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Natal Sun in Aries

(Betty Lundsted)

The Aries type is the most personal of the Fire signs, and it is often seen as selfish. Aries
people are not selfish on purpose, but they tend to be thoughtless. They pursue their own
interests with enthusiasm and seldom realize that what they are doing might overwhelm
or hurt another individual. f this is pointed out to Aries, they will be hurt and usually
defensive. After giving some thought to the situation, they!ll probably apologize. "hen
Aries dis#over they have hurt or disregarded someone, they are often filled with remorse.
t!s a #ombination of idealism and enthusiasm. As Aries people mature, they begin out of
ne#essity to #ultivate patien#e in order to lessen the hurt feelings around them.

Aries usually say !no! to anything suggested to them at the time the suggestion is made.
But the saving gra#e of the Aries is that they do go away and thin$ about what you!ve
said, and eventually you!ll see that they adopt your suggestions, if those suggestions are
good. Aries are always in a hurry, rushing into the future loo$ing to a##omplish
something % and they don!t always $now what that mysterious !something! is. They are
trained at an early age to rea#t to a##omplishment be#ause &addy thin$s it!s important.
The father may not a##omplish anything in the world!s definition of the word, but it must
be $ept in mind that a #hild!s per#eption of adult behavior may be very different from an

The Aries #hild may have a parent who either tal$s about a##omplishment or feels guilty
when enough isn!t being done around the home' Aries may also have a parent who
a#tually is an a##omplishment%oriented individual. These #hildren tend to be born to
parents who !worry! about a##omplishment. The father of the Aries #hild is a man who
seems to be respe#ted or idealized for his wor$. (e may only be a laborer, but he is good
at his )ob. (e may also be unhappy' if he is a laborer and he wants to be a businessman,
for e*ample, he may retreat into the power plays that frustrated people #hoose in order
to e*press his dis#omfort. "hen the Aries #hild is small, &addy #omes home either as a
!big deal! or as a tyrant' and, depending on the parti#ular father type, the #hild will
develop his own behavior pattern a##ordingly.

The mother is seen as a servi#e figure % it isn!t that the Aries #hild hates the mother, but
the mother%figure is someone who provides a servi#e. n the #ase of the father%tyrant, the
Aries sees the mother as a !poor, frightened #reature! who stays in a diffi#ult marriage
be#ause she doesn!t $now how to #hange her #ir#umstan#es. The Aries #hild may be
defensive of the mother' may ta$e +om!s side in ,uarrels between +om and &ad, and
will try to help the mother as soon as Aries is old enough to provide emotional or finan#ial
support. (owever, the mother gets more pity and #ompassion than love from this #hild %
and aries will in some way, as an adult, emulate the father!s position.

This is the way it wor$s- the Aries male is often un#omfortable about his love for his
mother % he may #are for +om more than the Aries female does. (e may thin$ that he!s
too #lose to +om emotionally' perhaps too mu#h li$e her as far as his emotional rea#tions
are #on#erned. f this is the #ase, he may avoid her as he be#omes an adult. (e wants to
be as mu#h li$e his father as possible. .motional #loseness to his mother usually doesn!t
enhan#e his self%image. The Fire sign person has some natural #onfusion about se*uality %
for them, se* in#ludes ideals as well as a#tion and feeling. The idealisti# types feel a bit
embarrassed about se*uality, so the Aries male tends to treat women li$e little girls or
daughters % and he plays the father. t may be that when his personality was forming, he
saw his father treat his mother li$e a little girl. t is not un#ommon for the mother of an
Aries #hild to #all her husband !Father! during the #hild!s formative years.

The Aries male has an image of "oman that #ombines Lolita with the maids in /ing
Arthur!s #ourt. he wants a genteel woman who doesn!t swear, who presents herself li$e a
little lady, who doesn!t #onfront him' and he!s generally a male #hauvinist as a young
man. The youthful inno#ent he is pursuing must also fit his anima image % a long%tressed
damsel in distress. (e gets easily disappointed in love situations be#ause he tends to pi#$
the 0an#er type femals for a partner. 1he often turns out to be mu#h stronger than she
loo$s' he then finds he has toruble running the relationship. (e is not really sure of
himself in romanti# situations % or in relationship situations in general. (is Fire sign
idealism tries to maintain a #ourtship throughout a love relationship be#ause that!s what
he thin$s love is. As soon as he sees hair #urlers or has to wor$ through a problem that
re,uires some $ind of #ompromise, the !roman#e! is not as wonderful as it on#e was.

The Aries female has #ompassion for her mother % but she vows never to put herself into
the same situation that her mother is on. 1he doesn!t want her mother!s #areer, or her
mother!s $ind of marriage. 1he may be so father%dominated (through either love or hate)
that she a#tually ends up being a !better man! than most men. n other words, it!s
important to the Aries woman that she a#ts li$e a !man! and not li$e a !woman! % that she
be !rational! rather than !emotional!. "hen she marries, she often marries a #hildish man
so that she is, in essen#e, the head of the household... li$e &addy.

1he tries to prove herself by doing everything well' she therefore has diffi#ulty letting her
partner do anything. t!s easy to fall into the trap, for the Aries female #an!t stand to
wat#h a man do a #hore the hard way % so she does it for him. 1ooner or later she noti#es
that he isn!t doing anything % sin#e she has done everything so well, why should he2
3ltimately, some event o##urs that is so stressful to her that she falls apart and has no%
one to help her out of her dilemma be#ause her man doesn!t realize that she really needs
help. 1he #an be so overpowering in her identifi#ation with !fatherdom! that she runs
away from all the mature fol$s and winds up loving people who need to be saved.

This is e*emplified in the positive sign female who has an overdose of the mas#uline
prin#iple within her system and within her environment. "hen this prin#iple is not
understood, both the personal life and the #areer #an be affe#ted by this
misunderstanding. The misunderstood mas#uline prin#iple #auses one to imitate
#ulturally definied !mas#uline! behavior. t is possible for an Aries female to develop a
#areer, to develop her mind, and to find en)oyable and #reative outlets for e*pression
when she understands what $ind of energy she is blessed with. 4ung!s definition of the
!animus! may give a better understanding of the problem. The positive sign female
un#ons#iously lends more #reden#e to the animus, and thereby loses a part of her sense
of feminine values. "hen a woman has no real sense of the feminine within herself % that
is, she doesn!t thin$ women are worth mu#h % she often tries to be what she #onsiders
!manly!. This has nothing to do with homose*uality' it merely indi#ates the $ind of
hardness that #an be involved in developing the personality.

Aries women #an be e*tremely #ompetitive with their fathers later in life' they #an
un#ons#iously illustrate the strength of the mythi# Father image. For e*ample, when an
Aries female is involved with family situations, she often tries to outdo her father. 1he
may even try to ta$e away her father!s position in his marriage. A #ase in point is an Aries
female who rushed into the middle of her parents! marriage at a time when the mother
was #riti#ally ill. The father wanted to do one thing' the daughter wanted to do another.
The daughter didn!t as$ her mother what she wanted in terms of therapy. nstead, Aries
too$ over the solution of the problem. The moral of the story is that she was trying to be
!a better man! to her mother than her father was. 5f #ourse, this attitude alienated
everyone in the family and poor Aries #ouldn!t understand why.

"hen Aries don!t understand their energy' when they don!t understand what motivates
them to a#tion, their wonderful Aries ideas #an be wasted be#ause they may not be
presented in an a##eptable manner. The Aries female, in her ,uest for being helpful to
others, may push ideas on people when they aren!t ready to a##ept those ideas, or when
those ideas haven!t been as$ed for.

The influen#e of the father on the Aries female turns her into the 1#arlet 5!(ara type %
one who runs from strong men, who tends to approa#h males li$e another male be#ause
that!s what &addy would have done. "hen Aries e*amine their rea#tions to life, they!ll
find that they resemble the father in an un#omfortable fashion. dealism has to be
tempered, for too mu#h idealism means that we are living in an unreal world. t means
that we ma$e unrealisti# demands on our partners and then be#ome wounded when these
demands are unanswered. Aries people tend to as$ for things that are selfish % in other
words, they don!t #onsider the needs of their partner. They often don!t $now how to voi#e
their ideals' and when their feelings are hurt, they get buried deep inside and are not
shared. "hen Aries people de#ide to abandon idealism, they tend to put themselves into
strange types of relationships whi#h #an hurt them even more. For e*ample, the Aries
male (who is basi#ally loyal and idealisti#) may get into se*ual relationships that have no
meaning, therefore debasing his emotional and se*ual needs. 5r the Aries female may
draw to her the type of men who have some unhealthy se*ual habits. n order to
parti#ipate with these men, she must turn off a part of her personality, for she is a
romanti# idealist.

((aydn 6aul)

The Aries personality tend to be an initiator and pioneer, e*pressing self%assertion and
dire#t energy into the world. 7ou should have ample #reative energy and enthusiasms
that #an be e*ploited, allowing you to start a variety of a#tivities. 5ne problem #an be a
failure to #omplete them, due to losing interest and be#oming bored' and you tend to
leave several lose ends of un#ompleted pro)e#ts in your life. There are strong motivations
to prove yourself through energeti# a#tivity' to be enterprising and ambitious, ma$ing
your presen#e noted in the world. 7ou #an be animated by a desire to be !number one!,
be#oming #ompetitively minded' and this will influen#e your #areer and so#ial e*pression.
7ou #ould be#ome an effe#tive leader, as fame, authority and superiority suits you, or so
you believe.

7ou #an be ,uite impatient, impulsive and spontaneous in your a#tions and de#isions, yet
often you #an fail to devote enough time and attention to a#turally listening to the advi#e
of others, or to #onsidering the #onse,uen#es of your #hoi#es' and this #an #reate several
problems later. 7ou may need to #onsider your options more #arefully before you rush
into a#tion' if you #an do this, then you will find greater su##ess. Asso#iated with this is
the need to dis#over more effe#tive relationship with others, to be more #onsiderate, and
to thin$ through the possible effe#ts of any self%#entred style of e*pression.

7ou will be attra#ted towards idealisti# #auses, seeing yourself as an opponent of so#ial
in)usti#e. There #an be a naive, inno#ent outloo$ on life at times, where you believe
wholeheartedly in high ideals' while this #an be battered by reality, you are unli$ely to
be#ome truly #yni#al, !street%wise! or !world%weary!. 7ou try to spea$ the truth as mu#h as
possible, and #an find it hard to lie' and even if you do try, it is rarely #onvin#ing. 7ou
have a ,ui#$ mind with distin#t philosophi#al tenden#ies, and a sensititivity towards
higher thought, morals and ethi#s. 7ou need independen#e and freedom, so that you #an
indulge in your impulsive de#isions to a#t.

7ou #an be ,uite se#retive regarding your personal life, feelings and emotional
e*perien#es, and are often relu#tant to reveal your plans to others, espe#ially as you #an
be deeply hurt. There is an attra#tion towards the past and traditional ways, whi#h #an be
refle#ted in your home environment and attitudes' and you value domesti# and
relationship se#urity more than you may be willing to a#$nowledge. This need evo$es a
sentimental response from you to family life, and you #an be vulnerable in that area.
Aries females-

This is not the $ind of woman you #an lead around in #ir#les- she usually wants to $now
where you are ta$ing her and she has some ideas of her own on how to get there8 1he
#an be temperamental, headstrong and independent, and e*ude a $ind of #harm and se*
appeal based on a blending of arrogan#e and pride. 1he is ,uite a woman- you #an!t for#e
or push her, but neither should you fear her. At least, never let her $now you!re afraid8

This woman wants to thin$, to analyze, to arrive at her own #on#lusions. Let her do so,
but tell her when you thin$ she!s wrong. 9emember, the Aries woman #an stand #riti#ism.
n fa#t, she #an stand almost anything e*#ept being ignored. 1he re,uires a fair e*#hange
of ideas, emotions, rea#tions.

7ou #an win your way with this woman by being diplomati#. 1he is #ons#ious of
appearan#e, her own as well as yours. 1he is +artian, fiery in nature, spirited to the point
of being domineering % if you let her be8 "ith her, it is all the way or nothing. 1he #an be
as #old as i#e or as warm and #omforting as any man #ould desire. t is up to you to bring
out the best in this woman. 1he admires ,ualities of leadership, and is willing to follow
on#e you gain her #onfiden#e. But if you disappoint her % loo$ out8 7ou will have to start
your winning #ampaign all over % from the beginning.

:ever permit this lady to thin$ you!re an easy #at#h. Let her wor$ for your approval %
ma$e her strive to please you. This ta$es great s$ill on your part % but the results will be
worth the time and trouble.

Be wary when she be#omes bossy. An Aries woman wants a man, not an individual who is
loo$ing for a mothe. :othing dis#ourages her more than always being able to have things
her own way.

The Aries woman often is stri$ing in appearan#e' she appears aloof, but the fires of
yearning and passion are there % if you are the right one for her.

Aries males-

The man born under Aries #an be dominant, inventive and very impatient8 (e!ll $eep you
hopping unless you tea#h him to wait. This man!s bar$ is worse than his bite. But please
do not get the idea that you #an train him as you would a dog % he will rebel every time.
(e is #onstantly see$ing new ways, new persons, new ideas. 7ou!ll have to $eep up with
the times if you want to $eep the Aries man.

n dealing with this male, try to $eep his #hin up. 5n#e he beings to sag, he is heading for
defeat. 1ee to it that he gets plenty of e*er#ise and en#ouragement. Tell him he!s good.
The more he thin$s you appre#iate him, the more he will return the #ompliment.

Being interested in an Aries man is a$in to ta$ing on a new lease of life. (is temperament
is fiery, his drives are strong, his ambitions are great' his #apa#ity for love is enormous.
/nowing this, do not attempt halfway measures. &e#ide either that you want him and will
fight to $eep him % or forget him entirely.

An Aries man #an be militant, determined and obstinate. 5n#e he gets rolling % even down
the wrong road % he tends to $eep in motion and in the same dire#tion. 7ou will have to be
ta#tful in order to ma$e him #hange his ways and his motives. 5therwise, he will fight you
every in#h of the way.

7ou #an get around him by showering him with #ompliments, affe#tion and #ommon
sense. 9emember, if you go about it the right way, this man will listen to reason. :ever
dare him' he will ta$e you up on it. 5n the other hand, don!t try to outsmart him by
daring him to do one thing be#ause you really want him to do the opposite. (e!s very
li$ely to see through the ruse8

An Aries man is an adventure see$er' it is not easy to harness hie powers. (is thin$ing,
often brilliant, is )ust as often errati#. (e will ta$e a #han#e and worry about the out#ome
later. (e is ambitious but on#e he finds a ni#he it is diffi#ult to urge him on. (e is more
su##essful at fighting his way to the top than he is when it #omes to se#uring his position
through #reative moves aimed at still greater su##ess.

This man plays hard and wor$s hard' often he runs himself down. For the woman who
wants him, #lose attention to these hints #an prevent many a hearta#he and numerous
heada#hes as well8

(1$ye Ale*ander)

6eople who have their 1uns in Aries are energeti#, a#tive, assertive and dire#t. 7ou
approa#h life eagerly and aggressively, and there is nothing subtle in your method,
manner or motivation. 7our only !gear! is high' your only dire#tion is forward. 7ou $now
what you want and go after it fervently, rarely ta$ing !no! for an answer, and often
su##eeding through sheer energy and for#e of will. 7ou are enthusiasti# and #urious' and
ea#h day offers you new #hallenges % if it doesn!t, you!ll #reate some8 7ou #an!t stand to
have life go along smoothly, and you li$e to $eep things stirred up. A#tivity, #onfli#t and
#risis nourish you, and you are at your best under pressure, when you must thin$ adn a#t
,ui#$ly. 7ou are always testing yourself, trying to )ump over the ne*t hurdle or to beat
the ne*t opponent. 7ou need to $eep defining yourself against something or someone
else, to prove to yourself that you e*ist and have impa#t on your environment.

Athleti#s offer a #lear%#ut set of #hallenges and opponents against whi#h you #an pit
yourself, and you probably have some athleti# ability or at least an interest in sports.
1ports also provide an outlet for your abundant energy.

0hallenges in the business world #an be )ust as invigorating and satisfying for you. 7ou
have an entrepreneurial nature, and are willing to ta$e #han#es and ris$s that s#are away
more #autious people.

7our pioneering spirit is strong and you long to go where no%one has gone before, to
brea$ new ground and do the impossible. Always rushing in where angels fear to tread,
you approa#h every endeavor with the same head%long, re#$less, indefatigable abandon,
and you either su##eed gloriously or fail dismally. Failure doesn!t dis#ourage you, though,
for you have a naive and irrepressible self%#onfiden#e that lets you go on believing in your
ultimate su##ess, regardless of the odds. 1in#e you never loo$ ba#$ and don!t learn from
your mista$es, however, you are li$ely to ma$e the same ones again and again.

7our attention span is that of a young #hild, and you be#ome bored easily. 7ou are mu#h
better at starting things than finishing them, for you lose interest on#e the initial
e*#itement has faded and routine, day%to%day opertions are in pla#e. Therefore, you
probably begin lots of pro)e#ts, )obs, relationships, et#., but rarely see them through to
maturity. ;oals that #an be a#hieved ,ui#$ly are better #hoi#es for you than ones that
re,uire years of planning and development.

n your #hest beats the heart of an adventurer, and you are both #ourageous and daring.
7ou want to $eep the adrenalin rushing through your veins at all times. Although you
never ba#$ down from a fight, you don!t $now how to wal$ away from one with dignity
either. n fa#t, you are often the instigator. Aggressive and feisty, long on nerve and short
on ta#t, you en)oy a good argument or even a fist fight now and again to #lear the air. n a
dangerous situation, anyone would li$e to have you on his < her side.

1trongly individualisti#, you have trouble #ompromising or wor$ing as part of a team or
group. 7ou need to be free and independent to do things your own way, regardless of how
i#ono#lasti# or outrageous your methods may seem to others. Although you are usually
,uite self%suffi#ient, when you run into a problem you #an!t solve yourself, you don!t $now
where to run. 1in#e you are basi#ally unaware and unappre#iative of others! strengths,
you aren!t able to benefit from their $nowledge and e*perien#e.

A rebel at heart, you tend to see so#iety as your adversary and thwart authority at every

7our self%#enteredness ma$es relationships diffi#ult, for you #an!t seem to see another!s
point of view or to ad)ust your behavior to a##ommodate someone else!s needs. 7our se*
drive is strong, but when it #omes to tenderness and affe#tion you fall short. 7ou are
in#lined to thin$ of your partners as #on,uests rather than lovers, and se* with you
resembles hard ro#$ musi#- fast, rough, adoles#ent and without mu#h variation in mood,
style or tempo.

Though you #an be abrasive and annoying at times, you possess an endearing, #hildli$e
,uality that ma$es people en)oy being around you. 7our enthusiasm is infe#tious, and
your unabashed, up%front, un#ompli#ated manner never leaves doubts about your
motivations or intentions. 7ou #an be irresponsible and #areless at times, but you are also
honest, fun%loving and willing to stand up for what you believe. 7our greatest failings are
the result of your impatien#e, haste and self%#entredness. 7our greatest strengths are
your optimism, #ourage, drive and vitality.

(1asha Fenton)

Aries is the first sign of the zodia# and therefore represents the springtime of life. Ariens
are #onsidered to be straightforward, honest and enthusiasti# about life. (owever, #an!t
help thin$ing that there are so many su##essful Arien politi#ians and would%be politi#ians
that, despite their straightforward manner and approa#h, they #an also be pretty #rafty.
5f #ourse, politi#al leaders do #ome from all areas of the zodia#, but Ariens or those who
have very strong Aries features on their #harts are well represented at or near the top of
any organisation. This is odd in one way, be#ause Ariens la#$ #onfiden#e and need a
strong and supportive partner if they are going to get anywhere. The more su##essful
Ariens seem to have the $na#$ of pi#$ing )ust the right sort of partner to support their

The strongest Arien trait is #ompetitiveness, and this e*ists even among those who don!t
appear #ompetitive at first glan#e. The Arien may #ompete in the usual manner, by trying
to be the most su##essful in his #areer or in hobbies, sports and games. 5thers push their
#hildren to su##eed or push themselves to pass e*amination in order to prove that they
have intelle#tual superiority. 5n the sub)e#t of Arien #ompetitiveness, vividly remember
an o##asion where a group of psy#hi#s rented spa#e at a !psy#hi# and mysti#! e*hibition.
6lon$ed right at the front of the available spa#e was the inevitable Arien, his table piled
high with $ni#$%$na#$s for sale, fa$e flowers flopping about everywhere, busily #at#hing
the eye of every passer%by who #ould be persuaded to have a #onsultation. At the end of
the festival, the Arien, #omplete with the lion!s share of the ta$ings, rushed off home only
to lose the lot to a #ouple of overgrown, but not yet independent, #hildren and a
rapa#ious spouse.

Ariens are ,ui#$ on the upta$e and impulsive in small ways, but they are not so ,ui#$ to
ma$e ma)or #hanges, preferring the se#urity of a marriage, a settled home and a se#ure
)ob. f marriage doesn!t wor$ out for them, they #an happily live alone, thereby avoiding
the possibility of dealing with matters of dependen#e. +ost Ariens have many friends and
a#,uaintan#es be#ause they have an open and non%hostile manner and genuinely en)oy
helping others. (owever, some Ariens have su#h an overwhelming personality that they
frighten less outgoing members of the zodia#. 1ome Ariens are ,uite aggressive, and
even those who appear to be mild have an aggressive or demanding strea$ hidden away
somewhere. 5ne friend of mine who had divor#ed an apparently mee$ and gentle Arien
on the grounds of unreasonable behaviour told me that the whole weight of Arien
aggression, determination and overriding need to have his own way at all #osts showed
itself in the bedroom.

5ne thing whi#h have invariably found is that Ariens love words and language. They
read e*tensively and usually have a large vo#abuulary. Their spelling is e*#ellent and
they have a pre#ise way of writing and e*pressing themselves. They are #ons#ious that
they #an e*press themselves well, and often use this as a weapon against less able
people. Ariens have a very ,ui#$ sense of humour and #an range from en)oying a good
)o$e and being very funny themselves to being unpleasantly #utting and sar#asti#. 5ther
fa#tors on ea#h individual #hart will determine how #onsiderate the Arien may be towards
other people!s feelings, be#ause the pure Arien type is self%#entred, selfish and
apparently un#aring. This is the sign of the military leader who needs to !get the )ob done
without regard to the finer details su#h as who gets hurt or what gets destroyed.
(owever, no sign is absolutely bla#$ and white, and Ariens are saved from inhumanity by
their ability to empathise with the feelings of others and by their desire to help. There
must be a few Aries wimps around somewhere although , personally, haven!t yet met

The typi#al Arien is short to middling in height, s$inny when young but s,uare or
rounded in appearan#e later in life. Ariens who belong to white ra#es have very pale s$in
and blonde, light%brown or red hair, while even those who belong to oriental, medium%
#oloured or mi*ed ra#es tend to have a fairer s$in than their #ounterparts. Arien hands
and feet are small and blunt. 1ome Ariens #omment when buying new shoes that the
bo*es they are stored in fit better than the shoes themselves. They also have a prominent
!seat!. Aries sub)e#ts move and wal$ ,ui#$ly, and often finish a )ob of wor$ before others
have even got around to starting.

There is another ,uite distin#t Aries type. This one is tall and thin, with bony features and
heavily rounded !;eorge 9obey! eyebrows. This type of Aries sub)e#t seems to have a
stronger and more aw$ward type of personality than the small, s,uare ones.

"ea$ spots for health are the head, eyes, the upper )aw and upper teeth' all Ariens seem
to get heada#hes when they are stressed. Ariens are a pretty healthy lot on the whole, but
they #an go down with sudden feverish ailments, and they are also prone to a##idents,
#uts and burns due to haste or #arelessness. Ariens have little patien#e with illness either
in themselves or in those around them, and they prefer to ignore it whenever possible.

The typi#al Arien li$es to wor$ among people in a large organisation whi#h helps the
publi# in some way. +any #an, therefore, be found in the poli#e, #ivil servi#e, tea#hing
and hospital administration. These sub)e#ts ma$e good, if sometimes rather impatient,
administrators, and #an organise others without putting their ba#$s up. Their
#heerfulness and la#$ of )ealousy towards others ma$es them good wor$ing #olleagues,
but their tenden#y to say or do things without thin$ing first #an land them in trouble.
Ariens are drawn to the military and paramilitary fields either as a #areer or as a part%
time involvement. 5ddly enough, many Ariens are attra#ted to religious or philosophi#al
groups, and #an wor$ for the publi# in those areas too. +any find wor$ in what were on#e
#onsidered to be the mas#uline worlds of engineering and te#hni#al drawing, as well as
mining and ship%building. A ,ui#$ round%up of some Arien a#,uaintan#es offers one who
is a head in a large #ollege of adult edu#ation, a poli#eman, an insuran#e administrator,
an engineer%draftsman, the manger of a #ommuni#ations business, an e*e#utive of an
ele#tri#ity generating organisation, and a gifted medium who is the se#retary of the
British Astrologi#al and 6y#hi# 1o#iety. 5ne of these is also a part%time soldier, while
another is involved with the 1alvation Army. f the Arien has planets in nearby Taurus, he
#ould wor$ in the building trade or as an ar#hite#t, and he will also be $een on musi# and
the arts.

Aries hobbies in#lude ,uasi%military interests su#h as serving in the territorial army and
various other forms of !dad!s! army, navy or air for#e. They #an also be found in the s#out
movement and similar organisations. +any Ariens love musi# or the arts' and they may
#olle#t artisti# goods of one $ind or another. +ost of them are energeti# people who need
to be out of doors at least on#e a wee$, and who, therefore, may ta$e up a sporting
a#tivity, or boating or gardening as a hobby. Ariens are impulsive and adventurous
people who will ta$e off at a moment!s noti#e when offered an opportunity of having fun.

Ariens seem to have a strange attitude to money be#ause, while they love the stuff to
death, they seem to find it hard to deal with. 1ome Ariens feel so un#omfortable with
budgetary matters that they leave these entirely to their spouses. 5thers prefer to ta$e
this out of their spouse!s hands altogether and deal with the whole of the family!s
finan#es on their own. +ost Ariens wor$ hard and a#tually manage to ma$e good money,
but they may then lose a good deal of this to menda#ious relatives or e*%spouses. 5thers
are in#redibly mean and penny%pin#hing' there seem to be no half%measures here. Anyone
who finds themselves married to an Aries should either not thin$ too mu#h about money,
or $eep their finan#es #ompletely separate.

All Ariens love to shop, and will buy any amount of goods for their homes, their hobbies
and themselves. They love new #lothes, and they often have wardrobes bulging with
every $ind of fashion. This is not helped by the fa#t that they hate to throw anything away
or to waste time organising their wardrobes. have one Arien friend who is a devotee of
garage sales, boot sales, )umble sales and se#ond%hand shops, and he has thus #leverly
managed to fit his house out in the !#ontemporary! style of the =>?@s whi#h is now highly
#hi#. 1ome Ariens are more interested in #ars than houses, and they may own more than
one vehi#le.

There are many Ariends who buy every $ind of sports e,uipment $nown to man % and
then never use any of it. 5thers spend a fortune on gadgets, e,uipping themselves with
food pro#essors, personal stereos, mobile telephones, novelties for the #ar, yoghurt
ma$ers and every other $ind of new gismo whi#h #omes on the mar$et. +usi#al Ariens
buy the best sound systems that they #an afford for their homes and #ars, while many
spend a good deal of time and money on #reating gardens and growing indoor plants.
+ost Ariens are pra#ti#al and #apable when it #omes to do%it%yourself )obs, dressma$ing
and the li$e, and they won!t hesitate to ta#$le ,uite large tas$s, even if these really are
beyond their #apabilities.

Ariens are relaters who would rather be part of a family than on their own. (owever, a
good many of them do seem to live alone, either be#ause they have diffi#ulty in finding or
$eeping a partner or be#ause they have been hurt in the past and are worried about
getting hurt again in the future. The vast ma)ority of Ariens are surrounded by their
families and will ta$e #are of their parents, #hildren, in%laws and anyone else towards
whom they feel a responsibility. (owever, these sub)e#ts are saved from being latter%day
saints by their tiresome, impatient natures. Ariens are energeti# and restless, always
loo$ing for something to do when they are at home, whi#h means that on any reasonable
wee$end they #an be found tearing down walls, building boats in the front garden,
s#attering tools around, and stamping about in fits of rage. An Aries man will use his
wife!s best vegetable $nife and newest tea towel when servi#ing the #ar, and, for an
en#ore, ta$e the dishwasher to pie#es half an hour before dinner guests arrive. +any
Ariens are desperately untidy but, of #ourse, there are many e*#eptions to this rule.

Aries women #annot help running the lives of everyone around them, giving orders li$e
an army general and e*pe#ting everyone around to )ump to their #ommands. .ven e*%
husbands and wives are !loo$ed after! in this way. Ariens love to sit down a visiting friend
in a #omfortable #hair with a ni#e #up of #offee and a bis#uit in hand, start an interesting
#onversation, and then wal$ out of the room leaving their visitor tal$ing to himself.

Ariens have strong allegian#es to their #hosen politi#al views, often being strongly left% or
right%wing. 1ome have violent ra#ial or religious pre)udi#es, while others genuinely love
people of all #reeds, #olours and #lasses. Their strong politi#al feelings probably a##ount
for the large number of Ariends who do a#tually go into politi#s and subse,uently rea#h
high offi#e. "hen these sub)e#ts ta$e up some spe#ifi# $ind of belief, philosophy or
ideology, they embra#e it wholeheartedly without being able to see the wea$nesses or
drawba#$s in it. They may be#ome so deeply involved in su#h interests that it be#omes
impossible to have any $ind of dis#ussion with them, without their #hosen point of view
being dragged into it. This is fine if their partner shares their views, or if he < she #an go
deaf whenever these sub)e#ts #reep into the #onversation, but if the partner #annot #ope
with this, the relationship hasn!t mu#h of a #han#e. t is not a good idea to live with an
Arien if one #annot drive and does not own a #ar, be#ause Aries sub)e#ts either drive li$e
mania#s, shouting insults at other drivers, or sit resolutely in the middle lane, travelling
at a steady A@ mph.
(1asha Fenton) (#ontd.)

Ariens are honest, straightforward and somewhat naive' their motto is !;oodness,
hadn!t thought of that8! (owever, their partners always $now where they stand, be#ause
the Arien is in#apable of deviousness or manipulative behaviour. To some e*tent, what
you see is what you get. t is not a good idea to #ompete with an Arien, and it is better for
their partners to be in a different line of wor$ from them. Aries partners need ,uite a bit
of support themselves be#ause, despite their pomposity, they don!t have mu#h #onfiden#e
in their own abilities.

Anyone #ontemplating ta$ing up with an Arien had better give a bit of thought to the
sub)e#t of se*. f your personal pattern runs to a ,ui#$ fumble on birthdays and
anniversaries interspersed with late night bible readings and a #up of hot #o#oa at
bedtime, you had better thin$ again. A friend of mine who had a lengthy affair with an
Arien told me that she #ould only re#all four o##asions when they spent time together
without a#tually ma$ing love. Aries women are either highly se*ed or absolutely
uninterested in the whole business. This is, of #ourse, an all%or%nothing sign. Aries men,
however, seem to be very ardent. Ariens #an and do e*perien#e love in a purely poeti#
way, mooning about some dream lover from a distan#e, but they are more li$ely to put
themselves in tou#h with their own feelings and also to e*press those feelings in a
horizontal position8

f an Arien fan#ies someone, he < she will ma$e their feelings plain and will manoeuvre
the ob)e#t of their desire out of their #lothes as soon as possible. Bed, in the #ase of
Ariens, is more of an image or an idea than a ne#essity, be#ause they will happily ma$e
love in the #ar, up against a tree in the lo#al par$, in a lift whi#h is stranded between
floors, or any of a thousand other unli$ely pla#es. A parti#ularly favourite spot is the
offi#e, be#ause there is something parti#ularly deli#ious about en)oying an illi#it session
on su#h !hallowed ground!. 1e*ually e*perimental and very oral, these sub)e#ts li$e
nothing better than a tumble under the dining%room table. "hatever does or doesn!t
happen, even when the love%ma$ing stops, Ariens have the most wonderful sense of
humour. (owever, Ariens #an be surprisingly )ealous and possessive, espe#ially if they
have planets in nearby Taurus' and, while they may !play! away from home if they #an get
away with it, they #annot really #ope with this being done to them.

The Arien may be impatient with his parents or in%laws but he won!t abandon them in
times of trouble, and he #an always be relied upon to help out finan#ially. "hen the Arien
be#omes a parent, he puts his heart into the )ob. (e will provide every $ind of
edu#ational material for his #hildren and will go to endless trouble and e*pense to see
them enter the best possible s#hools and #olleges. (is #ompetitiveness most #ertainly
e*tends to his #hildren and, if they don!t or #an!t ma$e the grade, he may lose all interest
in them. Aries parents have no time for a timid, fussy or aw$ward #hild. As the parent or
in%law to adult #hildren, the Arien will either leave them alone to live their lives as they
wish or, more%li$ely, will try to #ontrol and di#tate to them.

As a #hild, the Arien #an be a demanding handful be#ause he is full of energy and is easily
bored. 1ome Arien #hildren, espe#ially girls, are studious and #lever, but many of them
are disin#lined to study. To some e*tent, parents should insist on s#hool attendan#e and
homewor$ being #ompleteed, but if the Aries #hild is not really $een, then too mu#h
parental pressure will turn him off study altogether. An Aries boy may be better at #oping
with something pra#ti#al su#h as #onstru#tion ta$es or ma$ing ob)e#ts out of #lay.

These #hildren need a physi#al outlet su#h as $arate, dan#ing, sailing, or anything else
whi#h has a physi#al and a #ompetitive slant to it. The Aries #hild needs to be en#ouraged
to share, and to be shown that there are times and pla#es where #ompetitive behaviour
are not appropriate. (e may also need to be $ept under #ontol and prevented from being
ill%mannered and selfish. (owever, these #hildren are not too diffi#ult to raise be#ause
they are usually happy, healthy and self%suffi#ient. (onest and de#ent by nature whilst
also being very loving, Aries #hildren ma$e friends easily and need the love and approval
of parents, tea#hers and friends.

The Arien youngster may find it hard to get along with his siblings. n some #ases, the
Aries #hild may get on with one sibling but be #ontemptuous of another. There is no point
in ma$ing him try to li$e the other #hild' if he #an!t, he #an!t, and that!s that. (e is far too
straightforward to be ni#e to the sibling in front of others and spiteful behind his ba#$.

(4ulia and &ere$ 6ar$er)

1un sign Arians want to stand out from the #rowd, and have the will to su##eed. They are
basi#ally un#ompli#ated, dire#t in their approa#h, and able to #ope in a straightforward
way with the day%to%day problems of life. They strip away everything that is not ne#essary
to the a#hievement of their goals, whether these are immediate or long%term % for
e*ample, the menu for tonight!s dinner or the details of a #ontra#t. Their ability to see
#learly the essential elements of important de#isions is both enviable and #onvin#ing.

&eep resour#es of determination help Arians when rea#ting to #hallenge, although a
tenden#y to rush in regardless #an #ause problems. 5bserving these sometimes
over,ui#$ rea#tions, one refle#ts that some Arians learn the hard way (some, of #ourse,
do not8)

A#hievement is vital' if it is la#$ing, either in the #areer or in an all%important hobby,
Arians #an be#ome physi#ally or psy#hologi#ally si#$ and e*tremely diffi#ult to live with.
This is often be#ause of their worst Arian fault, selfishness, whi#h is almost #ertain to
appear to some e*tent during every Arian!s life. Arian #hildren must be made aware of
this tenden#y' it is then mu#h easier for them to re#ognize and #ounter it in later life.

Ariens are e*tremely passionate. 4ust as they need fulfillment at wor$ and at play, so they
also need it se*ually % probably more so than most other people. Their partners must be
lively and #apable of rea#ting well to the #ra#$ling flash of Arian spar$s' )oyous se*ual
romps with a permanent partner should not only be the prerogative of Arian youth, but
also of middle and old age' otherwise, both they and their partners will suffer.

The Arian #hild will display the typi#al lively enthusiasm of all fire sign #hildren. That
enthusiasm (whi#h will #over the widest variety of interests) #an tend to fade ,ui#$ly,
however, and before spending mu#h money on some new #raze, parents should be aware
that their Arian #hild may soon lose patien#e with the new and e*pensive pie#e of
e,uipment and push it out of sight, ready for the ne*t enthusiasm.

6atien#e is not an Arian strong point, so progress at s#hool may be pat#hy. 5ne hopes
that surges of enthusiasm for study will #ome at the right time % )ust before important
tests or e*aminations. (appily, the Arian has only to fail one e*amination and see friends
moving ahead before be#oming e*tremely #on#erned about #at#hing up and re%
establishing a lead' su#h a disaster will not happen twi#e.

9estri#tive dis#ippline doesn!t suit young Arians. 1ensible rules will be a##epted provided
they are e*plained, but the Arian spirit will refuse to be dampened by silly regularions
whi#h have no apparent )ustifi#ation.

Arians ma$e very lively parents. They have delightfully simple, almost #hild%li$e, natures
whi#h are never entirely suppressed % seen, for instan#e, in the way a sub)e#t assesses a
situation or fa#es up to a problem. Arian parents should find no diffi#ulty in tuning in to
the real emotions of their #hildren. They will also be happy to en#ourage them in any
number of enterprises and out%of%s#hool a#tivities- every hour will be pa#$ed with
in#ident. (owever, not all #hildren ne#essarily share their parents! enthusiasms, and an
Arian should not drag a #hild off to a ball game simply be#ause he wants to go. The #hild
might be happier at home with a good boo$, or % if the abundant Arian energy has been
inherited % at ballet #lass. 1u#h a situation #an refle#t Arian selfishness- doing what Aries
wants, rather than what the #hild wants.

4ust as an Arian s#hool#hild must be given his or her head, so a #ertain freedom of
e*pression is ne#essary in the #areer. A boring and routine )ob may have to be tolerated
but, in that #ase, stimulating outside hobbies must also be established.

A noisy, busy environment is meat and drin$ to an Arian % a stuffy, #laustrophobi# offi#e is
not. n #hoosing #areers, the Arian #ould #onsider engineering or the ele#troni#s
industries, the armed servi#es or perhaps psy#hiatry or dentistry. But above all, the Arian
should ma$e for fields that enable him or her to move out in front of the #rowd and
be#ome a su##essful pioneer of some $ind. Arians are ambitious, but the a#hievement of
that ambition is )ust as important as what is a#hieved. And the Arian will then be as$ing
!"hat ne*t2!

A good head for business is usual, and Arians #an be very enterprising' many en)oy
organizing their lives so that they have two sour#es of in#ome. f enterprise and #aution
#an be #ombined, a lot of money #an be made, but a steadying influen#e is sometimes
needed if it is not to be frittered away.

0hange is usually ta$en in the Arian stride, espe#ially if progress #an be seen to depend
upon it. These people!s lively spirits will a##ept #hallenge and, while many will loo$
forward to rela*ing on#e they have retired, after a wee$ or two they will revive an old
interest or establish a new one. By then, they may have #ultivated more patien#e and #an
even end up with a new #areer rather than merely a new hobby. n any #ase, they will not
want their standard of living to drop when they retire.

Arians need plenty of e*er#ise to $eep their systems in good #ondition. This is ne#essary
for everyone, of #ourse, but for Arians it is as vital as breathing. They will, in general, be
so enthusiasti# that you may have to remind them to modify e*er#ise routines and
sporting interests as time passes, if their systems are not to be overstrained.

The head is vulnerable' a tenden#y to $no#$ and bump the head when young will
probably result in early visits from the Tooth Fairy. Arians! natural tenden#y to rush
about #arelessly may result in #uts, bruises and even minor burns. The motto !+ore
haste, less speed! is a valuable one for these people' they en)oy wor$ing with all $inds of
tools, and again #arelessness may #ourt disaster. Arians en)oy spi#y food, but it is not
usually good for them. They have hearty appetites, and thrive on traditional, rather than
elaborate, dishes.
Fran#es 1a$oian and Louis 1. A#$er)

Aries, the first sign of the Bodia#, is the sign of new beginnings. The Arian!s present life
indi#ates a new #y#le in his personal evolutionary development. Arians are aggressive
and dire#t in e*pressing themselves. The $ey phrase for Aries is ! am!.

Arians are full of #reative energy and enthusiasm (be#ause Aries is a fire sign ruled by
+ars and 6luto)' and, be#ause Aries is a #ardinal sign, Arians initiate new a#tivities,
whi#h $eep them o##upied until the novelty wears off.

These people have a tremendous psy#hologi#al drive to prove themselves through a#tion.
Arians are not satisfied merely to intelle#tualize about their #on#erns' they are impatient
to do something about them.

f Arians #an learn to thin$ before ta$ing a#tion, their energeti# natures will enable them
to a##omplish mu#h. (owever, their impulsiveness and inability to listen to the advi#e of
others tend to involve them in diffi#ulties. Arians are li$ely also to be impatient, and do
not always finish what they start, leaving follow%up a#tivities to those with fi*ed and
mutable signs.

1in#e they are highly #ompetitive, Arians see$ to be first and best in whatever they do.
They ma$e good leaders, see$ing fame and re#ognition more than wealth and #omfort.
(owever, be#ause of their desire for authority and superiority, they are sometimes overly
aggressive and prone to use for#e rather than reason and diploma#y in dealing with
others. f they do not possess the ne#essary wisdom and e*perien#e to ba#$ up their
#raving for leadership, they #an appear foolish. Arians must be first8 But mu#h of their
strength arises out of their refusal to admit defeat. They are never daunted by failure,
and will always see$ new avenues of e*pression.

Arians need to learn the lesson of love, so that they #an relate to others and rea#h out to
them with #onsideration. By refle#ting on the overall #onse,uen#es of their a#tions, they
#an learn this lesson.

The more highly evolved Arian types possess great willpower, spiritual self%#onfiden#e,
and regenerative ability, due to the 1un!s e*altation in this sign.

(9obert (and)

7ou are very energeti# and spirited. t is diffi#ult for you to wait for other people, even
your parents, and you tend to be impatient if events don!t move as ,ui#$ly as you would
li$e. For this reason, you prefer to wor$ by yourself, if you find that others aren!t moving
as ,ui#$ly as you do. This may #ause you to be#ome totally wrapped up in yourself, simply
be#ause you aren!t relating to others sneough and are not paying enough attention when
you do. 7ou have a mind of your own, and you do not #are if anyone else agrees with you.
7ou resent it fier#el when people try to impose their thin$ing or their methods on you.

7ou li$e to be the first to do everything, and often you ta$e ris$s that others #onsider
unwise, be#ause you want to be $nown for doing something that no%one else will do. 4ust
be #areful to avoid real trouble, and try to listen to what others have to say. They are not
always trying to get in your way' in fa#t they may be trying to help you.

7ou are rather ,ui#$ to anger, but you do not hold grudges. As soon as your angry mood
passes, whi#h is usually ,uite ,ui#$ly, you are willing to forget and forgive. (owever,
while you are angry you a#t rashly and may say things that you will regret.

n tal$ing with other people, you prefer to be simple and dire#t' and whenever possible
you are honest, simply be#ause it ma$es life easier and simpler. 4ust be #areful not to be
so blunt that you hurt people!s feelings, sin#e some people are emotionally hurt more
easily than others. 7ou may also be rather #ompetitive, whi#h may alienate some people'
but most will realize that your #ompetitiveness is good%natured and not intended to harm.

(Lyn Birbe#$)

7ou have a brave and impatient heart. 7ou have the will to show a way forward % boldly
and assertively, without being arrogant or pushy. 7our life should be led in a spirit of
#hampioning the underdog, as opposed to always wanting to win. 7our father is seen or
e*pressed as one who is honest and dire#t, and < or blunt and hard.

7ou generate a bright spontaneity that en#ourages 5ther to be more aware of simply
being, and to live in and for the moment. 7ou have an independen#e and
straightforwardness that is refreshing and ma$es 5ther want to $now where you are
going. 7ou have an air of heroism as you prote#t the wea$ and fight for the oppressed.

7ou #an alienate 5ther with a #hildish naivetC that is tiresome and short%sighted' with a
simplisti# attitude that overloo$s the subtleties and senstitivities of 5hter, #ausing him <
her to avoid what is boring, annoying or upsetting about you' and by being arrogant and
boastful, or #oming on tough.

7ou overemphasize your air of independen#e in order to be seen as you!d li$e to a#tually
feel. 7ou e*aggerate how soon you!ll be able to a#hieve an ob)e#tive, and so you fall short
and appear ridi#ulous. 7ou present a desire to win at all #osts, rather than simply doing
your best.

7ou #an feel wea$ when it is made only to #lear what or who you depend upon, for
whatever reason' when it seems that you are not getting anywhere' and be#ause you feel
you have lost, when you #ould simply be learning a lesson.

"hen alone, it is probably for one of two reasons, but they both #ome under the heading
of !enfor#ed independen#e!. The first one is that you have never allowed 5ther to see the
!Little Lamb! inside you, and have only shown the for#eful, independent 9am. 6eople tire
of su#h a seemingly two%dimensional nature, and ultimately let you be as alone as you li$e
to be thought independent. f you thin$ you have !#hosen! to be on your own be#ause of
5ther!s failings, then you will have only your ego for #ompany for some time. The se#ond
reason is the #onverse of the first one % too mu#h Lamb and not enough 9am. Failing to
assert yourself and a#t independently, without approval from 5ther, be#omes very
unstimulating and burdensome for 5ther. (e or she will be for#ed to loo$ elsewhere for
this, while still possbly maintaining a guilt%motivated lin$ with you.

(;rant Lewi)

Aries!s great independen#e is a symptom of vitality and physi#al energy, and be#omes
intelle#tuallized later in life, if at all. The highest type of Arian be#omes #apable of
idealizing and universalizing his love of independen#e, whi#h has its sour#e in
ego#entri#ity. The first ambition of the Arian is to be first. (e is an inveterate #ontestant,
a professional #ompetitor. (is ob)e#t is not so mu#h the material sta$e as the glory of
winning. (e will never boast about #oming in sensong' the also%rans he beats impress
him less than the one fellow who beats him and thus steals his rightful pla#e at the head
of the profession. Literally as well as figuratively, this first%ness shows. 7our Arian wal$s
one step ahead of his #ompanions, goes through doors first, and has the first word (and
often the last) in any argument. (e loves arguments, not as a means of arriving at truth
so mu#h as a means of demonstrating that he #an #ome out in front. (e often wins by
sheer noise and vitality % that is, he ma$es the other fellow #ry un#le. Aries is fre,uently
original in his efforts to be first' and, when not original, is sure to be novel. Any Arian
who doesn!t understand the differen#e between originality and novelty should study the
two words till he does. "hen and Arian is original he is a pioneer, an inventor, a great
thin$er. "hen he is only novel, he is putting first his ego ideal to be first and negle#ting
to ma$e his ideas sound and his methods pra#ti#al. (e thus loses the benefit of his
energy, his genius and his ambition. All the bugaboos of the ego beset the Arian, and he
must beware of self%#entredness. This #an ma$e him arogant, #on#eited, self%pitying, self%
assertive' and, in the fa#e of opposition or restraint, #an lead to delusions of perse#ution
in mild or a#ute form. To forget self, to be#ome absorbed in mental matters, to put ideas
first, and to ma$e sure that originality (or novelties) rest on a sound basis of fa#t' to see
the other fellow!s point of view, and to regard the other fellow!s needs, wishes and
desires )ust as seriously as his own,... are the means by whi#h Aries may emphasize his
great good points and ensure that his desire to be first shall a#tually #ause him to be

(4ohn Townley)

7our fiery inner drive ma$es you the motivating for#e in any relationship. 7ou tend to
have so mu#h physi#al and se*ual energy that you #an awa$en all sorts of feelings in your
partner, even feelings that have long been dormant.

t would be a good idea, however, to ban$ your fires a bit. .ven though you may be
overflowing with energy, your partner may tire more ,ui#$ly, both physi#ally and
emotionally, whi#h you must ta$e into #onsideration. A #almer approa#h would be good
for you personally as well, be#ause your appetite for e*perien#e is vora#ious'
overindulgen#e prevents you from savoring ea#h valuable moment of a love affair.

t is wise to read about se*ual te#hni,ue or learn the ins and outs of lovema$ing with a
highly s$illed lover, be#ause in your eager enthusiasm, you often brush past many of the
finer points of se*. 7ou will find a wealth of pleasure in lovema$ing if you slow down and
linger over ea#h step, even though your high energies are pushing you to go faster. That
inner high%intensity flame #an heighten the details of love if you govern it. Few people
have your ability to et#h every e*perien#e into your mind and body
(4an 1piller and /aren +#0oy)

1un in Aries individuals feel they have the right to do as they please' to display
independent a#tion and thought' to a#t on a whim without regard for proto#ol, timing, or
the wishes or opinions of others.


"hen your attention fo#uses on gaining re#ognition for your independen#e from others,
you may un$nowingly a#t in ways that result in disruption and alienation. "anting to be
re#ognized as your own person, you #an resist #o%operating in team efforts. "hen you
behave with rashness and la#$ of #onsideration, you e*perien#e other people blo#$ing
your path of a#tion. Thus, using your natural independen#e in a way that dominates by
insisting that others put you first #an result in a la#$ of #onfiden#e when they fail to


"hen your attention is on sharing your talents and abilities with others, you noti#e how
your independent a#tion #an be an inspiration to them. By being aware of this natural
leadership, you #an en#ourage those around you to e*press their independen#e and thus
eliminate the need for #onstant battle. 9e#ognizing your own talents in #ontributing a
,ui#$, #ourageous assertion of your positive spirit enables you to inspire others. This
leaves you free to e*it on the desired positive note. Awareness of this impa#t allows you
to e*press your e*uberan#e in ways that endear you to others. Then you will find others
responding with love and appre#iation for your dynami# energy.

(+ar#ia +oore and +ar$ &ouglas)

/eynote- the power of individuality manifests through personal initiative.
1ymbol- rays of a rising 1un splash the s$y with strea$s of red and gold.

Aries is the springtime sign of the zodia#. 6eople born at this rosy dawning of the year
are set to spring into a#tivity. They glory in laun#hing new enterprises, even while
leaving previous pro)e#ts for others to finish. They are dire#t, headstrong, and
aggressive. li$e the fabled prin#e who mounted his #harger and dashed off in all
dire#tions, the Arian must be ever on the go. (is main problem is to #ontrol his impulses
and avoid s#attering his for#es.

+ars, as ruler of Aries, intensifies its hotheaded disposition. The e*alted 1un adds
e*e#utive power, energy, vitality, and optimism. 1in#e the effe#ts of an e*alted planet are
as favorable as those of the ruler of a sign, the pla#ement of the 1un in Aries, at the head
of the zodia#al pro#ession, is #ondu#ive to individual a##omplishment. Arians may not
a#hieve the fame of Librans and A,uarians (signs in whi#h the 1un is less strongly
pla#ed) be#ause they refuse the #urry favors from others and may be downright
undiplomati# in the pursuit of their aims. (owever, they have the boldness to assert their
own ideas and are $nown as the pioneers of the zodia#.

The 1un shines regally from the #enter of the solar system, while +ars, its marshal,
issues #ommands and enfor#es its will. 0areful attention should be paid to the aspe#ts of
+ars in the horos#opes of persons born with the 1un in Aries in order to as#ertain the
dire#tion their drive for ob)e#tive self%e*pression is li$ely to ta$e.

!1olarians! have a fervent longing for independen#e and li$e to fan#y themselves to be
free souls. As leaders, they sway the destiny of others but soon grow impatient with the
restraints imposed by mundane responsibilities. They aspire to $now the truth, yet
#ontrive to avoid be#oming burdened by the #onse,uen#es of their truth%see$ing
endeavors. "hen their affairs be#ome too #omple* they wield the #utting edge of +ars as
a sword to sever $nots of bureau#rati# red tape. Then, oblivious to the havo# in their
wa$e, they mar#h forward fearlessly in sear#h of new fields to #on,uer.

The Arian moves people to a#tion through the heat of his personal enthusiasm. (e is an
idea man, but fre,uently someone else must do the groundwor$ if his #on#epts are to
ta$e route in the material world. (e may also be a rolling stone who, if permitted to go
first, will #lear a path on whi#h others may wal$. (owever, if relegated to the rear, he
may roll on heedlessly mowing down all who are so foolish as to impede his progress.
There is nothing ran#orous about this flattening of obstru#ting ob)e#ts. (e is what he is,
and that is all there is to it.

Aries people suffer from their own #arelessness, re#$lessness, and immoderate behavior %
,ualities whi#h may, in turn, infli#t suffering on others. Theirs #an be the unwitting
selfishness that results from e*#essive impulsiveness. 3tterly spontaneous and moved by
the mood of the moment, immatrue types may be so blithely unaware of their adoles#ent
self%#enteredness that it is impossible to resent them, espe#ially sin#e their intentions are
nearly always honorable. Although seldom deliberately un$ind, they may fail to #onsider
the effe#ts of their words or the far%rea#hing impli#ations of their #asual #ondu#t.

The more evolved Arians will never say !die!, but are ever ready to rise to new and more
adventurous #hallenges. Their feeling is that the whole day lies ahead and they are eager
to be up and doing.

(+yrna Loftus)

Aries is the point of all beginning. The person with his 1un in Aries is in the pro#ess of
building a new personality. All the energies are self%#entred and self%dire#ted. Before one
#an give oneself away, there must be something to give.

The Arian assumes authority ,ui#$ly, but must resist the impulse to !ram! ahead, pushing
whoever is there out of the way. t is natural for the Arians to assume authority and
responsibiliry. They #an be inspired for#es within a group. There is a )oyousness and
enthusiasm about the Arians. Thus, they are an inspiration to othses. deas and #reative
pro)e#ts seem to flow from them in a never%ending stream. They are full of energy and
never la#$ #ourage.

(owever, they #an, also, pro)e#t the negative traits of their 1un sign. Be#ause of this, you
will find Arians who are self%#entered. They are apt to forget that other people may have
good ideas and #an assume responsibility, too. This ma$es it diffi#ult to form a
partnership with an Arian. t is, also, diffi#ult for an Airan to be an employee. Their
natural instin#t is to be the employer. They have a tenden#y to start a pro)e#t then to
suddenly lose interest in it if the progress is too slow or things have be#ome too

These people have a gift for wa$ing up in an environment they find themselves in. T(ey
do not sit ,uietly in a #orner waiting for someone to spea$ to them.

They are not subtle or devious. f they want something, they go after it.

Both se*es en)oy having a #areer as well as being attra#ted to #ommunity or politi#al
a#tivities where they #an use their talent for leadership.

They li$e people, but they may drop out of orbit while pursuing new interests. n si*
months, they may be ba#$ again as if no time had elapsed.

n love, they are passionate, with strong se*ual feelings.

They are usually healthy, be#ause they move around enough to e*er#ise their bodies. This
produ#es good #ir#ulation. They rarely overeat. Their head is the most vulnerable spot.
They are prone to heada#hes due to tension. They almost always end up with some type
of in)ury to their head. 7ou will find a number of small s#ars on their head from running
into things or from a##idents.

Aries is a positive, mas#uline sign. "omen who are Aries have some diffi#ulties in
relationships, be#ause they are li$ely to be far too positive, opinionated, and mas#uline.
They have to learn to build in their feminine side and be willing to be ,uiet and re#eptive.

Fire, the element of Aries, is symboli# of Aries! burning desire to $eep pushing onward
against all obsta#les. They rea#t similarly to a horse with blinders on, loo$ing neither to
the right nor to the left, but straight ahead to their destination.

Arian parents tend to push their #hildren too hard in s#hool. Their la#$ of patien#e
doesn!t help, either. .ven so, they ma$e good parents.

As #hildren, Arians are noisy and full of energy. They must be doing something every
minute. Firm dis#ipline is needed, but it shouldn!t be too stri#t, either. They li$e games
and sports, for they have a large amount of energy. There is a tenden#y to run high

The three things an Arian should learn are- (=) patien#e, (D) #onservation of energy, and
(A) #ompletion.
Natal Sun in Taurus

(Betty Lundsted)

The Taurus #hild is born into a mother%dominated household, sin#e the sign is a negative,
or feminine, polarity. The father is probably present but passive. "hen the father figure
is passive, the mother has to ta$e on the family responsabilities. The #hild begins to
pattern its de#isions and values a##ording to the mother!s live philosophy.

The Taurus person is Eenus%ruled. +any people undervalue the Eenus types be#ause they
loo$ to be easygoing and perhaps a little wea$. This is not the #ase. The #hildhood does
not en#ourage #hildren born in this sign to respond spontaneously. Therefore, Taureans
rarely feel #omfortable displaying rea#tions either in a #areer situation or in a
relationship. The mother is an overpowering figure who manipulates the #hild with so
mu#h !mother! love that Taureans hesitate to e*press themselves honestly or easily. t has
been said that Taurus is stubborn, angry and sometimes rigid. All Fi*ed signs are, and
Taureans try to build environment that they #an depend on sin#e not mu#h in the
#hildhood was dependable.

+aterial a#,uisitions help #reate a feeling of a stable universe. Taureans are often drawn
to the money professions for se#urity reasons. The Taurus ban$er is not avoiding
relationships with people and is not really pursuing money for money!s sa$e, but is
attempting to wor$ in a stable environment. The world of finan#e is dependable % a dollar
is a dollar (more or less) every day of the wee$. The Taurus person is afraid to establish
relationships with people be#ause those people may #hange their attitudes toward their
relationships from one day to the ne*t.

Taureans are ,uite sensual and need some emotional #ommitment in order to be fulfilled.
"hen relationships frightedn them, they may avoid the emotional sensuality of se* and
en)oy the sensuality of food, ending up with weight problems. They may also retreat into
religious and philosophi#al orders whi#h #an prote#t them from living out their emotional
needs. The irony here is that the validity of philosophi#al beliefs #annot be tested if they
are not e*perien#ed through emotional involvements.

The Taurus female is raised in a strongly mother%dominated atmosphere. (ere the
animus #on#ept is different from that of the Fire signs. The animus figure for the Taurus
female is #olored by the fa#t that, as a #hild, she doesn!t see her father ma$e many
meaningful de#isions. Be#ause her father is passive, she will un#ons#iously assume all
men are passive. (owever, she sides with her father emotionally' for the two of them,
&addy and the #hild, #an side with ea#h other against this strong maternal for#e that is
sometimes overwhelming.

The Taurus woman wants a relationship with a man, but after she gets him she begins to
treat him mu#h as her mother treated her father % as an ob)e#t to be #ontrolled and
manipulated. The young Taurus female does not #ons#iously try to manage mne' she may
not even be aware that the men around her feel !managed!' but she may find later in life
that her relationship with her husband is very similar to the one her mother had with the

1he is a strong and opinionated type. As she develops, she!ll learn how to ma$e solidarity,
materialism, a sear#h for the spiritually #reative side of life, warmth and enthusiasm
positive wor$ing for#es within her. The fear #omes into her relationships when she
su##umbs to dishonesty. t!s diffi#ult for Taureans to offend someone they love, and often
they are dishonest with a lover. They be#ome ,uite angry when they don!t get what they
want or when they are misunderstood. The anger is buried inside and begins to manifest
when the throat be#omes restri#ted, be#ause tension settles in the Taurean throat.

