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English 006

Bernarda Aguirre V.
Topic Sentence
The legacy of Hugo Chavez has brought grave consequences in Venezuela.
1) Supporting point sentence: Hugo Chavez and his government have left a legacy of violence,
vulnerability and insecurity for Venezuelans.
For example in 2012, is known that occurred more than twenty thousand homicidal deaths, over two
thousand kidnappings all organized by extortionist gangs and criminal linked to street Chavism.
Chavez leaves a political system characterized by human rights violations, continuing threats and attacks
on freedom of expression and the right to information.
Leave a legacy unbearable for any country, of high legal uncertainty for private, foreign and domestic
investments which forces that any international development in Venezuela remains in a state of 'stand
2) Supporting point sentence: Venezuela is perceived as one of the most corrupt countries in the world
It is said that under President Chavez was not respected the institutions and laws of the Republic and
also the separation and independence of powers was destroyed.
It is known that in 2002 and 2012, the Venezuelan government expropriated to 41 percent of companies
belonging to the construction sector and the 24 percent of the agroindustrial sector.
Venezuela's economic structure has been systematically destroyed over the last ten years. Venezuela's
inflation is one of the main factors of impoverishment and became the highest in America.
The legacy of President Chavez has been disastrous for his country since not meet expectations that he
swore to fulfill in his government which unfortunately generated more violence, more opposition,
instability in society, extreme poverty and indignation in Venezuela. What brought as a consequence,
criminal acts, violation of human rights and legal uncertainty for national, private and foreign
In my opinion, Chavez was the cause of many problems in their country by mismanagement for 14 years
and an authoritarian and ambitious person that at all costs was able to meet its objectives and interests.

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