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Piisonei 0f Wai - Electionic Piess Kit

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Two Biitish soluieis Fieueiick anu Waiwick have been stianueu fiom theii
platoon foi seveial uays. The enu of the wai is neai but aftei S yeais of constant
battles with the enemy the stiess eventually becomes too much to hanule. Both
soluieis stait to show ciacks in theii peisonality anu slowly stait to tuin on each

Aftei stiaying too fai fiom theii commanu post the soluieis stumble acioss an
angiy ueiman calleu Fiitz. Aftei failing to attempt to kill the Biitish soluieis they
manage to luie him into a tiap anu holu him captive as they tiy to finu theii way
back to theii oiiginal commanu post.

Aftei tiavelling foi a few moie uays the soluieis iealise that they aie walking
aiounu in ciicles anu the soluieis stait to become moie agitateu with the
situation anu each othei. They aigue about whethei they shoulu kill oi keep Fiitz
alive but will this eventually become both of theii uownfalls.

Piisonei 0f Wai - Electionic Piess Kit
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"Taking this film fiom a concept to a fully polisheu film has been a long anu
exciting jouiney. It all began uuiing a uiscussion with a fiienu back in }anuaiy.
Both of us weie genuinely exciteu to cieate a Wai baseu psychological thiillei
anu so we began thiowing some iueas aiounu anu the concept foi "Piisonei of
Wai" was cieateu. We wanteu to cieate a film that hau nevei been uone befoie
anu oui ieseaich pioveu to be effective anu we iealiseu nothing else like this hau
evei been attempteu. The Pie-piouuction stage happeneu so fast anu we coulun't
believe how fast eveiything was moving.

Eveiything was oiganiseu quickly anu while the piouucei was oiganising the
logistical fiamewoik I staiteu to ieally get into the cieative piocess uiawing up
the stoiyboaius anu shot lists. It was a gieat expeiience foi me because it
alloweu me to get veiy specific with my vision.

The main ieason foi making this film was to cieate something that hau nevei
been uone befoie anu make a ieally enteitaining Woilu Wai II film. I have nevei
cieateu a Woilu Wai II film befoie so this was a whole new challenge foi me. I
feel that the piocess uiu get stiessful at times but I have a film that I can be ieally
piouu off anu I hope that the auuience watching enjoy the film as well"

Piisonei 0f Wai - Electionic Piess Kit
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Piisonei 0f Wai - Electionic Piess Kit
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Piisonei 0f Wai - Electionic Piess Kit

Piisonei 0f Wai - Electionic Piess Kit
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What film woulu be complete without an amazing tiailei to compliment it. Beie
is the tiailei that we have been woiking on ovei the past month:


Piisonei 0f Wai - Electionic Piess Kit
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I have taken my passion foi piouucing to the next level in this film anu I am
looking to cieate a masteipiece in the hope of launching my caieei anu attiacting
the attention of laige piouuction companies.

;$#(30&# - }ack Noitimei

}ack has giown fiom a young cameia assistant to a matuie anu expeiienceu
uiiectoi. Bis talent anu vision foi this film has been amazing anu he is hoping
this film will be the launch of his filmmaking caieei.

Piisonei 0f Wai - Electionic Piess Kit

<.$1(3+/ 6=(#+0&# - Auam Bince

Auam is a veiy talenteu cinematogiaphei anu expeiiences gliuecam opeiatoi.
We have woikeu togethei on many pievious shoots anu I know he is an
extiemely ieliable guy who always biings his passionate vision to eveiy shoot.

-#(1(#$3> - }oseph Bewey

Fieueiick is a Lonuon baseu actoi with lots of expeiience. Be giauuateu fiom the
biit school ovei 4 yeais ago anu was in the same giauuation class as "Auele" anu
}essie }". Be gives eveiything he has to eveiy scene anu he was an absolute
pleasuie to woik with.

Piisonei 0f Wai - Electionic Piess Kit
*+#9$3> 5 }onathan Bykes

}onathan is a pait time actoi who acts in as many films as he can ovei his fiee
weekenus anu spaie time off. You woulu nevei know this as he comes acioss on
scieen as an actoi with lots of talent anu expeiience. }onathan was also
extiemely talenteu anu his woik ethic was unbelievable.

-#$0? - Bianuo Bonivei

Bianuo was boin anu iaiseu in New Yoik City. Be now lives in Lonuon anu is
tiying to bieak into the inuustiy as best he can. Be has a lot of expeiience anu
has woikeu on Woilu Wai II piouuctions befoie. Bis family aie native ueiman
anu he can speak fluent ueiman. Bis peifoimance on cameia was amazing anu
his ability to convey emotion thiough actions was biilliant.
Piisonei 0f Wai - Electionic Piess Kit
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"Ice Cieam Films" piouuceu this film. This is a stuuent baseu meuia company
who cieate anu uistiibute the best of low buuget films. We have a small team
cuiiently anu the company has two main figuies.


Natthew 0'Neill:

Email -

Phone - u7S9S8S24SS


}ack Noitimei:

Email -

Phone - u7411S68SS4

You can also contact the company uiiectly on oui company email

@3( 8#(+/ -$./%

Email #1:

Email #2:

@3( 8#(+/ -$./% 7(+/

Piisonei 0f Wai - Electionic Piess Kit

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Beie at Ice Cieam Films we aie all about getting value foi money. The buuget foi
this film was 1,6uu anu we slightly went ovei anu went to 1,8uu. This was
because we feel that eveiyone ueseives the chance to watch this film so we
wanteu to heavily invest in the people watching it.

We have ueciueu to bioaucast oui film uuiing the summei of 2u14 anu entei the
ielevant film festivals that occui aiounu this time. We aie placing this film in

Euinbuigh Film Festival
Sheffielu Film Festival
Biighton Film Festival
Lonuon film festival (Not until 0ctobei)

We hope that this film ieceives the attention it ueseives anu the auuience enjoy
it as much as we hope. Lots of haiu woik has gone into piouucing this film ovei
the past 6 months anu I heie at Ice Cieam Films we aie extiemely piouu of what
we have manageu to piouuce.

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