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Bond energies

Bond Enthalpies
Each type of bond in a molecule makes a fixed contribution to the total energy of the reaction. An
exothermic change is an evidence for the formation of a stronger bond whereas an endothermic change is
an evidence for the formation of weaker bonds or the weakening of bonds

Covalent molecules and bond enthalpies
i. Bond energy (bond enthalpy).
This is the amount of energy associated with one mole a particular covalent bond. It is also the amount of
energy released when one mole of a particular covalent bond is formed or the energy absorbed to break
one mole of a particular covalent bond. Energy is lost in order to form a bond i.e. bond formation is on
exothermic process. Energy is absorbed in order to break a bond i.e. bond breakage is an endothermic
Ethane Ethene
Each of the three molecules ethane ethene and ethyne has a ! " # bond. $he energy needed to break a !
" # bond in each of the molecules is different from the energy needed to break the ! " # bond in the other
two molecules. $his due to the influence of the different types carbon to carbon (! " ! ! % ! and ! & !)
bonds on the ! " # bond in each molecule. $he energy needed to break a ! " # bond in ethane but not in
ethene or ethyne is called bond energy or bond enthalpy.
ii. Bond energy (enthalpy) term
This is average bond energy per mole of covalent bonds in a range of compounds with such a bond. If the
energy needed to break any ! " # bond in ethane is E' any ! " # bond in ethene is E( and any ! " #
bond in ethyne is E) then bond energy term or bond enthalpy term for a ! " # bond *E(! " #)+ bond
considering the three molecules above will be given as, E(! " #) %
) ( '
+ +
Bond energy terms are also called mean bond energy or mean bond enthalpy or average bond energy or
average bond enthalpy. !alculations carry out using bond energy terms usually shows a discrepancy with
experimental values for a particular molecule. Bond energy term takes into account all molecules with a
particle bond while the experiment considers only the bonds in the molecule under study.

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