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The Emmenagogue Herbs

Herbs that ease menstruation.

Emmenagogue herbs are a womens best friend. They ease the whole
menstruation process by bringing extra blood to the uterus. Blood is our life force,
it is where we store our nutrients and our strength. You can compare it to water
for plants: emmenagogue herbs irrigate the uterus, they wash and feed the
tissue, helping to bring menstruation when they are late and regulate cramps
when they are painful.
Emmenagogue herbs hare not to be confused with abortifacients. Abortifacients
are herbs that have the precise effect of terminating pregnancy, either by
excessive stimulation of the uterus or through hormonal channels. However, both
categories must be avoided during pregnancy. They are to be taken internally,
either as tea or as tincture. In the case of ginger, a poultice can also be used.
Dysmenorrhea and endometriosis
Late periods
Stagnation and cold in the pelvis region
Low libido
Pre-menstrual pain
Emmenagogues should be completely avoided during pregnancy, as they can
cause cramps and bleeding. Ginger is the exception; in moderate doses (under
1g a day) it is an indispensable remedy against nausea and vomiting, and it
should not be avoided. Because they stimulate bloodflow, women that
experience heavy bleeding should not take emmenagogues, or at least the
warming ones like ginger Zingiber officinale and angelica Angelica
archangelica. Astringent emmenagogues like cinnamon Cinnamomum spp. are
more interesting for cramping combined with heavy bleeding.
Emmenagogue herbs
Ginger root Zingiber officinale
Cinnamon bark Cinnamomum spp.
Fennel seed Foeniculum vulgare

Anabel Gravel
Chamomile flower and leaf Matricaria recutita
Calendula flower Calendula officinalis

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