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JUNE 2012
Table of Contents
Exe!"#$e S!%%&'(
A VCA exercise was carried out in Binga between 11 and 15 June 2012.This was part of the !
pro"ect acti#ities being i$ple$ented in Binga district. The pro"ect na$ed Building %esilient
African Co$$unities &B%AC'() is supported b* the A$erican %ed Cross and co#ers 2 wards of
(iachilaba and (i$atelela for an initial 2 *ear period. The o#erall goal of the pro"ect is to reduce
the nu$ber of deaths+ in"uries+ and socio,econo$ic i$pacts caused b* disasters b* strengthening
the -i$babwe %ed Cross (ociet* and building safer+ $ore resilient co$$unities. 'xpected
outco$es of the pro"ect are. &1) an enhanced capacit* of %ed Cross to deli#er+ coordinate+ and
ad#ocate for disaster ris/ $anage$ent. This can be achie#ed b* training 00 #olunteers and 10
staff $e$bers.&ii) Co$$unities are strong &/nowledgeable+ organi1ed and prepared+ connected+
protected) and resilient to the i$pacts of potential disasters. This will be achie#ed through
reaching out to 2 345 direct and 13 515 indirect beneficiaries and 50 sta/eholders.
VCA is a $ethod of in#estigation into the ris/s that people face in their localit*+ their
#ulnerabilit* to those ris/s and their capacit* to cope with and reco#er fro$ disasters. 6ith
VCA+ local people and co$$unities beco$e the focus not onl* as recipients of funding+ but
ideall* as acti#e participants in the de#elop$ent initiati#e. -%C( has done VCAs before and the
exercise was a build up on pre#ious such exercises. A #ariet* of tools were used as listed below.
T))* P&'"##+&,"- N!%.e'
isaster profile+ historical ti$e line+
#ulnerabilities $atrix+ capacit* assess$ent tool+
$apping+ seasonal calendar
Volunteers and disaster
$anage$ent co$$ittees
Transect wal/s and irect obser#ation #illages 5 #illages+ 2 wards
7ocus 8roup iscussion 0 groups per #illage &$en+
wo$en and co$$unit* leader)
13 7ocus groups
9e* :nfor$ants A+;olice+ %C+ !<=C6+
'ducation+ (ocial (er#ices
5 :nter#iews
VCA /#,0#,1-
Across the #illages+ co$$unities identified the following.
H&2&'0- &,0 '#-3( &'e&-
-a$be1i %i#er &boat accidents)
%oads and Bridges &road accidents)
Business Centres &=:V>A:()
a$> <pen water sources &cholera)
7orest &;roble$ Ani$als+ Veld fires)
(chools &built with fragile and substandard $aterials)
iseases &=:V>A:(+ !alaria+ (cabies+ Cholera
Violent winds
;roble$ ani$als
Accidents &boat+ road accidents)
C&+&#"(4Re-)!'e-4C)+#,1 Me5&,#-%-
=ar#esting 6ild 7ruits
Bas/et 6ea#ing
(easonal 8ardening
A#ailabilit* of $anpower
(etting up te$porar* structures
8o#ern$ent and ?8< support
@ow literac* le#els
@i$ited /nowledge on health issues+ ;roble$ Ani$al Control+ ?atural %esource
@i$ited opportunities for dr* land far$ing.
:nadeAuate a#ailabilit* of borehole water and low sanitation co#erage
@i$ited resources. This is $ainl* fro$ li$ited access to $ar/ets. =ence li$ited capacit*
to $a/e proper boats+ send children to school etc
@i$ited health centres. @ong distances to clinics
@i$ited access to $ar/ets for local resources li/e fish and bas/ets
isenfranchise$ent due to li$ited 8o#t and ?8< attention+ failure of historical pro$ises
of de#elop$ent and pro#ision of water sources+ inadeAuac* of the CA!;7:%' pro"ect to
adeAuatel* reward co$$unities and controlling proble$ ani$al+ threats of cultural
erosion and perennial droughts.
Continued support to 8o#t to address de#elop$ental issues.
Continue strengthening %% initiati#es in the area.
Consider ta/ing other -%C( :ntegrated pro"ects to Binga. Appeal for additional support.
This chapter introduces the Binga istrict b* placing it into a national $ap and then pro#ides
detailed istrict ;rofile as well as characteristics of the targeted wards. 6ithin this chapter the
pro"ect proposal will also be discussed+ VCA will also be defined and its ob"ecti#es will be listed.
B#,1& D#-"'#".
-i$babwe is $ade of up of ten pro#inces and 52 districts containing an esti$ated population of
about 10 $illion people co$prising a nu$ber of ethnic groups. :t is esti$ated that (hona
co$prise of 41B+ ?debele 15B+ other 11B $ixed and Asian 1B and white less than 1B
&Census+ 2002).
Binga is one of the se#en districts of !atabeleland ?orth pro#ince. :t is located in the northwest
part of the countr* bordering 8o/we district in the 'ast+ 9ariba to the ?orth+ =wange and
@upane to the south and -a$bia to the 6est. The district consists of 25 wards. Binga town is the
ad$inistrati#e centre of the district. The district has an esti$ated population of 124+ 042.The
$a"orit* of the population of Binga belongs to Tonga ethnic group.
M&+ -5)7#,1 1e)1'&+5#&* +)-#"#), )8 B#,1& D#-"'#"
Binga is historicall* $ostl* a wilderness area+ with $ost of the local population of Tonga
spea/ers resident along the -a$be1i %i#er and its tributaries until the construction of the 9ariba
da$ in the 1250s.Their ri#erine location was i$portant for culti#ation in an area with low
rainfall. The district has four agro ecological 1ones. ;oor resource 9ariba Valle* and 9ariangwe,
Ja$be1i+ (iabuwa,?ebiri @ow Cotton+ @usulu co$$unal and Agro fisheries.
!ost of the population of Binga were forcibl* resettled because of the 9ariba da$ and re$ain
unable to sustain the$sel#es through agriculture+ due to the #er* li$ited ri#erine land in the
interior+ and the poor soils and low rainfall. Thus the* e/e out a li#ing through co$bining
gathering+ fishing on the la/e where and when 8o#ern$ent allows and illegal hunting and
continuous fa$ine relief. Binga is a drought prone area with a $ean annual rainfall in the range
of C50,500$$ and lies in natural region :V and V+ an area $ore suited to li#estoc/ rearing.
=owe#er the presence of tsetse fl* in a nu$ber of areas has reduced the scope for li#estoc/
W&'0 9 P')8#*e
6ard 3 is /nown as a (i$atelele and co#ers Chile*a+ -ingo1o and (ia$uloba
#illages>co$$unities. The ward as an esti$ated population of CC55 co$prising 1003
The* are 2 pri$ar* schools in this ward na$el* (ebungwe !outh and (i$atelele. Both schools
were built after independence and are owned b* council. There is no secondar* school in the
ward and the* are C crDches.
There is a clinic at (i$atelele business centre in this ward.
B!-#,e-- e,"'e-
There is one business centre /nown as (i$atelele.
There are no da$s in this ward but there so$e boreholes with onl* a few nu$ber functioning.
A,#%&* He&*"5 Ce,"'e
There is one dip tan/ /nown as (i$atelele and an ani$al health $anage$ent centre /nown as
W&'0 10 P')8#*e
6ard 10 is also /nown as (iachilaba and co#ers (iansinse+ 9asi/ili+ (ianoti+ (ia$winde 1 and 2+
Chu$pa$anda and (iantungwana #illages. :t has esti$ated population of 5501 people
co$prising 1505 households.
