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Swallows 6
Grade Science ---Habits for success
1- Be a self-starter
2- Stay on task
3- Show respect for property, self, and others

Procedures to Support Habit #1
1-Entering the Classroom-
Enter the classroom quietly and in an orderly manner. Check the board. Pick up you Science Journal and go to
your assigned seat and begin working on your student planner and bell work.1
2- Classroom Materials
You must always have your student planner, a writing instrument, and your science journal. If you have
homework it must be ready to be turned in at the beginning of class. 1
3- Classroom material/ Pens and Pencils
You are expected to have a writing instrument with you every day. You may use pen in our class if you can do
so neatly. If for some reason your writing instrument goes missing, you may BORROW one of mine, They are
the red and white flowers on the back book shelf. There is also a basket of found pencils if there is one
available you may have it. If you need other supplies you may borrow them from the supply drawers but you
must use your agenda or student ID card (lunch card) to check them out.1
4- Student Planner-
Student Planners are required for each student; planners will help you keep track of assignments and provide a
bridge between home and school. Each monday your planner will be checked for completeness and parents
signature. 1
5- Make-up Work
If you miss an assignment or test due to an absence, it is your responsibility to arrange a time to make up this
work. Check the daily folders on the shelf for what you missed.
MAKE-UP TESTS: You may re-take a test if you have scored less than a 3. You have until we take the
next test to re-take. In order to be eligible to re-take a test you must correct your original test and write at
least one sentence explaining how you made your mistake. When you have corrected all the missed
questions turn it into me and I will sign it off and put your make-up test in the testing center.
6- Bathroom Breaks
If you need to use the bathroom please wait until we are doing group or individual work (unless it is an
emergency). To use the bathroom simply leave your seat, sign out in the notebook at the back of the room and
leave the hand sanitizer on your desk. When you come back; sign in, use the sanitizer, and return it to the back.2
7- Goal Tracking Page
At the end of class it is your responsibility to fill out your goal tracking sheet to monitor how you are doing with
your goals and class expectations. I will check these periodically and use it as part of your life skills grade. 2

Procedures to Support Habit #2
1- Raising Your Hand
Please raise your hand and sit quietly to- ask/answer a question, to comment, to leave you seat, etc. DO NOT
blurt out answers or questions. (we will have several techniques for answering questions but if you are in doubt
about which technique to use the raising your hand procedure is the one to try first)2
2-Answering Content Questions:
We have several ways to answer questions during a lesson. I will let you know which method we are using
before we start. There is NEVER a blurting out option.2
3- Group Formations
Group A- Group work with your shoulder partner
Group B- Students in the 1
, 3
, and 5
sets of desks turn their desks to form a group of four.2

4- Attention Getter to call for immediate attention:
To call for attention to transition to a new activity or quiet the room I will count down from 3. I will say back
to me in then 3-2-1. Our immediate attention getter will be the ringing of my bell. Expectations are for you to
stop what you are doing immediately (talking, group activities, visitors, etc.) and give me active listening. 2
5- Heading on Papers
The days date can always be found on the left corner of the whiteboard above the bell work. All papers must
have your name, number (your #is your last initial and your class #), date, and class period at the top. If any
data is missing you will lose points on the assignment.2
6- Turning in Papers
When directed to turn in your papers during class pass it to the person behind you after receiving the papers
from the person in front of you always put your paper on top.2
Procedures to Support Habit #3
1 Class discussions
In our class there will be times when we discuss answers as a group. You may feel like your answer is more
correct than another persons, it is important to show respect and use kind words to disagree. For example: I
may be wrong but I think you added incorrectly or I hear what youre saying this is what I think or when I
did my work, I got another answer could I show you what I did. We do not belittle or put down anyone!3
2- Work Area
You are responsible for keeping your work area clean. Do not get up during discussion to throw away trash,
wait until we are doing individual work or group work.3
3-Desk Etiquette:
You should be sitting up in your desk facing forward, no chair balancing or touching, tapping or leaning on the
desks around you. If you are near a wall there should be no bumping or marking on the wall. Respect your
seat partners personal bubble! 3
4- Gum:
You may chew gum in class if I dont see it or hear it. If I see it or hear it you will be asked to throw it away
and if this happens often the policy may change.
5- Class Dismissal
When the bell rings to end class, wait for me to dismiss you. To dismiss you I will say something like have a
good day, see you tomorrow etc. 1

Procedures to Support Emergency Drills
1- Fire Drill
When the fire drill alarm sounds you will quickly and quietly line up and exit the building following our
schools outlined procedure. EP
2- Earthquake Drill & Lock Down Drill
When the earthquake alarm sounds you will quickly, calmly and quietly get under your desk and make sure
your head is covered. There will be no talking during the drill. When a lock down drill is called you will quickly
go sit where you have beenassigned. THERE SHOULD BE ABSOLUTELY NO NOISE during a lock-
down. EP
Lab Safety
When we are working on a lab all classroom procedures and rules will be followed along with the following
additional procedures:
A- Follow ALL written directions and teacher instructions-
B- NO Horseplay of any kind, you will lose your lab privileges if you are playing around-
C- Never taste or inhale substances in the lab- (unless directed to do so)-
D- Put on safety equipment necessary for the experiment-
E- Be respectful of others in the lab-
F- Report ANY problems immediately!!
G- Clean up your area.

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