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Use Case Identifier: UC6 Use Case Name: Submit Assignment

Purpose/Goal: To submit an assignment through Blackboard.

Actors: Student
Author: Elliot Horen Version: 1.0 Status: Implemented
Perspective: System As-Is
Level: Actor Goal Frequency: High Duration: 1 min-2 min
A student submits a homework assignment to his or her teacher for grading.

Pre Conditions: 1. The student must be logged in.
2. The assignment submission time window is open.
3. The student must not have submitted the assignment before.
4. The student has located the correct course page.

Post Conditions: Success: The assignment is submitted to the teacher for evaluation.

Failure: The assignment is not submitted to the teacher for evaluation.

Basic Path: 1. The use case starts when the student selects the Assignments button on the
proper course page.
2. The student selects the proper assignment from a list of assignments on the
assignments page. {V1, V2, V3}
3. The student types or uploads the assignment {V4, V5}
4. The student writes comments to the professor if applicable.
5. The student selects the submit assignment button.
Use case terminates in success.

Variations: V1: The assignment is not listed on the assignments page.
1. Use case terminates in failure.

V2: The time window for assignment submission has closed.
1. The system displays an error message informing the student that the
assignment submission window has closed.
2. Use case terminates in failure.

V3: The student has previously submitted the assignment.
1. The system displays an error message informing the student that the
assignment has already been submitted.
2. Use case terminates in failure.

V4: The student types the submission.
1. The student types their submission in the write submission box.
Resume at 4.

V5: The student uploads their submission.
1. The student clicks the browse computer button.
2. The student selects and uploads the assignment file {V6}.

V6: The system does not accept the file upload.
1. The system displays an error message informing the student that the
assignment submission server can only accept predefined file types.
2. The student resubmits the assignment (Resume at 3).

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