There are two council owned pri$ar* schools in the ward /nown as (iachilaba and 8a1a which
are the onl* ones in the ward with no secondar* school.
He&*"5 /&#*#"#e-
There are no health facilities in the ward but people use (ian1undu clinic in a nearb* ward
B!-#,e-- Ce,"'e-
There is one business centre called (iachilaba. There is electricit* and a police post at the centre.
W&"e' -!++*(
There are few and distance boreholes in the ward with so$e now d*sfunctional. There is a da$
called !be*a $eant for wildlife+ li#estoc/ and do$estic consu$ption.
A,#%&* He&*"5 M&,&1e%e," Se'$#e-
There is one dip tan/ called (iachilaba and ani$al health centre for the ward called (ian1undu
NGO- #, B#,1&
N&%e )8 NGO Se'$#e P')$#0e0
Basiwli1i ;ro$oting Tonga cultural #alues
?tengwe Co$$unit* e#elop$ent
!atebeleland A:( Council =:V>A:( pre#ention and $anage$ent
CA'C @i#elihoods
!#ura$an1i Trust 6A(=
(a#e the Children %elief+ 7ood Aid
abane Trust 6AT(A?
The ?ew Bas/et 6or/shop Bas/etr* !ar/eting
Z#%.&.7e Re0 C')-- S)#e"(
The -i$babwe %ed Cross is a part of the fa$il* of 131 national societies throughout the world
that $a/es the :7%C $o#e$ent. (ince its inception through the -%C( Act of 1231+ the -%C(
a$bitions has been to assist the $ost #ulnerable $e$bers of societ* defined as those that are at
greatest ris/ fro$ situations that threaten their capacit* to li#e with an acceptable le#el of social
and econo$ic securit* and hu$an dignit*. The -%C( progra$$es are focused on reducing the
suffering of the $ost #ulnerable people and co$$unities b* contributing to the reduction of
deaths+ in"uries and i$pact fro$ disasters and public health e$ergencies.
@i/e an* %ed Cross ?ational (ociet*+ -%C( is guided b* the 4 funda$ental principles of the
%ed Cross $o#e$ent na$el* hu$anit*+ i$partialit*+ neutralit*+ #oluntar* ser#ice+ uni#ersalit*+
unit* and independence. The societ* stri#es on a countr* wide #olunteer support base and branch
networ/ consisting of %ed Cross oriented co$$unit* #olunteers who support the wor/ of the
%ed Cross. The -%C( strategic plan 2011,2020 places $ore e$phasis on the C -%C(
progra$$atic ele$ents of =ealth and Care+ isaster $anage$ent+ < and %esource
e#elop$ent ta/ing greater cogni1ance of cli$ate change issues+ new e$erging diseases and
other changing socio,econo$ic en#iron$ental factors in order to $ini$i1e their effects on
B!#*0#,1 Re-#*#e," A8'#&, C)%%!,#"#e- :BRACES; P')<e"
Consistent with its $andate and #ision+ -i$babwe %ed Cross (ociet* with support fro$ the
A$erican %ed Cross is i$ple$enting a Binga istrict Co$$unit* Based isaster %is/
%eduction ;ro"ect under the -a$be1i %i#er Basin :nitiati#e for a period of two *ears <ctober 1+
2011 to (epte$ber 00+ 2010. The pro"ect focuses on ?ational (ociet* capacit* de#elop$ent and
building co$$unit* resilience to disasters and is na$ed Building %esilient African Co$$unities
The -i$babwe %ed Cross (ociet*+ cogni1ant of the ha1ards and ris/s associated with the
-a$be1i %i#er Basin+ chose Binga as one of the priorit* districts to introduce Co$$unit* Based
isaster %is/ %eduction :nitiati#es. A rapid Branch Capacit* Assess$ent and a Vulnerable
Capacit* Assess$ent was conducted in ece$ber 2003. The VCA tools were used to identif*
the $a"or ha1ards in the district. The pro$inent issues were droughts which lead to food
insecurit*+ the effects of the =:V>A:( pande$ic that brings with it a plethora of proble$s in
the social and econo$ic arena of the people+ epide$ics such as $alaria and cholera+ and ani$al
and hu$an conflict which disturb the la/e for fisher$en and crop destruction in the fields. The
assess$ents were followed up b* the introduction of the Co$$unit* Based =ealth and 7irst Aid
in Action approach in the district in 2010. The B%AC'( pro"ect was introduced as a build up
fro$ the pre#ious CB=7A pro"ect with further assess$ents planned to infor$ long ter$
The o#erall goal of the pro"ect is to reduce the nu$ber of deaths+ in"uries+ and socio,econo$ic
i$pacts caused b* disasters b* strengthening the -i$babwe %ed Cross (ociet* and building
safer+ $ore resilient co$$unities.
'xpected outco$es of the pro"ects are.
'nhanced capacit* of %ed Cross to deli#er+ coordinate+ and ad#ocate for disaster ris/
$anage$ent. This can be achie#ed b* training 00 #olunteers and 10 staff $e$bers.
Co$$unities are strong &/nowledgeable+ organi1ed and prepared+ connected+ protected)
and resilient to the i$pacts of potential disasters. This will be achie#ed through reaching
out to 2 345 direct and 13 515 indirect beneficiaries and 50 sta/eholders.
The pro"ect will initiall* co#er 2 wards out of 5 wards which ha#e been identified as the $ost in
need. The two wards are along the -a$be1i ri#er basin and the area is sparsel* populated. The
two wards are not far fro$ the Binga Centre and so$e parts can access $obile phone ser#ice.
The highwa* passes through one of the wards+ (iachilaba+ and so$e points ha#e been identified
as blac/ spots. The two wards sur#i#e on fishing in addition to crop production.
The table below highlights the wards co#ered with population to be re#iewed.
istrict 6ard ?a$e CB%%
;opulation =ouseholds
6ard (i$atelele 0 5 00C 1 250
6ard (iachilaba 0 C 3C1 1 525
TOTAL = > 9?@ 2 ??9

V!*,e'&.#*#"( C&+&#"( A--e--%e," :VCA;
VCA is a $ethod of in#estigation into the ris/s that people face in their localit*+ their
#ulnerabilit* to those ris/s and their capacit* to cope with and reco#er fro$ disasters. The
:nternational 7ederation of %ed Cross and %ed Crescent (ocieties &:7%C) &godfather of VCA)
describes VCA EFas an integral part &but not the onl* part) of disaster preparedness that can
contribute to the creation of co$$unit*,based disaster preparedness progra$$es at the rural and
urban grass,roots le#el. :t is a tool which enables local priorities to be identified and leads to the
design of actions that contribute to disaster reduction.
6ith VCA+ local people and co$$unities beco$e the focus not onl* as recipients of funding+
but ideall* as acti#e participants in the de#elop$ent initiati#e. 6hen applied to disaster
preparedness+ such $ethods can encourage participation+ so that people beco$e $ore co$pletel*
in#ol#ed in the identification of ris/s and in the design of progra$$es and actions to prepare for
disasters. &:7%C+ 2005)
O.<e"#$e- )8 "5e VCA.
To identif* ha1ards+ #ulnerabilities and capacities with a #iew to design appropriate ris/
reduction $easures and pro"ects for the targeted wards.
To pro$ote greater co$$unit* awareness of ha1ards and #ulnerabilities and /nowledge
of basic coping strategies.
To co$e up with a planning and diagnostic tool for all sta/eholders in#ol#ed in disaster
$anage$ent for the targeted wards in Binga.
This chapter outlines operational definitions and research $ethods that were used to gather
infor$ation for the VCA. :t was i$portant to define and clarif* the operational definitions to be
used in the VCA as well as the $ethods for data collection.
