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Introduction: Who wrote this and who is it written for?

This is a "Beginners Guide" to the Brahma Kumaris. A simple, plain English but comprehensive
introduction to the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Universit! its belie"s, li"estle and mode o"
Everthing ou #anted to $no# but #ere a"raid to as$, in neat bite si%ed pieces #ithout the
re&uirement o" specialist $no#ledge.
and surrendered BKs #ithin the organi%ation #ith direct contact and involvement #ith the
leadership over a period o" decades.
How do you know all this?
'ur collective e(perience goes bac$ to the beginning o" BK evangelism in the Western World. 'ther
in"ormation is gain through our discussion "orum #hich is supported internationall.
Wh are ou doing this and are ou members o" an group or religion)
The Brahma Kumaris leadership has misled generations o" "ollo#ers #hilst e(ploiting them "inanciall
and "or their "ree labor and, in our opinion, misrepresents itsel" to #ell meaning outsiders in a manner
that bene"its them in man #a including "inanciall.
*t #ould seem to man that having secured their position, the leadership no# hides the truth o" the
religion behind a polished +, machine, various "ronts and diluted versions o" their teachings. *t can
ta$e months o" involvement be"ore ne#comers discover #hat the reall believe and teach. B that
time, individuals have become assimilated and conditioned in a #a to reduce their critical "aculties.
-e# academics studing the group have even gotten this "ar.
.i$e#ise, "or "riends and "amilies o" Brahma Kumari adherents it is impossible to gather "rom
"o""icial" #ebsites #hat the organi%ation is reall about, ho# the leadership #or$s or "or them to gain
an understanding about the changes that their loved ones are undergoing.
*n order to balance the secrec and manipulation, #e believe that individuals have a right to $no# #hat
is going and access to all the teachings o" the BKWSU. To put it simpl, #e do not believe that truth
can be established on the basis o" lies and cover ups.
/o. We have no alternative religious agenda and are not a member o" an other group. We believe in
"reedom o" speech, the right to in"ormation and societies right to $no#.
Brahma Kumari teachings are based on mediumistic messages given through trance mediums or
channels. These are called Sa$ar 0urlis 1+re23454 death o" the "ounder6, Ava$t 7anis or Ava$t
0urlis 1+ost23454 death o" the "ounder6. 'ver 3,888 e(amples o" these are o""ered on this #ebsite in a
number o" "ormats including searchable databases.
Brahma Kumari believe that another spirit entit, or soul, possessed "irstl their "ounder .e$hra9
Kripalani and no# other adherents to spea$s through their bodies and act. 'utside o" the BKWSU, this
is $no#n as "channelling". *t is an advanced "orm o" mediumship.
Since the death o" .e$hra9 Kripalani, BKs belie" that both he, the spirit guide the believe is the God o"
all religions and other senior deceased BK adherents are channelled through "trance mediums". These
mediums are said to go into a deep trance and allo# the other spirit entities to possess their bodies and,
again, spea$ and act through them.
Whereas BKs claim that the "ounder #as able to remain conscious #hilst the spirit did so, the lesser
mediums are not able to and must remain in trance not $no#ing #hat is being said or done through
The Hidden Teachings called "the Murlis"
The core teachings o" the Brahma Kumaris called "the 0urli", a"ter a magic "lute that God Krishna #as
supposed to pla to be#itch his "emale "ollo#ers. These are channelled mediumistic messages
allegedl spo$en b God directl through the mouths o" BK mediums.
The BKWSU is becoming increasingl secretive about these due to their controversial nature and given
that the are o"ten in opposition to activities carried out b the leadership and does not as a rule allo#
non2BKs access to them. And certainl not in anthing but a #atered do#n manner. E(amples are not
available on an BKWSU #ebsites, adherents are not allo#ed to send them as emails, generall no
longer allo#ed copies to ta$e "or home stud and ma onl be given access in speci"ic areas o" the their
There is "urther controvers #ithin the movement that the leadership is editing, revising and re2#riting
them removing contentious elements, "ailed predictions, changing dates and so on.
Are there any other forms of psychism going on within the BKWSU?
:es. /e#l deceased senior Brahma Kumaris are said to be channelled b the organi%ation;s mediums
"ollo#ing their death, even returning "rom beond the grave to spea$ to their old "riends and be "ed via
the medium;s bod.
Additionall, previousl deceased Brahma Kumari adherents are said to ma$e up an Advance +art
#hich, along #ith "ounder .e$hra9 Kripalani, acts pschicall in some manner through current
members in"luencing events. 0an BKs report having varied pschicall induced visions.
*ndividual "ollo#ers are 1allegedl6 being used unconsciousl as mediums or channels "or these spirit
entities, and "energ" or "vibrations", during meditation and #hilst evangeli%ing "or the BKWSU. The
main spirit guide, or god o" the Brahma Kumaris, clearl claims to enter into "ollo#ers to do "#or$" or
in"luence atmospheres in the channelled messages.
With the li$elihood that the current medium o" God is going to die be"ore "<estruction", the BKWSU
is said to be training up oung #omen to ta$e over her role as a mediums "or God on her death.
Wealth "ollo#ers can pa to have special "ood o""erings made "or their deceased relatives during
#hich time the BK medium #ill return #ith some special message o"ten relating to the condition o"
their rebirth else#here or meeting God. Special attention is given to "ood and BK believe that the can
"ill "ood or s#eeties #ith special spiritual energ that e""ects individuals that eat it. These are o"ten
given to *+s or 7*+s as gi"ts.
The organi%ation #ill consult #ith the spirit guides via their trance mediums to receive their guidance
be"ore an ma9or building, business or evangelistic pro9ect.
How do the Brahma Kumaris refer to this?
The Brahma Kumaris do not tend to re"er to this as channelling or even mediumship but obscure the
practises to outsiders #ith vague re"erences to "being used as an instrument", "inspired" and so on. 'n
occasions, 7*+s or politicians #ill be introduced to "God" spea$ing through a medium #ithout
$no#ing #ho it is the are supposed to be meeting, e.g. +resident +atil o" *ndia or <r. ,obert 0uller,
"ormerl Assistant Secretar General to the United /ations.
Whilst maintaining their "aith that is is God =imsel" spea$ing through their mediums, general terms
such as "the .ight" or "the Supreme" #ill be used to non2adherents.
Top <estruction 2 the End o" the World
Why uclear War! natural disasters and ci"il wars?
The BKWSU has taught since it beginning that present da that all li"e on earth and humanit must be
destroed in a series o" events it calls "<estruction". This is re&uired to "puri"" the #orld o" vice. The
core Brahma Kumari teachings claim that the e(ternal destruction o" the #orld #ill come about b their
inspiration and e""orts. Speci"icall, it has been said that this means the #ill give the scientists courage
to release the nuclear #eapons that #ill destro civili%ation and that <estruction emanates "rom their
These include /uclear War, natural disasters and civil #ar. All other continents e(cept "or *ndia are to
sin$ belo# the oceans e(cept "or islands #here present da Brahma Kumari centers are located. *ndia is
to be the scene o" a bloodbath a"ter #hich all bodies are #ashed a#a into the ocean b "loods.
-ollo#ing <estruction, an arm o" special individuals including scientists and Brahma Kumaris #ill
rebuild civili%ation to its highest, high technolog Golden Age in less than >8 ears. Brahma Kumari
adherents, reborn as "deities" #ill en9o palaces o" gold and diamonds, nuclear po#er "ling machines
and live to be 3?8 ears old.
+reviousl, BKs taught "ollo#ers that <estruction #ould ta$e ?8 ears and @reation ?8 ears.
,e"erences to this have been removed "rom their teachings.
The BKWSU engage in many forms of deception To this end they disguise who they really
are and engage with the world wearing a !ariety of masks" using a !ariety of methods" and
includes ta# fraud and pretending to $e a charity This is co!ered in the ne#t few pages
The BKWSU has an agenda. The #ant to "ill their ran$s to 488,888 dedicated members.
According to their teachings that is the number at #hich the #orld #ill be destroed. Soon a"ter
that paradise #ill arise "rom the radioactive ashes o" hell and the #ill live as deities. =o#ever,
there is a dilemmaA ho# to openl and honestl reveal such an agenda and still be ta$en seriousl)
@learl the have reali%ed the can)t and have opted to be ta$en seriousl ) even i" the have to
engage in a process o" deception to achieve this.
*t is also a consideration that the collective ego o" BKWSU management simpl cannot cope #ith
an accusation that the are nutters. But #hat else #ould ou thin$ i" the told ou that God is
teaching them directl and e(clusivel, that the #orld #as supposed to end in 34B5 but that the
are still #aiting, that time repeats identicall ever ?888 ears 1es ou read all o" this ?888 ears
ago and #ill do again in another ?888 ears6)
Senior management is deepl concerned #ith the public persona o" the BKWSU. *t has been
determinedl managed and is protected #ith "erocit. The do not tolerate dissent #ithin their
ran$s and are especiall sensitive to public dissent. The simpl don)t #ant the public to $no#
#hat the trul believe or #hat their true motives are. The iron appears to be lost on them, but
their primar e""ort is to hide #hat the trul believe 2 their ver reason "or e(isting in the "irst
place. This is evidenced b the "act that no#here in the BKWSU #ebsites, advertising material, or
an#here in their public presence #ill ou "ind an re"erence to #hat the trul believe.
*nstead the hide behind a deception o" concern "or ou and the #orld. This is the cnical tpe o"
deception "or #hich +ol +ot #as noted. This is onl the beginning ho#ever. The nature and "orm
o" deception continues to evolve. *t begins #ith the claim to be teaching ,a9a :oga.
,a9a :oga.
'ne o" the most prominent and e""ective mar$eting tools the BKWSU has emploed "or decades is
its "alse claim to be teaching ,a9a :oga. +atan9ali is regarded in *ndia as the creator o" ,a9a :oga,
#hich is #ell respected in *ndia and considered one o" the highest paths to enlightenment b
man. +atan9ali created ,a9a :oga be"ore @hrist. The BKWSU do not teach anthing resembling
+atan9alis ,a9a :oga or anthing "rom the :oga Sutras. Cuite the opposite ) the BKWSU teach
that all $no#ledge created b humans ) including +atan9ali 2 is impure and "la#ed.
@nicall the advertise that the teach "ancient ,a9a :oga" plaing on peoples; interest in the
genuine ,a9a :oga. A gullible general membership #ill sa that it is ancient because the taught it
?,888 ears ago.
The meditation centres in Australia and other countries #ent under the banner o" ),a9a :oga
@entres) "or man ears be"ore s#itching cover and re"erring to themselves as a universit. *t is
still the "avourite mar$eting tool ho#ever and a search on the internet #ill ta$e ou to man sites
labelled ,a9a :oga that are BK "ronts.
A Uni"ersity????????????
The use o" the term )universit) is not onl misleading but in most countries illegal. *t is certainl
not a universit. There are no publicl accredited courses, &uali"ications or even a basic structure
that might identi" it as a place o" learning at all. 'ne has to be a cult member to even attend
regular classes ) #hich are nothing other than a process o" mind control an#a.
The BKWSU have more "ronts and disguises than can be counted. The also present public
programs, pro9ects, con"erences, services and the li$e under a variet o" banners as #ell. The latest
is a program, initiated in Wemble and transported around the #orld, called "Dust a 0inute". The
program is tpicall innocuous and encourages people to ta$e 9ust one minute at a time to meditate
and be calm. /ice idea. *n realit it is 9ust an e(ersi%e in #or$ing their 7*+s; 2 giving them a stage
and an audience, ma$ing them "eel all #arm and "u%% and a bit closer to the "inal entrapment.
The are also casting their nets as the loo$ to increase their numbers and to replace the devastated
people the have le"t behind.
'("ord .eadership Academ and ,ela(B.