The Taurus female has diffi#ulty a##epting re)e#tion. 1he also gets angry when her man
doesn!t feel happy with her, for she has given up so mu#h of herself in order to se#ure
that happiness. 1he eventually learns that if she e*presses and shares herself honestly,
she will draw to herself a person that really li$es her.

The problems with her femininity often #ome from the fa#t that her mother is
overwhelming and )ealously #ompetitive with her as Taurus develops, espe#ially during
her teen years. 5ften, the mother of a Taurus girl #ompetes with her daughter so heavily
that the girl has no sense of her own feminine worth. The irony is that Taurus is one of
the most sensual and feminine of the signs. The female is sensual and se*ual' she brings
men into her life be#ause of her feminine approa#h to them % an approa#h highly
seasoned with an animal se*uality that is hard to pass up.

The Taurus male has a different set of problems. (e is a male born into a mother%
dominated household with a passive father. (is values are determined by his rea#tion to
his mother!s values. (e also must #ope with the fa#t that he!s a nale who has to prove
how !good! he is to his mother. The mother is super%strong and seems to have all the
answers as far as this #hild is #on#erned. 3nder these #ir#umstan#es, the #hild be#omes
very #areful about what he says to mothers, for she may shoot him down. This
sub#ons#ious feeling is #arried over into later relationships with women, #ausing a
di#hotomy within the Taurus male. (e!s interested in women, en)oys #ommuni#ating with
them, yet feels apprehensive about sharing his not%fully%formed ideas for fear of being

t seems that when the Taurus male is a #hild, his mother is so strong that she
overwhelms his father' his father either remains passive (whi#h disappoints the #hild) or
#auses the #hild to disli$e and basi#ally re)e#t his father be#ause he isn!t a !man! to his
wife. The Taurus boy seems to be in the middle of his parents! relationship. (e is a #hild
who is allowed to sleep with +ommy and &addy. 1ometimes the father leaves, and the
Taurus #hild then be#omes an even #loser #ompanion to his mother. Be#ause he loves his
mother, he feels guilty about be#oming involved with other women. This #an lead to
problems in his own marriage. (e sometimes has diffi#ulty determining where his
priorities are- his mother!s needs or his wife!s needs. (e thin$s that it!s important to
show his mother how responsible he!s be#ome, so he may ta$e on obligations he doesn!t

1ometimes the mother!s influen#e is so strong that the Taurus male develops a bit
unspo$en fear in his psy#he #alled !Am really gay2! "hen a mother is too #lose
emotionally to her #hild, the influen#e affe#ts the images in his psy#he. Affe#tion be#omes
#onfused with se*uality' affe#tion #an be #onfused with loyalty. 1omething also happens
to the ability to e*press the #reative self, for when the mother!s influen#e is too strong,
she #an overwhelm his ability to use his #reative pro#esses. Taurus is #reative but is often
afriid to use the #reative energy for anything other than building fortresses emotionally.

This #hild tends to hold in tension be#ause the early environment doesn!t en#ourage
spontaneous response to diffi#ulties or to normal #hildhood fears. Taureans form habits
that in#lude the holding of tension. f the tension is not released or fa#ed, it builds and
builds until the body falls apart and Taurus winds up with some medi#al problem. These
medi#al problems are signals that the inner tensions are not being released and that new
habits must be formed % habits whi#h in#lude the proper use of the building talents that
Taurus has at its disposal.

((aydn 6aul)

The Taurus personality often displays stability, purpose, persisten#e, determination, self%
relian#e, reliability and sin#erity. 7ou will not usually ta$e any ris$s affe#ting your
material se#urity, as your possessions and home environment are e*tremely important to
you' in fa#t, you will be #autious in all aspe#ts of your life. 7ou tend to rely on a #ommon%
sense approa#h, ,uite pragmati# and pra#ti#al, being effi#ient and even adroit at finan#ial
management and organisational re,uirements. 7ou will ta$e time to #onsider future
#ourses of a#tion, evaluating your options, and will need to feel as #onvin#ed and se#ure
as possible regarding your #hoi#es before de#iding to a#t' on#e your mind is set, you will
see the #hoi#e through. 7ou will apply yourself to the tas$ of earning money and
obtaining those material possessions whi#h you believe are needed to build a se#ure
lifestyle foundation.

;enerally, your temperament is gentle and pla#id, and you try to live in ways whi#h do
not attra#t trouble towards you' but if provo$ed you #an e*plode into a noisy display of
temper. f others oppose you on issues on whi#h you have already set your mind, then you
#an display a stubborn and obstinate resisten#e, failing to re#onsider or listen to
alternative opinions and advi#e.

7ou prefer a ,uiet, steady life, and #an be se#retive and reserved regarding dis#losure of
personal matters. 7our sympatheti# nature #reates a sensitivity to natural beauty, as well
as to art, musi# and literature. As sensual pleasures and #omforts attra#t, you prefer to
#reate a home whi#h is pleasant and attra#tive with a rela*ing atmosphere whi#h #an
have a #alming and benefi#ial effe#t on others. As your life #an pivot around home, the
,uality of the domesti# life is #ru#ial to your pea#e of mind. your health is often related to
your su##ess in #reating a balan#ed and harmonious atmosphere around you. 7ou tend to
remain in tou#h with #lose relatives and friends, feeling se#ure in $nowing that all is well
with them.

7ou are rarely a !romanti# dreamer!, who tends to distort relationships by an over%a#tive
imagination' usually you are ,uite straightforward and honest with any partners. 7ou
prefer to $eep your emotions in their pla#e as you are not always #omfortable with them'
and there #an be a tenden#y towards repression, whi#h #an stimulate o##asional
outbursts of temper. 7our relationships have a #o%operative ,uality, and you #an be
ta#tful and diplomati#, even though you are often very dire#t in your #ommuni#ation with

6artners will be #arefully and #autiously #hosen' and despite your often laid%ba#$ and
rela*ed style, you #an be a demanding marriage partner, e*pe#ting a high standard from
others. The relationship being the main fo#us for your emotional intensity, you #an be
)ealous and e*tremely possessive. 1atisfa#tory se*ual relationships are important with
your partner, and if your en)oyment of se*ual passions fades, then the relationship
be#omes less stable, and unfulfilling. A degree of intelle#tual #ompatibility is also
re,uired, as you tend to see intimate relationships as a sour#e of mental stimulation in
your life too' and a depth of #ommuni#ation is ne#essary to feel the intima#y of
relationship #onne#tion. An element of !best friends! is also in#luded in satisfa#tory
Taurean partnerships.

7ou tend to live by traditional moral standards and beliefs, and #an be highly prin#ipled'
and this often shows in your de#ision%ma$ing pro#ess and life #hoi#es. 7our attitudes tend
to be #onservative and orthodo* regarding ,uestions of faith and religion, although
possibly more fatalisti# in tone, and less intelle#tualised or philosophi#al. 7ou #an be#ome
dogmati# and fi*ed in your attitudes and opinions, although an emotional involvement
with #auses #an show you to be a tireless wor$er, sa#rifi#ing mu#h for your ideals,
espe#ially in supportive and pra#ti#al #onte*t.
(4an 1piller and /aren +#0oy)

1un in Taurus individuals feel they have the right to a#tualize their material and sensual
values' to never #hange those values' to a##umulate a level of #omfortable material
se#urity. Also, they may feel the right to establish rigid, fi*ed nonmaterialisti# values, and
to opt for a stubborn passivity in using their talents.


"hen you fo#us on gaining agreement from others on the validity of your tangible and
material values, you #an appear as stubborn and intra#table. 7ou may give into the
Taurean tenden#y to want to be re#ognized as worthwhile and important. This tenden#y
#an #ause you to resist the efforts of others to e*pand your position by adding their input.
7ou #an be totally dedi#ated to establishing your merit by a##umulating money and
goods. "hen this happens and you fail to #onsider the values of others, you #heat yourself
of the opportunity to enhan#e and e*pand your levels of material se#urity and #omfort.


7ou #an dire#t your attention to uplifting others through e*pressing your talents and
abilities. This allows other people to respond by sharing their own values. Thus, you give
others #entre stage in establishing their own worth, and give yourself an opportunity to
be#ome more ob)e#tive about your values. From this ob)e#tivity, you #an #reat an even
deeper sense of se#urity in relationships. 7ou revitalize your worth in the pro#ess of
re#ognizing the worth of others. Being #ons#ious of other people!s value results in an
e*pansion of your material se#urity in the world.

(1yndey 5marr)

Taurus females

Taurus women are generally hungry for e*perien#e as well as for food. They li$e the good
life. But they are willing to give as well as ta$e. These women #an be very affe#tionate,
but don!t try to ta$e advantage of them. They #an see through a phony. Be fran$ with
them. Tell them where you stand and what it is you want % it!s very li$ely they!ll size you
up and #ome to a de#ision in your favor.

The se#ret is simply to be aboveboard' women of this zodi#al sign respond to good taste
and understanding. Any flim%flam draws their fire as well as their ire. (ere is another
important hint- $now when to draw the line at giving in to their whims. At times, li$e a
#rying baby, they will test you % to see )ust how mu#h they #an get away with. Let them go
so far, then pull in the reins.

These women are earthy in temperament' there is a tenden#y for them to be#ome
#areless in the way they loo$. "hen you first meet them, their taste is impe##able. But
after a while they appear to let down. +a$e sure you are treated as well as a stranger
would be8 &on!t be a stuffed shirt, but do refuse to put up with #urlers in the hair and
rumpled dress or manners.

This lady #an enti#e, appease, attra#t, magnetize, hypnotize- she is sedu#tive, pleasantly
lazy, Eenusian, obstinate and #harming. f you want to run the gamut of emotions, she is
for you.

The way to assure happiness with a Taurus woman is to ma$e sure you $now what it is
you really want. 1he!ll help you to get it8 But if you are not positive, she #an be a
worrisome thing % a Taurus woman needs a man. f you thin$ you!re up to it % go right
ahead and good lu#$.

9emember- don!t try to for#e issues. This woman has a $een sense of beauty and
awareness. 1he may be troublesome at times, but she is generally worth it.

Taurus males

This man li$es lu*ury but he wants you to be pra#ti#al about it8 (e li$es style and he
appre#iates the best of everything. 7et he wants a partner who #an also $eep an eye on
the budget. 1o, if you are interested in a Taurus man % you have a fas#inating #hallenge,
an over%all one that will $eep you on your toes, the $ind of #hallenge whi#h is vital
enough to ma$e you aware of life. This man #an be easygoing but it isn!t wise to wave the
red flag in front of the bull.

(e is earthy in temperament. Taurus men #an be stubborn' when they ma$e up their
minds to go along #ertain paths it is diffi#ult, if not impossible, to ma$e them turn a
#orner. These men have to be won over with $indness, even guile. They are not always
easy to live with % they en)oy the basi# things- eating, sleeping, loving, fighting, mating,

f you are loo$ing for perfe#tion, please bypass the Taurus man. 5n the other hand, if you
desire a very human man then go full speed ahead in your #ampaign to nab him.

&on!t try to #orral this man' he won!t stand for being fen#ed in. (e wants plenty of room.
(e will want to #ome ba#$ to you' he will need and desire your affe#iton' but he wants to
find this out for himself. (e doesn!t want le#tures. (e wants love with a #apital L.

(1$ye Ale*ander)

For people who have 1un in Taurus, love relationships are of primary importan#e. 7ou
don!t li$e being alone and will settle for a partnership that is less than ideal rather than
do without. 5n#e you!ve set your sights on someone, you pursue him < her doggedly,
undaunted by delays, osta#les or re)e#tion. After you!ve bagged your game, you hold on
tightly and are e*tremely possessive of your partners. A,uarians, ;eminis and
1agittarians may feel suffo#ated by your love, but 0an#ers and 0apri#orns might
appre#iate your #onstant and un#ompli#ated devotion.

7our intense interest in se* is a powerful impetus to forming relationships. 1e* is usually
foremost in your mind, and it!s one of your greatest pleasures. For you, se* is a natural
bodily fun#tion, a primary need, and your approa#h to it is down%to%earth, uninhibited and
unabashed. (owever, your strong se* drive and preo##upation with satisfying your
physi#al desires #an #ause you to be rather indis#riminate and indulgent, and sometimes
any warm body will do.

;ood%natured and easy%going, you are an amiable and loyal #ompanion. 7ou are patient
and slow to anger, and tend to ta$e life as it #omes. (owever, when pushed too far you
#an be a stubborn and formidable opponent.

To the people you love, you are attentive, affe#tionate, loyal, devoted and generous. 7ou
en)oy doing things for your loved ones and giving them gifts. (owever, your !gifts! often
have strings atta#hed, and you are in#lined to try to buy love or to ma$e others feel
obligated to you. 7ou also may e*pe#t lovers to lavish material bounty upon you' and your
less materialisti# friends might thin$ you are a bit mer#enary.

ndulgent and lu*ury%loving, you relish #reature #omforts and appre#iate beautiful things-
#lothing, )ewellery, furniture, art, good food and drin$. 7ou derive great pleasure from
your possessions, and are usually in debt be#ause you #an!t say !no! to yourself.

7ou probably have good taste in #lothing and furnishings, and #ould su##eed in a #areer
in fashion or interior design. 5r, your affinity with nature might in#line you toward
horti#ulture or lands#ape ar#hite#ture. The original !.arth +other!, you love plants, have
two green thumbs and #an ma$e )ust about anything grow. n everything you do, you
need to see the physi#al results of your labors. 7ou aren!t very assertive, innovative or
espe#ially hard%wor$ing however' thus, you!d probably be better off wor$ing for someone
else or in a partnership, rather than stri$ing out on your own.

Be#ause Taurus rules the throat, you may have musi#al ability and a fine singing voi#e.

0oo$ing is another area in whi#h you e*#el, and many people with Taurean 1uns are
employed in the #ulinary fields. "hether or not you de#ide to put your talents to wor$ for
you professionally, you probably li$e to ba$e and #oo$ for yourself, your friends and your
family. And you #ertainly en)oy sitting down to a good meal8 As a result, you may always
be at least a few pounds overweight. 7our slow metabolism and la#$ of interest in
e*er#ise #an #ompound the problem, and you might find yourself waging a lifelong battle
with the s#ales. But then, who!d ta$e a s$inny #hef seriously2

3nwilling to ta$e #han#es or ris$ lowering your standard of living, you!ll stay with an
unsatisfying )ob or relationship for years rather than ma$e a swit#h. 7ou are truly a
#reature of habit and always prefer something familiar to an un$nown. 7ou are li$ely to
view your #areer and relationships as investments, and on#e you!ve put a great deal of
time and effort into something you are loathe to #ut your losses and move on.
0onse,uently, you have a tenden#y to get stu#$ in a rut.

Be#ause you are relu#tant to try anything new and are anything but adventurous, you #an
be#ome a bit dull and overly%#onservative. 5thers sometimes underestimate your
intelligen#e be#ause you aren!t espe#ially interested in mental pursuits or witty
#onversation (unless your +er#ury is in ;emini). 7our #on#erns are with the material,
ta#tile world and its tangible realities, and you don!t pla#e mu#h value in abstra#tions. n
fa#t, you might have trouble even getting your mind around some philosophi#al or
metaphysi#al #on#epts. 7ou need to guard against being narrow%minded and dismissing
out%of%hand anything with whi#h you aren!t already familiar, or that you #an!t see, tou#h,
smell or taste.

7our greatest strengths are your #onstan#y, your sweet and loving temperament, and
your appre#iation of all things beautiful. 7our greatest failings result from your
indulgen#e, stubbornness, laziness and greed.
(1asha Fenton)

This is the se#ond sign of the zodia#, and it is #on#erned with growth and prote#tion, in
the same way that the first tender shoots of a plant need to be prote#ted. Taureans worry
about money. They seem to be haunted by the fear that they will shortly be sleeping
under the ar#hes, with only a #ardboard bo* for shelter. :eedless to say, they don!t live
beyond their means, and they are never out of wor$ for long. 1ome Taureans be#ome
very ri#h, while others $eep themselves and their families going in a very modest manner.
These sub)e#ts #an be )ealous of ri#her or more su##essful people, but they may miss out
on rea#hing su#h dizzy heights for themselves be#ause they tend to be lazy.

Taureans are sensualists. +any people #onfuse this word with se*uality' and, while a
sensuality often does in#lude se* among his list of pleasures, it is not the only one. All
earth sign people have well%developed senses, espe#ially that of tou#h, but Taureans are
the most sensual of all the signs, en)oying anything whi#h appeals to any of their senses.
These sub)e#ts are good with their hands, have e*#ellent hand < eye #o%ordination, and
rarely drop or brea$ anything. $now one Taurean who is a very #reative builder and
de#orator, another who is a really inspired #oo$, yet another who has #reated a
wonderful garden, and one who is the art editor of a magazine and loves to visit gardens
on his day off. :oti#e how often the word !#reative! #rops up in #onne#tion with this sign.
These people may not be the most inventive members of the zodia#, but they love to
#reate beauty in all its forms and they are often naturally artisti#. Taureans are thorough
and painsta$ing in all that they do. They are true #raftsmen and women who #an infuriate
others by their fussiness.

t is interesting to note that su#h a sedentary sign in#ludes dan#ers. Taureans love to
dan#e, and are often ,ui#$ and light on their feet even when they are overweight.

The average Taurean sub)e#t personifies middle%#lass values. (e wants a reasonably
spa#ious home with a fair bit of land around it, but he wants to a#hieve this on a very
small mortgage. (e needs a family, a #ouple of animals, a few good friends and a steady
)ob. (e may not have mu#h imagination, but he pays his bills, washes behind his ears and
avoids astrologers li$e the plague. These sub)e#ts are private people with all the usual
reserve of a feminine sign. They don!t wear their hearts on their sleevs and would be
embarrassed at having their problems aired in front of others. Taureans are e*tremely
thorough in all that they do, and almost totally reliable in all their underta$ings. They
pro)e#t an image of respe#tability and hate to loo$ fe#$less or silly. This is a fi*ed sign,
whi#h means that these sub)e#ts prefer to sti#$ to a )ob, a home or a relationship. The
families of Taureans always $now )ust where they are, and #an be fairly sure that they
will not be abandoned or let down in any way. There is a ,uality of #ertainty about these
people whi#h ma$es a ni#e #hange in these days of fly%by%night relationships.

Taureans are the plodders of the zodia#. They will ma$e a good )ob of whatever they are
given to do' they wor$ at their own pa#e and are very thorough and painsta$ing. They
#annot be hassled or rushed' it upsets them. n relationships, they are very loving and
$ind, but may be infle*ible and opinionated. Their outloo$ is traditional, and they hate
being #rossed or undermined in any way. f a Taurean found a relationship or a situation
too un#omfortable, he would simply leave it, and having done so he would rarely loo$
ba#$. These sub)e#ts need an un#ompli#ated life with a few lu*uries and pleasures
thrown in. They tend to attra#t )ealousy without having or doing anything parti#ularly
obvious to #ause it. t is simply that after an invariably bumpy start, their lives be#ome so
pleasant and orderly that other people envy them. "ith their gentle sense of humour,
la#$ of spite and good intentions, routinely good manners and pleasantly ordinary
appearan#e, Taureans help to ma$e the world a ni#er pla#e.

The typi#al Taurus is medium in height and sturdy in build. +any, but by no means all,
Taureans have diffi#ulty in $eeping their weight down. Their hands and feet are small and
neat, and their movements are surprisingly bris$. Their movements are gra#eful, and
many of them are surprisingly good dan#ers. Fa#ially, they #an range from being
absolutely lovely to rather 0hur#hillian, with that #hara#teristi#ally strong #hin and
)utting lower lip. Their best features are their eyes, whi#h, in nordi# ra#es, are typi#ally
pale grey and rather large. n all ra#es, the eyes are attra#tive and the gaze steady and
unafraid. 5ne parti#ularly Taurean trait is the la#$ of a bottom. 4ust as the Aries has, in
tailoring terms, a !prom%seat!, Taureans may have hardly any !seat! at all. +any Taureans
prefer to hide their fa#es behind beards, heavy%framed spe#ta#les, ma$e%up and elaborate
hair%styles, while others are e*tremely stylish dressers. Taurean people always loo$ good,
whatever personal style they effe#t, be#ause this sign is most #on#erned with images and

"ea$ spots for health are the throat, lower )aw and lower teeth, the voi#e, tonsils and the
thyroid gland. &iabetes is a possibilty through the #onne#tion with the planet Eenus, as
are #ystitis and $indey problems. 5ver%indulgen#e #an lead to obesity for these sub)e#ts,
but this #ould be mitigated by planets in nearby ;emini. Taureans don!t worry overmu#h
about their health, but they do ta$e it seriously when they have to.

Taureans are very good with their hands, and have a wonderful eye for line, design and
#olour. They li$e to build, preserve and #onserve whatever they #an for the ne*t
generation to en)oy, whi#h is why many of them #an be found in the worlds of farming,
building, gardening and ar#hite#ture. The beauty trade attra#ts these people, as does the
fashion industry, and many Taureans love to #oo$ for themselves and their friends either
professionally or as a hobby.

There is an attra#tion to the world of money, and they may, therefore, be found wor$ing
in ban$s, as a##ountants, boo$%$eepers and also in the field of insuran#e. Another area
whi#h attra#ts Taureans is that of entertainment. +any Taurus people love to sing and
dan#e, and will ma$e a #areer for themselves in opera or dan#ing on the stage, either as
amateur or as professional entertainers. The Taurean gifts of #ommon sense and
reliability, #oupled with thoroughness and a real love of their #hosen wor$, ma$e them
e*#ellent employees. Their natural $indness and sympathy ma$e them wonderful
employers too, but they #an be very tough and #anny negotiators. Their flair for ma$ing
money may ma$e them e*tremely su##essful, but they sometimes be#ome too bogged
down in minor money matters to see the wood for the trees. 1in#e they are very visual,
images in all their forms appeal to these people, and this #ould lead to su#h esoteri#
interests as heraldry. The Taurean gift of #reating images and things whi#h loo$ good
may ta$e them into the world of mar$eting.

A ,ui#$ round%up of Taureans of my a#,uaintan#e reveals a builder, a roofer, a #ouple of
dan#ers, a top #hef and an artist, a #ouple of ma$e%up artists, a dressma$er, and a boo$%
$eeper. +y Taurean #ousin has always done #leri#al wor$, but she is a truly gifted
amateur #oo$ and a good dan#er. 5ther Taureans of my a#,uaintan#e love to sign and
dan#e, while a few a#tually en)oy sports. +any Taureans seem to spend a good deal of
their lives dreaming of su##ess as artists, sportsmen or performers, but not all of them
#an summon up the energy or the #ourage whi#h would be needed to su##eed in these
fields. (aving said all this, there is an odd breed of Taurean who seems to be able to
thrive in the world of fashion, art or musi# and even live ,uite an e##entri# and bohemian
$ind of life. 1ome Taureans relate well to other people and, therefore, wor$ as advisors,
parti#ularly in the finan#ial field. (owever, many of them seem only to need others in
order to boun#e their own ideas off them.

Taureans love money, and spend a lifetime trying to find it. A good deal of their wealth is
a#,uired by wor$ing, but many of them seem to inherit ,uite large sums of money too.
These sub)e#ts are wonderful managers of money, and may play the sto#$%mar$et to
great advantage, but most are really rather #autious and prefer to $eep their #ash safely
on deposit. Taureans don!t li$e to admit to having anything, and, given the #hoi#e, would
go to their graves with their 1wiss ban$ a##ount numbers engraved on their hearts.
Those Taureans who don!t have a##ess to large funds still manage to save for a rainy day
and strive to pay off their mortgages.

Taureans need #omfort, but would rather wait until they #an afford good things before
buying anything. +any are gifted amateur builders and gardeners who ma$e their homes
as attra#tive and #omfortable as possible, without spending money unne#essarily.
Taureans are not $een on se#ond%hand goods, e*#ept those whi#h they inherit from their
own families. Taurus sub)e#ts loo$ after their homes and their possessions painsta$ingly.
They thin$ #arefully, and prefer to survey the mar$et before spending anything. Taureans
are not parti#ularly dressy, but what they wear is always suitable for the o##asion. They
only buy ,uality #lothing for spe#ial o##aasions, preferring ordinary #hain%store goods for
everyday wear. 1ome Taureans li$e #olle#ting valuable possessions, and most will ma$e
sure that they have a good sound%system both in their homes and in their #ars. Taureans
en)oy travelling, but will only do so in great #omfort, and only when they #an well afford
to do so. These sub)e#ts loo$ after their families, but will not be ta$en advantage of by
lazy or greedy relatives, even if these happen to be their own #hildren.

Taurus, being an earth sign whi#h is fi*ed in ,uality, is the most steady, reliable and
sensible sign of the zodia#. Their partners are in no danger of being let down or fa#ed
with flu#tuating moods and une*pe#ted events. Taureans ta$e their time about
everything, and will thin$ long and hard before ma$ing any $ind of de#ision. "hether
they dis#uss potential de#isions with their partners or $eep their thoughts to themselves
depends on other fa#tors on their #harts. Taureans are terribly stubborn, and will
obstinately #ling to a point of view. They aren!t adaptable, and will sti#$ to the same way
of doing things throughout their lives. Anyone who wants a home%loving partner who will
wor$ hard to bring money into the home and not waste anything unne#essarily should
loo$ no further than this sign. These sub)e#ts are #areful with money, but usually
generous and thoughtful towards their families and #lose friends. There is a type of
Taurean who doesn!t want to wor$ or ta$e any $ind of responsibility but who wants to be
loo$ed after and paid for all along the line, but su#h types are, than$fully, ,uite rare.
There is, however, another, far more #ommon Taurus type who will wor$ ,uite hard
without every really seeming to get anywhere in live' but as long as their partners don!t
mind this, they do at least offer emotional se#urity, and there is a lot to be said for that.

1o#ially spea$ing, some Taureans are wonderful #onversationalists while others seem to
be #ompletely tongue%tied and need to be persuaded to open up and #hat. 5ften the only
way to open them up is to get them to #hat about their parti#ular interests. For many
Taureans, the sub)e#ts whi#h is #losest to their hearts is money, and they will #hat away
about money%ma$ing s#hemes for hours. Taureans are good home%ma$ers who #an #oo$,
build, ma$e a wonderful garden, loo$ after pets or do anything else whi#h re,uires
de*terity and pra#ti#ality. They need a good, #omfortable and safe home life, and they
prefer to spend money on their homes, in areas where they #an see what they have
bought, rather than on su#h ephemeral e*perien#es as travel or entertainments. 1ome
Taureans will ta$e their families away on holiday % on#e all possible household bills have
been #overed, of #ourse8 Taurus sub)e#ts need se#urity in a relationship, and will offer
the same to their partners, only leaving when a situation be#omes utterly untenable. They
#an refuse to leave a marriage whi#h is obviously defun#t.
Natal Sun in Gemini

(Betty Lundsted)

;emini people are born into the most personal of the air signs. They wonder where they
fit in the s#heme of things. They have lots of !me!, !! and !my! in their #ons#iousness, and
their life e*perien#e re,uires the in#orporation of self into a larger universe. ;eminis are
raised in a father%dominated atmosphere. 0ommuni#ation between the parents is diffi#ult
for these #hildren to understand, be#ause disagreements between the parents are solved
with words and not with deeds. 1in#e young #hildren don!t understand what words mean,
they are un#ertain as to what the fuss is all about. But, they do $now something
important is going on be#ause the parents are upset by these strange words. ;emini
#hildren learn to use words well, for they are good imitators' but often they don!t $now
what the words mean. Be#ause ;eminis find #ommuni#ation intruiging, they pursue
either the world of #onversation or the world of boo$s. The media be#omes important to
them, and therefore they ma$e great #ontributions in that area.

;eminis are e*plorers of the intelle#t, and are naturally very #urious people. Their
#uriosity is manifested in several ways, depending on the #hildhood environment. f little
or no edu#ation is available, or if there are too many Air signs in the #hart, they want to
tal$- they learn by tal$ing, they entertain by tal$ing, and they li$e a lively and
entertaining so#ial life. .a#h person they meet is a new sour#e of information or
entertainment. As they see$ ea#h new e*perien#e, they forget the old sour#es. This #an
#ause #onfli#t in their love relationships be#ause their partner may resent all the new
people. f the ba#$ground was more intelle#tual, or pla#ed more stress on edu#ation,
;eminis will e*plore the world of the intelle#t, and pursue the study of language and < or
edu#ation. n addition, they are enthusiasti# about sharing information and so#ial
a#tivities with all $inds of new and interesting people. (owever, the more edu#ated
;eminis have the same problem as those who aren!t- they have trouble maintaining
interest in an ongoing relationship.

The parents of ;emini #hildren have some interesting rea#tions to ea#h other in terms of
body language. The impa#t of the words they rea#t to fas#inates ;eminis, who feel left
out. ;eminis often try to re#reate these situations in adult life and in their relationships.
They need verbal inter#hanges with their mates. This inter#hange #an start with harmless
banter and wor$ its way into bi#$ering. f the mate of a ;emini doesn!t understand the
;emini need to see a rea#tion (body language) to words, and if the mate doesn!t respond
appropriately to this situation, terrible verbal fights #an ensue, leaving lots of hurt
feelings and misunderstandings. After the fight, ;emini feels wonderful, but the mate is
ready to pa#$' and, after a long series of these inter#hanges, the ;emini may find he!s
lost a partner.

5ne of the reationship diffi#ulties for ;eminis stems from a fear or a disinterest in
wor$ing through problems to some #ompatible #ompromise or solution. 1in#e they are
so#ial at heart, it!s easier for them to run off and e*plore the new and different rather
than to wor$ through a serious situation with an !old! partner. This type of ;emini needs
to learn to wor$ through disagreements without be#oming resentful.

The ;emini female #hild admires her father, who is very often a respe#table professional.
5r, if &addy is not a professional of some sort, he usually is $nown for something he
a##omplished that was spe#ial. 1he wants to be spe#ial )ust as he is, but there is a
resentment dire#ted toward him along with the admiration. At some time in her #hildhood
when it was important that she have his attention, he ignored her. And so, she brings her
resentment for her father into her adult life.

Be#ause ;emini is a mental sign, it isn!t always easy for the female to in#orporate her
emotional needs into her professional life. 1he sometimes loo$s at her body and physi#al
needs as alien to her. 1he tends to sele#t a mate based on his ability to mentally stimulate
her, and she wants #ompanionship with a partner almost as mu#h as the 1agittarian
female does. 1he loves the #ompany of men, be#ause she feels she #an share her ideas
with them' being born in a mas#uline polarity, she wants to feed her intelle#t. Be#ause of
this polarity, she may re)e#t her feminine self. The less evolved ;emini type avoids the
#ompany of women be#ause she basi#ally doesn!t respe#t the position of woman. As she
be#omes more #ons#ious, she begins to #herish her relationships with women who are
interested in mental development as she is. 1he may even find #onversations with women
more stimulating than the ones she has with men, for there are no se*ual overtones.

The ;emini male is $nown as a gadabout. (e!s diffi#ult to own be#ause he!s always off
e*ploring the universe. (e rarely opens up with men, and seems to en)oy the #ompany of
women more. (e li$es to flirt. Be#ause he doesn!t really trust other men, he will develop
few male friendships. This mistrust seems to #ome from his relationship with his father.

&uring #hildhood, he wants to be with &addy, but, li$e his ;emini sister, is in some way
re)e#ted by &ad at a time when he trusts him and needs him % hen#e ;emini!s suspi#ion of
men. "hen he pi#$s a partner, he #hooses a #ompanion or a woman with whom he is
friendly, for he selfom bases his serious relationships on se* alone. (e is emotionally
atta#hed to his mother' he used her as an e*tra support when he was young, so he often
pi#$s a super strong woman he #an !hide behind! or depend upon. An e*#eptionally
handsome ;emini male seldom #hooses to be with a !pretty! woman' he tends to pi#$ a
reliable type.

t seems that the parents handle situations in the early #hildhood of ;emini #hildren with
an overemphasis on the intelle#tual. The #hild is rewarded for doing !things!, and doesn!t
really understand why he is being rewarded. Adult life situations are not #learly
understood, for hearty emotional responses were handled with words by the parents. The
#hild matures only to learn that other people #ope with emotional situations differently.
;eminis may not understand what others want from them. Feelings of resentment may
a##ompany responsibilities, for they don!t $now what is e*pe#ted, or they may feel that
their intelle#tual freedom is being restri#ted. The ;emini group worships !freedom of the

n personal relationships, ;eminis feel misunderstood, for the emotion #alled !love! is
#onveyed to another in an intelle#tual manner. "ords are more important than gestures,
but the other eleven signs don!t respond to this $ind of a demonstration of love very
easily. "hen a ;emini says he loves you, he may love you with all his heart, but he has
diffi#ulty demonstrating that love. First of all, his intense feelings may be #ompletely
different in the morning8 1e#ond, he may feel threatened when you tell him that he is not
a#ting as though he loves you. :either the male nor the female wants to be put on the
spot where love is #on#erned. Love is a lofty ideal that #an be thought about, fantasized
about, dreamed about. For the ;emini, the words ! love you! might be a suffi#ient
demonstration of affe#tion, and might not engender another period of affe#tion for si*
months. As ;emini matures, he will learn that he has to give more than mere words. And
here #omes the test, for ;eminis often feel that the needs of the loved one involve testing,
and they resent it.

As far as #areer responsibilities are #on#erned, ;eminis tend to get into the water over
their heads. A basi# diffi#ulty affe#ting both se*es #on#erns dire#t and honest
#ommuni#ation. t is easier to assume what the ;emini thin$s the other party wants to
hear than to handle deli#ate situations dire#tly. The ;emini has a reputation for being
two%fa#ed, but the double personality has a basis in the early #hildhood environment. n
order to be well%re#eived, ;emini assumes that others won!t a##ept what he has to say.
1o he #hanges it. Feelings #an be hurt unne#essarily, and ;eminis may get themselves an
untrustworthy reputation. "hen this $ind of behavior is applied in #areer situations, the
;emini may get fired.

t seems that ;emini people don!t understand where they fit in. They $eep loo$ing for a
se#ure pla#e in the universe, and this need for se#urity is often the #ause of the double
tal$ that ta$es pla#e. A dliemma is #aused when the need to belong #onfli#ts with
apprehension about being restri#ted, for ;eminis don!t want to be !beholden!. The #onfli#t
is intensified be#ause they may not understand dire#tions or instru#tions that go along
with handling )ob responsibilities. 9ather than as$ing how a parti#ular )ob should be
handled, they tend to ma$e #orporate de#isions on their own. They often feel that as$ing
,uestions will indi#ate to fellow employees that they don!t have the ,ualifi#ations for the

1ometimes ;eminis even #hange their rCsumCs. 5ne #lient of mine applied for a )ob with
a phoney degree. Another obtained a prospe#tus from a large #ompany, learned the
names of several important men on the Board of &ire#tors, and then went to the
personnel department with a !verbal! re#ommendation from them. The people in the
department didn!t #onfirm the re#ommendation be#ause it #ame from a E6. ;emini
wor$ed for the #ompany for two years before his a#tion was dis#overed8

;eminis minimize or ma*imize any life situation based on the interests of the moment.
The most #ommon manifestation of this ability is the !;emini time system!. They tend to
be late or early. f they en)oy what they are doing, time flies. f not, it drags. f they are on
time, they!re probably bored with what they were doing before they #ame. t is not
un#ommon for ;eminis to be totally surprised that they are two hours late for dinner.

((aydn 6aul)

The ;emini personality is asso#iated with intelle#t, mind and #ommuni#ation' and words
are very important to you' you may possess literary ability and greatly en)oy reading and
writing. 7ou have an in,uiring mind, being eager to a##umulate $nowledge and
information through study, espe#ially relating to fa#tual and detailed topi#s. 7ou tend to
be #urious about most things, and will sear#h for intelle#tual se#urity in the world. 7ou
need to be a#tive and busy, loving #hange and variety whi#h offers e*#itement to your
life. 7ou will be mainly fo#used in your mind, living in a world of fas#inating ideas,
although if over%familiarity o##urs, then a la#$ of new stimulation #an lead to a bored,
restless mind beginning to loo$ for the ne*t interesting theme.

;emini #an be sympatheti# and sensitive to others, having a ,ui#$ per#eption and
understanding of people, but this #an be overshadowed by a self%#entred attitude. 7our
temperament may be essentially idealisti#, tending to solve world problems by produ#ing
theories, whi#h may fail to be applied in pra#ti#e. There may be some problems with self%
dis#ipline, but if you #an over#ome these, you #an be ,uite #reative in arts or business.

7ou are so#ially adaptable, being popular and easy #ompany, and #an be an interesting
and entertaining #onversationalist. 7ou are effe#tive at self%e*pression, and use your
fluent #ommuni#ation both to persuade and to gain respe#t from others. Friends are
important to provide variety and mental stimulation, and you are li$ely to be attra#ted
towards artisti# and intelle#tual types. 7ou do not li$e to be tied to anywhere, preferring
#hanges of s#enery and people in order to renew and revitalise your interest.

(aydn 6aul) (#ontd.)

7our rea#tions to life #an be a little errati#, varying a##ording to your moods (;emini
Twins), and you #an be ,uite highly strung if life is not wor$ing out for you, perhaps
be#oming depressed. 7ou are not a naturally tran,uil sort of person, needing to be almost
#ompulsively a#tive' there #an be periods of e*perien#ing an*iety, inde#ision, impatien#e
and irritability.

7ou prefer tidiness, #leanliness and order' and you may prefer to wor$ from home, where
you attempt to #reate #omfortable, pea#eful surroundings, and to whi#h you often need to
retreat from the world for short periods of self%renewal. 7ou may try to #reate a balan#e
in your life between a#tion, so#ialising and #reativity, as you are suited towards
appli#ation in several areas of life at on#e. The sort of wor$ that may suit you in#ludes
resear#h, investigation, and fa#tual #ontent, s#ientifi# or literary.

7ou love life and #an be errati#' and you prefer to retain independen#e and freedom. 7ou
will marry more for mental #ompatibility than for physi#al attra#tion alone, and will
re,uire a partner to be able to handle the pra#ti#al everyday obligations and also be
mentally stimulating, leaving you relatively free. 7ou also en)oy #onta#t with #hildren,
espe#ially the aspe#ts of play and their en,uiring minds.

7ou feel a need to maintain your individuality and separateness from others, and #an
resist any forms of imposition by others' you may rebel against the status ,uo and
established attitudes, but as you grow older will realise the value of #o%operation as vital
in life to #reate harmony and pea#e. 7ou apply logi# and rationality to religious do#trines,
whi#h leads you towards non%#onformist or agnosti# attitudes. 7ou en)oy sharing ideas
and information with others, and are tolerant of alternative viewpoints and ideas, feeling
little need to impose your view on others, but )ust to e*#hange them. t is essential to
#larify your life dire#tion, and you may e*periment with several o##upations and
lifestyles, displaying your versatility and adaptability. 7ou #an en)oy travel, art, musi#,
and using your hands #reatively.

(1yndney 5marr)

;emini females

A ;emini woman, if you are not #areful, is liable to grow on you' you a#,uire a taste for
her, )ust as some people do for lima beans or buttermil$ or spina#h or grits and eggs. f
you want to win and $eep a woman born under this sign % you will have to be in good
physi#al and mental #ondition. 1he will lead you a merry #hase. 7ou will be e*asperated'
your nerves will tingle, sometimes with )oy, at other times simply be#ause you!re
be#oming an emotional and physi#al wre#$. Apparently she!s worth the trouble. ;emini
women are popular. They are #harming. They #an be sedu#tive. They #an even, on
o##asion, be reasonable8

A must here is a sense of humor. "ithout it, you may as well give up. f you are going to
pursue, or be pursued by, a ;emini woman, you must $now how to laugh. This lady is on
the go' she wants to $now and be seen, and she wants to as$ ,uestions and to brea$ the
bubble of pomposity wherever she finds it. 1ometimes, she tal$s too mu#h8

;emini women #an e*hibit a disturbing habit- they laugh at the wrong times. There is a
romanti# moment % you wish to say or do something sweet % and ;emini is laughing.

"hen you get used to them, ;emini women #an be#ome indispensible. (owever, on#e
you let them realize this, you!re in for trouble8 Treat them lightly- the more you ta$e
;emini women seriously, the more you are apt to suffer. 5bviously, they have their
e*#ellent points. 5ne of them is the stuff of life and living- there is nothing halfway about
them. t is all the way or nothing at all. They #an be daring, lovely, witty, and, at times,
devastatingly funny.

7ou have a )ob on your hands if you are involved with women of ;emini. But it #ould
indeed be a pleasant )ob % ni#e wor$ if you #an get it8

;emini males

This man is versatile, alert, #harming, and blessed with loads of energy. :o matter what
the weather, he is willing to go out, to be on the move, to e*periment, to satisfy his
#uriosity. (e may tire you, but you must not #omplain. That is the se#ret hint- never let
him $now when you are brooding or worrying. (e may agree that you have a right to be
sad, but, in reality, he e*pe#ts you to $eep your #hin up, to $eep smiling, to be
disgustingly healthy. 0omplaining or nagging is one sure way to lose a ;emini man.

These men #an be de#eptive' often they are testing, probing, trying to find out what you
are really made of, whether or not you are sin#ere. They are, li$e ;emini women, airy in
temperament. They are idealisti#' when for#ed to fa#e pra#ti#al issues, they are often
down#ast, hurt, bewildered % or at least give that impression.

A ;emini man must be #onvin#ed of your loyalty. 5n#e he is, he is yours- you #an as$ for
and re#eive anything he is #apable of giving. But as far as he is #on#erned, it is you first %
first you show your loyalty and love, then perhaps he!ll #ome around8

A ;emini man is elusive, ,ui#$ with his hands, artisti#, restless, with a tenden#y to
s#atter his for#es. t is best for you to ma$e him believe that you are many%sided. 5n#e he
feels he has figured you out, he is apt to shrug and go on to his ne*t love.

;emini men tal$ their way into and out of almost anything. Listen to them but remain
s#epti#al' and $eep a +ona Lisa smile on your fa#e. That definitely helps8

(1$ye Ale*ander)

For people with 1un in ;emini, #ommuni#ation is of utmost importan#e. 7ou are fond of
tal$ing, writing, reading % anything that involves the written or spo$en word. As a result,
you may pursue a profession or avo#ation whi#h involves some form of #ommuni#ation,
su#h as writing, tea#hing, publi# spea$ing, advertising, sales, data pro#essing, tal$ing on
the phone, or tele#ommuni#ations. +any writers have their 1uns in ;emini.

+entally%oriented, you en)oy dis#ussing ideas with others, and respe#t intelligen#e. For
you, $nowledge is power. The written word has great appeal for you, and you are
probably an avid reader. 7ou are also eager to a#,uire as mu#h information as possible,
and want to share what you $now with everyone you meet.

A life%long student, you never tire of learning new things, and might en)oy attending adult
edu#ation #lasses, ta$ing mail%order #ourses and going to le#tures. 7our tenden#y,
however, is to #olle#t fa#ts and tidbits of data without integrating them into the larger
pi#ture, so that you possess lots of information but no true $nowledge. 7ou gather so
many disasso#iated bits and pie#es, fa#ts and figures, that you fre,uently mi* them up,
#onfusing words, events and people in the style of +rs. +alaprop.

7our interests are many and diverse' almost anything will attra#t your attention for a
brief time. (owever, you don!t have the perseveran#e to sti#$ with one thing for long.
5ne wee$ you!re fas#inated with s#uba diving' the ne*t it!s Tarot' then stamp #olle#ting,
weaving, oil painting, et#.. Truly the )a#$ of all trades, master of none, you are eager to
try everything, but rarely be#ome profi#ient at anything.

nsatiably #urious, you want to $now and e*perien#e as mu#h as possible. 7ou have
trouble limiting yoruself to one )ob, one relationship, one residen#e or even one boo$ at a
time, and usually have several things going on simulataneously. 7ou might swit#h )obs on
a regular basis, or have a primary o##upation and one or more avo#ations. 7ou may
engage in a series of brief relationships or several #on#urrent ones' at the very least, you
are something of a flirt, and never stop loo$ing around even if you don!t a#t on your
fantasies. 7ou #an wat#h TE, #oo$ dinner, hem a s$irt and do a #rossword puzzle while
you tal$ on the phone. 7ou!re afraid you might miss out on something more interesting if
you devote yourself to a single pursuit or a#tivity. At times, you #an seem a bit
s#hizophreni#, and may have trouble getting the divergent sides of your personality to
wor$ together harmoniously. 7ou also tend to s#atter your energies and spread yourself
too thinly.

A #onsummate shopper, you love to get a bargain, and pride yourself on never paying full
pri#e. 7ou $now the pri#e of everything, but the value of nothing, and would rather buy a
dozen ine*pensive items of poor ,uality than a single good one. 7ou aren!t a bit tipper,
and usually as$ for separate #he#$s when you go out to lun#h.

.*tremely friendly, you en)oy #ompanionship and probably have plenty of friends and
asso#iates. 3sually you are #heerful and good%natured, and are always available for a
movie, a #ard game, a party or a good #hat. 7ou don!t li$e being alone or still, and $eep
busy doing things, running from pla#e to pla#e or so#ializing % anything to avoid loo$ing
at yourself deeply. :ot at all introspe#tive or refle#tive, you don!t understand your own
motivations or those of others, and #an be rather shallow and naive.

;emini rules the hands' and, #onse,uently, you might be ,uite de*trous. 6erhaps you are
s$illed at drawing, woodwor$ing, playing a musi#al instrument, typing, sewing, or some
other hand#raft.
(1asha Fenton)

;eminis have a reputation for being friendly, #lever, but not able to sti#$ to anything or
anyone for long, although in reality this is not so at all. +any ;eminians have a bad start
in life, often be#ause their families drift apart, so when it #omes to forming a family of
their own, they ma$e a great effort to $eep the household together. They will put up with
a diffi#ult relationship for longer than most, and will always $eep in tou#h with their
#hildren, even if this is from a distan#e. They tend to sti#$ to their main )ob although they
may have subsidiary interests whi#h bring in money, but all their )obs must offer them a
variety of tas$s and an opportunity to meet new people. ;eminis usually have the sense
to #hoose the $ind of wor$ whi#h does not re,uire deep thought or long periods of slog.
They ma$e great telephonists for e*ample, be#ause they #an #ope with a busy
swit#hboard and they are rarely fazed by ma#hinery.

5ne genuine ;emini fault is obsessiveness. have never seen this mentioned in any other
astrology boo$, but have $nown a number of ;eminis in my time, and have seen this
$ind of behaviour ,uite regularly. "hen something sets off this behaviour, they #an
be#ome amazingly unbalan#ed. 5ne e*ample is my old s#hool friend 1herry, whose
husband left her and her daughter for another woman when she was thirty%seven years
old. 1herry wept and wailed, be#ame hysteri#al and stayed li$e it for a #ouple of years.
.ven when she later began to ma$e a new and more interesting life for herself, she never
forgot or forgave her husband!s trea#hery.

;eminis ta$e an interest in many things, but there is always one sub)e#t, one )ob, one
interest (maybe in the ba#$ground) whi#h they tend to $now thoroughly. .*plaining
anything to a ;emini #an be frustrating be#ause they only want to deal with the overview
and they be#ome impatient with details or logi#al pro#esses. For e*ample, if you are
tea#hing a ;eminian how to use a #omputer, don!t bother to go through all the steps in
detail' )ust give them an over#iew and stay around so that they #an as$ for help when
they need more information. t is sometimes hard to tal$ to a ;emini be#ause they as$
,uestions and then don!t bother to listen to the answer. These sub)e#ts are not interested
in the moods, needs and behaviour of other people be#ause they are so totally involved
with themselves. They are restless and un#ertain about life be#ause they feel that the
grass is always greener somewhere else, and are often mentally on their way out of the
field whi#h they are in and loo$ing for the ne*t pie#e of grass.

;eminians are witty and they often have a very funny sense of humour whi#h helps them
get through diffi#ult situations. Their ability to move on ,ui#$ly to a new interest or a new
person also helps them over#ome bad times. These sub)e#ts are noted for being e*#ellent
#ommuni#ators, but they may be better at #onne#ting people with ea#h other in the sense
of an agent or a broad#aster than a#tually tal$ing (and listening) to people themselves. n
a so#ial setting, a ;emini will #hat away nineteen%to%the%dozen whilst at the same time
their eyes roam around the room, ta$ing in everything that is going on and analysing it
with some other part of the brain.

have to admit to being a little wary of ;emini men. They #an be ,uite bossy and may
treat the other members of their family and, indeed, women as a whole, as some $ind of
inferior spe#ies. They are so #lever and persuasive in an argument that they be#ome used
to getting their own way, and #an be terribly surprised and hurt when someone
potentially slower and softer gets the better of them. There may be an unfeeling or
thoughtless side to these people whi#h allows them to use others or to !#on! people into
giving them what they want. This mental arrogan#e #an lead some ;eminis into
#riminality. 5thers utilise these talents to turn themselves into e*#ellent salesmen who,
by means of a mi*ture of #hee$ and persisten#e, manage to #lose deal after deal.

re#ently read an e*#ellent boo$ about people wor$ing in the sto#$ mar$et, where the
#ombination of a fast and a#tive brain, a talent for selling and the ability to wor$ at great
speed stri$es me as ma$ing it a pla#e in whi#h many ;eminians would feel at home. A
;emini friend of mine who wor$s for a mer#hant ban$ told me re#ently that nine out of
their eleven a##ountants are 1un in ;emini sub)e#ts. Ban$ers and dealers need to be
hard%hearted, and this type of unfeeling ;emini is ideal for the )ob.

As parents, ;eminians will go to great lengths to provide their #hildren with an
edu#ation. They genuinely want them to su##eed, but they may find it hard to e*press
affe#tion towards them. ;eminis are not terribly $een on tou#hing. Their sensitive nerves
seem to rea#h out into their auras, and they may feel un#omfortable #uddling a #hild, )ust
as they disli$e being grabbed or rubbed against by #asual a#,uaintan#es. These nervy
people #an be ,uite diffi#ult to live with or to understand, but their sense of humour,
,ui#$ minds and interest in everything ma$e them e*#ellent #ompany. Another great plus
is their non%hostile approa#h and their genuinely non%)udgemental attitude to other
people!s foibles and failings.

"hatever their age, ;eminis are always in vogue' and they are often real trendsetter
where fashion is #on#erned. Typi#ally, their trim figures help them to loo$ good,
whatever style they #hoose to follow.

The typi#al ;emini is small and thin, with a slightly sallow s$in #olour, and mousy hair.
:on%white ;eminis are also small and neat, but will obviously vary in #olouring. 1ome
;eminis put on a lot of weight as they get older, and begin to resemble that famous
;emini, Fueen Ei#toria. All of the female ;eminis whom have #ome a#ross sensibly use
tints to ma$e their hair a more interesting #olour, often preferring to ma$e themselves
either very blond or )et bla#$. Both se*es are fussy about their #lothes and their
appearan#e, and usually loo$ very good indeed, preferring rather formal #lothes to the
#asual loo$. +any smo$e ,uite heavily in a rather nervous and !twit#hy! manner. .ven if
they are sitting down and reading a paper, they always loo$ as if they are on the point of
getting up and rushing away somewhere.

"ea$ spots for health are the hands, arms, shoulders, and the upper respiratory tra#t.
1ome ;eminis have #onsiderable problems with bones, while others never seem to get ill
at all. Asthma is a possibility, as is a whole range of auto%immune diseases su#h as
e#zema, psoriasis, migraine, rheumatism and #olitis. :erves play a large part in the
health of this sign' and this may underlie most of their ailments. A number of ;eminis
suffer from arhythmia (a fast or uneven heartbeat) whilst being otherwise healthy.

;eminis are the #ommuni#ators of the zodia#, and #an be found wor$ing in the media, in
information te#hnology (#omputers, et#.), as sales representatives, and as tea#hers. They
ma$e e*#ellent se#retaries, telephonists and te#hni#al writers' and some of them write
boo$s for a living. Fuite a number of ;eminis en)oy wor$ing in hospitals, but they are
usually more interested in the #leri#al aspe#ts of su#h wor$ than the purely medi#al area.
5thers are interested in the way other people thin$, whi#h draws them towards
psy#hology and astrology. 1port interests ;eminis, espe#ially the more prestigious $inds
of sport su#h as tennis and golf. 6arado*i#ally, one type or wor$ whi#h is rarely
mentioned in #onne#tion with this sign is a##ountan#y, be#ause ;eminis are traditionally
supposed to be at home with words rather than figures. !ve met ,uite a number of
;emini broad#asters who e*#el at #hat show interviewing.

;emini hobbies in#lude reading, writing, tal$ing on the !phone, organising young people
in sporting or outdoor a#tivities, and driving for pleasure. These people en)oy games su#h
as #hess, Trivial 6ursuit or #ards' and many have the $ind of #reative hobby whi#h allows
them to use their hands. Light engineering or #arpentry interest ;eminis, and many
spend hours solving problems asso#iated with #raftwor$ or model%ma$ing.

;eminis are not notably money%minded, but they li$e it for the freedom it brings. These
sub)e#ts don!t en)oy being beholden to anyone, and will strive to gain finan#ial
independen#e, even under the most diffi#ult of #ir#umstan#es. ;emini women seem to
atta#h themselves to wealthy men or to en#ourage their husbands to be#ome wealthy,
after whi#h they help them to spend their money on #lassy and elegant goods. ;eminis
rarely have large sums of money put by, but they are never bro$e either. f finan#ial
trouble stri$es, they will ta$e two or even three )obs at on#e in order to solve the

;eminis love shopping, and usually have large and very up%to%date wardrobes. The vogue
for smart sportswear is right up their street. They usually loo$ and dress younger than
their a#tual age. Their homes are $ept ni#ely, but not usually by them8 They prefer to
employ someone else to #lean for them and, if this is not possible, they will either do what
they have to do or ignore the whole business altogether. As far as dC#or and furniture are
#on#erned, ;eminis will buy the best that they #an afford and then live with it for years
afterwards. All the ;eminis have ever #ome a#ross would rather lay out in the garden
soa$ing up the sun or snuggle into a ni#e, #omfy arm#hair in front of the television than
do housewor$. +any ;eminis love animals, and have at least a #ouple of dogs around the
pla#e. This mer#urial sign loves to be on the move' therefore, a fast and effi#ient vehi#le
is a must for them. ;eminis prefer small, sporty #ars but won!t say !no! to a large and
lu*urious vehi#le if the opportunity to own one #omes their way. f all they #an afford is
an an#ient rust%bu#$et, then this would be far preferable to being redu#ed to using publi#
transport. ;eminis love holidays in sunny, fashionable pla#es where they #an laze about
in #omfort.

;eminis are relaters rather than loners, who will go halfway to meet a partner wherever
possible. 9elationship problems arise from their moodiness and restlessness. They #an be
dissatisfied with their lot even when it is very good, be#ause they have an impli#it belief
that the grass must be a good deal greener elsewhere. To be honest, most ;eminis are
fairly stable and, as long as their relationship is not boring, they will put up with ,uite a
lot. ;eminis are ,uite mer#enary, and will stay in a relationship if it gives them the
standard of living that they re,uire. These sub)e#ts need to live in style, but they are
prepared to wor$ hard and earn the ne#essary money to pay for this themselves.
(owever, they #annot be persuaded to hand over all their hard%earned #ash to the rest of
the family while they, themselves, go without. ;eminis #an only fun#tion #omfortably by
being well%dressed, well%fed and in the pro#ess of loo$ing forward to an entertaining
outing of some $ind. This sign has a reputation for unfaithfulness but don!t thin$ that
;eminis are any more li$ely than any other sign to #heat on a partner.

As a #hild, the ;emini may be unhappy and very an*ious to grow up and leave behind the
misery of #hildhood. This is strange when one #onsiders the ;eminian!s evergreen
youthfulness when he eventually be#omes an adult. ;emini #hildren either do very well at
s#hool or drop out altogether. They are ,ui#$ and #lever, and they en)oy and appre#iate
any toy whi#h o##upies their minds and $eeps freedom at bay. 1ome ;emini #hildren are
e*#ellent at sports, while others have wonderful me#hani#al ability' all of them learn
early and very ,ui#$ly, but they be#ome bored with the routine of s#hool wor$ and
homewor$, and out of tune with the $ind of teamwor$ and petty dis#ipline in s#hool life.
f either a relative or a tea#her ta$es the time to show a little approval to these #hildren,
they really blossom. 3nfortunately, this rarely happens, and they have to do their
blossoming mu#h later in life.

1asha Fenton) (#ontd.)

;eminis are never boring' they love to #hat, but not all of them are good listeners. They
are bright and intelligent, and usually well%informed. 1ome are intelle#tual, while others
have street #redibility, but none are fools, e*#ept to themselves at times. :either se* is
very domesti#ated' and, $nowing this, ;eminis usually ma$e the $inds of arrangements
whi#h allow their homes to run smoothly without their having to do mu#h themselves.
They e,uip their homes with every $ind of labor%saving gadgetry, and also hire someone
to #ome in and do some, if not all, of the #leaning. +any ;emini women marry
domesti#ated men who happily swap roles. :either se* is parti#ularly demanding in a
relationship. These sub)e#ts won!t #omplain if a meal is not up to s#rat#h' and they don!t
need a perfe#tly%run household. "hat they do need, however, is a bit of pea#e and ,uiet.
;emini nerves are sensitive, and they #an be#ome e*tremely upset by hostility or anger'
so if they have had a bad day at wor$, they need to #ome ba#$ to a pea#eful atmosphere.
GThere are a few rogue ;eminis who seem to thrive in an argumentative atmosphere, but
these are rare.H These sub)e#ts need love and affe#tion, but they #annot ta$e smothering,
)ealousy or tyranny' and too mu#h emotion in a partner unnerves them. f badly treated,
they will slip away and find themselves a ni#er partner, probably as a result of getting to
$now someone at wor$.

;emini faults are supposed to be flirtatiousness, restlessness and an inability to stay put
in a home or a relationship. ;eminis are flirtatious, but only in #ir#umstan#es where this
is both allowable and appropriate. They may start off by flirting with a new fa#e at a
party' but if the person they are #hatting up turns out to be interesting, they soon forget
all about flirting and get into a serious #onversation. ;eminis #an be #riti#al and
sar#asti#, but usually only when they have been hurt. n some #ases, their wit #an be a
little too #utting for #omfort' but it is meant to amuse rather than to hurt. ;emini people
are mu#h warmer and more #onsiderate then they are given #redit for' and, although
young ;eminis #an be a bit thoughtless, they are usually ,uite reasonable when they
have gained a bit more e*perien#e of life.

;eminians need to $eep their minds a#tive, and #an be#ome so absorbed in a hobby or
interest that they begin to negle#t their partners, although this is usually ,uite
unintentional. 5ne lady who filled in one of my ,uestionnaires said that her ;emini
husband sometimes put his #omputer before her. 5ne ni#e thing about ;eminis is that
they will try to be a##ommodating to others in the family, and they even ma$e good step%
parents. however, they #an be very self%absorbed, vain, and in#lined to nag and worry
about unimportant or transient matters. ;eminis find de#isions hard to #ope with, and
even pani# when fa#ed with a problem' although they soon get over this, and set their
#lever minds to solving the problem.

