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School of Business and Management


Intro 2 Business Group Paper

Tutorial 1C Group 6:

Fikry A Hertikawan 19714224
Fathur Rahman Al Afghani 19714225
Nazla Findy Aulia 19714120
Syifa Aida Kardena 19714228
Hilda Maniani 19714230
Khabib Mustain 19714233
Iden Darmawan 19714234

School of Business and Management

Financial Management
Financial management is a planning and controling a companys financial activity to make
companys profit. The initial capital to build PT Wafiq Mitra Teknik obtained from loan bank
and the wages of Mr Budiono, the owner of PT Wafiq Mitra Teknik, when he was working at
manufacturing company for one year. With good financial management, PT Waifq Company
can get back they initial capital and Mr Budiono use the profit to developing they company.
Financial management is very important at a company,because with a good management a
company can increasing companys productivty, financial management also gave a big effect
with the other companys division, like operational division, human resource, marketing etc.
So financial management is a benchmark for achieving the succes of a company. In this way,
PT Wafiq Mitra Teknik succes to manage the company if we look their graphs corporate
earnings which increases annually.

Operations management
Operations management include managing and controling goods production such as
materials to make spare part, printing machine, making a concept of their operation product,
etc. Operation management more emphasis on the quality of resulting product. As well as PT
Wafiq, the operations managements controling every planning of spare part to be produced,
that a important division because operational management have job to ensure the quality of
the products spare parts.
PT Wafiq Mitra Teknik have some step to produced their product. At first they must get
the materials from their business relationship. After they get the materials they drawing and
design the spare part, next, they make that product, and before marketed their product the
product must be checked to make sure the quality.
All of these steps are very important because those will affect the other division and if
they can make a good product then their business partner will increase, like PT Wafiq Mitra
Teknik they can increase their business partner because their product have a good quality.

Marketing Management
How do they market their products? Before they market their product, they have to
analyze, product planning, oversee the program or product with purpose to satisfying the
PT Wafiq Mitra segmenting the market with divide the consumer into a several group as
their needed, characteristic, and their different behavior. From goegraphic side, they placing
the factory in Bandung because Mr. Budiono, PT Wafiq Mitra Teknik owner is from
Bandung. He think that he should move or make another factory in Karawang. Because,
Karawang is the manufacture centers in Indonesia. But, Mr.Budiono did not have enough
budget to make it real. From demographic side, they choose people from a big companies.
PT Mitra Wafiq Technique market their products using an online system ( website : ) . Besides using the online system , PT Wafiq Technique Mitra
presented its product to companies manufacture products in Indonesia such as :
School of Business and Management

They also often attend exhibitions and community events related to their products , and they
entered into the Indonesian manufacturer community . With that's how they market their
products .

Human Resource Management
PT Mitra Wafiq Technique recruiting from Bandung Manufacture Polytechnic graduates .
Because , Mr. Bambang , the owner of this company is a graduate Polman . Her excuse
graduates Polman has been trusted by Mr Bambang , and they have the specific skills needed
by the company . The company 's employees undergo training while working . The company
menggajih its employees according their office or position . Lard lard at least according to the
minimum standards of employees in Bandung

Leadership in a small Industries such as PT Wafiq is really dominant, a director has almost
become a leader for the entire part. He serves as sales, production, and also the development
of human resources. He also arranged and judgement al;most all activity in the PT Wafiq. In
this conditions will have less impact on the company development, such as :
1. Dependence on one leader.
2. Inhibit the formation of a new leader in each part , due to lack of confidence in
ourselves as a leader in each parts .
3. Less powerful functions judgment because the considerations that arise mostly from
themselves ( Director )
But even this condition there is also the bright side , where as the central function of a
director is able to control all the parts of that the problems that arise can be identified and can
be resolved.
This type of leadership in management and leadership theory can truly be called a "ONE
MAN SHOW" leadership. That is a leader who dominates all activities within the company. a
real example that happened in PT Wafiq, where a director in this case Mr. Bambang
Boediono often served as a marketing directly to custumer , then also he is an authority in
design also serves as a trainer and simultaneously regulate internal corporate finance.