De8#,#"#), )8 3e( "e'%- #, & VCA
T5'e&"- )' 5&2&'0-
;ersons+ things+ e#ents or ideas which pose accidentall* or deliberatel* or deliberatel*
so$e degree or danger to an asset.
An*thing that threatens the residents of a co$$unit* or things the* #alue.
Those things or aspects that are considered #aluable. The $a* be tangible e.g. facilit*+
eAuip$ent+ supplies+ data+ fiancGs or people or intangible e.g. reputation+ $orale+
goodwill+ opportunit*.
:s the indi#idual conseAuence and co$pounded effect of an e#ent. 'g disasters upon
those who experience it. :.e. indi#iduals+ fa$il* units+ organi1ations or co$$unities.
;h*sical controls+ $echanis$s+ policies and procedures that protect assets fro$ threats.
'xpected degree and nature of loss which is based on a relationship between the
probabilit* &how li/el*) and conseAuences &how bad) of that loss.
Cu$ulati#e abilit* of a person to ta/e action when necessar*+ based on a nu$ber of
factors &cogniti#e faculties+ ph*sical characteristics+ personalit* factors+ financial and
other resources+ /nowledge+ experience+ lin/ to others and opportunit*.
6ea/ness in *our safeguards to protect *our assets.
;erception of the lac/ of capacit* to defend against in"ur*+ har$ or da$age fro$ a threat
or a ha1ard.
M)-" V!*,e'&.*e
Those within a gi#en population who are through no fault of their own and relati#e to the
general population in an extraordinar* state of reduced capacit* to respond to or reco#er
fro$ e$ergenc* situations.
T5e VCA P')e--
%esource $aterials were accessed fro$ the :7%C website and pre#ious -%C( VCA %eports. The
process was also adapted to the pre#ailing situation in Binga where the VCA was going to be
carried out in 2 wards+ six #illages. The following steps were followed.
1. Se""#,1 !+ & VCA "e&% &,0 VCA ).<e"#$e-.
VCA Tea$ was set up co$prising the !onitoring and '#aluation <fficer and %esearch
Assistant fro$ -%C( =ead <ffice+ ;ro#incial 7ield <fficer fro$ -%C( !at ?orth+ -%C(
istrict <fficer Binga and 8o#ern$ent <fficials fro$ the !inistr* of =ealth and %ural istrict
Council. The VCA Tea$ was guided b* the To% which had specific ob"ecti#es.
2. P*&,,#,1 "5e VCA :Se,-#"#2&"#),-, 0e$e*)+#,1 0&"& )**e"#), "))*-, 0)#,1
0e-34*#"e'&"!'e 'e$#e7.
The 7< $ade sensiti1ations to the rele#ant sta/eholders and in#ited #olunteers and !C
$e$bers fro$ the 5 #illages to a conference #enue. @iterature re#iew was done fro$ secondar*
sources including the internet. ata collections te$plates were de#eloped to collect infor$ation.
;articular attention was paid to the data collection instru$ents so that the* are flexible and the*
enable participants to pro#ide infor$ation in a less guided fashion.
A. P&'"##+&")'( D&"& C)**e"#), 7#"5 )%%!,#"#e- &,0 -"&3e5)*0e'-.
Various participator* data collection $ethods were used through si$ulations+ group exercises+
inter#iews and obser#ations. &(ee table below)
B. S(-"e%&"#2#,1, &,&*(2#,1 &,0 #,"e'+'e"#,1 "5e 0&"&.
:nfor$ation gathered was presented b* group leaders fro$ each #illage and discussed b* the
whole group.78 and 9:: was s*ste$aticall* presented in tables. %elated infor$ation on
#ulnerabilities+ ris/s+ ha1ards and capacit* were interpreted and consolidated in the report.
@. Re+)'" )%+#*&"#),, 'e"!',#,1 #,8)'%&"#), ") "5e )%%!,#"#e- &,0 -"&3e5)*0e'-
&,0 0e#0#,1 +'#)'#"#e- &,0 &"#),- 8)' "'&,-8)'%&"#),.
VCA findings were consolidated and the report will be shared in the second phase of the VCA
where sta/eholders and co$$unities will co$$ent and adopt the report then de#elop
co$$unit* action plans.
=. P')1'&%%e I%+*e%e,"&"#),: R#-3 'e0!"#), +')<e"- 7#"5 "5e )%%!,#"(. T!',
$!*,e'&.#*#"#e- #,") &+&#"#e- "5')!15 +'&"#&* &"#),-.
After adoption and co$$ents on the report+ co$$unit* action plans will be $ainstrea$ed in
the ;rogra$$e %is/ reduction acti#ities with the co$$unities.
D&"& C)**e"#), &,0 A,&*(-#-4T&.!*&"#), M&"'#x
The table below su$$ari1es a list of tools used and data tabulation $atrix
Tool escription T*pe of
infor$ation to be
!eans of ata
%e#iew of
secondar* data
and statistics
about the area
cli$ate change
@iterature re#iew+
discussion with
9e* sta/eholders.
@iterature fro$
internet sources+
boo/s and
!apping Hsed to
distribution of
certain aspects
=a1ard and
ris/s $aps will
be drawn.
=a1ards+ ris/s+
agricultural areas+
fishing area
organi1ing and
Co$$unities at
#illage le#el
trends and /e*
points in the
;rofile disaster
Trends+ i$pact+
7ocus group
leaders+ older
proble$s or
:dentif* periods
of stress+ ha1ards+
diseases+ hunger+
7ocus 8roup
Co$$unities at
#illage le#el.
throughout a
calendar *ear
or a production
coping strategies
people+ e#ents+
T*pe of
infrastructure e.g.
houses+ buildings+
churches+ children
dail* routines+
interaction+ s/ills
obser#ing and
ta/ing notes
VCA tea$
Transect 6al/ (*ste$atic
wal/ with /e*
through the
co$$unit* to
loo/ at the
la*out of the
between /e*
accessibilit*+ land
use 1ones.
as/ing+ listening
and drawing a
transect diagra$
VCA tea$+ with
/e* sta/eholders.
disasters and
<pinion polls
and group
discussions on
ha1ards and
e.g. floods+
iscussions Co$$unit* and
VCA tea$
Asses the
capacit* of the
%esources+ s/ills+
coping strategies
iscussions Co$$unit* and
VCA tea$
7ocus 8roup
7ocus group
9e* :nfor$ant
9e* infor$ant
Capacit* +
/#e*0 A"#$#"#e-: D&"& C)**e"#),
%apid %ural Appraisal techniAues were adopted in the field for Auic/ data collection.
;articipator* group exercises were done with 00 co$$unit* #olunteers and disaster $anage$ent
co$$ittees. Transect dri#es were carried out in the 2 wards including dri#es to water sources+
-a$be1i %i#er and schools+ shopping centers and clinics. 7ace to face inter#iews with /e*
sta/eholders were carried to sensiti1e then and get an o#er#iew of co$$on epide$ic outbrea/s+
ha1ards and capacities. ;urposi#e sa$pling was used that in#ol#ed #illages and co$$unities in
the 2 targeted wards. (ix inter#iews were done with sta/eholders as tabulated. 78s were
carried with 0 groups per #illage in the 5 #illages na$el* traditional leaders+ $en and wo$en
with group si1es of 3,15.