Another trait whi#h may or may not endear them to their loved%ones is their absolute
#leanliness and fussiness about their #lothes and appearan#e. ;eminis also have an
irritating habit of #on#entrating on something whi#h interests them for hours on end, and
then never tou#hing it again. They appear to la#$ sympathy with people who are ill, whi#h
is due to the fa#t that they are unnerved by illness and don!t $now what to do for the
best. This is balan#ed by an ability to ignore or to sha$e off their own ailments' and they
hardly ever ta$e time off from wor$ when si#$. ;eminians #an go on and on about little
things, and they do try to #ross bridges before they #ome to them. (owever, as long as
they are not for#ed to live with a person who is a wet blan$et or an absolute bore, and as
long as they are offered enough stimulation, they are not unreasonable partners.

;eminis are ,uite highly se*ed. This may seem a surprising remar$, be#ause many
astrologers traditionally #omment on their need for mental rather than physi#al
stimulation and their #oolness where it #omes to su#h matters. They may not be the most
affe#tionate of signs, partly be#ause they were rarely, if ever, #uddled as #hildren.
(owever, if they find themselves with a loving and affe#tionate partner, they blossom into
very #uddly and loving partners themselves.

;eminis are e*tremely #urious, and not overly embarrassed by unusual se*ual situations,
as long as these #an o##ur in private. Being analyti#al, ;eminians #an distan#e
themselves from their feelings and en)oy se* in the same way that others en)oy good
musi# or a good boo$. ;eminis li$e to e*periment, and they love variety, whi#h, added to
their #hanging moods, ma$es them e*#ellent lovers. f a 1un in ;emini sub)e#t has the
planet Eenus in the neighboring sign of Taurus, sensuality is added to their need for
mental stimulation' while, if the ;eminian has planets in nearby 0an#er, he may be
surprisingly shy. n a loving relationship where the ;eminian #an rela* and allow his
tensions to drain away, he or she #an ma$e a very rewarding life%long partner. f an affair
is on the agenda, then the ;emini would ma$e the most amusing, and possibly slighly
$in$y, lover.

;eminis are friendly but not always terribly #lose to those who are around them. They
ma$e good in%laws and step%relatives be#ause they don!t interfere. (owever, if a relative
ta$es it upon himself to di#tate to the ;eminian, he will be given very short shrift.
Friendly but distant is the way the ;eminian li$es to be. (e will not abandon elderly
parents or other relatives, and he will do all he #an to see that they are #omfortable and
well #ared for' but he #annot live with #antan$erous, si#$ or needy relatives, and will not
allow himself to be pushed into su#h a situation. ;eminis are reasonably good parents,
but they may find it hard to #uddle their #hildren be#ause they themselves were not
#uddled enough when young. They will do all they possibly #an to ensure that their
#hildren have the very best edu#ation, and they will surround youngsters with every $ind
of edu#ational toy or aid. They may be a bit too pushy, be#ause they are #ompetitive and
they want their #hildren to #ompete as well. A ;emini parent will not hesitate in sending
a #hild away to s#hool if he thin$s that it is for the best. ndeed, he finds his #hildren
mu#h easier to deal with if they are at a distan#e from him for part of the year.

(4ulia and &ere$ 6ar$er)

Eersatility is the hallmar$ of 1un sign ;eminians. This is the first dual sign of the zodia#,
and its sub)e#ts find it essential to pursue several #ourses of a#tion at on#e. They also
need to #ommuni#ate on all levels. Their potential #an be e*pressed in many ways, but
espe#aially through the media. This need for #ommuni#ation is so strong that they!ll
telephone their lo#al radio station with #omments on every #on#eivable sub)e#t and will
even #hat to someone in a bus line in no%one else is available at the time.

1uperfi#iality is the worst ;eminian fault and should be #ontrolled % these people tend to
$now a little about many sub)e#ts, and sometimes fail to a#,uire truly deep $nowledge of
the things that really interest them. An ability to ,ui#$ly assimilate $nowledge #an wor$
well under #ertain #onditions, but it is important for this type to realize the ne#essity for
deep thought and seriously based opinions on some matters.

A tenden#y to in#onsisten#y is another problem' the ;eminian need for variety and
#hange ma$es it all too easy for these people to start a great many different pro)e#ts but
leave most of them unfinished. 5n#e more, awareness of this element of their #hara#ters
will help #ounter it.

;eminians are very logi#al, rational people and, generally spea$ing, their minds wor$
very ,ui#$ly' but the influen#e of their ruling planet, +er#ury, is important and must be
#arefully #onsidered.

;eminians un,uestionably need a lively, intelle#tual rapport with their partners. 1hared
interests are important, and the partner should have his or her own definite opinions,
whi#h will be en)oyably dis#ussed and argued over. All of this will add lively spi#e to the

;eminians often don!t entirely trust their emotions. "hen overwhelmed by feelings, they
will immediately bring their rational, logi#al minds into play, trying to e*plain their
emotions to themselves in order to give them a #oherent perspe#tive. This #an #ause
problems, espe#ially when ;eminians are still young and #oming to terms with the
e*pression of emotion.

A ;eminian #hild will start tal$ing, and probably #rawling, then wal$ing, at a very early
age. The parents of su#h a #hild should ma$e ,uite sure that their youngster has plenty
with whi#h to $eep happily o##upied, as boredom will not be tolerated % indeed,
;eminians almost fear it. To get to grips very early on with the tenden#y to in#onsisten#y
and superfi#iality, the #hild should be en#ouraged to finish all tas$s that are started,
although it would be wrong to insist that he or she ta#$le them one at a time. This simply
doesn!t wor$ with ;eminians, who obtain their best results when able to move from one
pro)e#t to another as the mood ta$es them and their interest wa*es and wanes.

;eminian #hildren usually do ,uite well at s#hool, but they #an bluff their way through
tests. 9eally #lever tea#hers will soon re#ognize this, and be able to stay several steps
ahead of their ;eminian students' less shrewd instru#tors will be ta$en for elaborate
rides. At e*amination time, the ;eminian will probably write reams and reams of opinion,
ba#$ed up by too few essential fa#ts- they usually find fa#ts boring8

t goes without saying that ;eminians are lively parents, filling their #hildren!s out%of%
s#hool hours with a#tivity. They must be #areful, sin#e their #hildren may not be as
versatile, or have su#h ,ui#$ minds, as they themselves. They should #onsider the basi#
needs and true ,ualities of their #hildren, whi#h may not #oin#ide with their own. There
is a very powerful #riti#al strea$ in every ;eminian, whi#h #an be more damning than
they realize and may badly deflate and upset their #hildren' it should be softened with
humor and tempered by praise.

The ;eminian versatility and #ommuni#ative s$ills should ideally be used in a #areer.
+any ;eminians do very well wor$ing in the media' and ;eminians are also the natural
salespeople of the zodia#, doing well in department stores, in advertising, and as
#ommer#ial travellers. Their need for #hange and variety must definitely not be ignored-
predi#table routine is inimi#al to them. 1o is solitary wor$' but at least when a ;eminian
a#,uires a lonely top )ob, he or she will never fail to listen to former #olleagues, although
this doesn!t always mean that their advi#e will be a##epted8 A full and free inter#hange of
ideas, and the battling to and fro of different opinions, is important.
(4ulia and &ere$ 6ar$er) (#ontd.)

n business, ;eminians #an be highly shrewd and #unning' and if they apply these
#hara#teristi#s to ma$ing money, they often do e*tremely well, although sometimes a
faulty de#ision, perhaps too hastily made, will result in finan#ial #ollapse. This is not an
overly ambitious sign, but the ;emini imagination will happily en)oy su##ess before it is
a#tually a#hieved, whi#h a#ts as a spur8

0ontinual #hange is a way of life for ;eminians' as we have suggested, their #hief fear in
life is being bored, so they will #ontinually find new ways of $eeping themselves
interested. f they don!t, then their nearest and dearest must, at the slightest sign of
twit#hiness, do it for them. Leisure2 They don!t even have time for any % every moment is
filled with a#tivity, even if that is )ust writing or #onversation. The thought of retirement
won!t dismay them, be#ause there are many interests they want to pursue (probably all at
on#e8) when they eventually find the time.

Although not ne#essarily strong, these people are almost #ertainly wiry and apparently
perpetually young, so should not have too mu#h trouble with their health. Any diffi#ulties
that do arise may perhaps be for psy#hologi#al rather than physi#al reasons % ;eminians
have vast amounts of nervous energy whi#h must be burned off. They are usually too
individual really to en)oy team games, and they #an ,ui#$ly grow bored with the stri#t
routine of formal e*er#ise. The best solution is to )oin a health #lub but to use it in
#ombination with other, individual, forms of e*er#ise, su#h as running, )ogging, wal$ing,
s,uash and tennis.

;emini rules the lungs, and 1un sign ;eminians must wat#h #arefully for signs of
breathlessness, or when a #old goes to their #hests. t is vital that, if possible, they should
refrain from smo$ing, whi#h, while bad for everybody, is parti#ularly lethal for them.
They thrive best on a light diet of fresh salads and fruit, fish and white meat.

(Fran#es 1a$oian and Louis A#$er)

ndividuals born under the intelle#tual air sign ;emini are ruled by +er#ury, and thin$
and a#t swiftly. The $ey phrase for ;emini is ! thin$!.

1in#e +er#ury has to do with #ommuni#ation, ;eminis must identify and #lassify. They
must produ#e words and models in order for their #onta#ts to be meaningful to them.
1pee#h is espe#ially important to them, serving as a framewor$ for their a#tivities. "ords
are an#horing or safety devi#es, as the mind )umps from one thing to another. ;eminis!
ease of spee#h is a positive attribute, but they must $eep in mind the harm they #an do by
being #hatterbo*es.

They are thirsty for $nowledge and eager to study. ;enerally, they have a highly%
developed learning #apa#ity. Their inventive imagination ,ualifies them for professions in
writing, e*perimentation, and #riti#ism. .du#ation is therefore ne#essary to them from
the time they are born. f their training is poor, they often ma$e life unbearable for
others. f they are well%edu#ated, however, they tend to be #harming and refined

;eminis! rea#tions are pres#ribed by the mood of the moment' hen#e the dual ,uality to
their personality. Eariety is the spi#e of life as they see it, and this philosophy ma$es
them high%strung. 3nless things go their way, they are li$ely to be#ome depressed.
;eminis are happiest when they have more than one dominant interest.

Their state of nervous awareness allows no intelle#tual or physi#al tran,uillity. n
emergen#ies, therefore, they rarely lose #ontrol, and their ingenuity provides
unsuspe#ted solutions.

1in#e ;emini rules the hands and arms, as well as the nerves, these people e*perien#e
mu#h pleasure when their hands are busy giving form to their ideas' and their ideas are

;eminis must wor$ to a#,uire #almness of minds as well as body. They might well begin
by trying to $eep their hands and feet still and to eat slowly. This dis#ipline will enable
them to maintain #ontrol even during angry moments or e*treme nervous tension.

;eminis en)oy great popularity, largely be#ause of their witty #onversation, mental
agility, so#iability, #ourteousness, and intuition. (owever, they disli$e being bound to any
parti#ular person or pla#e. Their home life, therefore, leaves mu#h to be desired. They
are #ontinually #urious, and always sear#hing for personal intelle#tual se#urity in the
middle of their #hanging e*perien#es. They are fond of #onstant travel and #hanges of

Although they have no spe#ial atta#hment to material belongings, ;eminis see money as
power and freedom, and feel an attra#tion to it. They may be thrifty with their own
money, but s,uander that of others.

As #hildren, ;eminis are so #harming and ingenious that parents and edu#ators are often
blind to their defe#ts. They should be trained early, sin#e their ob)e#tionable traits are
e*tremely hard to #orre#t in later years. 5n#e they are adults, edu#ation or dis#ipline
must #ome through their own volition. "hen this pro#ess o##urs, this passion turns into
#reative energy and originality, whi#h #an be manifested in both business and the arts.

;eminis are the non#onformists of the Bodia#. Thus, they must maintain their
separateness and remain different from those around them. They feel that if their
potential is to be fully realized they must emerge from evey possible $ind of bondage.
They rebel against the status ,uo, often brea$ing rules and resisting authority, and never
yielding their individuality to one pla#e or to one person. They will never a#t be#ause
someone or #onvention tells them to do so. (owever, as they grow older, they #ome to
realize that #o%operation is ne#essary to self%fulfillment. As &ane 9udhyar says, the very
air we breathe has been e*haled by someone else!s lungs. The air signs bring the
individual to realize his relationship to humanity!s #ommon lot.

f ;eminis master their defi#ien#ies and negative tenden#ies, the e*#ellent potentialities
they possess at birth will enable them to rea#h high ob)e#tives.

(Lyn Birbe#$)

7ou have a friendly and flippant heart. 7ou have the will to use generously your levity and
sense of humour % without it devolving into flippan#y. 7our life should be led in a spirit of
interest and #ommuni#ation % as opposed to tri#ia and distra#tion. 7our father is seen or
e*pressed as one who is light and amusing, and < or fly and insubstantial.

7ou generate a spar$ling display of wit and ane#dotes that refreshes 5ther and relieves
him < her of his < her heavier thoughts and feelings' a sense that things are easy to
a##omplish and that worrying is for fools' and an air of deftness as you turn your hand to
all manner of things with style and agility.

7ou #an alienate 5ther with a superfi#iality that is parado*i#ally ,uite profound in that
5ther #annot penetrate it but #an only leave it, ultimately' with a #leverness that mas$s a
deep inner doubt with regard to yourself and life in general, whi#h 5ther inevitably spots'
and by $nowing everything but understanding little % least of all how 5ther feels.

7ou overemphasize who and what you $now % or, #uriously, your la#$ of $nowledge and
#onta#ts. 7ou overemphasize your fear of #ommitment, to the point of 5ther not wanting,
or not being able, to #ommit to you. 7ou also are relu#tant to get right down to the real
underlying truth of some issue, be#ause it means you!ll then have to stop flitting.

7ou #an feel wea$ in the fa#e of not $nowing what to say or how to behave' at the
prospe#t of someone getting to $now you well enough to dis#over that you do not love or
$now yourself that mu#h' and when you #annoy rationalize or wander, whi#h you do for
fear of not being a##epted for both sides of yourself.

"hen alone, you have your other half for #ompany. This #an be your !light twin! or your
!dar$ twin!, but it is more usually the latter. 7our dar$ twin is all the doubts and
irrationalities that you find hard to a##ept and strive even harder to avoid. For this
reason, ;eminians try never to be out of relationship for too long. t is also why they
have, or are tempted to have, more than one partner % or, at least, $eep their options
open. But sooner or later, your dar$ twin, li$e your own shadow, will overta$e you. The
song !7esterday! by ;emini 6aul +#0artney says it all- !...!m not half the man used to
be' there!s a shadow hanging over me!. t is at su#h a time of being alone (all%one) that
you must get to $now and befriend what you have #ome to regard as unlovable in
yourself. 7ou will eventually realize that your dar$ twin was simply in the dar$.

(4ohn Townley)

7ou have the potential for a broad variety of se*ual e*perien#es' indeed, you will not be
truly satisfied if you repeat the same $ind of lovema$ing over and over again. This does
not mean that you re,uire a number of lovers to a#hieve happiness' but within one
relationship you need the stimulation of #hange to avoid se*ual boredom. t would be
wise to #hoose a partner who en)oys e*perimentation or is willing to learn and to try
whatever you dream up.

(owever, se* is not your most important form of e*pression. 7ou should avoid lovers who
feel, as may people do, that personal intensity in lovema$ing is the indi#ator of su##ess in
a relationship. For you, se* is re#reation more than a personal statement, and you need a
partner with an e,ually lighthearted approa#h who will be#ome involved with you in
other ways as well.

t is unusually important to you that your lover be your friend, be#ause no matter how
good it is, se* alone is simply not enough. t is only one of many e*pressions of personal
togetherness and #ommunion that you need for a rewarding relationship. 7our most
fulfilling moments #ome when you are deeply in tou#h with your lover, and this does not
happen in the bedroom alone.
Natal Sun in Cancer

(Betty Lundsted)

0an#er is the most personal of the water signs. Be#ause 0an#erian #hildren respond to
their environment so intensely, they are among the most sensitive in the universe. The
ruling planet of this sign is the +oon' and the +oon rules the tides and symbolizes the
!great mood%#hanger!. This sign is not an easy one to live out, for the emotional tensions
and sensitivities #reate great inner turmoil in these individuals. t is for this reason that
many people don!t re#ognize the power of the 0an#erian types. This is a #ardinal sign,
full of energy and possessing a great ambition to do something in the world. 7et, this
driving ambition is diffi#ult to see be#ause of the emotional tensions.

t has been said that 0an#erians are the orphans of the zodia#' that more 0an#erian
#hildren than any other sign have lost a father or mother. (This also happens when the
+oon is in 0an#er or when 0an#er is the As#endant.) t has also been said that when
0an#erians are lu#$y enough to have $ept both parents, they nevertheless feel
emotionally orphaned or emotionally deprived.

0an#er arrives in a mother%dominated world. The mother rules the marriage at the time
of the #hild!s birth. 1ometimes it seems to 0an#er that mother rules the universe be#ause
the father is missing. The father #an be absent for many good reasons- he may be in the
military, he may be travelling, et#.. The #hild doesn!t $now why he!s absent, or even that
he e*ists % 0an#er only $nows that mothers do everything. And the mother seems to be a
parti#ular type of person- she!s highly manipulative' she #ontrols the people around her
by never showing her personality as woman' she handles people by a#ting the role of
mother surrogate or by a#ting the role of helpless little girl. The #hild sees this $ind of
behavior, and grows up to a#t )ust li$e +om. The 0an#erian girl plays Big +omma or
(elpless Little ;irl' the 0an#erian boy plays Big &addy or (elpless (and #ute) Little Boy.
.veryone plays roles at one time or another, but 0an#erian types have little e*perien#e in
how to play the role of adult men and women. They #ontrol their relationships by being a
parent or #hild' and sometimes this behavior #auses diffi#ulties in the #areer and

The 0an#erian female presents herlelf as a helpless little thing who needs prote#tion. 1he
marries a man who will save her from her environment. But, she develops into a very
strong woman, for she is mother%dominated. And sin#e she is female, it!s easy for her to
imitate her mother. 1he usually has no idea of her strength until she rea#hes thirty. 1he
felt left out when she was an infant' her mother!s love was not apparent. 0onse,uently,
she wants se#urity as an adult. 1o, when she feels un#omfortable in a relationship, she!ll
use her wiles to regain #ontrol- either by playing helpless so that her partner will have to
ta$e #are of her, or by being inse#ure, whi#h usually manifest in wonderful )ealousies.
"hen there is inse#urity, there is a tenden#y to over%#ompensate, so she may be )ealous
of her husband!s friends or even of his business. 1he may be the type who #alls him at his
offi#e twenty times a day' or she may pull s#enes if he arrives home late from the offi#e
be#ause he stopped to tal$ with someone after wor$. 1he may be#ome a parasite, loo$ing
for #onstant reassuran#e of his love and affe#tion. The irony here is that although she
needs love and affe#tion, she may have diffi#ulty giving it in return be#ause she never
saw her mother give it. 1he learned through observing her mom that one must #ontrol
men, manipulate them gently, in order to get what one wants. 1he learns what her mom
tea#hes so well that she tends to have a lot of !gimme! in her personality until she
matures out of it. f she wants a role%playing relationship, these traits are fine. But if she!s
loo$ing for a meaningful adult relationship with another person, these traits will stand in
the way of its development.

Be#ause her mother was so #ompetent, the 0an#erian female be#omes ,uite aggressive
in the #areer areas. 1he wants to ma$e money so she #an spend it. 1he wants to have a
ni#e home to return to when she gets tired of the world. The 0an#erian type is not the
homebody we hear about' she prefers to have a ni#e home available to her, but she has to
be out in the world e*ploring and feeling with the masses of people. (The +oon rules the
general publi#.) 1he does well in her #areer on#e she settles into something that interests
her. +any 0an#erian women have )obs that in#lude travel. 1he loo$s for e*e#utive power,
for that is one way to use the ;reat +other energy in a #onstru#tive sense.

The 0an#erian male has more trouble getting free of his early #hildhood environment.
(e!s raised in a mother%dominated atmosphere. (e realizes that womein are strong and
powerful, and adopts his mother!s mannerisms and attitudes. (e may either be too
emotionally #lose to his mother % a momma!s boy % or really disli$e her and later ma$e the
women in his life pay the dues for his mother hatred. n any event, he usually prefers the
#ompany of women' they are easier for him to tal$ with, they are more familiar. (e enters
relationships playing the role of Big &addy or Little Boy. "hi#hever role he begins with,
on#e the relationship is established, it is not surprising to see the 0an#erian male playing
Little Boy, for he thin$s this will get him what he wants. (e, too, is loo$ing for emotional
fulfillment and affe#tion, but usually something a$in to !mother love! is more important
than a se*ual relationship. 1ometimes he establishes se*ual relationships outside his
marriage' he doesn!t want one with his wife sin#e she!s playing the role of mother for

(e needs lots of attention' and when he #an!t get it, he tries to ma$e his wife angry. This
is usually the time the 0an#erian male starts playing around. But, he plays around to get
#aught. ;etting #aught arouses his wife!s ire, and this signifies to him that she still #ares.
(owever, this is a dangerous way to se#ure his wife!s attention. t may be the beginning
of the end of the relationship8 (e is loo$ing for a love that he is seldom able to return.
(is mother was not a giver' he didn!t learn how to give as a #hild, so giving be#omes
something that is learned in his adult life. The 0an#erian type holds on to what he has
and $eeps as$ing for more, all the while giving little in return.

The 0an#erian man may not be ,uite as interested in a #areer as the 0an#erian woman.
(e may have ambition or not % usually the motivation for a##omplishment #omes from
impetus elsewhere in the #hart. (e #an do well in a )ob situation is he so desires, for he
#an play father surrogate and be Big &addy to all the people in his offi#e, or he #an play
Little Boy and sell produ#ts better than anyone else in the zodia#. A 0an#erian salesman
ma$es lots of sales be#ause he adopts the Little Boy role, whi#h doesn!t threaten the
se#urity of his #ustomers. 0an#er wal$s home with ni#e #ommissions over the years8 f he
has problems holding a )ob, it!s usually be#ause he!s too mu#h of a rebel. +other%
dominated signs (with 0an#er at the top of the list) have little respe#t for male authority
figures. They are emotional and moody, and don!t often #are about father%approval, so
they #an be #ontroversial and rebellious in the traditional business setting. They need
freedom on the )ob, and they need to be interested in what they are doing or they won!t
fit into the business atmosphere.

0an#er is the sign that indi#ates nurturing and growth. Both the males and the females
have the #apa#ity to tea#h and train' to en#ourage and help others. This is a good
indi#ation that they will do well in the helping professions' that they ma$e good tea#hers
and that they #an be helpful to people in general. They #an also use this nurturing ability
to develop a business that plays on the !fad! #ons#iousness of the publi#. There!s no better
horse trader in the zodia#.

0an#erians are moody and intuitive. They fun#tion mu#h better when they listen to their
intuition rather than their intelle#t. Be#ause no%one paid attention to what 0an#erian
#hildren said at home, it sometimes be#omes very important for them to get a #ollege
edu#ation, for the !grades! prove to the world that they really are as smart as everyone
else. They are often put down as #hildren sin#e they have emotional rea#ions to what
goes on around them as opposed to !rational! rea#tions. (owever, the emotional rea#tion
is the start of the intuitive pro#ess, and the rest of the signs have to ta$e #ourses to
reopen the #hannels of the intuitive pro#ess8 0an#erians respond better to feelings than
to words. f you want them to respond to you or to a situation, as$ them how they feel
about it rather than what they thin$. "hen 0an#erians re)e#t their intuitive energy, they
be#ome very stiff and overrational. t!s usually a #over for a wonderful intuitive self they
haven!t learned to value. t needs to #ome out.

((aydn 6aul)

The 0an#er personality is predominantly involved with emotions, feelings and sensitivity
to life, whi#h often stimulates #hangeable moods and flu#tuating emotions. This #an
#reate situations where you often feel hurt by others % intentionally or not % and you feel
e*tremely vulnerable and defensive. 7ou will have a strong #on#ern for family well%being,
and will be very emotional and sentimental towards them, with a very private atta#hment
to your mother. 7ou often loo$ ba#$ towards your #hildhood, feeling that it holds an
important set of memories for you. 7ou #an be fearful of what the future holds, and
usually you will avoid loo$ing too hard in that dire#tion.

7ou may tend to be ,uite tal$ative at times, despite tenden#ies towards a more retiring
and reserved nature' and this #an sometimes be a !defen#e! from #onfronting yourself by
)oining in with others, rather than retreating into your own private world. 7ou are a
sympatheti# listener, unless it #oin#ides with a period in whi#h there are problems with
your own sensitivity, in whi#h #ase you are too preo##upied with your needs to be mu#h
use to others.

7ou have an a#tive imagination % perhaps too a#tive sometimes, as it #an lead to brooding
and worrying' and you tend to feel first and thin$ last. This means that you #an
emotionally rea#t ,ui#$ly to situations, e*#essively so at times, whereas a more
thoughtful response may have been more appropriate to avoid e*a#erbating any
problems. 7ou #an tend to resist #onfronting problems, preferring to run away from
pressures whenever possible. "hile you may give an impression of self%#onfiden#e and an
ability to #ope, you are only able to do so for a limited period, and then you need to retire
into priva#y and isolation to get yourself together again.

There #an be a tenden#y to e*aggerate personal problems % espe#ially health % and this
#an #ause illness through e*#essive worry. t is li$ely that you will be#ome interested in
health%giving foods and dietary #on#erns.

(ome will be e*tremely important to you, both as a retreat from the world (your !shell!)
and as your !#entre point! in life. 7ou will try to maintain harmony and pea#e, hating any
signs of dis#ord. 7ou prefer to live in style, and #an be#ome a $nowledgeable #olle#tor of
some type, en)oying the display of these interests in your home. 7ou are fond of material
possessions, and these often form your sense of material se#urity. 7ou en)oy and
appre#iate beauty in any form, and try to surround yourself with a pleasing environment,
whi#h #an be en)oyed even more by opening your psy#hi# sensitivity while at home. 7ou
need to feel that your family appre#iates and thin$s well of you, and will feel most
un#omfortable if you thin$ that you are being #riti#ised or ridi#uled.

7ou prefer traditional attitudes and values, despite any superfi#ial appearan#e of
#ontemporary style' and #an sometimes find it hard to understand the #omple*ity of the
modern world. There may be an artisti# talent present % perhaps a #raftsperson in some
way % but any artisti# originality #an be blo#$ed by tenden#ies towards emotional
repression, whi#h is one of the ma)or 0an#er #hallenges to resolve. "hen you are feeling
emotionally upset and imbalan#ed, your food inta$e will be affe#ted, by way of your either
eating to e*#ess as !#ompensation! or redu#ing food until the mood has passed.
7ou #onsider marriage is important, although you need to ensure a wise #hoi#e. 7our
emotional needs for love and nurturing may ma$e you dependent on a strong partner, or
attra#t a wea$er personality to you, depending on whether your dominant pattern is for
giving or re#eiving love. 7ou #an be highly supportive in helping a partner a#hieve his or
her aims. 7ou may be#ome a day%dreamer, indulging in regrets or wishful thin$ing. 7our
inner life has an ebb%and%flow a#tion li$e a rhythmi# motion, emphasising your indrawn
nature and then your instin#tive outgoing so#ial urge, leading often to moodiness and
#ontradi#tions. The phases of the +oon may affe#t you more than you realise.

(4an 1piller and /aren +#0oy)

1un in 0an#er individuals feel they have the right to be emotionally self%#entred' to be
pampered by others' to be motherly to a fult' and to demand that others respe#t their


"hen your attention is on yourself, you might e*pe#t others to rea#t in su#h a way that
your sensitivities are never in)ured. This leads you to appear as hypersensitive, moody,
and self%prote#tive. "hen you yearn to be re#ognized for your sensitivity, you may
demand that others respond by being #onstantly per#eptive to every mood. 7ou may
re,uire that any intima#y #entre around your feelings. This leads to others feeling
alienated sin#e they #annot share themselves for fear of a potential defensive rea#tion.
7ou might be so dedi#ated to prote#ting your sense of vulnerability that the slightest
input #an #ause you to withdraw into your shell.


"hen your attention is dire#ted toward sharing your talents for emotional per#eption
with others, you #an #are for and assist them. This results in your be#oming more
ob)e#tive and #ontented with your feelings. 7ou #an use your natural sensitivity to
re#ognize the hidden emotional pains of others. This re#ognition enables you to inspire
them and also yourself through your sympatheti# understanding of their distress. 7ou #an
give others #enter stage in the e*pression of their feelings and vulnerabilities. As you
empathize with their suffering, your vitality in#reases, and others #an appre#iate you for
your intuitive and loving nature. n the pro#ess of e*pressing your gifts for emotional
parti#ipation in a way that serves others, you #ome to realize that your best se#urity rests
in #aring for those outside yourself.

(1ydney 5marr)

0an#er females

0an#er women are lovely and often lonely' they rea#h out for love and affe#tion. 5ften,
when their desires for se#urity are not fulfilled, they stray. They see$ and e*periment.
(owever, if you #an give this woman love, if you are willing to ma$e a home for her, she
will usually prove faithful, loyal, warm and e*#iting. Besides, she is a good #oo$8

This woman li$es to aid loved ones. (ere is a good hint- as$ her for advi#e8 &on!t always
follow it % but as$, anyway. n#lude her !in!. To shut a 0an#er woman out is to invite

f you are interested in $eeping your 0an#er woman % pay attention to the home.
&omesti#ity be#omes a $ey word, along with bigger and better household furnishings.
But don!t thin$ she is satisfied merely to be $ept busy around and in the house. 1he
wants to share your life, not merely wait on you.

1he is highly emotional, being of the "ater element. (er intuition is highly developed.
1he #an usually per#eive when something of importan#e is about to o##ur. 1he has a
tenden#y to brood and worry' she re,uires #onstant assuran#e and reassuran#e in love,
and is not satisfied with a pe#$ on the #hee$. 1he wants sin#erity and plenty of affe#tion.

&on!t try to fool this woman. 6la#e your #ards fa#e up and then let her ma$e up her own
mind. f she loves you, she will fight in your #orner. This is true no matter what the odds.
1he is a valuable ally. 1he #an ma$e life worth living as long as you are loyal. 5n#e you
are not, you begin a #hain of events that #ould boomerang.

f you are loo$ing for a waoman who #an ma$e a home for you, she is for you. But never
ta$e her for granted8

0an#er males

Be sympatheti# with the 0an#er man % but don!t spoil him8 (e is more emotional than the
average man' he is sensitive to his surroundings and to your moods. And he has plenty of
moods of his own, too. t is said that most 0an#er men love the home and good food. but
the truth of the matter, most li$ely, is that he appre#iates homema$ing efforts, in#luding
the talents that ma$e up a s$illful #hef. (e does not re,uire a pala#e or a ,ueen, but he
insists upon undivided loyalty. "ith this insisten#e, there is a lur$ing suspi#ion that all
#ould not be as good as it loo$s' he feels someone, somewhere, is doing something he or
she should not be doing. This ma$es him unhappy8

This is not the easiest man to love. (e is an idealist' he e*pe#ts to ma$e mista$es himself
but he is astonished when a loved one slips in any manner. (is standards are high' he is
patrioti#, loyal' he doesn!t mind fighting with members of his own family. he en)oys a
good family ,uarrel- it #lears the air8 But let an outsider say something about a person he
loves % then he fights.

(e is a moody man and the best hint is this- re#ognize that his moods are e*pressions,
nuan#es of his feelings, #hara#ter, hopes, dreams. &on!t try to pull him out of his
thoughts. (is ambitions are based on ideas. (e realizes that fulfillment of dreams
depends upon his ability to outmanoeuver or outthin$ #ompetitors. on#e this man
de#lares his love for you, he is apt to be pretty serious about it.

Avoid sniping at him. /eep your head % give and ta$e % don!t as$ for spe#ial favors or
priviliges. This man appre#iates honesty and fran$ness' he #annot tolerate whining.
9emember, he is the one who see$s sympathy % to as$ him to give you too mu#h is to
ma$e him thin$ that maybe he!s with the wrong woman8

This man appre#iates women and the finer things in life. The better he has it, the more
dis#riminating he be#omes. (e fears ridi#ule, and the ,ui#$est way to lose him is to laugh
at him.

(1$ye Ale*ander)

6eople who have the 1un in 0an#er are highly sensitive and emotional. Be#ause you are
emotionally tuned into the moods and feelings of others, you are ,uite intuitive and
sometimes seem to be psy#hi#. 7ou may #hoose to e*press your sensitivity by being
#aring and #ompassionate toward others, or through some artisti# medium. f, however,
you believe that sensitivity is a sign of wea$ness, you might try instead to hide behind a
mas$ of bravado' and some men who have their 1uns in 0an#er affe#t a ma#ho attitude as
an over#ompensation.

7ou pla#e great importan#e on the home and family. 7our family is at the #entre of your
life' and whether or not your e*perien#es with family members are positive, your ties to
them are strong. 7our family provides you with a sense of se#urity and belonging. t is
hard for you to see yourself as an independent entity, for your role within the family
stru#ture is integral to your self%image and usually overshadows your sense of
individuality. .ven as an adult, you may have diffi#ulty brea$ing away from your parents
and their e*pe#tations, or living a lifestyle whi#h is different from theirs.

The sign 0an#er also is asso#iated with mother and motherhod' and both men and eomwn
with this 1un sign are strongly atta#hed to their mothers. At their best, men tend to be
#aring, respe#tful, prote#tive and devoted to their mothers' at worst, they are
neuroti#ally dependent !mama!s boys!, who never untie the apron strings and e*pe#t all
women to be substitute mothers. "omen see their roles as mothers as all%important, and
often thin$ of themselves as mothers first, people se#ond. "hether your feelings toward
your own mother are fond and loving, or hostile and resentful, you probably have trouble
severing the umbili#al #ord.

7ou love #hildren, and if you don!t have any offspring of your own, you are probably an
adoring aunt < un#le, godparent, or tea#her, or are wor$ing with #hildren in some way.

7ou respe#t the image of the traditional, nu#lear family, and see it as a mi#ro#osm of
so#iety. 7ou #onsider your friends, #o%wor$ers, neighbors and fellow%#itizens as part of
your e*tended family.

Alternative lifestyles and attitudes are threatening to you. 7ou believe that someone is
either with you or against you. To those whom you define as being !in your #amp!, you are
prote#tive and supportive. (owever, anyone who is too !diffi#ult! is potentially dangerous
and must be #ast out of the group. &ifferen#es might destroy the stru#tures and
se#urities you!ve established so #arefully.

7ou are affe#tionate and generous toward those you love, and en)oy doing things for
them. 7ou espe#ially li$e #oo$ing for your family and friends, and are fond of having
people #ome to your home for dinner, parti#ularly on holidays. The !4ewish +other! #li#hC
fits you perfe#tly. A warm and gra#ious host, you ma$e guests feel wel#ome, and no%one
goes away from your home hungry. 7ou might #hoose to use your talent for #oo$ing
professionally, as a #hef, ba$er or restaurateur, or in another area of food servi#e. 7our
hospitality also #ould ma$e you the ideal inn$eeper.

(ard%wor$ing and ambitious, you are the perfe#t employee, for you are loyal, dedi#ated
and respe#tful of authority, and you rarely ,uestion #ompany poli#y. As a boss, you are
supportive and prote#tive, almost maternal, toward employees who agree with you, but
intolerant of anyone you view as #ontradi#tory. 7ou tend to surround yourself with !yes%
men! who reinfor#e your delusions. Always a bit unsure of yourself, you try to insulate
yourself from those who ,uestion your a#tions or motives.
The #aring professions attra#t, in#luding tea#hing, parti#ularly of young #hildren.
:ursing and gyne#ology are also popular. t is also good for them to develop and e*press
their vivid imaginations. Any wor$ involving the past % su#h as the anti,ues business or
museum wor$ % will appeal to them. 0an#erians are also natural #oo$s.

Fulfillment is more important to them than ambition, but they are $een to ma$e money'
and sometimes the 0an#erian hoarding instin#t #an mean they are relu#tant to part with

0hanges of mood are very mu#h part of the 0an#erian ma$e%up, but these people are
mu#h less ready to #hange their lifestyles % usually be#ause of the disruption involved.
:evertheless, when fa#ed with the prospe#t of retirement they will #onsider moving to
another area, but should thin$ #arefully about this- they may be parted from their family,
and if they buy a smaller property it may not be large enough for everyone to #ome and
stay. 9etirement will allow them to en)oy a new rhythm of life, and they will en)oy
following their many spare%time interests, whi#h may in#lude a spe#ialized #olle#tion of
some $ind.

Losing a )ob is hard to a##ept' a 0an#erian!s determination to find a new )ob should be
supported to the hilt, so that the effort e#lipses the worry of being out of wor$ (whi#h
may demolish the self%#onfiden#e).

/eeping the sensitive 0an#erian system in good order re,uires regular, rhythmi#al
e*er#ise. 1wimming (from as early an age as possible) is strongly re#ommended, as is

The digestion will almost #ertainly suffer from time to time % espe#ially when the
individual is at all worried. A diet ri#h in fish and dairy produ#e (provided the #holesterol
level is not too high) is usually benefi#ial, and will help stabilize the system. The sign
0an#er, it must be emphasized, has nothing to do with the disease of the same name.
(owever, be#ause 0an#er rules the breasts, women of this sign should ensure they
regularly e*amine them and have periodi# #he#$%ups with their do#tors. 0an#erian men
should not ignore any minor ailment, if only to prevent undue worry.

(9obert (and)

7ou are an emotional person who is sensitive to the subtle ways that people #ommuni#ate
with ea#h other. f there are bad feelings in the air, you $now it.

7ou very mu#h need to have emotional support and to $now that your loved ones love
you, espe#ially your mother. t is important to $now that you will be ta$en #are of and
that no matter what happens, you will always have a se#ure pla#e to #ome home to. "hen
these needs are fulfilled, you are a very generous and giving person. 7ou li$e to ta$e #are
of people and give them the love and #omfort that you need so mu#h. 7ou li$e to $now
that others feel free to #ome to you for help and reassuran#e at any time.

(owever, if your own basi# needs are not provided for, you will withdraw into yourself
and a#t very inse#ure, as if there were only a limited ,uantity of love and attention in the
world and you were afraid of losing your share. An inse#ure 0an#er #an be very selfish,
)ust as a se#ure one #an be very generous.

7ou are atta#hed to the old, familiar things that you have had sin#e earliest #hildhood.
7ou may $eep an old toy long after you have stopped playing with su#h things. 7ou
probably have a se#ret, ,uiet pla#e that is all your own, where you #an go and be alone
with your thoughts. "herever you go in life, one of your first ob)e#tives in new
surroundings will be to find su#h a pla#e for yourself.

7our home and family will always be important to you, both the home you are growing up
in and the one you will have later on. t is important to you that both of these be se#ure.

(Fran#es 1a$oian and Louis A#$er)

0an#ers were born under the sign of emotional se#urity. The $ey phrase for 0an#ers is !
feel!. This is the strongest of the water signs, favoring women more than men, sin#e
0an#er, of all the signs of the zodia#, is most strongly lin$ed to domesti#ity and

0an#ers possess highly%developed prote#tive and defensive instin#ts, whi#h are aimed at
material and domesti# se#urity. They are e*traordinarily sensitive and fearful of ridi#ule.
The #rab shell, 0an#er!s symbol, represents the #rust of armor whi#h hides e*treme
sensitivity and shyness, as well as physi#al and psy#hologi#al vulnerability. 0an#ers
prote#t themselves from the possibility of emotional hurt by withdrawing and finding
their se#urity in solitude. This tenden#y is unfortunate be#ause of their powerful need for
home and #hildren. 0ompletion is not a reality for them until they are able to lavish their
prote#tiveness on the family.

Be#ause of their strong need for se#urity, they will do whatever is needed to establish
and serve that se#urity. They seldom gamble unless they have safely put away their !rainy
day money!. .ven then, gambling is rarely a means of livelihood, sin#e they are relu#tant
to )eopardize their se#urity. (owever, if their future stability depends upon ta$ing a ris$,
they will ta$e the ris$ % if possible, with someone else!s money. But in that #ase 0an#ers
would ta$e great #are to wat#h over the investment' they pay their debts, and e*pe#t
others to do the same.

These people are very #omple*' at #ertain times, they appear to have the strength of a
giant, and at other times they display the wea$ness of a #hild. This variability is due to
the reversal of the 1un!s dire#tion in this sign- it stops in the northern s$ies and starts its
tre$ southward.

As a rule, 0an#ers are well%intentioned, but be#ause of their in#onstant +oon they are at
one moment sweet and #harmingly outgoing (espe#ially when they have some ob)e#tive in
mind) and at the ne*t melan#holi#, introverted, and distant.

They are noted for their diploma#y, and seldom fail to a#hieve their goals. (owever, when
they are hurt, they may behave in a nonsensi#al manner, being unable to #ollaborate with
others. At times, they #an behave e*tremely #hildishly and stubbornly % and this is one of
the ma)or flaws they must owr$ to over#ome.

Although they appear gentle and tran,uil, their inner thoughts are diffi#ult to fathom.
1in#e few people every really #omprehend how 0an#ers feel, they rarely get the
ne#essary understanding from others.

0an#er #hildren are by nature very tender, sweet and loving, willing to be helpful. 0an#er
mothers and fathers warm those who are lu#$y enough to be in their pro*imity. A word of
#aution- all 0an#ers should guard against bearing a smothering love.

0an#ers desire the absolute possession of their beloved. t #an be said of people under
this sign that on#e a love is begun, it is never stopped. 9esentment may ma$e them #ruel
enemies, but they never stop loving. Theirs is the maternal love whi#h brings out some of
the #omple*ities of this zodia#al sign. t is that of a mother who #ontinues to love her sons
even though she re#eives ill%treatment at their hands, so great is the maternal and
paternal instin#t of the sign. 0an#ers tend to be very mu#h aware of their family trees.
They are patrioti# and have good memories for histori#al events.

They see$ to avoid at all #osts any mental or physi#al dis#omfort. 1in#e neatness and
#leanliness are #onspi#uous with this sign, it follows that they also disli$e a#tivities whi#h
prevent absolute #leanliness. They prefer a refined atmosphere.

Be#ause of their powerful imaginations, it is imperative for 0an#ers to avoid all thoughts
of illness. They must also #ultivate the #ourage to say !yes! or !no! at the appropriate
moment. They need to #ontrol their tenden#ies to moodines, intoleran#e, timidity, and
e*#essive emotionality.

0an#ers will not )o$e about themselves. They are in#lined toward self%satisfa#tion, and
#an be ,uite egotisti#al. 5n the other hand, they #an be e,ually helpless in their
determined, silent way. They have a great deal of personal vanity and li$e #lothing and
frivoluties, whi#h they use as tools to $eep up appearan#es.

0an#ers are masters of the art of passive resistan#e. This is a powerful weapon whi#h,
when wielded, ma$es the individual unapproa#hable. "ith $indness, 0an#ers #an be
dire#ted easily, sin#e they are basi#ally understanding. f they are for#ed, they be#ome

They are averse to being told how to do things' they must #omplete tas$s on their own,
sin#e the ideas of others #onfuse them. At times, they shun responsibility. (owever, if
they wor$ on an enterprise that promotes or re,uires it, they are pun#tual, e*a#t, and
effi#ient, willing to guide things through to a su##essful #on#luion.
Natal Sun in Leo

(Betty Lundsted)

Leo is a Fire sign, but the Leo energy e*presses differently from the Aries. Aries are
personally and emotionally idealisti# whereas the Leo type is far more intelle#tual about
it. Leos are not as selfish as Aries. Li$e Aries, Leos aer born into a father%dominated
atmosphere, but the effe#t of the father shows in a different way. For e*ample, Leos live
in a more intelle#tual fantasy world than do Aries.

9eligion and ethi#s are important to Leos be#ause they usually get overdosed with both
when they are #hildren. They get a wonderful but unrealisti# #ode of ethi#s from the
father. Be#ause they are immersed in ethi#s, in rigid #odes of behavior, Leos impose
diffi#ult life situations on themselves. The diffi#ulties tie into a sub#ons#ious message
these #hildren pi#$ uyp from the father. .thi#s #an be a subtle #over for the disease
#alled perfe#tionism. 6erfe#tionism doesn!t leave any margin for error, and when one
must be perfe#t, one be#omes either horribly )udgemental of the behavor of others, or
frightened of doing anything new. (eaven forbid a mista$e should be made while trying
something new8 This sub#ons#ious need is a diffi#ult position for Leos to wor$ out of'
they restri#t themselves and say things li$e ! wouldn!t be #aught dead doing that.!

Approval is another ,uality Leos pi#$ up from their father.... All Leos want to be approved
of. +any people thin$ that Leos are pompous, but that doesn!t seem to be the #ase % they
are really in need of approval. They are afraid that they may not get it. 1o they withdraw,
waiting for some sign of appre#iation. t!s important for Leos to learn self%approval, for
that is the $ey to the proper use of their energy. "hen approval #omes from within, one
doesn!t need to loo$ outside oneself for re#ognition. This frees up the natural energy for
#onstru#tive purposes.

dealism is very mu#h a part of Leos % they #an radiate enthusiasm for new #auses and
new ideas for whi#h they have a basi# respe#t. They are not afraid to a##ept
responsibility. 5n#e their word is given, they try to sti#$ to it. This puts Leo types into
managerial positions, for they ta$e responsibility seriously.

The entire life is affe#ted by the influen#e of the father be#ause the ethi#s learned from
him are applied to every possible life situation. There are standards for wor$, for so#ial
life, for love. n e*ploring the parental e*perien#es with Leos, they don!t find their ethi#s
really #oming from the mother. 0lients who have either been abandoned by the father, or
who have been born into a family where the father is very old, seem to have the most
diffi#ulty getting in tou#h with themselves. For Leos who have no visible father influen#e,
it!s most diffi#ult. They don!t $now where they get their standards from, and they #an end
up feeling li$e out#asts. Leos born into unusual situations, su#h as not easily fitting into
the environment be#ause of a ra#ial or an ethni# or a religious split between the parents,
may live lives of self%#ondemnation.

The other side of Leo manifests when the #hild de#ides that the universe )ust will not
approve of him, or will not respe#t him' he therefore has no self%respe#t. A Leo woman
will throw herself into the most demanding of situations involving her love life, and a Leo
man may ta$e on a se*ual relationship that #auses him tremendous inner pain. For
e*ample, was #onsulted by a Leo man living in an !open marriage! who said it was
wonderful. t too$ several meetings before he admitted that he had agreed to this $ind of
e*perien#e be#ause of his wife. 1he de#ided he was not se*ually interesting enough for
her. (e #ouldn!t for#e himself to #onsider losing her and his status in the #ommunity.
"hen an idealisti# person su##umbs to a situation he doesn!t thin$ is ethi#al, the inner
pain is heart%brea$ing. Fire signs #an die of a bro$en heart' when they be#ome wounded
and hurt, they may begin #ausing pain to themselves. 5ne may #on#lude that the Fire
sign person is more sus#eptible to maso#hism than some of the other signs.

The Leo female is influen#ed by the attitudes of her father. 1he therefore tends to loo$
for a pla#e ni the world that puts her either into a profession or in a pla#e of trust in a
business situation. 1he needs approval on her )ob, and she needs to be treated with
!proper respe#t! at all times or she gets very hurt and outwardly ,uite negative. As far as
her father!s influen#e on her romanti# life is #on#erned, she, too, li$e her Aries sister, is
loo$ing for a $night in shining armor to #ome and save her from her plight. But he must
let her be the boss after he gets her8 These needs #ause #onfusion in relationships. A Leo
woman will often align herself with inferior types of men, for she, too, is being the
!mas#uline! head of the household. 1in#e she wants approval, she finds it diffi#ult to let
her mate get #lose to her. 1he #an!t let anyone see her imperfe#tions. (er married life is
often based no what she thin$s she must do in order to maintain approval from the
#ommunity. 1he will stay in bad situations be#ause, as the old adage goes, she made her
bed and now she must lie in it. 5ften she lies in that bed be#ause her husband gave her
approval and respe#t before the marriage % and she was so flattered by it that she never
loo$ed to see what $ind of person he really was.

1ome Leo women have been so adversely affe#ted by the father image that they don!t
fun#tion well se*ually. They want the absolutely perfe#t partner and, therefore, tend to
)udge ea#h new #andidate so harshly that they #an rea#h si*ty years of age and wind up
never marrying. 9igid #odes of behavior regarding se*ual a#tivity may be stri#tly
enfor#ed, so mu#h so that the Leo female never gets a #han#e to e*perien#e life without
guilt. 3sually this happens when the Leo #hild is raised with a strong religious
upbringing. 5ne of my Leo #lients !saved herself! until she was forty%two years old and
married a man who wanted her to be a virgin. "hen the $not was tied, she found that he
was impotent. At forty%four, she had been married for two years and still was a virgin.
5bviously not all Leos are so adversely influen#ed by the father, but the natal #hart will
give a good idea about the effe#t of idealisti# ethi#al training regarding se*.

The Leo male is one who normally has a double standard. (e wants to be strong li$e his
father' he wants to be perfe#t as he thin$s his father is' and he spends his life trying to
live up to his father!s standards. (e #an pursue a #areer in a responsible way and assume
positions of authority. Leos often #hoose a profession or a #areer in high management. f
the early environment does not en#ourage edu#ation, the adult Leo will loo$ for wor$
where he is $nown and respe#ted for his integrity and ability. Leos are trustworthy and
devoted employees if they are given a responsible position, and often they will assume
responsibilities for whi#h they are not being paid. They give their all for the position they
hold, and e*pe#t respe#t and approval for what they have done. Leo men #an be terribly
wounded if they are shoved in a #orner after having given twenty years to a #ompany.

Again, there is a need for #ounseling regarding self%approval rather than loo$ing to
others for it. "hen we are #entred within ourselves, we #an withdraw from the emotions
of the situation at hand and begin to see how the situation is really going.

"hen Leos give their trust to someone, they seldom re%evaluate it. For e*ample,
friendships formed early in life are held in the same regard years later even though those
friends may have #hanged #onsiderably. Leos have a tremendous loyalty toward
established friendships. f the friend has had a #hange of values or ethi#s, Leo doesn!t
want to see where the friend has gone. (e will defend his friend to the end8

The idealism of Leos often draws them toward wor$ing in the politi#al arena, but poor
Leo doesn!t do too well there. They bring idealism into the ball game, and find it diffi#ult
to handle the politi#al situations % the deals, the graft, the politi#al #ompromises that are
sometimes made within the various politi#al party stru#tures. They may trust their fellow
politi#ians too mu#h, not realizing that ea#h new ele#tion brings about a #hange in
attitude for !the party!. They may not re#ognize the wheeler%dealers until it!s too late, and
their reputations #an suffer. The inner suffering that Leos feel is not always visible, but
the pain is intense.

The Leo male brings idealism into his relationships as well. (e wants to be /ing in his
#astle, whi#h is fine. But when things are not going his way he tends to withdraw into
silen#e and loneliness. t!s diffi#ult for him to tal$ about his sensitivities and hurts in a
relationship (and no matter how mu#h we love ea#h other, we will sometimes
un$nowingly hurt ea#h other). The Leo is so sensitive that one sees him withdraw when
another person inadvertently uses words he doesn!t understand % or if he feels his
position isn!t respe#ted enough. +any Leo men don!t want their wives to wor$ be#ause
they feel their position in the #ommunity will be )eopardized.

Their standards are noble. Be#ause of this, they may even have se*ual diffi#ulties, for
!one doesn!t have se* with a women one loves!. Leos #an put the people they love on su#h
a high pedestal that they don!t want to tou#h the loved one. f the Leo man marries a
#omfortably sensual, se*ual woman,, she may begin to resent the fa#t that she doesn!t get
the loving she needs % or that she has what is #alled the !dull! lover who )ust goes through
the motions with no feeling. 5ften, Leo men who #ome from a ba#$ground where se* was
forbidden don!t have a strong se*ual relationship with their wives. They may fun#tion
better with a woman they don!t love, for then they #an relate to her se*ually. The idealism
of the Fire signs is not always easy to live with. dealism has to be re%evaluated on a
#ons#ious level if there is to be a happy and fulfilling emotional life. Leos tend to live lives
of ,uiet desperation be#ause they don!t ,uestion the basis of their ethi#al de#isions. Their
reasons are often !one simply does!.

"e!ve heard that Leos #an be )udgemental % and they #an be. They usually apply the
ethi#s learned from the father on the universe around them, without #onsidering the fa#t
that ea#h person is different. .a#h of us has a path to wal$, and ea#h of us must find his <
her answers for him% < herself. Leos try to tell us how to live without #onsidering what our
needs are. And there is more to )udgement % for it often ma$es the )udge !better! than the
person )udged. 6erfe#tion is Leo and the rest of the world is not as good. This ,uality
sounds distasteful % but it is merely an offshoot of the need for approval. ! want approval!,
says Leo, !so will disapprove of you!.

The #reative energy will manifest in Leo types when they re%evaluate their personal
ethi#s, e*amine the foundation of any ethi#al de#isions, and #onsider developing a #ode of
ethi#s that allows them to grow.

The Leo personality is attra#ted toward power, influen#e and being in the spotlight,
where people noti#e them and where they #an perform. f you #an a#hieve su#h positions,
then self%#onfiden#e rapidly e*pands' you will be more su##essful when you a#t from
positions of responsibility and authority. 7et underlying these needs are feelings of
inse#urity and un#ertainty regarding your abilities' and these need trans#ending by
attaining some su##ess. 7ou have the opportunity to inspire others towards greater
a#hievements, unless you be#ome too obsessed with e*erting power and influen#e over

5n#e your dire#tion and aims are determined, you #an apply your powerful will to great
personal advantage. 7ou have a basi# optimisti# faith in the future and in your ability to
meet life!s #hallenges, and #an have a se#ret #onvi#tion of performing some a#t of destiny
in life, under the inspiration of un$nown intangible for#es whi#h you believe are
personally benefi#ial.

7ou #an be ,uite highly strung, o##asionally ,ui#$ to anger, although tending to forgive
people who you feel have wronged you. 7our temperament is outgoing, e*pressing
goodwill and geniality towards others, although you #an also greatly en)oy those hours
when you #an be alone, ,uiet and with yourself. 6roblems that may arise are #onfronted
and ta#$led with enough energy to dispose of them' you do not allow problems to persist
or attempt to evade them.

7ou have a strong ,uality of pride, dignity, integrity, loyalty and generosity' and you try
to stay true to your beliefs and values. 7ou #an be dominating in your so#ial sphere,
having an independent, outspo$en and fran$ #ommuni#ative style whi#h #an upset those
who rea#t against a dire#t, blunt approa#h. 1ometimes you tend to play to the !audien#e!
and !go over the top! in terms of what is a##eptable, and so you #an lose friends or
a#,uaintan#es through your #omments. 7ou #an be an effe#tive persuader, arti#ulate and
#apable of #ommuni#ating your ideas and enthusiasms. 7ou are sin#ere in whatever you
do, wanting only pea#e and harmony to e*ist around you. 7ou tend to have e*travagant
tastes, but try to ensure that those spending habits remain prudent' and you hate to get
into finan#ial trouble, although you #an be tempted to buy on spontaneous impulse.

7ou have a need to be dominant, at least at home, and this #an #ause some fri#tion
between personalities, espe#ially if your partner is e,ually wilful and assertive. There is a
strong need for freedom and independen#e, whi#h, with a sometimes authoritarian
attitude, #an #reate partnership disputes. &ramati# artisti# types #an often attra#t you,
but it is li$ely that on#e the passion wanes, personality #lashes will later o##ur. 7ou
re,uire an intelligent partner, and have a strong impulse to share, whi#h #an involve
sa#rifi#e by you, espe#ially when it #ontradi#ts your natural urge to satisfy purely
personal desires.

7ou rarely feel #ontent with any a#hievements, always driving onwards' and you #an be
an inspiring tea#her, helping others to fulfil their potential. 7ou need mental stimulation,
and this helps you avoid be#oming fi*ed in attitudes and opinions. 7ou may #hoose to
asso#iate with humanitarian groups, but #an be too individualisti# to stay, unless you are
the leader. 1ometimes you feel unappre#iated, and be#ome moody. 7ou need a distin#t
purpose and life dire#tion, and #an serve selflessly, but you often loo$ for the applause

(1$ye Ale*ander)

6eople who have the 1un in Leo are generally good%natured, enthusiasti#, #onfident and
gregarious. 7ou are an amiable and well%li$ed #ompanion, popular with men and women,
young and old ali$e. 7our favorite role, however, is that of the lover' and you #an be
amorous and ardent. A#tually, you are in love with being in love, with being the #entre of
your beloved!s attention and with the e*#itement and drama of love!s first blush.

Leo is the sign of self%e*pression, and you see$ to e*press yourself with flair in all you do.
(ighly #reative, you may #hoose some artisti# form through whi#h to e*press yourself.
+any artists have the 1un in Leo. At the very least, you love beauty and don!t hesitate to
adorn yourself and your home with fine (and often showy) #lothing, furnishings and

5r, you may #onsider your #hildren to be e*pressions of your #reativity. +ost probably,
you en)oy #hildren, espe#ially their vitality and )oie de vivre. At best, you are an
inspiration to your sons and daughters, a loving benefa#tor and prote#tor' at worst, you
#an be a petty despot and treat your #hildren as your sub)e#ts and slaves.

Though you have a high opinion of yourself, you need others to reinfor#e your ego and to
serve as your admirers and followers. n short, you need an audien#e. t is important for
you to be the fo#us of everyone!s attention' and you will do )ust about anything to $eep
the spotlight on yourself. This desire to be at #entre stage might lead you to a #areer in
the theatre. "hether or not you pursue a#ting professionally, however, you have a
natural talent for drama and theatri#s whi#h you are li$ely to employ in all areas of your
life. "ith your powerful persona, regal bearing and la#$ of modesty, you ma$e your
presen#e $nown in any #rowd.

7ou see your !role! in life as that of the leader. 7ou possess natural leadership ability and
pro)e#t su#h #onfiden#e and authority that you inspire others to follow you

(owever, you feel you should automati#ally be granted power, as if by &ivine right, and
might not be willing to wor$ your way to the top. Though you are ambitious, you #an be
lazy, and only want to wor$ at )obs that offer you prestige, glamor, power or a good time'
where you #an e*hibit your !star! ,uality and garner the attention and respe#t of others.

7ou long to be !$ing!' to have absolute authority and the total devotion and adoration of
all. Though you!d prefer to be a benevolent monar#h, you #an be ruthless and #ruel to
those who don!t show you the respe#t you feel you deserve. 7ou #an!t bear
insubordination or anything that in)ures your enormous but rather fragile ego.

