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Nguyn Thanh Bnh

BA1001 10DH71189
Ca 1
Manchester United Ltd
Company Guidelines

Welcome to Manchester United, the Theater of the dreams!

Recently, the company exist a number of internal contradictions in the relationship
between employees in the company. This adversely affects the image and benefits of
employees and the company. To avoid conflicts and help you understand the rules of the
company, here are some guidelines.
Personal relationships between members of Staffs
There is a conflict of interest where an employee has a personal relationship with a staffs
for which they have any sort of supervisory, pastoral care or assessment responsibility. In
some cases, engaging in a personal relationship with a staffs may also be unprofessional
and constitute misconduct.
Employees are under an obligation to disclose any such personal relationship with a staffs
to their line manager/head of department in order that the conflict can be managed.
Any sexual relationship which is not freely entered into is recognized by the Company as
a form of harassment and will be dealt with under the appropriate procedures.
Pre-existing relationships
Employees who currently have a pre-existing relationship that comes within this
guidance and has not already been disclosed should inform their line manager/head of
department as soon as possible. The matter will be treated sensitively and confidentially.
Employees can seek advice from their HR Partner on the interpretation and application of
this guidance.
The staffs that break these rules will be cut 50% monthly salary or will be move to
another branch.

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