These t#o programs are run b long term senior ;brothers; #ho have re"ined the art o" entrapment
to a high degree and manage to turn a pro"it at the same time. ,ela($ids is a business operated b
a ;sister; #ho #as indoctrinated as a child and #ho allo#s the BKWSU to e(ploit her business "or
the recruitment o" children.
Wh do the Brahma Kumaris call it "Trans"ormation")
"<estruction", remains the #ord used b the God o the BKWSU, Brahma Kumari teachers and
adherents internall. *t has recentl been euphemisticall relabeled "Trans"ormation" "or non2BKs,
especiall in the West #here the BKWSU appeals to the /e# Age mar$et and is conscious o" its public
*t means the same. <eath "or all li"e on earth in order to puri" it so that the #orld can be reborn as a
per"ect =eaven on Earth "or 488,888 "aith"ul Brahma Kumari "ollo#ers.
Only Brahma Kumaris or
their followers !!!
The current Brahma Kumaris leadership is said to become the Emperors and Empresses o" the Golden
Age heaven on earth. Each Brahma Kumaris "ollo#er #ill ta$e a position in their E,?88 dnast
depending on the e""orts and donations o" time and mone the ma$e in this current li"e.
/o other religions #ill e(perience a su""ering "ree e(istence in a heaven on earth. All other religions
#ill e(perience su""ering "or all their e(istence.
=eaven on earth is strictl hierarchical, an empire ruled b roal "amilies #hich #ill consist o" high
ran$ing BK leaders past and present. To en9o a high status in heaven, BK adherents are told to ensure
good relationships in this li"e #ith senior BKs through con"ormit and submission.
Dust prior to <estruction, Brahma Kumaris believe that the *ndian Government is going to hand over
po#er to their control and be recogni%ed b governments internationall.
What is going to happen to other religions after the #nd of the World?
The Brahma Kumaris teach that, "ollo#ing the su""ering o" <estruction and Dudgement <a, the souls
o" other religions go bac$ to a spirit #orld #here the remain inert and unconscious until the are
reborn again to pla their part again in the "uture. That is to sa that @hristian souls #ill remain "li$e
eggs" "or >,888 ears until the are reborn again "ollo#ing Desus @hrist;s rebirth in the "uture.
There is no a"terli"e, no eternal release 10o$shaF/irvana6 nor an other spirit #orlds or heavenl
/o other religion but the Brahma Kumaris #ill e(perience the Golden Aged ;heaven on earth;.
All other religions, prophets and religious leaders are merel reborn in time to repla their lives
identicall as the have done so in recent histor. See the BK;s philosoph o" an identicall repeating
?,888 :ear @cle.
What a$out other countries e#cept for India come %estruction?
The Brahma Kumaris belie" that a greater *ndia is the original heavenl paradise on earth and that
=indi is the original language. <uring <estruction, all other continents #ill sin$ belo# the oceans
e(cept "or #here there are BKWSU centers #hich #ill become islands "or the reborn Brahma Kumaris
to "l to in their thought2control, nuclear2po#ered "ling machines.
Identifying the BKWSU as a Cult
$ather than rein"ent the wheel or limit this discussion to a perhaps su%&ecti"e point of "iew
this discussion has %een cross referenced with other sites that are e'ploring cult issues( Here
we loo) at *cult identifiers* and see how they relate to the BKWSU( Typically these identifiers
include+ totalitarian control of mem%ers! elitist perspecti"e! ownership of a re"elation!
psychological manipulation and a%use of mem%ers! e'ploitation of mem%ers! and the
willingness of mem%ers to %lindly support the organisation to the point of personal crisis(
A Uni"ersal ,efinition
&U'T ( )ny group which has a pyramid type authoritarian leadership structure with all teaching
and guidance coming from the person*persons at the top The group will claim to $e the only way
to +od, -ir!ana, .aradise, Ultimate /eality, 0ull .otential" Way to Happiness etc" and will use
thought reform or mind control techni1ues to gain control and keep their mem$ersThis definition
co!ers cults within all ma2or world religions" along with those cults which ha!e no 3B4I3US
religious $ase such as commercial" educational and psychological cults 3thers may define these a
little differently" $ut this is the simplest to work from
The BKWSU have a hierarchical management sstem #ith a clearl de"ined lineage. At the ver
top are God Shiva and Brahma Baba 1the spirit o" the late <ada .eh$ra96 #ho are channelled b
<adi Gul%ar. The senior most people in management are re"erred to individuall as "<adi"
1meaning Senior Sister6. The <adis then direct the organisationand its members through a net#or$
o" pre"erred members. To be a pre"erred member one must be #orth, that is, co2operative,
obedient and totall support the <adis and the sstem. <issenters are marginalised b de"ault and
considered to be lac$ing in realisation and struggling in their relationship #ith God.There is also a
po#er"ul committee that has a high level o" control. This committee includes a number o" Senior
Brothers. The e(act role o" the committee and its in"luence is not made public but its members
#ere not elected nor are the accountable to the general membership..i$e all religions, sects and
cults, the BKWSU base their li"estle and practises on a belie" sstem that is the basis o" their
realit. This realit is "ormed in the minds o" members through constant stud and hours o" dail
meditation. The members believe that the are the true children o" God, #ho is teaching them
directl and e(clusivel. The believe that through their relationship #ith God Shiva the #ill
become pure and achieve /irvana. The #ill then reincarnate into the ne# #orld 1Golden Age6 as
deities and rule that #orld as divine $ings ) the product o" the pure $arma the accumulated at this
time through their renunciation 1o" mone and personal resources6 and service 1e(pansion o" the
organisation6.The main method "or becoming pure is meditation, #hich means to concentrate on
the love and purit o" Shiva and Brahma and the ;spiritual $no#ledge; to the e(clusion o" all
;#orldl thoughts; ) a ver e""ective sstem o" indoctrination and mind control.
) Secular %efinition
CULT - From the Latin 'cultis' which denotes all that is involved in worship, ritual, emotion,
liturgy and attitude. This definition actually denotes what we call denominations and sects and
would make all religious movements a cult.
Christian !efinition
CULT - ny group which deviates from "i#lical, orthodo$, historical Christianity, i.e. They deny
the !eity of Christ% &is physical resurrection% &is personal and physical return to earth and
salvation #y F'T& alone.This definition only covers those groups which are cults within the
Christian religion. 't does not cover cults within other world religions such as 'slam and
&induism. (or does it cover )sychological, Commercial or *ducational cults which do not
recogni+e the "i#le as a source of reality. The ,rthodo$ "i#le-"ased Cult
group is called a cult #ecause of their #ehaviour - not their doctrines. !octrine is an issue in
the area of pologetics and &eresy. -ost religious cults do teach what the Christian church would
declare to #e heresy #ut some do not. .ome cults teach the #asics of the Christian faith #ut have
#ehavioural patterns that are a#usive, controlling and cultic.This occurs in #oth (on-Charismatic
and Charismatic churches. These groups teach the central doctrines of the Christian faith and
then add the e$tra authority of leadership or someone's particular writings. They centre around
the interpretations of the leadership and su#missive and un/uestioning acceptance of these is
essential to #e a mem#er of good standing. This acceptance includes what we consider
non-essential doctrines e.i. not salvation issues 0such as the )erson and 1ork of Christ.2 The key
is that they will #e using mind control or undue influence on their mem#ers.
,ther 'dentification -arks3
0a2 The group will have an *L'T'.T view of itself in relation to others, and a U('4U*
i.e. T&*5 6* T&* ,(L5 ,(*. 6'7&T - everyone else is wrong. T&*5 6* T&*
,(L5 ,(*. !,'(7 7,!'. 1'LL - everyone else is in apostasy.
*ntegral to the Brahma Kumaris philosoph is the notion that the are a special group o" souls,
those #hose good "ortune brings them eternall bac$ to God. The are the souls #ho #ill achieve
the highest state o" purit and spiritual po#er. The #ill upli"t all the souls o" the #orld and bring
about the ne# Golden Age o" humanit 2 #hich the #ill rule as divine $ings and &ueens.The
BKWSU consider themselves the most "ortunate souls o" the #orld "or all o" time. The are the
onl ones #ho $no# God, the Truth or #ho can save the #orld "rom sorro#. The are b de"ault
the ones #ho are right and that all other religions, sects etc are the domains o" partial truth and
e(ist "or #ea$ souls #ho need that tpe o" limited support. The tpicall counter accusations o"
elitism b claiming that as anone can become a member the are not so. *t is an argument that
onl #or$s "or them.
0#2 They will promote their cause actively, and in doing so, a#use personal rights and freedoms.
This a#use can #e T&*,L,7'CL, .)'6'TUL, .,C'L 8amp% ).5C&,L,7'CL.
+romoting themselves as a great spiritual organisation that ma$es a uni&ue and critical
contribution to humanit is a ma9or preoccupation. The hold courses, seminars and con"erences
etc. and the have meditations centres to run. The are a ver bus group o" people. The members
ta$e on this #or$load as a #a o" creating good $arma and puri"ing themselves.
The start #ith meditation at G.88am and are occupied "rom then until the end o" their da. To not
participate is a sign o" #ea$ness, lac$ o" innate )"ortune), lac$ o" recognition o" God or their
inherent responsibilit as a child o" God. -ailure to cooperate #ith the heirach in the "ul"ilment o"
the )elevated purpose) o" the BKWSU carries guilt and implications o" being a lesser, #ea$er and
poorer soul. 'bedience is seen as a sign o" strength, disobedience is bad $arma. To leave is eternal
damnation, eternal loss. The "ear o" "ailing is re"erred to as a "s#eet "ear" and there"ore a good
Throughout their time as a member the #ill have been promised re#ards o" purit, peace, bliss
and a $ingdom in heaven #hilst being patronised #ith lessons on "ailure and loss. The heirach
ta$e o#nership o" the individuals sel" esteem and manipulate them #ith concepts o" re#ard and
loss. 0embers must con"ess their #ea$ness and doubts to the Seniors, ostensibl in order to
overcome them.
Ultimatel the =eirach e(erts in"luence on everthing a member #ill thin$, sa or do, and ho#
the spend their time and #ith #ho. The are told to renounce all past relationships, attachments
and mone and belong onl to )Baba) 1God Shiva6.The BKWSU practise all the tpes o" abuse
mentioned, but because it is not violent, or loud, but carried out "rom behind a "acade o" pit and
benevolence no one sees it "or #hat it is.
&ow They !o This9
:. Their leader;s may claim a special, e$clusive ministry, revelation or position of authority given
#y 7od.
The bureaucrac o" the BKWSU is a hierarch o" )e(ceptional souls) #ho are the dispensers o"
"Shrimat" ) the divine directions o" god 2 to the general membership. 'nes; seniorit #ithin the
organisation is seen as an indication o" one;s past good $arma and current good e""orts, and o" ones
overall )"ortune). *t #ould also suggest that one;s "oga" or connection #ith God, is o" a higher
&ualit and there"ore one is able to receive "touchings" "rom God and #ould also have a clearer
understanding o" #hat God #anted or e(pected o" his "beloved children" at an given moment.
Thus the senior is #orth to dispense shrimat and, e""ectivel, control the lives o" members under
their )care).
<. They #elieve they are the only true path and take a critical stance regarding the Christian
church while at the same time praising and e$alting their own group, leader;s and work.
The BKWSU believe that God has incarnated directl into the bod o" their "ounder, <ada
.eh$ra9, and is teaching them personall and e(clusivel. -rom 34>5 to 3454 BKWSU religious
philosoph #as )chanelled) in dail sermons $no#n as 0urlis. As there is onl one God and the
are the onl ones #ho $no# him or the Truth, then de"initel the are the onl one true path. The
Senior members 1$no#n as <adis6 are praised as angels, and as the highest and purest souls o" all
time. Everone else is patronised as good souls but #ithout the po#er o" purit or greatness that
the Seniors have.
