board Member and District Spring Workshop on
June 9.

Chris Musgrave is being removed as a signatory for ATMD documents. The new
signatories will be: Corbett Hoover, Bill Hesford, and Suzie Null.

HOA payments:
Locke property overpayment of $300 because 2014 is pro-rated, so the property
is paid for 2014.

Updating the website & files:
We want to get as much online as we can.
We need to organize folders in Google Drive.

Resolution & Minutes approval from March:
We will put minutes on the agenda, and then Suzie will upload it onto the website.

Road Report:
Phase I road improvements cost $14,680.
Improvements included grading of the whole subdivision, mag chloride application,
removing problematic culvert on Chipmunk Circle, dumpster & mailbox surfacing
and grading for improved access for WCA and the postal service.

Phase IIa road improvements cost $5260. This was for vegetation removal within
the Trew Creek right-of-way.

Phase IIb will start next Wednesday.
Will put fill Aspen Loop Rd., between Aspen Dr. & Chipmunk Circle. Will also top
with recycled asphalt.

Other future improvements:
We will also install a culvert and a catch box below the upper Trew Creek Crossing,
to drain the natural springs area.

We will slope and widen the road near the Robinsons house to help with snow
storage and water drainage.

We will open up the corner between the Robinsons and Bear Crossing.

We will put a catchbox beneath and extend the culvert below Perrymans house.

Almost all the responses weve heard from residents have been positive.

Sierra Drs washboard with a hairpin is already starting to washboard, even after
the grading. Maybe additional road bases would help. The roads would last longer
if people drove slower and braked less.

Board approved funds for Corbet will buy speedbumps for three sections in

As we improve the roads, people will drive faster.

Currently, Corbet is putting them in and taking them out. We might need to
consider funding someone to put them in and/or take them out.

Resolution 214-1 Meeting dates and times:
We meet the third Thursday of odd months, plus one in December.

Meetings for the rest of the year will be:
July 17,
September 18
November 20
December 4 approve budget

Budget must be prepared by Dec. 4, and approved by Dec. 15.

Motion approved at 9:08

Planning for winter plowing:
We bought a snowplow for $4500.00
We need to keep money in reserve for plowing in December.
We no longer pay a monthly fee for plowing, instead we pay an hourly fee.
We think Ben does a great job with plowing, but we want to price out other options.
Currently, we want to stay with someone who plows us first, and we have that
agreement with Ben.

Long-term planning and budgeting:
Possibilities are to spend money continuously on roads and other projects vs. saving
for a larger project, such as a community water treatment system or another large-
capital project.

Discussed water rights in the community.

Fire Mitigation:

Discussed fire mitigation & Firewise. Los Ranchitos and Forest Lakes have gotten
funding to take some steps.

Chris put forward a motion to approve having the Community Wildfire Protection
Plan funded up to $1000. Corbet seconded the motion. This needs to be
professionally written, and we need to pay someone to do it. Board Approved

We also want to look into agreements to work with other communities to use
incinerators or other resources.

Chris is working with the fire district to get a fire danger sign at the fire department
near the entrance of the neighborhood, or in the entrance to the neighborhood.

We need to get a few to correctly identify Bear Run and Turkey Trail, and for Elk Ln.
& Sierra Dr., which was bent by the snowplow. Corbett will look into getting a new
pole to fix that.

Chris will find the contact info For getting blue numbers. We will post this info on
the mailboxes when we get it.

Meeting adjourned at 10:00 pm.

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