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Wichita Collegiate
School 2014-2015
Traditional Preschool
Mrs. Cheryl Snyder
General Information for Traditional Preschool
If your child will not be at school for the day, it would be helpful to call
the school or let me know in advance (if possible) or e-mail. I always
worry when my friends dont show up!
Arrival and Dismissal
Arrivin on time helps to set the tone for the day. !lass beins at
"#$% a.m. and will be dismissed at $$#$% a.m. Afternoon classes will
bein at $&#$% p.m. and end at '#$% p.m. (lease place your childs
items in their locker with their help, follow to the small table by the
door to wash your childs hands, and then attempt to say ood-bye at
the door.
(lease send backpacks with a )A*+, openin each day. -ake sure
it is bi enouh for a folder and for any art pro.ects. (lease include a
chane of clothin (includin socks)! *emember to )A/,) backpacks
on the outside with bi letters. !heck the backpack each school day
for any food items or soiled clothin your child may brin home.
/irthdays ive children an opportunity to be special and important. I
will include birthdays each month on the calendar and your child can
brin treats on or close to their birthday. 0his is the time for those
special thins like .uice that are discouraed durin our daily healthy
snack times. !ookies and milk are a ood option. !upcakes are not a
ood choice because they are so messy. 1ummer birthdays will be
celebrated at the end of the school year.
Calendar and Newsletter
,ach month you will receive information concernin my curriculum,
any special events and also the snack schedule. 0his information is
also available on my blo at
2e love to do messy thins in our classroom and outside, too! (lease
send your child to school in play clothes that your child does not have
to worry about keepin overly clean. I will take precautions such as
usin paint smocks and aprons, but children often use the body in
learnin and somehow turn up messy anyway! 2e have a rock3sand
playround and (,, so the best footwear choice is sports or tennis
shoes4and at this ae, 5elcro is preferred. (lease be sure your
child has a chane of clothes that include# a shirt, pants, underwear
and socks that can be kept in his3her locker or backpack. !hildrens
clothin with 05, movie, or cartoon characters is discouraed.
0here will be two yearly conferences, one the end of 6ctober and one
in 7ebruary. 8ou may re9uest a conference at any time or contact me
at school or e-mail me at anytime you have
concerns about your child.
mergency Card
I keep an emerency card for each child by my phone. /e sure the
information on this card is correct. If you have a new phone number,
a different babysitter or have moved be sure the information is iven
to me and the ,arly !hildhood office.

As a eneral rule, students with a fever, nausea, or diarrhea will not
be able to attend class until the symptoms without medication have
subsided for &; hours. If your child becomes ill at school with any of
these symptoms you will be notified immediately. (lease be prompt
in pickin up your little one. (lease report all communicable illnesses
to the school office so we may 9uickly inform all children who have
been e<posed. 2ith everyones help we can keep the spread of
illnesses to a minimum.
In!"ries at #chool
2e will try to let you know about bumps, bruises and falls that occur
at school, which may re9uire a little e<tra 0)!. 6ur basic first aid
routine includes simply cleanin the area with soap and water if
necessary and applyin a bandae.
$ibrary% &"sic and P''
6nce a week your child will have the opportunity to visit our library for
story time. 0wo times a week, your child will attend music class in the
anne< and (.,. classes in the south ym. Athletic shoes with 5elcro
closures are re9uired for (.,. (It is a ood idea to keep an e<tra pair
of these shoes in your childs locker.)
0he schedule for (.,. is as follows#
-27 class# -onday and 7riday
030h class# 0hursday
Parent (ol"nteers
8ou are always welcome to share in our classroom e<periences and
our learnin e<plorations. !heck with me if you would like to help in
the classroom or with special events such as class parties, (ioneer
=ay or *ead and *omp.
=urin the school year we have a class party followin our -other
+oose (arade in 6ctober and a 5alentine (arty in 7ebruary. A sinup
sheet is available if you would like to help with these and other
special events.
1tudents will play outside everyday weather permittin. (lease be
sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. It is a ood
idea to keep a >ippered front .acket in your childs locker. /e sure it is
labeled with your childs name.
,ach month you will receive a monthly snack calendar. 6n the
calendar will be the assined students name and his3her desinated
dates for providin class snacks. ,ach child will provide the snack for
one full week. =ue to some severe alleries there will be a list of
acceptable snacks provided with the snack ba. (lease refer to this
list of acceptable items to brin for snack. 2e thank you in advance
for your cooperation in makin snack time both healthy and safe for
all the children in our class.
-y !ontact information#
Phone *+ ,-./.,0/10,, (oicemail+ *2-3 &rs' #nyder
If you need immediate assistance, please call the ,arly !hildhood
office at ,<t. ?&;@.
Safe Snack List 2014-2015
Fresh Fruit:
C&t St'a()e''ies
C&t G'a*es
S+ice, O'an-es
S+ice, "**+es
P+ain Raisins
Deli Meat:
C&)e, T&'ke. /' Ha0
2/-&'t-3n/ G/-&'ts4
R/+, G/+, P'et5e+s
W1eat T1ins
T/(n H/&se C'acke's
6ani++a Wafe's
G'a1a0 C'acke's- n/ n&t f+a7/'s
"&stin 8// "ni0a+ C'acke's
Te,,. G'a1a0s
F'&it L//*s /' C1ee'i/s-*+ain
!&t'a G'ain %a's- f'&it f+a7/'e, /n+.
99P+ease n/te t1at s*ecific 0an&fact&'es a'e +iste, f/' e:a0*+e; n/t a++ *'et5e+s an,
ani0a+ c'acke's a'e n&t f'ee$ "7/i, an. f//,s t1at 0a. c/ntain n&ts$

"s a 'e0in,e' (e ,/ n/t a++/( an. 1/0e0a,e snacks )'/&-1t int/ t1e c+ass'//0
,&e t/ a++e'-ies$
!/ ,'inks nee,e,; (ate' is *'/7i,e, f/' a++ snacks$

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