=. They use intimidation 0al#eit su#tle2 or psychological manipulation to keep mem#ers loyal to
their ranks. This could #e in the form of threats of dire calamity if they leave% certain death at
rmageddon% #eing shunned #y their family and friends etc. This is a vital part of the mind control
0embers are continuousl reminded that the #orld is to end soon and to leave #ould be the
greatest mis"ortune and lead to "a thousand ears o" su""ering in a second" as a result. The are
told to brea$ their attachments to the )old #orld) 1"amil, "riends, career, mone etc6 because that
is onl bondage to a li"e o" su""ering. The are instructed b Seniors, on behal" o" God, to dedicate
themselves to their ne# spiritual li"e e(clusivel. Their sel"2respect is based entirel upon being a
committed child o" God Shiva #ho is obedient to Seniors. The Seniors are ver much in control o"
the minds and hearts o" the members.
A simple e(ample o" group manipulation is one o" <adi Dan$i, no# head o" the BKWSU. *n E885
it #as $no#n to man that the then head o" the BKWSU 2 <adi +ra$ashmani 2 #as seriousl ill
#ith Al%heimers. <adi)s Al%heimers #as creating some con"usion in the ran$s "or a variet o"
reasons. Tpicall <adi Dan$i used the philosoph to pull members bac$ into line. *n E885 <adi
Dan$i, in a tpicall moving and emotive lecture, told everone that "the time is close) 1meaning
that the #orld is about to end6 and that as sic$ as <adi +ra$ashmani is, she #ould be there #ith all
o" them until the end. Suddenl all the doubters are ;inspired; to re"ocus on their personal e""orts
"or purit. *" the do not become pure in time, the #ill have to su""er 9udgement, punishment and
a lo#er status in the ne# #orld. 'n fact, !adi )rakashmani died in early <>>?. !adi @anki has
#een made head of the organisation, and everyone has forgotten the guarantee that she gave in
that lecture.
A. -em#ers will #e e$pected to give su#stantial financial support to the group. This could #e
compulsory tithing 0which is checked2% signing over all their property on entering the group%
coercive methods of instilling guilt on those who have not contri#uted% selling maga+ines, flowers
or other goods for the group as part of their ministry. t the same time #i#le-#ased cults may
ridicule churches that take up free-will offerings #y passing collection plates and;or sell literature
and tapes. They usually #rag that they don't do this. This gives outsiders the intimation that they
are not interested in money.
The BKWSU is a ver #ealth organisation. 7ast sums o" mone, propert, 9e#eller and other
assets have been ;donated; to the organisation. =apless members #ho are convinced o" the truth o"
the BKWSU teachings believe that the #orld is soon to be destroed and that the #ill reincarnate
in paradise in the ver near "uture. A ne# member #ho is e(periencing the )honemoon stage) o"
their )ne# li"e) #ill be encouraged to give all the can in this conte(t. *n some cases this can be
houses, cars and ban$ accounts. Ultimatel all "unds and assets received b the BKWSU have
been solicited ) BKWSU are lectured on the good $arma o" giving and are reminded regularl o"
the need to ;donate; to the Godl purpose.
*t #as uncommon "or an ne# person to be as$ed "or mone. The public or interested parties #ere
al#as told that all services o" the BKWSU are "ree and that the organisation is "unded entirel b
donations. The general perception o" ;outsiders) is that the BKWSU are not interested in mone
and that the propert the do have is reall a sign o" the integrit o" the organisation and the
donations the have received as a result.
B. There will #e great emphasis on loyalty to the group and its teachings. The lives of mem#ers
will #e totally a#sor#ed into the group's activities. They will have little or no time to think for
themselves #ecause of physical and emotional e$haustion. This is also a vital part of the mind
control process.
A member)s da begins #ith meditation at G.88am. *t is $no#n as "Amrit 7ela" and is one o"
several H"0ariadas"I. 0ariadas are the basic rules b #hich a good member should live their lives.
*n realit someone is onl considered a true or real memberFstudentFchild o" god i" the are
"ollo#ing these rules. The list o" mariadas includes celibac, vegetarian diet 1#ith no eggs, onions
or garlic6 and dail morning class 10urli class6.
There is a real i" unspo$en pressure to con"orm to these 0aradas 1and thereb demonstrate one;s
loalt6 i" one is to be ta$en seriousl b the group, especiall the seniors. Additional to 0ariadas
is Shrimat 1the supposed directions o" God6. Shrimat coerces members to thin$ and behave
according to the directions spo$en b god in the murli, and directions given b seniors.
Supposedl mariadas and shrimat are to ensure the ;child; receives ma(imum bene"it "rom god
their true "ather. The main bene"it is to be purit o" the soul. To not "ollo# 0aradas and Shrimat
is a great sin ) ver bad $arma.
Shrimat re&uires obedience, submission and compliance "rom the member. The member #ho
"ollo#s 0ariadas and Shrimat #ill start their da at G.88am and #ill be bus until the sleep at
night. *" the are not bus meditating or earning an income the #ill be $ept bus doing "service".
There is no room "or "ree #ill, onl loalt, obedience and "cooperation". The net e""ect is an
almost permanent state o" tiredness or e(haustion.
C. There will #e total control over almost all aspects of the private lives of mem#ers. This control
can #e direct through communal living, or constant and repetitious teaching on how to #e a true
Christian 0or mem#er2 or #eing o#edient to leadership.
0embers #ill loo$ to their seniors "or guidance in everthing the do. A good student #ill "ollo#
Shrimat. The #ill not ma$e a decision about their lives #ithout consulting seniors in order to get
shrimat. Their lives are heavil in"luenced b seniors in this #a, and in the process the seniors
#ill come to $no# the detail o" the member)s li"e. A good student #ould not ris$ ma$ing a
mista$e and accumulate even more bad $arma b either not consulting a senior or b disobeing
Shrimat #ill commonl include instructions to donate mone, to dissociate "rom "amil and
"riends, to give up ones career, to onl eat "ood coo$ed b other members, to not #atch television
and movies or read boo$s and maga%ines, and to give up all "#orldl interest".
?. ny dissent or /uestioning of the group's teachings is discouraged. Criticism in any form is
seen as re#ellion. There will #e an emphasis on authority, un/uestioning o#edience and
su#mission. This is vigilantly maintained.
Cuestioning or doubts are the sign o" a #ea$ intellect. <issent means the soul is under the
in"luence o" past bad $arma and is the proo" o" past sin. The senior sisters especiall are to never
be challenged. To do so is proo" o" ignorance. An member #ho continues to dissent #ill be
D. -em#ers are re/uired to demonstrate their loyalty to the group in some way. This could #e in
the form of informing on fellow mem#ers 0including family2 under the guise of looking out for their
'spiritual welfare'. They may #e re/uired to deli#erately lie 0heavenly deception2 or give up their
lives #y refusing some form of medical treatment.
*n the BKWSU members #ould demonstrate their loalt through their "inancial support,
commitment to service and obedience. The #ould "ollo# the part line publicl and tal$ the tal$.
The adopt the vie# that the are one "amil ) a divine "amil o" "uture deities and act according
to the rules o" the "amil ) H0aradasI.
:>. ttempts to leave or reveal em#arrassing facts a#out the group may #e met with threats. .ome
may have taken oaths of loyalty that involve their lives or have signed a covenant and feel
threatened #y this.
,an9ana and Sharad both demonstrated the state o" mind one e(periences #hen leaving the
BKWSU. The #ere indoctrinated into the belie" that an "orm o" dissent is a mortal sin that the
#ill be burdened #ith it "or all eternit. There"ore the sstem is never challenged and the status
&uo #ithin the organisation is not interrupted. +eople leave, are crushed b the belie" sstem that
the had been manipulated b during their membership, and #ill su""er severe depression and ma
suicide. But the do not dissent.
The BKWSU have generall maintained a 5softly softly5 approach in public to all issues.
The have no concern "or those #ho leave ). -ormer members ma be encouraged to return, but
BKWSU teachings recommend leaving e(2members alone in case e(isting members
become )trapped) tring to help them and leave as #ell.
E(2members are so a""ected b guilt that the rarel become dissenters even a"ter the leave.
'r so the teach adherents.
Top Brahma Kumaris and "amilies
,o Brahma Kumaris %rea) up families or split apart hus%ands and wi"es?
:es. Brahma Kumaris have &uite correctl been accused o" inter"ering #ith other individuals;
marriages and bringing about the brea$ing up o" "amilies since the 34>8s, ever decade since and on
ever continent. Unli$e orthodo( religions, as a celibate religion, its e(pansion has onl come about b
individuals leaving their "amilies or b "amilies converting to it. *n the West, the latter is e(tremel
The BK .eadership has throughout their histor been active in encourage and advising its adherents on
ho# to achieve brea$ing heterose(ual and homose(ual partnerships.
7er speci"icall, es, and graduall i" necessar. Brahma Kumari leaders and other "ollo#ers #ill give
speci"ic advice to males, but much more li$el "emale adherents, on ho# to split apart "rom their
This #ill graduate "rom stopping phsical and se(ual contact and changing sleeping arrangements and
has in some circumstances even involved support in initiating divorce proceedings. This has included
avoiding s$in contact, sleeping in separate rooms, re"using to eat "ood coo$ed b relatives, re"using to
sociali%e or attend other religious events and so on.
*n other cases, this has involved senior sisters advising on ho# and #hen "ollo#ers should satis" their
partners se(ual demands until leaving them and even advice to have an abortion in order to avoid the
distraction o" having children. *t is accurate to sa that leading Brahma Kumaris have also le"t "amil,
partners and children behind to 9oin the group.
@an * have a BK as a partner)
Basicall, no. 'ur e(perience is, do not even tr. Brahma Kumari adherents can appear to be ver
attractive and a per"ect potential partner but their purpose and intents is supposed to be single heartedl
promoting the religion #ithout an such distraction.
*" a BK is being attractive to ou, it is "ar more li$el that the are using their personalit, or even their
se(ualit on a discrete level, to dra# ou into the religion.
Even i" ou #ere to accept such limitations as complete celibac, separate sleeping arrangements, lac$
o" sociali%ing and the not eating o" "ood not coo$ b BKs, it is li$el that our role could onl become
supporting them evangeli%e their religion.
Within the BKWSU there is the e(pectation that BKs leaving to "orm partnerships #ill return at some
point #ith their partner and children.
@an * ma$e a partnership #ith another BK)
Basicall, no. E(treme celibac is the norm #hich e(cludes even normal a""ection and sociali%ing.
0ales and "emale live separatel. All e""orts and intentions are aimed to#ard e(panding the religion
and earning a high status and good "ortune "or the ne(t lives. Anthing else is seen as "maa" or an evil
distraction. "Attachment" to another human being as a sin is probabl onl second #orst to having
lust"ul thoughts.
Some ver rare marriages have occurred #ithin the BKWSU "or a variet o" reasons, e.g. to save a
"emale adherent "rom an arranged marriage, "or the sa$es o" immigration and BKWSU evangelistic
Are children of adherents indoctrinated into the BKWSU?
:es. /on2BK parents should be a#are that BK adherents #ill subtlel and persistentl attempt to
indoctrinate their children and grand2children #ith BKWSU teachings and initiate them into BKWSU
proactise. Brahma Kumaris belie"s are seen to be the one and onl savour o" humanit.
The BKWSU also used a number o" discrete methods targeted at both children #ithin "amilies and
disadvantages children such as orphans or street children such as ",ela( Kids" products and 7alues in
Additionall, the channelled entit the Brahma Kumaris consider to be God has speci"icall
encouraged "ollo#ers to target children and schools.
Top Brahma Kumaris and mone
How are the Brahma Kumaris funded?
The Brahma Kumaris both claim in public, and are instructed b their spirit guide, that the do not to
accept donations "rom non2BKs. =o#ever, increasingl the are see$ing "unding "rom e(ternal
Whilst the ma9orit o" "unds supporting their propert ac&uisition and evangelistic activities come "rom
adherents, the BKWSU leadership has "or some time success"ull sought land, propert and "unding
"rom governments internationall and #ealth non2BK outsiders. The have largel bene"it "rom
=indu tradition, or superstition, to give to the hol and have mar$eted themselves in such a manner
providing recogni%able religious services such as ,a$sha Bandhan to *ndian communities. Adherents
are encouraged to give "or 38J o" their income, man center2in2charges #ill spend considerabl more.
