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 The teacher enables 'Open' submission for an individual quiz and optionally uploads a PDF of
questions to present to the students. 
 The teacher distributes a single URL to all of their students.  The students use this URL to access
the online answer sheet. 
 The students are prompted to enter their names as they should appear in the 'name' box on a
virtual form.  If a student ID section is available, they are prompted for what value to put there.
 On submission of the virtual answer sheet, if the student ID entered matches a student record
within the ZipGrade system; the paper is automatically connected to that student
 All submitted papers appear in the 'Graded Papers' section of the quiz on the website alongside
any papers graded via scanning within the mobile app.
 Because we cannot verify the student, there is nothing stopping a student from entering
bogus data in order to view the questions before taking a quiz for real.
 For the same reason, we cannot limit submissions since a mischievous student could
enter another student's name and/or ID number.  

"Verified" submission is only available for ZipGrade account that has defined Student records and have
assigned students to Classes.  

How to use 'Verified' online submission of quizzes by students

 A student portal is enabled as an account setting on the 'My Account' screen

 Students are assigned Student Access Codes, which are visible, exportable, and resettable on
the 'Students' tab
 Teachers distribute the individual Student Access Code to each student along with their existing
Student ID number
 The student logs into the Student Portal ( with their Student ID
number and Student Access Code  to view quizzes assigned to them
 The teacher, on the individual quiz screen on the website, assigns each quiz to each class with
options including:
 Time/Date Window when student may begin quiz
 Time Limit: How long is the student allowed for this quiz once they begin
 Multiple Answer Key PDFs: The students are randomly assigned a question PDF from
those uploaded by the teacher
 Show Score and Questions On Submit: On submission, show the student the graded
 Student and class records are required
 Because there is a submission limit, if a student accidentally submits an answer sheet
they will not be able to re-take a test unless you remove that graded paper.
To Enable a Quiz For Online 'Open' Submission

1. Login to from your desktop browser

2. Click on the 'Quizzes tab
3. Click on the quiz you wish to administer (or click 'New Quiz' to define a new quiz and keys)
4. Click the 'View/Edit Remote Testing Options'
5. Click the 'Enable Open Remote Quiz' if not already enabled
6. Optionally upload a PDF document that will show to students.
7. Optionally enable/disable the auto-submit of abandoned papers.  By default, any session that is
started will result in a paper in the 'Graded Papers' section.  'auto-submit of abandoned papers' will allow
partially completed papers to be submitted if a student loses internet connection or leaves the quiz for any
reason.  However, this may result in a papers that may need to be manually deleted by you in the 'Graded
Papers' section.
8. Copy and paste the bold URL and distribute this to your students to allow them to take the quiz.

How To Take an 'Open' Submission Quiz as a Student

Note: The ZipGrade website has been built to support the most recent versions of modern browsers,
including Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, and Edge.  It does not fully support Internet Explorer.

1. In your browser, copy/paste the URL provided by your teacher into the address bar
2. Follow the prompts to enter your name and (if available) your student ID number.  These are the
same values you would place into a physical ZipGrade answer sheet form
3. Take the quiz just as you would a physical ZipGrade form:
1. Darken your answers for each question
2. Leave unused questions blank
4. Press the 'Review and Submit to Teacher'  button when done.
5. Press the 'Submit to Teacher' button to complete the quiz
6. A confirmation screen will appear with an image of your virtual ZipGrade answer sheet. 
Depending on the teacher's selections, you may see your score and/or which questions you answered

To Enable the Student Portal:

1. Login to from your desktop browser

2. On the 'My Account' screen, find the panel named 'Student Portal'
3. If the portal is not enabled, press the button labeled 'Enable Student Portal'

To Find and Distribute Student Access Codes:

Each student will need to know their Student ID number and their Student Access Code.  These values
should only be given to that student and not shared across students.  You will need to use whatever
method you have for communication with students to distribute these codes just once to each student.

When the 'Student Portal' is enabled, the Student Access Codes and Student ID numbers will be shown
on the 'Students' tab on the website.

You may download a CSV file containing these values using the 'Export Students as CSV' button

To Schedule a Quiz for Your Students:

1. If you are not already, login to from your desktop browser
2. Click on the 'Quizzes' tab and select the quiz you wish to schedule
3. Click the 'View/Edit Remote Testing Options' button
4. Click the 'Create New Quiz Assignment'  Button.
5. Make your option selections:
1. Class: Which class should receive this assignment.  A separate assignment is needed for
each class
2. Assignment Available Start: The date and time should students be able to start this quiz
3. Assignment Available End: The last date and time a student may begin this quiz
4. Time Limit: The number of minutes a student should be allowed to complete this quiz. 
1. If the student goes over time, their session is automatically submitted at the end
of the time limit. 
2. If the student has abandoned the quiz session, their form will be automatically
submitted with their answers as completed before they left
5. Show Score on Completion:  Show overall score on this quiz
6. Show Marks on Completion:  Indicate which questions were marked correct, incorrect, or
received partial credit
7. Submit Limit: How many times may a student submit an answer sheet for this quiz?
8. Additional Instructions: This is a free-form entry area that will show to the student just
before they begin taking the quiz.  
6. Click 'Create New Quiz Assignment'

For Students:

1. Instruct students to go to the Student Portal: 

2. Students should enter their assigned Student ID number and Student Access Code in the boxes
3. Once logged in, students will see all assigned quizzes and be able to start those that are within
their availability time window.

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