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Thuvaaragan Kuruparan

Planning Brief

Production Name The Butcher. We named our production The
Butcher as that is what the main antagonist is called.

Medium/Format Opening sequence of a horror film.

Length- 2 minutes.

Deadline 25
November 2014

Roles within our group -

Director Thuvaaragan Kuruparan as he is good at taking control
and is organized.

Cameraman Rikhel Trivedi as he wanted to explore using the
camera and gain more skills in it.

Editor Hassan Shahid as he has experience in it and feels
comfortable editing the production

Sound - Everyone

Brief Overview of content A girls nightmare comes to reality
and is about to be murdered by a serial killer. She and her
boyfriend have to somehow work together and find an escape route
or the inevitable that is her being killed will happen.

Target Audience 15 year old teenagers are our target audience.
We chose this specific age group as we think that they are most
likely to watch a horror movie and also because as its a horror
movie, we can include some gory scenes to a certain extent.

Possible scheduling/publishing suggestions The movie trailer
would be played in cinemas before movies from the same genre
(horror) so that it is seen by the right target audience. It
would also be shown commercial television around similar films
and also on social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter
as well as uploading it on YouTube.

Thuvaaragan Kuruparan
Comparable products researched Final Destination 5, Friday the
, The Collector.

Rationale behind this text Dramatic Irony; to involve the
viewer in the action. Sudden shock; to increase the tension in
the viewer. Isolated setting; to provide a frightening
atmosphere for the target audience.

Representations operated in the text Stereotype; A young white
woman being vulnerable to the society. Also age as it is a
consistent theme used in the media. This can be justified as the
younger generation arent expected to have experienced the harsh
realities of the world and therefore are vulnerable and weaker
that older generation.

Testing the success We will be testing the success of our
production by posting the sequence on YouTube. This will allow
us to receive positive and negative feedback from anyone and
therefore we can judge on our success. Also another way we will
be judging our success is by handing out post questionnaires
which our target audience will fill out. This will also show us
if the target audience enjoy the production or not, allowing us
to judge how successful we actually were.

Generic codes and conventions An abandoned house (been used in
many horror films.) A bathroom (also used in many horror movies
such as Paranormal Activities). These are both generically used
in horror movies because of the intense feeling they give the

Overt messages Dreams and nightmares can come true. It isnt
the safest option to be home alone.

Hidden messages Events that happen in reality can be far more
terrifying than fictional events.

Resource constraints Time is very limited so we should be very
time efficient. Time management is key in projects such as this.
The actors might be ill on certain days forcing us to postpone
the filming to another day. Weather might be bad which can also
make us postpone the filming. And finally the budget is very low
so we should use it wisely.

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