The aim is to surrender 388J.
Their native Sindhi communit is also a #ell $no#n, success"ul and #ealth business communit and
has been $no#n to support their activities #hilst not al#as "ollo#ing their principles. -inanciers and
donors or propert have also been sought "rom #ealth individuals o" other religions, such as *slam,
#ho are li$el not to $no# o" the real nature o" their teachings.
Ta( sstems have been used and abused to their bene"it as a charit or a religion.
,o the Brahma Kumaris accept donations?
:es. Although strictl their philosophical teachings tell them not to accept mone "rom non2BKs,
recentl the Brahma Kumaris have been seen increasing not 9ust to accept donations "rom nonadherents
but also rent their properties out to other business and religious groups and allo# adherents to
provide pro"essional services as long as a commission is paid bac$ to the organi%ation or one o" its
"ronts such as the Dan$i -oundation.
-inancial policies and in"estments
-inancial dealings #ith the Brahma Kumari movement are bound #ith secrec and obscurit.
Adherents are discourage "rom re&uesting details and "e# i" an public statements are made. -inancial
matters are dealt #ith b an elite inner circle #ithout an democratic process. *nvariabl an serious
matters #ill be re"erred to the organi%ation;s mediums to re&uest advice and clearance "rom its spirit
guides. A number o" charitable "ront organi%ation have been established to channel materials and "unds
bac$ to the main organi%ation.
*ncreasingl, the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Universit and its leaders are being discovered to
hold investment and considerabl large ban$ accounts. *n the case o" the UK branch, a surplus in
e(cess o" K>,888,888.
Global leader Dan$i Kripalani, despite having surrendered to the organi%ation in the 34>8s and have
never held a 9ob, #as recentl reported to have private a ban$ account at a private meeting.
Whilst encouraging "ollo#ers to surrender their mone and insurance policies, even donate propert,
#or$ "or "ree and give up both education and career ambitions, other Brahma Kumaris leaders have
been "ound to depend on private pensions in order to support their privileged position.
The BKWSU organi%ation, at the ver least, also appears to have pro"ited "rom propert speculation
and development at its 0ount Abu head&uarters. ,unning largel a "cash econom", at one point the
*ndian government acted to remove donation bo(es "rom BK centers.
*ndian "ollo#ers especiall have been encouraged to give gi"ts o" silver and gold 9e#elr some o"
#hich has been given as gi"ts to 7*+S, it is not $no# #hat happens to the rest. There have been other
reports o" individuals and the organi%ation having pro"ited "rom propert speculation and development
especiall around their ,a9asthan head&uarters.
How wealthy is the BKWSU?
*n *ndia, the Brahma Kumaris are thought o" as a #ealth religion and to target #ealth "ollo#ers.
*n the UK, as an e(ample, the BKWSU holds appro(imatel K>,888,888 hold in ban$ accounts,
K35,888,888 #orth o" propert, KE,888,888 donations annuall.
-igures "or *ndia are not $no# but the BKWSU is $no# as a #ealth religion targeting a middle class
"ollo#ing. *" ou $no# o" local amounts, please contact us.
,oes the BKWSU distri%ute charity?
As a rule, no. *t is seen as bad to create such "$armic accounts" to give mone to charit, #hereas the
highest $arma and liberation is achieved b donating #ealth, propert and "ree labor to the Brahma
As #hat man see as a "ace saving e""ort, the BKWSU did donate some mone and goods "ollo#ing
the Tsunami in *ndia. *t is understood that these #ere ta$en "rom special donations b adherents and
not "rom the e(isting or general collection.
*n one ear, #hilst the BKWSU 1UK6, a charit established to "alleviate povert" collected over
KE,888,888 in donations "or its o#n use, it distributed 9ust over KE8,888 in emergenc relie" aid. /o
records o" an programmes o" alleviating povert can be seen in the public accounts. /one have
Wills and property
The BKWSU leadership regularl encourages all "ollo#ers to #rite their last #ill and testimon
completel in "avor o" the organi%ation, leaving propert to the cult even #hen their are living
dependents and descendants in order to "earn a "ortune" and high status in the "uture heaven on earth. *t
o""ers "ollo#ers a standardi%ed #ill to do so.
While the organi%ation does o""er geriatric support to its "ollo#ers and leaving caring to the phsical
"amil, some #ido#s in such situations have been o""ered live in coo$ing positions #ithin centers.
Top Brahma Kumari beliefs and experiences
Brahma Kumaris believe that the are uni&ue amongst all religions in that God spea$s to them, in =indi
#ith a "e# English #ords, directl through their mediums. The believe that God has come to earth in
+rior to 34?8, the Brahma Kumaris had no $no#ledge o" this God and thought that millionaire
businessman "ounder .e$hra9 Kripalani #as God, the *nventor o" the Gita and a reincarnation o"
Since appro(imatel 34?8, the BKWSU has believed that the channelled entit, spirit guide that spea$s
through their mediums is the God o" all religions. This God is called Shiva, his "orm an in"initesimal
point o" light and that he possesses "irst the bod o" millionaire "ounder .e$hra9 Kripalani and other
Brahma Kumaris to spea$ through to humanit. Each :ear, Brahma Kumaris ma$e an annual
"pilgrimage" to listen and meet "God" in person spea$ing through their main medium in their *ndian
B habit, the Brahma Kumaris do not ma$e it obvious to non2BKs that the mean that their god is the
God o" all religion. *nstead, BKs tend to tal$ in general terms about! "the .ight", the "'ne", the
"Supreme" and so on. What the speci"icall believe is that God meets and spea$s to them directl via
their mediums in *ndia and does not do so to an other religion.
The Sel"
The Brahma Kumaris believe #e are souls, in"initesimal points o" light, e(isting in the phsical bod.
The teach that human re2incarnate into a ma(imum o" LG bodies declining #ith each birth. The
ma(imum number o" rebirths is limited to Brahma Kumari "ollo#ers, no other religion or practise
having become enlightened or having gained liberation "rom rebirth.
The Three Worlds
The Brahma Kumaris believe that there is onl li"e on Earth, that the universe is limited in si%e and is
onl ?,888 ear old. The teach adherents that there are Three World! the phsical universe, an in"inite
spiritual #orld o" red light using classical terms such as Brahm or /irvana to describe it, and bet#een
the t#o a temporar #orld o" #hite light in #hich there are visions but no sounds and in #hich BKs
can e(its, travel around as angels, receiving and giving pschic visions. This last #orld the call "The
Subtle 1or Angelic6 ,egions".
"The Three World" is one o" the core original classes o" BK philosoph and o"ten re"erred to. /o
mention o" an other "spirit #orlds" or heaven realms are made nor are the accepted as e(isting and
the do not correlate to the Subtle ,egions.
The BKWSU has its o#n uni&ue and simpli"ied understanding o" =indu Karma philosoph #hich
includes the theor that ever mis"ortune #as originall caused b the victim themselves, e.g. #hether
child se( abuse, as happened at the organi%ations head&uarters, or the De#ish =olocaust etc.
*t believes that ill "ortune can onl be removed b su""ering or BK ,a9a :oga and that this time is the
onl time to earn the greatest material good "ortune #hich #ill lead to a ma(imum o" E,?88 ears in
heaven on earth.
The 6"777 year &ycle of Time
The Brahma Kumaris believe that, although matter is eternal, time is at most ?,888 ears old and that it
repeats identicall ever ?,888 ears in a cclic "ashion. What that means is that, literall, ou read this
identicall ?,888 ears ago and #ill read this again in ?,888 ears time.
This @cle starts o"" pure and per"ect and declines until it is 388J impure and imper"ect in a series that
goes! gold, silver, copper, iron as b classical =indu and Gree$ philosophies.
BKs believe that dinosaurs e(isted E,?88 ears ago at the same time as Abraham and o""er no scienti"ic
e(planations "or the numerous anomalies arising "rom this "aith.
At the end o" each @cle, there is an age o" upli"itment called the <iamond or @on"luence Age #hich
#as originall 3E ears long but currentl stands as 38 ears long, B8 o" #hich have "inished.
Tree of religions
A common metaphor deploed b the BKWSU is the Tree o" =umanit, human civili%ation visuali%ed
as a tree o" #hich the Brahma Kumaris, as reborn gods and goddess, "orm the trun$, all other religions,
the branches o" the tree and all sects and cults, the t#igs.
Spiritual .owers
"Spiritual po#ers" #ith the BKWSU generall relate not to siddhis, magic or occult abilities but to
virtues or moral values. =o#ever, man pschic and supernatural abilities are suggested o" their
"ounder and leadership such as the abilit to travel to other dimensions and spea$ #ith the deceased or
enlightened, the abilit to travel to di""erent parts o" the #orld out o" their bodies to inspect centers and
"ollo#ers homes, the abilit to read adherents; souls, predict the "uture, "give blessings", clear $arma
The BKWSU leadership believes that it can spea$ directl to God and that God spea$s directl bac$ to
them and directs them through their mediums. Senior sisters are empo#ered #ithin the group to be able
to give advice "e&ual to God;s" that i" adherents "ollo# their sa"et and success is guaranteed and no
negative $arma is incurred.
0an claims are made o" their practise being able to cure illnesses, save lives and so on in #hich
remar$able personal testimonies on behal" o" BK adherents are important "aith devices.
How and why do people 2oin?
Whilst man neophte adherents are at a vulnerable period in their lives and directl targeted b the
Brahma Kumaris, such as e(periencing the death o" "amil members, oung individuals a#a "rom
home, brea$ up o" relationships or su""ering "rom addictions according to the traditional model o" cult
inductees, others #ould consider themselves to be genuine "spiritual see$ers" attempting to ans#er the
&uestions o" li"e and e(istence that the have been unable to "ind in orthodo( religions. 0an o" the
original BK adherents in the West came through established interests in oga, spiritualit, *ndia and
alternative li"estles.
*n the West, the Brahma Kumaris originall mar$eted themselves as providers o" ;peace o" mind; and
promoting ;peace;, albeit in contradiction to their speci"icall millenarianist belie"s in the imminent and
desirable "<estruction" o" humanit that the are bringing about. 0ore recentl, the have remar$eted
themselves as providers o" discussion about "values".
Whereas originall, the Brahma Kumaris o""ered intensive B das courses in #hich the presented the
totalit o" their per"ected "$no#ledge" and initiated individuals into their meditational practise,
individuals are no# usual enculturated through a process o" vague and general seminars, e.g. retreats,
business or artistic events on a variet o" topics consciousl targeted at di""erent groups #ithin societ,
e.g. #omen, mother and children, educators, su""erers o" depression, e(ecutives, 9urists etc #hich
introduce light#eight version o" their practises
These meetings are generall organi%ed b individuals #ho have a speci"ic interest or e(perience in the
relative "ield and act as "ilters or "honepots" "or ne# potential BKWSU recruits #ho. -or a
considerable period, potential recruits #ill have no idea about the Brahma Kumaris; real belie"s or
intentions. Grauduall, BK leaders or adherents #ill "ta$e the pulse" o" these individuals 1assessing
their recruitabilit6, "or potential interests in a deeper commitment. At this point, the #ill be invited to
ta$e more private lessons in the BKWSU belie"s, #hich ma still be spread over #ee$s, and
incorporate intense one2to2one meditation session #here adherents #ill sit staring into the potential
recruitee;s open ees in #hich the e(perience o" a connection the spirit entit the consider to be God is
Whereas the Brahma Kumaris have al#as been instructed to see$ out "amous or important people, to
act as a dra# "or the general public, increasingl the BKWSU is involving non2BKs in their evangelical
events to change the impression given b such programs. The intention remains #ithin the organi%ation
is to bring it into contact #ith in"luence others, potential recruits and act as generall good +, "or the
What do people e#perience and why do they stay?
