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Title : Computer Music

Picture of Computer music

Explaining what the aim of my video is
to make it clear for people watching my video.
The aim is
To show people
how music is going
to change over the
years, might be
good or bad.
Introduction to the topic and what it is
That most of the songs are already electronically
Computer music is basically music you can make with a computer
Stanford university, video (TED) with the guy about computer
music (Shortened)

Narrating over pictures Couple of pictures to show what
the topic is and how it looks like. While the pictures come, Isabelle and
I will talk

Showing a shortened version of the TED talk that inspired us
Why we chose the topic?
Because we ourselves
play an instrument
Because the TED video interested
Interviews with Music staff People that would be more interested
in this topic because they personally love music

1. Are you scared instruments could not exist anymore in a couple of years?
How long do you think will it take for computer music to dominate?
Or do you think it will never?
2. How do you think computer instruments will impact music?
3. What is your opinion?

Then there are also interviews with people that play an instrument themselves
because they know more about instruments since they play one and would
have more an opinion on this topic than people who dont play an instrument#

1. How would you feel if instruments wouldnt exist anymore and
music would only be made by using technology?
2. Do you like the music that is produced now with the technology?

3. Do you think intruments as we know them will extinct?

Benefits and limitations of computer music
A lot of different
sounds could be
made on the
Some people
might enjoy that
kind of music more

If instruments
would be used less
a type of art would
turn extinct


Again say why we chose the topic
repeat the aim

Credits (Show our names and the people who helped
us and were in our video because of the interviews)

What is your prediction for your topic in the future?

1. Introduction
2. Video of ted talk
3. Our aim
4. Interviews
5. Our opinion
6. Why we chose the topic how it is going to change the future
7. End

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