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Sc = Single crochet
Ch = Chain
Sl = Slip stitch
Inc = Increase
Dec = Decrease
Tc = Triple crochet
Dc = Double crochet
Inc tc = 2 triple crochet in same stitch
Inc dc = 2 double crochet in same stitch
Hdc= half double crochet
Dec hdc= half double crochet 2 stitches together
Inc hdc= 2 half double crochet in same stitch

Choco cake:
R1: magic ring, 8 sts
R2: inc, (8 times), 16 sts
R3 to R21: sc around, 16 sts
R22: dec,(8 times), 8 sts ( fasten off)

Cherry cream:
R1: magic ring, 8 sts
R2: inc,(8 times), 16 sts
R3 to R13: sc around, 16 sts
R14: dec,(8 times), 8 sts ( fasten off)

Whipped cream:
R1: magic ring, 5 sts
R2: inc,(5 times), 10 sts
R3: work with front-loops only, crochet 3 sc into every stitch. ( fasten off)

R1: magic ring, 6 sts
R2: inc,(6 times), 12 sts
R3 to R5: sc around, 12 sts
R6: dec,(6 times), 6 sts ( fasten off)
Use yarn needle to thread a strand of green yarn to make stem.

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