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Horatio G.

Bent Elementary School

Parent Teacher Organization
Revised 12/1998 and approved 9/2/2014
Article I Name
The name of the organization shall be the Bent Elementary arent
Tea!her "rganization #T"$%
Article II Articles o Organization
The organization e&ists as an 'nin!orporated organization of members%
(ts )arti!les of organization* !omprise these by+la,s as from time to
time amended- and its arti!les of asso!iation- if any- as ,ell% (n the
absen!e of separate arti!les of asso!iation- the byla,s shall be
deemed to be the arti!le of organization% (n the event of any !on.i!t
bet,een these byla,s and the arti!les of asso!iation- these byla,s
shall govern%
Article III P!r"ose
The ob/e!tives of the organization are0
a% To promote the ed'!ational ,elfare of st'dents thro'gh s'pport of
tea!hers and sta1%
b% To provide 2nan!ial assistan!e to s'pplement ed'!ation and e&tra+
!'rri!'lar programs%
!% To en!o'rage !omm'ni!ation bet,een home and s!hool%
Article I# $em%ers
3ny parent- g'ardian- or other ad'lt standing in lo!o parentis for a
st'dent at the s!hool may be a member and shall have voting rights%
The prin!ipal and any sta1 member employed at the s!hool may be a
member and have voting rights%
Article # O&cers an' Elections
Section (. O&cers. The o4!ers shall be a president- vi!e president-
se!retary- and treas'rer%
a% Presi'ent. The president shall prepare the agenda- preside over
meetings of the organization and e&e!'tive board- serve as the
primary !onta!t for the prin!ipal- represent the organization at
meetings o'tside the organization- serve as an e& o4!io member
of all !ommittees e&!ept the nominating !ommittee- and
!oordinate the ,or5 of all the o4!ers and !ommittees so that the
p'rpose of the organization is served%
b% #ice Presi'ent. The vi!e president shall assist the president and
!arry o't the president6s d'ties in his or her absen!e or inability to
!% Secretary. The se!retary shall 5eep all re!ords of the organization-
ta5e and re!ord min'tes- handle !orresponden!e- and send noti!es
of meetings to the membership% The se!retary also maintains a
!opy of the min'tes- byla,s- r'les- membership list- and any other
ne!essary s'pplies- and brings them to meetings% (n the event the
7e!retary is not present- or no 7e!retary has been ele!ted- the
8i!e+resident or resident shall ass'me the d'ties of the
d% Treas!rer. The treas'rer shall re!eive all f'nds of the organization-
5eep an a!!'rate re!ord of re!eipts and e&pendit'res- and pay o't
f'nds in a!!ordan!e ,ith the approval of the e&e!'tive board% 9e
or she ,ill present a 2nan!ial statement at every meeting and at
other times of the year ,hen re:'ested by the e&e!'tive board-
and ma5e a f'll report at the end of the year%
Section ). Nominations an' Elections. Ele!tions ,ill be held at
the last meeting of the s!hool year% The nominations for ea!h o4!e
shall be identi2ed at a meeting held the month prior to the ele!tion%
3t that meeting- nominations may be made from the .oor #,ith
!onsent of the !andidate$% 8oting shall be by voi!e vote- sho, of
hands or ,ritten ballet% Ele!tion res'lts shall be determined by the
ma/ority of votes%
Section *. Eligi%ility. ;embers are eligible for o4!e if they are
members in good standing at least 14 !alendar days before the
Section +. Terms o O&ce. "4!ers are ele!ted for one year and
may serve no more than t,o #2$ !onse!'tive terms in the same o4!e
'nless no one is nominated for the position at the last meeting of the
year- then the ele!ted o4!er may serve another term%
Section ,. #acancies. (f there is a va!an!y in the o4!e of president-