7our greatest gift is your ability to inspire others, whether on the battlefield, the playing
field on the stage. 7our greatest failings, however, result from your e*aggerated sense of
self%important#e and prideful arrogan#e.

(1ydney 5marr)

Leo females

Leo women have a flair for the dramati#- they abhor the humdrum, the ordinary, the
routine. These women believe in living life as if a spotlight were turned on % they are not
always e*hibitionists, but they #ertainly want you to be aware of them. A tou#h, a
gesture, an e*pression % a se#ret signal % these are all important to the women born under
this zodia#al sign.

f you want a really good hint #on#erning the feminine Leo, )ust remember to re#ognize
her. 1he wants and needs re#ognition. 1tand up when she enters the room. 1mile in a
spe#ial way' let her $now that what you do is done espe#ially for her. 7ou #an win her
and hold her if your manner is regal. 0arried to e*tremes, of #ourse, this #ould be
ridi#ulous. 7ou must use your )udgement. The Leo woman helsp you to be#ome familiar
with the finer things of life. 1he is in rhythm, with the nuan#es of life. t is motion,
animation % the opposite of drudgery, of repeated a#tion leading to a rut.

A Leo woman is in love with love- roman#e is as essential as food and drin$. Affe#tion is a
ne#essity. (er personal magnetism is strong- she attra#ts members of the opposite se*. t
is all right to be )ealous as long as you don!t let her $now it. Be #alm and #ool. Admire
her. 5n#e you lose your temper or show wea$ness by being obviously )ealous, you begin
to lose out with this lady. Let her win you8 +a$e yourself a fas#inating #hallenge. ndeed,
you learn a great deal by being involved with a Leo woman. The involvement may tire
you, you but you learn and live and love.

Leo males

f you!re loo$ing for se#ret hints #on#erning Leo men, then you automati#ally mar$
yourself as an unusual woman. This is not to say that you are ne#essarily a wise woman %
but #ertainly unusual8 t seems that Leo men attra#t persons % espe#ially women % with
uni,ue personalities, talents, problems, et#.. A Leo man is fiery and romanti#' he
demands attention and #an be#ome )ealous, offended or aloof if he feels you regard him
as anything less than $ingly. (e tend to be infle*ible and see$s % generally to your
surprise % stability. (e li$es to get around and to be seen and heard, but he wants to
return to the lair and be #uddled, #ooed at and reassured.

A Leo man is never satisfied merely to be great- he wants to be told so. (e is attra#tive to
women' he seems to draw them li$e flies. (e doesn!t mind if you!re )ealous % he even
en)oys it. But he does not li$e you to ma$e s#enes. The best way to hold the interest of
this man is to be ,uietly dramati#. (e is fas#inated by subtle women. f you shout, you are
lost. But try wiping away a tear, then holding up your #hin as if nothing happened. +a$e
sure, however, that he sees you8 he!ll melt' he!ll #hange from a lion into a purring $itten.
A Leo man #an be ta$en advantage of' he en)oys being the #entre of intrigue. 7ou #an
lead him to a trap and even ma$e him fall in. But, unless you $eep him interested, he will
get up and get out.

(e is a natural showman' he li$es the theatre but he disli$es theatri#s. (e admires
beauty but shies away from the obvious- from women who use too mu#h ma$e%up' from
women who #ry openly' from women who laugh too loudly' from women who steal the
limelight. (e is a man of tremendous pride' you #an win him and woo him and do almost
anything you want with him if only you will remember to #ompliment him. (e wants to be
proud of you but he wants you to $eep your pla#e as a woman. (e believes in e,ual rights
for men and women, but he wants you to believe that he is )ust a little better. (e wants
you to be independent, but to #ompletely depend upon him. (e is a rather impossible
person, but at least you!ve been warned8
1asha Fenton)

+ost Leonine people are good%hearted, generous, helpful, good to their families,
absolutely reliable and dead honest, but a minority are not. have #ome a#ross one or
two really #old%hearted #onfiden#e tri#$sters born under this sign. These are the sort of
people who #ouldn!t be trusted to #ross from one side of a room to another without
#ausing some hearta#he. To be honest, these types are few and far between' and if a Leo
does let you down, it will normally be due to either laziness or the simple fa#t that his
#ir#umstan#es have #hanged.

Leos are proud people who, e*#ept for the rogue type whi#h mentioned before, have
great integrity. To a##use a Leo of stealing or of ta$ing advantage of another is to ris$
having your head removed from your body. Leos #an be irritable and very bad%tempered,
but their bad temper usually evaporates ,ui#$ly. Fatigue and hunger have a bad effe#t on
the Leo temper, and Leonine women be#ome e*tremely irritable and depressed when pre%
menstrual. Leos #an pani# when under pressure' but after the initial dramati#s, their
brains engage and they #ope marvellously. The natural Leonine state is a #heerful,
#harming youthful one. Leos are realists, but they ta$e a view of life whi#h leans towards
optimism, so they boun#e ba#$ from problems and they #an always find something good
to loo$ forward to. These sub)e#ts have very high standards and will often wor$ harder
and be far more su##essful than their #olleagues. This earns them a good deal of )ealousy
and spite from less su##essful types. Leos instin#tively understand that the harder they
wor$, the lu#$ier they are, and that a pleasant and #o%operative manner will advan#e
their #ause better than a sour or hostile one. Leonine people #an be aw$ward, arrogant,
insufferable, un#o%operative and idle' but they usually reserve this $ind of behaviour for
people towards whom they feel #ontemptuous, or o##asionally for their own families.

Leos usually ma$e e*#ellent parents, neither smothering their #hildren nor negle#ting
them. They respe#t the innate dignity of #hildren, and will try to $eep the lines of
#ommuni#ation open whatever the #ir#umstan#es. 1ome Leo fathers #an be too loud,
bossy and dis#iplinarian, but they usually mean well and, unless the #hild is e*#eptionally
timid, he understands this. 5ne fault whi#h see in myself is that try to prote#t my
#hildren from pain, and find it almost impossible to step ba#$ and wat#h them e*perien#e
unpleasant #ir#umstan#es at first hand.

Leos have a strange wor$ pattern, interspersing periods of freneti# a#tivity with times of
utter idleness. +any people wat#hing their Leo spouse or offspring spending three days
in a row stret#hed out on the sofa begin to wonder if there is something seriously wrong
with them' but as soon as the planets shift around a bit and the Leo!s energy level is
replenished, he gets up and gets going again.

This is a fi*ed sign whi#h means that Leos don!t li$e #hange, preferring to sti#$ to a )ob
or relationship until it be#omes #lear that it really has no future for them. 5ne way to
shift them is to treat them unfairly over money and to ma$e them repeatedly as$ for what
is due to them, while another way is to #ontinually #hange the rules and blame them for
the ensuing muddle, or to treat them with #ontempt. There is no way the Leo will stay in
a )ob if he is not properly paid and if agreements are not met. The surest way to shift a
Leo wife is to for#e her to be dependent, then pay her irregularly and insuffi#iently
whilst, at the same time, being vaguely angry and totally un#ommuni#ative. These
methods are, of #ourse, last resorts8

The typi#al Leo may be tall or short, but is usually good%loo$ing and on the plump side. A
Leo #an be a determined dieter but is never really well or happy when he loses weight.
Leo men sweep their hair ba#$ from their foreheads, while Leonine ladies have lots of
thi#$ hair whi#h sweeps and swirls around their fa#es. +any Leos have a strangely
forward%fa#ing and dire#t gaze whi#h #an ma$e them loo$ a bit li$e a #himpanzee, while
others have #hubby #hee$s and twin$ling eyes. Leo #olouring #an range from fair,
through red, to very dar$, but the s$in is usually pale or sallow and loo$s far better with a
suntan. 1ome Leos have a #hara#teristi#ally regal stan#e, wal$ing slowly and in a very
ere#t manner as if they were balan#ing a #rown on their heads, while others prowl li$e
restless lions. +ost astrology boo$s a##use Leos of being e*travagant, always buying and
wearing wonderful #lothes. This is simply not so. Leos wear whatever is ne#essary for
their wor$ and then #ome home, rip the lot off and sit around in an old tra#$ suit. :either
do they have the $ind of patien#e whi#h allows them to fiddle with their appearan#e. They
may spend money on a weight%loss programme on#e in a while, but that!s about all. 5n
the other hand, Leos hate buying or wearing rubbish, and would rather have a #ouple of
good%,uality outfits whi#h they wear to death.

The traditional areas of health wea$ness for Leos are the spine and the heart. Leos li$e to
eat and drin$ well, whi#h leads to obesity and too mu#h #holesterol in the arteries, whi#h,
#oupled with their rather tense nature, #an be dangerous for the heart. The way to deal
with all this is as obvious as it is boring, be#ause it means that Leos should strive to $eep
a moderate life%style without too mu#h stress, while following a !good! diet and ta$ing
regular e*er#ise. 3nfortunately, few manage to a#hieve this.

Leos must en)oy their wor$, or they simply won!t sti#$ at it' and they need to be among
pleasant and #heerful #ompanions. Leos are well%organised, and they en)oy ta$ing
responsibility, and have no fear of handling large and #ostly pro)e#ts. They #an be
e*#ellent salespeople if their heart is in their produ#t, but some Leos have to beware of
bordering on be#omin !pressure salesmen! or #onfiden#e tri#$sters. +any Leos are drawn
to the world of entertainment, and #an happily use their talents on the stage, in films or
on television, while others are happier to wor$ behind the s#enes as #amera, sound or
lighting engineers. Leos #an be found wor$ing as theatri#al agents or happily
demonstrating #omputers at spe#ialist e*hibitions. These sub)e#ts love to be where it is
all happening and to be part of the #reative pro#ess, but they may not be ,uite as
dramati# and showy as most astrology boo$s seem to imply. +any Leos wor$ on the land,
in industry and in edu#ation' but, although there is no spe#ifi#ally Leonine #areer, they all
need to be #lean and #omfortable, and to feel as if their #ontribution #ounts. +any Leos
#hoose to wor$ in glamorous and up%mar$et industries whi#h give them status. 1ome
Leos allow themselves to be#ome bossy and arrogant, whi#h does not endear them to
their #olleagues' while others #an be lazy and indifferent. Traditional astrology suggests
ma$ing or selling )ewellery as a Leo #areer, but haven!t really surveyed this one. A ,ui#$
round%up of my own Leo a#,uaintan#es reveals a se#retarial administrator, an airline
reservations agent, an insuran#e salesman, the editor of a small publi#ation, one absolute
#roo$, various show%business personalities, and an oil and gas engineer. 1ome Leos are
wor$aholi#s who pressurise themselve into ever%in#reasing su##esses, due to an
underlying fear of failure.

Leo hobbies #an in#lude almost anything, but they would probably be unusual, e*pensive,
glamorous and not involving too many other people. The real !biggy! here is travel. 1ome
Leos wor$ in the travel or overseas property fields, partly in order to ta$e advantage of
the opportunities for #heap travel whi#h these )obs provide. 5ther Leonine pursuits
in#lude sports and games of all $inds, some gambling within limits, and, of #ourse, love

+any Leos en)oy wor$ing to raise money for #harity or, more dire#tly, by helping less
fortunate people in some way. For e*ample, when a Leo gets rid of his #hildren!s
outgrown #lothes, he usually tries to ensure that these are utilised by other, less well%off
#hildren. The Leo would, however, rather die han dress himself or his #hildren in other
people!s #ast%offs. This may loo$ as if the Leo has a double standard in the way he sees
his own needs and the needs of other people. As a fully paid%up member of the Leo tribe,
have to admit that it is )ust that- a double standard. t is not surprising, therefore, that
many young Leonine mothers are e*#ellent dressma$ers.

There seems to be a need for #hange and adventure whi#h #an lead Leos to see$ out
stressful or dangerous hobbies' and most of them are instantly at home with #omputers.

Leos buy everything that their in#omes will allow, and often as mu#h as the finan#e
#ompanies will let them borrow too8 +any Leos are high earners who will ta$e an e*tra
)ob or two to #over e*penses if their main )ob is not bringing in enough money. f a Leo is
#areful with money, one #an be sure that there are other fa#tors on his or her birth#hart
whi#h $eep him or her in #he#$. These sub)e#ts need a spa#ious and attra#tive home.
They may not $eep their homes in the latest style be#ause, li$e 0an#erians, they develop
sentimental atta#hments to their belongings and surroundings. For mu#h the same
reason, they prefer to buy a house and then stay in it for many years, even when their
families have flown the #oop and left them with more spa#e than they really need. f the
Leo #an a#,uire land, further property, a holiday apartment, a boat or two, and even an
aeroplane, he < she will do so. .verything whi#h enhan#es his < her life and ma$es for fun,
as well as supreme #omfort, is of interset to him < her. Leos believe that money is meant
to #ir#ulate, to be spent and to be en)oyed. There is no Leo on the fa#e of the earth who
will put up with #ramped #onditions, #old or dis#omfort for one moment longer than is
absolutely ne#essary. The typi#al Leo!s home is well%proportioned and #omfortable, but
not ne#essarily filled with the latest goods or gadgets. Leos don!t set out to impress their
neighbours with their wealth or their possessions, but, if the neighbours happen to be
impressed, the Leo won!t mind one bit.

A ni#e #are is a must for most Leos. 1ome of them prefer a sporty, high%performan#e
vehi#le, while others prefer a large, e*pensive and well%appointed saloon. "hatever #ar
the Leo #hooses, you #an bet that it is impressive and definitely beyond his means. Leo
snobbery ensures that their #hildren attend the best possible s#hools and that everything
they do or have is the best that is available. As far as holidays are #on#erned, the Leo
would rather not travel than do so in dis#omfort. Leos are not parti#ularly materialisti# in
the sense of deriving se#urity from money and possessions, but they must have good
musi#, good food, a good home and a good life.

Leos are relaters, so they rarely live alone, and are very atta#hed to all members of their
families and also to any pets. Leos grow up needing a lot of love, understanding and
approval. They need to feel that they #ount, both out in the world and in their homes. 5n
the whole, these people are not that hard to live with, although they do have some
pe#uliarities whi#h #an irritate others. Leos are fussy, and they have high personal
standards whi#h they ma$e see$ to impose on others. They are also snobs. +y Leo
daughter won!t shop in #ertain areas be#ause she doesn!t li$e the #lass of #lientIle who
fre,uent the shops8 This behaviour doesn!t seem a bit strange to a Leo. Their homes must
be well%run and very #omfortable, but they are not e*#essively tidy, as they prefer a home
to be a home rather than a shop window. 5ne rather odd fa#t that have #ome a#ross is
that all Leos have a pla#e where they leave notes telling themselves what they need to do
over the ne*t few days. "hen entertaining, they will do so lavishly and in style. Leos #an
be very ambitious, both for themselves and for their families, and therefore they e*pe#t
their partners to get on in life. These sub)e#ts are fairly hard wor$ers, espe#ially when
they have their minds set on some spe#ial ambition. They li$e their )obs, homes, families
and #hildren to have a status and standing in the #ommunity, and they derive great pride
from this. Leonine sub)e#ts e*pe#t their partners and, indeed, other members of their
families to put their ba#$s into wor$ too.
Leos are loyal and very warm%hearted, so#iable, good to their friends, and very supportive
of all members of their families. They will bend over ba#$wards to help a partner' and
their #hildren are never short%#hanged when it #omes to love, help and advi#e. Being
members of a fi*ed sign, Leos don!t #hop and #hange regularly. They will stay in a
relationship even when it isn!t wor$ing' and divor#e is really a last resort. f there is any
#han#e that they might lose their #hildren as a result of divor#e, they simply won!t go
through with it. Leonine sub)e#ts #an be very irritable at times' they ta$e things to heart
and blame themselves when things go wrong. They may also blame others, but they really
do feel that they have let themselves down then mista$es o##ur. Leos don!t sul$ or brrod
as a rule' and, if they are angry or unhappy, they prefer to tal$ things over or even have a
row, rather than #ope with their problems silently or inwardly. 1ome psy#hi# sense tells
them that their sensitive #ardia# systems #annot #ope with a lot of inward fuming. These
sub)e#ts #an be very self%absorbed and self%#entred, be#oming totally involved with their
own lives and their own problems' and this sometimes ma$es their partners feel li$e
observers of the s#ene rather than full parti#ipants in the relationship. They ta$e life, and
themselves, very seriously' and they #an be very bitter and unforgiving of those who use
or hurt them. Leo loyalty ma$es them rush to the defen#e of those whom they love, but
they must be able to respe#t their partners or they #an sin$ into sar#asti# and
#ontemptuous behaviour towards them.

+ale Leos #an be very demanding, e*pe#ting their wives to be super%woman' but, on the
whole, as long as they #an run their homes smoothly, with the addition of paid help if
ne#essary, they won!t grumble too mu#h. t is possible to tal$ to these sub)e#ts and get
them to see reason, so most problems #an be wor$ed out. Leos don!t play games in
relationships' they are honest, and they usually mean what they way. These sub)e#ts #an
be somewhat e##entri#, and they do appear to mar#h down their own road, even if this is
#ompletely different from everyone else!s. They are more #on#erned about their own
measurement of their worth than other people!s opinions. Li$e all fire signs, Leos need
freedom. They don!t appre#iate being told what time they should be home, and they won!t
stand for being given the third degree if they arrive late. t is unli$ely that they are up to
anything wrong anyway, be#ause they usually get held up by people who buttonhole them
in order to tal$ to them. leos are fairly #areful with money, hating to be in debt, but they
are never mean to others. They won!t sponge off others, and they are embarrassed by
those who see sponging off as a legitimate pra#ti#e. 6ride #an be a Leo!s downfall' and,
although they #an be teased a little, they won!t be ridi#uled. f they find themselves with
a #ompetitive partner, the $ind who loves to have #onversations in front of others about
whose )ob is more important, they will )ust wal$ away. Leo dignity is sa#rosan#t, and they
never forget a hurt or an insult. As a Leo myself, #an absolutely guarantee that nobody
outisde of my immediate family is ever li$ely to see me #ry' and the #han#es are that the
family won!t see mu#h of this phenomenon either. Leo women don!t ma$e a sound when
giving birth, but they s#ream the hospital down after the event if they find themselves
and their infant are not being properly treated by the staff8 1ome Leos are ,uite lazy,
preferring to wat#h TE than to do anything useful, but most are good, steady wor$ers if
for no other reason than be#ause they li$e a good lifestyle. 1ome Leo men and even a few
women #an be#ome so immersed in their wor$ that they negle#t their partners and lose
them as a result.

Li$e all Fire signs, Leos are strongly se*ed' but they are also fussy about se*, and prefer
to do without it altogether than to get tied up with the wrong person or to feel in any way
un#omfortable about it. +ost Leos are very #lean and tidy, and #annot stand the idea of
ma$ing love with a dirty person or in dirty surroundings. They are not parti#ularly e*#ited
by the idea of ma$ing love in strange pla#es or anywhere that they are li$ely to be
dis#overed or #ompromised. t is the famous Leo need for dignity whi#h is at wor$ here,
be#ause they hate the thought of loo$ing foolish. They are able to stay in a marriage
whi#h doesn!t wor$ on a se*ual level, but this #an ma$e them vulnerable and prone to
e*tra%marital affairs. +ost of all, Leos need to play in an affe#tionate and loving manner.
These sub)e#ts are very sensual' they love to play with their partner!s hair and to tou#h
and be tou#hed in a nnon%se*ual manner. .ven a good ti#$ling session is part of the game
to them. (owever, they love the feelings whi#h surround the se* a#t as mu#h as the se*
itself. Leos, almost as mu#h as Taureans and Librans, #an e*tend se* play for as long as it
amuses them and their partners, both before and after #ompleting the se*ual a#t.

Leos will try to $eep on good terms with the more distant members of their families, and
they ma$e strenuous efforts to get on with in%laws, #ousins and neighbours. They don!t
li$e family rows, and they usually ta$e a fairly responsible attitude to everyone around
them. f, however, a family member persists in insulting them or harping on about their
faults, they will drop this person #ompletely and forever. They won!t even turn up to the
offending relative!s funeral. Leos are so#iable and friendly, and they tend to $eep their
friends for many years, valuing their friendship almost as mu#h as they value their
relationships. .ven e*%lovers and previous marriage partners are often $ept as friends
wherever possible. +any Leos are good letter%writers, $eeping in tou#h with distant
friends and relatives over the years, and visiting them whenever possible.

+ost of all, Leos love and value their #hildren. They treat them with dignity, and allow
them their independen#e' but even when their #hildren are #ompletely grown up with
families of their own, they try to $eep a #lose relationship with them. "hile their #hildren
are small, Leos try to give them all that they need, but they may be too pushy and
demanding, e*pe#ting them to live up to standards whi#h are hard to meet. f their
#hildren show any $ind of talent, the Leo parent will do everything in his power to foster
this, and he is never )ealous of a su##essful #hild.

As #hildren, Leos #an be disappointing to their parents. This is be#ause they seem to fall
short of their parents! edu#ational e*pe#tations and are more in#lined to play than to
study hard. Leos often ma$e up for this later in life by going ba#$ into edu#ation or
wor$ing hard at #limbing the promotional ladder. Leonine #hildren are affe#tionate and
loving, and even ,uite generous towards their siblings, although they #an be fier#e rivals
in the ra#e for their parents! love and for status both within and outside the family. if a
s#hool tea#her ridi#ules a Leo #hild, the #hild will swit#h off and do as little as possible
for that tea#her. This #an be a tragedy be#ause the #hild #an miss out on a parti#ular
s#hool sub)e#t as a result. n all things, and at all ages and stages of life, Leos need to be
treated with fairness and respe#t. &on!t ta$e a Leo #hild to a zoo' he #an!t bear to see
animals in a prison8

(4an 1piller and /aren +#0oy)

1un in Leo individuals feel they have the right to e*press themselves gloriously' to be
noti#ed and admired simply for being themselves.


"hen you fo#us on yourself and on gaining the admiration and attention of others, you
may a#t in ways that are needlessly dramati#, understated, or overstated. n the Leonine
desire to be admired, you may subdue true emotional e*pression. This desire #an lead
you to respond to situations with empty displays of drama. 7ou may fall into Leo traps-
demanding attention whether it is earned or not' being hypersensitive, ta$ing #riti#ism as
a personal affront' and refusing to a##ept the input from others that #ould a#tually lead to
a more powerful e*pression of your #reative gifts. By trying to obtain the attention and
approval of others, you might #ompromise your own identity. This pro#ess leads to
defeating the natural and healthy e*pression of your spontaneous, #hildli$e ego.


"hen your attention is dire#ted toward en#ouraging others, you have the ability to #reate
warmth and sunshine. 7ou #an e*perien#e your vitality and power in the pro#ess of
re#ognizing and uplifting those around you. 7our natural enthusiasm inspires the life in
others by drawing them onto the stage. This dramati# ability #an motivate them to
be#ome e*#ited about themselves. "hen you #onsider yourself a part of the team and
truly see$ to enri#h and enhan#e those around you, you #an e*perien#e not only their
magnifi#en#e but also yours. "hen you a#$nowledge others! uni,ueness, you allow them
to o##upy the #entre of the stage. This gives you the ob)e#tivity needed for #onfiden#e to
e*press yourself. As an e*ample of #hildli$e inno#en#e and spontaneous vitality, you #an
inspire others to e*press the radian#e within themselves.

(4ulia and &ere$ 6ar$er)

5rganization is essential for Leos, who need #ontrol in their lives. "ith the slightest
en#ouragement, their organizational ability will spill over into the disordered lives of
others. The ris$ lies in their ta$ing over, be#ause they hate to see ability wasted. Their
worst fault is in assuming they always $now best. Leos may also be e*tremely dogmati#,
and so must #ultivate fle*ible minds and respe#t for others! opinions. The #hara#teristi#
Leonine warmth, generosity and desire to understand others #an then be fully indulged.

A powerful #reative urge is present in every Leo and must be e*pressed' otherwise, a
very great deal of potential will be wasted. This does not mean all Leos are painters,
a#tors or s#ulptors- #reation #an ta$e pla#e in the $it#hen, at the sewing ma#hine, in the
garden or at the wor$ben#h. The innate Leo enthusiasm is e*pressed in other areas of
life, too- the 1un, ruling this sign, gives Leos an infe#tious vitality. They must live life to
the full, and li$e to see others doing so as well. They have an inner 1un whi#h not only
illuminates their own lives and a#tivities, but also lights up the lives of others, or perhaps
gives them energy. Leo days should be full, with not a moment wasted, sin#e la#$ of
fulfillment, professionally or personally, #an totally destroy them and #loud their

&omination of partners is a possibility that #annot be underestimated. t may be well
meant, as when they long to bring out the best in the other person' but nevertheless,
Leos shouldn!t always be allowed to wear the trousers8

They are surprisingly sensitive, and #an be hurt very easily % partly be#ause they are
often emotionally idealisti#. "hile this ma$es them wonderfully supportive and often real
powers behind the throne, few people #an be safely worshipped, and invariably Leos are
disappointed in the end. Leos #an also ta$e #riti#ism very mu#h to heart.

(4ulia and &ere$ 6ar$er) (#ontd.)

.*uberant en)oyment and pleasure are gained from se*, but Leos don!t li$e their love to
be rough and ready. They almost demand to be wined, dined and then sedu#ed in lu*ury8

The sunny disposition and ready enthusiasm of a Leo #hild appears at a very early age,
and is always ,uite delightful. :atural organizational ability soon shows itself, but
parents should wat#h for any tenden#y towards bossiness in their Leo offspring, who may
be seen putting the whole plays#hool in its pla#e.

+anaging the lives of siblings is a distin#t possibility when the Leo #hild is older then
them. This self%assertion, however, is not ,uite as strong as it seems, and it is surprisingly
easy to deflate young Leos % perhaps when a well%meaning adult severely #riti#izes a
pie#e of wor$. f you must #riti#ize a Leo #hild, do so with affe#tion and humor-
otherwise, you will severely #rush his or her self%#onfiden#e.

Listening to the opinions of others, even if the #hild does not a##ept them, should be
a#tively en#ouraged. (e or she is then less li$ely to be#ome entren#hed in fi*ed ideas and
beliefs. The Leonine stubborn strea$ must also be dis#ouraged. Try to distinguish it from
determination, whi#h should, of #ourse, be wel#omed and en#ouraged.

Leo enthusiasms last a lifetime- if a Leo #hild is interested in a parti#ular hobby, it is
unli$ely that it will ever be #ompletely re)e#ted, so it is worthwhile and most important to
nurture early interests.

Leo parents are e*#ellent at re#ognizing and en#ouraging their #hildren!s potential, but
they must beware of for#ing their own interests and enthusiasms on them. They will insist
on the highest standards, but must not e*pe#t more than #an be given. 0hallenge is good,
but insistent pressures is not.

.motional involvement in a #areer is essential if Leos are to feel fulfilled. They are found,
of #ourse, in all wal$s of life, but basi#ally are at their best when able to use their
e*#ellent #reative potential and organizational abilities. Their natural sense of drama
should also be e*pressed. The theatre is an obvious possibility, but they #an be e,ually at
home in trades asso#iated with lu*ury and glamor. +any Leos are in their element in a
#ourtroom or in the operating theatre- ta$ing #entre stage #omes naturally to them.

nnately ambitious, Leos are interested in money #hiefly for the lu*ury it #an bring. They
love buying and en)oying beautiful things and ,uality #lothes, and they also love to travel
% )ust as long as it #an be done in #omfort8 "hen Leos rea#h the top of the tree, they
usually #ontrive to stay there, and to ma$e ,uite sure they are seen8

Leos ma$e e*#ellent employers, due to their good powers of leadership. (owever, they
must retain their natural enthusiasm for life and their desire to improve the lives of
others. As they deplore anything se#ond%rate or of a low standard, their employees will be
well loo$ed%after % but also e*pe#ted to give of their best. For this reason, Leo bosses #an
appear diffi#ult, and must subdue any auto#rati# tenden#ies.

Leos never rush into #hange in a foolhardy way, be#ause they are not over%fond of it.
(owever, if they #an learn to view important periods of #hange as a su##ession of
#hallenges and a means to progress, they will #ope well.

Leisure is an alien #on#ept to Leos, who prefer to fill every moment with a#tivity. They
are amateurs in the true sense, sin#e they have no hobbies as su#h- all of their interests
are ta$en to a professional standard. (owever, they must not be self%satisfied, as self%
#riti#ism is important.

9etirement will open new doors for Leos- they will already have many interests to follow
up and develop. They will be very li$ely to turn some hobbies into moneyma$ing
#on#erns, for they won!t want to a##ept a standard of living that is lower than the one
they have been used to.

/eeping an even tenor in their lives is important. 5therwise, their usually e*#ellent
vitality may be burned out now and again through e*haustion.

The heart is the Leo organ, so Leos would do well to prevent possible heart disease by
#areful diet and regular e*er#ise. The ba#$ is also vulnerable and should be #arefully
e*er#ised as well. &an#ing, i#e%s$ating and forms of e*er#ise with a #reative element are
espe#ially rewarding. A love of ri#h foods should be #urbed.

(Fran#es 1a$oian and Louis A#$er)

Leos were born under the sign of generosity and nobility of feeling. The sign Leo
represents man!s attempt at self%e*pression' the unfolding of the internal%power
prin#iple. Leo is a Fire sign ruled by the 1un. 1in#e it is the 1un!s fun#tion to bestow
upon the world heat, light, and life, it is the benefa#tor of every living #reature. n our
planetary system, it is the #entre around whi#h the planets rotate. Leos, then, are
generous. They must have the spotlight' and, on#e in it, they must shine. They en)oy
being the #entre of attention. 6roviden#e helps Leos when they need it most. :ew fields
of a#tion open at a time when there seems to be no visible solution to their problems. As
the 1un inflitrates the dar$est shadow, so it puts Leos in the light.

Leos! roots lie in the home and in their own personal independen#e. They feel the need to
produ#e #hildren both of their minds and of their bodies.

Leo rules the heart' therefore these people give of themselves generously through time,
money, and $nowledge, with no thought of the self. They are strongly attra#ted to the
opposite se*. Their love nature should be held in #he#$, or serious hearta#he #an be the

Leos are un#ons#iously drawn to the idea that !the means are )ustified by the ends!.
+oney is important only as a means of a#hieving their goals. They assume that others
possess a sense of integrity e,ual to their own' and #onse,uently they are overly
#onfident, fran$, and outspo$en. These traits #ause them many interpersonal diffi#ulties,
and they often lose their friends.

They disli$e repetition. 5n#e they see the point, they be#ome ,uite impatient, and often
obstinate, in dis#ussion. Those who disagree with a Leo!s opinions should be ta#tful, for
he will surrender so long as his dignity is re#ognized. (e wants people to thin$ well of
him' and as he dire#ts a great deal of energy to this goal, it is fre,uently a#hieved. Leos
are very aware of the effe#t they have on others, and study what to do in order to #reate
a better effe#t. (This does not mean, however, that they are introspe#tive or that they
analyze themselves in order to improve their #hara#ter.)

The role that they assume is a noble role, and their sense of the dramati# is so strong that
they a#hieve nobility in playing this role, and thus #reate their own reality. But self%
approval is also important to them % self%approbation repla#es #ons#ien#e. They will do
anything they thin$ is right % if ne#essary, sa#rifi#ing publi# disapproval for self%approval.
f they are for#ed into a #ompromising situation, they will despise their wor$ and negle#t

The symbol of this sign is the lion, denoting ma)esty, power, and dignity. Leo is a $ingly
sign, and Leos e*press pride in every movement and a stateliness that will not es#ape the
$een eye. 6ower will in#rease Leos! self%#onfiden#e amazingly, to the point where they
seem a#tually to glow8 As long as Leos feel that they are in a position of authority and
responsibility, they will leave no stone unturned in order to )ustify the #onfiden#e that has
been pla#ed in them. Leos fun#tion well in positions of responsibility and management,
e*pressing their #reativity by setting poli#ies. Leos whose desire for authority is
unfulfilled may develop traits of indolen#e, laziness, impetuousness, and in#onstan#y.

"omen born under this sign tend to dominate their marriages. They are li$e fero#ious
lionesses in defending their #hildren. 5ne may step on the toes of Leo mothers, but never
on the toes of their #hildren8

Leos are pra#ti#al, philosophi#al and spiritual. These ,ualities, along with their
enthusiasm and inspiration, help them to mold publi# opinion. "hen Leos are #ontrolled
and informed, there are no others so powerful, useful, and #apable of giving to their
fellow men.

They have a re#$less #ourage, but they never fight unfairly, no matter how great the
advantages offered. n vi#tory, they remain magnanimous, and in defeat stand
un#on,uered. The $ey phrase for Leo is ! will!.

(9obert (and)

7ou are spirited and strong%willed, and li$e to be the #entre of attention. 1ometimes you
may be a show%off, whi#h others may find annoying. :evertheless, other people li$e you
be#ause you are basi#ally warm and affe#tionate. 7ou wor$ very hard to get your way
with others. 7ou should be #areful of #arrying this trait too far, however, be#ause it may
turn away people who would otherwise be your friends. 7ou are proud, and #onsider
yourself important. The positive side of this is that you are relu#tant to #ompromise
yourself or lose other people!s respe#t. Being respe#ted by others is very important to
you, and for this reason you are less li$ely than others to tell lies. 7ou feel that everything
should be out in the open.

5n#e you have made up your mind about a parti#ular #ourse of a#tion, you are very
persistent. 7ou sele#t a goal and follow it through to the bitter end. "hen you are older,
you will want to be a person of some importan#e and, if possible, a leader. .ven while you
are young, you will play this role whenever possible, whi#h should wor$ out very well,
be#ause you also want to be worthy of being a leader. For you, self%respe#t is as
important as the respe#t of others.
(Lyn Birbe#$)

7ou have a noble though potentially tyranni#al heart. 7ou have the will to use generously
your sense of privilege % without it des#ending into pomposity. 7our life should be led in a
spirit of radiating light and warmth, as opposed to merely holding #entre%stage. 7our
father is seen or e*pressed as one who is powerful and noble, and < or downright #ruel.

7ou generate an aura of #ertainty that enables 5ther to be#ome more #onfident in him% <
herself and his < her own abilities' a positive and #heerful glow that gives the impression
that you have life under #ontrol' and an air of dignity as you bear life!s diffi#ulties without

7ou #an alienate 5ther with a patronizing attitude that #auses 5ther to rebel against you
in a way that gets to your most vulnerable area- your pride' by having those around you
#onform to what you see as your idea of #orre#t living' and by hardening yourself to
5ther!s sensitive spots as well as your own.

7ou overemphasize your need of admiration in order to gain a sense of importan#e and
spe#ialness. 7ou also overemphasize what you see as your stengths, be#ause you e,uate
wea$ness with being unlovable. And you overstate your #onvi#tions and rules, fearing
taht you!ll lose your grip if you are magnanimous enough to loosen it.

7ou #an feel wea$ in the fa#e of what appears to be 5ther!s la#$ of attention or affe#tion'
when you are afraid that your all%too%human wea$ness has been spotted' and when you
are un#eremoniously !#ut! or !banished! as a result of 5ther having to give you the truth
but, be#ause of your pride, not telling you it.

"hen you are alone it is unmista$ably be#ause that is the only way that you #an feel in
#ommand of your own life. The trouble with being a /ing or Fueen is that to have a
#onsort means being without any spe#ial privileges or per$s su#h as you have #ome to
regard as your divine right. The bed#hamber may be royal, but what goes on in it #an be
de#idedly #ommon. n other words, emotions ma$e e,uals of us all % and this #an prove
too mu#h for your sense of pride and e*#lusiveness to abide. And so either you have
ironi#ally bowed out for want of being able to step down from your throne and relate in a
human%to%human way, or your #onsort has had no other #hoi#e but to leave you with only
that throne for #ompany. .ither way, it is time to refle#t and a##ept.

(;rant Lewi)

The mainspring of Leo!s great energy, vitality and #harm is his instin#tive desire for both
publi# a##laim and self%approval. 5f all the signs, Leo is perhaps the most aware of
himself' in a sense, he is always before the loo$ing%glass, seeing what effe#t he is ma$ing.
n shallow types, this ma$es for mere vanity, pompousness, pride and show. Add
profundity, and all this is #hanged. 7our best Leo type is earnest, sin#ere, eager to please
himself and the world around him, and willing, in order to do so, to ta$e on infinite wor$
and go to infinite trouble. (e is not genuinely introspe#tive' he has little #apa#ity to
dis#over his inner faults' but he is very sensitive to the effe#t he ma$es on others, and
studies therefore what to do to ma$e a better effe#t. There is a differen#e here from self%
analysis to improve #hara#ter from the inside, but the differen#e is in method rather than
in result % for Leo, in the pro#ess of appearing something desirable, a#tually be#omes
something desirable. (e $nows instin#tively the wisdom of the advi#e (amlet gave his
mother- !Assume a virtue if you have it not!- by assuming the appearan#e of a virtue for
the sa$e of winning approval, he a#tually a#,uires the virtue itself, for he is the soul of
truth and #annot behave as he doesn!t feel. (e thus removes the #urse from his play%
a#ting, for his sense of the dramati# is strong, and the roles he assumes are noble. This
would be unbearable if in the provess Leo did not a#tually be#ome noble % but he does'
some of the greatest spirits who have ever wal$ed the .arth are these very Leos who
#hose for themselves a high role in whi#h to merit the world!s approval, lived up to the
role, and a#tually be#ame what they wanted to be admired for. !1u#h a pri#e do the gods
e*a#t for a song, to be#ome what we sing.! "hether he is found in business, on the stage
(and he often is), or in a love affair (where also he often is), Leo is a#utely aware of
himself, always standnig off and appraising the effe#t he is ma$ing. (e will usually be
found, if not #onventional, at least dis#reet. 1elf%approval repla#es #ons#ien#e' he!ll do
anything if he thin$s it is right, and will brave publi# opinion if his self%approval is
suffi#iently important to outweigh the loss of publi# approval. (owever he behaves, you
#an rest assured that he is always a#utely aware of what people are thin$ing of him and
that he is striving to ma$e them thin$ as well as possible.

(4ohn Townley)

Leo is the sign of the lover, and the 1un here gives your personality gra#e, generosity and
#harm. 7ou give and re#eive love freely, and you surround your partner with tenderness
and affe#tion.

7ou must be espe#ially aware of the $inds of attentions your lover li$es and disli$es. 7our
innate tenden#y is to lavish affe#tion on your partner, whi#h may startle or overwhelm
someone who isn!t used to it. 7ou #an give out too mu#h of a good thing.

&o not e*pe#t your lover to return your affe#tions in the same style. .ven the deepest
love #an be e*pressed in many different ways, whi#h you may have to sear#h for. Few
people are as open and dire#t as you are, so you will probably have to spend some time
finding out about your parner!s #hannels of #ommuni#ation.

Although you may not be the dominant partner in every relationship, your partner should
give you plenty of room and not try to #onfine or restri#t you in any way. 7ou are a very
loyal partner, as long as you are given freedom to be. 7ou must also grant that same right
to your lover and avoid possessiveness or )ealousy. Loyalty #omes from the heart, and you
will $now through feelings rather than a#tions if a partner is right.

"henever you have problems in a relationship, analyze them with your feelings, not your
mind. Then your inner radian#e #an dispel the dar$est emotional #louds.

(+ar#ia +oore J +ar$ &ouglas)

/eynote- The power of individuality manifests through #reative self%e*pression.
1ymbol- A ri#hly robed $ing sitting on a throne raises his golden s#epter.

Leo, li$e the 1un, must shine. As lord of the heavens, the 1un sheds life%giving rays on all
who move within its orb of influen#e. 6eople born in this solar sign are often #onvin#ed
that it is their destiny to #ommand and to ma$e themselve sthe fo#us of all eyes. They
need to remember, however, that the 1un is sovereign of the s$y only bu virtue of its
willingness to bestow itself unstintingly upon those who #an re#eive its revitalizing
emanations. The 1un reigns supreme by gra#e of its demonstrable power to radiate light
and warmth, and not be#ause a law has been passed de#reeing that it should rule.

The dominion of the 1un over Leo is so #omplete that no other planet is in its e*altation
or fall in this sign. This undisputed autonomy is refle#ted in the single%mindedness of
many 1un%Leo people who $now what they want out of life and purposefully set out to
obtain it. +ost natives of this sign have a virgorous #onstitution and the ability to
influen#e others through sheer for#e of personality. T(ey need to be #areful that
enthusiasm does not be#ome blind zeal, lest they e*pend their energies in behalf of
#asuses that #annot stand the light of reason. The Leonian often wins the support of
others through dramati# gestures and a magnanimous attitude. Fre,uently, the programs
he promotes are less impressive than the way in whi#h he advertises them.

Leo wants to be appre#iated. This individual #an be the most self%aware of all the zodia#al
types, and generally he ma$es #ertain that others are also #ons#ious of his presen#e on
the s#ene. As a #hild, he says, !Loo$ at me!. As an adult, he says, !1ee what have done!.
(e #alls attention to himself through #reative a##omplishments whi#h display his singular
talents. These 1un%ruled people are fond of )ewellery, #olorful #lothing, eye%#at#hing
de#orations, flashy #ars, and large%s#ale displays. They want to en)oy, and to help others
en)oy, these light, bright pleasures.

.ven a sophisti#ated Leionian will, at times, betray the self%#entered simpli#ity of a #hild.
A youngster wants to be the #enter of attention' and Leo, with his naturally trusting
disposition, may have the same naive faith in the importan#e of his pla#e within the
#osmi# s#heme. "hen disappointed, a Leonian is down#ast, li$e the 1un obs#ured by
#louds. (e seldom gives way to bitterness, however, for he has an abiding faith in the
fundamental goodness of people. (e is not in#lined to worry about the future or to brood
over the past, but lives to the fullest e*tent in the ever%present :ow % and Leo loves lu*e

mperial Leo may at times be overbearing, but it would be a pity to #orrode his self%
#onfiden#e by harsh repressive measures, sin#e as long as he feels loved he will wor$ his
heart out for others. f he is dis#ouraged, however, he #annot wor$ at all. (e is seldom
mean or petty, although he tends to disregard, with more than a tra#e of snobery, that
whi#h he feels to be beneath his dignity. .ven undeveloped Leonians, though they may
bully and bluff their way through life, honestly aspire to be bigger and better than they

Leo%born people should endeavor to remain in #harge of their own affairs. Bea#use they
lie$ to wield authority, they ma$e better employers than employees. :oble, generous, and
high%minded, they ,ui#$ly weary of small details and petty problems. As leaders, their
su##ess depends largely upon personal magnetism. The en#ouragement and #heer they
radiate to their satellites strengthens many a faltering soul.

The desire for re#ognition is the mainspring of Leo!s su##ess, but he needs to beware that
his #raving to be admired does not give rise to delusions of grandeur, #ausing him to
waste his strength attempting the impossible. .ven in failure, he seldom loses faith but
#onsoles himself with the thought that he has a#ted from the heart. As long as he retains
his integrity, he #an #ope with almost any reversal' but if he no longer believes in himself,
he will falter and fail.

The pride of the spiritually evolved Leonian is based on more than mere egotism. (is
motto is ! am the light of my world!. This affirmation is based on the profound #onvivtion
that a spar$ of divinity resides at the #ore of every human being. Thus, he feels that by
e*pressing his true 1elf, he is also e*pressing the will of the 0reator. (e would rather fail
in the attempt to a#hieve this high purpose than aim for anything less.
(sabel (i#$ey)

The 1un is in Leo from 4uly DDnd to August DDnd, appro*imately. t is represented by
!Fire of the heart' the steady #ontrolled fire of affe#tion, the hearth fire.! The $eyword of
Leo is ! will!. t rules the heart and the spine in the physi#al body.

Leo is the sign of self%#ons#iouslness, as 0an#er is the sign of the instin#tual #ons#ious.
"hether Leo people are #onstru#tive or destru#tive in their approa#h to life depends on
who drives their #hariot' self or 1elf. Leo people have great #ourage, but unless they have
a sense of responsibility and are willing to ta$e dis#ipline of their own a##ord, they #an
bring great diffi#ulties on themselves. 5ne of Leo!s $eywords is !dominion!. This does not
mean dominion over others (a trap Leo needs to learn to avoid) but dominion over their
own unsub)ugated for#es. Leo is the most vital of the signs and has tremendous energy.
They have a #onfiden#e and an assuran#e that strengthens those who are timid and
angers those who are see$ing the power inherent in Leo. Leo is the royal and $ingly sign
of the zodia#. n an age where /ings are a thing of the past, Leos need the realization
that the royalty of the A,uarian age will be the spiritual aristo#rats who fun#tion through
the heart and soul in real simpli#ity. "hat is simpli#ity but going to the inner heart of
things and seeing things whole2 Leo rules the inner #enter % the heart.

There is an an#ient astrologi#al aphorism- Leo rules by divine right and 0apri#orn by
delegated authority. This is Leo!s greatest stumbling blo#$ % authority. Leos will not
delegate authority to others. They give it with one hand and ta$e it away with the other.
This is one reason so many Leo people die of heart atta#$s before they rea#h old age.
They thin$ they have to do it all themselves, and in the pro#ess wear themselves out.

Leos! faith and loyalty to those they love is very strong. Being a fi*ed sign, on#e they give
their affe#tions they do not #hange easily. "here their opposite sign, A,uarius, is too
impersonal and indifferent in relationships, Leo people are too atta#hed where those they
love are #on#erned. They have to learn true deta#hment. 0an the 1un shine for itself or
)ust one other2 5nly when Leo individuals be#ome impersonal and give their warmth and
affe#tion to all do they #ome into their inheritan#e. 5f all the signs, they #annot live for
themselves alone. All energy and power #omes from the 1un, whi#h rules Leo, but Light
and 6ower #an warm or s#or#h, #reate or destroy. The solar radiation has the power to
bring forth life, but Leos have to use that life wisely or pay a heavy pri#e. That is why
Leos! will must be#ome ;od!s will, or they are in trouble.

There is dignity, self%respe#t, #ourage and integrity in the evolved Leo individuals. They
are honest, dire#t and fully dependable when they are evolved' arrogant, egotisti#al and
bombasti# when they enthrone their ego where their (igher 1elf should be.

Their virtues are big ones as well as their faults. Love should be#ome divine #ompassion
before their regeneration is #omplete. The Leo destiny is a high one. :o man #an be a
true leader until he is willing to be servant of all. The greatest gift a Leo #an bring to the
world is an understanding heart.

(+yrna Lofthus)

Leo people en)oy wor$ that gives them s#ope for their #reativity, their organizing ability,
or for self%e*ploitation. 1ome of the #areers are leaders, professional sportsmen, military,
a#tors, tea#hers, salesmen, and )ewelers.

Five positive $ey words are- generous, optimisti#, ambitious, loyal, and affe#tionate. Five
negative $eywords are- demanding, intolerant, domineering, lazy, and self%#entered. The
$ey phrase is ! will!. The $ey word is !faith!. Their basi# nature is !the ruler or

n mythology, the lion ruling the Leo sign was the :emean lion. The :emean lion!s s$in
was so strong that it #ould not be penetrated. Thus, he seemed to be un#on,uerable.
(owever, (er#ules proved this false by brea$ing the lion!s ne#$.

Li$e the :emean lion, Leonians are #ourageous but not invulnerable. 1urprisingly, they
#an be bro$en, too, but in a different manner. t is their feelings that get bro$en. n fa#t,
Leos are e*tremely sensitive. This is very well hidden from their antagonists. The
Leonians will merely leave the s#ene, either ,uietly or snarling, and li#$ their wounds in
Leos li$e to organize everyone else!s life. They do this be#ause of deep%seated feelings
that it is for that person!s benefit. But not everyone ta$es too $indly to being told how to
live his < her life, with the resul that fur generally flies fast and thi#$.

f a Leo is angered, he immediately goes into his regal role. (e !mounts his throne! and
,ui#$ly puts the #hallenger in his < her proper pla#e. Leos literally roar at people when
they are angry. But on#e their tirade is over, they forgive and forget, and never hold a

At their best, Leonians are affe#tionate, #heerful, optimisti# people who #an be #ounted
on to bring sunshine into other people!s lives. They are e*#eptionally generous. +oney
appears to slip through their fingers as it it were grains of sand. Leos love to have a good
time. The theater, arts, and sports are of spe#ial interest to them.

Leos li$e to visualize broad s#hemes, even if they $now they #an!t possible afford them or
that their ideas are not pra#ti#al. (owever, if it does #ome down to ma$ing these
s#hemes and ideas a reality, they usually su##eed in persuading someone else to do all
the paper wor$ for them. Their leadership potential is hindered be#ause of their disli$e
for paper wor$.

n the wor$ world, Leos are ambitious but never ruthless. They are hard wor$ers,
espe#ially if they admire and respe#t their employer. There is a need for them to e*press
their enthusiasm for life in their wor$. For this reason, they #an easily be#ome deeply
involved with their #areer.

They have vitality and good health, with strong re#uperative powers. "hen they are ill,
they have a tenden#y to run high fevers. They are seldom depressed' but when they are,
they are devastated. Fortunately, their resilient powers are e*#ellent, so they are soon
sunny and happy again.

There is a need for them to re#eive attention, praise, and re#ognition form their
fellowman. n love, they are affe#tionate, wanting to give happiness to their loved one.
But they have to admire their marriage partner. f they don!t, the marriage may not last
very long.

Their most frustrating trait is that they have #losed minds. They #ling to their opinions
stubbornly and #annot be appealed to either emotinally or with reason. Any new idea
must be mulled over privately. Then, they #onsider the pros and #ons until they rea#h a
#on#lusion. But, most of the time, they haven!t #hanged their minds at all. 7ou feel as if
you have been hitting your head against a stone wall when trying to get a Leo to #onsider
your ideas and opinions.

As a parent, a Leo e*pe#ts a lot from his #hild. (e is disappointed if the #hild does not
measure up to his ideas. They are generous and enormously proud of their #hildren. +ost
Leo parents thoroughly en)oy their #hildren. f the #hildren are energeti# and eager, all is
well. f, however, the #hild is timid and shy, the Leo parent must be very #areful not to
push this #hild beyond his #apabilities.

As a #hild, the Leonian will be sunny and happy. Be sure to give them responsibilities
early. They have a tenden#y to be#ome !bossy! with other #hildren, and should be gently
persuaded to ta$e turns. They need plenty of rest, outdoor e*er#ise, and protein.
Natal Sun in Virgo

(Betty Lundsted)

The Eirgo #hild enters a mother%dominated environment. The 1un is in a feminine
polarity, whi#h indi#ates that the father is a passive figure. There is a different e*pression
of the earth element in the Eirgo, sin#e the #hildhood environment stresses edu#ation
and mental development.

For #enturies, Eirgos have been told that they are too #riti#al, too intelle#tual, too
rational, too involved with edu#ation, too involved with finding fault in others' and that
they emphasize petty details rather than #on#entrating on main issues. t seems to be
true % these ,ualities are often a part of a Eirgo!s #hara#ter. But how are these #hara#ter
traits developed2

Eirgo is born into a family where +om is ,uite put out with &ad. n many instan#es, Eirgo
is born when the mother de#ides to have a mu#h%wanted #hild. 1he then goes through the
#risis of having to stay at home from wor$ to ta$e #are of the $id. The wor$ environment
offered offi#e relationships that were en)oyable' the offi#e offered a #han#e to e*#hange
information with others that is usually lost when a woman stays at home to ta$e #are of a
#hild!s needs. This mother begins to resent her husband, for after the #hild is born she
#an!t afford baby sitters sin#e the family has )ust lost her in#ome.

5r, the Eirgo #hild is born into a family where one more #hild is another finan#ial
responsibility that is added to an already heavy burden. The mother resents her position,
and begins to ,uestion her husband!s ability to support his family. 1he not only #riti#izes
her husband, but doubtless #riti#izes her own mother, her in%laws and the whole
neighborhood. t isn!t too long before she gets around to #riti#izing the little Eirgo as
well. Be#ause the mother is su#h a dominant for#e, the #riti#ism that she offers is ta$en
,uite seriously by the #hild.

n general, Eirgos have a serious need to be appre#iated and needed as they rea#h
adulthood. They #hoose o##upations whi#h are ne#essary, whi#h provide servi#e for
different groups' or they tend to be#ome involved in o##upations where they are
overwor$ed and underpaid. They are an employer!s delight be#ause they often give more
time to a )ob than they are being paid for. Their problems begin when they start to find
fault with everything and everybody around them. The motive is simple- !f #an find fault
with you before you find fault with me, then everything is o$.! 0hildren raised by highly
#riti#al parents are going to grow up to be #riti#al adults. "e pi#$ up our basi# patterns
of behavior from our parents. The attitudes we en#ounter are deposited in our
sub#ons#ious very early in life. As we get older and loo$ inside ourselves, we sometimes
noti#e with amazement that we have be#ome a #arbon #opy of our parents8

The mother may instill in her #hild values that will also dis#ourage Eirgo from feeling
#omfortable in #ertain adult aspe#ts of relationships. 5ften, the mother of a Eirgo goes
through an antise*ual period during the $id!s infan#y. 1he worries a lot about hygiene,
and the normal fun#tions of the body are often regarded with distaste. +others of Eirgo
infants have been observed to have e*tremely negative rea#tions to the )ob of #hanging
dirty diapers. All #hildren wear diapers, and all humans eliminate body waste. (owever,
when a #hild!s diaper is #hanged with disgust, and the #hild is only two or three months
old, he begins to feel that the disgust relates to some unsatisfa#tory behavior on his part.
f one shows disgust or disdain to a dog while it!s in the training pro#ess, it #an be
trained not to eat8 A #hild e*posed to this response will develop guilts about natural
fun#tions, in#luding se*uality. +ost Eirgos feel guilty about their se* life, and handle se*
with embarrassment, or not at all. (owever, Eirgo is an earth sign. "e often use the
word !earthy! to indi#ate someone who is pra#ti#al and sensual and a part of the earth.
Eirgo #hildren have trouble #ompromising between their se*ual desires and their se*ual

The Eirgo female grows up in an environment in whi#h she is #lose to her mother, but
this #loseness may be of either the love or the hate polarity. 1he feels #riti#ized and
unsure of herself. 1he doesn!t have a lot of #onfiden#e in her ability to handle life
e*perien#e, sin#e her #hildhood was full of admonitions and #riti#isms. As she progresses
into her teens, her body starts ma$ing demands and in,uiries into her se*uality. +any
young Eirgo girls have early se*ual e*perien#es be#ause they are loo$ing for !a port in
the storm!. They also want to understand how it feels to be a woman. 1ome Eirgos marry
for the first time in order to get away from home and mother. But as time goes by, the
Eirgo begins to feel guilty be#ause the power of the sub#ons#ious pulls on her rational
mind. 1he may even grow to resent her se*ual needs.

1he often goes ba#$ to #ollege after marriage to get her degree so that she #an go ba#$
to wor$ in a professional #apa#ity. At that time, she begins to treat her husband mu#h as
her mother treated her father, and disappointments begin to happen in the relationship %
they begin to grow apart.

The Eirgo male has a more diffi#ult time of it. (e is a mother%dominated #hild in an
atmosphere where his father is #riti#ized and re)e#ted. As he grows up, he!s ,uite angry
that his father is so in#ompetent. (e feels that if his father were a better provider, his
mother (the #entre of his universe) wouldn!t be so unhappy. 0onse,uently, the Eirgo
often wor$s too hard on a )ob in order to prove he isn!t the !no%good! that &addy was, and
he gets very angry when his wor$ is not appre#iated.

(e gets the same dose of ba#teria phobia and disgust that his sister did from his mother,
and he enters adulthood with a bit of a se*ual double standard. (e wants to be se*ually
involved, yet he thin$s se* is a little vulgar. The Eirgo male #an #arry a great deal of
resentment towards his mother. f she is really overpowering, and if she is intensely
#riti#al of him and his dad, the boy may not want to have any involvement with women at
all' for every time he sees a woman he sees the #hara#teristi#s of his mother.

+en born into feminine signs have more trouble dealing with women than do their
mas#uline sign #ounterparts. Be#ause +other ran the household, and seemed to be the
ruler of the universe, it is more diffi#ult for these men to #onverse freely with women'
sub#ons#iously, they thin$ that women have !therpower!. "hen they learn that !the
power! is really related to the #on#ept of the feminine prin#iple, and that this power is in
them and #an be used in a material sense for building something in the material universe
% whether the building is intelle#tual or physi#al % then they are free to see men and
women as human beings. 3ntil they rea#h an understanding of the mas#uline and
feminine prin#iples operating in the universe, they will over%listen to women. t!s diffi#ult
for them to have a disagreement with a woman' they #an!t easily handle opinions from a
woman, and they overrea#t to what she says. A woman may have no idea that the Eirgo
male is rea#ting to her in this way. 1he )ust noti#es that he!s too detailed, too involved in
statisti#s, too involved in proving his points by ,uoting passages from all the boo$s he!s
read' and she #an!t get a straightforward #onversation out of him. f it happens to be a
positive%sign woman (who wasnt to be respe#ted in her own right by men in general)
en#ountering a Eirgo male, these two #an engage in a most interesting argument, all
based on the sub#ons#ious drives within them8

f Eirgos want to form real relationships, they need to sin#erely dedi#ate themselves to
the art of relating. t!s something they need to learn be#ause when they were #hildren
they didn!t see relating between their parents. Their parents essentially play !+r. and
+rs.! roles' the man%woman fa#tor in the relationship was impersonal. Eirgos have to
figure out for themselves what a relationship is, how to do it, and whether or not they feel
they #an ta$e a #han#e with it.

6erhaps the most diffi#ult thing to understand about Eirgos is that it!s normal for them to
#riti#ize people they are fond of % they #riti#ize when they #are enough to #riti#ize at their
very best8 (owever, they don!t a##ept #riti#ism very well, be#ause they!re already a self%
#riti#al group' so they don!t want to hear any suggestions from a partner. "hen they
realize that they need to share their mind and their emotions with someone they #are for'
when they begin to #are enough to #are about how their partner feels' when they #an
give up being self%defensive every time a serious dis#ussion ta$es pla#e, then they are on
the road to haveing a good relationship.

((aydn 6aul)

The Eirgo personality is usually #areful, effi#ient and methodi#al, deriving great pleasure
in #reating order from #onfusion and #haos. 7ou will li$e to put things straight and tidy,
to organise your environment and also any people that happen to be there.... 7ou have a
high degree of #ommon sense, and #an be an a#tive thin$er who has to put thoughts into
pra#ti#e. 7ou are effi#ient at handling and wor$ing with details in life, and are able to
learn new things ,ui#$ly and easily.

7ou may find it diffi#ult to feel #ontent with life, yet have diffi#ulty distinguishing whi#h
aspe#ts should be #hanged to improve it. There #an be an*iety under#urrents, and
through e*#essive worry your nervous system #an be affe#ted, #reating ill%health. 7ou
may need to be #areful that e*#essive wor$ does not pla#e too mu#h strain on your
health, as you tend to be one of the #onsistent and reliable wor$ers of the zodia#.