Generall, the pschic e(perience individuals e(perience "ollo#ing the practise are ver strong in
comparison to other religions. *ndividuals can e(perience "eelings o" deep inner silence, contentment
and love, and a light, "bodiless" sensation. This is understood to be due to their direct connection #ith
the channelled spirit entit that the Brahma Kumaris believe is God. Adherents "ind spiritual com"ort,
inspiration and intellectual satis"action in the mediumistic messages called 0urlis that ta$e the place o"
scriptures, or "#ord o" God", #ithin the movement and consider all their &uestions ans#ered.
0an individuals bene"it "rom the e""ects o" the ne# disciplined li"estle giving up alcohol or drugs,
rising earl, becoming vegetarian and so on although "or man the dail routine o" #a$ing at G am and
constant evangelism become e(hausting. 'thers bene"it "rom, and "ind com"ort in, li"e #ithin the
highl disciplined and con"ormist environment in #hich ma9or li"e decisions are handed over to the
-or *ndian "amilies, the BKWSU should be seen in a di""erent light as it provides "or =indus a more
simple, modern and ascetic analogue "or classical =induism #hilst also providing a recogni%able
environment "or traditional e(pressions o" devotion, e.g. darshans, satsangs, spiritual discourses,
donating mone in #hich the Brahma Kumari leaders ta$e the place o" priests and gurus.
-or *ndian #omen, it can be a great escape and an apparent empo#erment "rom un#anted husbands,
arranged marriages and a patriarchal societ. Around the main core, a ;la; communit o" part2time or
less committed "ollo#ers and supporters has developed.
-or Westerners, the Brahma Kumaris originall provided an easier, more accessible analogue "or a
traditionall ascetic "ogi" li"estle "or mainl "hippie" or "ne# age" tpe individuals, an association
that did not "it easil #ith the leadership, allo#ing them to "ollo# a disciplined spiritual li"estle
#ithout phsicall renouncing their com"orts.
.atterl, the has been modi"ied b adherents and the organi%ation has consciousl re2mar$eted it. A
ne# attraction has arisen #ithin the organi%ation presenting itsel" under the guise o" pro"essional or
corporate empo#erment b #a o" "management leadership" seminars and "values" trainers #hich has
included "inancial opportunities "or some chosen ones. These opportunities have been e(tended in an
attempt to hold on to oung adherents gro#ing up #ithin the organi%ation as children o" "ollo#ers.
The Brahma Kumaris speci"icall and persistentl encourage "ollo#ers to detach "rom their "impure"
and unenlightened phsical relatives, old "riends and even children, to e(press the emotions o" "all
relationships" #ith their channelled entit and to consider other Brahma Kumari "ollo#ers to be their
true spiritual "amil. This is persistentl ingrained into adherents; minds during the dail scripture
A"ter a short period time, almost to all contacts and relationships #ill be #ithin the religion and almost
to all "ree time #ill be spent in some BKWSU related activit #hether listening to or giving sermons,
teaching and evangeli%ing, maintaining centers and regular services or developing "service" programs.
The Brahma Kumaris provide "or their "ollo#ers an environment that satis"ies man to most o" their
social needs, including the possibilit to travel.
The 8Honeymoon8 .eriod and 8Into#ication8
The beginning o" adherents involvement #ith the Brahma Kumaris is generall mar$ed b an
e(perience re"erred to as the "=onemoon +eriod" b BKs. This is a short period lasting a "e# months
#here the individuals "eel unnaturall "high", or "*nto(icated" in BK Spea$. This period does not last
although neophtes #ill not believe this. *t is li$ened to "childhood" #ithin the movement and in the
"uture and "ollo#ers #ill be encourage to remember these e(periences as an inspiration to continue
#hen the #ear o"".
The e(perience is o"ten similar to a ;manic; phase or "alling in love and is li$el to concern "riends and
"amil as it is usuall combined #ith radical li"estle and personalit changes, and o"ten tireless
evangelical enthusiasm. The individual #ill "eel light, rushes o" love or strong emotions and e(perience
strong pschic e(periences such a visions o" light or "bodilessness".
<angers occur o" mental and personal brea$do#ns i" the individual does not "ollo# the prescribe
disciplines that the religion sets during this period. Adherents #ill separate "rom their -riends and
"amil and become di""icult to impossible to reason #ith or relate to outside o" their ne# "ound
religious interests.
This period tends to #ear o"" a"ter 5 months or so a"ter #hich the individual #ill be persistentl
encouraged to "ma$e e""orts" to regain it and increasingl surrender their mind, bod and #ealth to the
How does BK meditation work?
BK meditation is primaril an open ee meditation designed to induce #ithin the individual a state o"
mind that can be carried at all time during the #a$ing da.
*t is initiall taught as a gentle stream o" thoughts or vague visuali%ation to be "ollo#ed b ne#comers,
o"ten to so"t, &uiet meditational music and in slightl dar$ened or red lit room, #hich have a potentiall
hpnotic e""ect on individuals. These calm the individual and open their minds to suggestion and
pschic in"luences. These are recorded as tapes, @<s or digital "iles "or do#nloads "or plaing bac$
Within a "ormal teaching environment, and latter at ever stage o" involvement, the meditation
e(perience is initiated and rein"orced b the direct "transmission" "rom a committed Brahma Kumari
adherent. This is called "<hristi" and involves the adherent to a ne#comer, or a senior practitioner to a
9unior adherent, staring directl into the open ees o" the lesser individual and transmitting the
"vibrations", spiritual energ o" the channelled entit the BKWSU considers is God, or the mental
e(perience o" the more e(perienced individual.
This practise o" staring #ill start as a matter o" a "e# minutes but graduall be increased until as a "ull
BK, it #ill be practised "or anthing up to hours at a time in intense group mediations. <uring this
e(perience, individuals #ill o"ten e(perience visions o" light, a pressure on their "oreheads, #aves o"
love or spiritual energ leading to a "eeling o" separation "rom their bod and a state the Brahma
Kumaris call "soul consciousness", the e(perience o" the sel" as a spirit being and not a bod.
*n theor, one this state is e(perienced and mastered, the individual is then able to connect directl to
the God o" the Brahma Kumaris in rapturous union. The "ollo#ers imagines or e(periences themselves
to be a soul, travel to a golden red #orld o" spiritual light and be pulled into direct contact #ith the
living god #ithin it.
BK adherents are encouraged to remember this state and their god at all times e(perience a gentle
communion or being "touched" it. *t #ould appear that elements similar to hpnosis and
/.+, spiritual healing, trance and pschic channelling are all involved to di""erent degrees.
7*+ service
The God o" the Brahma Kumaris places a persistent encouragement "or BK adherents to attract and
recruit important people or 7*+s to act as "microphones" "or the organi%ation broadcasting its message
to a #ider audience.
Brahma Kumaris leaders #ill speci"icall target the involvement o" 7*+s in their evangelical
programmes o""ering them gi"ts and privileges #ithin the movement.
A mem%er of the Brahma Kumaris . a *BK* . adopts a highly regulated and controlled
lifestyle( Based on the %elief that the %urden of )arma is either decreased or increased with
e"ery thought! word and action! e"ery moment and e"ery aspect of ones* %eha"ior should %e
go"erned( /ne must %e "ery careful to ensure that one is inculcating purity at e"ery step(
Any mista)e must %e confessed in order to %e empowered to not repeat that mista)e( 0This
confession would %e to one of the seniors and is an essential part of mind control1(
"/%edience is freedom" is )ey to a BKs* thin)ing and li"ing(
The concept o" becoming a completel pure soul "ree "rom the burden o" past sin dominates a
members thin$ing. Whilst man people #ould see this as an impossible e(pectation it is the basis
o" a BKs; li"estle. Thus the members da starts #ith meditation at G.88am "or G? minutes . This is
$no#n as "Amrit 7ela" and is one o" the "0aradas" ) the basic rules "or living a pure li"e. This
ma be done alone or in a group. Amrit vela is "ollo#ed b
=aving completed the )B da course
one is entitled to start attending the general class. Starting time varies "rom around ?.88 am to
5.>8 am depending on the demographic.The general class starts #ith a short meditation, then a
class "rom the head teacher "ollo#ed b the reading o" a murli
. Good students #ill ta$es notes and stud them #ith vigour tring to imbibe as much o" the
thin$ing "rom the murli as the can. The are e""ectivel engaging in an active process o" sel"
The rest o" the da #ill ta$e on an appearance o" normalit "or ordinar students. The #ill go to
#or$ or to ta$e care o" home duties ) but their personal agenda is no# completel at odds #ith a
normal environment.The #ill be practising detachment, internall separating themselves "rom
those around them in preparation "or their deaths in the impending global destruction. The #ill be
practising "tra""ic control" ) a timetable o" short meditations in #hich the member practises
thin$ing "correctl".
Another o" the "0aradas
" is a strict vegetarian diet that incorporates no alcohol or tobacco. The BKs; also re&uire that the
"ood the eat be prepared #ith "pure vibrations" 2 and such pure "ood can onl be prepared b a
conscientious BK. This means that a BK cannot eat the impure "ood coo$ed b their mother or
#i"e and restaurants are not an option. The rami"ications o" this can be ver serious in certain
cultures. *t certainl separates a BK "rom "amil and "riends as "ood is integral to ongoing "amil
and social relations.
*" a member is "surrendered" then "rom morning class the #ill continue to do service
throughout the da. *t is normall "airl rela(ed agenda o" o""ice #or$, preparation "or planned
events, dealing #ith da to da issues, all hope"ull accomplished in a meditative state o"
consciousness. This changes #hen the are bus on a ma9or program and this is #hen the seniors
are most li$el to reveal their dar$ side 2 something "or #hich the "aith"ul #ill "orgive them too
A ne# member #ill ordinaril continue to live in the same environment as the #ere #hen the
came across the BKWSU. A"ter attending morning class and "ollo#ing all the maradas "or si(
months a member is considered pu$$a
. =o#ever their ne# belie"s #ill inevitabl bring changes. <iet is one e(ample. @on"lict o"ten
occurs in the case o" celibac
#hen both partners are not members. This has lead to a common accusation against the Brahma
Kumaris as home brea$ers. There has been man a divorce as a result o" this "0arada". As
celibac is one o" the "0aradas" it is an absolute re&uirement "or an member to be ta$en
seriousl b the group or to be allo#ed to travel to 0adhuban
At the end o" the #or$ing da a BK #ill normall attend evening class. This #ill include
meditation and a lecture. *t is not compulsor as morning class is but a BK #ill demonstrate his
#orth as a BK b attending. Such pu$$a students #ill be re#arded #ith opportunities in service
and b implication a higher status in the BK "amil. A member #ho has trouble attending morning
or evening class due to protests "rom husbands, #ives, other "amil members, or due to sic$ness,
#ould be considered to be in "bondage" ) this means that the soul has a severe $armic burden as a
result o" past bad actions. The are, b implication, ver impure.
A BK #ill spend their spare time in stud and meditation, or be at the centre helping in service
pro9ects, giving courses or even 9ust cleaning or doing handi#or$. At the end o" a da that started
be"ore G.88 am the #ill go to bed e(hausted ) onl to #a$e up a "e# hours later to sit in
meditation to cement their belie"s and do it all over again ) da a"ter da, B das a #ee$.
'nce a ear a BK #ill go to the BKWSU head&uarters in 0t. Abu, *ndia "or about > #ee$s. There
the #ill immerse themselves in all things BK surrounded b other BKs and activel engaging in
the indoctrination process.
A member #ho has been a BK "or some time #ill have removed themselves "rom "amil and
"riends and #ill no# move onl in BK circles. The #ill have cut bac$ on #or$ commitments,
careers, old interests and hobbies. The #ill not #atch television, go to the movies or an "orm o"
public entertainment.
