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Es curioso, el verbo ingls prefer, siendo tan parecido al espaol, no se utiliza en todos
los casos en que se emplea preferir. Se limita prcticamente a expresar preferencias en
A continuacin haremos un ejercicio con el verbo Prefer, primero seguido de sustantivos
y luego de verbos.
La persona A te dir lo que le gusta y tu tendrs que decir que prefieres lo contrario o algo

I like rugby I prefer football.
I like the summer. I prefer the winter
I like sweet things. I prefer savoury things.

Para hablar de algo salado decimos something savoury, ya que something salty


Briefing Description
Beginning in the sacred city of Cusco, the bus drives south through the mountains to the
white city (la Ciudad Blanca) of Arequipa, perhaps Perus most beautiful city. Here in
Arequipa you have a choice hop off and stay in Arequipa for the next 2 days or more, or
stay on the bus and go direct to Nazca and Huacachina. Arequipa is the gateway to the
Colca Canyon, one the deepest natural canyons in the world (twice as deep as the Grand
Canyon) where we recommend undertaking a 2 days/ 1 night tour if you have time. This
tour will also contain a local traditional Peruvian dance where tourists are encouraged
(forced) to participate.
Once you are ready to hop back in Arequipa

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