7our life%attitudes are fundamentally #onservative and traditional, and you are #autious
and prote#tive regarding your interests. 7ou tend to see$ perfe#tion in people and the
world (whi#h you will never find), and #an tend to point out faults to others' sometimes,
these #omments #an be too sharp and upsetting, even if your per#eptions are generally
a##urate. 7et when you #ons#iously #hoose to be, you #an reveal a ta#tful and diplomati#
style of e*pression. 7ou may not always )udge yourself to ,uite the high degree that you
e*pe#t from others though.... 7our attitudes, beliefs and opinions #an be#ome too fi*ed
and infle*ible, whi#h #an ma$e #hange and development diffi#ult to a#hieve, as well as
leading to #onfli#ts with others.

7ou #an be an effi#ient finan#ial manager and organiser of your domesti# life, needing
this to feel se#ure. 7ou are very #ons#ious of the value and importan#e of ensuring that
the family unit remains #ohesive, and are willing to e*pend #onsiderable effort in that
dire#tion. There will be a strong sense of morality % refle#ting traditional values % and
your life will probably move along so#ially a##eptable routes' you prefer this, as you are a
bit restrained and #hoose to stay on se#ure !well%trodden paths!.
(Betty Lundsted) (#ontd.)

7ou probably hold ba#$ your emotions, feeling less #omfortable with them, be#ause they
represent elements of #haos and unpredi#tability whi#h you feel you are opposing in the
world. 7ou will rarely be openly demonstrative about your feelings, whi#h #an lead to
greater inner strains and tensions until they need to be periodi#ally or e*plosively
released. 7ou need a partner who appre#iates your efforts and sympatheti#ally
understands the #hallenges of your nature. 7ou may display philosophi# resignation and
attempt to !soldier on! when diffi#ulties arise' you tend to subdue your desires in order to
maintain a wor$ing relationship, but you may have to beware of be#oming resentful of
your sa#rifi#e and frustration of needs. There may be some inhibition with se*uality,
perhaps a self%#ons#iousness and unease with your se*ual desires and feelings, until you
#an over#ome deep fears of losing self%#ontrol to those powerful energies.

7ou are domesti#ally oriented, en)oying home life, and are not too $een on travelling far
unless it is with your family. 7ou are orthodo* and #onventional regarding most things in
life, but your main #riterion and test is for pra#ti#ality and appli#ability in life' and if that
is met, then it is a##eptable. 7ou #an serve as a valued adviser, organising behind the
s#enes, and be a performer of than$less tas$s due to that self%sa#rifi#ial Eirgo ,uality.

(1ydney 5marr)

Eirgo females

Eirgo women are dis#riminating, often regal, very often tiresome in their pursuit of
#leanliness' andf, more often than not, aware of the details of any pro)e#t you might be
#onsidering. This woman appre#iates money in the ban$, and is not at all averse to seeing
the ring on her finger. 6romises are fine' she will appre#iate the fa#t that you are well%
meaning. But she does demand results. n so doing, she is #apable of bringing out the
best in you. 1he is mer#urial, earthy, energeti#, full of plans' she is ambitious, not only for
herself but also for you.

5ne of the best hints is this- do not underestimate her. 1he $nows what she is about. 1he
#an set a goal and over#ome the most tremendous odds. 1he is an invaluable ally' she will
not let you down if you ta$e her into your #onfiden#e.

f you are see$ing some $ind of half%relationship, she is not the woman for you. But if you
are serious' willing to go all the way for her, and a##ept her as a full partner' then she
#an be a wonderful asset.

Eirgo women want to $now where they stand. t doesn!t help to beat around the bush
with them. f you are $idding, or if your purpose is a night of fun, #ome out and state the
#ase. That way, the Eirgo woman respe#ts you and you!ll probably have more fun than
would otherwise be the #ase.

These women have a genuine interest in serving the publi#' they are dedi#ated wor$ers,
and seldom $now the meaning of fear or defeat. They are natural fighters, and their goal
is truth. t doesn!t matter what traditions fall before them in their ,uest' the important
thing is to rea#h the goal.

7ou had better loo$ elsewhere if it is a !Betty%Bop! girl you want. (owever, if it is a
woman who is intelligent, loyal, fran$, dis#riminating, thorough, and wryly humorous, you
have pi#$ed the #orre#t one in Eirgo.

5ne more hint- #onfide in her, and you will assure her that you are sin#ere. /eep things
from her, and she will suspe#t the entire framewor$ of your #hara#ter and your motives.

Eirgo males

The Eirgo man is demanding' he as$s that you prove yourself, that you be willing to
sa#rifi#e when ne#essary. (e is not apt to be a !sugar%daddy!. (e $nows the meaning of
wor$ and the value of money. (e is dis#riminating' not easy to fool' he is the $ind of man
a woman #an depend upon for se#urity. But if you are not willing to give as well as
re#eive, then it would be best for you to forget the Eirgo man.

This man li$es to feel he is worthy' integrity is a $ey word. (e applies his own standards
to others, in#luding you. (e will not tolerate de#eption.

(is mind is ,ui#$' he is mer#urial and earthy. (e usually says what he means, and he
usually means well. This, however, is not always apparent. At times, he may appear
hypersensitive and over%#riti#al. These are things you should $now if you are interested in
a Eirgo man.

(e is pra#ti#al, honest, fair' he is also basi#ally shy % it is diffi#ult for him to e*press his
true feelings. he is not the $ind of happy%go%lu#$y fellow that others immediately a##ept.
This is one of his problems. Learn to read between the lines' try to understand that
sentiment is something he has trouble e*pressing. This man is #onservatinve in the way
he e*presses himself' there is plenty of reserve in his ma$e%up. 7ou will have to be
patient and loyal.

This is not a pretentious man' often you will have to help him build #onfiden#e. (e needs
a woman who has faith in him' who #an appre#iate his patien#e and willingness to wor$
toward and a#hieve important goals.

n all, the Eirgo man often proves his value' he is a good bet for a long, solid relationship.
f you are loo$ing for lots of laughs and little permanen#e, this is not the man for you. But
if you want to build for the future, you!ve found your man.

(1$ye Ale*ander)

6eople who have their 1uns in Eirgo are usually hard%wor$ing, #ons#ientious, meti#ulous
and well%organized. 7ou pride yourself on your effi#ien#y and your dedi#ation to duty, and
you #an always be depended upon to get the )ob done. "hat you la#$ in #reativity you
ma$e up for with effort. 7ou e*press yourself in pra#ti#al ways and want to see the
results of your wor$. +odest and unpretentious, you #onsider yourself an !ordinary guy!
and identify with the #ommon people rather than the Clite.

+ethodi#al and analyti#al, you have an eye for detail that #ould serve you well in
#areeers that re,uire pre#ision and a##ura#y, su#h as a##ounting, tailoring,
wat#hma$ing, dentisty, drafting, mi#robiology, engraving or finish #arpentry. 7ou
patiently and diligently wor$ to hone your s$ills, always striving for perfe#tion.

(owever, you need to guard against #arrying your perfe#tionism to e*tremes. 7our fo#us
on individual details often #auses you to miss the larger pi#ture. The e*pression !#an!t see
the forest for the trees! #ertainly des#ribes you. 7ou e*pe#t yourself and everyone around
you to be perfe#t, but be#ause your e*pe#tations are impossibly high, you set yourself up
for disappointment. 7our outloo$ is often rather negative, and you #an be overly #riti#al
and !pi#$y!, finding fault with things that others don!t even noti#e.

7ou see your !role! in life as serving others, and fre,uently prefer to remain in the
ba#$ground, in a support position, rather than grabbing the spotlight. Timid, shy and self%
effa#ing, you tend to undervalue yourself, and, as a result, often allow yourself to be
ta$en advantage of by others. 7ou rarely see$ rewards or re#ognition for what you do.
"hen others ta$e you for granted, however, you be#ome bitter, #omplaining and
resentful' yet you still might not stand up for yourself.

.*#eptionally neat and orderly, you #an be a bit neuroti# about #leanliness. 7ou may
wash your hands every fifteen minutes and brush your teeth after every #up of herb tea,
and wouldn!t thin$ of wearing the same shirt twi#e without washing it. 7our des$ is the
epitome of organization' your #he#$boo$ is always balan#ed' and unless your +oon is in
6is#es, 1#orpio or A,uarius, your home probably loo$s a bit li$e an operating room.

Also fastidious about your health, you worry e*#essively about germs, ta$e your vitamins
and are fussy about what you eat. 1ensitive, nervous and not parti#ularly vital or
energeti#, you might e*perien#e a variety of stress%related illnesses. "hen you!re upset,
you are more li$ely than other people to suffer from problems with the digestive system.
7our interest in health and nutrition might lead you to pursue a #areer in a medi#al or
dietary field % whi#h also would satisfy your desire to serve and help others.
1asha Fenton)

Eirgoans are not usually good at dealing with strangers. They are shy, suspi#ious and
unsure of how to a#t or rea#t. They #onvey this dis#omfort to others and may, therefore,
present a hostile or even surly front upon first a#,uaintan#e. 1ome Eirgoans learn how to
present themselves in a pleasant and wel#oming manner, but the #oolness and suspi#ion
are still there )ust below the surfa#e, hidden from the masses, but easily dete#table to
those with sensitive antennae. 5n#e they have established that the stranger is not going
to borrow money from them, laugh at them or bore them to tears, Eirgos #an be#ome
e*#ellent and very animated #ompany.

Eirgoans are $ind, and #an be a soft tou#h to less s#rupulous types. They want to be
li$ed, and, even more importantly, to be respe#ted. They are very sensitive, easily hurt,
and easily defeated or turned from their purpose. This tenden#y is, than$fully, often
modified by the presen#e of planets in stronger, more determined signs. They are the
spe#ialists of the zodia#, possessing a great deal of $nowledge about their own parti#ular
sub)e#t, but are fas#inated by all forms of $nowledge, and they ta$e an interest in
everything around them. Eirgoans are modest and retiring, so they don!t #are to blow
their own trumpets or to push themselves to the forefront. (owever, they won!t tolderate
being made to loo$ foolish. Being #lever and arti#ulate, they #an rea#t in a very spiteful
manner when their feelings are hurt. +any Eirgoans have a great deal in #ommon with
;eminians be#ause the planet +er#ury rules both of these signs. Eirgos #an be as adept
in the business of #ommuni#ating information as ;eminis, but the differen#e is that
Eirgos will usually $eep within their own sub)e#t when doing so. Therefore, Eirgos ma$e
e*#ellent tea#hers, spe#ialist broad#asters, and sports, business or fashion reporters.
These people li$e to help others, and love to feel that their #ontribution to the betterment
of the lives of others really ma$es a differen#e' thus, many Eirgoans #hoose to wor$ in
the field of medi#ine, so#ial wor$ or politi#s.

The #han#es are that the Eirgoan!s #hildhood was nothing to write home about. t seems
that whenever this sign is prominent in a #hart, the parents probably went through the
motions of #aring for the #hild but didn!t really love him or imbue him with mu#h self%
#onfiden#e or self%respe#t. The parents may have been repressive or over%dis#iplinarian,
with far too mu#h emphasis on $eeping up at s#hool, $eeping #lothes and shoes #lean,
and being seen and not heard. Eirgoan #hildren don!t need mu#h dis#ipline be#ause they
respond very ,ui#$ly to love and also to reasoned argument, and they want their parents
to love them and to approve of them. 3nfortunately, they find themselves spending too
mu#h time staring at their shoes in shame while being berated for some totally
unimportant minor infringement of parental rules. n #hildhood at least, this sign seems
to have an e*tremely diffi#ult $arma.

Eirgoans are modest and retiring, and they don!t li$e to ma$e a display of themselves in
front of others, so they are easily embarrassed. They fre,uently have spe#ialised
$nowledge and s$ills whi#h are highly developed be#ause they #on#entrate on their
#hosen sub)e#ts and ta$e a deeply professional and responsible attitude to all that they
do. t sometimes ta$es a while before this $nowledge and ability be#omes apparent to
others be#ause they tend to hide their light under a bushel. "or$ is important to
Eirgoans, and they need a measure of status within their )ob and also need to be
a#$nowledged as e*perts within their field. f they have this status and they feel se#ure in
their wor$, then they are happy and #omfortable' but when un#ertainty stri$es or when
they have to fight for their rights, they lose #onfiden#e and be#ome de)e#ted. "hatever
tas$ a Eirgoan ta#$les, he does it in the best way possible and li$es to thin$ that he is
fulfilling his duties to the best of his abilities. (e is ,ui#$, intelligent and thorough, and
deserves to have his efforts re#ognised by his superiors. The fa#t is that the opposite
often happens, and he is made use of, ta$en for granted, and not a##orded the respe#t
whi#h he deserves. This #an turn him very sour, and ma$e him e*tremely tet#hy and

t is all too easy for Eirgos to be sar#asti# and hurtful to others and to undervalue their
efforts in mu#h the same way as they feel that their own efforts have been undervalued.
ndeed, many Eirgos have ,uite hard e*teriors, but the prevailing Eirgo nature is to be
$indly and thoughtful to others, and to have impe##able manners.

Eirgos often have ,uite good hair and, in #ommon with the other earth signs of Taurus
and 0apri#orn, males tend to $eep most of it until well into old age. Eirgoans loo$ old for
their age when young, but they seem to stop ageing somewhere in their mid%forties and
remain mu#h the same for the ne*t thirty years or so. +ost astrology boo$s tal$ about a
protruding tummy and, although usually slim, they often do have a slightly bulging

Eirgos have an intelligent and lively loo$ about them whi#h be#omes very animated when
they are tal$ing on their favourite sub)e#ts. The two most #ommon Eirgo features are a
strong )aw bone with a rather protruding #hin and also a widow!s pea$. 1ome Eirgos
suffer from a#ne when young, but most have e*#ellent s$in and a very good bone
stru#ture whi#h ma$es them highly photogeni#.

"ea$ spots for health are the nervous system, bowels and s$in. Eirgos #an suffer from
allergies su#h as hay fever, e#zema, asthma, and stoma#h ailments su#h as #olitis and
ul#ers. These sub)e#ts are usually very health%#ons#ious, and strive to loo$ after
themselves. (owever, Eirgos should try not to over%analyse their problems, and they
should treat themselves to some gentle but regular e*er#ise.

Eirgos li$e to be of servi#e, both to the #ommunity in general and to their superiors at
wor$, but they need to be appre#iated in order to be happy in their wor$. They are
probably better off as part of a team than as the boss of any organisation. As a boss, they
#an be perni#$ity and demanding towards those under them. Eirgos have an aptitude for
any $ind of #ommuni#ations wor$, and, therefore, #an be found in the media, as
se#retaries, telephonists and drivers. These sub)e#ts li$e to help humanity, and they also
love to tea#h, so many of them ta$e up tea#hing either as a main #areer or as a hobby.
Anything whi#h involves sorting or analysing is right up most Eirgoans! street' therefore,
a##ountan#y, systems analysis, #omputing or re#ord%$epping, and even mar$eting )obs,
will suit them. +any Eirgoans are attra#ted to the world of medi#ine in all its forms, and
thus #an be found wor$ing in hospitals, as alternative health pra#titioners, or as
therapists of all $inds. Their sympathy, $indness and ability to listen #arefully ma$e them
e*#ellent #ounsellors and advisors. +any Eirgoans li$e to follow an un#hanging routine in
an organisation whi#h has a well%defined stru#ture.

5ther Eirgos are attra#ted to )obs whi#h give them a bit of variety and a #han#e to
e*press themselves. The sign of Eirgo is asso#iated with the harvest, so the idea of
growing and preparing food, espe#ially nutritious food, appeals to them. Eirgos li$e
travelling, and will often turn their e*perien#es to good advantage by writing about both
their travels and the people they meet along the way. 5ne profession whi#h is pe#uliarly
Eirgoan is that of a#ting. t seems that Eirgos #an sha$e off their shyness and inhibitions
as soon as they don the mas$ of another #hara#ter, and they seem to have a real $na#$ of
ma$ing their portrayals realisti#.

There is a fairly large segment of the Eirgo #ommunity who seem to defy the usual
interpretations of this sign!s nature. For one thing, these people #an be e*tremely untidy
in some or all areas of their lives. 1ome are tidy at home but $eep their papers in a
muddle, while others do the reverse. 1ome appear to live in apple%pie order but shove all
the mess into #upboards where it #annot be seen. 5thers are simply #ompletely
disorganised. The reason for this phenomenon is the theory of !polarity! in whi#h the very
#hara#teristi# for whi#h a sign is $nown is polarised so that the person displays
#ompletely opposite traits and habits.

Another Eirgoan polarisation is laziness. There are many Eirgos who, while having very
a#tive minds, don!t a#tually get down to doing mu#h of anything. 7et another anomaly is
the type of Eirgo who is attra#ted to big business and who may be a tough, heartless go%
getter who negle#ts his family and ma$es everyone else!s life a misery. n fa#t, this last
one is not su#h an anomaly be#ause obsessional wor$aholism is a very Eirgo trait,
although it is unusual ofr a Eirgoan to have the #onfiden#e or the strength of #hara#ter to
be#ome a mogul or a ty#oon. The motivation behind the go%getter Eirgo is a snea$ing
feeling of worthlessness or a fear of losing what they have gained.

Typi#al spare%time a#tivities might in#lude helping out in a #afC, ma$ing #a$es for
pleasure, running a small library or a#ting as se#retary to a #ommittee. +any Eirgoans
are $een on sports, either as a spe#tator or as a parti#ipant, and they will follow their
team!s progress with great dedi#ation. A ,ui#$ round%up of those Eirgoans whom $now
reveals a famous broad#aster who was on#e a top a#tor, a top #hef, an a##ountant, a
tea#her and a vet.

Eirgos are fairly #areful types who don!t li$e spending money unne#essarily. They are
,uite fussy, however, and don!t #are to live in dirty, #ramped or run%down #ir#umstan#es.
Eirgoans are very #lever at ma$ing and mending, and will repair or renovate whenever
they #an. These sub)e#ts don!t see$ an ostentatious or glamorous lifestyle, but they may
be more interested in the ,uality of life than the ,uantity of it. Being neither high earners
nor big spenders, Eirgos are thrifty, modest in their re,uirements and sensible. Being an
earth sign, they often en)oy having a bit of land or a garden to wor$ in, and they will grow
good things to eat whenever possible. +any Eirgos wor$ from home, either on a part%time
basis or as part of their normal )ob, so a study or room where they #an thin$ is mu#h
appre#iated. Eirgos are sensible with money, ma$ing sure that they have enough behind
them for times of trouble or to help their families out if they need it. They don!t throw
money around and, although #haritable, don!t give it away unne#essarily either.

Eirgo is a mer#urial sign, whi#h suggests that they #an be restless and that they need a
de#ent and reliable vehi#le at hand. +any Eirgos own subsidiary vehi#les su#h as a small
van or a bi#y#le in addition to a #ar. 1ome Eirgos en)oy travelling, espe#ially when this
offers an opportunity to gain new $nowledge. Eirgos spend money on boo$s, magazines,
newspapers, #omputers, television and radio e,uipment, and then more boo$s. 1ome
Eirgoans are $een on gadgetry and #olle#t the $inds of tools and e,uipment asso#iated
with #raft wor$ or even offi#e wor$. They en)oy visiting the lo#al #inema and theatre, the
ballet or opera, or lo#al sporting events. 1ome are avid followers of sports, while others
are involved with lo#al dramati#s and dan#ing or e*er#ise #lasses. 1ome Eirgos spend a
good deal of money on spe#ial $inds of foodstuffs or alternative remedies.
1asha Fenton) (#ontd.)

Eirgoans, in general, loo$ forward to retirement as an opportunity to #ultivate and
develop the hobbies with whi#h they have always filled their spare time. These will
almost #ertainly in#lude gardening, for they are natural and enthusiasti# gardeners. Any
diminution of in#ome, provided it is not massive, will be greeted with e,uanimity' #areful
with money, they are not devoted to it. La#$ of self%#onfiden#e #an ma$e #hanges at wor$
rather diffi#ult to #ope with. The threat of being fired is frightening' out of wor$, they are
peerless in their effort to find a new )ob' and, willing and hard wor$ers, they should do so
more easily than most.

t is essential for Eirgoans to spend as mu#h time as possible in the fresh air and, if
possible, in the #ountry. 0hildren of nature, their spirits are revived by long wal$s and
#y#le rides. This is also a sign mu#h related to wholefood diets and vegetarianism. The
Eirgoan diet must #ontain plenty of fibre- this 1un sign rules the bowels, and #onstipation
#an #ause problems, usually be#ause of an unbalan#ed diet.

+edi#ally administered drugs don!t suit many Eirgoans, and they should always wat#h
#arefully for any allergy. (olisti# and homeopathi# treatments are often favored, with
e*#ellent results. Balan#e is the best answer to Eirgoan health problems, plus e*er#ise
and fresh air' it is a mista$e to sa#rifi#e these for family or wor$. These people also
benefit #onsiderably from rela*ation te#hni,ues su#h as yoga' meditation is espe#ially
good if they are prone to worry, although resulting introspe#tion may e*a#erbate the

As a result of worries (perhaps about their #areer or family), Eirgoans are often
vulnerable to severe heada#hes or even migraines. A #hange of diet may help more than
they realize, so they should see$ medi#al advi#e if they do have painful heada#hes.

Eirgos #an be fairly good family members, but they #an also be very diffi#ult to live with.
The two main problems are their la#$ of #onfiden#e and their fussiness. 3nless the Eirgo
#an find a partner who is prepared to help them get over their doubts and fears and who
#an also go along with their !fiddle%faddling!, they may end up out on their ear. Eirgoans
are very houseproud, good #oo$s, and wonderful friends. They are very responsible
family members, ta$ing #are of their partners and their #hildren even if the relationship
brea$s up. +any Eirgos marry more than on#e, possibly be#ause it ta$es the e*perien#e
of a #ouple of serious relationships before they #an rela* enough to be#ome livable with.
+any Eirgoans ma$e better friends than marriage partners be#ause they #annot ta$e too
mu#h of the day%in, day%out demands of a serious and #ommitted relationship, and they
#an be far too #riti#al.

Eirgos are $ind, and this $indness seems to lead them to attra#t a fairly demanding type
of partner. Their #onstant attempts to fulfil these demands #an wear them out in the
same way that a sparrow #an be worn out by an adopted #u#$oo. These sub)e#ts are ,uite
easily bored by those with whom they have to live, and, in many respe#ts, are happier
when wor$ing than when trying to deal with relationship matters. +ost Eirgos are hard
wor$ers who define themselves by what they do rather than what they are. 1ome of these
sub)e#ts du#$ out of the family or relationship problems by trying to ma$e themselves
indispensible at wor$. +any Eirgoans are so genuinely devoted to their wor$ that this
puts an unbearable strain on their relationships. 1ome Eirgos #an be intelle#tual snobs,
#hoosing their friends from among those who refle#t their #ultural or intelle#tual status.
5thers may #hoose to !marry beneath them! so that they #an loo$ down #ontemptuously
on their partners. Eirgoans don!t leave )obs half%done, and they are not sloppy in their
approa#h, so their partners #an be sure of good meals and a well%$ept home and garden.
1ome Eirgoans are highly intelle#tual and fairly in#ompetent at !hands%on! household
)obs' while others are highly de*trous, in#redibly pra#ti#al and #apable around the home,
and far less tense, intelle#tual and diffi#ult to live with.

Eirgos #an be surprisingly untidy, and they may not li$e their own parti#ular #orner of
the house or their personal papers to be #leared up or disturbed. A Eirgoan household
may be filled with interesting friends and relatives, be#ause they love nothing better than
to #hat. Eirgoans are wizard at helping others or giving e*#ellent advi#e' however, they
don!t li$e people to overstay their wel#ome. These sub)e#ts are not vain or espe#ially
demanding, but they li$e to have things !)ust so!, and #an ma$e a terrible fuss about
trivial matters. Eirgoans #an be ,uite irritable, partly be#ause they find it diffi#ult to
stand up to people. This means that they may bring their wor$ problems home and thus
be#ome ,uite tet#hy to live with. They #an be perfe#tionists who e*pe#t too mu#h of
themselves and far too mu#h of everyone around them too.

Eirgo is an earth sign, whi#h gives them #ommon sense, pra#ti#ality and a love of the
good things of life. Although fairly #areful with money, they are not mean, and they will
do all that they #an for their families. Eirgo men are very supportive of wor$ing wives,
and they are often happy to o##upy themselves with some of the housewor$. This is partly
due to a reasonable attitude, and partly due to their hatred of sitting still and doing
nothing. These sub)e#ts #an be seen at their best when one of their loved%ones is ill,
be#ause they ma$e e*#ellent nurses. (owever, when they themselves are ill, they #an be
,uite demanding, and some Eirgoans are permanent hypo#hondria#s. :ot all Eirgoans
bother with relationships' after e*perien#ing an early failure, many of them go on to live
alone and loo$ after themselves.

Eirgos are surprisingly strongly se*ed, probably be#ause this is an earth sign. They are
also #urious, and may get into se*ual e*perimentation fairly early in life. f they miss out
on this, they are li$ely to go in for !adventures! later in life, either after a long%standing
partnership brea$s up or even while it is still in operation. Eirgoans of both se*es ,uite
li$e to be shown what to do in bed be#ause they sometimes find it diffi#ult to ta$e
responsibility for their own se*uality. The rulership of their sign by the planet +er#ury
suggests that they are willing to live out their fantasies' and, being $ind and fair%minded,
they will help their lovers to live out their fantasies too. Eirgos don!t li$e ma$ing love
with unwashed people or in dirty pla#es, be#ause their sensuality demands a #ertain
amount of #omfort. They have an almost theatri#al sense of !s#ene!, whi#h suggests that
they en)oy love%ma$ing in a pleasant, perhaps even spe#ially arranged and de#orated,
area. Eirgoans are fussy about their partner!s loo$s, and don!t mu#h #are for someone
who is obese or who doesn!t loo$ after him% or herself. Eirgos find se* easy, but
affe#tionate behaviour ,uite diffi#ult, probably due to the la#$ of #uddling or play in their
own #hildhood.

Being very dutiful, Eirgos will try their best to do the right thing by a whole variety of
family members. (owever, they #an!t ta$e too mu#h of a good thing, and, therefore,
prefer to $eep their visits to or from relatives very short. (owever, these sub)e#ts love to
entertain and will happily provide food and drin$ on a spe#ial o##asion, and then more
happily say goodbye to them at the end of the visit. Eirgoans will help out their sisters
and brothers when ne#essary, and will strive to $eep in tou#h with them over the long
periods of time and over great distan#es. They also tend to $eep in tou#h with friends,
even those who move out of the #ountry. Their favourite relationships are probably the
ones whi#h they #an #ondu#t on the telephone' but, surprisingly enough, they are not
good letter%writers.

As #hildren, Eirgos are shy and diffident, and easily hurt. They are easily shamed, and
seem to #arry the burden of the guilt of the whole world on their shoulders. They may
suffer ,uite a bit at s#hool, and #an be bullied by other pupils or tea#hers, or both. They
seem to ma$e a very bad $armi# #hoi#e of parents, having fathers whom they love but
who are distant and rather demanding. Their mothers may be far more interested in
$eeping up appearan#es and fussing about silly things than loving and #aring for the
Eirgo #hild. 1ome Eirgoans have mothers who are so in#apable of loo$ing after their
#hildren that they find ways of opting out of motherhood altogether. These #hildren are
e*pe#ted to e*#el, but their fears, phobias and la#$ of self%esteem ma$es it hard for them
to do so, while other #hildren and even the parents of other #hildren may be )ealous of
their obvious intelligen#e. +any Eirgoan #hildren grow up with a sense of abandonment.

As parents, Eirgoans try not to re#reate the mista$es of their own #hildhood. however,
be#ause they were not shown mu#h real affe#tion themselves, they find it hard to relate
properly to their own #hildren, and may, therefore, pass on the silly demands for
s#holasti# performan#e and perfe#t behaviour whi#h made their own #hildhood so
intolerable. f the Eirgoan finds his #hildren diffi#ult to understand or to deal with, or if
his marriage brea$s up, he may physi#ally distan#e himself from them.

(9obert (and)

7ou are very #areful in everything you do, and you put a high value on neatness. "hen
you aren!t neat, you lose respe#t for yourself, be#ause you have very high standards in
that as well as in other areas, whi#h you want to #ome up to as mu#h as possible. 7ou
e*pe#t others to live up to those same high standards, and you are easily disappointed if
they do not. "hen you see something is wrong in someone or something, you don!t
hesitate to point it out. But you will have to learn to be #onsiderate when you do this,
be#ause #riti#izing others #reates bad feelings.

7ou are very interested in learning as mu#h as possible about the world, parti#ularly
about how to use various $inds of tools. 1in#e you want to learn pra#ti#al s$ills, it would
be a very good idea to have a hobby in whi#h you use your hands. n whatever you ma$e
or do, you apply the same standards of perfe#tion that you want other people to live up
to. As a #onse,uen#e, your wor$ is far more #areful than other people!s. f you $nwo you
#an!t do something right, you won!t do it at all.

7ou tend to worry about your health, but you don!t need to. 7our health is as good as
anyone else!s' you are )ust more #on#erned about it. 6robably you will follow good rules
of health.

7ou li$e to help others, be#ause being useful ma$es you feel good. 7ou are able to put off
what you want for yourself in order to help someone you love do what he or she wants.
5thers will respe#t you for this.
Fran#es 1a$oian and Louis A#$er)

For those born under the .arth sign of Eirgo, the hub of the universe is wor$. 1in#e
+er#ury rules Eirgos, they are forever see$ing $nowledge, whi#h will bring matter under
the #ontrol of the mind. Through this see$ing, they learn that the mind of man is a good
servant but a bad master, espe#ially when the mind usurps the sovereignty of the spirit.
Eirgos have to learn that although the body must serve the mind, ultimately the mind
must serve the spirit.

Eirgos are meti#ulous in their wor$, paying a great deal of attention to detail, and doing
things #arefully and effi#iently. They li$e to bring order out of #onfusion. Be#ause they
value wor$ and have a great deal of respe#t for it, they will go to great lengths to help a
friend find employment, but will seldom raise a finger to help someone who gets into
diffi#ulties be#ause he refuses to wor$. To Eirgos, the only true aristo#ra#y is the
aristo#ra#y of the wor$er.

Eirgos, however, are mu#h too pra#ti#al and intelligent to allow anyone to ma$e martyrs
of them. "hen the demands made on them be#ome e*#essive and unreasonable, they say
!no!, with #onvi#tion.

n its best form, this sign ma$es for effi#ien#y and a brilliant performan#e of duty. At
times, however, it bestows a narrowness of outloo$- the individuals may be unable to tal$
about anything e*#ept their wor$, and they la#$ interest in anything that is not related to

Eirgos sub)e#t their world to a mi#ros#opi# analysis. 5##asionally, they are engrossed
with trivialities to the e*tent of be#oming blind to the signifi#an#e of the issue as a whole.
.ventually, developed Eirgos learn dis#rimination between the essential and the trivial.
5n#e this power of ma$ing distin#tions evolves, Eirgos are able to be#ome great s#holars,
#onstru#tive #riti#s, e*#ellent editors % all e*a#ting perfe#tion. The $ey phrase for Eirgo
os ! analyze!.

(owever, Eirgos should not mista$e brilliant intelle#t, with its a##ompanying fa#ulty of
#riti#ism, for heavenly wisdom. They must learn to be absolutely dispassionate in
evaluating both their own performan#e and the performan#e of others.

They fun#tion at the height of their powers in #areers that are related somehow to
servi#e. They are #apable of great self%denial if they thin$ their wor$ is worthy of it.

Eirgo also rules health. n this phase of their evolution, therefore, Eirgos must learn that
wise men do not e*haust their body energies by worrying, fretting, or overwor$ing.
Foolish fears and apprehensions #an lead to semi%invalidism. :evertheless, this sign has a
marvelous physi#al resistan#e to disease, on#e the mind develops dis#ipline. f Eirgos #an
$eep out of the #lut#hes of disease, they be#ome effe#tive healing agents, e*#er#ising a
splendid influen#e on the si#$. Eirgo bodies re)e#t all artifi#ial food or medi#ine. Food is
,uite harmful to them when they are angry or in e*treme anguish.

Be#ause Eirgo is an .arth sign, Eirgos admire material progress. They li$e good food and
are fond of #omfort and good #lothes. +any people born under this sign are leaders in
fashion. Eirgos will inspe#t the labels on #lothing to determine whether the arti#le was
manufa#tured by a reputable firm. :o shoddy wor$manship is passable for Eirgos8
(owever, they must learn to refrain from gossip and #hattering about people who do not
seem to approa#h their own parti#ular standard of good appearan#e.

t is diffi#ult for Eirgos to a##umulate large sums of money be#ause of their e*#essive
e*penditures. They need to develop a system whereby they #an avoid unne#essary
e*pense, for while they are able to go on saving !sprees!, the saving never lasts.

They are impressed by elo,uent words strung together li$e pearls. These sounds are
musi# to their ears, and they prefer them to less subtle e*pressions of affe#tion.

+any Eirgo people are indifferent to love adventures, and often remain voluntarily
unmarried' no%one measures up to their standards of perfe#tion.

+arried women of this sign possess a greater e*e#utive #apa#ity than their partners.
They pla#e themselves as the real family heads, governing husband and everyone around,
and ta$ing the responsibility for their homes and families.

(Lyn Birbe#$)

7ou have a helpful though #riti#al heart. 7ou have the will to use generously your sense
of pre#ision % withhout developing it into pedantry. 7our life should be led in a spirit of
servi#e and modesty % as opposed to one of drudge and self%doubt. 7our father is seen or
e*pressed as one who is thoughtful and attentive, and < or too e*a#ting or la*.

7ou have an aura of authenti#ity that a#ts as an e*ample to 5ther that it is possible to
improve his < her life and to be true to him% < herself. 7ou generate a sense of
industriousness that en#ourages 5ther to be#ome more effi#ient at his < her life tas$s, as
well as your showing him < her better te#hni,ues for doing so. 7ou also have an air of self%
#ontrol or inner restraint.

7ou #an alienate 5ther with a pat or $now%it%all attitude that invites 5ther to leave you
with only your apparent self%righteousness for #ompany. 7ou #an also alienate with a
wor$aholi# life%style whi#h misses the point that true effi#ien#y leaves time for rest and
re#reation' and with an inhibited nature that sma#$s of being afraid of life beyond your
idea of it.

7ou overemphasize your need to be seen and heard to be right % whi#h #ould be wrong in
itself8 7ou also overemphasize the importan#e of the pra#ti#al at the e*pense of the
natural or to the detriment of emotional priorities. And you stress your insisten#e on
purity and #orre#tness in 5ther, while overloo$ing the fa#t that rough edges and
imperfe#tions are a fa#t of life.

7ou #an feel wea$ when you have no answer, reason or solution for something % and when
you have to allow 5ther to help him% < herself. 7ou #an also feel wea$ when your efforts
appear not to be produ#ing an obvious result' or when 5ther refle#ts personally on you as
not being the !perfe#t person! that you li$e to thin$ you are but obviously are not.

"hen you are alone, it is hardly surprising be#ause Eirgo is the sign of the hermit. The
reason behind su#h withdrawal will be a feeling that you or 5ther is not good enough.
"hen deliberate, su#h a retreat would be for reasons of !getting your a#t together! or to
be#ome more sure of yourself as an individual before letting anyone else too #lose. n the
#ase of involuntary isolation, it #ould be for the same reasons % but you )ust don!t $now it.
But it is )ust as li$ely to be be#ause you have still not removed the fly from your own
ointment. This means that you #ontinue to have, or rather believe you have, a dimension
to your being that is too deli#ate and private to share. f so, you will be alone until you
a##ept that this is a )udgement you have made upon yourself (or 5ther), in order to avoid
ma$ing any real #hanges in yourself.

(;rant Lewi)

To dis#over the motivating drive in the life of any Eirgoan, it is ne#essary to loo$ at the
wor$ he is doing' for so deep is Eirgo!s utilitarian sense that he identifies himself with his
wor$ and is ,uite willing to lose himself in it. (is personality and #hara#ter development
depend, to a pe#uliar e*tent, on the nature of the wor$ he has set himself, for he will be
as big or as small as his )ob or mission. (e is #apable of be#oming single%tra#$ed,
absorbed and narrow over whatever he happens to fall into. (e is #apable of ma$ing
wor$ his god, and thus going high and far in a #hosen dire#tion. (e is #apable of
e*panding his spirit by sele#ting a #areer somehow related to servi#e. (e is #apable of
the e*tremes of self%denial if he thin$s his wor$ #alls him to that. And he is also #apable
of feeling that his wor$ re,uires self%immolation, self%limitation and self%sa#rifi#e to an
inordinate degree. (owever you figure it, the puzzle of his nature will be solved if you
find his attitude toward the hub of his universe, his wor$. 1o true is this that when you
run a#ross an unemployed Eirgoan you have the most woe%begone and in#omplete
personality in the world. n losing his wor$, Eirgo loses his whole reason for being. n its
best forms, this ma$es for effi#ien#y and brillian#e in the performan#e of duty, and it may
ta$e the sense of duty into very humane realms of selflessness. n its worst form, it ma$es
for narrowness of outloo$, great inability to tal$ anything but shop, and la#$ of interest in
anything not related to wor$. 1o engrossed does Eirgo be#ome in his )ob (tas$, mission,
message, or whatever he #alls it) that he sometimes seems intent on destroying all the
rest of his personality that doesn!t belong to his wor$. (e loses interest in e*tra#urri#ular
a#tivities, so that his life is one long routine of $eeping the nose to the grindstone' and he
is unhappy when for some reason or other the grindstone stops or his nose gets away
from it. To fi* the aim high, to sele#t a )ob that re,uires diverse talents and wide
$nowledge, is Eirgo!s best bet for a well%rounded life. f he has the misfortune to be able
to find progress and se#urity in a rut, he is li$ely to see only the progress and not realize
it is a rut. (e needs a#tivities, #ompanions, fun, diversions, hobbies to broaden his life,
and should see$ these along #onstru#tive lines lest his overta*ed body and brain for#e
him to see$ them in undesirable forms of es#apism, brooding and introversion.

(4ohn Townley)

5f all the 1un signs, Eirgo is the most adept at the #are and feeding of a lover. 7ou will go
to great lengths to find out and provide whatever pleases your partner. 7ou also put a
high value on a lover who is aware of what pleases you. 7ou must, however, ma$e a
parti#ular attempt to let your lover $now )ust what ma$es you happy, be#ause other
people are not li$ely to be as observant as you. "hat you #onsider negle#t may )ust be an
oversight. &on!t wait for your lover to stumble a##identally on your favorite turn%on' let
your tastes be $nown from the beginning.

7ou will do well to find a lover who is very meti#ulous about being physi#ally loyal to you.
0arrying on more than one affair at a time would be diffi#ult for you, be#ause you want to
give ea#h one su#h detailed attention. Therefore you are more #omfortable with a long%
term affair that gives you plenty of time to stru#ture the relationship. For you, a
partnership is li$e a house % the more #areful the #raftsmanship that goes into building it,
the more en)oyable and rewarding it is to live in.

;iving and re#eiving gifts, parti#ularly hand%made presents, may be a very potent
e*pression of love for you. But do not be disappointed if your loved does not appre#iate
your gifts as mu#h as you do, for not everyone is the same. nstead, find out what $ind of
#ommuni#ation your partner prefers, and dire#t your love energies there.

(4ulia and &ere$ 6ar$er)

Eirgoans are in #onstant motion due to their abundant nervous energy. t is vital that this
energy finds a positive outlet' otherwise it will be frittered away in restless twit#hiness.
Eirgoans should also learn to #enter themselves and a#hieve inner #alm. f they don!t,
tension #an be a severe problem and, mi*ed with the almost inevitable Eirgoan worry,
will lead to nervous upsets. "orry is at the root of most personal problems for these
individuals, and is best #ountered by their analyti#al, #riti#al and pra#ti#al ,ualities.

+ost Eirgoans are pra#ti#al, but those who aren!t #an all too easily be#ome bogged down
in the small details of problems. This, indeed, is one of their #hief diffi#ulties- that their
#riti#al a#umen #an be overapplied, both to themselves and to other people, #ausing
problems in personal relationships. 9elentless, #arping #riti#ism is their worst fault.

"hat is needed is a positive synthesis of these ,ualities, produ#ing people who are hard%
wor$ing and pra#ti#al' who will stand no nonsense, and deal sensibly with problems
(their own, or other people!s)' and who are most li$ely to realize their full potential.

Eirgoans are tal$ative and lively in argument' and, li$e their +er#ury%ruled #ousins
;eminians, they en)oy #ommuni#ating their ideas, whi#h are usually without frills, and
#learly and e#onomi#ally e*pressed. (ere again, however, a pen#hant for detail #an trap
them into overelaboration' they must learn to see the broader outline of things.

1elf%denigration #an often get in the way when a Eirgoan is thin$ing of deepening a
personal relationship- !"hat does he < she see in me2 % !m not good enough for him < her.!
This #an be genuine modesty, whi#h (espe#ially in a young person in love for the first
time) #an be #harming % but more often the problem is deeper, and Eirgoans should strive
for the self%#onfiden#e whi#h will allow them to a##ept #ompliments gra#efully, and (most
important) to believe them. They ar $ind and willing to do anything for their partners, but
their natural modesty #an stop them fully e*pressing both their physi#al and their
emotional love. They must learn to rela*, and if (in some #ases) they have taught
themselves to regard se* with suspi#ion, learn to see it as a happy e*pression of that
emotional devotion whi#h they should allow themselves to show to a partner. The other
most inhibiting fa#tor is their tenden#y to nag, whi#h they must #urb.

The Eirgo #hild is neat, #lean, and a very willing wor$er at s#hool. .*er#ise boo$s will be
totally devoid of dirty smudges, and the handwriting will be #lear and legible. "illing
wor$ers who truly en)oy being given things to do, these #hildren #an earn a reputation as
tea#hers! pets' this is not the #ase. Thy simply li$e being $ept busy. 9ather shy, so that
the playground #an seem threatening, they may be seen as standoffish. 6arents should do
everything possible to help them develop self%#onfiden#e, espe#ially at e*amination time.
The Eirgoan tenden#y to worry will otherwise be overwhelmeing, and mysterious
illnesses will appear.

Eirgoans will wor$ from dawn to dus$ to build and maintain their family home in a way
that satisfies their own highly #riti#al standards. 0areer women will ma$e time for
domesti# wor$, but mustn!t spend so mu#h time #leaning and polishing that they never
en)oy the environment they so lovingly #reate. f a partner a##uses them of an obsession
with spit and polish, they should ta$e note8 1imilarly, both se*es should try to avoid
bringing wor$ home' otherwise they!ll never have time for their family.

To wor$ at their very best, Eirgoans probably need supervision. :ot only is it often
diffi#ult for them to see what should be done, but even if they #an do so they may be
apprehensive about ta$ing matters into their own hands, fearing themselves in#ompetent
or wondering how other people will re#eive their efforts. But given an instru#tion they
will follow it to the very best of their abilities. They ma$e e*#ellent personal assistants
and here, too, are the natural formal #riti#s of the zodia#. As writers, they have a sharp,
in#isive style whi#h is of great advantage if they are wor$ing in the media. +any ma$e
e*#ellent tea#hers, and others do well in the medi#al profession, both in #onventional and
in #omplementary medi#ine.

Eirgoans are not franti#ally ambitious' in top )obs, they must wat#h their tenden#y to
#arp if they want to be popular as well as effi#ient. A high salary will be #arefully
managed, but they should try to en)oy spending money as well as investing it.

(+ar#ia +oore and +ar$ &ouglas)

/eynote- The power of individuality manifests through sele#tive analysis.
1ymbol- 0hemists in a laboratory test the purity of various drugs.

6eople with the 1un in Eirgo have a #onsuming desire for perfe#tion, espe#ially with
regard to their wor$. This is not an easy pla#ement be#ause the wor$ of nature is still far
from perfe#ted and the .arth itself is only slowly evolving toward an ideal state.
Therefore, the Eirgoan is fre,uently frustrated in his efforts to tidy up his small #orner of
the universe. 7et he toils without mu#h visible reward and, gradually, the results of his
labors be#ome evident.

Eirgoans a##omplish mu#h of the drudgery of the world. They are essentially pra#ti#al,
not be#ause they disbelieve the metaphysi#al verities, but be#ause they already have
more than enough to busy their hands and minds. They are li$e the industrious +artha in
the Bible, who was too preo##upied with hosuehold tas$s to attend to the words of the
+aster. Their philosophy maintains that the $ingdom of heaven is won through selfless
servi#e, and their efforts are dire#ted toward ma$ing life more tolerable for people here
on .arth. They believe that #leanliness is ne*t to godliness % or is the first step in that
dire#tion. As a result, they are more often to be found s#urbbing than praying.

The Eirgoan mind is a#ute, dis#riminating, and methodi#al. "ith nimble +er#ury held
down by a #on#rete .arth sign, this person is more of a plodder than a sprinter. (is
effi#ien#y may be impaired by a tenden#y to fret over trifles that other less%#ons#ientious
souls would dismiss or fail to noti#e. n #onse,uen#e, he is a##used of !missing the forest
for the trees!. (e needs to ma$e a spe#ial effort to gather up the details he so readily
analyzes and to resynthesize them into a #omprehensive whole.

Too often the Eirgoan belittles when he ought to be big. This hyper#riti#al attitude is
hardly #ondu#ive to roman#e, and may delay marriage % sometimes permanently % while
the sear#h for the perfe#t mate #ontinues. 5n#e the #hoi#e is made and the $not is tied,
however, the #hastity for whi#h the sign is renowned ma$es the Eirgoan a faithful spouse,
who e*pe#ts the same of his amte.

The meti#ulousness of this sign finds an appropriate outlet in matters relating to diet,
hygiene, and sanitation. A #ompetent Eirgoan nurse in an imma#ulate white uniform,
$eeping an eye on things, isa reassuring sight to a bedridden sufferer.

Eirgoans are often a##used of being fussy, but these servers of the ra#e are wel#ome to
be as e*a#ting as they please when their attention is #entered on teh sele#tion and
preparation of food and medi#ine, or the maintenan#e of sanitary #onditions. They are
espe#ially suited to the medi#al professions sin#e their dis#riminating minds are dire#ted
by a genuine impulse to be of pra#ti#al assistan#e to people in need. +any are #apable
dieti#ians, nurses, pathologists, pharma#ists, and laboratory te#hni#ians. A drugstore is a
typi#ally Eirgoan institution be#ause it dispenses medi#ines and handles a multitude of
small ne#essities. +any Eirgoans assume that !where there!s an ill, there!s a pill!, and
they li$e to be able to #ount on their do#tor to spot something wrong with them.

Eirgo people are invaluable in business as a##ountants and se#retaries. 5ther #ongenial
professions are tea#hing, writing, and resear#h. As editors and proofreaders, they are
une*#elled. 1eldom assertive, they manage in a reserved way to ma$e themselves
indispensable to whatever organization they are serving. Their predile#tion for order and
routine may lead to a #areer in one of the military servi#es. "omen of this sign are su#h
that they are often #alled upon to wor$ outside the home.

The Eirgoan!s vi#es are his virtues #arried to e*#ess. (e #an be fa#tual to the point of
tedium. Attention to minutiae may degenerate into hairsplitting' and his insisten#e on
$eeping everything in its proper pla#e #an fray the nerves. (e is prone to hypo#hondria
but generally leads a long and healthy life be#ause he pampers himself. (e regards his
body as an instrument to be maintained in the best possible #ondition, and he e*pe#ts it
to give him faithful servi#e in return.

Eirgo rules both wor$ and health. For many members of this sign, the #onditions of their
employment, and the satisfa#tion or dissatisfa#tion they feel in the performan#e of
ne#essary duties, are intimately #onne#ted with their physi#al and mental well%being. t
is, therefore, supremely important for the Eirgoan to find his proper ni#he in life. f his
)ob is not in some appropriate field, he will be at odds with himself and will suffer in body
and mind. (e #an maintain a steady routine and wor$ in unassuming ways, li$e a small
)ewel in a #ompli#ated wat#h, and should ta$e spe#ial #are to sele#t an o##upation where
his #riti#al attention to detail #an be put to pra#ti#al use and his reliability appre#iated.
(4an 1piller and /aren +#0oy)

1un in Eirgo individuals may feel they have the right to be right' to dis#riminate, to
#riti#ize and analyze themselves and othters' and to be a#$nowledged for their


"hen you fo#us on wanting others to re#ognize your righteousness and purity, you may
un#ons#iously behave in Eirgo ways that are stuffy, prudish, puritani#al, #ompulsively
ordered, and haughty. To be a#$nowledged, you might eli#it )udgement on right and
wrong, and use your analyti#al ability to appear important and set apart from others. n
proving your ultimate rightness, you may use your finely honed #riti#al talents to point
out your own flaws. This ba#$fires by resulting in a basi# la#$ of #onfiden#e in your own
spontaneity. Additionally, you may attempt to appear more righteous by pointing out the
flaws in others, in a##ordan#e with your value system of rigid rules and regularions for
perfe#t behavior. "hen others don!t appre#iate or understand your good intentions, you
are surprised. ndulging in the Eirgo tenden#y to #ompulsive self%righteousness #an
s#atter and deplete your energies. This indulgen#e may disrupt the fo#us and self%
#onfiden#e that are needed to a#t.


7ou #an fo#us your attention on uplifting others through your talents and abilities for
#reating order. Then you noti#e the ways in whi#h you #an truly serve others without
having to feel right about it. 9e#ognizing the inherent worth of others gives you trust in
your vision of their perfe#tion. This frees you to #ontribute in a way that effe#tively
supports them. 7our desire to serve is appre#iated when you e*pose others to your
per#eption of their inherent value. This reinfor#es mutual self%worth. By being aware of
others! personal desires, you #an motivate them su##essfully through assisting them in
rea#hing what they want. The resultant su##ess in#reases their vitality and sense of well%
being. "hen you pla#e serving others above your )udgement about whether or not it is
the right thing to do, you #an abandon rules and regulations. This results in self%trust,
allowing you to a#t spontaneously in a way that automati#ally wor$s to fa#ilitate any
situation. f you are aware that your intentions are truly pure, your sense of a#ting rightly
is fulfilled.

(sabel (i#$ey)

Eirgo is represented by !the harvest time!, the gleaming of the wheat and the fruits of the
earth!. The $eyword is ! analyze!. t rules the assimilative system in the physi#al body.

Eirgo!s symbol is depi#ted as the Eirgin, holding a sheaf of wheat. This symbol indi#ates
the gathering in of material needs, )ust as the Eirgo people #olle#t, digest and #orrelate
fa#ts for their mental values. The Eirgin denote purity and perfe#tion. Eirgos! desire is to
rea#h the highest possible perfe#tion, not only for themselves but for those around them.
They have a greater sense of power than they are able to e*press, resulting in an
inferiority #omple*. An inferiority #omple* is a superiority #omple* turned in on itself.
Eirgo is #onstantly learning the lesson of humble servi#e and patien#e. These people find
their fullest e*pression through servi#e to others, being willing to do it ,uietly but
thoroughly. Ta$ing #are of endless details and routine )obs is where they fun#tion best.
There is a #autiousness and oftimes a selfishness in Eirgo that is often unre#ognized by
the person born in this sign. t is diffi#ult for the person to #ommuni#ate and arti#ulate
where their inner thoughts and feelings are #on#erned. Their home is e*tremely
important to them, for they feel more se#ure there than in any other surrounding. They
are not gregarious be#ause of their shyness. Their state of mind has a dire#t bearing on
their health. They #an be#ome hypo#hondria#s if they be#ome too self%#entered and
an*ious about their health. :ervous tension is the person in the body giving the body a
hard time.

The Eirgo individuals! greatest fault is being too #riti#al. Their analyzing mind #an #ause
them to degenerate into faultfinding, #riti#ism and irritability. Eirgos! real satisfa#tion
lies in the realm of wor$ and servi#e. They are one of the best wor$ers in the zodia#. They
are pra#ti#al and down%to%earth in their approa#h to life. They are good in the field of
a##ounting and boo$$eeping. Eirgo women ma$e e*#ellent nurses and there is a strong
purity and fastidiousness in them. They disli$e anything #rude or #oarse. There is a
sweetness and a la#$ of aggressiveness in this sign that gives a great attra#tiveness to
those born in this sign. Eirgo people ma$e few enemies and have many friends due to
their ,uiet, gentle manner.

Be#ause of their own inner feelings of inade,ua#y, they #an be very demanding where
their loved ones are #on#erned. Their need is to learn to be less #riti#al and more loving.
Eenus, the love prin#iple, is unhappy in an area where the lower mind operates. Love
withers in a #riti#al atmosphere. "e related to others through the heart, never through
the head. "e re#ognize this fa#t sub#ons#iousnly when we use the term !:ever mind!.

n the universal s#heme of things, Eirgo stands for the !womb of time! wherein ;od!s plan
is being wor$ed out through pain, struggle and #onfli#t. These are the things that set the
#ons#iousness free from being earthbound. Eirgo represents the sign of the hidden 0hrist
in every man' the seed planted in earth, that must root in the dar$ness, and through
struggle brea$ its sheath and struggle towards the Light. Eirgo is the last of the personal
or involving signs, and is the threshold of the birth of the inner man. The personality is
developed from Aries to Eirgo' the soul is developed from Eirgo to 6is#es.

(+yrna Lofthus)

Eirgo people are happy in #areers that demand te#hni#al or analyti#al s$ill or that affords
the oppotunity for servi#e % often in a subordinate #apa#ity. 1ome of the #areers are
medi#ine, #hemists, #raftsmen, administrators, a##ountants, se#retaries, tea#hers, and

Five positive $ey words are- analyti#al, industrious, systemati#, #onsiderate, and reliable.
Five negative $eywords are- aloof, s$epti#al, fini#$y, #riti#al, and self%#entered. The $ey
phrase is ! analyze!. The $ey word is !servi#e!. Their basi# nature is !the #riti# or

n mythology, Eirgo was the goddess of )usti#e. 1he was the daughter of 4upiter and
Themis. (er reign was during the ;olden Age of Leo. "hen humanity defied her rule in
the Age of 0an#er, she returned to the heavens in disgust.

Eirgoans have in,uiring minds, with $een analysis and remar$able memories. They en)oy
analyzing problems. This is a ma)or reason for their wanting to $now how, why, when,
and where.

They are hard wor$ers who are pra#ti#al, with a flair for detailed wor$. Their nervous
energy #auses them to be#ome involved with a lot of a#tivity. (owever, this nervous
energy also #auses them diffi#ulties, for they find it hard to rela*.

They #an, usually, rise above defeats. Their ever%a#tive mind see$s new ways to find

A Eirgoan #an generally be depended upon to fulfill a promise. They have a flair for
organization, and en)oy setting up s#hedules. There is an inborn love of order and

They are always sub#ons#iously see$ing perfe#tion in whatever they attempt. Be#ause
they push themselves so hard to be perfe#t, they have a tenden#y to loo$ for perfe#tion in
others. f they find it la#$ing, they #an be#ome #riti#al and fault%finding.

As a general rule, Eirgoans disli$e anything #rude or #oarse. They prefer satire over
smutty )o$es.

They do not enter friendships lightly, but have a sin#ere interest and a loyalty to those
they ma$e their friends. A buddy%buddy relationship on first meeting is not for them. This
may ma$e them appear to be standoffish. n a#tual fa#t, they are very reserved, shy
people who find it diffi#ult to tal$ about their inner thoughts and feelings with
#omparative strangers. They have very few enemeies be#ause of their ,uiet, gentle

Li$e ;emini, Eirgo is a sign of worry. This tension #an affe#t their health, #ausing
intestinal disorders, s$in eruptions, and ul#ers. They need to develop a positive outloo$
on life, as this has a dire#t effe#t on their health. f they be#ome too an*ious about life,
they #an be#ome hypo#hondria#s.

They are generally healthy and are always loo$ing for new ways to ta$e #are of
themselves. "hether young or old, all Eirgoans need a ,uiet period ea#h day in order to
rest their a#tive minds.

Their rulership over the si*th house #auses them to feel that servi#e to others is
imperative. They do this willingly, thoroughly, and without fanfare.

n love, a Eirgoan has diffi#ulty in e*pressing himself as ardently as he desires. Although
they may appear to be self%suffi#ient, they are really happier when they have someone to
love and who loves them.

A Eirgoan #an be a diffi#ult parent if allowing his < her love of neatness and tidiness to
be#ome all%important. These people must, also, wat#h their tenden#y to be over%#riti#al.
(owever, they are e*tremely helpful when it #omes to assisting their #hildren with
homewor$ or handiwor$ of any type. Be#ause of their inability to e*press their affe#tions
easily, they must a#tively #ultivate and pro)e#t warmth to their #hildren.

As a rule, Eirgoan #hildren are #ons#ientious students. They en)oy the routine and
dis#ipline of s#hool. They do, however, li$e to $now !why! a #ertain pro#edure or routine
is re,uired. f the answer is a##eptable, they willingly #omply. 5ut of s#hool, they en)oy
wor$ing with their hands. The girls have a flair for sewing, and the boys en)oy tin$ering
with bi#y#les, wood produ#ts, and #onstru#tion $its. They must be en#ouraged, however,
not to be too tidy or fussy.
Natal Sun in Libra

(Betty Lundsted)

Libra is the se#ond of the Air signs and is more intelle#tual and less personal than
;emini. The family situation for Libra is one of dissention between the mother and father.
5ften, Libran #hildren are born at a #riti#al time in the marriage relationship- the parents
may be staying together !for the sa$e of the #hildren!. "hen #hildren hear parents
dis#ussing these reasons for the marriage staying together, they feel e*#essively
beholden to the parents' this #an #ause deep%rooted resentments. Be#ause of the tense
family situation, Librans develop a sense of diploma#y' they try to soothe the troubled
waters and to smooth over rough situations between the parents. The habit gets so
ingrained that it be#omes diffi#ult for Libran #hildren to voi#e their real feelings or real
angers or real disagreements with those around them. Be#ause their feelings and ideas
are not easily e*pressed, this holding%in turns into rage that is dire#ted inward upon the
body. 5ften, the !idea! that they support is more important than their !personal feelings!.
Their diplomati# a#tions seldom soothe their own troubled personalities. "ords don!t
ma$e the emotional Libran feel any better' and often they have strange and mysterious
diseases that need medi#al attention. (ypo#hondria results when there is no other outlet
for emotional needs.

Be#ause their parents stayed together for appearan#e!s sa$e, Librans find it important to
#reate a good so#ial image. The danger is that they may only #reate a so#ial image and
never get a real and honest life%style going for themselves. Their relationships may be
more so#ially a##eptable than meaningful, and they may stay in emotionally damaging
relationships be#ause they need the image. They either have marriages that give them
so#ial support, or they may be so afraid of marriage that they never enter into it. +any
unmarried Librans are rea#ting to their early #hildhood environment- they saw so mu#h
dissention and disharmony between their parents that they feel all marriages are li$e

"e all bring into our relationships what we saw happening in our early #hildhood
environment unless we ma$e a #ons#ious effort to #hange. 3n#ons#ious Librans re#reate
their #hildhood #ir#umstan#es and enter into a relationship with wonderful e*pe#tations
but turn it into the inevitable #old war of their youth. They seldom say what they mean'
and when their feelings are hurt, they will wait for some appropriate time to intelle#tually
atta#$ the partner. This is done with well%#hosen words designed to #ut the other person
to the ,ui#$. The partner either stays and suffers, or leaves.

