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Present Simple vs.

Present Continuous
Present Simple Present Continuous
Actiuni obisnuite, repetate cu o
anumita frecventa:
Every day/ year/winter/holiday
etc. (plasate la sfarsitul sau inceputul
Rarely (plasate de regula inainte de
Actiuni care sunt in progres (de
petrec) in momentul vorbirii;
Actiuni temporare:

At present
This moment
This week/ month/ evening etc.
(plasate la sfarsitul sau la inceputul
Present Simple Present Continuous
Intotdeauna ne petrecem
concediul de iarna la munte.
We always spend our winter
holiday in the mountains.

Nu mananc niciodata fructe
de mare.
I never eat seafood.
Petrecem acest concediu de
iarna acasa.
We are spending this winter
holiday at home.

De data aceasta mananc
fructe de mare.
This time Im eating seafood.
Present Simple!
Indicatii de scena

Joan appears from the left side and brings a chair.
(Joan apare din partea stanga si aduce un scaun.)

Comentarii sportive

Hagi receives the ball and kicks it into the audience.
(Hagi primeste mingea si o suteaza in public.)

Present Simple Present Continuous
Actiuni viitoare desfasurate
dupa un orar oficial
NU se pot amana/ anula
Conferinte internationale;
Intreceri sportive;
Mersul mijloacelor de transport
in comun etc.

Actiuni viitoare programate
de o persoana
Se pot amana/anula
Orice actiune aranjata in mod
neoficial de o persoana
Verbe care nu pot fi folosite la un timp continuu

Present Simple Present Continuous
to see = a vedea (abilitate fizica)
I see a crocodile in the distance.

to hear = a auzi (abilitate fizica)
I hear so much noise from our neighbours...

to smell = a avea miros (calitate intrinseca)
This flower smells wonderful.

to taste = a avea gust (calitate intrinseca)
This soup tastes good.

to feel = a se simti la pipait (calitate intrinseca),
a crede
This material feels soft.
I feel you will pass this exam.

to see = a se intalni (actiune)
Im seeing my girlfriend today.

to hear = a auzi, a afla (actiune)
Im hearing that you get married on Sunday!

to smell = a mirosi (actiune)
Im smelling this beautiful flower.

to taste = a gusta (actiune)
Im tasting the soup to see if it is good.

to feel = a pipai (actiune)
Im feeling this material to see if it is soft.
Verbe care NU pot fi folosite la un timp continuu
Present Simple Present Continuous
to have = a poseda
He has a house and two
to think = a crede
I think you are right this time.
to expect = a se astepta, a
I expect it will rain for
to be = a fi
You are a good boy.
to have => in expresii
Im having dinner now.
Shes having a party tonight.
Hes having a shower now.
to think = a se gandi
Im thinking of you now.
to expect = a astepta
Im expecting a baby.
to be = a se comporta
(pentru moment)
You are a good boy, but you
are being very rude today.
Verbe care NU pot fi folosite la un timp continuu!
To seem
To appear
To understand
To know
To believe
To suppose
To remember
To forget

To want
To wish
To love
To hate
To dislike
To forgive
To matter
To need etc.

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