the vi!e president ,ill be!ome the president% 3t the ne&t reg'larly
s!hed'led meeting- a ne, vi!e president ,ill be ele!ted% (f there is a
va!an!y in any other o4!e- e&e!'tive board members ,ill 2ll the
va!an!y 'ntil an ele!tion at the ne&t reg'lar meeting% (f not 2lled at
that meeting- the e&e!'tive board may 2ll the va!an!y by
Section -. .emo/al 0rom O&ce% "4!ers !an be removed from
o4!e ,ith or ,itho't !a'se by a t,o+thirds vote of those present
#ass'ming a :'or'm$ at an E&e!'tive Board meeting or ,hen previo's
noti!e has been given- at a reg'lar meeting% 3n o4!er may resign at
any time ,ith noti!e to the e&e!'tive board% <pon leaving the o4!er
position- the do!'ments and re!ords generated by that o4!er ,ill be
t'rned into the resident%
Article #I $eetings
Section (. .eg!lar $eetings. The reg'lar meeting of the
organization shall be at least bimonthly at a time and pla!e
determined by the e&e!'tive board at least 1= days before the
meeting% >oti!e of meetings shall be !omm'ni!ated to the T"
membership at least 14 days prior to the meeting% ;eetings may be
!an!elled by the resident or 8i!e+resident d'e to ,eather or other
'nforeseen !ir!'mstan!es and res!hed'led providing noti!e to the
T" membership of the date and time for the res!hed'led meeting at
least ? days prior to the meeting% T" meetings shall be !an!elled
anytime @istri!t 8A !an!els evening a!tivities d'e to ,eather%
Section ). S"ecial $eetings. 7pe!ial meetings may be !alled by0
the presidentB
any t,o members of the e&e!'tive boardB or
by 2ve general members s'bmitting a ,ritten re:'est to the
>oti!e of the spe!ial meeting shall be sent to the general members at
least = days prior to the meeting by .yer- te&t messages- ,eb
postings- phone !alls or emails%
Section *. 1!or!m% The :'or'm shall be = members of the
organization- ,ith at least 2 members that are not part of the
E&e!'tive Board%
Section +. $eeting 0ormat. The format of the meeting shall be
s'itable for dis!'ssion by all members present% ;eetings may ta5e
pla!e at the s!hool or other lo!ations identi2ed in the advan!ed
meeting noti!e%
Article #II E2ec!ti/e Boar'
Section (. $em%ershi". The E&e!'tive Board shall !onsist of the
o4!ers- prin!ipal- and standing !ommittee !hairs%
Section ). 3!ties. The d'ties of the E&e!'tive Board shall be to
transa!t b'siness bet,een meetings in preparation for the general
meeting- !reate standing r'les and poli!ies- !reate standing and
temporary !ommittees- prepare and s'bmit a b'dget to the
membership- approve ro'tine bills- and prepare reports and
re!ommendations to the membership%
Section *. E2ec!ti/e Boar' $eetings. Reg'lar meetings shall be
held monthly to be determined by the board% 7pe!ial meetings may
be !alled by any t,o board members- ,ith 2 ho'rs noti!e- s'b/e!t to
e&e!'tive board members6 availability% ;eetings may be in person- or
be !ond'!ted via ele!troni! !omm'ni!ation%
Section +. 1!or!m. 3 :'or'm shall !onsist of half the n'mber of
board members or at least 2 e&e!'tive board members if the board
has fe,er than = members%
Article #III 4ommittees
Section (. $em%ershi" on 4ommittees. Committees may !onsist
of members and board members- ,ith the president a!ting as an e&
o4!io member of all !ommittees%
Section ). A""ointing 4ommittees. The board may appoint
!ommittees as needed%
Article I5 0inances
Section (. 3 tentative b'dget shall be drafted by the 2rst fall
meeting for ea!h s!hool year and approved by a ma/ority vote of the
members present at the 2rst reg'lar meeting%
Section ). The board shall approve all e&penses of the organization
