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You are a Marketing Manager for food based company. You have been assigned to promote
new product(s) for your company. You are required to prepare a Marketing Plan consist of
Marketing Mix which is Product, Place, Promotion and Price. You are required to provide the

a) The company background
b) The Vision, Mission and Objectives
c) The company logo
d) Target market
e) Product (e.g: branding, trademark, labeling and packaging)
f) Market segmentation
g) Place (e.g: channel structures and level of distribution intensity)
h) Promotion (e.g: advertising, public relations, sales promotion and personal selling)
i) Price (e.g: skimming, penetration and status quo)
j) Competitors (at least 3 competitors within the industry)
k) Conclusion
l) Recommendation
m) References

Your report must be type-written, less than 15 pages, Times New Roman, font size 12,
line spacing 1.5. You have to come out with ORIGINAL IDEAS, DO NOT COPY from other
sources or internet.

Date of submission - week 12
Marks will be deducted for late submission.

Date of presentation - week 13

Presentation requirement:
a) Maximum group members are 5.
b) Time provided for each group is only 20 minutes (15 min presentation + 5 min. Q&A).
c) Evaluation will be done individually.
d) Each group need to provide a presentation material to the panel.
e) Group is required to bring at least ONE actual product during the presentation.

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