The Air sign #uriosity manifests differently in Librans from in ;eminis, for they are
interested in so#ial a##eptan#e rather than the #ontroverisal positions in the world.
Librans pursue edu#ation, end en)oy being $nown as mediators in the universe. The rest
of us love to have them solve our problems, for they have the ability to bring diverse
people together in a spirit of #o%operation. They often go into the learned professions-
do#tor, lawyer, psy#hologist, or #orporate management. "hen they are not interested in
pursuing a diplomati# or politi#al #areer, they en)oy pursuing anything that brings beauty
into the life. Be#ause ther #hildhood #ir#umstan#es were not pleasant, they are drawn to
any o##upation that brings pleasure, beauty, or harmony into the life of another. Librans
pursue interior de#oration, anti,ues, and the fashion or #osmeti# industry The tension in
the #hildhood brings Librans into the pursuit of #lassi#al forms of entertainment.
0lassi#al musi# is soothing to the troubled brow' the dan#e is a wor$ of art. This group of
people #an be involved in #reating new art forms for the general publi#.

1in#e Librans seldom li$e to loo$ too far below the surfa#e, their personal problems are
very diffi#ult to solve. As soon as they begin therapy or any related type of treatment,
they be#ome upset. They don!t want to loo$ at the years of suppressed anger. First of all,
most people do not want to seriously admit that they are angry with their parents, and
they don!t want to admit that hostility lingers within due to having had so mu#h diffi#ulty
in e*pressing real emotions. 6eople who have #lose #onta#t with Librans are sometimes
surprised at the anger and hostility beneath the surfa#e of the personality. "e are taught
that the Eenus%ruled signs of Taurus and Libra are warm, loving, easygoing and pla#id
people. They are not. They are merely fantasti# a#tors and diplomats8

n #onsidering the #on#ept of beauty and our ability to appre#iate beauty and love, we
en#ounter the various forms of maya pro)e#tion. +aya is the (indu goddess who
represents the world of illusion and beauty. This symbol is meant to tea#h that beauty is
an illusion. "e must loo$ beneath the surfa#e to find the truth. "hen we loo$ at the
beauty of Libran people, we don!t often see the pain inside, but it is there. And it needs to
be understood so that they #an let it go.

Air signs are meant to bring new ideas into formation or new ideas into a##eptan#e by
the present%day #ons#iousness. The analyti#al Eirgo sorts through all the #haff and sifts
out the valuable grain. The Libran ta$es the grain, the ideas that Eirgo has left, and lifts
them one step higher in #ons#iousness. Libra as$s, !(ow #an we ta$e these ideas and
ma$e them wor$2 "here do we go from here2! And after Eirgo has stripped ea#h idea of
its prote#tive #overing and harvested the #rop, Libra tries to ma$e it all lovely and
beautiful. As Libra wor$s on these new ideas, they are pi#$ed up by 1#orpio and
transformed. .very Air sign in#reases awareness.

The Libran woman has more diffi#ulties ma$ing it in the universe than the Libran man
sin#e she!s a female born into a mas#uline polarity. Be#ause the mas#uline prin#iple is
strong within her, she wants to be $nown as a professional, as a woman with meaningful
ideas, and as a rational human being. 1he loo$s very feminine and usually is very
attra#tive, but she doesn!t really believe in being feminine for she wants the status and
ran$ that is often given to males. 1he enters into marital relationships with hostility
be#ause she doesn!t want to be $nown as a !housewife!. 1he wants an intelle#tual
relationship, but often she is so pretty that she is seen merely as a lovely ob)e#t. "hen
she!s #ontinually treated li$e a lovely plaything, she be#omes angry and will atta#$ her
partner. Be#ause she wants to enhan#e her so#ial position, Libra will often get into
relationships that #an be defined as maso#histi#. 1he will allow herself to be emotionally
abused while her need for a so#ial image is being satisfied. Be#ause her parents argued
so mu#h during #hildhood, and be#ause there was so mu#h tension between them, it
doesn!t seem abnormal to her to live in the same environment when she rea#hes

The Libran male, on the other hand, #an be more in #ontrol of his #ir#umstan#es be#ause
males are generally bigger and stronger. (e, too, gets into a tense marriage in whi#h he
feels that he has to soothe the relationship rather than e*press his feelings. This results
in open hostility later on. (e be#omes angry and hostile due to the fa#t that it is diffi#ult
for him to e*press his feelings or his needs. (e may spend more money than he ma$es, or
feel that he has to $eep up with the !4oneses! in order to $eep his image in the
#ommunity. f he is immature and abuses his #redit #ards in order to $eep up his image,
this #an #reate lots of tension when he has to fa#e all his #reditors. The Libran male is
also ,uite physi#ally attra#tive, and his partner often doesn!t understand his internal
tensions be#ause he loo$s so good on the outside. 1he may misinterpret his moods and
feel that when he is depressed he is really unhappy with her, when in reality it!s himself
he!s unhappy with. (e rarely gets the understanding and affe#tion he needs. 3ntil he
learns to as$ for what he needs dire#tly, and until he learns to e*press how he feels
honestly instead of pla#ating others, he will be lonely.

((aydn 6aul)

The Libran personality see$s order, balan#e and harmony. 7ou will be pleasant and an
agreeable #ompanion, loo$ing for pea#e in life, but #an often be emotionally ,ui#$ to
anger, espe#ially within your intimate relationships. 7ou will try to please everyone by
using diplomati# s$ills, but #an #reate situations where you are inde#isive for fear of
upsetting someone. +a$ing de#isions #an be often diffi#ult for Libra, and you would
prefer to satisfy all options, not $nowing what dire#tion and de#ision to ta$e. 7ou are
temperamentally more suited to waiting for things to happen to you, or de#isions to be
made for you, rather than initiating them yourself. (owever, this tenden#y #an be
modified by a strong wilful As#endant.

7ou en)oy so#ialising' and your gra#e, #harm and #ongeniality will be appre#iated by
others. 7our favourite #ompanions often display an artisti# temperamnet whi#h refle#ts
your love of beauty, as found in nature, art, musi# and literature, as well as asserting free
individuality and a dramati# presen#e whi#h you would li$e to #reate as your self%image.

7ou #an be idealisti# and mentally adaptable, having an intuitive per#eption whi#h should
be used for life%guidan#e. (owever, you will also be very impressionable' and this #an
lead towards romanti# fantasising' sometimes a distaste for a#tual reality' impra#ti#ality'
plus a distin#t #hangeability to your temperament.

7our so#ial attitudes are humanitarian and sympatheti#, although sometimes diminished
by self%preo##upation' and you are often attra#ted towards the !high%so#iety! type of life
with its elegan#e and money. 7ou will be ambitious, but this is more dire#ted towards
#reating a #ertain ,uality of life where harmonious balan#e is a#hieved.

t is ,uite important to you to $eep your life ordered, #ontrolled, effi#ient and organised.
7ou are usually very patient and tolerant regarding house and family, and you re,uire a
sense of domesti# se#urity in a home of whi#h you feel proud. 7ou are espe#ially
sympatheti# to the needs of #hildren, and are usually good with them. 7ou have an
interest in tradition and previous e*pressions of style and #ulture, and this #an be
refle#ted in your home, where you #reate a homely atmosphere whi#h attempts to refle#t
,ualities of beauty and harmony for you. 7ou may need to be#ome periodi#ally re#lusive,
so that you #an restore your energy and your !so#ial mas$!' and this #an also be refle#ted
in periodi# #hanges in your #hoi#e of appearan#e.

n roman#e, you are often guided more by your head than your heart, as you la#$ total
trust in your ability to be emotionally realisti#, and #an often be sho#$ed at the power of
your feelings whi#h sha$e your inner balan#e too mu#h. 7ou #an lose emotional #ontrol in
love affairs whi#h produ#e dramati# #hanges in you, and often your roman#es #an
be#ome stormy. 7ou are more able to apply your harmonising energies and talents for the
benefit of others than in your own passionate relationships. 5ften, while attempting to
maintain your inner balan#e, by following idiosyn#rati# needs and desires, you su##eed in
stimulating imbalan#e and aggression in your partner, who feels either ignored or
dominated. 7ou tend to have an idealisti# and often unrealisti# vision of the perfe#t
relationship, so it is little wonder that your partners do not #ompare favourably. There is
a dissatisfa#tion with unharmonious relationships whi#h #onfli#ts with your needs for
harmony, stability, and the #ontinuity of relationship' this is a sphere of your life that
re,uires more #larity.

7ou #an en)oy involvement with group endeavours, espe#ially with those groups
refle#ting benefi#ial so#ial aims and ideals, as you #an be#ome a natural fighter for the
rights of others. As you mature, you tend to develop a personal philosophy whi#h you try
to apply in daily life, and #an en)oy study and intelle#tual interests, being able to
translate abstra#t idas into more a##essible forms of #ommuni#ation to others. 6hysi#al
or mundane wor$ rarely appeals to you.
(4an 1piller and /aren +#0oy)

1un in Libra individuals feel they have the right to develop harmonious relationships' the
right to $now what others want' and the right to be treated fairly.


"hen you fo#us on wanting to be re#ognized as a fair and harmonious person, you may
behave in ways that are #ompromising and manipulative. 7ou may a#t li$e !+r. or +s.
:i#e 6erson! and maively e*pe#t others to respond in the same way. "hen you use good
manners to get your way, your manipulations #reate only an artifi#ial harmony. f your
attention is on a#hieving a positive image for yourself, you may indulge in the Libran
tenden#y to play tit%for%tat games. This puts you in situations where your integrity #an be
manipulated merely by being #onvin#ed that you are being treated fairly and are getting
an e,ual portion. "hen you allow yourself to be#ome lost in the realm of #o%operatively
sharing ideas, you may not realize that whatever you do to #ontrol others, others #an also
do it to you.


"hen your attention fo#uses on uplifting others through sharing of talents, you #an
enliven so#ial situations by #ontributing to the inherent harmony. 7ou #an do this by
adding the missing ingredient of your independent point of view. By trusting the overall
pi#ture, you intuitively per#eive that you are able to inter)e#t your ideas of )usti#e and fair
play into situations. This o##urs in a spontaneous way that brings about a higher level of
#o%operation but does not offend. 9e#ognition of your abilities to bring a larger truth into
a situation enables you to #ontribute your ideas of )usti#e, fairness, and harmony. This
sharing in#reases your level of vitality and well%being.

7ou #an #reate true harmony in relationships through your willingness to #ommuni#ate
the full truth of what you!re e*perien#ing. Through this integrity, a higher harmony may
establish itself. Thus, rather than trying to manipulate others into a state of false
harmony, you learn to establish good relationships by fa#ing the e*isting harmonies and
disharmonies with a##eptan#e and ob)e#tivity. This frees you to share your intuitive sense
of fair play with others.

(1ydney 5marr)

Libra females

These women possess #harm. n fa#t, it is very li$ely they #an #harm you into anything8
They are generally intelle#tual, idealisti#, !airy! in nature, sensitive, and greatly aware of
beauty. Being beautiful is of the utmost importan#e to this lady' she is Eenusian, has
natural finesse, is desirable, and ma$es a delightful hostess. f you want to win this lady,
avoid #oarseness. Appeal to her sense of )usti#e, of good, of beauty. f you are blunt' if
you rush things' if your language or your manners are not up to par % then you!d better
wait. 7ou simply are not ready for the Libra woman.

1he needs affe#tion and love. 1he must have faith in you and your motives. (er prin#iples
are paramount in her life % she is not li$ely to #ompromise. There is a tenden#y for her to
withdraw' if she has been hurt emotionally, she isn!t li$ely to sti#$ out her #hin. Thus,
patien#e on your part, mingled with understanding, is essential.

This woman balan#es one thing against the other- she appre#iates money and lu*ury, but
#ompares those advantages to #hara#ter and stability. 1he is #reative, and appre#iates
that ,uality in others. 1he doesn!t enter a relationship with the idea that it might end
tomorrow. 1he loo$s to the future % and you now have fair warning. &o not be#ome
involved with this woman unless your intentions are serious. Living, for her, is an art. As
a #ompanion, she is most desirable. "hen she gives you her heart, you will realize you
have something to treasure. 1he is liberal, and gra#eful, and possesses a sense of

Love is as important as food for this lady. (er surroundings are important. 0arelessness
in taste is one way to lose her. 1he has her faults, and one of them is being affe#ted to an
e*treme by where she is, by manners, et#.. 5ften she is apt to bypass something or
someone worthwhile be#ause she insists so highly on manners. (er $eys are roman#e,
partnership, marriage, independen#e, beauty. (er moods #an be all the way up or all the
way down' she e*hibits a tenden#y to say !show me!, while negle#ting to prove her own
abilities and motives.

1he is worth winning, but e*pe#t evasive a#tion % and never push too hard for dire#t
answers. There is no bla#$ and white with her' there are shades of good and bad, and you
may as well get used to that idea.

Libra males

This man is #onsidered highstrung. n reality, however, it is not so mu#h his nerves, but
his sense of awareness, his $een #onvitions, his drive for )usti#e and independen#e. (e
li$es proportion in all things, and is very apt to noti#e bulges in the wrong pla#es8 (e
isn!t the easiest man in the world to live with, but he is appre#iative, and seldom as$s the
impossible % he )ust re,uires that you strive toward that goal8

(e needs to be told how good he is' flattery is a ne#essity. This does not mean he is
egotisti#al' it does mean that he re,uires someone to share in his triumphs' someone who
appre#iates him. (e has more of a sense of humor than you might first realize' his natural
bent is toward intelle#tual sub)e#ts % he is nobody!s fool, though at times he may a#t li$e

t is important for you to avoid irritability' the Libra man adores a woman with an even
temper, one who #an laugh in the fa#e of adversity. (e is appre#iative of talent, art,
literature, and musi#- he will en#ourage hobbies, even if su#h en#ouragement #osts him
money. This man demands refinement' he is a man to whom #ulture is important. (e is a
good #at#h, but it ta$es ,uite a run before the #hase is over. (e is apt to demand
perfe#tion, but will settle for less % provided you !understand! him. 0onvin#e him you are
on his side, and the world is yours for the as$ing8

Any brea#h of good taste is offensive to this man. (e is a so#ial being, demanding
manners, gra#e, #harm and dignity. And don!t be sho#$ed if, despite his demands upon
you, he himself brea$s every rule by arguing with guests, #hallenging their ideas, and
#ausing them to loo$ at him goggle%eyed as he presents what may appear to be
outlandish theories. The Libra man is an individual, if nothing else8

(is $ey word is #hallenge. (e loves e*pressions of originality' and when he argues, it is
for the sa$e of bringing out the best in the thin$ing of others. (e is not always easy to
understand, but he would never $nowingly hurt you.

(1$ye Ale*ander)

Libra is the sign of balan#e and harmony, and you see your !role! in life as that of the
pea#ema$er. 1o vital are pea#e and tran,uility to you that the least sign of dis#ord upsets
you. 7ou #an!t bear anger, hostility or #onfli#t of any $ind' nor #an you stand to have
anyone mad at you. 7ou strive for pea#e at any #ost, and often fail to spea$ your mind for
fear of starting an argument or alienating someone. Always ready to #ompromise in order
to $eep the pea#e, you may let others ta$e advantage of you, or ba#$ down when you
should ta$e a stand. As a result, you sometimes seem wishy%washy or unreliable.

7ou are the one #alled in to mediate family disputes or on%the%)ob s,uabbles. Be#ause you
#an see both sides of any issue and remain a deta#hed and impartial )udge, you are well%
suited to this tas$ and may even put this s$ill to wor$ for you professionally.

7our ability to see merit in all sides of any issue, however, #auses you to have diffi#ulty
ma$ing de#isions about even simple things in life, su#h as whi#h movie to see or what to
have for dinner. "hen fa#ed with larger de#isions, you might va#illate indefinitely.

Ta#tful, refined, diplomati# and so#ially adept, you are #on#erned with saying and doing
the !right things!. 7ou want to ma$e a good impression and to have everyone li$e you.
7our personal appearan#e is neat and attra#tive' your manners are impe##able' and you
value su#h things as eti,uette and so#ial gra#es as ways to set you apart from the hoi
polloi. 7ou share Eirgo!s love of #leanliness and order, and want everything to be !ni#e! at
all times.

Be#ause you are intent on maintaining balan#e and harmony at all times, you shun strong
emotion of any $ind. .motions are too unpredi#table, messy and even dangerous, and you
prefer to remain deta#hed. Although you are superfi#ially pleasant and friendly, you #an
be a bit bloodless. 7our dispassionate nature, however, allows you to see things in a
deta#hed, rational manner' and you might be a master strategist. At the very least, you
are good at laying plans, organizing people, and ob)e#tively analyzing situations.

7our love of balan#e and harmony in#line you to appre#iate musi#, art and all beautiful
things. .ven if you don!t have any spe#ial talent yourself, you probably en)oy most art
forms and might be a patron of the arts. 7ou have good taste, though you tend to be
overly traditional and not very imaginative.

Libra also is the sign of relationships, and relationships of all $inds are important to you.
3nless you are involved in a partnership, you don!t ,uite feel whole, and you!ll settle for a
relationship that is less than ideal )ust to have someone around. 7ou thin$ of yourself as
half a #ouple instead of as an individual' and will hold on to an unsatisfa#tory marriage
for de#ades rather than have to fa#e yourself alone. Always willing to put your partner!s
needs and desires ahead of your own, you may have trouble even de#iding what you
really want, sin#e you are so intent on trying to figure out what your partner wants.

7ou ta$e great )oy in your partner!s happiness, and bas$ in the refle#ted glory of his < her
su##esses. 1upportive and dedi#ated to helping your mate a#hieve his < her goals, you
may be #ontent with being thought of only as your partner!s !other half!. 5r, you may
a#hieve su##ess or re#ognition through your partner.

Although you invest mu#h time and energy in relationships, you don!t invest mu#h feeling
or passion. Formalized partnerships appeal to you more than torrid love affairs, and you!d
really li$e to return to the days of #ourtly roman#e, #hivalry and idealized love. For you,
love e*ists more in the head than in the heart.
ibrans are good wor$ers and are fair to their families where money is #on#erned. They
have a reputation for being spendthrifts, but don!t thin$ this is )ustified- they are usually
sensible where money is #on#erned, and they don!t let their #redit #ards run away with
them. They are always youthful and optimisti# in outloo$, and li$e to $eep themselves up%
to%date in every way.

These Librans are not afraid of new te#hnology, new ideas or new terminology, and they
never be#ome fossilised in their thin$ing. The very best thing about these people is that
they li$e to do everything in #on)un#tion with their partners and they don!t abandon their
other halves in favour of their own interests. Their worst faults are their need for
everyone and everything around them to loo$ good' and they worry about what the
neighbours might thinn$. Their inability to ma$e a de#ision is ,uite frustrating to live
with be#ause they often miss opportunities as a result of shilly%shallying.

There is a third type of Libran who is usually, but not always, male, and who is pretty
mu#h impossible to live with. These Librans are highly ambitious, and their )obs
fre,uently #ome well before their relationships. 1o, for that matter, do their
entertainments, holidays, #ars and other lovers. "hen #aught out by a furious partner,
these fas#inating Librans turn on the #harm and behave li$e the proverbial two%year%old
who $nows that he has been naughty but now wants to be forgiven. A#,uisitive, greedy
and selfish, these sub)e#ts are very su##essful in their #hosen fields' and their families
will en)oy a good deal of wealth and status. +ost Librans have #onsiderable #harm, but
this type uses it to manipulate everybody in order to get his own way. These sub)e#ts #an
argue the hind leg off a don$ey, and will brea$ up a relationship altogether rather than
#on#ede a point. These Librans tal$ at people rather than with them, and they need a
sy#ophanti# audien#e. +any of these sub)e#ts are bare%fa#ed liars who are #hroni#ally
unfaithful. They seem to need a stream of admiring females in their lives in order to
prove to themselves that their #harming, suave, fas#inating image is in proper wor$ing
order. Eain, domineering, )ealous, demanding and selfish, these Librans live a double,
triple or multiple life, doing everything to e*#ess and moving between )obs, debts, lovers
and e*%spouses with the speed of light. These Librans, after trying a relationship or two,
end up happily living alone. They never feel lonely be#ause they have many interests and
#an ma$e friends so easily.

All Librans seem to have a problem dealing with reality. t is as if the material world is
too mu#h to #ope with, and a measure of self%delusion is ne#essary in order for them to
handle it. f they de#ide that bla#$ is white, they will be able to #onvin#e themselves of
this despite all the eviden#e to the #ontrary8

The dirty, lazy negative Libran doesn!t #onne#t with anyone long enough to get into bed
in the first pla#e' but all the others ma$e the most wonderful lovers. t is probably this
talent whi#h allows them to get away with so mu#h and en#ourages their partners to
forgive their e*#esses. Being ruled by Eenus, Librans are sensual and very generous
lovers. They ta$e their time over love%ma$ing, and they go to a lot of trouble to ensure
that their partner!s re,uirements are met. These sub)e#ts are e*perimental, possibly even
somewhat #lini#al in their approa#h at times' but are unli$ely to demand behaviour whi#h
their partner would find embarrassing or una##eptable. Librans #an be #riti#al of a
partner who gains weight easily or who allows his or her loo$s to deteriorate' and they
#an ,uite easily leave a lover on these grounds. 1ome Libran men #onfuse love with se*,
and #an only #uddle or e*press love in a se*ual way.

Being pleasant, so#iable and eager for the good opinion of others, Librans usually get on
well with other members of the family. They will flirt with father% or mother%in%law, listen
to aunty!s grumbles, laugh at un#le!s )o$es, and play, for a little while at least, with
grandson. 1ome Librans genuinely li$e their relatives, while others are simply
a##ommodating. +ost of these sub)e#ts wel#ome visitors and li$e visiting, but their
nerves are ,uite deli#ate and they #an!t ta$e unpleasantness. f a family member insists
on being offensive or diffi#ult, the Libran will either give him < her an une*pe#tedly hard
time, or simply es#ape from the situation until the offending relative has left. These
sub)e#ts are very so#iable, and love to #hat and to listen to others' but they tend to
dominate a #onversation.

As #hildren, they get away with a good deal due to their #harm and good loo$s' and they
are both #lever enough and wise enough to a#hieve the re,uired standard. These #hildren
ma$e sure that they have the latest in #lothing and e,uipment, and are happily a##epted
as part of the !in #rowd!. They don!t stand out in any way, and they don!t #ause trouble,
but they #an usually stand up for themselves if the need arises. Librans are either well%
understood and well%loved by their parents, or at something of a distan#e from them. The
father is often a rather deta#hed or distant figure, while the mother may be somewhat
ineffe#tive, stupid or snobbish. f they don!t li$e their families, they manage to slide away
from them by be#oming involved with s#hool friends and outside interests. As parents,
Librans are $ind, #ool and #onsiderate, but not always terribly involved with their
#hildren. They may not be able to relate to their #hildren on a deep and understanding
level. Libran parents really need to employ a good nanny who will deal with the reality of
small #hildren, leaving them free to stroll round the shops pi#$ing up a pretty outfit and a
#lassy bottle of wine for their ne*t dinner party.

(4ulia and &ere$ 6ar$er)

The s#ales, the symbol of this sign, have a deeply symboli# meaning for 1un sign Librans,
sin#e the need for balan#e and harmony in their lives is paramount. They need a
harmonious ba#$ground, free of undue pressure and argument, in order to be happy.
They will sometimes even ma$e sa#rifi#es for the sa$e of pea#e and ,uiet, giving in too
easily to pressure from others' and when #onfronted with a problem they will sit on the
fen#e until the problem goes away, rather than #ommit themselves to one side or the

&e#ision%ma$ing, or supporting one side of an argument, often involves ta$ing one
person!s side against another, and Librans have a deep disli$e for hurting other people.
nde#ision is the worst Libran fault.

Librans find it more diffi#ult to #ope with loneliness than any other sign of the zodia#.
0omplete happiness for them means sharing their lives, although when they are alone,
other areas of their birth #harts may show ,ualities whi#h enable them to #ome to terms
with this problem.

Laziness and rela*ation are often asso#iated with this sign, but that is not entirely fair.
"hile Librans may not en)oy dirty, heavy )obs, they #ertainly don!t la#$ physi#al energy,
espe#ially if the wor$ has a #reative element' indeed, re#ent resear#h has shown that
those born within the first five or si* degrees of Libra may seem rela*ed be#ause they
ma$e tiem to listen to friends! problems and sympathize in sorrow or share )oy, but
a#tually they are very a#tive and anything but time%wasters.

The most important sphere of a Libran life, whether Libra is the 1un sign or As#endant, is
the one%to%one relationship. Librans are not psy#hologi#ally whole until this has been
su##essfully a#hieved, and their usual inde#ision may well ta$e a ba#$ seat when it #omes
to romanti# #ommitment. 1un sign Librans are pure romanti#s, and will be starry%eyed for
months when planning their wedding, without, perhaps, giving suffi#ient thought to what
#omes after the #eremony.

Although usually pea#e%loving, Librans sometimes provo$e arguments (even ,uite serious
ones) with their partners to test their affe#tions and reassure themselves that the
partnership is really loving. They should be aware of this tenden#y' repeatedly upsetting
the boat )ust in order to be res#ued #an be irritating to others. Librans #an be e*tremely
generous, but should re#ognize the moment when their motives be#ome not the giving of
pleasure but the pur#hase of affe#tion.

The Libran #hild is #harming and eager to please. 6arents should wat#h for any tenden#y
to pro#rastingation or laziness, whi#h #an develop into serious problems later in life. t is
essential that the #hild is en#ouraged to be de#isive' given a #hoi#e, Libran #hildren will
often as$ !"hat would you #hoose, +ommy2! &on!t give in to this ploy8 6oint out the
various options, and do all you #an to ma$e young Librans have the #onfiden#e to thin$
for themselves.

(appiness at s#hool is important for all #hildren, but a Libran #hild treated unfairly (!t!s
not fair8! is a #ommon #omplaint) will magnify the in)usti#e to su#h an e*tent that it will
interfere with the tea#hing pro#ess, and upset the #hild for mu#h longer than might be
e*pe#ted. 0reative potential should be re#ognized and en#ouraged' there is often real
talent here, but if left to itself it may not develop as ,ui#$ly as with some other 1un signs.

Libran parents are $ind, loving and gentle, but must beware of being outwitted by a
,ui#$er%minded #hild playing on the Libran tenden#y to give in rather than insist on the
#ourse they $now to be best. t is too easy to spoil a #hild for the sa$e of pea#e and ,uiet,
espe#ially by offering bribes8 t is also all too easy to allow oneself to be worn down by a
#hild!s pleas for an e*pensive toy or pie#e of e,uipment' don!t give in too ,ui#$ly (if at
all), espe#ially if fashion is involved. A Libran parent!s inde#ision #an infuriate his or her
#hildren- de#isions should not be shelved or handed over to the partner (!"ait until
&addy #omes home!).

Librans en)oy lu*ury and a #omfortable lifestyle, so they need to earn plenty of money.
They #an also be overly generous, whi#h #an a#t as a spur to often impressive #areers.
Their wor$ing environment is not of great importan#e to them, but their #olleagues are %
they disli$e fussy people, slave drivers and employers who won!t allow them to wor$ at
their own pa#e. Their need for harmony is shown here- li$e%minded #olleagues are a

Any profession #alling for ta#t and diploma#y offers them great opportunities. The lu*ury
trades (fashion, beauty, #osmeti#s) are popular, while the ,ualities of their polar sign,
Aries, sometimes attra#t them to the armed servi#es, where they may attain ran$. They
are ambitious, but should thin$ #arefully before ta$ing a lonely top )ob- isolation does not
agree with them.
+oving from one distri#t to another will be very disturbing to a Libran, so #hanges of this
$ind should be minimized unless the individual is #ertain of their many benefits. The idea
of approa#hing retirement will be blissful % in theory, nothing is more attra#tive than the
thought of not having to rise early, go to wor$, or #ope with the petty problems of a
wor$ing life. (owever, without a #ompelling interest in life, retirement will be less
fulfilling than these people imagine, and they may even find themselves aging ,ui#$ly.
:ew and en)oyable hobbies or a#tivities will release fresh areas of potential.

t is all too easy for Librans to dismiss the idea of regular e*er#ise, but they really do
need it. ndeed, it should be an integral part of their life. t is e*#ellent for them to )oin a
health #lub that offers a good so#ial life and a pleasant ambien#e, so they #an not only
wor$ out but also meet #ongenial people. The e*er#ise itself should be steady rather than
spasmodi#ally energeti#. The Libran li$ing for ri#h, sweet food should be resisted
whenever possible' a lighter diet is best, and ina#tion #an en#ourage weight gain. The
$idneys are the Libran organs, and tension or worry #an provo$e heada#hes. f these
persist, medi#al advi#e is needed.

(Fran#es 1a$oian and Louis A#$er)

Librans are ruled by the planet Eenus, whi#h gives them #harm and gra#e in e*pression,
#ombined with a desire for popularity and the approval of others. The highly evolved
natives of this sign will never #ompromise prin#iple in order to gain approbation, be#ause
e*perien#e has taught them that ultimate humiliation is the result of su#h e*pedien#y.

Be#ause Libra is a #ardinal sign, Libras are #on#erned with the present and will initiate
a#tivities. But they usually see$ the #o%operation of others rather than #ontinuing alone.

Libras have a spe#ial need for #ompanionship in order to be fulfilled. (owever, they need
to maintain their own individuality within the framewor$ of their relationships. +arriage
and partnerships are a primary #on#ern of Libras.

Typi#al a#tivities involve so#ial relations and #onta#t with the publi#. They #an in#lude
the legal profession, publi# relations, art, the performing arts, musi#, and partnerships
that re,uire #lose #o%operation.

Libras have a strong sense of )usti#e and fair play, hen#e 1aturn!s e*altation in this sign.
Thus they demand that their partners wor$ as hard as they do. 0ontrary to what has
often been said by astrologers, Libras are anything but lazy. The more highly evolved the
individual, the more li$ely he is to be hard%wor$ing.

1in#e Libra is an Air sign, those born under it are intelle#tual and a#tively see$
$nowledge, new ideas, and mental stimulation. They are espe#ially adept at analyzing
what is o##urring in the so#iety around them. All matters pertaining to psy#hology and
human relationships are of deep interest to them. For this reason, they ma$e good
#ounselors and often see$ to help people with their personal problems. They fre,uently
play the role of pea#ema$er. The $ey phrase for Libra is ! balan#e!.

These Eenus%ruled natives rarely e*press anger, but when they do it is as though a
tornado has gone through a room % they leave nothing unsaid. They will tell you e*a#tly
what you said fifty years before and under what #ir#umstan#es you said it. 7et, li$e the
tornado, their anger soon spends itself, leaving them sha$en and ill.

(Lyn Birbe#$)

7ou have a gra#eful, though potentially superfi#ial, heart. 7ou have the will to use
generously your sense of )usti#e % without it devolving into inde#ision. 7our life should be
led in a spirit of radiating harmony and beauty % as opposed to merely being !ni#e!. 7our
father is seen or e*pressed as one who is fair and diplomati#, and < or sitting on the fen#e.

7ou have an aura of pleasantness that gives 5ther the feeling of being worth something.
7ou #reate an impression of so#ial ease, and of $nowing the right fa#es and pla#es as well
possibly. 7ou have an air of aestheti# awareness or so#ial harmony, and may display
artisti# ability.

7ou #an alienate 5ther with a gloss of ni#eness that is purely for effe#t, and is in great
need of sin#erity' with your dependen#e on others (rather than 5ther) to maintain your
own feeling of being of any so#ial worth and desirability' and by treating everything and
everyone but 5ther with gra#e and #onsideration.

7ou overemphasize your loo$s and < or style rather than emotional #ommitment % whi#h
amounts to using superfi#ial means for superfi#ial ends. 7ou also overstress your
ta#tfulness and willingness to #ompromise, to the point of be#oming a nonentity' and you
overemphasize the !ni#e! or glamorous side of life at the e*pense of being real or

7ou #an feel wea$ with respe#t to the value or attra#tiveness of your inner being' you
should $now that e*posing it will strengthen it. 7ou #an also feel wea$ when having to
ris$ being disli$ed or disapproved of by 5ther' you should be true to yourself % then, so
eventually will 5ther. 7ou #an also feel wea$ when your !mu#$! is ra$ed up.

"hen you are alone, it is most probably for one of two reasons. The first reason is that
you are having to dis#over yourself as an independent individual rather than an !5ther to
or for 5ther! % whi#h is li$e being a two%dimensional being, a human mirror and nothing
else. n order to do this, you will have to bring to the surfa#e what appear to be some
,uite anti%so#ial feelings and ideas. But this is o$ay as long as you sti#$ with it and
fashion su#h #rude steel ore into fine steel. The se#ond reason #ould be that you hold the
belief that you are too odd or una##eptable to be in a relationship. This is as may be, but
being lo#$ed into su#h an in#estuous and sub)e#tive relationship with yourself would
prevent you from noti#ing that everyone, in#luding a potential 5ther, is !weird! too and
has something to hide that they want dis#overed or un#overed by and with love.

(;rant Lewi)

Libra!s aim is to identify himself with as mu#h of the rest of the world as suits the
demands of his very e#le#ti# and elegant taste. &espite a gentle and firm sort of
independen#e, he does not put too mu#h sto#$ in !being himself!, for he values other
people a great deal' and, if no prin#iple is involved, he will please others before thin$ing
of what he wants. n a deep sesne, what he wants is what ma$es others happy. n some
this ma$es wea$ness. The woman who !made love only to her friends and didn!t have an
enemy in the world! was very probably a Libran. But so also is the person whose #harm is
so great and whose interest is so eager that he or she holds another!s attention without
yielding to that person!s #arnal passions. And many who have tried to for#e the
apparently unyielding Libran along a path #ounter to his prin#iples have felt the iron
hand in the velvet glove. Libra!s willingness to lose his identity in others % in so#iety, in
marriage % ma$es Librans ideal #ompanions, or mates, for those who understand the
#urious need they have for independen#e that a##ompanies their selflessness. They
merge with others, but they retain their identity, and will withdraw #ompletely if their
identity is atta#$ed or endangered. They are demo#rati# in spirit, but sin#e they identify
themselves with elegan#e, will not allow themselves to be for#ed into #onta#t with things
or people that offend their very strong sense of good taste. Thus they are often thought
aristo#rats or snobs, when in reality they have the deepest $ind of respe#t, sympathy and
understanding for all sorts and #onditions of men. They also have a great deal of respe#t,
sympathy and understanding for themselves, and see no reason why they should ever
give this up. They are the living embodiment of the #o%operative spirit' they will wor$
with you till they drop, bur rarely for you. By the same to$en, if they are e*e#utives (and
they often are) they treat their subordinates as partners, not as servants. +u#h is
e*pe#ted of the man who wor$s for a Libra boss, who in return pays him well and treats
him as an e,ual. The person who does housewor$ for a Libran must $eep the pla#e
spotless, but must be treated with respe#t, as a fellow mortal whose human dignity must
never be violated or imposed on. Libra finds deepest satisfa#tion in harmonious union
with those around him, and with the whole world, whi#h is not too mu#h to be ta$en in by
his warm and tolerant spirit.

(4ohn Townley)

"hat you most desire in a relationship is #ontinual growth and development. f the modes
of #ommuni#ation and e*pression between you and your lover do not #hange and evolve
fairly #ontinuously, you are li$ely to be#ome bored with the relationship. 5r you may
de#ide to ta$e steps to alter it yourself.

Therefore you should avoid a lover who wants to settle into a warm, #omfy, se#ure
relationship. 7our desire for #hange will )ust upset su#h a person, and he or she will seem
li$e a sti#$%in%the%mud to you. 1ee$ a more adventurous person who is always loo$ing for
new ways to ma$e your affair more spi#y to $eep it in motion.

&o not be disappointed if a few relationships brea$ up be#ause of this urge for #hange %
that!s )ust part of the game. The true test of a happy relationship is whether ea#h of you
#an steer the right #ourse between evolution and stability.

f you #an steer that #ourse, you will indeed be an e*plorer in the realm of emotions and
interpersonal #ommuni#ation' and you will learn a lot more than most people about what
ma$es a relationship good or bad. Be#ause of this $nowledge, you may be able to guide
your partner through the areas you understand so well. n that #ase, you must ta$e
parti#ular #are to be subtle in your approa#h, espe#ially if your lover is not one who
responds easily to dire#tion.

f you and your lover are #reative and mutually responsive within your relationship, your
love will be a #ontinuously e*#iting adventure.
Natal Sun in Scorpio

(1ydney 5marr)

1#orpio females

1#orpio women are emotional, affe#tionate, often passionate' they are willing to tear
down the past in order to build for the future. Tradition ta$es a ba#$ seat when it #omes
to the promise of better things tomorrow. These women have an air of mystery and are
often #onsidered psy#hi#' it is diffi#ult to $now them #ompletely, for they #hange as
#ir#umstan#es demand. A man involved with a 1#orpio woman is not always going to have
an easy time % but it will be e*#iting, and he will $now he!s alive.

&o not see$ relations with these women unless you are strong, willing to #hange your
opinions, and able to ad)ust, and unless you have a basi# respe#t for members of the
opposite se*.

This woman is dynami#, even e*plosive. 1he #an lose her temper one minute and
resemble a purring $itten the ne*t. 7ou are stepping on a merry%go%round when you begin
to #ourt a 1#orpio woman. T(e pa#e may be dizzying % but if you as$ for it you have no
right to #omplain.

This woman #an be fier#ely loyal' she demands a great deal, but she also has mu#h to
give. 1he $nows her way about the pra#ti#al aspe#ts of living. This may puzzle you, for
one day she #an dis#uss finan#es li$e an e*pert, and the ne*t she is willing to follow a
whim or a hun#h instead of #harts or fa#ts. 1he is not easy to understand. t is best to
#lose your eyes and en)oy the #hanges she is bound to ma$e in your life. f you are the
nervous or oversensitive type, please see$ another woman8

This woman possesses personal magnetism' she is physi#ally attra#tive. 1he doesn!t do
things halfway. 1he gives of herself or holds ba#$ #ompletely. 1he represents a #hallenge.
1he often en)oys a battle' when she believes the #ause is right, nothing #an deter her
from a fight. 1he #an be for#eful, dynami#, dominating. (er willpower is admirable
e*#ept when it fades into obstina#y.

This woman li$es se#rets. &on!t try to $now all there is to $now about her. f you ever, by
some a##ident, a#tually su##eed, she will lose interest in you and that will be the end of
your relationship.

1#orpio males

&on!t e*pe#t this man to say one thing and mean something else. (e has a $na#$ or gift
of seeing through preten#e, of $nowing what others are really li$e' he #an per#eive,
delineate, render shrewd analyses of persons and sub)e#ts. (e is a tough one to fool, and
if you are not up to it, you have better loo$ elsewhere. 1#orpio men are physi#al, yet
emotional' they re,uire love in its poeti# sense, yet #an be animal%li$e, even brutal. But
the brutality does not stem from #ruelty. 9ather, it is brutality in a basi# sense- brutal
fran$ness, brutal honesty, and so forth. :othing halfway here' these men #an fight and
win. They set a goal and #an go underground or arise and fly li$e an eagle to attain it.

&o not attempt to reform this man. (e $nows what he wants and usually has sound
reasons for a#ting the way he does. f you want to lose him, start #orre#ting his manners,
his spee#h' if you want to $eep him % try to understand and sympathize.

The 1#orpio man is for#eful, dire#t, independent, often aggressive. (e is li$ely to be a
man of a#tion. f you want to impress him, you will have to do more than tal$ or ma$e
promises % he li$es results.

This man #an be very )ealous. 5ften he appears a little too #areful in money matters. 5n
the positive side, however, this #hara#teristi# is really an e*pression of desire for
se#urity. A 1#orpio man does not forget a wrong. (e is a good person to have on your
side' bear this in mind before you try insulting or ridi#uling him. (e ma$es a formidable

A 1#orpio man is #apable of hard wor$ and hard play. At times, his appetite appears
insatiable. (e is not an easy man to size up or analyze' sometimes he is li$e a ,ui#$%
#hange artist, loo$ing and a#ting one way today and another way tomorrow.

f you want this man, you will have to meet and pass numerous tests. 5n#e the
e*aminations are over, however, you may well feel the trouble was more than worthwhile.

(1$ye Ale*ander)

6eople who have 1un in 1#orpio usually e*perien#e lives filled with dramati#, even
traumati# #hages, and en#ounter situations whi#h transform them in some way. t seems
that old parts of you are #ontinually dying and new parts are being born, so that your life
is never stati#.

7ou also have the ability to strongly affe#t others, even to #hange their lives' and you see
your !role! as that of the transformer. 6erhaps you are a therapist who helps people
un#over and wor$ through their deep%seated problems. 7ou might be a tea#her who
awa$ens hidden talents in your students, a #ousnellor who rehabilitates substan#e
abusers, or a rapist who terrorizes vi#tims. 9egardless of the form your influen#e ta$es,
you transform everyone you $now in some way. 7ou have a powerful, almost magneti#
persona, and though you may not say mu#h it!s impossible not to be aware of your

As a #hild, you probably e*perien#ed some deep, emotional !#risis!, a loss of some $ind
whi#h made you feel you were alone in the world, with no%one but yourself on whom to
rely. 1ometimes this #risis is an obvious and e*treme one, su#h as the death of a parent,
the loss of your home, a serious illness or a violent in#ident. n other #ases, it may be
more subtle and internal, su#h as #oming to the realization that your parents will never
love you the way you want them to. As a result, you withdraw into yourself, be#oming
s#epti#al and self%reliant at a very early age.

"hen you were a #hild, you insisted on doing everything for yourself, and were ,uite
#ontent to spend time alone, entertaining and tea#hing yourself. As an adult, you are self%
prote#tive and suspi#ious of others, hiding your thoughts and feelings behind an almost
impenetrable wall. Eery few people earn your trust' fewer still gain a##ess into your
private world' and no%one will ever $now you #ompletely.

Although you reveal little about yourself, you want to $now everything about everyone
else. 7ou are eager to find out what ma$es others ti#$, and delve into the se#rets and
hidden agendas of friends, family members and business asso#iates. By understanding
their underlying motivations and desires, you #an manipulate them for your own
advantage, or at least anti#ipate their moves to prote#t yourself. 7ou!d be a good
psy#hiatrist or private investigator, for you understand human nature % espe#ially the
dar$ side of life % better than anyone.

7ou approa#h everything with intensity and passion' nothing is done half%heartedly. An
e*tremist, you throw yourself heart, mind and soul into any underta$ing. n your #areer,
you #an a##omplish more than most people. 7our perseveran#e and your ability to fo#us
your energies toward a goal #an ta$e you to the top of your field. (owever, you also run
the ris$ of be#oming a wor$aholi#.

:o%one ta$es relationships more seriously than you. Though 1#orpio has a reputation for
being intensely se*ual, what you truly desire is an intense emotional #onne#tion. 7ou
want to merge with your partner in every way. 5nly rarely do you give your affe#tion to
another' and you e*pe#t your mate!s total devotion and fidelity. (ighly emotional, you
$now how deeply you #an be hurt, and are relu#tant to leave yourself open to potential
pain. "hen you do fall in love, however, you immerse yourself #ompletely in the
relationship. 7ou see your partner as an e*tension of yourself and #an be e*tremely
possessive and )ealous. f betrayed, you find it impossible to forgive and forget, and may
be#ome vengeful, vindi#tive, even violent.

7ou have un#anny intuition and $eep per#eption, and ma$e instantaneous emotional
#onne#tions with other people. 7ou seem to see into their un#ons#ious minds, and thus
appear to be psy#hi#. This natural psy#hi# ability #oupled with your desire to dis#over the
inner wor$ings of the 3niverse may lead you to be#ome interested in the o##ult arts.
(owever, you need to guard against developing your powers for the purpose of
manipulating others or the for#es of nature.

6ower and #ontrol issues are li$ely to arise fre,uently in your life. 6erhaps you
e*perien#ed your father (or your dominant parent) as being authoritarian, domineering,
even #ruel. 7ou may have trouble with authority figures and employers who attempt to
overpower, #ontrol or manipulate you. t is important to realize that you, too, desire
power and total #ontrol, and are in#lined to try to dominate others. 1tubborn and willful,
you want your own way and are relu#tant to #ompromise or answer to someone else for
your behavior. And, you #an be ruthless in pursuit of your desires or goals.

7our greatest gift is your power to destroy old, worn%out stru#tures and give birth to new
ones. 7our greatest failings usually result from your e*tremism and your intense desire
for power and domination.

(Betty Lundsted)

1#orpio #hildren are born in a mother%dominated atmosphere. They do not #ome into an
environment that is warm and loving, and a parent may be missing. There is often a death
in the family a few days before a 1#orpio is born. This affe#ts the emotional set of the
parents, for the person who dies is someone they love. This #ir#umstan#e brings an
attitude of grief into the small #hild!s life. 5ften 1#orpios are unwanted #hildren' and
sometimes they are the eleven%pound babies born into a seven%month marriage. 5r, they
are )ust one more #hild in a family that #an!t afford another mouth to feed at this point in
1#orpios born in this type of atmosphere pi#$ up all the unpleasant vibrations. Li$e any
infant, 1#orpio needs lots of attention and love, but the father ignores the #hild, and the
mother often gives only minimum #are- food, shelter, diaper #hanges, et#.. There is little
affe#tion, warmth and holding. Later, the parents feel guilty about not giving this #hild
love, and try to ma$e it up by spoiling him, or by providing many opportunities in life.
But, the little 1#orpio isn!t buying it. The #hild needs affe#tion early in life, and the
allowan#e and e*tra privileges he gets later on don!t mean anything' and the parents end
up thin$ing the #hild is ungrateful.

Be#ause of the early e*perien#e, 1#orpios are on a life%long sear#h for love and affe#tion.
They sear#h for the mother love that was missed in #hildhood. 1#orpios have a reputation
as the !super se*ed! sign of the zodia#, but they aren!t as se*y as they would have us
thin$. The young 1#orpio male and female #onfuse se* with love. f you have se* with
someone they will love you, thin$s 1#orpio. 1o they learn how to be good at se*' but
people who have a relationship with 1#orpios often find that after the relationship has
been established, the se*ual part of it is not nearly as important as it was. Affe#tion
be#omes more important to 1#orpios. "hen young 1#orpios feel inse#ure, they try to
#reate se*ual situations' it ma$es them feel se#ure when they thin$ someone !loves! them.
(f you love an immature 1#orpio, and you are per#eptive, you may feel that se* for them
is not merely sensual pleasure but is used to #ontrol you.)

1#orpios are born to go through great personal transformations. The life is su#h that
either they spend a lifetime trying to #reate a family e*perien#e for themselves, or they
go into the business of self%transformation. The problem here is one of dire#tion. 5ften
1#orpios try both % they want to manage a tight household and transform the world at the
same time. Be#ause they felt una##epted in their early #hildhood, a##eptan#e be#omes
important to them. n the attempt to be#ome a##epted, #onfusion arises when they try to
lay down the law to others and try to #ontrol the behavior of others. As they )udge and
#ontrol and push others, they be#ome ,uite unpopular and don!t really understand why.
The 1#orpio sear#h for identity is a real one' and one of the things they learn is that the
sear#h is a personal one % it isn!t one of transforming the world first and yourself later8 n
the pro#ess of dis#overing the meaning of e*isten#e, they un#over lots of information on
the way. The sign is $nown for its investigative abilities.

As far as #areer is #on#erned, 1#orpio types #an go in many dire#tions. They often #hoose
to be#ome involved in the #orporate stru#ture, whi#h is li$e a family for them. The new%
found family #an approve of them, and promote them' and they belong. 3sually, the
#orporate type of 1#orpio is indi#ating a need for father approval, whi#h may mean that
the father was either harsh or ,uite distant from 1#orpio. "e often see$ in our adult life
what we la#$ed in our #hildhood.

1#orpios are also drawn to all $inds of s#ientifi# and so#ial resear#h, for their
investigative minds #an be put to good use in this area. &ete#tive or poli#e wor$, or
analysis of any $ind, is good for this sign. There is an interest in the various aspe#ts of
the medi#al profession' this field brings out the resear#h abilities as well as the
transformational or healing ,uality of 1#orpio.

The 1#orpio female grows up to be strong and se#retive li$e her mother, and she often
#opies her mother!s mannerisms. 1he #arries within her, however, a feeling of personal
inse#urity' a sense of worthlessness that #an only be assuaged by getting into love
relationships. 1he #an use her se*uality for power. 1he gives herself se*ually until she
has what she wants under #ontrol, and then she stops. The person she relates to feels
#onfouded when this happens, for he got involved with this !se*y! lady who is no longer
warm. (e be#omes suspi#ious and begins to wonder if she is seeing someone else.
1ometimes the young 1#orpio female marries a man who treats her badly be#ause she
thin$s she doesn!t deserve more than that. As she matures, she finds she wants more
from a relationship than se#ond%rate treatment, so she leaves. n her sear#h for a strong
man, she manipulates' she!s magneti#, and, li$e the female spider in her web, she #at#hes
her guy. But if he turns out to be too powerful' if she #an!t #ontrol him, she may get so
un#omfortable that she leaves him.

The undeveloped 1#orpio female stays #lose to her mother. f there!s too mu#h maternal
influen#e in her adult life, it!s diffi#ult for her to form a good relationship with her
husband. (e feels he has two women % his wife and his mother%in%law. (e may get fed up
and leave. The more evolved 1#orpio female loo$s for a relationship that will tea#h her
something be#ause she!s a sear#her. 1he needs someone with whom to share her growth
and to share her learning e*perien#es. These are fas#inating women.

The 1#orpio male has a harder time of it than the 1#orpio female. (e #arries a fantasti#
se*ual reputation from all the dime%store astrology boo$s, and he doesn!t feel se*y inside.
(e wants a love relationship that in#ludes plenty of mother love and affe#tion, the $ind of
affe#tion he missed out on when he was younger. (e often #hooses older women to relate
to, sometimes heavy%set women with big bosoms % all symboli# of the sear#h for his
+other. (e is ins#rutible, hard to get to $now, and moody. All of this serves to ma$e him
e*tremely magneti# to some women. (owever, he #onfuses se* with love, and finds it
diffi#ult to return the love that may be given to him sin#e he saw little of it given when he
was a #hild. (e feels un#omfortable admitting that he loves someone- he thin$s this
leaves him open for atta#$.

1eldom is the 1#orpio male #hild not #riti#ized and put down by someone in his family.
The se#re#y that 1#orpio pro)e#ts is a #over for the fear of re)e#tion. The 1#orpio #hild is
e*tremely intuitive and !$nowing!, and he is laughed at or re)e#ted when he tries to share
his thoughts. 9ather than fa#e more re)e#tion, he learns to $eep his thoughts to himself %
and grows into the tall, dar$ !fas#inating! stranger.

Both the male and the female of this sign have tension%related illnesses. The 1#orpio
personality is so moody, so emotional, so sensitive, so intuitive, and so afraid to share
emotion for fear of re)e#tion, that all these feelings are pushed down inside, and they
#hurn around and around in the digestive and intestinal tra#ts. As 1#orpios hit theit
forties, the tension begins to tell, and they are more prone to high%tension disorders or
intestinal and digestive stress diseases.

They need to learn to share. As 1#orpios learn to share their ideas and dreams and hopes,
they begin to find out if anyone really li$es them. t!s so important to 1#orpios to have
meaningful and intense relationships that it!s more profitable to be open in the long%run.
They draw people who are impressed with their !mysterious! a#t, but their true selves are
never really $nown. t is far more rewarding to be open and be either re)e#ted or
a##epted. f we are re)e#ted, we didn!t have anything to begin with' if we are a##epted,
we have the start of what may be#ome a wonderful, intense e*perien#e with another

((aydn 6aul)

The 1#orpio personality tends to mas$ its ,ualities, rarely revealing them too openly. 7ou
are li$ely to be e*tremely determined and resolute, possessing a very powerful will when
you #hoose to use it. 7ou will tend to be for#eful when #hasing your goals, often using
subtle manipulation over others to a#hieve those aims.

7ou will have #onsiderable self%pride, and will not ta$e $indly to being embarrassed or
humiliated in any way, and would #ertainly never forget who it was that pla#ed you in
su#h a position. 7our sensitivity and feeling nature is a main sour#e of #onta#t with the
world' and usually if someone offends you, #ausing an emotional rea#tion, then your
per#eption and future response to that person will be affe#ted from that point onwards.
;enerally, you are ,uite reserved, $eeping others at a distan#e, trying to prevent them
from seeing into your inner life, whi#h #an alternate between !#alm seas and boiling
passions!' your inner life #an be e*perien#ed as e*tremely !raw! at times, and this #an be
diffi#ult to handle.

7ou will seldom display deeper emotions and feelings, as they are too intimate to your
real nature, and impulses may be repressed due to the passion and power that #an flood
through you and outwards. 7ou are li$ely to be ,uite se#retive and private' and diffi#ult
to understand due to an ins#rutable mas$ that you maintain, giving the appearan#e of
#ontrolled intensity (e*#ept for the eyes whi#h #an reveal your inner state).

7ou #an be dire#t, blunt, provo#ative, and potentially #onfrontational in attitude and style
of e*pression. 1ome may find this refreshing' others may not' and this #an lead to bro$en
friendships or enmity o##urring. 7our words will be #ontrolled and deliberate' sometimes
very diplomati# and #autious, sometimes very pointed and designed to ma$e their mar$.
At times, your passionate energies will ma$e you say things whi#h perhaps you should
not, but in the releasing of pent%up energy you are glad to have been honest. 7ou #an be
#yni#al and sar#asti#, and display sudden outbursts of rage and anger, espe#ially if you
have been repressing feelings for some time.

7ou are not easily impressed or influen#ed by others, and will usually tend to rea#t
against authority, even though in family life and personal e*pression you are
authoritative yourself' and your attitudes, beliefs, values and opinions are #lear and firm.
7ou try to guide your life by relying on passion and #ommitment to those inner
#ompulsions and motivating life purposes. 7ou #an be ,uite ambitious, espe#ially when
attra#ted to power and influen#e over others. 7ou prefer to ta$e #ontrol and initiative in
all aspe#ts of life, tending to be a natural leader who is prepared to ta$e responsibility
but you do not ma$e a good follower, often trying to undermine superiors by a very
irreverent attitude.

7ou will be shrewd and enterprising, although you will only apply effort if you are
genuinely interested in what you are doing. 9esear#h #an attra#t, or any wor$ involving
investigations, mysteries or the o##ult. The energies of your inner passions #an be used
intelle#tually, probing the depths of mind < being' and your insights and understanding
#an be#ome e*tremely profound and #lear.

7our love life may be traumati#, with periodi# #rises or turning points, and #an often be
emotionally intense. 0hoosing a right partner is #ru#ial in this sphere of your life, and you
will have high ideals and e*pe#tations of any partner. 7ou are li$ely to hold a traditional
attitude to marriage, and #an be very )ealous. .ssentially you are a !loner!, and even
within marriage will wal$ a personal and solitary path.
(1asha Fenton)

1#orpios #an be silent and #o%operative, hidden from view, une*pe#tedly mee$ or
absoluately deadly. Astrology boo$s give poor old 1#orpio a very bad press. "e are told
that 1#orpios are drun$en, over%se*ed, obsessive, untrustworthy, bullying rogues. This is
simply not fair, although many 1#orpions are not the easiest of people to live with or to
wor$ for. They respe#t strength and independen#e, and really #annot #ope with anyone
who either needs to be treated with $id gloves or relies upon them finan#ially. Being
members of a fi*ed sign, 1#orpios don!t appre#iate #hange. This is not meant to imply
that they are not ready to try a new hobby, meet new people or visit an area whi#h is new
to them, but it does mean that 1#orpios are reliable as friends, neighbours, relatives and
employees. 5n#e a 1#orpio has made a #ommitment, he puts his whole heart into it and
ma$es it wor$. f the enterprise turns out to be absolutely unwor$able, he will still give it
his best shot before abandoning it. n some ways, #onsider that the sign for 1#orpio
should be the bulldog or the bloodhound, be#ause they hate giving up on anything. The
world is full of women who are loo$ing for men willing to ma$e a #ommitment to a
relationship and sti#$ to it' and when they as$ me whi#h zodia# signs to #hoose for
reliability, my answer in all #ases is either 1#orpio or Taurus.

1#orpios have a strong sense of duty, and they are the world!s best $eepers of se#rets.
They are not #asual in their attitudes. f a 1#orpion lends you money, you must be
prepared to pay it ba#$ by the due date. f you lend a 1#oprio money, he will pay you
ba#$ even though this may not a#tually be ne#essary. "hen was an infant, apparently
inherited some shares in an engineering #ompany. had no $nowledge of this until was
in my mid%thirties. At this time, the #ompany was wound up, and was sent KL?@ by the
relative who had been #harged with the administration of this matter. The relative was, of
#ourse, a 1#orpio' and it is #hara#teristi# that not only did she fulfil her obligations to me
to the letter, even though didn!t even $now about them, but also she had never felt any
obligation to tell me about this lega#y until that moment. f a 1#orpio finds himself the
guardian of a #ran$y older relative, a small #hild or even an animal, he will ta$e his
obligation very seriously and ma$e every effort to see the )ob through. (e may have
absolutely no affe#tion for the unfortunate orphan, but he will do what needs to be done.
As far as his own family is #on#erned, he usually loves them all unreservedly, but he #an
ma$e life very diffi#ult for anyone whom he #onsiders wea$ or unworthy. These sub)e#ts
are not dawdlers' they prefer to have spe#ialised $nowledge in a small number of fields
and to shut out anything whi#h doesn!t fall into those #ategories.

1#orpio faults o##ur due to the emotional nature of the sign. 9emember, this is a water
sign whi#h is intuitive, sensitive, and in#lined to ma$e de#isions on an emotional basis. A
big problem for these people is their in#lination to over%rea#t and to )ump into or out of
something due to either e*#itement or anger. 1#orpios are normally e*#ellent )udges of
#hara#ter, often being able to see below the surfa#e, but there are o##asions when they
seem to turn off this fa#ulty and enter into some s#heme with a person of dubious morals
be#ause they want to believe that everything will turn out well. They #an )ust as easily #ut
themselves off from whole se#tions of their family if one member spea$s to them in a
disrespe#tful manner' and, unfortunately, it is not diffi#ult to mortally offend a 1#orpio.
Forgetting and forgiving is not in the 1#orpio nature, and they ma$e impla#able enemies.
They find it e*tremely diffi#ult to apologise, and #an dig themselves into a hole out of
whi#h they then find it impossible to #limb. 1#orpios hate #onfrontations and they $now
that they have a dangerously hot temper. They will ba#$ off and ba#$ down if #onfronted
dire#tly by a ,uietly assertive person. t is diffi#ult to tal$ openly to these people be#ause
it is all too easy to #ross some invisible line and #ause them unintentional offen#e. They
also pi#$ up on the anger and frustration of those around them, and #an be#ome
unsettled and angry as a result. Li$e 6is#eans, 1#orpios #an a#t as psy#hi# sponges where
strong feelings are #on#erned.