that are o'tside of the approved b'dget% The b'dget !an be revised
and s'bmitted for approval at any e&e!'tive board meeting% Dhen
revised- the b'dget shall be presented at the ne&t reg'lar meeting for
Section *% T,o a'thorized signat'res shall be re:'ired on ea!h
!he!5% 3'thorized signers shall be the treas'rer and one other
Section +. The treas'rer shall 5eep a!!'rate re!ords of any
disb'rsements- in!ome- and ban5 a!!o'nt information% <pon the
transfer of the d'ties of treas'rer- this re!ord shall be provided to the
ne&t treas'rer%
Section ,. 0inancial 3oc!mentation
a% The treas'rer shall prepare a 2nan!ial statement for ea!h
reg'lar meeting that in!l'des the !'rrent ban5 balan!es-
re!ent transa!tions and stat's of b'dgeted line items%
b% The ban5 statements shall be mailed to Bent Elementary
s!hool and shall not be opened by any of the a'thorized
signat'res on the !he!5 boo5% ;onthly- the treas'rer shall
present to a designated member that is not an a'thorized
signat're on the !he!5 boo5- the !omplete !ompilation of
re!eipts and deposit slips for the time period of the ban5
statement% This designated individ'al shall revie, the ban5
statement and !ompare the !ompilation of re!eipts and
deposit slips to the ban5 statement% 3fter the revie,- the
designated individ'al shall sign the ban5 statement#s$- staple
the re!eipts and deposit slips and ret'rn this pa!5et in its
entirety to the treas'rer% 3ny !on!erns sho'ld be reported to
the treas'rer for !lari2!ation or to the resident or rin!ipal
for f'rther revie,%
!% 3t the end of the s!hool year- the treas'rer shall prepare the
2nan!ial do!'ments ,hi!h in!l'de all of the signed ban5
statements- in!l'ding the !ompilation of all re!eipts and
deposit slips to an a'ditor or a'dit !ommittee appointed by
the E&e!'tive Committee% The a'ditor or a'dit !ommittee
shall revie, the do!'mentation and provide feedba!5 to the
resident regarding any !on!erns% This a'dit shall be
!ompleted by 3'g'st 1
of the year%
d% Einan!ial do!'mentation shall be maintained by the treas'rer
for at least ? years%
Section -. <pon the dissol'tion of the organization- any remaining
f'nds sho'ld be 'sed to pay any o'tstanding bills% (n the event of the
!losing of the s!hool and dissol'tion of the organization- the
organization re:'ests that its assets ,ill be distrib'ted by per!entage
to the @istri!t 8A s!hools Bent st'dents ,ill be attending% (f only the
dissol'tion of the organization o!!'rs- its assets shall be distrib'ted
proportionally among the f'll+time and part+time tea!hing sta1%
Section 6. The 2s!al year shall !oordinate ,ith the s!hool year
months #3'g'st to F'ly$%
Article 5 Policies
oli!ies for b'siness operations may be approved by the E&e!'tive
Board% The se!retary shall 5eep a re!ord of the approved and signed
poli!ies for f't're referen!e%
Article 5I 3issol!tion
The organization may be dissolved ,ith previo's noti!e #14 !alendar
days$ and a t,o+thirds vote of those present at the meeting%
Article 5II Amen'ments
Section (. These byla,s may be amended at any reg'lar or spe!ial
meeting- providing that noti!e of the proposed amendment ,as given
at the prior meeting% >oti!e may be given by postal mail- e+mail- or
posted on the ,ebsite% 3mendments ,ill be approved by t,o+thirds
vote of those present- ass'ming a :'or'm%
Section ). 3 !ommittee may be appointed to s'bmit a revised set of
byla,s as a s'bstit'te for the e&isting byla,s by a ma/ority vote at a
meeting or by t,o+thirds vote of the E&e!'tive Board% The
re:'irements of adoption of a revised set of byla,s shall be the same
as in the !ase of an amendment%

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