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Our Vision

Every day 5,000 people die due to water transmied dis-

ease. Unlike the 239 people who perished recently on i!ht 3"0,
they die lar!ely unno#ced. $ost die in hum%le rural homes ra-
ther than a mul#-million dollar aircra&. 'esus no#ces and (e
sends us, his )ollowers to respond. *e can make a di+erence,
-everal na#onal missions in Ecuador, .eru, /olom%ia, 0olivia
and 1)rica desire to develop sustaina%le, /hrist-centered com-
munity development ministries respondin! to the needs o) clean
water, sanita#on and hy!iene2 and have invited us to help them.
*e want to work alon!side some o) these !roups to accomplish
their ministry !oals. 3n!oin! prepara#on o) youn! en!ineers
and other pro)essionals is key to accomplishin! this task. *e
provide technical assistance )or communi#es to make their wa-
ter source pota%le and to %uild distri%u#on systems to make the
clean water conveniently availa%le 245".
May 2014

0ruce 6 /herith 7yd%eck
I [Jehovah], provide water in the desert and streams in the wasteland, to give drink to my people, my chosen,
the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise. Isaiah 43:20 & 21
In March, the community of Quislag Grande re-
stored operaon to their water system which was
damaged last year.
A training seminar in Quislag Grande will help this community
beer maintain and protect their water supply.
Are you rering? 8o, 3ur callin! and vision remain
the same. *e chan!ed our status with 7each 0eyond
9)ormerly (/'0 :lo%al; in order to work directly with
na#onal !roups re<ues#n! help in rural water supply
and sanita#on ministry.
Do you need ongoing nancial support? =es, *e
plan to con#nue in )ull-#me ministry un#l 0ruce turns
"0 as lon! as :od provides health, stren!th and re-
sources. *e are now a>liated with World Outreach
Ministries as we move into this ne?t phase o) ministry.
8ew dona#on in)orma#on is on the %ack pa!e.

Ecuadorian Mission CODEINSE chooses Name
@he indi!enous !roup with whom we partner in Ecua-
dor, /3AEB8-E, chose the name, Kawsaypak Yaku
9pronouncedC cow-si!h-pock yah coo; which means DEi)e-
:ivin! *aterF in Gichwa. @his reects their !oal o) assis#n!
rural communi#es with clean water supply as well as pre-
parin! leaders )or /hrist-centered childrenHs pro!rams, edu-
ca#onal tutorin!, and youth ministry.
*e will assist them in %uildin! a )ollow-up pro!ram )or
rural water systems which )or#Ies churches and communi-
#es. E)rain $orocho, a water technician who has served
with us )or J3 years, par#cipates in the leadership.
Calvin College, Engineering nli!ited Ges Involved
@he laer part o) $ay, we will host a ministry team o)
si? en!ineerin! students and two pro)essors )rom /alvin
/olle!e, :rand 7apids, $B, who are par#cipa#n! in the de-
si!n and studies )or the /urahuasi, .eru water system,
where the iospi !uyana mission hospital ministers. 0ruce
and E)rain 9a Gichwa water technician; provide the trainin!
and direc#on )or this proKect.
Seminar !or "asors# $ives in %o&a
@he associa#on o) pastorsH wives invited /herith to di-
rect Ive sessions at their retreat in EoKa, the southernmost
city in Ecuador, $ay JL-JM. .lease pray that these women
will %e encoura!ed and renewed to return inspired and re-
)reshed )or the heavy demands o) ministry with their hus-
%ands. .ray )or /herith to e+ec#vely minister to them.

Where in the world are "ruce # $herith?
@hese past three months have own %y. Bt is our Koy
to connect and pray with many o) you in homes and
churches. Aurin! this home ministry assi!nment year,
we con#nue to connect with )amily, )riends and donors2
!ive presenta#ons on the ministry2 and develop media to
move )orward with %i&e 'i(ing Water. 3ur starter house
in 1rlin!ton is our %ase when we are in the U-.
3ur plan this year is to maintain a small apartment in
Nuito so that we can con#nue to oversee some aspects
o) water proKects ministry2 develop a )ollow up pro!ram
)or community water systems2 and work alon!side
Kawsaypak Yaku as they move )orward.
"he leaders of #$%I&!% are commied to building a
strong #hrisan ministry to ser'e rural communies.
/ontact in)orma#on
0ruce 6 /herith 7yd%eck
M0 .aul 7evere 7oad
1rlin!ton, $1 024"L

email5U- cell phone5Ecuador cell 2J4 3L4 J520 - 593 99 "LL M4L3 50M 9"J "9J2 - 593 99 "LL ""44

This ministry is supported through the generosity of individuals and churches.
/ontri%u#ons can %e made to 7yd%eck ministry account P295
0y mailC $orld Oureach Minisries
.3 0o? 0
$ariea, :1 300LJ
/hecks should %e made out toC *orld 3utreach $inistries
0y phoneC /all @oll QreeC J-M00-M32-*37A 9J-M00-M32-9L"3;
3n-lineC www.worldoutreach.or!
/lick - A381@E 83*5A381@E 38EB8E,
/lick - $issionaries57yd%eck, 0ruce 6 /herith R Ecuador
Bruce & Cherith

Our thanks to each o& you who parcipate with us
in !aking a di)erence*
(lease help us )eep your contact informaon updated.
!end us your new address or email when you change.
"lease noe he changes 'elo(

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