-or a pu$$a BK, there is nothing "or them outside o" the li"e and #or$ o" the BKWSU. The live
in a ver small #orld engaging in a ver limited and reductionist belie" sstem. A"ter man ears
o" living in this tin bubble their lives are shattered #hen that bubble bursts. The "ind themselves
in an alien #orld unable to grasp the social codes o" a #orld that has changed so much in the time
the #ere out o" it. 0an "ind this traumatic because the are unable to cope. Some #ill ta$e their
o#n lives.
What are the aims or purpose of the BKWSU?
Theoreticall, the aim o" the Brahma Kumaris is to return to their perceived per"ect state o" being in
this li"e in order to prepare themselves "or a li"e in a Golden Aged heaven on earth that is going to
"ollo# the <estruction o" the current #orld.
The purpose o" the BKWSU is to "ind all the original heavenl souls the called Brahmins, and help
them not 9ust to prepare "or <estruction and the Golden Age a"ter but to gain a high status #ithin it.
*n doing so, BK Brahmins believe that the #ill either become angels o" light #ho #ill serve the #orld
#ith their, or their god;s, love, peace and light or help practicall create heaven on earth a"ter an
imminent nuclear #ar.
Top =istorical ,evision
=as the BKWSU re2#ritten its histor)
:es, e(tensivel and regularl in numerous hagiographic histories and biographies. This has been
hidden "rom "ollo#ers.
+lease see our BKWSU =istor "orum "or details and discussion. Evidence clearl sho#s #here the
current leadership have colluded in passing on a "alsi"ied version o" the organi%ation;s development.
Has the BKWSU re(written its philosophy?
:es. E(tensivel. This, and its process o" development, has been hidden "rom "ollo#ers.
The BKWSU largel claims that its philosoph is derived "rom mediumistic channelled messages the
believe are God spea$ing directl to them. <uring its histor, especiall in the earl ears, it used a
number o" di""erent mediums some o" #hich, such as the "Golden @ircle", le"t the organi%ation and are
no longer o""iciall discussed or ac$no#ledged.
*t is believed that Global @hie" Dan$i Kripalani;s sister #as a member o" such a group. The organi%ation
no# presents .e$hra9 Kripalani as the chie" medium.
.e$hra9 Kripalani as God
-or the "irst E8 ears, adherents thought millionaire "ounder .e$hra9 Kripalani #as God on the basis o"
visions o" him as Krishna. *t #as onl a"ter 34?8 that the BKWSU re2#rote its philosoph to include an
incorporeal God it named Shiva.
This has been hidden "rom adherents and the hagiographic histories and biographies #ritten b the
organi%ation "ictionali%es the earl histor o" the organi%ation.
<estruction 2 "ailed predictions o" the End o" the World
The Brahma2$umaris have predicted the End o" the World, $no#n as "<estruction" to them, on a
number o" occasions notabl! WW**, 34?8, 34B5, mid234L8s, :ear
E888,E83E 1+ointing Science6.....E8((...E8((...E8>5.... The "ailure
o" these predictions have been $ept hidden "rom "ollo#ers and ne# adherents. At the time o" "ailure,
manadherents le"t the movement.
Generall, the organi%ation responds b saing that "Baba 1God6 has never
given a speci"ic date "or <estruction" #hich is true to
the e(tent that he has never state a speci"ic da. But the
spirit guide has made these prediction to speci"ic ears.M
The channelled messages and teaching aids ha!e since $een
8re!ised8 to correct" alter or remo!e these predictions
-rom 0onism to <ualism and God Shiva
-or the "irst E8 ears, the Brahma Kumaris #ere a monist tradition in the "orm o" orthodo( Advaita
schools believing that there #as onl one ultimate substance or principle called the Brahm or Braham.
The practised "aith in "Aham Brahm Asmi", literall "* am Brahman" or "* am God".
At some point a"ter 34?8, the Brahma Kumaris introduced an individual personalit the called the
"supreme soul", W*T=*/ that Brahm element or "soul #orld", into their theodic calling him "Shiva
Baba". As o" this date, 1E88L6 here is no re"erence #ithin their o""icial media or publications ho#, #h
or #hen this happened. *t is thought that the leadership is s#orn to secrec about this.
The BK use o" the terms Brahm and /irvana "or the same are uni&ue and not according to the orthodo(
belie"s o" =indus or Buddhists.
1#or$ in progress6 3LLG .e$hra9 Kripalani born
34>E .e$hra9 Kripalani retires and starts holding Satsang at his home in =derabad, Sind
34>B 'm 0andli "ace public criticism and legal action, Kripalani creates committee o" #omen
including his #i"e and ;'m ,adhe;
34>L Kripalani said to surrender his #ealth and propert to an unnamed trust
34?8 'm 0andli moved to 0ount Abu
34?8 1appro(6 God Shiva is introduced into Brahma2$umari belie"s
34?E Service in *ndia
345? 'm ,adhe dies and B.K. 0anmohini become ;@ontroller o" Service;
3454 .eh$ra9 Kripalani dies o" a heart attac$ the da a"ter a trust o" "ormed b others to control his
34B3 Service in .ondon and =ong Kong starts
34BG Dan$i Kirpalani goes to .ondon
34L? head o" organi%ation <idi 0anmohini dies
34L5 0illion 0inutes o" +eace
3443 D. Watumull 0emorial Global =ospital and ,esearch @entre established
Top =induism and Ancient ,a9a :oga
<o the Brahma Kumaris teach Ancient ,a9a :oga)
/o. The Brahma Kumaris do not teach Ancient ,a9a :oga.
The "amous ,a9a :oga has been taught "or over E,888 ears and is recogni%ed as being b documented
b +atan9ali. *t bears no relationship to the belie"s and practise o" the Brahma Kumaris.
The current "orm o" initiation practised b the Brahma Kumaris dates bac$ to appro(imatel 34?8. /ot
even the 34>8s as claimed b the organi%ation. +rior to the 34?8s, the Brahma2$umaris had a di""erent
practise based around the belie" that .e$hra9 Kripalani #as God and "aith in a universal spiritual
element called the Brahm the called Aham Brahm Asmi, a"ter the traditional =indu mantra.
=o# can the Brahma Kumaris claim their "orm is Ancient ,a9a :oga)
*t is onl according to their philosoph o" a ?,888 :ear identicall repeating @cle o" Time. Brahma
Kumaris believe that no time e(its longer than ?,888 ears. ?,888 :ears ago, the #ere teaching their
"orm e(actl as toda. There"ore theirs is the oldest "orm. -urther more, the Brahma Kumaris teach that
all other religions are imper"ect and incomplete memorials o" them and their practises, there"ore
+atan9ali;s ,a9a :oga #as a imper"ect and incomplete memorial o" them "rom ?,888 ears ago.
Where can * "ind a traditional ,a9a :oga teacher)
Tr searching "or Astanga :oga.
Are the Brahma Kumaris =indu)
/o. Brahma Kumarism is not =induism. To understand Brahma Kumarism, it is better to loo$ at and
understand the Sindhi communit in +a$isthan "rom #hich the "irst arose.
Although the ma9orit o" BKs are born into =indu "amilies, the Brahma Kumaris use =indu
terminolog, puts on events during =indu "estivals to attract "ollo#ers and has de"initel been inspired
b it, the Brahma Kumaris speci"icall claims that the are not =indus. /either are the representatives
o" the =indu religion despite "orming charities to "promote =induism".
The Brahma Kumaris do not "ollo# =indu rites or "estivals "aith"ull but o""er their o#n interpretation
o" them. /ot all religions "rom *ndia are =indu.
These points are clearl stated in the channelled messages the Brahma Kumaris base their teachings on
and con"irmed b the most senior teachers. The Brahma Kumaris believe that "Bha$ti", the =indi #ord
"or the devotional path is impure and degraded and that no one else but them teaches the truth. All other
religions, included those o" =induism, are but an imper"ect, partial memorial o" their religion "rom
?,888 ears ago.
The Brahma Kumaris are also told b their god, and believe, that the =indus are their #orshippers and
#ill recogni%e them as their deities or gods that the #orship in temples. "Bha$ti", the term used "or
religious devotion has negative connotations #ithin the BKWSU. *t is the path o" ignorance or
"stumbling in dar$ness".
Within the movement, there is the e(pectation o" a =indu bac$lash #hen the general population
discovers that the teach that god Krishna did not spea$ the Gita but that their god Shiva did. -or
appro(imatel the "irst E8 ears, the BKs believed that .K #as literall the inventor o" the Bhagavad
What is BK stle ,a9a :oga)
The Brahma Kumaris o#n practise is e(periential bases on hpnotic contemplation and visuali%ation o"
themselves and God as tin points o" light.
Top 'ther religions
What do the Brahma Kumaris and their God thin$ about other religions)
*n the original teachings, other religions are called, "impure, devilish, the ;path o" ignorance;" and so
on. According to the Brahma Kumaris and its spirit guide, all other religions bring about degradation o"
Speci"icall, it believes that other religions are all incomplete re"lections o" Brahma Kumarism "rom
#hich the religious "ounders studied and e(perienced ?,888 ears ago. 'nl Brahma Kumarism has a
direct relationship #ith and $no#ledge o" God.
What do the Brahma Kumaris thin$ about 0uhammad and *slam)
As #ith other religions, the BKs believe that 0uhammad learned about God religion "rom the BKWSU
?,888 ears ago. =e is then said to reincarnated 3,G88 ears ago. A second soul is said to have
descended "rom the spirit #orld, possessed him and together the started their *slam. *n essence, that
0uhammad #as a medium and channel "or another entit, 9ust as .e$hra9 Kripalani #as "or God Shiva.
Both 0uhammad and this other spirit entit are then said to have continued to reincarnate #ithin the
0ohammedan religion guiding it in human "orm until the present da.At no point since his birth did
0uhammad leave Earth, 9oin God, nor did he have per"ect $no#ledge o" God, nor did God inspire him
directl. Strangel, the God o" BKWSU called Abraham the "ounder o" *slam E,?88 ears ago and did
not mention Dudaism until its e(pansion into the West.
What do the Brahma Kumaris thin$ about Desus @hrist)
As #ith other religions, the BKs believe that Desus learned about God religion "rom the BKWSU ?,888
ears ago. Desus is then said to reincarnated, probabl in the lo#est ebb o" heaven on earth, a"ter #hich
he reincarnated. E,888 ears ago the @hrist soul, a second soul descended "rom the spirit #orld,
possessed him and together the started their religion. *n essence, that Desus #as a medium and channel
"or @hrist, 9ust as .e$hra9 Kripalani #as "or God Shiva.
Both @hrist and Desus are then said to have continued to reincarnate #ithin the @hristian religion
guiding it in human "orm until this present da.
Top Brahma Kumari li"estle
BK adherents, even married ones, are made to "ollo# strict celibac including not loo$ing, thin$ing
about or touching other bodies. Total celibac e(cludes masturbation or an other "orm o" stimulation.
=uman love or se( is seen as "the 'cean o" +oison" or "the s#ord o" lust"N *t is the #orst vice and the
greatest obstacle.
0embers carring on se(ual or emotional relationships #ill be advise to split apart, disallo#ed "rom
ma$ing the annual visit to the *ndian head&uarters or barred. *n theor, there is no procreation at all
#ithin the BKWSU.
BK adherents are encouraged to "ollo# strict sattvic vegetarianism 1lacto2vegetarian #ithout onions
and garlic related "ood stu""s6 and are discouraged "rom eating an "ood that is not produced b
themselves or another Brahma2Kumari adherent. Even their o#n phsical "amilies.
BKs do not drin$ alcohol, smo$e, use non2prescription drugs, eat out in restaurants and so on but #ill
allo# themselves machine made "oods such a bread, drin$s or s#eets.
<ail routine
A tpical BK routine #ould involved!
Wa$e and prepare "or a G? minute meditation at G am.
<ail class and meditation "rom appro(imatel 5.>8 am to L am.