According to our observe, PT. Wafiqs management is very good especially in operation
sector. Why we say that because every day their customer incresingly and loyal customer
never complaint the component made from PT. Wafiq. This happens because the PT. Wafiq
perform various duties very well in various factors of time, quality, and price.
PT. Wafiq Core Business is the company that making Dies, Mold and Pattern maker to
supply for automotive company ( majotiry ). The product are Pattern for sand molding (
automotive ),Mold for die casting, Jig and Fixture, and Plastic injection mold.
Process for making the component that PT. Wafiq always do the best appropriate with
every customer order and also quality control in every produce the component must be
considered under the supervision of Mr. Bambang. Selecting the best materials and also
helping by great machine to making the best component.
School of Business and Management

Compatitive priority PT. Wafiq is Quality because at our observe in there the product is
not many as long as we looking around but they working when the customer give a order to
him for making the little component. Beside that, PT. Wafiq provides the affordable price
between other company even their company not big as any their rivals.
Production the component always depends on customer order. First, on the process
making component is find the best material in indonesia that provides the product and PT.
Wafiq must be through for selecting the materials. Second, after find the material they must
drawing and design the product based on the customer order and also they must drawing the
component accurate and fast. Because trust from the customer is very important in business.
Third, MC program is making the program to help in production sector. Forth, MC process
this part depends from MC program. After the process making product, the pproduct will be
in assy to make more powerful and strong product. That is the fifth step is Assy process in the
big machine name Double Colomn CNC Milling. Sixth, Quality Check is important because
in this part quality manager will check the product after production. If the product is not same
at the criteria on customer order, the product must be disposal or recycling. The last step is
Delivery the product, almost the customer from Cikarang Factory District because in there
many Automotive Factory such as PT. Asama Indonesia Manufacturing, PT. Toyota Motor
Indonesia,PT. Astra Honda Motor, PT. Pindad Persero, etc. In this step, PT. Wafiq must
delivery the product in the right time because if late to send the order PT. Wafiq will be not
give the order again from the customer and it very difficult to built the trust between PT.
Wafiq and customer.
The improvement we would suggest to Financial Management of Pt. Mitra Wafiq:
Transperancy, the meaning of that is in organize a company must be opened with their own
business, then make available all of information about their plan and activity to all of
employess. How to do that is Mr. Bambang with his accountan prepare the finance report
that are accurate,complete, up to date and can be accesed by authority employees and Mr.
Bambang himself. That is very important because to deciding a policy or determining the
amount of acceptence or expenditure for a project will be more easy and in checking a
unvalid finance data also give punishment to the wrong person will be more fast.

The improvement we would suggest to Operation Management of Pt. Mitra Wafiq:
For better ,the tools of Pt. Mitra Wafiq set compatible with operation nececary and can
ecncourage the process of production and do clean all of machine periodicly. To do that is
put and arrange the tools and the machine same with production steps and do clean machine
production at least once a month. So this is important because it can economize the time of
production and make production plots much better and in controling the manager can be
easier to fix data when there is something wrong in the production process. Also the
company always clean so it grow the feel that is happier, more comfortable the employees
even for the costumer when they visit the company and make them motivated to do their job.
School of Business and Management

The improvement we would suggest to Marketing Management of Pt. Mitra Wafiq:
Determine the market more global, the meaning of that is Pt. Mitra Wafiq with his own
marketing management must expand their market until europe, america, mideast and etc,
because so far their market that was taking by this company just domestic area . what must
they do is to participate a association that be under the companies like Pt Mitra Wafiq but the
association must be international community, so the opportunity of company to reach the
great market can be realized. This is very important to them because we know that on 2015
will be enforced a economic rules that is ASEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY. Surely, this
is demanding Pt Mitra Wafiq to taking the bigger market morethan now, and to increase the
production of Pt. Mitra Wafiqs product.
The improvement we would suggest to Human Resource Management of Pt. Mitra
The most of Pt. Mitra Wafiq employees is senior highschool graduated and he need a long
time to teach their employee before, so we suggest Mr. Bambang to select a employee which
is graduated from insitute or university. That is very important because it can minimize a
time that is used and it can hasten the process of production without spent too much time to
teach the employees before. How to that is Mr. Bambang recrutment and select the
employees with using this steps, such as : make human resources planning, set job analysis
design, recrutment and selection, give orientation and induction to all the new employees ,
giving training and development sesion, give performance apprasial and insentif to the best
employees peiodly, give motivation,give health and safety condition of work. With the steps
in previous sentence, Mr. Bambang can increase the corporate productivity.
The improvement we would suggest to Leadership of Pt. Mitra Wafiq :
Style of leadership in PT Wafiq Mitra Teknik is tasks concern or business indicator,so this
corporate more focus on the result of the production and how to selling them. Although
there are training session for new employees ,is not sustainable, so this step still inefficient to
make the new employees have good teamwork skill. In the same way, Mr. Bambang must
consider about leadership of his company with methods, give directing and motivation for
the employees. So, it can make the process of production more good, because the employees
will following the rules that gived by director. This is important, because the success of
company depends by director policy, and to increase the leadership skill in his company Mr.
Bambang have to determine about time dicipline to all the employees also to himself .

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