N!%.e' )8 +&'"##+&,"- 75) ),"'#.!"e0 ") "5e VCA
T))* P&'"##+&,"- N!%.e'
isaster profile+ historical ti$e line+
#ulnerabilities $atrix+ capacit* assess$ent
tool+ $apping+ seasonal calendar
Volunteers and disaster
$anage$ent co$$ittees
Transect wal/s and irect obser#ation Villages based #olunteers 5 #illages+ 2
7ocus 8roup iscussion 0 groups per #illage &$en+ wo$en
and co$$unit* leader)
13 7ocus
9e* :nfor$ants A+ ;olice+ %C+ !<=C6+
'ducation+ (ocial (er#ices
5 :nter#iews
L#%#"&"#),- )8 "5e -"!0(
A feedbac/ wor/ shop scheduled for the end of the exercise was planned but not done
due to ti$e constraints.
Absence of so$e co$$unit* leaders in an 78 in -ingo1o because the* were attending
a funeral of a fellow #illager who had died of a crocodile attac/.
This chapter details finding of the VCA carried in Binga istrict in the two wards in which
-%C( is currentl* i$ple$enting a %% progra$$e. The results su$ up the findings of
capacities+ ha1ards and ris/s inherent in the 2 wards which are described per #illage in the 5
a#ailable #illages in the two wards.
S#&"!,17&,& &,0 C5!%+&%&,0& V#**&1e-
The 2 #illages are organi1ed into one b* their proxi$it* and co$$unit* $e$bers fro$ the two
#illages share $ost of the co$$unit* facilities li/e da$s and schools. :t starts at a point $ar/ed
with a bridge and a ri#er which crosses the 8a1a land. ?arrati#es fro$
P5(-#&* 5&2&'0-
Through direct obser#ation+ transact wal/s and ha1ard and ris/s $aps de#eloped b* the
co$$unit*+ the area has a narrow bridge and constantl* at ris/ with seasonal water o#erflows.
This presents a ris/ to the co$$unit* and school going children who uses this bridge e#er* da*.
The roads also co$pose of fragile soils which are #ulnerable to soil erosion and siltation of
ri#ers. A da$ was also obser#ed in the area which supplies irrigation water to a co$$unit*
garden and it was gathered that due to long distances to water sources+ the da$ is the $a"or
water source for li#estoc/ as well people for do$estic use. :n a 7ocus 8roup iscussion
conducted with the co$$unit* leaders &=ead$an)+ it was re#ealed that poorl* constructed
buildings such as the local school+ Bunsiwe presents ris/ of collapse in the e#ent of #iolent winds
thus endangering the li#es of the people. roughts were also pointed out to be a $a"or threat in
the area resulting in increased food insecurit*+ $alnourish$ent and the death of li#estoc/ within
the co$$unit*. 7ocus 8roup iscussions conducted with local $en in the co$$unit* re#ealed
that boreholes are not protected and hence are a ha1ard to a co$$unit* with li$ited health
/nowledge. The absence of water point co$$ittees and the fact that wells are unprotected and
also hu$ans share with ani$als is ha1ardous to hu$an health and predisposed the local
co$$unit* to diseases such as cholera and diarrhea. Absence of toilet facilities was also pointed
out to be a $a"or threat within the societ*.
H#-")'#&* &,0 D#-&-"e' P')8#*e
7ocus 8roup iscussions re#ealed that the area in the 1250s period did not ha#e schools and
tarred roads and these onl* ca$e to be constructed in the 1230s.9e* infor$ant inter#iews with
#illage heads and elderl* $en fro$ the two #illages re#ealed that the area in the past
&Hnspecified) there has been a lepros* outbrea/+ a condition that has since disappeared. !ore
recentl*+ Cholera outbrea/s ha#e been recorded in the area in 2003 which had resulted in loss of
li#es and potentiall* ris/ing li#es of $en+ wo$en and children in the 2 #illages. Through ha1ard
and ris/ $apping with the local co$$unit*+ participants drawn fro$ the co$$unit* re#ealed
that strong and #iolent winds ha#e pre#iousl* swept off the school roof top and other
inadeAuatel* built structures.
C)%%), D#-&-"e' P')8#*e
The table su$$aries disaster ran/ing b* the co$$unit*.
D#-&-"e' R&,3
rought 1
=:V>A:( 2
!alaria 0
;roble$ Ani$al C
:nfor$ation obtained fro$ (iansundu clinic which ser#es the 2 #illages re#eals that the
following are the $ost co$$on diseases.
D#-e&-e R&,3
Acute %espirator* :nfection 1
!alaria 2
Con"uncti#itis 0
iarrhea C
*senter* 5
The abo#e illustrated data coincides well with the data obtained fro$ 7ocus 8roup iscussions
and the ha1ard and ris/ $apping exercise done with the local participants. <ne respondent fro$
a wo$en focus group discussion noted that+ I!alaria is a $a"or threat in this co$$unit*
especiall* during the dr* season in the su$$er when it is hotJ. ;ersonal inter#iews with the
?urse in Charge at (iansundu Clinic also re#ealed that e$ergenc* cases were also pre#alent
especiall* with $aternal patients and crocodile attac/ #icti$s
V!*,e'&.*e 1')!+-
The $ost #ulnerable groups were identified as e#er*one in the co$$unit* in cases of droughts+
fisher$en+ li#estoc/ and orphans.
7ocus 8roup iscussion with wo$en fro$ (iansundu #illage re#ealed that for their sustenance+
in the absence of an* assistance fro$ their $ale counterparts+ wo$en sustain their households
through the selling of bas/ets to b* passers along the Binga, 9a$ati#i $ain road. This would
thus enable the$ to pa* school fees for their children. This correlated well with the ph*sical
obser#ations done in the area and the infor$ation gi#en b* an infor$ant. uring the transect
wal/s+ a da$ was obser#ed with a subsistence gardening pro"ect which is a source of fresh
#egetables for household consu$ption and Auite central to their li#elihoods. The gardens
co$prised #illage $e$bers largel* wo$en who had been recei#ing ?8< support fro$ CA'C
and later b* (a#e the Children. Another respondent fro$ the sa$e 78 also indicated that their
other source of inco$e is deri#ed fro$ the selling of #egetables. :t was howe#er obser#ed that a
li$ited nu$ber are able to reali1e extra #egetables for sale since water suppl* is a challenge.
S#&%7#,0e 1 &,0 2 V#**&1e-
P5(-#&* H&2&'0-
;h*sical obser#ation as well as infor$ation obtained fro$ focus group discussions held n
(ia$winde re#ealed that the presence of a few boreholes is a $a"or threat to hu$an li#es. <ne
head$an fro$ (ia$winde 1 did not $ince his words+ I6e ha#e a proble$ of li$ited boreholes
in our co$$unit*+ :nstead of ha#ing 50 people to draw water fro$ one borehole+ we now ha#e
up to 500 people utili1ing one well. 6hen these boreholes beco$e $al functional+ the
co$$unit* $e$bers are reluctant to repair these boreholes for free I:t is lac/ of adeAuate water
suppl* that force so$e households especiall* those who li#e far fro$ boreholes+ to access water
fro$ open wells and da$s thus exposing the$sel#es to great ris/ of contracting water borne
diseases. 7e$ale participants fro$ 7ocus 8roup iscussion indicated that the li$ited nu$ber of
toilets within the co$$unit* of (ia$winde also poses a $a"or health ha1ard to the local people.
The narrow bridges within the co$$unit* were also pointed out as $a"or sites for Car accidents.
<ne infor$ant+ a #illage head could not hide his disappointed about proble$ ani$als. =e
indicated that li#estoc/ ser#es as their safet* net and Iban/J *et wildlife are a constant threat to
their crops and li#estoc/ which is #er* central to their li#elihood.
