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2012/37214 PDF 2009/24712(v2) Japanese: Second Language: Stage 2 Grade C Work sample 1

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In this task students were required to write a letter to their Japanese host family describing their family and
interests. This task relates to one or more of the prescribed topics in Stage 2.


Written communication, Text types, Kanji, Japanese script, Japanese language,
Families, Lifestyles

Grades are assigned at the end of a unit or semester based on the rank order of students.
Grades should not be assigned to individual assessments.

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2012/37214 PDF 2009/24712(v2) Japanese: Second Language: Stage 2 Grade C Work sample 2

Applies some of the
conventions of letter
writing, e.g. a
description of the
weather; however, omits
the date.

Inappropriately uses

Uses a good range of
mostly familiar kanji.

Relies on simple,
rehearsed language.

Omits use of prescribed

Asks appropriate
questions; however,
uses culturally
inappropriate use of
anata instead of

Uses a narrow range of
Stage 2 grammar.

Occasionally uses
particles incorrectly, but
this does not impede

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