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Shave With Conditioner

If you're out of shaving cream, lather your legs with conditioner instead of soap. Conditioner
will soften the hair on your legs making it easier to shave (and it will leave your skin feeling
extra silky).
Source: You Beauty
Rinse Hair With Beer Or Vinegar
Rinsing your hair with beer helps restore moisture to your locks while using vinegar will up
the ante in shine. Soak your hair in either liquid (not at the same time) for a few minutes,
then rinse with cold water.
Source: You Beauty
Turn Up The Heat
For curlier, flirtier lashes, the experts at You Beauty recommend heating your lash curler
with a hair dryer for five to eight seconds before curling them.
Use Ice Cubes To Keep Fat, Acne And Wrinkles At Bay
The experts at You Beauty recommend massaging an ice cube over your face until it melts.
Do it every night before bed and keep fat cells, acne and wrinkles under control.
Make Your Manicure Last.. And Last
Before applying nail polish, wipe nails with an acetone-based cleanser. Essie Weingarten,
founder of Essie Cosmetics, told the pros at Redbook that cleaning excess dirt, oil or
moisturizer from your nails will ensure that the polish adheres properly. Follow the rest of
these tips at Redbook and your perfectly polished manicure will last for a week and a half.

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