1#orpio defensiveness may manifest itself in spiteful remar$s. f a 1#orpio de#ides that
one parti#ular set of people have let him down badly, he will either loathe the whole lot of
them, or he will #hoose one parti#ular member of the group on whom he will pour out his
hatred. 5ne elderly 1#orpio lady believed that none of her family had ever appre#iated
her or returned her good deeds, and this disappointment finally #orroded into detestation
of her nephew, who was the last remaining relative. .ven if you love or are loved by a
1#orpio, don!t e*pe#t anything to be left in his will' these people are notorious for getting
in the last spiteful move, deserved or otherwise, by leaving their worldly goods to the
nearest #at!s home8 There are 1#orpios who are violent, overse*ed, al#oholi#, drug%
addi#ted and < or obsessed by death or involved in bla#$ magi#. There are others who use
violent, manipulative or se*ual ta#ti#s to #ontrol others. +ost aim simply to live ,uietly
and #ontrol nobody but themselves.

1ome 1#orpios are sturdily built, while others are small and wiry. The bone stru#ture is
strong and prominent, and they often have a bony and angular appearan#e. 1ome of the
most beautiful people on earth are born under this sign, while others may have arresting
loo$s or #an even be downright ugly. A typi#al 1#orpio has thi#$, wavy hair whi#h, in
men, may thin out )ust a little in later years. +ost astrology boo$s tal$ about magneti#
eyes, but thin$ this is less due to the eyes themselves than to the 1#orpioni# habit of
loo$ing dire#tly at people. These sub)e#ts don!t smile easily, and may s#owl with
#on#entration when listening. +any 1#orpios stay slim all their lives and have a
#ontemptuous attitude to those who put on weight. This is be#ause they, themselves,
don!t appre#iate their geneti# lu#$, and they tend to #onsider fatness to be solely the
result of wea$ness and over%indulgen#e. Fat 1#orpios tend to ignore their own obesity,
but still don!t hesitate to #riti#ise others. 1#orpios hate to throw anything out, and will
wear a favorite garment until it falls apart. .ven when they are for#ed to admit that they
really #annot wear that parti#ular outfit again, they will hang on to it, )ust in #ase.

Traditionally spea$ing, the reprodu#tive organs are supposed to be wea$ in 1#orpios, but
thin$ that the lower spine is mu#h more li$ely to #ause problems. f a 1#orpio does get
ill, or if he has an a##ident, it is usually very dramati#' but 1#orpios have the most
amazing powers of re#overy, and often manage to live a very long and, on the whole,
healthy life.

There are a number of )obs whi#h are spe#ifi#ally asso#iated with the sign of 1#orpio, and
all of these involve investigating or loo$ing for something whi#h #annot immediately be
seen. +any 1#orpios wor$ in the field of medi#ine, either as surgeons, or as
diagnosti#ians, or osteopaths' while others are drawn to psy#hiatry and hypnotherapy.
This gives the 1#orpio the satisfa#tion of both finding out what is wrong and putting it

+ining for #oal or pre#ious metals is supposed to be a 1#orpio trade. Another typi#ally
1#orpio interest is poli#e wor$, adn many 1#orpios do indeed have a #areer in some
bran#h of investigative or forensi# wor$. 9ather li$e Ariens, 1#orpios #an be drawn to the
$ind of )ob whi#h was on#e #onsidered to be mas#uline, su#h as engineering. The military
world, and also that of armaments, appeals to 1#orpios' and they may even be#ome
#aught up in this without ma$ing a #ons#ious effort to do so. The urge to investigate
ma$es many 1#orpios loo$ into psy#hi# and mediumisti# matters.

1#orpios are very physi#al and energeti#, and they don!t seem to worry about getting
hurt. Typi#al interests would be wrestling, rugby football or Ameri#an football, as well as
sailing, #ompetitive tennis and hang%gliding. +any 1#orpios li$e to dan#e, and most love
to listen to good musi#. This is a sensual sign' therefore it is no surprised that 1#orpios
love to use their bodies to their fullest e*tent, whether this be by going on a military
e*er#ise, indulging in physi#al and #ompetitive sport, or ma$ing love8 "hatever a 1#orpio
sets his mind to, he will do it thoroughly and to the best of his ability. Typi#al 1#orpio
sayings are, !f you are going to do something, then do it properly8! or !f you start
something, then for goodness! sa$e finish it8!' or even !7ou only fit double%glazing on#e, so
you might as well fit the best!.

This is a most pe#uliar sign as far as attitudes to money are #on#erned, be#ause 1#orpios
#an va#illate between e*treme parsimony and being !the last of the big spenders!.
1#orpios will spare no e*pense on an e*#iting pro)e#t, but shopping for boring everyday
goods does absolutely nothing for them. The e*#eption to this is food, be#ause 1#orpios
li$e what they li$e and won!t do without their favourite foods. All the feminine signs,
espe#ially the water signs, li$e to hang on to money, and they seem to get as mu#h
pleasure from saving as they do from spending. These sub)e#ts retain a sentimental
atta#hment to their homes, businesses and possessions' and they prefer old favourites to
novelties. 1ome 1#orpios are wizard at hanging on to old paper bags, elasti# bands and
$it#hen tools' while others have a wonderful ability to re#y#le their own )un$.

f a member of a 1#orpio!s family is in dire finan#ial straits, the 1#orpio will help them out
unstintingly and without e*pe#ting to be paid ba#$. (owever, if their nearest and dearest
)ust want a few little things to ma$e live a bit more pleasant, they should go about getting
these for themselves.

1#orpio houses are ade,uate, but they may be s#ruffy be#ause, as long as they have
enough to eat and drin$, many 1#orpios don!t a#tually need possessions, although they
will spend money li$e water on their own parti#ular interests su#h as travel or the
raising, breeding and $eeping of animals. (aving said this, there are some 1#orpios who
are very generous and free%spending in every way. This is a sign of e*tremes' and,
therefore, e*treme profliga#y or e*treme generosity are both possible. As far as
possessions are #on#erned, they li$e boo$s and musi#, tools for their trade or hobby, and
sporting goods. 1#orpios also li$e to own a large and #omfortable #ar. They en)oy owning
items whi#h have some $ind of sentimental atta#hment for them, but the best new
possession by far is a ti#$et for a good holiday. n short, possessions themselves mean
little to 1#orpios, but anything whi#h offers them the opportunity to e*plore and to
e*perien#e life to the full is mu#h appre#iated.

1#orpios are given a bad press in most astrology boo$s' and, while it is true that they #an
be hard to live with, they also have some very good points. 1#orpions are not loners' they
li$e to be in a relationship and will ma$e great efforts to $eep it going through thi#$ and
thin. These sub)e#ts are loyal, and they sti#$ to those whom they love even when this is
diffi#ult. 1#orpios ta$e marriage vows very seriously, and they don!t leave a partner when
he or she gets ill or if the money runs out. They are definitely not fair%weather friends.
These types are possessive, and the very thought of divor#e ma$es their blood run #old.
They hate to lose anything, whether it be money, a battle, a business or a spouse' and
they will hang in ther until the bitter end.

These sub)e#ts have high standards, and they may try to impose these standards upon the
rest of their families. They respe#t #ourage and strength, and lose patien#e with those
who whine or who #annot #ope with life. "hen they themselves are fa#ed with a problem,
they worry intensely about it and may even do a fair bit of #omplaining themselves' but
they don!t give in, and they try to find a solution one way or another. have been
surrounded by 1#orpio types all my life, and have seem them go through terrible times
when their health has let them down or their businesses have #ollapsed under them' and
in every #ase, these misfortunes have brought out the best in them. n a way, it is easier
to live with 1#orpios when they are in trouble bea#use it is only then that they allow
anyone to help. n good times, they #an be so independent that the relationship ma$es
one feel li$e a spe#tator rahter than a parti#ipant in their lives.
A 1#orpio home is not a pala#e be#ause they are not espe#ially tidy and they don!t set out
to impress others. Li$e 0an#erians, 1#orpios tend to hang on to everything whi#h #omes
into their homes, and every #upboard is stuffed with the )un$ of ages' they have a
sentimental love of the past, and hate to part with anything. 5n a number of o##asions,
have tried suggesting to my 1#orpio husband that we get rid of our old%fashioned
wardrobes in favour of fitted units, but he won!t hear of it. Those wardrobes have twenty%
seven years of memories sun$ into the grain of their wood, and it would be too mu#h of a
wren#h for him to be parted from them8 +ost 1#orpios are pra#ti#al, and will find a way
of doing what needs to be done around the house. Being restless, they prefer to $eep
busy rather than simply sit about. Both se*es will handle any $ind of )ob, and they don!t
feel that anything is beneath them. They need to have ,uite an a#tive so#ial life, but they
are easily tired by people. The answer seems to be for 1#orpios and their partners to ta$e
up some sport or interest whi#h they #an do together and also in the #ompany of others.
f this allows the 1#orpio to #ompete with others, then it serves as an outlet for some of
his pent%up energies and o##asional rages.

1#orpios are very emotional, but they don!t all e*press this in the same way. 1ome are
self%pitying, espe#ially when ill or unhappy' while others brood and get into long%term
spells of free%floating bad temper. They ta$e their wor$ seriously and, if something goes
wrong in their )obs, they #an be#ome e*tremely diffi#ult to live with. The worst aspe#t of
this is that their poor partner doesn!t $now why he < she is being sub)e#ted to su#h
e*treme unpleasantness' and it may be a long time after the event that the reason #omes
to light. The poor benighted partner $nows very well that it would be far better if the
1#orpio a#tually told them what was going on, but pride or the habit of silen#e seems to
prevent this, and any probing or ,uestioning is seen by the 1#orpio as being intrusive. 5n
the other hand, 1#orpios are very in,uisitive, and will even go through a partner!s private
papers if they thin$ that something is being $ept from them. 1ome 1#orpions es#ape from
their problems by drin$ing too mu#h.

1#orpios have a reputation for wanting to be !top dog! in a relationship, but this is not
ne#essarily so, although mutual respe#t is a ne#essity to them. 1#orpions need to be
#onsulted about de#isions, and they hate being presented with a fait a##ompli, espe#ially
if it is li$ely to #ost them money. These sub)e#ts are not easily influen#ed, but they will
listen and ta$e note when presented with a reasoned argument and a #ommonsense
approa#h. 1#orpios are not good at sharing, and they #an use money or resour#es in
order to #ontrol others. They either withhold money or from their families, or bestow it
upon them as and when they thin$ fit. The partner of a 1#orpio is strongly advised to
have an in#ome and a ban$ a##ount of his < her own. 5ddly enough, 1#orpios who behave
in this way see money as a form of self%prote#tion, and they feel that, if they relin,uish
finan#ial #ontrol, they will allow other people to wal$ all over them. They are not alone in
feeling li$e this' Leos and 0apri#orns feel very mu#h the same way. These sub)e#ts see
the world in bla#$ and white, either loving or hating, with few feelings in between' and if
anyone insults them or even mildly #riti#ises them, they #an ta$e their hate to the point of
murder. They may give their families a hard time, but their love is as strong and genuine
as their hatred, and they will feel things deeply. They respe#t and understand their
partner!s loves and hates, and will do all they #an to help a partner su##eed in what he or
she wants to do. t is worth remembering that this is a fi*ed sign, and these sub)e#ts
#annot be influen#ed or moulded into something other than what they are. There are
some 1#orpios who are so self%absorbed that they #annot relate to anyone. +any 1#orpios
don!t #are what others thin$ of them, and therefore won!t #ompromise or meet anyone

1#orpios have a reputation for se*uality whi#h thin$ is probably ,uite wrong. They love
to sho#$ others and will #ome out with statements whi#h ma$es people thin$ that they
are very liberated in their behaviour. For e*ample, ! used to go there on dirty wee$ends!,
or !you a#tually li$e the missionary position2! might be typi#al remar$s' but, in my
opinion, 1#orpios are a#tually rather prudish where it #omes to se*. They are not
libertines' and, unless there is a great deal of Libra on their #harts, they #annot boun#e
lightly from one relationship to another without their feelings being engaged. 1#orpios
have a great deal of #harm, and are probably the greatest flirts in the world' but this form
of di#ing with danger is rarely #arried through into a true se*ual adventure. They worry
far too mu#h about A&1, other se*ual diseases, the ris$ of pregnan#y, and even the
possibility of falling in love, to let themselves go.

1#orpios li$e to be desired and wanted, be#ause this gives them a feeling of power over
others' and they #an wilt if they are not the #entre of attention. At a party, a 1#orpio will
wor$ the room, using #onversation and his e*pressive fa#e in order to entertain and draw
attention, but this is really )ust an a#t. 1#orpios are super%#autious where their feelings
are #on#erned, and will thin$ twi#e and three times before getting into anything real.
"hen in a relationship, they #an be ,uite demanding, but they are also shy, afraid of
loo$ing foolish, and nervous of trying anything new. They need a partner who will
en#ourage and reassure them, or they #an be#ome stu#$ in a rather boring se*ual
routine. 1ome 1#orpios have a variety of se* partners, but don!t allow themselves to fall
in love, thus avoiding potential pain.

1#orpios have many a#,uaintan#es but very few friends, and there are very few people
who really $now them well. They don!t mu#h #are for the $ind of #osy tMte%N%tMte where
#onfiden#es are e*#hanged. They won!t admit to foolish behaviour or indis#retions of
their own, and are not suffi#iently interested in other people to want to hear about theirs.
They #an be ,uite #ompetitive as friends. 5n#e a friend lets them down in some way, that
is the end of the friendship and there is nothing that #an be done to regain the trust
whi#h was lost. 1#orpions try to get on with their relatives, but they don!t lose any sleep
if this doesn!t wor$ out.

As parents, 1#orpios #an be absolutely terrible. 5ne astrologer des#ribes the e*perien#e
of being the #hild of a 1#orpio as !9o#$ing ba#$wards and forwards in horror on the stairs
as the 1#orpio parent s#reams the marriage to an end, and wondering what had done to
#ause this!. 1#orpios don!t #ontrol their anger or their feelings for the sa$e of pea#e, and
they are #apable of destroying a marriage or their #hildren!s sanity through pride #oupled
with the inability to ever admit that they #an be wrong. 5n the other hand, many 1#orpios
are very loving parents who somehow manage to #ontrol their wilder side and give their
#hildren the se#urity they need. All 1#orpio parents have a tenden#y to use their #hildren
in order to #ompete with others' and they are happiest with #hildren who #an and do
#ope with pressure. +any 1#orpio parents seem to be blessed with talented, su##essful
Leo #hildren. (owever, some 1#orpio parents #an a#tually be#ome )ealous of their
offspring!s su##ess, even while #laiming that they had a hand in bringing it about.

1#orpio #hildren don!t get on well with their siblings. They are far too #ompetitive, too
self%#entred, and they simply don!t #onsider that the other #hildren!s demands and
re,uirements are in any way as important as their own. 1#orpio #hildren find sharing
very diffi#ult' and, rightly or wrongly, they feel they are being deprived of their share of
their parents! love.

These #hildren have high personal standards, whi#h means that they either ma$e a great
su##ess of s#hool or sports and of #hildhood in general, or see too many obsta#les in their
path and opt out altogether and be#ome anti%so#ial. +ost 1#orpio #hildren benefit from
an a#tive, sporty outlet, and they also en)oy being involved with organisations su#h as the
girl guides, military #adet organisations, or para%medi#al ones.

(4ulia and &ere$ 6ar$er)

The #hief #hara#teristi# of a 1un sign 1#orpio is a remar$able reserve of energy. t is
often said that this is the !worst! of the 1un signs. 5f #ourse, this isn!t true- the sign!s
energies are so strong they #an seem overpowering, even inhibiting' the 1#orpio #an feel
driven by them. But if they are fully and positively e*pressed, both physi#ally and
emotionally, the individual will be a big a#hiever. (owever, if the energy flow is inhibited
or un#ontrolled it #an be disastrous, with typi#al resentfulness, )ealousy and broodiness.

4ealousy is the worst 1#orpio fault, and not only in relationships- 1#orpios #an be )ealous
of #olleagues and of other people!s possessions. This #an, however, a#t as a spur- seeing
the progress of others, 1#orpios may be inspired to do e,ually well or better.

The 1#orpio body area is the genitals, and this may partly e*plain the sign!s se*y
reputation. 1un sign 1#orpios need )ust as mu#h se*ual fulfillment as everyone else, and
may suffer more if they don!t a#hieve it, but that doesn!t mean every 1#orpio is a putative
se*%mania#8 A great many of them e*press their se* drives through sport' the women may
even devote themselves to be#oming perfe#t housewives. The important thing is that the
drive is properly dire#ted and e*tended, and not allowed to stagnate and wast.

+ost 1#orpios are #apable of deep, in#isive and analyti#al thought' they have a powerful
urge to get to the root of any problem. They also want to get the most out of life,
#ramming every day with wor$ and demanding spare%time interests. They may for#e
themselves to e*tremes of a#tion, and so should try to release their energy as evenly as

A 1#orpio, who is all energy, needs a #ondu#tor. f the energy is not able to stri$e home
and be re#eived and used in some way, there will be problems, so it is most important in
a personal relationship that the partner is not #old or undemonstrative. 1#orpios,
overwhelmed by the attra#tions of a possible partner, #an put all their energy into the
#hase, and persist even when it is obvious that the ob)e#t of their affe#tions is unsuitable.
&iffi#ulties will follow. n the stressful periods of a relationship, the 1#orpio!s tenden#y to
be se#retive and vindi#tive (even to the point of #ruelty) may emerge, but other areas of
an individual birth #hart may modify these #hara#teristi#s.

"hen something is wrong with a 1#orpio #hild, he or she will be#ome e*tremely ,uiet,
and probably re)e#t even favorite food. The sooner young 1#orpio #an be en#ouraged to
tal$ over any problems, the better' the tenden#y to bottle things up #an lead to serious
diffi#ulties in later life, when he or she may suffer unne#essarily. All #hildren need
#ompelling interests, but young 1#orpios do so more than most' they should be
en#ouraged to ta$e up a hobby, preferably one that deeply interests them, and will burn
up emotional as well as physi#al energy. This tea#hes them how to use that energy
evenly. They will probably en)oy heavy team games, water sports, or, for the more
#reative types, s$ating and dan#ing.
Fulfilled 1#orpio parents demand mu#h of their #hildren % sometimes too mu#h. They will
be espe#ially eager to en#ourage their #hildren to ta$e the path they have followed, and
be#ome su##essful in their own right. &eeply interested in their #hildren and their
development, they may go too far in their desire to $now everything about them, and
should remember that #hildren need priva#y, too. The intense relationship they desire
should in#lude fun and humor. :aturally rather stri#t, 1#orpio parents must realize that
some #hildren rea#t better to less stringent dis#ipline. Their tenden#y to insist on what
they thin$ best #an ma$e them seem intra#table to their #hildren and in#apable of
sensible dis#ussion and argument.

Less than su##essful 1#orpios whose #hildren are doing really well must be e*#eptionally
#areful that )ealousy, perhaps their #hief fault, doesn!t spoil the relationship. They should
remember that the #hildren!s su##ess is their su##ess, too' they brought them up8

Above all else, and more than most other signs, 1#orpios need to be emotionally involved
in their #areers. Li$e those of their polar sign, Taurus, they need emotional and finan#ial
se#urity, and are willing to wor$ hard to maintain it, and to improve their standard of
living. Their energy #an sometimes seem entirely devoted to ma$ing money, and these
1#orpio businessmen or women will have found the way in whi#h to dire#t their $een
sense of purpose. 5thers may have to strive a little harder to dis#over ways of using their
abundant energy and a#hieving thier potential.

"hen out of wor$, 1#orpios la#$ a daily outlet for their energy, and must see$ somehow
to e*pend it % even, perhaps, in part%time, unpaid wor$. 5therwise, it is all too easy for
the for#s to be negatively use, perhaps even in #rime. 1#orpios need to be under pressure
% they must have something against whi#h to test their mus#les, mental or physi#al. They
do well in engineering, the mining industry, the navy, the wine trade' they are natural
resear#hers and dete#tives.

1#orpios will probably resist enfor#ed #hange' their natural stubbornness will rise to the
surfa#e. (owever, there will be times when they feel that #hange is absolutely vital, and
them nothing will stop them see$ing it. 1weeping, drasti# #hanges may result, after
whi#h they will settle happily into a new lifestyle, ready to a##ept new responsibilities.
0are is needed, of #ourse, that su#h #hanges are made for the right reasons and that
valuable e*perien#e and hard wor$ are not thrown away.

1itting about doing nothing not only isn!t the average 1#orpio!s idea of pleasure, but may
even be bad for them. These people will wel#ome retirement as a #han#e to do all the
things for whi#h there hasn!t yet been time, although they may still la#$ time to do
everything they!ve got planned. But at all events (however unli$ely it is) 1#orpios
shouldn!t loo$ forward to days of sitting in the sun. They need a #ompelling interest

4ust as 1#orpio energy must be evenly spent and #ontrolled, so the physi#al system needs
a regular, #ontrolled diet. That may not be easy' there is a tenden#y towards self%
indulgen#e in food and drin$, whi#h often provo$es stoma#h upsets or #onstipation.
+oderation doesn!t #ome easily to 1#orpios, but they must #ultivate it, in both diet and
e*er#ise, for what starts out as a $een interest in sport and e*er#ise #an get out of hand,
#ausing strain. They must not hesitate to slow down when ne#essary. The martial arts will
interest them, not only for the physi#al aspe#t, but also for their spiritual and esoteri#
,ualities. 1wimming is very benefi#ial.

(Fran#es 1a$oian and Louis A#$er)

n many ways 1#orpio is the most powerful sign of the Bodia#. t is ruled by +ars and
6luto, while 3ranus, the planet of sudden release of energy, is e*alted in it.

+ore than any other sign, 1#orpio deals with pro#esses of fundamental transformation on
all levels. This transformation #an be on a high or low plane, depending on the motivation
behind the #hange. (owever, as a rule, 1#orpios wor$ to improve the status ,uo.

1#orpios possess power, will, and intense emotional desires. Their life is li$ely to be a
#onstant struggle to #on,uer desire through the #reative use of the will. 1in#e this sign is
strongly related to the desire prin#iple and the se* drive, there is tremendous emotional
for#e behind the 1#orpio!s romanti# involvements. "hen out of proper #ontrol, this #an
lead to possessiveness, )ealousy, and violen#e. :o side #an be so potent for good or eveil
as 1#orpio.

Be#ause 1#orpios a#t with all their power, it is of utmost importan#e that they set out on
the proper #ourse from the start. They never deal with life superfi#ially' and whatever
they be#ome involved with is generally of serious #onse,uen#e. 1ometimes their desire to
do everything perfe#tly ma$es them unable to delegate responsibility, so they overwor$
themselves, see$ing perfe#tion in all details.

(ighly developed 1#orpios are the most ardent defenders of )usti#e, even in the fa#e of
death. 3nli$e Arians, who are also ruled by +ars and 6luto, they have tremendous
staying power be#ause they are in a fi*ed sign. They will see any matter through to the
bitter end, regardless of the re,uired effort and sa#rifi#e.

Although these people despise wea$ness in themselves and do not li$e to see it in others,
they are often generous and #ompassionate, and will e*tend themselves in order to help
someone else. 1#orpios e*pe#t, however, that the individual, on#e helped, will stand
independently and #ontinue to help himself.

They are not always diplomati#, sin#e they believe in e*pressing their ideas and feelings
with unfiltered truthfulness. They would rather remain silent than give a watered%down
version of their true opinions and emotions.

They have an intense drive to investigate the nature of things and dis#over the #auses
behind any outward manifestation. 0onse,uently, they e*#el in wor$ involving dete#tion,
s#ien#e, resear#h, and o##ult investigations.

They tend to be highly se#retive, and woe be unto those who give away their se#rets or
in#ur their wrath. n a battle they will give no ,uarter and e*pe#t none. f one ta$es up
#udgels with 1#orpios, he should be well%fortified.

n appearan#e, they are generally of robust and strong build. They often possess $eenly
penetrating eyes and a strong aura of personal mysti,ue and magnetism.

Their intuition is well%developed, as a rule, giving them the ability to penetrate the inner
thoughts of others and e*a#t se#ret information from them.

"hen spiritually developed, 1#orpios derive immense power from their ability to tap the
fundamental, #reative, regeneratuve for#es of nature. Thus, their a##omplishments #an
sometimes seem almost mira#ulous.

They are not in#lined to fear death be#ause they have a mysti#al understanding of the
#y#li# nature of manifestation. The $ey phrase for 1#orpio is ! desire!.

(Lyn Birbe#$)

7ou have a deep, though potentially #ruel, heart. 7ou have the will to use wisely your
penetrating insight % and so not let it des#end into selfish manipulation. 7our life should
be led in a spirit of emotional authenti#ity % as opposed to merely being obsessive. 7our
father is seen or e*pressed as one who is powerful and un#ompromising, and < or

7ou generate an unmista$able se*ual vibration that rea#hes 5ther on a level beyond his <
her inhibitions or #ons#ious resistan#e. 7ou have a laser%li$e per#eption of life and 5ther
that is irresistible and deeply healing. 7ou have an aura of intima#y that enables 5ther to
be more in tou#h with his < her real feelings.

7ou #an alienate 5ther through sapping him < her of his < her psy#hi# and < or physi#al
energy in order to sub)ugate him < her for your own dar$ly selfish reasons' by hitting
5ther where it hurts in order to vainly appease your own resentfulness' and with a
#ompulsion to have 5ther feel as deeply painful as you feel.

7ou overemphasize a #onvi#tion that you are absolutely right #on#erning an issue about
whi#h you are obviously biased. 7ou overa##entuate your desire to have someone e*a#tly
where you want him < her, be it very #lose, at a distan#e, or out of your life #ompletely.
7ou overstress 5ther!s wea$nesses, as a smo$e s#reen to hide your own' and you are
e*#essively se#retive.

7ou #an feel wea$ when you are not =@@O sure of yourself over any issue, espe#ially an
emotional one % but this is a wea$ness in itself. 7ou #an also feel wea$ about #hin$s in
your own armour' and be#ause you #annot bear to be unsure of where someone stands
with you, and so you often enfor#e this with a finality that you later #ome to regret.

"hen you are alone, it is be#ause you have bro$en a taboo that most people observe to
$eep at bay anything they #annot manage psy#hologi#ally. Li$e the pariah, you are #ast
out beyond the #ity walls of so%#alled polite so#iety. The 5ther who does this #ould be one
person in parti#ular, a #ommunity, or your own family. As you stew in your own )ui#e, it is
down to your own formidable depth of insight to determine whether you were right or
wrong in #ommitting whatever deed it was that had you #ast out % or what that deed was
and whether you a#tually #ommitted it at all. 1#orpio has the arguable advantage of
doing things out of a sense of inner #onvi#tion rather than out of a need for e*ternal
approval. +ore often than not, the answer is that you have bro$en a taboo that was a
#over%up for some spe#ies of emotional insin#erity. "hat you have to fa#e up to in the
e*tremes of your isolation is that the underground river of truth will emerge when it will.
(4an 1piller and /aren +#0oy)

1un in 1#orpio individuals feel they have the right to possess, investigate, #ontrol' to
sear#h out the se#rets of people!s desires and needs.


"hen your attention is dire#ted towards getting a rea#tion from others that refle#ts your
power, you may instigate #onfli#ts. n doing so, merely as a #heap thrill and test of your
dominan#e, you may alienate those #losest to you. f you #overtly insist that others
re#ognize your ultimate strength, you may be#ome impatient and inse#ure when they do
not offer you the deferen#e e*pe#ted. "hen your poten#y is not a#$nowledged, you may
be#ome angry and demand attention through an inappropriate provo#ation.

The unpredi#tability of the 1#orpio!s sharp responses may be emotional and destru#tive
in nature. ndulging in agitating others may lead to their mistrust and wariness in
in#luding you on the #ore levels most wanted. 7ou might rely on in#iting others as a
means of validating and measuring your power and #ontrol by their responses. This #an
lead to a type of self%e*pression that defeats your independen#e.


"hen you fo#us on uplifting other people, you #an e*press your abilities for manifesting
power in a way that is #onstru#tive and vital for both parties. 9evealing your per#eptions
of another!s inner thoughts and feelings allows you to feel the aliveness of signifi#ant
parti#ipation. 7ou #an inspire others when you validate your self%#ontrol by e*posing
those fa#tors that enable them to a#hieve the same self%mastery.

7ou #an be aware of the ambitions and goals that others are see$ing. This awareness
allows you to #ontribute your per#eptions effe#tively in a way that others #an a##ept. This
results in your in#reased vitality and well%being. 7ou give others an opportunity to $now
you and to appre#iate the power of your dis#ernment when you reveal the psy#hologi#al
insights that further them. 1eeing the foibles and hidden motivations of others #an
inspire you to help them be#ome aware of their own deepest desires. n this way, you #an
e*perien#e the satisfa#tion and a#$nowledgement of the 1#orpion power to transform the
lives of others #onstru#tively.

(4ohn Townley)

5f all the 1un signs, 1#orpio is the most #losely identified with se*uality. 7ou feel life
intensely and need to e*press your passions in all that you do. n a love relationship you
want all or nothing, and you are ,ui#$ to let a partner $now there is no middle ground.

7our basi# drive for power is most #learly seen through your ability to manipulate others
in less than obvious ways. 7ou will be very tempted to use your se*ual magnetism to gain
material or psy#hologi#al advantage over your lover. For this reason, you may attra#t less
sophisti#ated partners whose naivetC allows you to be in #ommand. But you will soon tire
of that game and loo$ for something that is more meaningful on a long%term basis.

7ou usually are very #lear about what you desire, and you $now it is worth waiting a long
time to get what will satisfy you. This #an ma$e you seem ,uite #old to those who want to
get to $now you but don!t understand your se#retive nature. 7ou might e*plain to these
people that you simply need to be alone. This small #ourtesy will win you mu#h support
from others, who may be able to help you.

(;rant Lewi)

The dualism of 1#orpio ma$es it a baffling sign, for the 1#orpion #ombines materialism
with spirituality. (e is !the world, the flesh and the devil and also the spirit that
renoun#es them. (e is full of the zest of life, whi#h however is meaningful only after he
has added a uni,ue, almost mysti#, signifi#an#e. The sear#h for inner values, for the $ey
to the riddle of self, of world, of life itself, is 1#orpio!s basi# motivation' and his sear#h,
whether it ta$es him to spiritual heights or into the dar$ness of sub#on#ious depths, is
always intense. To him, !Life is real, life is earnest, and the grave is not its goal!. 1#orpio
ta$es himself, his wor$, his ideals, his love seriously, and insists that others do the same'
yet at the same time he is unaware of the fleetingness of it, the futility of it, the smallness
of it. :ot usually religious in any orthodo* sense, he has his own personal religion, whi#h
is more mysti# than philosophi#, and whi#h is part of the depths of his profound nature.
1#orpio is the only sign that never produ#es a shallow person. The best of the rest slip
into nonentities from time to time, but a 1#orpion is always #onse,uential. 7ou must
re#$on with him even if you disli$e or despise him. (e #an sin$ to the lowest level of
them all if the sense of futility turns his great energies inward instead of outward' but to
whatever level he may sin$, he #arries with him an essential dignity, as if to represent the
greatness of Lu#ifer in fall as well as in glory. At his best, 1#orpio is a me#hani#al,
spiritual or legal genius, though rarely an e*e#utive. Lu*urious and e*travagant in his
tastes, he la#$s interest in ma$ing money be#ause, when he #alls on his ma*imum
powers, they lead him to non#ommer#ial fields. 1o great is his magnetism that he will
generally be found in a position where he #an get all he wants without giving his all,
whi#h is reserved for private, perhaps se#ret, pursuits. (e is #areful of appearan#es,
generally a #onformist in all that meets eye, and would not willingly let you into the
private details of his life, thoughts and philosophies. 7et these are very #lear to him and
provide him with an une*pressed viewpoint that gives him great poise. (e loo$s at the
world with aware, perhaps a##using, eyes' he does not betray the se#ret he has with
himself, whi#h gives him reserve and self%assuran#e and an un#anny $na#$ of ma$ing the
other fellow feel that he $nows more than he is e*pressing. 6art of the se#ret of 1#orpio
(no%one #an tell you all of the se#ret e*#ept the individual 1#orpion himself, and he won!t)
is the simpli#ity with whi#h he a##epts the merger of the material and the spiritual. (e
relates all problems of life to a standard of intangibles that is un$nown to other men'
a#hieves a pra#ti#al answer in terms of his se#re, perhaps un#ons#ious, do#trine of the
worlds' and thus adds to his personality the sort of magi# one would have who #onsulted
with an invisible, but ever%present, guardian angel.

(+ar#ia +oore and +ar$ &ouglas)

/eynote- The power of individuality manifests through regeneration.
1ymbol- Lava from an erupting vol#ano flows hissing into the sea.

n 1#orpio, sign of se*, death, and regeneration, the somber gleam of an unseen 1un
$indles the smoldering fires of +ars and 6luto to produ#e a strong and willful personality.
The awesome poten#y of this #ombination is symbolized by the hissing steam that arises
when the solar radian#e heats the waters of the hidden psy#hi# realm. The propensity of
1#orpions to bottle up their simmering emotions #reates so mu#h inner tension that when
proddings from the outside penetrate their wall of reserve they #an erupt with s#alding
violen#e. They have a reputation for ins#rutability sin#e no%one #an say what repressed
passions are seething within the #auldron of their un#ons#ious minds, but often they are
less ins#rutable than parado*i#am be#ause of the #lash of #onfli#ting elements within
their nature.

1#orpio!s intelle#t is in#isive, his feelings vehement, and his body #apable of
e*traordinary enduran#e. "hen the lower type of 1#opion is antagonized, he sul$s and
broods, waiting in silen#e for the opportunity to stri$e. Then he lashes out so venemously
that the ob)e#t of his wrath is paralyzed by his sting. By #ontrast, when the evolved
1#orpion turns his powers to good, no greater devotion to prin#iple or #apa#ity for
sa#rifi#e #an be found. (e is #ompassionate without being s,ueamish, and will
un#omplainingly ta$e on )obs too tough for others to handle. These higher types #an be as
forbearing as the lower types are vindi#tive. The only #ertainty is that their #hara#ters
will not be flabby. They ma$e heroes or villains % or both at on#e.

n Aries, +ars is the warrior who mar#hes boldly to fight upon the battlefield of the
world. n 1#orpio, he ma$es the dis#overy that the real battlefield lies within. The #onfli#t
then be#omes infinitely more diffi#ult and dangerous. 1ubtler stratagems are re,uired
be#ause the antagonist lur$ing in the depths of the psy#he is tri#$y, elusive, and diffi#ult
to engage in fair #ombat. t is often ne#essary to advan#e through retreat, triumph
through surrender, and gain an ultimate vi#tory through the loss of that whi#h has been
most #herished.

+etaphysi#ally, Aries represents the birth of man!s sense of self. 1#orpio represents the
purging of selfish or ego%based desires. 1#orpio!s #o%rulers +ars and 6luto bring #onfli#t
and destru#tion' but e*alted 3ranus promises that the shattering of the senses will effe#t
a basi# transformation. Thus, in 1#orpio, the soul des#ends into an abyss in order to shed
the waste matter of its e*isten#e in preparation for its as#ent to a higher level of self%
$nowing. n a#tuality, 1#orpio people are invariably sub)e#ted to periods of trial and
testing. Then, if the 6lutonian pro#ess of elimination has been su##essful, they arise
phoeni*%li$e out of the ashes of the past and go on to greater attainments.

1#orpio #on#erns the inevitables of e*isten#e % se* and death. 1in#e these irrevovable
evnts tou#h upon the mysteries of life, they are shrouded with se#re#y and surrounded
with taboos to $eep them from being profaned. 9epression of the se*ual instin#ts #an
#ause the aberrations of #ruelty, )ealousy, and satani# pride, all negative traits of the
sign. The 0hristian tradition has not dealt $indly with the se*ual instin#t (largely be#ause
of the 1#orpio overlay given by 1aint 6aul)' and as a result it has fostered a morbid
emphasis on the blood and suffering of 0hrist, along with a prurient denial of the value of
#arnal love.

The ne#essity to raise and sublimate the libidinal instin#ts impels many 1#orpio people to
see$ an outlet for their energies in the field of the arts. n their #reative enterprises, they
are apt to be preo##upied with a#hieving emotional release rather than with the
e*pression of #onventional ideas of beauty. 0onse,uently, their painting, poetry, and
musi# may seem more de#omposed than #omposed. A #hara#teristi#ally 1#orpioni# artist
is 6ablo 6i#asso, whose zeal for tearing down images into their basi# #omponents stems
from a #ompulsion to restru#ture forms a##ording to an interior vision.

1in#e 1#orpions are adept at handling other people!s money, they are fre,uently found in
business and finan#e, and are noted for their )ealous supervision of the family budget.
They are well%suited to be dete#tives, inspe#tors, psy#hologists, and troubleshooters,
being better adapted to the tas$s of renovation and restoration of what already e*ists
than to ma$ing a fresh start. They are #apable of ruthlessly eliminating that whi#h has
served its purpose, even at the #ost of personal pain.

The real mystery of 1#orpio is why, with all their wariness and strength of #hara#ter,
these people are so often #aught in the grip of their se*ual and aggressive #ompulsions,
unable to avoid being su#$ed into a maelstrom of dupli#ity and intrigue. 7et, on#e they
have s,uarely #onfronted their problems, they have the #ourage to find a solution
regardless of personal loss and sa#rifi#e. They #an transform themselves, and often do.
Natal Sun in Sagittarius

(Betty Lundsted)

1agittarius is the last and most impersonal of the Fire signs. The idealism of 1agittarius is
less personal than either Aries or Leo. 1agittarians are more involved in #auses, politi#s'
in formulating the law' and they have ideas about religion and < or philosophy. They too
#ome from a home that is strongly influen#ed by the father. But often, 1agittarians are
angry at the father. t seems he is ,uite fond of them when they are little but later
forsa$es them for some other interest as they grow older. The 1agittarian types are
loo$ing for approval and respe#t from the father, while at the same time they want to be
independent from him. For some reason $nown only to 1agittarians, they thin$ &addy is a
su##essful person' and li$e all the Fire signs, they feel that it is impossible to measure up
to his greatness.

+ost 1agittarians grow up in an atmosphere of enough food and shelter, but they seem to
feel left out in the emotional department. They seem to radiate self%#onfiden#e and
enthusiasm, but inside they often ,uestion their personal values. Again, here is the Fire
sign dilemma % ideals #an be so lofty that the Fire sign person #an!t possibly live up to

1agittarians pursue ideals and ideas in an independent way. They are interested in all
aspe#ts of the #on#ept of freedom. The politi#al ,uest for freedom often involves the
#on#ept of revolution. (owever, when it #omes down to the a#tual fighting, 1agittarians
don!t want to be involved % it!s #old and un#omfortable on the battlefield, and suddenly
philosophy seems to be the dire#tion in whi#h to travel8 This type #an be the great
fireside revolutionary. 1agittarians who be#ome interested in politi#s often have the same
problems Leos have. As they be#ome more involved in the politi#al arena, they find that
it!s not as idealisti# as it seemed at first. They don!t #are for the politi#al #ompromises
that ta$e pla#e % or graft, or dealings that are less than idealisti#.

:o idealist li$es to be in situations that are not !fair!. !The world isn!t fair' there ought to
be a law!, say the Fire signs. After a number of hurts over the years % hurts #aused by the
unfairness of life % one begins to noti#e that +other :ature is not fair either8 1he does
not support !fairness! in the life stru#ture of the universe. t!s the Fire sign people who
wor$ to develop a sense of fairness and )usti#e, for the universe does not ma$e moral
)udgements. "esterners regard #ertain .astern pra#ti#es with abhorren#e be#ause they
seem so unfair, so inhuman. But our ideals will not allow us to see that life is a #onstant
stream of transformation and #hange. Life is a for#e mu#h li$e that of symboli# water, for
it $eeps on !a%$eepin! on!. 6erhaps some insight #an be gained as to why Fire signs don!t
understand "ater signs and vi#e versa if the differen#e in the symbols of the two is ta$en
into #onsideration.

n the area of the 1agittarian!s relationships, the father has a great deal of influen#e. (e
is a person who loves #ompanionship and #amaraderie. (e li$es typi#ally male things %
sports events, the hunt, the !man%and%his%dog! stuff in life. The #hild is influen#ed by this,
and the effe#t manifests differently in the male and the female as they ea#h mature. And
be#ause 1agittarians are so involved with ethi#s and )usti#e and the theory of what is
going on in the universe, they often find personal relationships diffi#ult.

The 1agittarian female #omes into the universe with a strong dose of father influen#e.
The influen#e of the mas#uline prin#iple interferes with the development of her #on#ept
of her feminine self. (er mother!s influen#e is very wea$' and li$e her Aries and Leo
sisters, the 1agittarian feels sympathy for her +om.

1he wants to be $nown for her mind' for her ability to be rational, to #omprehend
information in the same logi#al manner that a man is purported to. 1he is, however, a
female' and lur$ing behind her sports events, her politi#s, and her #areer responsibilities,
is that nagging fear that she may not be as feminine as she #ould be % or that men don!t
appre#iate her femaleness. (er #ons#ious mind doesn!t thin$ that she!s worried, but her
un#ons#ious mind $nows that she is biologi#ally female. 1o an interesting battle ta$es
pla#e within her. 1he presents herself as an intelle#tual, with the body language of a
se*pot. The men she tal$s with don!t really understand what is e*pe#ted of them, and she
sometimes #auses unpleasant and unwanted se*ual advan#es to be made upon her. 1he
doesn!t want to be $nown as a se*ual type' she really wants a relationship built on
intelle#tual sharing. 1he wants #ompanionship as &addy had, and as she on#e had with
her &ad. As long as she re)e#ts her femaleness % the biologi#al energy present in her life
stru#ture % she is the vi#tim of animus pro)e#tion. n relationships she will always be a bit
disappointed be#ause no man #an live up to her pro)e#tion of the $night in shining armor.
Be#ause of her se*ual pro)e#tion, and the rea#tion of men to it, she #an develop a disli$e
for men be#ause she thin$s that all they want from a woman is se*. But the situation #an
be #ured when she understands her own needs. The mas#uline prin#iple is strong in her,
and #an be used profitably for #areer development. The feminine body #an easily be
in#orporated with the mas#uline prin#iple, for we are all a #ombination of both.
nvestigations into what a !woman! is, or what a woman #an be, #an be very helpful to
her. "e are all a #ombination of energies, and when this is understood we #an then
pro#eed through life without resentment of our biologi#al gender, and intera#t with
people with interest rather than defensiveness.

The 1agittarian male has a slightly different influen#e #oming from the father image. (e
wants to be as su##essful as his father, but doesn!t believe that he #an ever be the man
&addy is, or the #ompanion &addy is. (e has lofty ideals that he brings into his #areer %
but &addy was a #asual man who didn!t hurry or rush or ta$e responsibility too seriously.
Life )ust seemed to !happen! to his father.

The 1agittarian #hild doesn!t $now how to follow through on a#tivities, and doesn!t thin$
that one should wor$ too hard sin#e &addy didn!t. "hat he doesn!t understand is that his
father may have wor$ed very hard to establish himself, but the 1agittarian $id didn!t
witness that period. 1o he doesn!t wor$ as hard as he #an, and his lofty ideals and
revolutionary ideas may never see fruition. (e may wind up being supported by his wife,
for life #ir#umstan#es bring him into situations that #ause those results.

As far as his #on#ept of his maleness is #on#erned, he!s learned the #ompanionship
attitudes that his father had, and he!s #oupled them with idealism. Fire sign men have
su#h lofty ideals about love that it sometimes be#omes diffi#ult for them to have a love
relationship on the physi#al plane sin#e so mu#h guilt is atta#hed to the earthy aspe#ts of
se*. The 1agittarian male may be a bit shamefa#ed about his needs for se* and may,
therefore, approa#h women with su#h ta#tlessness that he un#ons#iously ma$es sure he
never !s#ores!. (e may love one woman and have se* with another. (e may trade in a
good emotional se*ual relationship for good basi# #ompanionship. (e may #hoose to
relate to the fellows in the lo#$er room, following all the sports events faithfully, rather
than building a strong relationship with a female.

(e #omes from a father%dominated atmosphere % and this means &ads are important and
+oms are not. 1o he may limit his relationships with women, feeling that they are #oo$s
and domesti#s, and not #ompanions. f most of his relationships are with men and he feels
love in these friendships, he may wonder if he is really a !man! be#ause he $nows that
he!s un#omfortable with the opposite se*.

Both 1agittarians will learn about honesty in their lifetime. They pride themselves on
being idealists and on being honest as &addy is. But often they are not honest with
themselves. The female wants to be a mas#uline #ompanion and avoid her feminine self.
The male wants to be a #ompanion to his mate but wonders about his mas#uline self. Both
need to allow themselves to be emotional as well as intelle#tual. Learning how to give
love is an important step for them.

(onesty e*presses itself in other ways as well- 1agittarians pride themselves on being
honest in situations where honesty be#omes rather ta#tless. n the pro#ess of being
brutally honest, they may shatter someone else!s self%image, or #ast aspersions on
antoher individual. Then they wonder why people withdraw. t has been said that
1agittarians have foot%in%mouth disease be#ause they say things that hurt or sho#$ other
people. 7ou as$ !(ow does my hair loo$2! and 1ag says !;ee, it loo$s ni#e today, implying
that you haven!t been loo$ing well lately8 This ta#tlessnes doesn!t go over big in business
either. 1agittarians learn as they grow older that some ,uestions in life don!t need to be
answered % they learn how to listen. Learning to listen is one of the ,ualities of a )udge %
)usti#e and truth and fairness are ,ualities that #an be used in a positive 4upiterian way.
And in order to )udge fairly, one must listen to the whole story.

((aydn 6aul)

The 1agittarian personality usually is good%humoured, needs freedom and liberty to roam
around, and does not respond well to the imposition of orders from others. 7our
temperament will be #heerful, optimisti# and generous, being a #onsistent and reliable
friend. 7ou prefer to live as free as possible, and may need employment whi#h offers
#onsiderable wor$ variety and independen#e, so that you #an organise your own
endeavours while ensuring that the )ob is also #ompleted. 7ou may be attra#ted towards
medi#ine, law and religion, and have s$ills to be#ome an effe#tive tea#her, but you may
need to avoid any authoritarian or patronising attitudes. 7ou will be ,uite ambitious and
usually ,ui#$ to ta$e advantage of opportunities' your attitude may be too optimisti# at
times, be#oming overly enthusiasti# about plans before you have had time to #onsider
them fully.

7ou may need a #learer sense of dire#tion and life purpose, whi#h dire#ts you towards
suitable wor$, but on#e found should enable you to strive one%pointedly to a#hieve your
goals. 7ou #an be a #ons#ientious wor$er, espe#ially to ensure an in#ome whi#h is
suffi#ient to indulge your need to spend on your parti#ular interests. 7ou may prefer
earning a living by wor$ing for large organisations, feeling finan#ially safe and se#ure
within them, and they also offer potential progress towards positions of responsibility.
Although you love freedom, se#urity is also important, allowing rela*ation so that you #an
en)oy your freedom. "ealth and possessions also attra#t, as you greatly en)oy spending
and lu*ury possessions.

There is an innate sense of fair play and )usti#e' and your manner is open and fran$,
possibly too dire#t, blunt and abrupt at times for some' but your #omments and
observations are usually ,uite a##urate. 7ou tend to ma$e mental intuitive leaps,
bypassing rationality and logi# steps' but sometimes you are too ,ui#$ )umping to
#on#lusions about things, and then resist #hanging your viewpoint % even when it is
in#orre#t. 7ou may have an inventive mind, perhaps ,uite original in #ontent through
verbal or literary e*pression, and this will often #losely refle#t your moral values and
beliefs. 7ou #an be an entertaining tal$er' and although you may not be too
$nowledgeable about all themes, your mind has an ability to pie#e together information
fragments so that you sound ,uite informed.
(aydn 6aul) (#ontd.)

(ome and family evo$e sentimental rea#tions, and you #an have an image of self%sa#rifi#e
for their benefit, although you want appre#iation for your a#tions. 7ou #an e*press fi*ed
and assertive opinions at home' and while you attempt to #reate a free, liberal
atmosphere, this #an lead to some #onfli#ts, espe#ially if your ideals or presentation of
personal views tend to be#ome a little e*treme. 7ou need mental stimulation and a
variety of so#ial #ompany, and this #an #reate a restless pattern of physi#al and mental
a#tivity. 7our partner needs to understand your need for freedom, sharing your diverse
interests and not attempting to limit or restrain you.

7ou may not always be fully honest with yourself, espe#ially due to tenden#ies for
emotional self%de#eption' self%en,uiry may reveal two sides to your nature, one bright and
amiable, the other broody and inse#ure. 7ou #an be an abstra#t thin$er, idealist not
realist, in#lined towards stubborn, dogmati# and fi*ed ideas' in later years your interest
#an veer to philosophy and religious #on#erns. 7ou have an !interest in death!, and often
have intuitive feelings or propheti# insights whi#h you note but may avoid trying to
e*plain or understand, preferring to ignore them. The alternative approa#h is to pursue
and e*plore your inner psy#hology and man!s spiritual heritage to gain a deeper

(4an 1piller and /aren +#0oy)

1un in 1agittarius individuals feel they have the right to be free' to be the intelle#tual
authority' to be a#$nowledged and appre#iated as noble and deserving.


f your attention fo#uses on wanting others to a#$nowledge your intelle#tual superiority
#ontinually, your intelle#t may inadvertently be#ome pompous and self%serving. "hen this
o##urs, your #ommuni#ation might be#ome dire#ted only toward proving your moral
righteousness. ndulging in the 1agittarian need to be re#ognized for a broad mental
perspe#tive may bring a fo#us on one area of per#eption. Then you might demand to be at
#entre stage, whether you deserve it or not, !spouting off! ideas in that area. Thus, you
may un$nowingly alienate others by insisting that they agree with you. As a #onse,uen#e,
the base you #ould effe#tively e*pand on is lost when you refuse to add their fa#tual input
into your #al#ulations.

"hen others do not agree with your #on#lusions, your vitality diminishes, and you may
lose #onta#t with the 1agittarius ideals and sense of humanity. f you need others to
a#$nowledge you as noble and deserving, you may inflate your words of a#tion. This may
distra#t you from putting energy into a##omplishing the a#tion itself.


"hen you fo#us on inspiring others, you #an effe#tively listen for the areas in whi#h they
are as$ing ,uestions. This enables you to share relevant insights that #an be appre#iated
by the other person. 7ou have the ability to use your intelle#t to help other people by
demonstrating your #apa#ity to see their lives from a broader, more optimisti# viewpoint.
"hen you share those beliefs that enhan#e other people!s levels of self%trust, you #an
effe#tively e*pand their faith in themselves. This automati#ally brings about
a#$nowledgement and appre#iation of your intelle#t.

The awareness of yourself as part of a larger brotherhood #an enable you to e*press your
per#eptions spontaneously in a loving way. This enhan#es the situation for everyone and
in#reases your vitality and well%being. 0onse,uently, you e*perien#e pride and a sense of
responsibility as your reward when you use enthusiasm to re#ognize the signifi#an#e of
others and to bring out their importan#e.

(1ydney 5marr)

1agittarius Females

The 1agittarius lady is an idealist' honesty and fran$ness are $ey words. 1he is loyal' her
love is a very real thing and she doesn!t want to ma$e light of it. This is a noble lady'
when she ma$es up her mind to do something, it gets done, despite often overwhelming
odds. (er de#isions are swift' sometimes impulsive a#tions #ause her diffi#ulty. f you
want this lady, you must stress integrity. 9espe#t #omes first % then love grows, at least
as far as she is #on#erned.

1he must always have a goal in front of her' it #ould be an overseas )ourney, a boo$ she is
going to write or read, or any ambition' but the future must be there before her- she is
not one to live on past memories or s#rapboo$s.

This woman is proud, refined' she is sensitive, often disturbed by #omparatively minor
matters. &on!t attempt to pressure her- it is best to let her de#ide, to ma$e up her own
mind, to ta$e the initiative. 1he is fiery in temperament' her outloo$ is universal,
philosophi#al. At times she does go to e*tremes. But if you are able to win this lady, you
will have attained a great deal. (er assets far outweigh her faults.

A 1agittariusn woman is e*#iting, yet gives the impression of being shy. 1he presents a
#hallenge. 7ou want to $now her, to have her e*press her true feelings. n other words,
this woman is diffi#ult to resist8 5ne important hint is this- be honest % state your
business, your intentions % don!t attempt #overups, false promises, statements. Another
hint is that this lady appre#iates the outdoors and sports, and is drawn to men who are
$ind to animals.

1he will bring out the best in you and will try to earn your respe#t. The 1agittarius
woman is something spe#ial. 1tudy these hints and apply yourself. 1he!s worth the

1agittarius +ales

f you are the $ind of lady who wants only to stay indoors, then you had better forget the
1agittarius man. (e is open in his nature and he li$es to be out in the open. (e wants to
share things with you- his li$es and disli$es, his hobbies, interests, hopes, aspirations.
This is a man who will ma$e you $now you are a woman. And he!ll ma$e you live up to it8

This man disli$es petty persons' he will help you to grow and will e*pe#t you to be a big
person. f you do not su##eed, his initial attra#tion may turn to revulsion. The best hint is
to follow your true feelings, even your intuition. By being honest, even impulsive, you #an
win this man!s sympathy and understanding.

Basi#ally, this man is trustworthy. he may not always do things in the way you e*pe#ted,
but he gets them done. (e $eeps his promises. 7ou #an feel se#ure with him. &uring a
time of emergen#y, he a#ts. (e thin$s ,ui#$ly' he is fiery in temperament and has a
$na#$ for seeing the situation as a whole. 5ften, he does not ta$e the time to e*plain his
a#tions. These are the times when you must have faith in his )udgement. t would be a
mista$e, for e*ample, to nag, to ,uestion, to doubt, to undermine his motives.

1agittarius men do not pull their pun#hes' you #an trap them but, if so, they will
withdraw to su#h an e*tent that you will be left more alone than if you a#tually were
alone. 1agittarius men want to learn- by reading, e*perimenting, ,uestioning, travelling,
writing, e*amining, probing. f the $ind of life you want is a !sit still and be ,uiet! $ind,
then the 1agittarius man #ould only ma$e you unhappy, and vi#e versa.

7ou #at#h him with #olor, #harm, wit' you intrigue him by as$ing fantasti# ,uestions. 7ou
ma$e him lose interest by being too #onventional in your outloo$, ambitions, aspirations.

This man wants #ompanionship' he wants to share his e*perien#es, adventures. By all
means, sti#$ to your views, your individuality. (e may appear to be a rebel % but the one
,uality he admires in a woman, above all else, is independen#e.

(1$ye Ale*ander)

6eople who have their 1uns in 1agittarius are generally )ovial, friendly, fun%loving souls
who $now how to to have a good time and never ta$e life too seriously. 5ptimisti# and
future%oriented, you don!t let problems or disappointments get you down for long. 7ou
,ui#$ly put failures behind you and immediately start planning your ne*t great adventure
or million%dollar s#heme. :ever satisfied with )ust getting by, you want to do things on a
grand s#ale' to ma$e it bit and live life to the fullest.

7our glibness, self%#onfiden#e and positive attitude ma$e you the ,uintessential
salesperson, and you #ould sell running shoes to a #heetah. (owever, you la#$ the
organization and perseveran#e to see pro)e#ts through to #ompletion, and are mu#h
better at starting things than #ompleting them. 7ou tend to overestimate yourself, and
often promise more than you #an deliver. 0onse,uently, you might earn yourself a
reputation for being unreliable. 7ou rarely get anypla#e or finish anything on time, and
are usually over budget. 1omehow, though, things wor$ out in the end % Lady Lu#$ seems
to smile on you % and despite your irresponsibility and rather #avalier attitude, it!s hard to
stay mad at you for long.

7our ,ui#$ wit and ready humor ma$e you a mu#h%loved #ompanion, and you lift the
spirits of everyone around you. 7ou tie together the mundane and the #osmi# in
une*pe#ted ways, and help us laugh at ourselves and the world around us. 7ou have a
vivid imagination, and may see$ to enhan#e the monotony of daily life with fantasy.
(owever, you sometimes try to avoid reality through es#apism, and may be unwilling to
assume responsibilities su#h as earning a living, paying your bills, #ommitting to a
relationship or ta$ing #are of your #hildren.
1asha Fenton) (#ontd.)

A 1agittarian partner may use the home and the family in the same way that a ra#ing
driver uses a pit%stop, #alling in for food, fuel, a #hange of #lothes, a new #he,ue boo$,
and then off again. t also seems to ta$e a 1agittarian ,uite a while to wor$ out whether
he a#tually wants a relationship or not. "hen he de#ides that he does want one, he then
has to wor$ out whi#h of the many #andidates for his attention will a#tually #laim him.
1agittarians vary ,uite a bit in their attitudes. 1ome are relaters who want nothing better
than to be in the middle of a happy family unit, while others are really better off alone,
travelling lightly a#ross the world, floating ba#$wards and forwards between their
parents, friends, assorted loves, sometimes spouses and pets. These free%spirited fol$s
need to be able to ta$e off ni a fishing boat for a few days at a time, to spend the evening
drin$ing and gambling with friends, or to #rash out on a bea#h somewhere. +y
daughter!s 1agittarian friends send her #heerful, optimisti#, )o$ey letters and post#ards
from all over the world. +any of those who do settle down with a partner #hoose one
from some far%off, e*oti# lo#ation where the family ba#$ground and lifestyle is very
different. +any 1agittarians seem to spend their lives on the brin$ of travelling to their
spiritual hoome, whi#h is lo#ated, as far as #an as#ertain, somewhere in the middle of

The more settled types of 1agittarian are easy%going, pleasant and helpful. These sub)e#ts
may not be strong personalities, but they are very loving and e*tremely $ind. 1agittarians
hate to see an in)usti#e, and will try to intervene in family ,uarrels in order to put things
right. (owever, they #an be too ineffe#tual to do mu#h to #hange things. These people
need a strong and reliable partner who has a lively brain and a mind of his < her own.
1agittarians won!t ma$e many demands upon a partner, and will not grumble too mu#h if
left at home while the other half travels or pursues a #areer. 1o long as there is give and
ta$e and trust in the relationship, these sub)e#ts #an survive most things. 1agittarians
#an!t always deal #onfidently and effi#iently with severe problems, but they do their best
to help, and they won!t wal$ away )ust be#ause the going gets tough. f they love
someone, these generous people will give the partner everything they own and they will
wor$ hard to ma$e the home a happy and #omfortable pla#e in whi#h to live. (owever, if
a 1agittarian finds himself in an in#reasingly diffi#ult situation, he may be so powerless to
#hange things that his only means of #oping with it is to es#ape. 5ne wonderful story
whi#h was told to me by a friend typifies the behaviour of this sign. Apparently my
friend!s mother had not had a pleasant marriage and, therefore, when the time #ame for
the youngest #hild to start wor$ing, she arranged to go abroad and wor$ as a #ontra#t
nurse. The family #ame home to find a note on the $it#hen table whi#h announ#ed !&inner
in oven. ;one to Bermuda. Ba#$ in three years.!