H#-")'#&* D#-&-"e' P')8#*e
Through a #illage historical disaster profiling with co$$unit* participants+ a $a"or drought was
identified to ha#e ta/en place in 2003 and 2012. Cases of strong and #iolent winds destro*ing
building structures were also recorded in 2012. :n 2012+ incidences of proble$ ani$als $ainl*
lions and h*enas intensified li#ing people dead and depleting li#estoc/ herds for fa$ilies li#ing
in (ia$winde.
C)%%), D#-&-"e' P')8#*e
Through ris/ and ha1ard $apping+ the (ia$winde co$$unit* ran/ed disasters affecting their
co$$unit* as follows.
isaster %an/ing
roughts K1
;roble$ Ani$als 2
=:V and A:( 0
!alaria C
7ocus 8roup iscussions held later with the co$$unit* leaders confir$ed $ore si$ilar disasters
such as roughts and other disasters such as attac/ of li#estoc/ b* wild ani$als as well as
(cabies. 7ocus 8roup iscussion held with the Co$$unit* wo$en pointed out !alaria+ (cabies
and Acute %espirator* :nfection as the $ost co$$on heath disaster co$$on in their co$$unit*.
<ne respondent indicated that $alaria is $ore se#ere during the dr* season. :nfor$ation fro$
the co$$unit* seasonal calendar re#eals that $alaria is $ore pre#alent in Januar* and 7ebruar*
while in between Jul* and (epte$ber houses with fragile building structures are at ris/ fro$
#iolent winds. :t is also during the $onth of ?o#e$ber that seasonal droughts due to erratic
rainfall expose $an* households to food insecurit* and probable $alnourish$ent.
V!*,e'&.*e 1')!+-
These disasters are noted to affect $ainl* the old aged and children. roughts howe#er affect
e#er*one while the *ouths are $ore at ris/ fro$ =:V>A:(.
C)+#,1 -"'&"e1#e-
Co$$unities in (ia$winde $entioned that disasters such drought+ hu$an ani$al conflicts and
health outbrea/s had greatl* affected the$. ?egati#e effects experienced included depletion of
household li#estoc/ herd+ widows failing to pa* school fees and loss of li#es due to =:V>A:(.
6ithin all the #ulnerabilities cited+ infor$ation gathered fro$ 78 indicated that the
8o#ern$ent B'A! progra$$e as well ?8< support has assisted the$ in a s$all wa* but it did
not last and co$$unities had to resort to their traditional li#elihood strategies. <ne wo$en
respondent had this to sa*+ L6e sur#i#e b* selling to$atoes at the shopping center but the
business is Auite s$all and so$eti$es we fail to raise school fees for our children LAnother
respondent fro$ the sa$e 7ocus 8roup iscussion also indicated that the wo$en in (ia$wende
#illage also ha#e gardens close to the water sources. The wea#ing and selling of Bas/ets is also
another wa* through which the wo$en raise inco$e+ although the business is restricted b* a
li$ited $ar/et. !en within the co$$unit* also cited as engaging in fishing and selling of
li#estoc/+ but the proceeds are seldo$ re$itted bac/ to the fa$il*
Co$$unit* leaders who participated in 7ocus 8roup iscussions highlighted that in cases of
disasters such as those caused b* proble$ ani$als+ we cannot render an* ser#ice because we are
inadeAuatel* trained. :n dealing with the issue of inadeAuate toilets+ the co$$unit* had $ade it a
binding nor$ that in #isiting the bush to relie#e one self+ one had to carr* with hi$ a hoe.
S#&%!*).& V#**&1e W&'0 10
(ia$uloba #illage stretches for about 5 /$ fro$ (iachilaba $ain road. :t enco$passes 12 $ain
#illages which include (ia$uloba 1,4+ n/an/u$we 2+ 0+C+5+5 and ?te$ba 2 and 0.The #illage
lies ad"acent to the -a$be1i and ;ungwe ri#er $outh.
P5(-#&* H&2&'0-
The shortage of proper sanitation facilities were cited as posing ph*sical ha1ard to the area as
elaborated b* the Co$$unit* @eaders in 7ocus 8roup iscussion 11. iscussions fro$ these
$eetings exposed the inadeAuac* of toilets with reports that onl* 0 toilets in the area were
ser#ing al$ost 250 households. Coupled with a large nu$ber of d*sfunctional boreholes+
(ia$uloba #illage face a tic/ing en#iron$ental ha1ard. 7urther$ore+ co$$unities rel* on open
water bodies which present drowning ris/s thus posing a serious ph*sical ha1ard to the #illagers
during the rain* season.
H#-")'#&* D#-&-"e' P')8#*e
%esponses fro$ the ris/ and ha1ard $apping exercise done b* 5 residence $e$bers rando$l*
drawn fro$ (ia$uloba #illage indicated that in 2002 and 2003+ a series of droughts were
experienced in the #illage cul$inating in serious food shortages. :n 2002+ cases of attac/s b*
crocodiles were reported in the -a$be1i ri#er+ which is a $a"or source of sustain ace and
li#elihood for the (ia$uloba #illage. 7isher$an fro$ the #illage tra#elling with insecure
ho$e$ade canoes fell pre* to the crocodiles. The sa$e ris/ and ha1ard $apping exercise
re#ealed that in 2010+ a !alaria outbrea/ was recorded with s$all children being $ostl* affected
b* the disaster. Currentl* a drought is being experienced within the co$$unit* and this has
cul$inated in serious food shortages in the co$$unit*. Validating the pre#iousl* $entioned
point+ ph*sical obser#ation in the (ia$uloba #illage re#ealed #ast dr* and unculti#ated land were
obser#ed with fragile and unfertile soils in the co$$unit*
C)%%), D#-&-"e'- &,0 R#-3-
The below outlined diagra$ re#eals the ran/ing of Co$$on disasters and ha1ards drawn fro$ a
ris/ and ha1ard $apping exercise done with the co$$unit* $e$bers in (ia$uloba.
D#-&-"e' R&,3
rought and (tar#ation 1
rowning 2
!alaria 0
:nadeAuate (anitation facilities C
7ocus 8roup iscussions held within the (ia$uloba co$$unit* also illustrated the abo#e
$entioned pressing issues. <ne participant fro$ 7ocus 8roup iscussion+ consisting of
Co$$unit* @eaders had this to sa* concerning the disastrous sanitation conditions in (ia$uloba+
Another respondent fro$ a $en co$$unit* 7ocus 8roup iscussion also elaborated on the
cholera and !alaria ha1ards in the area+ I:n this area+ we face serious threats fro$ water in the
-a$be1i which is conta$inated with $alaria and Cholera. Boreholes are also $alfunctional at
ti$es and so we are left with no option but to draw it fro$ unco#ered openings I.
V!*,e'&.*e G')!+-
%espondents fro$ 7ocus 8roup iscussion consisting of local /e* sta/eholders fro$ the
co$$unit* such as the Chairpersons of ;eer 'ducators+ 7ishing Ca$ps+ =o$e Based Care
;rogra$s Kfurther re#ealed that the $ost affected groups within the (ia$uloba #illage include
orphans+ fisher$an and people who li#e close to the ri#er.
C)+#,1 S"'&"e1#e-
The $a"orit* of the twent* &20) wo$en fro$ (ia$uloba #illage+ who participated in a
co$$unit* wo$en 7ocus 8roup iscussion highlighted that wo$en de#ote their energies in
wea#ing of bas/ets as an econo$ic acti#it*+ although the* face a challenge of li$ited $ar/ets.
