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"Building Strong Affordable Communities For Our Future"

Carrie Liddy
Local and Regional Councillor
A Local and Regional City Council seat cant be bought. It cant be sold. Or even
inherited. It can only be earned" This seat belongs to you, the residents and
taxpayers. You decide who earns that seat with your vote. I am asking for that vote.
I have lived and raised my children in aughan for the last twenty years. I am an active
mem!er of our Community and together we can !uild a strong" afforda!le" community
for the future of our children and grandchildren.
Reducing ta#es is not a matter of cutting services" it$s a matter of eliminating wasteful
s%ending. City hall was &'' million over !udget" and millions were s%ent on
severance %ayments. I will use these wasted millions to reduce ta#es without
eliminating any services. Return ta#es to ()*) levels !y ()*+
I will advocate to turn ,owerstream into a -ot.for.,rofit cor%oration and %ush to
have the millions of dollars in %rofits returned to the %eo%le of aughan. /rom
()*) to ()*0" %rofits from utilities were a%%ro#imately &+).&*)) million. That
re%resents a refund of &*"))) %er household
I will reduce ta#es. Ta#es have increased !y over *)1 in the last four years" and
*21 the four years !efore that. 3y goal is achieva!le.
I will fi# gridlock !y immediately advocate to !ring 45 !usses to aughan and
increase 45 trains from 67)) A3 to midnight. 8ring the East su!way u% Yonge to
Richmond 9ill and :est su!way to the hos%ital lands. Create a tri.level agreement
with region" %rovince" federal government to esta!lish sustaina!le funding for
aughan %u!lic transit
I will %ressure the %rovincial government to !ring 9wy 0(2 north to 9wy ; and not
sto% at 3a<or 3acken=ie7 e#tending one sto% will dum% thousands of cars a day
onto local aughan streets
I will make sure seniors and handica%%ed mem!ers of our community are
%rovided with %ro%er %u!lic trans%ortation
9ealthy Living
9ealthy living is the cornerstone of health care and using ALL +( acres of the
hos%ital land to !uild facilities to %romote healthy living is a must.
I will change develo%ment %olicy to im%lementation Com%lete >treets" a city design
that %romotes healthy living !y %utting %eo%le" cycling and walking !efore cars.
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/ace!ook7 Carrie Liddy 0 aughan
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:e need a hos%ital now@ :e have !een led on for ten years with em%ty %romises
and false statistics" !ut most im%ortantly" %hoto o%%ortunities to feed their failed
:e need a full health care cam%us to !e !uilt that %rovides all health care services
for every one of our needs. :e have to ensure that these health care facilities
include a full service hos%ital with ! access and trans%ortation to and from
all communities in aughan.
The original ta# of +) million dollars to !uy the land and %ay for the infrastructure was
agreed u%on !y all ta#%ayers to !e %aid off in a%%ro#imately () years. 6* million
dollars was allotted to %urchase an +( Acre %ro%erty and the remaining money was
intended for the infrastructure including a surrounding 9ealthcare 9u! on that land.
This %lan includes a Trans%ortation 9u! to and from the hos%ital from different areas
in aughan.
Anfortunately" the ta#%ayers in aughan are !eing misled in a very distressing way.
9alf of the +( Acres that were %urchased for the hos%ital have !een funneled away
for high density infrastructures@ This is -5T what our money was intended for. The
9ealthcare 9u! surrounding our hos%ital cannot ha%%en with these infrastructures in
%lace" and Council is not willing to tell us s%ecifically what our hos%ital ta#es are
%aying for in %lace of the original %lan. :e are !eing mani%ulated into %aying for
%ossi!le residential develo%ment on a land that was dedicated to im%roving the
Buality of living in aughan.
As your Regional Councillor" it is my vision to reclaim the land that has !een !lindly
taken away from us and re.esta!lishing the %lan to dedicate it to a 9ealthcare 9u!
that includes clinics" family doctors" s%ecialist centres" reha! facilities and
more. The 9ealthcare 9u! will !e a!le to %rovide immediate referrals to the 9os%ital
across the %ro%erty and %atients will not have to wait weeks and weeks to solve their
The value of the land has !een diverted away from health care use is indeed
valua!le. The land has almost tri%led in value since ()); when it was %urchased.
The land !eing diverted away from health care now has a value of a%%ro#imately
&*)) 3illion.
If I am elected" I will %ush for the original %lan for the 9ealthcare 9u! to !e
reinstated" we could use the land to generate revenue to %ay the &+) 3illion de!t
and have money left to %ut towards !uilding a true healthcare hu!. :ouldnCt that !e
:ith your vote" I %romise to halt the Council and ,rovince from this un<ust land.gra!.
aughan needs a 9os%ital" aughan deserves full 9ealthcare services and we need
it now.
Carrie Liddy
Local and Regional Councillor

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