,egular meditation brea$s during the da called "tra""ic @ontrol"
Keeping a detailed diar called a chart o" their e""orts
Teaching classes and general evangelism as time allo#s.
B das a #ee$, >5? das a ear.
BK adherents are discouraged "rom ta$ing an holidas e(cept an annual retreat to their 0ount Abu
head&uarters #here the meet en masse #ith their God spea$ing and acting through one o" the
organi%ation;s pschic mediums, and to #or$ on other outreach programmes.
Additional disciplines
<epending on their level or commitment, Brahma Kumari adherents are slo#l encouraged to "ollo#
various other additional disciplines such as!
bod #ashing a"ter de"ecation to include a complete change o" clothes
#ashing be"ore coo$ing
menstruating #omen are discouraged "rom entering center $itchen areas as are #ea$er "ollo#ers
con"ession o" #ea$ness and impurities to senior teachers
Going to 0adhuban
Each ear, during a limited season, Brahma Kumari adherents are encouraged to visit the movements
head&uarters in 0ount Abu, ,a9asthan called "0adhuban".
it is here that adherents are able to listen directl to God spea$ing to them via the organi%ation;s chie"
medium, an elderl *ndian #omen "ollo#er called =irda 0ohini or "Gul%ar". -ollo#ers are
encouraged to ma$e donations here "or increased $armic bene"it.
The core activit o" Brahma Kumari li"estle is service #hich is the evangelism o" the the religion in
numerous #as. This is called "Service" to BKs although generall it per"orms no other "unction to
societ or an individuals but to promote the organi%ation.
As a rule, the Brahma Kumaris do not do charit although recentl a number o" members have started
to do so against the resistance o" the organi%ation;s leadership.
Top Brahma Kumaris and the United /ations
What does the BKWSU do at the United /ations)
The Brahma Kumaris promotes itsel" through the United /ations, uses the opportunit to meet
important people and increases both its leadership;s status in the ees o" its "ollo#ers and the
organi%ation;s status #ithin the political arena.
The BKs have a small o""ice space currentl understood to be a couple o" des$s in the /e# :or$
head&uarters o" the United /ation 'rgani%ation. Adherents attend numerous events internationall to
promote their religion, in some cases claiming to be "U/ advisors". The organi%ation o"ten dedicates
meditation events #hich it alread carries out "to the United /ations".
-rom time to time the BKWSU #ill produce an light #eight article on some peace or spiritual values
related sub9ect but in general, the United /ations association is mainl used and abused to the BKWSU
bene"it establishing credibilit "or belie"s and activities the United /ations 'rgani%ation has no
$no#ledge o".
=o# can an "End o" the World @ult" be supported b the United /ations)
As$ the United /ations. The have probabl have not been told.
<oes the United /ations $no# #hat the BKWSU teaches)
<oes the United /ations $no# that the BKWSU believes the #orld must be destroed b /uclear War
in order to puri" it and that 5,888,888,888 humans must die) We suspect not.
<oes the BKWSU believe in the Universal <eclaration o" the United /ations; =uman ,ights)
The Brahma Kumaris belie"s and organi%ational structural are in man case entirel contradictor to
the <eclaration and #or$ o" the United /ations. @entral to this is the Brahma Kumaris; belie" that
humanit is doomed and #ill onl decrease in spiritual values until the "orthcoming, immediate and
desirable "inal "<estruction" during #hich 5,888,888,888 human being #ill be $illed in nuclear #ar
and natural disasters.
=eaven on earth, peace amongst humanit is the Brahma Kumaris preserve onl a"ter the #orld has
been "puri"ied" in this manner. -urther more, attempts to save or improve the present #orld or
environment are "utile.
Top Brahma Kumari organi%ations
*s the BKWSU a real Universit)
/o. *t is a ne# religion movement or cult depending on #hose opinion ou accept. *t does not o""er
accredited course nor meet education re&uirements as a "ormal universit.
The Brahma Kumaris #ere in"ormed b the channelled entit the believe to be God to name
themselves as a "universit" so as to avoid controvers. *t has been a ver success"ul promotional
A mem%er of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Uni"ersity cult would fit a fairly typical
profile ? intelligent! thoughtful! passionate! concerned %y the in&ustices and pre&udices of the
world! and also concerned %y their own inade2uacies or shortcomings and a perception that
they need to %e %etter than they are(
The tend to be people o" integrit, capable o" sel" control, sacri"ice and commitment. The are so
committed that the volunteer their time and energ #ithout material re#ard or even
compensation. These characteristics ma not have been obvious be"ore the )"ound their "aith)
because tpicall a degree o" con"usion, anger, resentment or depression, insecurit or negativit
ma have compromised their emotional state.
The ma9orit o" #esterners #ho became members in the 34B8;s and 34L8;s #ere in their t#enties
although #ith the ne# stle o" recruitment this has changed. 0an o" those #ho are older are
educated and pro"essional. But there is a common denominator ) childhood discontent. @ult
members are o"ten the product o" less than "unctional childhoods and see the #orld as an unhapp
place ) "or e(ample the ma have come "rom ds"unctional "amilies, or single parent "amilies, or
negligent 1although possibl #ealth6 "amilies.
Almost inevitabl cult members have reached adulthood emotionall compromised. And the are
a#are o" it. And the #ant to do something about it. That is the trap.
*" it all sounds too corn, or pathetic 1li$e it #ouldn)t happen to ou6 don)t be "ooled ) it is not
9ust in the pac$aging, nor is it about gullibilit. *t is about being human and our need and abilit to
believe. =itler, 0ao Tse <ong, +ol +ot all convinced their "ollo#ers o" the truth o" their ideolog.
Those same "ollo#ers then #ent on to murder millions o" people on their behal". So ho# hard is it
then "or some o" us to be convinced b a spiritual ideolog that #e should ma$e an e""ort to be
better people and to contribute to a collective that is tring to upli"t the #orld and ma$e it a better
place to live) =o# hard is it to believe that renunciation and dedication #ould be necessar to
achieve this) Who doesn)t #ant to be better than the are and to ma$e a di""erence)
When ou meet the members ou #ill be impressed b their ;niceness; 2 the are ver dedicated to
being pleasant people. This is ver disarming and is a primar reason the have developed such
great in"luence as a group. *t is obviousl a di""erent stor #hen the are "alling apart 2 but ou
#on;t get to meet e(2members.
What other names or front organi9ations does the
BKWSU use?
Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Universit
+ra9apita Brahma Kumaris *sh#aria 7isha 7idalaa
Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual 'rgani%ation
Academ -or Better World
World ,ene#al Spiritual Trust
Brahma Kumaris Educational Societ
Brahma Kumaris Association
Brahma Kumaris Spiritual @entre
Brahma Kumaris Spirituele A$ademie
,a9oga Education O ,esearch -oundation
.earning @enter -or +eace
The 0editation @enter
*nner Space
A#a$en #ith brahma$umaris b BK shivani
Anubhuti ,etreat @enter
.iving 7alues Education +rogram
Sel" 0anagement .eadership
7isions o" a Better World -oundation
The Dan$i -oundation "or Global =ealth @are
Global -orum "or +ublic ,elations
+oint o" .i"e -oundation
Brahma Kumaris @ommunit Education ,esources
Brahma Kumaris Spiritual .earning @entre
Eternit *n$
+eace 7illage
Bahrain 0editation @entre "or Sel"2development
@enter "or Spiritual .earning
and others
Who runs the BKWSU and how?
A small group o" elderl male and "emale adherents some o" #hom have been "ollo#ers since the
34>8s, others having 9oined in the ?8s and 58s. The BKWSU puts great emphasis on the leadership
being all "emale but this is not so. And notabl not on the "inancial side. There is controvers over the
establishment o" the main trust that governs the organi%ation.
The BKWSU is ver largel undemocratic and the leadership is almost entirel unaccountable. There is
no dut o" care to#ards adherents as the considers themselves to run organi%ations #hich have no
*nternationall, it is split up into various geographic %ones #hich run some#hat autonomousl as
personal "ie"doms o" the senior sister in charge. *ndividual centers are mostl private homes.
The BKWSU does not publicl o""er an constitution or operating manual even to its donors and
)re the Brahma Kumaris a 8cult8?
+robabl, es. The Brahma Kumaris have man elements #hich match identicall attributes ascribed to
cultic religions. *ncreasingl, against the advise o" their o#n philosoph, the are becoming a
personalit cult based around the #orship o" their "ounder and senior sisters.
)re The Brahma kumaris 0anatic in their approach??
Emphaticall :esPPP
The Brahma$umaris are ver "anatic and sometimes too "ar in their approach #herein their
$no#ledge o" god is considered.The consider themseves as the onl proprietor o" godl
$no#ledge and stretch themselves "ar and #ide #ith their $ind and compassionate spea$ing
approach to the general public and the local "amilies.
0asses get subse&uentl brain#ashed over a period o" time #ith the "ear o" coming
destructionFend o" the #orld.
The centers go on ma$ing the people a#are b introducing #ell$no#n people "rom outside,that
this is the onl true $no#ledge o" god and are prevented b teaching them remaining all else
outside brahma$umari education are "alse.The teachers cut the &uestions "rom the "ollo#ers
such as topics on $undalini,pranaama,hatha oga....etc b giving them #rong understanding
and that all this is #aste o" time and o" no use #ithout having an $no#ledge o" the AB@s o"
those sstems.
'ne more interesting aspect is that although the sa that all religions are one and god is
one1true6 the dont entertain people or accept people #ho dont #ant to accept the
brahma$umari teachings and some "ollo#ers although ver good as good people loses the
po#er o" sel" discrimination #ithin close relationships and "inall drop close relationships.
@ontroversies and criticism
<r. Dohn Wallis notes the re2editing o" mediumistic messages and "ailed predictions o" the End
o" the World #hich had been removed "rom the teachings and hidden "rom those that came
later on.
*n a paper "or the Dournal "or the Scienti"ic Stud o" ,eligion, =o#ell #rote that teenage girls
surrendering to the organisation are re&uired to pa the e&uivalent o" a do#r to the
organi%ation. The pament #as meant to prevent parents "rom "dumping" their daughters at the
BKWSU as a #a to avoid the costs o" ordinar marriages. ,eturn to the #orld "or #omen #ho
have has such a do#r paid "or them is di""icult.
BK "ollo#ers belie" that the BKWSU is the precursor to all #orld religions, even those that
predate it, #hich are seen as being onl "acets o" "the complete diamond" ,a9a :oga.

The institution uses =indu terminologies such as ,a9a :oga and Bhagavad Gita to attract people
but #hat is taught in the organi%ation is completel di""erent "rom #hat the supposed to mean
in =indu sstem o" belie".
-ollo#ers are encouraged to undergo a Qdeath2in2li"eR and Qdie to#ards the outer #orldR
renouncing their "amilies and thus be QdivinelR reborn in the Qdivine "amil conse&uentl, the
Brahma Kumaris have been accused o" brea$ing up marriages and "amilies since the 34>8s. *n
E88B, the British tabloid ne#spaper The <ail 0ail reported Graham Bald#in, a "ormer
universit chaplain and arm o""icer #ho is president o" the educational countercult
organi%ation @atals, stating that the "ormer members and the "amilies o" members had told him
that BKWSU has driven a #edge bet#een husband and #i"e and that there #ere complaints that
it encourages single #omen and #ido#s to donate propert and savings. The BKWSU, a
organisation being notable "or its se( ban, #as said to have "used pernicious methods to control
its "ollo#ers". *an =o#arth o" the @ult *n"ormation @entre #as "urther &uoted about complaints
that people have gone undergone personalit changes a"ter 9oining BKWSU and become
alienated "rom their "amilies. A BKWSU spo$es#oman replied, "this is ver much a minorit
thing", declining to comment on allegations that BKWSU encourages "ollo#ers to donate
propert and savings.
