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Ron Johnson

Assignment 1: Information Literacy


2. Write a paragraph summarizing the article
- The FCC revisits its previous rulings that Mobile Broadband were exempt from Net
Neutrality rules. Now the chairman of the FCC changes his stance saying Mobile
Broadband should share the same rules as wired connections. Companies such as Google
and Microsoft weighed in saying that mobile and wired services should be subject to the
same rules. In 2010 when the FCC first passed net neutrality rules with mobile networks
excluded there were 200,00 Americans subscribed to the fastest broadband, LTE, now
there are over 120 million subscribers. With more people using mobile networks as their
primary source of internet connection, the FCC is starting to change their minds about
exempting mobile networks from net neutrality rules.

3. Find two additional Internet articles on the same topic
- Google, Bing
- The two search engines came up with basically the same results, there were a few
differences because they use different algorithms and whatnot to find related algorithms.
Bing had a lot more ads. There wasnt any on that triumphed over the other, even though
I prefer Google over Bing.

4. TRAAP your sources
Time September 15, 2014
Relevance the article does relate to my topic
Authority Edward Wyatt, reporter for The New York Times. He is qualified to write
about this topic.
Accurate The information is trustworthy, it is supported by previous FCC meetings and
quotes from the FCC Chairman, Tom Wheeler.
Purpose The purpose of the article is to inform an audience of recent happenings in
relevance to net neutrality and the FCC.

5. Find two scholarly journal articles on the same topic from the CCBC library databases
- Net Neutrality
- I used the Academic Search Premier database because it focuses a lot on scholarly
Ron Johnson
Assignment 1: Information Literacy

6. Compare the Internet and Journal articles
- The internet articles were much easier to find than the journal articles off the CCBC
Library databases. The internet articles were more recent than the articles in the

7. Cite all five sources in APA or MLA format
MLA Format
Wyatt, Edward. "F.C.C. Revisits Net Neutrality Exemption for Mobile Broadband." The
New York Times. The New York Times, 15 Sept. 2014. Web. 17 Sept. 2014.
Hu, Elise. "3.7 Million Comments Later, Here's Where Net Neutrality Stands." NPR.
NPR, 17 Sept. 2014. Web. 18 Sept. 2014.
Sansing, Chad. "On Net Neutrality." Knowledge Quest 43.1 (2014): 14-15. Academic
Search Premier. Web. 18 Sept. 2014.
"Net Neutrality." Free Press. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Sept. 2014.

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