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I am fiom the Chisholm Tiail,
fiom 0ktobeifest anu St. Patiick's Bay.
I am fiom chips anu salsa anu Coca Cola.
I am fiom limestone anu black beiiy bushes,
whose iipe beiiies aie Nom's favoiite.
I am fiom school bells anu siiens,
fiom toenail polish anu shoe shopping.
I'm fiom football anu pizza,
fiom Bai-B-Q anu cowboy hats
I'm fiom "You'ie the oluest!" anu
fiom "You shoulu know bettei!"
I am fiom tickle monsteis anu haii bows
anu Ciazy Nommy Cleaning Bay
I am fiom motoicycle iiues
anu scaiy movies.
I'm fiom little biotheis,
fiom pacifieis anu toy cais.
A twenty-houi uiive away, aie memoiies.
Nemoiies of 0ma anu 0pa,
of blizzaius anu mountains.
Nemoiies of Chiistmas cookies anu the Benvei Zoo.
Nemoiies all so fai away,
waiting to be founu again.
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