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Magnets Lab (kindergarten)

Explain magnets (read magnet book)

I. Each table has a set of strong magnets. Take one set and show the kids how the N and S
poles attract and the N to N poles or S to S poles repel. Let each table have a set so they
can feel the forces.
Attract- to come together
Repel- to push apart
II. Explain how magnets are attracted to certain objects. Use a magnet in front of class to
show how it picks up lots of paperclips. (there are strong magnets and weak magnets) Then
show that the magnet does not pick up wood, etc. Magnets are attracted to iron and steel.
They are also attracted to other metals but we do not have any here. Do any of you have a
magnet on your refrigerator? The refrigerator has iron and steel in it.

Give each table a bag of different objects (they are labeled bag 1,2,3,etc). Tell the kids to
sort the magnetic objects from the nonmagnetic objects.

III. Explain the definition of a compass. It is used for navigation or to find your way. A compass
always points to the north. This is because our earth has iron in the center core.

IV. Let the children each have a magnet wand and let them try different items in the room to
see if they are magnetic or not.

V. There is a box of Magnetics (toy). Please ask the kids to take care not to drop any of them.
You can put a few piles on each table so they can build something.

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