The* cited the decline in touris$ since 2000 as coinciding with a drastic decline in $ar/ets for
the bas/ets. An ?8<+ the new bas/et wor/shop is tr*ing to introduce new designs and creating
new $ar/eting opportunities for the wo$en to $ar/et their products. The sa$e $ar/et li$itation
applies to the gardening business which one respondent said+ L6e ha#e so $an* gardens in our
co$$unit* but we reali1e few business opportunities. Ver* few people co$e to bu* and as such
we end up doing gardening for household consu$ption. :n ti$es of drought+ we eat those
#egetables onl* L Another group of respondents indicated that fishing is their li#elihood strateg*
although the* are constrained b* lac/ of capital to bu* initial stoc/s which costs up to H(M100.
C5#*e(& W&'0 9
P5(-#&* H&2&'0-
;h*sical ha1ards that were noted in co$$unit* ha1ard $apping were shallow bridges and the
-a$be1i %i#er. (hallow bridges presents flooding ris/s which interrupt co$$unit* acti#ities
including school children who use the bridge to go to school. The -a$be1i %i#er reportedl*
breeds $osAuitoes which cause $alaria. The greatest ris/ howe#er presented b* the -a$be1i is
drowning of fisher$en and boat accidents. A shopping centre close b* is a recreation place
where business ta/es place including sex transactions potentiall* an =:V>A:( hotspot.
H#-")'#&* &,0 D#-&-"e' P')8#*e
The ris/ and =a1ard $apping exercise done b* 5 co$$unit* $e$bers fro$ Chile*a #illage
indicated that in 2003+ an outbrea/ of Cholera and !alaria was recorded. A drought was also
experienced during the sa$e *ear. :n the *ear 2012+ strong winds destro*ed ho$es while $alaria
cases were on the increase. 7urther$ore+ co$$unit* li#estoc/ also suffered attac/s fro$ h*enas
fro$ the surrounding forests and $ountains. :ncidences of drowning of 7isher$an and drowning
were cited as annual disasters.
C)%%), D#-&-"e' P')8#*e.
;articipants fro$ the ris/ and ha1ard $apping exercise were reAuested to ran/ the disasters
pre#alent within their co$$unit* b* ran/ing the$ according to the degree of se#erit* and the
below illustrated diagra$ su$$ari1es their responses.
D#-&-"e' R&,3#,1
rought 1
rowning 2
!alaria 0
=:V and A:( C
(cabies 5
:n one 7ocus 8roup iscussion held with 10 co$$unit* leaders and 4 Co$$unit* $en cited
drowning as pre#alent within the area. The* also $entioned that I(tar#ation is causing $an*
people to ris/ their li#es b* fishing in the -a$be1i %i#er. !ost of the fisher$en tra#el in s$all
boats with no life "ac/ets. Just *esterda*+ one of our co$$unit* $e$ber drowned in the
-a$be1i ri#er I.Another participant in the sa$e focus group discussion also highlighted that the
co$$unit* does not ha#e a proper rescue operation tea$ and due to their fear of police
inti$idation+ the* had to dela* in retrie#ing the corpse fro$ the water until C ,5 da*s later when
the police rescue tea$ arri#ed. A co$$unit* $e$ber participating in 7ocus 8roup iscussion
15 underscored the se#erit* of droughts in the area and indicated that this *earN the Chile*a
co$$unit* did not plant $illet due to li$ited rainfall in the area. 6ater proble$s were also
re#ealed within the discussions+ with participants indicating that the* ha#e to wal/ for $ore than
10/$ for the$ to co$e to a borehole.
V!*,e'&.*e G')!+
A brainstor$ing exercise with wo$en 7ocus 8roup iscussion drawn fro$ Chile*a indicated
that the $ost #ulnerable groups to these disasters in the co$$unit* include children+ $iddle and
*oung adults.
The $ain li#elihood strateg* re#ealed in 78 was beer brewing deri#ed fro$ the ?/ula wild
fruit. The acti#it* is $ostl* practiced b* wo$en participants who inti$ated that proceeds fro$
beer sales are used to pa* school fees and to feed their children. Ouite a large nu$ber of
respondents particularl* wo$en are in#ol#ed in bas/etr*. An anal*sis of bas/et $a/ing in Binga
shoes that the acti#it* is a traditional and cultural practice which is and passed fro$ one
generation to another. (easonal gardening along the -a$be1i %i#er is also a co$$on acti#it* for
a co$$unit* which suffers fro$ perennial droughts.
Z#,1)2) V#**&1e
-ingo1o is in (i$atelele ward and situated on the northern part of (i$atelela #illage consists of
$ountains whilst the -a$be1i %i#er co#ers the southern side.
P5(-#&* H&2&'0-
Through ;h*sical obser#ation and transect wal/s+ it was obser#ed that the narrow bridges and
fragile roads posed $a"or ha1ards. 7ro$ 7ocus 8roup iscussion with co$$unit* $an+ it was
re#ealed that unco#ered water sources where people draw water for consu$ption also poses a
$a"or health ha1ard. :nfor$al discussions held with $e$bers of the co$$unit* also re#ealed
that the presence of the shopping co$plex and beer hall near (i$atelela clinic presented a
potential =:V>A:( ris/. 7isher$en were reportedl* at greater ris/ and were regarded as
entrepreneurs and businesspeople who had disposable $one* for recreation. (o$e wo$en
inti$ated that $en in the area were Auite irresponsible and spend $ost of their inco$e on beer
thus putting a burden on wo$en of loo/ing after their children. The -a$be1i also+ though a
source of li#elihood presents another ris/. =ippos and crocodiles attac/ people and li#estoc/.
9e* infor$ant inter#iews with the nurse in charge at (i$atelela clinic+ !r (i*achi$bo re#ealed
that fishing ca$ps such as (i$atelela+ which is 10/$ awa* fro$ the clinic+ is a $a"or ha1ard+
re#ealing the highest cases of fisher$an on =:V treat$ent.
H#-")'#&* &,0 D#-&-"e' P')8#*e
(ix Co$$unit* $e$bers fro$ -ingo1o Village+ who participated in a ris/ and ha1ard $apping
exercise+ identified the 1222 droughts which occurred within the area which posed a $a"or threat
to the li#elihoods of the people. The participants also indicated that in 1222+ =:V and A:(
cases were reported within the -ingo1o Co$$unit*. The *ear 2000 was also said to be
characteri1ed with droughts+ with li$ited rainfall being experienced within the area. The ris/ and
ha1ard $apping exercise also re#ealed that in 2002+ proble$ ani$als were a constant threat to
the -ingo1o #illage with crops and li#estoc/ being destro*ed b* wild ani$als. The *ear 2011
was said to ha#e been characteri1ed with proble$ ani$als+ with 2 do$estic ani$als being /illed
so far.
C)%%), D#-&-"e' P')8#*e
A brainstor$ing exercise with participants fro$ 7ocus 8roup iscussion 12 consisting of 12
Co$$unit* leaders re#ealed the following findings.
D#-&-"e' R&,3#,1
;roble$ Ani$als 1
Veld 7ires 2
Cholera and !alaria 0
(tar#ation C
%oad Accidents 5
(cabies 5
<ne respondent could not hide his frustration about proble$ ani$als and failure of CA!;7:%'
to address the issue E'lephants eat our $illet which ad#ersel* affects our har#ests. 7urther$ore
CA!;7:%' <fficers ha#e failed to address the issue and sarcasticall* sa* *ou people use
witchcraft+ wh* donFt *ou use it on elephants. 6e Auite disappointed with this and we intend to
sub$it a petition to court.F The discussions also re#ealed another proble$ of water shortages+
with people in the -ingo1o co$$unit* left with no option but to draw water fro$ unco#ered
sources+ a practice with predisposes the$ to water borne diseases such as cholera and $alaria.