Cuestioned ho# dinosaurs "it #ithin a ?,888 ear @cle o" Time BK /eville =odg$inson, a
"ormer scienti"ic correspondent "or an English national ne#spaper, &uestioned the e(istence o"
dinosaurs on the basis o" the lac$ o" bones.
The Brahma Kumaris have "eatured in the ;Wissen schSt%t; reports o" Austria 1edited b then
Austrian 0inister "or -amil A""airs 0r. 0artin Bartenstein6, , ,ussia 1*nternational
@on"erence "Totalitarian @ults 2 Threat o" T#ent2-irst @entur", /i%hn /ovgorod, E8836 and
in a 0*7*.U<ES report submitted to the -rench /ational Assembl as a "sectes dangereuses"
1harm"ul cult6 and "groupe d;en"ermement" 1group o" con"inement6.H4GI This has leading to the
presecution o" "ollo#ers in local media leading to 9ob losses a"ter it discovered that the
belonged to a sect I and denouncement "or their in"luence on children under their care.
The BKWSU is accused o" "alsi"ing claims internationall, since 34BL, that its current leader
and relative o" the "ounder <adi Dan$i Kripalani is "the most stable mind in the #orld".
Dournalists &uoted archivists at the Universit in &uestion and ""ound no mention o" the
e(periments per"ormed on <adi Dan$i in 34BL". *ndeed, the could not even ""ind an
Universit o" Te(as organi%ation called the 0edical and Science ,esearch *nstitute."
+ratibha +atil , the U+A2.e"t candidate and current +resident o" *ndia, said on camera
during the *ndian presidential election, E88B, that she had communicated #ith the spirit
o" the deceased leader o" the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Universit at their
head&uarters in 0ount Abu, ,a9asthan.+atil added that she had received a mediumistic
message indicating great responsibilit coming her #a.She had gone to see$ the
blessings o" =irda 0ohini, also $no#n as <adi Gul%ar or <adi9i.
.i"estle Summar
The movement teaches that the #orld is approaching a time o" great change that #ill be heralded b
#ar, natural calamities and su""ering. As a "orm o" developing inner spiritual resilience, the Brahma
Kumaris adopt a disciplined li"estle#hich involvesA
@elibac , including no se( #ithin marriage.So long as chastit is "ollo#ed, e(isting marriages
and "amil li"e are allo#ed but not the creation o" ne# partnerships.
Sattvic vegetarianism, a strict lacto2vegetarian diet1e(cluding eggs, onions, garlic6 coo$ed onl
b the sel" or other membersI even e(cluding their o#n mother or relatives.
Abstaining "rom alcohol, tobacco and non2prescription drugs.
<ail earl morning meditation at GA88to GAG? am, called ;Amrit 7ela.;
<ail morning class at appro(imatel 5A>8 am.
0en and #omen traditionall sit on separate sides o" the room at the centers during classes.
Brahma Kumaris can be identi"ied b their "re&uent adoption o" #earing #hite clothes, to
smboli%e purit.
,ecommends that companions be other BK Brahmins as opposed to those given over to #orldl
pleasures 1non2BKs6, $no#n as #hogis or shudras 1meaning ;untouchables;6.
All e(cept the ver senior BKs in the Western branches must support themselves 1most #or$6,
most BKs live in shared accommodation #ith other members enabling the organi%ation to
po#er"ull rein"orce its belie"s.
Summary of Beliefs
*n 34?E, a"ter a 3G ear period o" retreat during #hich the Brahma2$umaris published numerous
pamphlets, ne#spaper articles and #rote letters to important national and international "igures, a more
structured "orm o" teaching began to be o""ered to the public b #a o" a seven lesson course. The
movement does not associate itsel" #ith =induism but pro9ects itsel" as a vehicle "or spiritual teaching
rather than a religion.
&entral $eliefs
@entral to its "aith are the belie"s thatA
The human being is an eternal soul living #ithin a phsical bod and is not the phsical bod
#hich is dualistic "* am a soul, m bod is a garment".
God is considered to be such an eternal soul too and not omnipresent.
,eincarnation happens onl "rom one human bod to another.
There is a "i(ed number o" human beings reincarnating. BKs currentl claim this number to be
e(actl B billion, although earlier the said it #as ? and then 5 billion. The number o" souls
incarnated graduall increases throughout the supposed ?,888 ear ccle and 9ust be"ore the ;end
o" the #orld; all these souls are incarnate.
There #as one single ;heavenl; continent on Earth, #hich bro$e into pieces 1the current
continents6 at the end o" "Silver Age" #hich, accordingl to BKs, #as around E,?88 ears ago.
=umanit is currentl reaching the end o" the current ccle and thus the #orld #ill be
destroed, a time re"erred to as "<estruction".
*ndian subcontinent #ill be the site o" the "uture Golden Age paradise and that a "orm o" =indi
is the original language o" humanit, all other continents being destroed.
-ollo#ers are taught that onl the #ill live in the coming Golden Age paradiseas Gods and
God has incarnated into <ada .eh$ra9, the "ounder, and is teaching them directl and
3. University )ress. E1hat must #e noted is that the sect generated fierce hostility in &ydera#ad,
which led it to transfer its seat to Farachi after a few years.E
E. "arrett, !avid G 0<>>:2. The (ew "elievers3 .urvey of .ects, Cults and lternative 6eligions.
Cassell 8 Co..E'se$ is an e$pression of '#ody-consciousness' and leads to the other vices',
pro#a#ly stems in part from the origins of the movement in :D=>s 'ndia, when women had to
su#mit to their hus#ands.E
>. 3 "a##, Lawrence . 0<>><2. 6edemptive *ncounters. University of California )ress. .
EE.ervice re/uires active support of the movement, especially #y participating in its many
proscelyting activities ... 7reat emphasis is placed on the value of #ringing converts into the
movement, particularly converts who stick... -editation is the movement's most significant
'effort'. *fforts to reform the Faliyug are not in accord with .hiv "a#a's willE.
G. "a##, Lawrence . 0:DH?2. 6edemptive *ncounters3 Three -odern .tyles in the &indu
Tradition 0Comparative .tudies in 6eligion and .ociety2.. E.e$ual intercourse is unnecessary
for reproduction #ecause the souls that enter the world during the first half of the Cycle are in
possession of a special yogic power 0yog #al2 #y which they conceive childrenE
?. &induism Today. 6etrieved on <>>?->?-<H. EEThe most strict will not eat food which is not
prepared #y a "rahma Fumaris. 1hile traveling they a#stain from pu#lic fare and carry their
own utensils for cooking.EE
5. .mith, !r 1endy . 0utumn <>>?2. E7ender 6ole *$perimentation in (ew 6eligious
-ovements3 clarification of the "rahma Fumari caseE. @ournal for the .cientific .tudy of
6eligion :63 :CI:?. E.trict adherence re/uires that they only eat food cooked #y themselves or
other "rahma Fumaris in order to #enefit from the pure vi#rations of the person cooling the
food. This has meant that some mem#ers do not eat food cooked #y their mothers or other
relatives who are not in the movement thus challenging one of the most #asic social activities
which fosters social relationships, eating together.E
B. &owell, !r @ulia ! 0pril :DD?2. E.C induction techni/ues, spiritual e$periences, and
commitment to new religious movementsE. @ournal of "eliefs and Galues, 6; 0<23 :AD. EEll
accept the very senior "Fs in the 1estern #ranches must support themselves 0most work2, #ut
the pressure to adopt the "F's Epurity rulesE 0non-commensality with non-mem#ers% avoidance
of meat and certain other foods, alcohol, and se$2, and most "rahmins live in shared
accommodation with other mem#ers ... ena#ling the organi+ation to powerfully reinforce its
L. 3 Felegama, Feerthi 0:DDH2. 5ear <>>> doomed3 -ankind destroyed' J*$clusive report on
imminent world destructionK. Cam#ridge )ress, !elhi. E"rahmakumaris say that the world
destruction takes place in every B>>> years and that B>>> years have already passed after the
previous destruction. .oon the new world order would #e started with D>>,>>> people after
destroying the restE. E"rahmakumaris 1orld .piritual University affiliated to the United
(ations !epartment of )u#lic 'nformation as a non-governmental organisation teaches that in
every B>>> years world destruction takes place and now is the time for it.E E"rahmakumaris
also e$pect the world destruction to take place immediately followed #y the #irth of Frishna
once againE. EThere must #e D>>,>>> pure souls who are ready to take over the new world
order 07olden ge2 #efore the destruction would #egin. 1hen the 7olden ge J.ath 5ugK
comes after the world destruction, it would only #e heaven on earth. )eople there would
literally #e deitiesE
4. "a##, Lawrence . 0:DH?2. 6edemptive *ncounters3 Three -odern .tyles in the &indu
Tradition 0Comparative .tudies in 6eligion and .ociety2.EEThe real issue is what one's status
will #e in the coming paradise ... Those of the highest status will not only #e the rulers of
heaven, #ut will #e close to LekhraL throughout their world-careers.EE
38.3 &owell and (elson 0:DDH2. E,n celi#ate marriages3 the )olish Catholics' encounter with
&indu spiritualityE. 7lancing3 Gisual 'nteraction in &induismE, @ournal of nthropological
6esearch. Ein order to progress to the ne$t stage of mem#ership - the visit to the University's
head/uarters in 6aLasthan during the period where its deceased founder communicates via
trance-medium - they have to not only demonstrate their commitment #y following the
recommended lifestyle #ut also, more importantly, #e seen to #e doing so #y the university. this
is instrinsicly linked with the second techni/ue, the utilisation and negotiation of different
metaphors or readings of the university's theodicy at the different events and in different types
of literature in relation to its intended 0core or periphery2 audienceE ... Eamongst committed,
core mem#ers E...the tradition is lived Jand e$pressedK without apology, translation or
33.3 1alliss, @ohn 0.eptem#er :DDD2. 1hen )rophecy Fails3 The "rahma Fumaris and the
)ursuit of the -illennium0s2. p. B. E...The -illion -inutes of )eace which raised over one
#illion 'minutes of peace' people in HH countries participating in prayer, meditation and positive
thoughts. For this the University was awarded one 'nternational and si$ U( (ational ')eace
-essenger' wards.E
3E.3 1alliss, @ohn 0.eptem#er :DDD2. E1hen )rophecy Fails3 The "rahma Fumaris and the
)ursuit of the -illennium0s2E. "ritish ssociation for the dvancement of .cience, .heffield.
E'n addition, they accuse the University hierarchy of actively censoring or altering murlis that
could potentially undermine their privileged position or which 'don't suit their philosophy'. The
'.pecial instruments' 0senior mem#ers are, they allege 'constantly revising -urlisE to the e$tent
that, for e$ample, a passage from a :DCD murli referring to .hiva #eing una#le to 'mount a
virgin' was altered in the :DD> revised edition #efore #eing removed completely in the :DD=
revision...E !r. 1alliss also notes that while the "F1.U was, Eoriginally a reclusive, world-
reLecting organi+ation, over the last => years the "rahma Fumaris have #egun a campaign of
active proselyti+ing and international growth. Thus, whilst still retaining its original
millenarianism, currently within the 1est the organi+ation promotes itself as part of the (ew
ge movement and emphasi+es ideas around the issues of self-development, empowerment and
personal success.E Finally, !r. 1allis disputes "F1.U's #elief that 6aLa 5oga is the precursor
to all world religions, including those that historically predate it. .pecifically, EThis is part of a
lengthy answer to the /uestion of how the University could claim that 6aLa 5oga is the
precursor to and influence of world religions that historically predate it often #y a few
thousand years. gain, '"a#a' is cited as the source of ultimate authority.EE.

3>.3 1alliss, @ohn 0<>><2. The "rahma Fumaris s a 6efle$ive Tradition3 6esponding to Late
-odernity. shgate )u#lishing. p EE !estruction did not materialise ... many "rahmins left the
0University2 #ecause their hopes were dashed. Those who stayed had their faith reduced #y
half. They sacrificed their lives in this godly institution, left their families and invested all their
wealth in this cause.EE

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