:nfor$al discussions held with the nurse in charge at (i$atelela clinic+ !r (i*achi$bo noted
that !alaria was co$$on in areas such as the Bulawa*o croc/ whilst (cabies cases were on the
decline in the area.
V!*,e'&.*e G')!+-
The $ostl* affected groups were far$ers+ fisher$en+ orphans and *oung adults.
C)+#,1 S"'&"e1#e-
%espondents fro$ 7ocus 8roup iscussion 5+ consisting of 12 wo$en indicated that for the
sustenance of their fa$ilies+ wo$en engage in wea#ing of Bas/ets. ue to the li$ited $ar/et for
their products+ the wo$en in the #illage also engage in Barter trade+ where the* exchange their
bas/ets for clothes or chic/ens which the* later resell within their co$$unit*. Another
%espondent fro$ the co$$unit* highlighted that the $ale also do so$e fishing for sale at the
fishing ca$ps. <ne participant fro$ co$$unit* leader 78 indicated that as a Co$$unit*+ the*
would fund raise $one* to deal with the proble$s the* face li/e their atte$pt to build a school
although the* faced constraints of li$ited resources. <ne participant fro$ the sa$e 78 also
highlighted that as a co$$unit* the* had sought refuge in ?8<s and (a#e the Children had
offered assistance in the construction of a school although the* ha#e withdrawn now.
S#&,-#-e, 6&-#3#*#, S#&,)"# V#**&1e
P5(-#&* H&2&'0-
;h*sical obser#ation re#ealed that the highwa* road+ fragile dust* roads and bridges were a
$a"or challenge facing the area
H#-")'#&* D#-&-"e' P')8#*e
The ris/ and =a1ard $apping exercise conducted b* the co$$unit* $e$bers of (iansinse
#illage re#eals that in 2003+ hunger and crop failure were recorded in (iansise. This was largel*
due to the drought or absence of rain within the area. :n 2012+ droughts and proble$ ani$als
were a $a"or challenge+ with lions /illing cattle belonging to the co$$unit* $e$bers whilst the
pre#ailing droughts cul$inated in li$ited food supplies.
C)%%), D#-&-"e' R&,3#,1
A brainstor$ing exercise :n 7ocus 8roup iscussion 15 at Chief (achiloba ho$estead with the
co$$unit* leaders re#ealed the following infor$ation su$$ari1ed in tabular for$.
D#-&-"e' R&,3#,1
=ealth related due to li$ited clinical supplies 1
rought 2
;roble$ ani$als 0
Cholera and !alaria C
<ne responded fro$ 7ocus 8roup iscussion C also illustrated the se#erit* of disasters caused
b* clinics which are too far awa* fro$ where the people of (iansinse reside. IClinics are far
awa* and people who could otherwise ha#e sur#i#ed die in the process of tra#elling to the
clinic.F 6e do not afford to tra#el b* bus to the clinicJ. This second part of the re$ar/ coincides
well with senti$ents fro$ wo$an fro$ (iansinse #illage who participated in a focus group
discussion who indicated that the* were the $ain source of inco$e earners and with the absence
of input fro$ their $ale counterparts+ the* $anage to raise an a#erage of M0 per da* to support
all the needs of the household. Another disaster which was o$itted in the ris/ and ha1ard
$apping exercise+ but re#ealed in 7ocus 8roup iscussion with $en drawn fro$ the co$$unit*
are #eld fires. <ne responded $ade this re$ar/+ IVeld fires are a co$$on proble$ in our area
and conseAuentl* our cattle and goats ha#e to $o#e far awa* fro$ the #illage in search of
gra1ing lands I.
V!*,e'&.*e G')!+-
7ro$ the focus group discussions it was established that orphans+ the elderl*+ fisher$en and
cattle are the $ost #ulnerable groups though the whole co$$unit* is at the $erc* of such
natural cala$ities as droughts and proble$ ani$als rendering #illagers #ulnerable to their
7ocus 8roup iscussion 12 held with wo$en drawn fro$ the (iasinse #illage+ the respondents
indicated that the* $anage to sustain their fa$ilies through gardening and wea#ing of Bas/ets.
The selling of fish at the shopping centre was also cited as another econo$ic acti#it* done b* the
wo$en for sustaining their fa$ilies. The ha1ard and ris/ $apping exercise done with the
co$$unit* $e$bers also re#ealed that co$$unit* $e$bers rel* on their agricultural s/ills
which the* got fro$ Agritex training.
The findings highlighted in the pre#ious chapter re#eal ha1ards and disasters which can be
su$$ed up as re#ealing the inadeAuacies of /e* sectors health+ social ser#ices+ water and
sanitation+ infrastructural de#elop$ent and ?atural resource !anage$ent. This situation has left
the co$$unities of (i$atelela and (iachilaba #ulnerable to i$pending disasters. :n the area of
health+ issues such as !alaria+ (cabies and Cholera outbrea/s are pre#alent within the area. The
persistent c*cles of drought ha#e also seriousl* infringed food production and securit* within
Binga district. To add to the pile of ha1ards are pressing issues related to 6ater and (anitation+
which is lac/ of access to clean water and inadeAuate toilet facilities. :n the area of natural
resource $anage$ent+ proble$ ani$als such as elephants+ lions and h*enas+ Veld fires and water
ani$als such as crocodiles and hippopota$us ha#e also been a $a"or threat to the li#elihoods of
the people of Binga istrict. :nadeAuatel* build infrastructure such as roads+ bridges and sparsel*
spaced clinics and schools ha#e left the Binga co$$unit* #ulnerable and at ris/. (et against this
bac/ground+ the funda$ental Auestion would thus be+ I6hat is the wa* forward in enhancing the
capacit* of Binga istrict in ter$s of disaster preparednessP This report suggests the following
suggestions in wor/ing towards the attain$ent of the abo#e $entioned goal.
S5)'" Te'% Re)%%e,0&"#),-
a) The !inistr* of =ealth together with /e* sta/eholders such as ?8<s should ensure
adeAuate pro#ision of anti $alarial drugs. ;ro#ision of $osAuito nets coupled with health
education should be prioriti1ed.
b) The ?8< sector should focus on Co$$unit* awareness in areas such as 6ater and
(anitation and =:V and A:( and natural resource $anage$ent.Q
c) There is need for a holistic disaster $anage$ent plan+ one that is shared b* /e*
sta/eholders and a co$$unit* based short and long ter$ strategies.
d) There is need to establish focal points for condo$ distribution and infor$ation
disse$ination in each 6ard.
e) The* is need for training co$$unit* $e$bers b* the 8o#ern$ent and the ?8< (ector
on local resource $obili1ation and co$$unit* coping $echanis$s.
f) There is need to train fe$ale traders on how the* can $ar/et the products adeAuatel*.
L),1 Te'% Re)%%e,0&"#),-
a. There is need for collaboration between go#ern$ent+ ?8<s and the pri#ate sector in
ensuring the construction of Clinics and schools in e#er* ward in Binga.
b. The !inistr* of Transport+ Co$$unication and :nfrastructural e#elop$ent should
engage other rele#ant sta/eholders in ensuring the construction of (ound roads and
c. ?8< sector should ensure adeAuate pro#ision of safe water in Binga through the
construction of Boreholes at focal points in each ward as well as irrigation s/i$s drawn
fro$ -a$be1i water sources
d. There is need for go#ern$ent and other hu$anitarian pla*ers to co$ple$ent efforts b*
the CA!;7:%' pro"ect in protecting co$$unities fro$ proble$ ani$als.
e. Awareness progra$$es on how co$$unit* $e$bers can co exist with endangered
species is also critical b* the !inistr* of 'n#iron$ent and ?atural resources
f. There is need for co$$unit* progra$$es that focus on resourcing or initiating
co$$unit* ban/s as safet* nets that de#elop opportunities for re#ol#ing funds. These
funds can then be used in the pro#ision of secure Co$$unit* Boats+ life "ac/ets and
AdeAuate fishing rods for use in the -a$be1i %i#er.
C&+&#"#e- #, "5e D#-"'#"
:n the i$ple$entation of the abo#e $entioned reco$$endations+ the local capacities listed
below can be used in the attain$ent of the short and long ter$ reco$$endations.
a. !anpower in the for$ of hard wor/ing wo$en and *outh.
b. Trained 7irst Aiders in the 6ards
c. =igh ?u$ber of 'ducated !en
d. Trained 7ar$ers &Agritex ;ro"ect) and 6o$en 8roups &:(A@( ;%<'CT)
e. %esources or draught power in for$ of Cattle and 8oats.
f. =igh social capital
The Vulnerabilit* Capacit* Assess$ent progra$$e has created awareness in the Binga
district on the pre#ailing ris/s+ ha1ards and capacities and thus pro#ides a platfor$ for
infor$ed planning+ i$ple$entation and $onitoring of priorit* pro"ects identified b* the
co$$unities the$sel#es.
A,,ex 1 VCA Te&%
ecide !abu$bo Asst. ;!'% <fficer , =O &Tea$ @eader)
Tarisai !an*ati ?ote, Ta/er, %ed Cross Club.
Johnson (ibanda istrict 7ield <fficer, Binga
!.@ ?cube ;ro#incial 7ield <fficer, !at ?orth
8o#ern$ent <fficials
A,,ex 2 6e( I,8)'%&,"-
?urse in Charge Chile*a
!inistr* of (ocial (er#ices
!e$ber in Charge R ;olice
A,,ex A /GD :C)%+)-#"#),;
13 7ocus 8roup iscussion &one $ale+ one fe$ale+ one co$$unit* leaders)
A,,ex B: VCA P#"!'e-

Pictures taken from mapping exercise and field work which involved discussion with
A,,ex @: T)R
Te'%- )8 Re8e'e,e:
Building %esilient African Co$$unities &B%AC'()
Vulnerabilit* Capacit* Assess$ent &VCA)+ Binga istrict+ !at ?orth
I,"')0!"#), &,0 B&31')!,0
-i$babwe %ed Cross (ociet* is i$ple$enting a disaster ris/ reduction progra$$e in Binga
istrict. The pro"ect na$ed Building %esilient African Co$$unities &B%AC'() is supported b*
the A$erican %ed Cross and it co#ers 2 wards of (iachilaba and (i$atelela for an initial 2 *ear
period. The o#erall goal of the pro"ect is to reduce the nu$ber of deaths+ in"uries+ and socio,
econo$ic i$pacts caused b* disasters b* strengthening the -i$babwe %ed Cross (ociet* and
building safer+ $ore resilient co$$unities.
'xpected outco$es of the pro"ects are.
'nhanced capacit* of %ed Cross to deli#er+ coordinate+ and ad#ocate for disaster ris/
$anage$ent. This can be achie#ed b* training 00 #olunteers and 10 staff $e$bers.
Co$$unities are strong &/nowledgeable+ organi1ed and prepared+ connected+ protected)
and resilient to the i$pacts of potential disasters. This will be achie#ed through reaching
out to 2 345 direct and 13 515 indirect beneficiaries and 50 sta/eholders.
:t is within the progra$$e that -%C( together with #olunteers and sta/eholders intend to
underta/e a Vulnerabilit* Capacit* Assess$ent &VCA) in the 2 wards.
V!*,e'&.#*#"( C&+&#"( A--e--%e," :VCA;
VCA is a $ethod of in#estigation into the ris/s that people face in their localit*+ their
#ulnerabilit* to those ris/s and their capacit* to cope with and reco#er fro$ disasters. The
:nternational 7ederation of %ed Cross and %ed Crescent (ocieties &:7%C) &godfather of VCA)
describes VCA EFas an integral part &but not the onl* part) of disaster preparedness that can
contribute to the creation of co$$unit*,based disaster preparedness progra$$es at the rural and
urban grass,roots le#el. :t is a tool which enables local priorities to be identified and leads to the
design of actions that contribute to disaster reduction.
6ith VCA+ local people and co$$unities beco$e the focus not onl* as recipients of funding+
but ideall* as acti#e participants in the de#elop$ent initiati#e. 6hen applied to disaster
preparedness+ such $ethods can encourage participation+ so that people beco$e $ore co$pletel*
in#ol#ed in the identification of ris/s and in the design of progra$$es and actions to prepare for
disasters. &:7%C+ 2005)
O.<e"#$e- )8 "5e VCA.
To identif* ha1ards+ #ulnerabilities and capacities with a #iew to design appropriate ris/
reduction $easures and pro"ects for the targeted wards.
To pro$ote greater co$$unit* awareness of ha1ards and #ulnerabilities and /nowledge
of basic coping strategies.
To co$e up with a planning and diagnostic tool for all sta/eholders in#ol#ed in disaster
$anage$ent for the targeted wards in Binga.
T5e VCA P')e--
4. (etting up a VCA tea$ and VCA ob"ecti#es.
3. ;lanning the VCA &(ensiti1ations+ de#eloping data collection tools+ doing des/>literature
2. ;articipator* ata Collection with co$$unities and sta/eholders.
10. (*ste$ati1ing+ anal*1ing and interpreting the data.
11. %eport co$pilation+ returning infor$ation to the co$$unities and sta/eholders and
deciding priorities and actions for transfor$ation.
12. ;rogra$$e :$ple$entation. %is/ reduction pro"ects with the co$$unit*. Turn
#ulnerabilities into capacities through practical actions.
Me"5)0- )8 I,8)'%&"#), G&"5e'#,1 #, "5e VCA
@iterature %e#iew fro$ external
9e* infor$ation inter#iews
7ocus 8roup discussions
=istorical ti$eline
!apping &ris/+ co$$unit*+ spatial+
(easonal Calendar
:nstitutional social networ/ anal*sis
irect <bser#ation
Transect wal/s
;roble$ tree
T&'1e" G')!+
9e* sta/eholders &;A+ A+ Technical sta/eholders, Agritex+ epart$ent of (ocial
welfare+ Chiefs+ Council)
Co$$unit* institutions, schools+ health centres+ churches+ fishing businesses>ca$p units
Co$$unit* $e$bers+ groups+ local leaders
D&"e A"#$#"( Re-+),-#.*e
10 June 2012 Tra#el to Binga ;!'% =O+ ri#er
11 June 2012 Training of staff and #olunteers+
;!'% =O+ 7<
12 June 2012 Visiting /e* sta/eholders VCA Tea$
10 June 2012 ata Collection, 2 #illages VCA Tea$
1C June 2012 ata Collection, 2 #illages VCA Tea$
15 June 2012 ata Collection, 2 #illages VCA Tea$
15 June Consolidation of findings. ebrief VCA Tea$
14 June 2012 Tra#el bac/ to =arare ;!'% =O
VCA "e&%
;!'% =O, Tea$ @eader
;;< !at ?orth
%esearch Assistant
@ocal 8o#ern$ent <fficial
A,,ex @ D&"& C)**e"#), T))*-.
Capacity Assessment
Common Disasters
and Vulnerabilities Matrix.doc
Disaster Profile
Tool. doc
Hist orical Profile
NGO n!ent ory.doc
"#OT Analysis
Terms of $eference
VCA. doc
VCA Data Collection
and Tabuation Mat rix.doc
VCA $eport

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