1agittarians #an be very e##entri#. Their values are spiritual rather than material, and
they don!t stop to worry about what the neighbours might thin$. have $nown more than
one 1agittarian who, when as$ed out to dinner, ta$es her own food and even her own
sau#epan and spoon8 These people #an be very dis#on#erting to those who are not used
to their $ind of behaviour. They follow a pe#uliar $ind of logi#, and try to go through life
without putting other people to any $ind of trouble. They #an be too outspo$en for many
people!s taste be#ause they don!t hide their feelings. (owever, their honest and dire#t
approa#h ensures that they are never two%fa#ed.

1agittarius is a Fire sign, whi#h means that these sub)e#ts are ,uite strongly se*ed. They
are also adventurous and e*perimental in all areas of life, and this #arries over into their
se* lives as well. 1agittarians are not afraid of se*ual adventures, and they love to try
anything new. They hate to thin$ that they may miss out on anything, and they are
prevented from feeling foolish or getting hurt by their ability to put everything down to
e*perien#e. 1agittarians may be unfaithful when young, although this is not done in order
to punish or humiliate their partners- it simply refle#ts the fa#t that they don!t ta$e
material or bodily matters very seriously. The thing whi#h #ounts most for them is
friendship along with the e*perien#e of love and se*. Later on, some of these footloose
people settle down and ma$e ,uite reasonable partners. By then they will have
e*perimented enough se*ually to $now what wor$s best for them, and the whole business
gets relegated to the ba#$ground of their lives while they get on with other e*perien#es
whi#h they find more interesting.

.ven later in life, they #an do without se* altogether, ta$ing up something li$e
ar#haeology, religion or growing rare or#hids instead. 5ne thing whi#h is worth pointing
out is their sense of amazed loss and their genuine grief when someone else ma$es use of
them and subse,uently moves on, leaving them behind.

1agittarians #an ta$e or leave wider relationships. These sub)e#ts are friendly and good%
natured, and would far prefer to get on well with in%laws, aunties and a new partner!s
#hildren than live in an atmosphere of ran#our. (owever, if it doesn!t wor$, the
1agittarian doesn!t blame himself' he simply writes this off as one of those things and
steers #lear of aw$ward relatives. 1agittarians are very broad%minded and absolutely non%
ra#ist, so relatives who are mi*ed in #olour, ra#e or religion are viewed as a blessing
rather than a #urse. The only ones they really #an!t stand are those who are stupid or
gratuitously unpleasant.

As #hildren, 1agittarians #ause their parents very little trouble. They are out of the house
almost as soon as they #an wal$, visiting friends or relatives, or getting involved with
s#hool a#tivities. They es#ape most of their parents! wrath simply by not bting there' and
many 1agittarian #hildren have what amounts to a se#ond family somewhere else in the
neighbourhood. 1agittarius #hildren are not parti#ularly #lever or remar$able, but they
may do well if they are allowed to loo$ after animals. Fuite a number of 1agittarian
#hildren show an early talent for entertaining others or for sports. They have very
en,uiring minds and will want to travel away from home as soon as they #an.

As parents, 1agittarian sub)e#ts are $ind, loving and interesting' they will do all they #an
to tea#h their #hildren, and they will not leave ,uestions unanswered. There is a danger
that their #hildren may have to ta$e on the role of parents at a rather early stage in life,
espe#ially if there are severe diffi#ulties to be #oped with. +any 1agittarian parents #an!t
#ope with the reality of life with #hildren and, therefore, do best if they #an afford to send
them off to s#hool as wee$ly boarders or share the #hore of bringing them up with other

(4ulia and &ere$ 6ar$er)

0hallenge is important in a fulfilling 1agittarian life. "hen an a#hievement is
a##omplished, 1agittarius soon begins wor$ on the ne*t one. The #ompulsion to set new
targets and meet them is so strong that it #an be#ome all%engrossing, with present
a#tivities being s$imped be#ause the eye is always on future plans. 1agittarian
enthusiasm, optimism and zest for life are se#ond to none, but must be #ontrolled. The
worst fault, restlessness, #an be a severe problem, for 1agittarians don!t always see
pro)e#ts through to the end.

:atural e*#itement and enthusiasm #an feed the innate 1agittarian tenden#y to ta$e
ris$s, whi#h #an be#ome real foolhardiness, espe#ially when young. &eveloping their
inherent intelle#tual powers will enable these people to avoid unne#essary ris$s. They
should also #ultivate a more philosophi#al outloo$. f their natural e*uberan#e isn!t
#ontrolled, it will be#ome boisterous. Their en)oyment of life and sense of humor are
#harming but #an sometimes get out of hand % they should remember that pra#ti#al )o$es
are rarely funny for their vi#tims.

5ne of the dual signs of the zodia#, 1agittarius gives versatility, whi#h may #ontribute to
the 1agittarian tenden#y to move too ,ui#$ly from one tas$ to another, or to be involved
in too many things at on#e. ;reater satisfa#tion will #ome from steadily wor$ing through
one pro)e#t towards the ne*t, whi#h, after all, they #an ensure is as different as possible.

This sign #onfers breadth of vision and the ability to assimilate ,ui#$ly what may be a
#omple* situation. (owever, these people are not usually good at #oping with detail,
whi#h bores them. n ignoring the minutiae, they #an run into diffi#ulties, so they should
always read the small print.

:o true 1agittarian #an #ope with #laustrophobi# #onditions (they must have a room with
a view, for instan#e), parti#ularly within personal relationships. A possessive, suspi#ious
or )ealous partner will not last long- their independent spirits won!t tolerate any
restri#tions on personal freedom.

1e* is greeted with #ustomary 1agittarian enthusiasm and e*uberan#e' when they are
very young, a possible partner!s se*ual attra#tions #an be irresistible. "ith e*perien#e
they will loo$ for other ,ualities- someone whose intelligen#e at least mat#hes their own,
and with whom they #an be friends as well as lovers.

.nthusiasm is a wonderful element in any #hild, but in young 1agittarians it #an be so
generous that it needs to be #hanneled and not frittered away. 1imilarly, boisterousness
may need to be #almed. The parents should dis#over as early as possible in the #hild!s life
where his or her true interests lie. There is tremendous potential here, but it must be
properly led (without the #hild!s $nowledge). A#hievement will feed enthusiasm, whether
in #lass, on the sports field or during out%of%s#hool hours. 1agittarian #hildren find it
diffi#ult to obey s#hool rules, but aren!t blind to reason' and any sensible restri#tions will
be a##epted. Their reading and language s$ills should be en#ouraged from an early age.

As parents, 1agittarians are admirable- they respond in a lively way to their #hildren,
en#ourage their interests, and help them build up good libraries. (owever, it is vital that
a 1agittarian mother doesn!t sa#rifi#e her own interests entirely to those of her family but
tries to set time aside for herself. :o matter how mu#h she loves her #hildren, their
limited #onversation is not always suffi#iently engrossing' restlessness is #ertain if she
has no means of es#ape. deally, new pro)e#ts should be started as soon after the birth of
a #hild as possible.

n #areer, on#e again, #hallenge is essential' and boring, repetitive wor$ must be avoided
if at all possible. .nvironment is also important- small, stuffy offi#es or #rowded
wor$shops are e,ually intolerable. A#,uiring money is not in itself very important'
1agittarians usually manage to find it when ne#essary. (ard%earned #ash is more li$ely to
be spent on study, boo$s and travel than on impressive material possessions. A spirit of
adventure (not always physi#al) is important' wor$ whi#h ta$es these people out of their
own environment is good for them. Ta$ing short #uts to su##ess #an lead them into
serious errors, usually be#ause they haven!t attended to enough detail.
Natal Sun in Capricorn

(Betty Lundsted)

0hildren born into the mother%dominated sign of 0apri#orn obtain the values of
traditional business and the #orporate power stru#ture and the ability to go about
attaining power, from the influen#e of the mother. Father is a passive figure. (owever,
most 0apri#orns have a father who is a respe#ted member of the family, but one who is
untou#hable and uninvolved in the family stru#ture. 1o the immediate de#isions about
running the family are left in the hands of the mother, and in the #hild!s eyes she runs the
universe. "hen &addy #omes home, he )ust upsets the apple#art, for the little 0apri#orn
is se#ond%in%#ommand during &addy!s absen#e. 0apri#orns usually feel apprehensive
about #onfronting the father, unli$e the other .arth signs.

0apri#orn!s mother is very traditional in her attitudes. 1he runs a 1aturninan household
where #hildren are to be seen and not heard. 0apri#orn #hildren are usually ,uite well%
behaved, and they tend to frown on too mu#h frivolity in life. They ta$e responsibilities
seriously. .ven their sense of humor is serious % it!s often #yni#al or satiri#al' funny
stories are told with a straight fa#e.

+other wants to go pla#es in life, and 0apri#orn #hildren pi#$ up this vibration from her.
1he instills in them a sense of management, a sense of power, and a need for power and
#ontrol, for she is a powerful and #ontrolling figure. 1he uses every pie#e of information
at hand so that she #an $eep her family in line. 0apri#orns learn how to do this from her.

0apri#orns go out into the world loo$ing for a pla#e to #limb, and want to be the head of
something at all #osts. "hat they often don!t understand is that they are born leaders.
5ne enters the zodia# in this sign be#ause one is ready to learn about the responsibility
of power. f they are in a hurry to get ahead in life, 0apri#orns will use any means
available, in#luding using people to get what they want. This sign is sometimes
#onsidered the mer#enary of the zodia#. f they will learn to wait, to earn their position,
they will be better off. The natural vibration of 0apri#orn (and 1aturn) will put them into
positions of authority if they train themselves properly.

"hen the 0apri#orn female grows up, she wants to leave home to get away from the
strong mother influen#e. 1he doesn!t immediately realize that she has the same strengths
and ability to manipulate others that her mother has. t would be wise of her to sele#t a
mate #arefully' she needs to unite with a man who has strong power drives and ambitions
to mat#h her own. f he doesn!t, she!ll get angry and will try to destroy him emotionally.
1he doesn!t understand her own strength in her youth. As a teenager, 0apri#orn often
loo$s li$e the ugly du#$ling' for this reason, she may not have a great deal of faith in her
famininity. (owever, after she rea#hes thirty there!s a transformation and she $eeps on
loo$ing attra#tive into her seventies. 1he #an be a terrifi# partner for any man who wants
to develop a business or politi#al #areer, be#ause she will wor$ tirelessly with a man who
wants to go somewhere.

1he needs to learn how to relate emotionally be#ause she feels un#omfortable with this
aspe#t of herself. .motional responses imply that one is out of #ontrol, and she wants to
$now what is going on in her universe at all times. 1he represents that part of the
feminine prin#iple that has to do with building and #olle#ting and overseeing the
universe. 1he wants to #reate boundaries, but emotional e*pression has to do with letting
down boundaries. n order to feel emotionally fulfilled, she will need to learn to let go of
some of the #ontrol and wor$ with the #on#ept of universal flow. t will never let her

The 0apri#orn male uses his energy a little differently. (e has a great deal of respe#t for
his mother, and parti#ularly noti#es how she handles her husband. (e wants to be &addy
when he grows up, but he has to use his mother!s habit patterns to get where his father
got. 1he is the strength his &ad relies upon, and he will pattern himself after her. 1he
handles men in a #ertain way, and he will imitate her parti#ular and individual pattern.
(e, too, #an be so involved with getting to the top that he doesn!t noti#e the means whi#h
he uses in order to get there. +aterialists seldom do, for the end often )ustifies the
means. (owever, the 0apri#orn power trip is a long and powerful one, and he #an get to
the top of the #orporate stru#ture the right way or the wrong way. Again, 0apri#orn has
been given power in the zodia#, and the tas$ he has in this life is to learn the
responsibility of power. (e must learn how to delegate responsibility to the proper
people, and he must learn how to see who these proper people ar' he must learn how to
leave emotions and loyalties out of his de#isions. (e must also learn how to trust people
he #ares for.

0apri#orns tend to want to have absolute #ontrol in their relationships. 1ometimes they
marry for the wrong reasons and feel inse#ure be#ause of it. The 0apri#orn male #an
enhan#e his life position by marrying the boss!s daughter, or the !right woman! who fits in
with the moves he wants to ma$e as he #limbs up the so#ial ladder. (owever, the love
and trust part of the relationship may be missing. "hen this o##urs, he has to #ontrol her.
n a sense he has to be prote#tive of his status and his #ontrol, so he wants to be entirely
aware of everything going on with his wife. (e will resent any friendships she ma$es, and
he #an distort the truth so that it loo$s to be in his favor. "hen one #ontrols a
relationship, this only serves to build more inner feelings of inse#urity and, eventually,
symptoms of paranoia. "hen a person is too #ontrolling, he #an!t thin$ of everything, and
sooner or later the situation blows up.

t has been said that 0apri#orn falls from high pla#es. The symbol for 0apri#orn is the
+ountain ;oat, #limbing to the top of the mountain. The tri#$ is for 0apri#orn to develop
its sure%footedness in order to #limb the mountain without falling. 1ome people thin$
0apri#orns should give up the #limb' but the importan#e here is that of developing the
,ualities of an e*perien#ed mountain #limber so that he #an rea#h the top and do some
good. The universe needs leadership, guidan#e into new traditions, and help to establish
order and purpose into the so#ial stru#ture. 0apri#orn is an earth sign' it follows the Fire
sign of 1agittarius. 1agittarians bring about theories of law and order and the spiritual or
philosophi#al growth of the individual. 0apri#orn is here to #arry these theories into
being and e*isten#e. There is good reason for 0apri#orn types to develop surefootedness'
they have the responsibility for building strong traditions and institutions in a symboli#
sense. Those of use who use our power in a thoughtless or selfish way will eventually
have that power ta$en from us, for it seems to be the way of the univers.

0apri#orn is the most theoreti#al of the .arth signs. All the .arth signs have something
to do with the manifestation of an idea into reality in the universe. The pattern of .arth
and Fire around the horos#ope wheel shows the union of the mas#uline and feminine
prin#iples. As humanity #o%operates with energies present in the universe, ea#h new
generation forms its own tao symbol in #ons#iousness. The problem with the material, or
feminine, polarity signs stems from a desire to $eep everything stati# in the material

((aydn 6aul)

The 0apri#orn personality tends to be serious in nature' and you will display a #autious,
thoughtful ,uality, being ,uite pra#ti#al, prudent and e#onomi#al in your affairs, as if you
are on the defensive against the vagaries of life. 7ou will usually #onsider all options
before you a#t de#isively. 7ou prefer to e*press an individual dignity, often assuming a
role of authority, as you highly value law and order in daily life and #onsider that these
aspe#ts are essential in both the individual and the national life. 7ou will be attra#ted
towards positions of authority and so#ial prestige, and will be ambitious to a#hieve them'
this will attra#t and satisfy you more than )ust material possessions, although you may
also !use! them to enhan#e your status.

7ou will be #apable of hard persistent wor$, designed to a#hieve your goals, and you
should be an effi#ient organiser. 7ou are usually very reliable at wor$, being ,uite
#ons#ientious, and you are li$ely to possess the gift of a lu#id and dire#t writing style
whi#h #an prove to be an advantage.

7ou need to feel admired, respe#ted and appre#iated by others, in all your efforts at home
and wor$. 7ou are not espe#ially emotionally or physi#ally demonstrative, and although
you are #ompassionate, you may find it diffi#ult to display sympathy openly. 7ou prefer to
serve others through a#tion, by physi#al aid in some way, rather than by emotional
support, as you are less #omfortable with that part of your nature. 7ou prefer to )udge
others and be )udged by them through a#tions rather than words' to you, words #an be
many, but few tend to ba#$ them up by a#tion.

7ou may periodi#ally suffer swings of mood, ranging between the e*tremes of optimism
and pessimism, partly be#ause you have diffi#ulty in always maintaining faith in life. 7ou
#an often be very reserved and private, $eeping a distan#e between yourself and others,
and rela*ing your guard only when you have $nown the person for some time, and feel
safe and se#ure.

"hen you #hoose to apply it, you should have a powerful will, whi#h #an be used in a
#on#entrated, persistent manner to a#hieve ob)e#tives.

7ou disli$e wasting words, preferring pre#ision and saying only what you want to say, or
staying ,uiet, espe#ially if you are afraid of being misunderstood' there may be some
problem in #ommuni#ating to others, parti#ularly at times when you need to withdraw
from e*#essive so#ial #onta#t. 7ou often believe that you $now best for all #on#erned, be
they family, friends, relatives et#.' and at times you may tend to be insistent that your
ideas are the right ones to follow. This #an lead to domesti# or wor$ #onfli#ts as you enter
into disagreemnets, espe#ially if you e*press yourself dogmati#ally and authoritatively, as
you often do. 7ou may need to learn more about the values of #o%operation and )oint
de#ision%ma$ing at some time in your life.

+arriage evo$es your sentimental nature, and you may prefer a partner who is either
!motherly! or !fatherly!, loo$ing for loyalty and reliability in partners and friends. 7our
view of life is realisti# and pragmati#, preferring to establish a stolid pattern of familiar
daily routines to offer you a sense of se#urity. 7ou may tend to repress emotions from
publi# e*pression, as you feel uneasy if they be#ome dominating, and prefer always to
feel in #ontrol. 7ou may need to open your mind to higher things, to philosophies,
fantasies, abstra#t thin$ing' as your approa#h may be too fa#tual, #riti#al, analyti#al and
pra#ti#al, and the danger is that this % unless modified % #an ma$e you too rigid, dogmati#
and narrow%minded. n #hasing your ambitions, you will have to ensure that any relative
failure does not frustrate or embitter you through your loss of perspe#tive on the totality
of life.
(4an 1piller and /aren +#0oy)

1un in 0apri#orn individuals feel they have the right to authority' to govern and #ontrol
others in terms of establishing order' to be respe#ted for their a#hievements and position.


"hen you fo#us on wanting re#ognition and respe#t from others for your being in #ontrol,
you may use your authority to dominate those around you. f you be#ome totally
dedi#ated to appearing authoritative and earning approval for your a#hievements, you
may negle#t using your talents to get the )ob done. This #omes about when being in
#ontrol and getting respe#t have be#ome more important than a#tually a##omplishing the
tas$. 7ou also may e*pe#t others to be as sensitive to your ambitions as you are
insensitive to theirs' and when they do not offer the deferen#e e*pe#ted, you may be#ome
defensive and #riti#al.

Tension with #o%wor$ers #an be aroused if you want your behavior to be san#tioned as
perfe#t in their eyes. 7ou might not use your organizational talents to benefit others, but
solely to manipulate them into improving your so#ial image. Thus, you may #reate,
through self%interest, the ne#essity of having to manage them #onstantly in order to stay
in #ontrol of the situation. This might limit su##ess and put a tremendous drain on your
energy and vitality, whi#h may leave you in a state of tense wat#hfulness.


7ou #an dire#t your attention to en#ouraging others with your organizational talents and
abilities. This allows your sensitivity to e*pand into areas in whi#h others are
disorganized, and #ould use the benefits of your natural sense of order. n the pro#ess of
effe#tively assisting them, with an awareness of their feelings, you automati#ally a#,uire
their respe#t without having to )ustify it. 9e#ognizing the intangible order and perfe#tion
of things #an allow you to plan on a material level with less tension.

Awareness of your emotional #onne#tion with the whole allows you to organize #o%
wor$ers effe#tively. 7ou #an do this in a way that improves the situation and in#reases
your vitality and well%being. n managing others to more effe#tively produ#e results that
are in their best interests, you automati#ally gain their esteem and admiration for your
e*e#utive abilities. This eliminates the need for further supervision. n#reased self%
respe#t #an #ome through your pro#ess of organizing and delegating authority in order to
get the )ob done most effe#tively for all #on#erned.

"hen your integrity #omes to the fore, you #ease to )ustify your position through the
regard of other people, allowing you to for#efully #hannel your energy into a##omplishing
the tas$ at hand. n so doing, you #an produ#e results that earn you lasting respe#t.

(1ydney 5marr)

0apri#orn females

This is an earthy woman, not ne#essarily demonstrative. But she will not run out on you'
she may appear aloof, #old, disinterested' but the fire of passion runs through her veins
and she is a woman in the best sense of that word. Loo$ for someone else if you want the
frivolous' if you desire someone who #an give you a !line!. This woman has something to
offer to someone who is #on#erned with the future. 1he is not for you if you are merely
dabbling, e*perimenting, loo$ing for an interlude.

There is energy and strength here' this woman #an per#eive your #hara#ter, #an $now
you and love you and be loyal to you. But she does e*pe#t you to be a man. This woman is
apt to be #autious' she isn!t easy to win. 1he also has a tenden#y to be #urious about the
ban$ a##ount. This is be#ause she is aware of the future, is #on#erned about tomorrow as
well as today. 1he #an a##ept #hallenges, is able to wor$, is dis#iplined, prefers to avoid
sensationalism and publi#ity, possesses great determination, and usually finishes what
she starts.

1he is all of the above % but she is not #old. 1he may appear so, but on#e she feels you
may be the one for her, she is as warm as a Eenus % +ars #on)un#tion. 1he is earthy in
temperament' she is basi#ally independent, original in her thin$ing % and #an brea$ from
tradition as easily as some persons drin$ a #up of #offee. t is not always easy for her to
do so' the 0apri#orn woman does have a tenden#y to hang on to the familiar, to be
#lassi#al, to adhere to a set line of a#tion. 7et, when ne#essary, she #an brea$ habit
patterns. That is a $ey word for her- ne#essity. 1he meets emergen#ies' she does what is
ne#essary, in#luding the ma$ing of sa#rifi#es. 1he #an give up lu*uries for loved ones.

This woman is not satisfied to be buried, hidden or relegated to se#ond fiddle. 1he has
her own thoughts and wants to e*press them. And she most #ertainly deserves to he
heard. This woman has mu#h to offer. f you feel you are not ,uite ready for her % why not
wait until you!ve really be#ome a man2

0apri#orn males

This man may start slowly' but you #an bet your life that he!ll be around at the finish8 (e
is earthy, possesses a $een sense of awareness, is human and warm, and #an be
depended upon to help the underdog and to fight for loved ones. At times you may have
to prod him, to ma$e him live up to his #apabilities % but you will not have to as$ for
#onsideration. (e would never $nowingly hurt you.

This man is more sensitive than you might at first suspe#t- he often laughs at himself,
shrugs off sympathy and gives the impression of being immune to pain. (owever, he is
not only personally sensitive, but transfers this sense of feeling to others' he #an loo$ at
you, and at others, and somehow $now when things are not right. This produ#es a
dissipating effe#t' he tends to wear down, to worry more about others than about himself.
5ne!s first rea#tion, of #ourse, is admiration for this man!s apparent nobility. (owever, if
you are really interested in his welfare, you should en#ourage him to fa#e his own
problems. The 0apri#orn man sometimes see$s an !out!. (e busies himself in helping
others instead of putting his shoulder to the wheel with his own problems. An important
hint is this- let him tal$ about himself and help him to help himself. This will almost
assure you of winning him8

Ta#t is important in dealing with this man. (e may sound brash' he may appear tough %
but when it #omes to women he e*pe#ts them to be ta#tful, loving, tender, and aware of
his parti#ular #harms. The 0apri#orn man #onstantly builds for his future- he may not
always be aware of his struggle for re#ognition, but it is a part of him and you must
re#ognize it if you are to be happy with him.

Ambition is $eynoted here, although he may deny it. (e is not always sure of what he
wants to attain % but he is going somewhere. (aving a su##essful asso#iation with him
means having faith' forget this man if you are loo$ing for ,ui#$ rewards. The relationship
must be rewarding as a whole if it is to mean anything at all. 5n#e you hoo$ up with this
man, you may find yourself hoo$ed for good8

(1$ye Ale*ander)

6eople who have their 1uns in 0apri#orn are usually serious, hard%wor$ing, #autious and
pragmati#. 7ou may have had to assume adult responsibilities or go to wor$ at an early
age' and as a #hild you always seemed mu#h older and more mature than your years.
7our #hildhood may not have been parti#ularly en)oyable, and perhaps you #ouldn!t wait
to grow up. 6eers may have thought you were dull or uptight' and even as an adult you
sometimes find it hard to rela* and have fun. (owever, you age well, be#ome more
#omfortable with yourself after turning forty, and seem to get younger as you grow older.

7ou are #onservative with your time, money and other resour#es, and your philosophy
might be !waste not, want not!. 7ou don!t li$e to do things spontaneously or without
ade,uate planning, and you want your life to be #arefully ordered and #learly defined.
7ou are also li$ely to be #onservative in your politi#al and so#ial attitudes. Traditional
values and stru#tures that have survived the test of time appeal to you most' you don!t
trust people, ideas or produ#ts that haven!t !proved! themselves yet.

The ,uintessential #areer person, you ta$e your )ob very seriously and are never one to
shir$ wor$ or duty. 7ou tend to be something of a wor$aholi#. Ambitious and diligent, you
#limb your way to the top of the #orporate ladder with slow, steady steps. 7ou probably
won!t set the world on fire, and you ma$e your own lu#$. 7our su##ess is based on
#ompeten#e, #ommon sense and perseveran#e' and employers, employees and #lients
$now they #an depend on you.

Though you en)oy being in a position of power, you aren!t fond of the limelight and prefer
to run things from behind the s#enes. 7ou also may be ruthless, uns#rupulous, or
un#on#erned about those you step on as you move upward, adopting an attitude of !the
end )ustifies the means!.

7our publi# image is very important to you, and you see your !role! as the pillar of so#iety.
7ou are the loyal, #ons#ientious and reliable good #itizen, the ba#$bone of your family
and #ommunity, the person who gets things done and holds it all together. 6ra#ti#al and
predi#table, you support the status ,uo and rarely go against ma)ority opinion or
#ommunity standards.

7ou tend to show your best fa#e to the publi#. n private, you are less adept. 7ou are
,uite shy and sensitive, though you try to hide it behind a gruff e*terior. As a result, you
feel more #omfortable with the ordered, deta#hed relationships of the business world
than with more personal ones that #an be unpredi#table and emotionally demanding.
3nless your +oon is in a water sign, you might feel aw$ward and unsure of yourself in
intimate situations. 7our love relationships #an seem more li$e business partnerships or
pra#ti#al arrangements, adn you probably subs#ribe to traditional attitudes when it
#omes to male < female roles. Though highly sensual and se*ual, you aren!t the !playboy!
type, and ta$e your relationships seriously. 7ou also #an be something of a moralist, and
tend to #on#eal your las#iviousness behind a refined, well%#ontrolled, even prim e*terior.

7our greatest gift is the stru#ture, order and stability you provide, parti#ularly in the
publi# and professional spheres. 7our greatest failings usually result from your #oldness,
rigidity and fear of #hange.
Li$e Eirgos, these sub)e#ts #an be too fussy for #omfort, see$ing perfe#tion in all that
they do, being ,ui#$ to #riti#ise other members of the family. 1ome of these sub)e#ts are
dogmati#, opinionated and infle*ible, whi#h ma$es them very hard to live with' while
others #an be too self%absorbed to be true relaters. This self%absorption and attention to
detail may be very hard to live with. 1ome 0apri#orns are ,uite arrogant' and some land
their families in trouble through #roo$ed business deals, but this is not the way most
0apri#orns behave. These people have a gentle manner but a tough #entre. They #an
#ompromise, but they usually end up getting their own way.

As homema$ers, 0apri#orns are really rather good. They li$e to invest their money in
bri#$s and mortar, and they won!t allow a property to fall into disrepair. Being an earth
sign, they need a bit of land around them, and they #an be ,uite $een gardeners, with an
espe#ial pen#hant for growing food. 0apri#ornian homes are #omfortable and well%
e,uipped, but not ne#essarily with the latest gadgetry. They don!t a#tually spend mu#h
time at home, be#ause their wor$ and their many interests $eep them on the go' but they
do li$e something #omfortable and pleasant to #ome ba#$ to. .arth sign people are
usually ,uite de*trous, and many of them are good #oo$s. For e*ample, in our family it is
my 0apri#orn step%father who ba$es the #a$es8

1ome 0apri#orns are very shy and aw$ward with new people' and this tends to lead some
of them to #hoose a partner who is more outgoing than themselves. n su#h #ases, they
don!t feel upstaged when their partner is #hatting away merrily while they sit ,uietly in
the ba#$ground. 5ther 0apri#orns need to shine in their own right, and #hoose partners
who will #omplement them rather than outshine them. +ost of all, these sub)e#ts need a
partner who #an offer them emotional se#urity. 0apri#orns somehow seem to miss out on
their share of love when young, and they need to be able to rely upon this when they get
into a relationship. 0apri#orns are easily embarrassed, and their dignity is as important
to them as it would be to a Leo. This means that they #annot bear the thought of living
with a stupid partner who opens his < her mouth without thin$ing, and a drun$en partner
is absolutely out of the ,uestion. 0apri#orns are ,uite intuitive, generally $nowing when
something is wrong with their loved ones' and they soon learn to trust their intuition.
;enerally spea$ing, as long as they are not hell%bent on a life in politi#s or a grand
position in industry, 0apri#orns ma$e rather good partners.

+ost 0apri#orns are shy, slow to get off the ground with the opposite se*, and definitely
not overtly se*ual. This doesn!t mean that they don!t #are for se*' remember, this is an
earth sign, and all earth signs are sensual. 0apri#orns are not parti#ularly e*perimental
as far as se* is #on#erned, possibly be#ause they suffer from old%fashioned feelings of
guilt, and partly be#ause some of them a#tually fear se*. 5thers are ,uite happy to ma$e
love as long as they are in #harge of the pro#eedings and are in no danger of being fa#ed
with something surprising or, worse still, embarrassing. 1ome 0apri#orns prefer to
remain virgins until well into their thirties, while others give up the whole messy business
as soon as they #an. (aving said this, most 0apri#orns are ,uite happy to ma$e love while
they are in a safe, wholesome relationship with someone whom they #an love and trust.
1ome astrology boo$s give these sub)e#ts a reputation for le#hery, but this doesn!t seem
to be borne out by reality. There are some very flirtatious 0apri#orns who may well have
a soft spot for the opposite se*, but get the distin#t feeling that they use flirtation in
order to either gain attention or #ontrol the people whom they meet so#ially. (aving said
all that, there are some really se*y goats around.

0apri#orns are ideal family people be#ause, although they get on well enough with
#olleagues and a#,uaintan#es, they reserve their real affe#tion for their families, whi#h
in#ludes parents and grandparents as well as their partners and #hildren. Anyone
marrying a 0apri#orn will have to ta$e their fondness for other members of their family
into #onsideration. 0apri#orns need an atmosphere of harmony, and they hate bad feeling
or family feuds. 0apri#orns don!t have many friends, but they do have ,uite a number of
a#,uaintan#es. t is not easy to get to $now these people be#ause they don!t share
#onfiden#es with people whom they $now #asually.

As parents, these sub)e#ts are very loving and a trifle old%fashioned. They are ambitious
on behalf of their #hildren, and they will ma$e every effort to see that they have all the
things that they need. 0apri#orns respe#t authority and will try to tea#h their #hildren to
respe#t their tea#hers, youth leaders and so on. These parents are very $een on
edu#ation, per#eiving it as the way forward for their #hildren.

As a #hild, the 0apri#orn is shy, retiring and la#$ing in #onfiden#e, but he is sensible,
studious and mature for his age. 0apri#orn #hildren #an be ,uite ambitious, with their
goat!s feet in the valley and their eyes on the distant hills. 1u#h a #hild is unli$ely to be a
problem, but he #an be obstinate and distant.

(4ulia and &ere$ 6ar$er)

This is a sign of #ontrasts. There is great potential for su##ess in every 0apri#orn, though
sometimes they refuse to re#ognize it and their outloo$ #an be pessimisti#, so the
potential may remain undeveloped. 5n the one hand, some members of this sign are
ambitious and aspiring, with the energy and will to su##eed in whatever they set
themselves to do' on the other, there are those who may have the desire to do well, but
are hindered by inhibition and la#$ of self%#onfiden#e (sometimes disguised by a feigned

Both types of 0apri#orn are #onvention, and sometimes even slaves to #onvention' they
want always to be seen to do !the right thing!. Both have a splendidly offbeat sense of
humor, vividly #ontrasting with a strong tenden#y to grumble. Both are prudent and
methodi#al. 1ometimes the su##essful 0apri#orn a#hievers suffer a la#$ of self%
#onfiden#e, while the less #onfident and su##essful may snap out of their negativity and
ma$e themselves en)oy life in a remar$able light%hearted way. (The influen#e of +er#ury
may be seen under su#h #ir#umstan#es- when that planet is in 1agittarius, for instan#e.)

5ne of the most endearing #hara#teristi#s is the dour sense of humor already mentioned-
even at their most serious and formal, this #an suddenly erupt. 6atien#e is one of their
virtues, as is insight, but the less self%#onfident may not believe this and should be
persuaded to develop the ability and rely on it in long%term planning. 0onfident, aspiring
0apri#orns are usually very dis#iplined, but again la#$ of self%#onfiden#e #an result in
dis#ipline being thrown to the winds. t is not easy to find lovable, tender traits in a 1un
sign 0apri#orn. Fortunately, this ie only one side of the #hara#ter' other elements in the
full birth #hart will without doubt add warmth to this apparently rather #hilly personality.

0apri#orns abhor starting married life in a garret, and may postpone emotional
#ommitment until they are firmly established in a #areer % perhaps ,uite late in life. They
may then #hoose someone who is a parent figure, or at least #ommands admiration and
respe#t. They #an also marry for money or so#ial status. They have a rather low emotional
level and may find it hard to show their true feelings, espe#ially in intimate relationships.
They should realize this, and a##pet that very often their partners need reassuran#e that
they are still loved, espe#ially if the 0apri#orn is mu#h involved with a #areer and if time
at home is at a premium.

0apri#orn #hildren are very loyal, and need to e*press natural pride in their parents, who
in turn must realizze that these #hildren are highly #onventional, and need a se#ure,
stru#tured and dis#iplined ba#$ground. They also need well%reasoned en#ouragement %
one of the best rewards is e*tra responsibility and po#$et money. Their self%#onfiden#e,
sense of fun and espe#ially their sheer en)oyment of life need #onstant bolstering if they
aren!t to grow too serious and old before their time. t shouldn!t be depressing if the #hild
hovers near the bottom of the #lass as long as steady progress is made' sudden leaps
towards the top are not li$ely. The sense of ambition should always be #ultivated and

0apri#orn parents are eager for their #hildren!s su##ess, but should always remember to
show their love, affe#tion and appre#iation openly % not )ust with impressive presents, but
also by giving the #hildren their time. Ambitious 0apri#orns #an be so involved in their
#areers and in ma$ing money (albeit for the benefit of the family) that they have no time
to en)oy their home lives' and in e*treme #ases % espe#ially if the #hildren went to
boarding s#hool % they will suddenly find themselves sharing a home with adults they
don!t $now very well. The importan#e of moral dis#ipline goes without saying, but
0apri#orn parents #an be over%stri#t and heavy%handed, espe#ially during the teenage
years when #hildren naturally rebel against parental #ontrol. An unbridgeable generation
gap must not be allowed to develop.

"hile members of many zodia# signs find it hard to #ope with responsibility be#ause of
the loneliness that is often involved, self%#onfident 0apri#orns may wel#ome the #han#e
to sit in their own offi#es at their own des$s, $eeping even their #losest #olleagues at a
distan#e. They may of #ourse still have to see$ and ta$e advi#e, but they #an find this
rather ir$some, probably be#ause they feel they should $now everything, and don!t li$e
being reminded otherwise. t is, on#e again, a ,uestion of self%#onfiden#e- they find it
distressing if anything tends to undermine this. not all 0apri#orns may be as auto#rati# as
we suggest, but there is almost always an element of auto#ra#y somewhere in their

The 0apri#orn ladder to su##ess must be steadily #limbed' attempts to s#ale several
rungs at on#e may be disastrous. 5n the other hand, the top of the ladder is always
a#hievable, and they should set their sights at least as high as its topmost rung.

The attitude to money is a #areful one % and, yes, that may be a synonym for meanness8
.arly in their #areers, these people will probably subs#ribe to savings s#hemes' and if
they are free with their money it will often be spent on people who #an help them with
their #areers % entertaining them to dinner, perhaps. Although 0apri#orns are found in all
wal$s of life, of #ourse, many do parti#ularly well in lo#al government, ban$ing and
finan#e, estate management, the building trades, the dental profession and osteopathy.
The self%made businessman is often a 0apri#orn.
The 0apri#orn ability for long%term planning should mean that periods of #hange will be
anti#ipated. Typi#ally, ea#h #hange should result in positive material progress, adding to
the individual!s self%#onfiden#e and positive outloo$. 6rudent saving and investment will
ensure a good standard of living on retirement. These people should have no problems in
filling their well%earned free time with all the a#tivities they have loo$ed forward to
ta#$ling. An earth sign, 0apri#orn persuades its denizens into the garden % or #ertainly
into the fresh air. But this is also a very musi#al sign, and a literary one, so musi# and
boo$s will help to fill the days.

0apri#orns are on the whole very sensible about their diets, re#ognizing the drawba#$s of
self%indulgen#e, but they should perhaps wat#h their #al#ium levels. 6erhaps the most
important advi#e one #an give them is to $eep moving, for many spend long hours behind
a des$ and #an easily develop stiffness in the )oints, leading to arthriti# #onditions. They
must ta$e parti#ular #are of their $nee%)oints (this is the 0apri#orn body area). Teeth and
s$in are also #on#erns of this sign and need spe#ial #are. 9ather li$e their partners
a#ross the zodia#, the 0an#erians, they should be very #areful of their s$in when in
strong sunlight' a high%grade sun%s#reen filter should always be used when sun%bathing.

(Fran#es 1a$oian and Louis A#$er)

1in#e they were born under an .arth sign, 0apri#orns will never be #ontent merely to
$eep body and soul together. They have a persistent feeling that they must develop into
something. They must have some a##omplishment to point to, some property to loo$
after, or some obligation to fulfill, whi#h may be in business, politi#s, or the so#ial or
intelle#tual fields.

They have e*#ellent intuitions and use them in their struggle to a#hieve personal
independen#e and e#onomi# se#urity. Li$e their symbol, the mountain goat, they are
steady and surefooted. They love law and order, and are dogmati# in their view that a
rule is a rule and an order is an order. 1n#e they are of the element .arth, everything
has to be sensible.

0apri#orns have a $nowledge of pra#ti#al affairs, not through formal study so mu#h as
from reading arti#les and tal$ing to people. Their prudent habits predispose them to
utilize everything they see, hear, or learn' but they are not students per se. The $ey
phrase for 0apri#orn is ! use!.

0apri#orns are never deterred by things that stand in the way of their #limb to the top.
Their e*treme #apa#ity for hard wor$ is lin$ed with their notion that su##ess means
material se#urity' and they will wor$ and plan for it. They feel, however, that the world
has to give them something in return for what they have #ontributed.

They have great faith in their own power, and they are worldly and #areful. As$ing for no
mer#y from anyone, they drive a hard, but not un)ust, bargain. They are e*tremely apt in
finding solutions to the most diffi#ult problems, and are very su##essful as

They are neat and methodi#al in their wor$, and tend to be slavedrivers at home. Their
household, they feel, should be managed with pre#ision, with everything in perfe#t
wor$ing order.

0apri#orns are e*#ellent e*e#utives, and remain in subordinate roles for a short time
only. They may appear to be mee$ as lambs, but they #an ta$e the boss!s pla#e without
snapping a finger if the opportunity arises. They never voluntarily step ba#$ward. They
move up by alternating se#urity and ambition as their goals.

They desire money, be#ause theirs is a long%lived sign. They fear being dependent on
others when they are old. This need for se#urity may #ause them to have frugal instin#ts,
whi#h ma$e them stingy and at times greedy.

They are old when they are young and young when they are old. As a #hild the 0apri#orn
may have had diffi#ulties with health, but on#e he passes the early years he #an live to a
ripe old age.

1aturn rules 0apri#orn, and the natives has a tenden#y to be malan#holi# and, at times,
lonely. 5##asionally, they behave on the prin#iple that the world is a pla#e in whi#h every
man is for himself. 7et they have sensitive personalities and want very mu#h to be

(Lyn Birbe#$)

7ou have a dutiful, though potentially #al#ulating, heart. 7ou have the will to use
#onstru#tively your sense of order % without it #rystallizing into rigidity. 7our life should
be led in a spirit of obedien#e to responsibility % as opposed to merely being a wor$horse.
7our father is seen or e*pressed as one who is thorough and ob)e#tive, and < or #old and

7ou generate an aura of worldiness that offers 5ther a means of be#oming more aware
and stronger with regard to material values. 7ou #onvey a sense of matters being under
#ontrol, borne of your pra#ti#al attitude and tried and true values. 7ou have an air of
seriousness that bespea$s dependability and single%mindedness.

7ou #an alienate 5ther with the stress you pla#e upon form and position, espe#ially when
you try to pretend otherwise' with your relu#tan#e to entertain a #on#ept or innovation
(that threatens your present reality) long enough for it to be#ome a new reality' and with
a heaviness borne of a need to #ontol.

7ou overemphasize the importan#e of having a ,uantifiable result and a logi#al reason for
everything' stri#tness and e#onomy, for fear of anything emerging that is wild, original,
or, at least, not of your own ma$ing' and your need to be top dog, or underdog by way of
#ompensation, be#ause being so $eeps 5ther where you want him < her.

7ou #an feel wea$ when you have not got a plan, s#hedule or e*planation for everything,
while 5ther has probably survived ,uite well without' be#ause you feel me#hani#al and
dull as a result of not dippig into the un$nown' and if you have a partner who is
apparently beneath you or above you, or have no partner at all (there being no ta$ers).

"hen you are alone, it is often so even when there is an 5ther in your life. 0apri#orn
li$es to have the trappings of normality and su##ess, and so will invariably have a partner
and < or family, et#., but how you a#tually feel on the inside #an be a very different
matter. 7ou have a relatively sombre interior (hen#e the sense of aloneness, whoever you
are with), and this needs the light and warmth of a spirited and #hildli$e personality to
$eep the melan#holia at bay. 7our dilemma is that this is pre#isely the $ind of personality
that you tend not to trust and try to #ontrol. n your boo$, su#h free spirits are loose
#annons, even though they are fun at first or at a distan#e. And so you are in#lined to
banish the very !prison visitor! you li$e to see the most. f you do not realize this pattern
sooner rather than later, your shaft of sunlight will either go behind a #loud for good, or
he < she will find someone more appre#iative. f you are a#tually alone, as far as the
pla#ement of your 1un is #on#erned it will be for this very reason.

(;rant Lewi)

1elf%preservation aggressively #arried into ambition and aspiration is the $ey to
0apri#orn a#tivity. :ot #ontent with $eeping body and soul together, 0apri#orn must
amount to something, must have some a##omplishment to point to, some property to ta$e
#are of, some obligation to fulfill. (is mind is subtly balan#ed between defen#e and
atta#$' he will rarely ris$ either, but will pyramid his life by stepping from one to the
other. 1in#e he will never voluntarily step ba#$ward, he first shoves his se#urity a little
above his ambition, and then his ambition a little ahead of his se#urity, till finally he is top
of the heap and has ta$en no ris$s at all. (e is worldly and #areful' selfish, but #apable of
great devotion if he thin$s it is merited' a sti#$ler for the proprieties. (e drives a hard
bargain, but not an un)ust one, and he as$s for no mer#y from anyone. (e has plenty of
suspi#ion, and figures that anyone who #an !put one over! on him has earned what he
gets. :ot the most ardent of signs in personal relations, 0apri#orn!s love is still a mu#h%
to%be%desired thing, stable and steady, able to put up with a good deal for the sa$e of
loyalty if not indeed for affe#tion. (e will rarely marry beneath his station, and fre,uently
marries above it. (e understands, PThou shouldst marry for love, but thou #anst )ust as
well love where there is moneyP. (e is an e*#ellent e*e#utive and will not long remain
subordinate. (e rules by instin#t, adn sometimes ma$es those he rules ,uite angry. (e
has little interest in seeing their point of view or answering their ,uestions, and believes
that Porders is orders- he too$ !em on#e, and now it!s someone else!s turnP. "hen the
main #han#e re,uires it, 0apri#orn #an be mild and mee$ as a lamb' but he!ll
#ommandeer the foreman!s )ob if he gets a #han#e. 5n#e arrived, however, he #an be
lavishly #haritable. (e loves the sense of importan#e it gives him, the feeling that he has
made the world give to him, and now he #an afford to give something ba#$ to it.
3nderlying all his virtues and faults is the primary instin#t to vindi#ate himself with
power' to preserve himself materially in the highest stru#ture he #an build' and if some
affli#tion in the Eitasphere doesn!t undermine his )udgement (whi#h it often does) and
#ause him to overplay his hand at some #riti#al point, he generally emerges with the
world or some #onsiderable portion of it at his feet.

(4ohn Townley)

7ou are a very steady and reliable partner in a love relationship. "hen you ma$e a
#ommitment, you intend to sti#$ by it. But you don!t #ommit yourself hastily' in fa#t, a
potential lover has to persuade you that you!re ready to be involved.

"hen you are, you want your lover to live up to all of your e*pe#tations, )ust as you are
willing to give #ompletely of yourself. 7ou are not a very easygoing partner, for you are
,uite demanding of others as well as of yourself. :ot everyone is as #onsistent or strong
as you are, however, so try to ta$e human foibles and wea$nesses into a##ount before
)udging your partner.

n fa#t, for long%term happiness, it would be good to see$ a lover whose style and
personality are ,uite different from yours, who will #ontinually in)e#t freshness and
originality into the relationship. 7ou may serve as a stabilizing fa#tor and emotional home
base for su#h a partner. And while you are the steadying influen#e, your lover may be
able to draw you out and allow you greater emotional e*pression within the relationship.
(4ohn Townley) (#ontd.)

7ou tend to hold in feelings that you would li$e to #ommuni#ate, so you need a fluid and
sensitive #ompanion who #an e*plore the depths of your personality without treading on
sensitive areas that you are not yet ready to share. &espite your inner vulnerability, you
must remain master of your feelings in order to artfully s#ulpt the relationship.

(9obert (and)

n youth, you are mu#h more serious than others your age. .ven adults noti#e that you
a#t older than you are. After a while they may e*pe#t this of you and as$ you to ta$e on
respeonsibilities beyond what is re,uired of other young people. 7ou have two $inds of
feelings about this. 5n the one hand, you li$e being ta$en seriously and en)oy having
repsonsibility' but on the other hand you see that other young people aren!t saddles
withsu#h responsibilities, and you tend to envy them. 7ou feel that everyone should wor$
to get what they want, and it annoys you when others get something they don!t deserve.

7ou may develop a rather odd and unusual sense of humor. Through )o$es and humor,
you show that you re#ognize the seriousness of life, but you also es#ape from its
overwhelming effe#ts. 5ften your )o$es are aimed at yourself.

"hen you grow up, you want to be important and a#hieve something real that everyone
#an point to as yours. 7ou are ambitious in everything you do, and will wor$ very hard to
e*#el over others. But you will not ta$e #redit for anything that you have not done
yourself, to ma$e sure that all your a#hievements are real.

7ou are very pra#ti#al, and always as$ what good something is. n s#hool you do best at
studies that obviously have some pra#ti#al appli#ation. 7ou are very #on#erned with what
is real and what is not, and are less interested in fantasy and pretending than others.
"hatever is not real has little value for you.

(+ar#ia +oore and +ar$ &ouglas)

/eynote- The power of individuality manifests through organizational ability.
1ymbol- A mountain #limber plants a flag upon a ro#$y summit.

0apri#orn represents the triumph of 1aturn!s dis#ipline of thrift, industry, and
perseveran#e. Time, that mysterious poten#y whi#h 6ythagoras #alled !the soul of the
universe!, is #onverted into material a##omplishment through the orderly pro#ess of
evolution. The 0apri#ornian is gifted with a spe#ial understanding of time. (e $nows
intuitively that the mills of ;od grind slowly, but they grind e*#eedingly fine, and he will
wait patiently to re#eive his rightful reward. :atives of this sign rarely s#ramble up the
ladder of su##ess. nstead, they deliberately and painsta$ingly shape the #onditions that
ma$e su##ess inevitable.

1aturn, whi#h is in its fall in Aries, the sign of beginnings, does not #ome into its own
until its e*altation in Libra, the sign whi#h introdu#es that latter half of the zodia#.
1imilarly, 0apri#ornians often get off to a slow start in life but gain momentum as they
mature, while more pre#o#ious people fall by the wayside. These #hildren of 1aturn may
be shy and deli#ate in their early years, but they toughen with age and are most vigorous
in later life. They seldom grow fat or lazy, and never #ease to wor$ if they #an help it.
ngrained habits of pruden#e and self%dis#ipline serve them well when at last they retire
and en)oy the fruits of their labors.

0apri#ornians #an wait for what they want be#ause they are so engrossed in #arrying out
their duties that time passes ,ui#$ly. 1ome members of this sign seem never to have been
young. They are liable to moods of depression' but their somber outloo$ binds them all
the more #ompulsively to their obligations. 3nder adversity, when other types fall to
pie#es, 0apri#ornians fall ba#$ on organized wor$ habits, thereby weathering the #risis.
They may appear dour, but be#ause they #ope #ompetently with small troubles they
seldom brea$ down when largeer ones loom up. Fortunately, many 0apri#ornians have an
astringent sense of humor whi#h leavens their basi# gravity.

n return for diligent appli#ation to their tas$s, 0apri#orn people reap the reward of
$nowing how to en)oy the pleasures of the senses. +en of this sign will #arry on love
affairs in old age, even when they have denied themselves in their youth. Although #ool
and #al#ulating in many respe#ts, they have a reputation for being the most highly se*ed
members of the zodia#. 1ome are )ustifiably #alled !old goats!.

0apri#ornians are astute in business. They also have an affinity for the physi#al s#ien#es
and ma$e admirable do#tors, lawyers, and )udges. They are natural organizers who may
be e*a#ting in their re,uirements, but who are usually respe#ted for their re#titude.
Although ,ui#$ to seize an advantage, they are seldom dishonest. Their authoritarian
ways may drive others to violen#e, rebellion, or neurosis' but usually they themselves feel
)ustified in what they are doing. 0apri#ornian abuses arise from blindly adhering to the
status ,uo and rigorously upholding #onventions that have outlived their usefulness.
These people feel that the greatest good is that whi#h maintains the integrity of the so#ial
order, and if refra#tory elements do not #onform to the mold, so mu#h the worse for

n their religious beliefs, 0apri#ornians tend to be orthodo* or to gravitate toward the
#onservative side of whatever faith they have embra#ed. They have little use for dreams
and visions, and prefer their own solidly grounded, servi#eable stru#tures to #astles in
the air. (owever, they may want others to abide within the rigis and somewhat narrow
walls of their ideologi#al #onstru#ts, and #an be morosely resentful or harshly retaliatory
when their insisten#e upon #onformity provo$es insubordination.

:evertheless, it is fortunate for #ivilization that its #ohesiveness #an be maintained by
#autious 0apri#ornians who ta$e life seriously, maintain standards of ,uality in the wor$
for whi#h they are responsible, and uphold prin#iples of law and order. Their reliable
ways may sometimes seem dull or uninspired, but they would be sorely missed if they
were not wor$ing diligently to #ement the disparate elements of so#iety.

(sabel (i#$ey)

The 1un in 0apri#orn represents !the mountain goat, #limbing toward the heights,
solitary and alone!. /eyword- ! use!. 9ules the bones, the s$in and the $nees in the
physi#al body.

0apri#orn is the natural ruler of the tenth house, the amplifier of what the person attains,
or does not attain, in prestige, honor and su##ess before the publi#. 0apri#orn is a
!testing! sign' and the tenth house is of deep signifi#an#e to the soul on its )ourney to the
highlands of spirit. 0apri#orn is symbolized by the mountain goat, solitary and alone, who
#limbs to the heights with patient persisten#e. (e fa#es #al#ulated ris$s in that #limb, but
nothing is going to stop him before he attains his ob)e#tives. s it any wonder that
0apri#orn rules big business2

0apri#orn people #an e*emplify the highest or the lowest ,ualities of whi#h human
nature is #apable. They are #apable of great strength and have a strong sense of purpose.
(ow they use that strength and what that purpose will be is of utmost importan#e.
.*pedien#y is a 0apri#orn $eynote. !(ow #an use this2! differs from !(ow #an this be of
use to others2! These attitudes show the differen#e between the unevolved and the
evolved soul born in 0apri#orn.

"here Leo rules by the divine right of $ings, 0apri#orn rules by delegated authority. The
0apri#orn!s strength lies in leadership and in humility. Too often their wea$nesses lead to
false pride and to the assuran#e that they are the only ones who $now what is good for
the other fellow. +aterialism is very strong in the people of 0apri#on. +oney is e*tremely
important to them, not for the money itself but for the power it wields in the outer world.

9espe#t and reward have to be earned in the sign of 0apri#orn. ;reat wealth or power
entails great responsibilities. 1ome of the robber%barons that too$ advantage of the
laborers at the turn of the #entury found this out. They tried to right the wrongs they had
done, and gave a great deal of their finan#es toward humanitarian #auses, but their dues
had to be paid. They were paid through the instrument that hte 0apri#orn values most %
the body. ;ood health was the one thing their money #ould not buy. 1aturn, the ruler of
0apri#orn, $eeps a perfe#t set of boo$s. "e might brea$ legal laws, but we #an!t brea$
#osmi# laws. .verything in this universe goes ba#$ to its sour#e. .verything we do, good
or ill, returns to us. This is the Law. 1ooner or later, every one of us gets what he
deserves, no more and no less.

The positive ,ualities of the 0apri#orn people are leadership, patien#e, persisten#e,
effi#ien#y and pra#ti#ality. They are ambitious and willing to wor$ and to wor$ hard for
what they want. There is strength and integrity in the higher%type 0apri#orns. They are
dependable and #onfident, and give #onfiden#e to others.

Tradition, home, mother, the past (often e*emplified through their love of anti,ues)'
these are important to the people of 0apri#orn. The 0apri#orn male #lings to mother even
after marriage. "hile mother lives, she is at the hub of his life. This #an lead to
#ompli#ations in marriage. Too often 0apri#orns are mu#h ni#er to people out on the
world than they are to their own family. 1o many times they have been a##used of being a
!street angel and house devil!. Too often this #an be true. They are the dis#iplinarians. !&o
it be#ause say so.! This is be#ause they do not understand the other fellow!s feelings.

0apri#orns are a##used of being #old and insuffi#iently #on#erned about those #lose to
them. This is true if 1aturn or the 1un has affli#tions in the #hart. Then they are apt to
want their own way regardless of the other person!s feelings. They may not #onsider the
fa#t that every individual has the right to his own feelings and his own freedom. The
antidote for an affli#ted 1aturn is Eenus. Love is the healing for#e that dissolves
arrogan#e and selfishness.

(+yrna Lofthus)

0apri#orn people are happiest in #areers #alling for organizing ability, integrity, and
perseveran#e. 1ome of the #areers are mathemati#ian, #ivil servant, osteopath, politi#ian,
publi# administrator, government servi#e, a##ountant, a#tors, tea#hers, and astrologers.

Five positive $ey words are- ambitious, responsible, pra#ti#al, effi#ient, and patient. Five
negative $eywords are- worry, retaliation, suspi#ion, stubbornness, and intoleran#e. The
$ey phrase is ! use!. The $ey word is !attainment!. Their basi# nature is !the organizer,
businessman, or #onservationist!.

Be#ause of their ,uiet e*terior, 0apri#orns appear to be loners. This trait is similar to the
mountain goat who stands ,uietly upon his lofty per#h, surveying the world far below.
The goat appears to be totally unaware of the winds howling around him. But he is not
really unaware of the winds' merely impervious to them. Li$e the goat, 0apri#orns have
built a wall around their innermost being, so that they, too, are impervious to the
buffeting winds. But the wall the 0apri#orns have built is sometimes not strong enough to
$eep the howling winds from penetrating. Then worries and pessimism flood their being.

For all their ,uiet e*terior, they en)oy the limelight. This is why many 0apri#orns are
attra#ted to politi#s and a#ting #areers.

Their strong desire to su##eed at whatever they do enables them to be hard%wor$ing and
patient in the pursuit of their goals. f ne#essary they will bear #onsiderable hardship in
obtaining these goals. Their inferiority #omple* demands they produ#e #on#rete results
from their endeavors. Thus, their spare time is spent on pra#ti#al pro)e#ts.

0apri#orns want to see all sides of an issue before rea#hing a #on#lusion. They li$e to
plan in advan#e, weighing all the pros and #ons. &e#isions are never made rapidly. They
rarely ma$e mista$es. "hen they do, it is diffi#ult for them to see where they went
wrong, sin#e they had #arefully planned everything prior to starting the pro)e#t.

They are dependable, parti#ularly in a #risis. "hen as$ed, they give sound, pra#ti#al

They are, as a rule, not aggressive people, but only e*press hostility as a defen#e when
atta#$ed. Their sensitivity #auses them to be deeply hurt from these atta#$s. "hen the
earth is dug up, it ta$es time for it to flatten out and be#ome smooth again. 1o it is with a
0apri#orn, when he is battered in any way. t ta$es a long time for the wound to heal.
Be#ause of this, they sometimes see$ to pay ba#$ hurts.

They need people, but have a tenden#y to isolate themselves from people due to their
reserve and fear of being hurt. :evertheless, they never really li$e to be alone. They are
very selevtive in #hoosing their friends, with only a few intimate ones. These friends
re#eive unswerving loyalty.

They are #onservative in their thin$ing and attitudes, as well as in dress and so#ial
mannerisms. They believe in law and order, and respe#t tradition. t is unusual for them
to adopt radi#al ideas. They are seldom dishonest.

Their fear of being without ne#essitates their having a regular in#ome. Their attainments
in life are a##omplished through steady progress rather than through spe#ulation or get%
ri#h%,ui#$ s#hemes.

They are natural organizers and have good leadership ability, whi#h they #an use to good
advantage. They have a desire for re#ognition. Be#ause of this, they find it diffi#ult to do
good deeds in se#ret, sin#e they feel that their good deeds should re#eive some typ eof

They have strong self%dis#ipline and nothing will sway them from their #ourse if their
mind is made up. They will give up many en)oyments in order to rea#h their goal. (ard
wor$ invigorates them. But, they must not overdo, or they will suffer physi#al e*haustion.

They are ambitious. (owever, they do not feel a need to $eep up with the people ne*t
door. 1u##ess is usually a#hieved later in life.

They are thrify and li$e to #olle#t things, but this is not a miserly tenden#y. They abhor
waste, whi#h #auses them to see the possibilities of using the ob)e#ts later. 6eriodi#ally,
the ob)e#ts are dis#arded, if no pra#ti#al use has been found for them.

They are ,uite #reative, but #an be very pessimisti# and negative about their abilities.
They must learn to believe in themselves and to develop optimism.

0apri#orns seldom waste time tal$ing needlessly. They spea$ only when they have
something to say. +any people are ,uite surprised to dis#over that 0apri#orns have a dry
sense of humor.

The thought patterns of their mind are rational and #onstru#tive. 3nless other things in
their natal #hart mitigate this, most 0apri#orns do not grasp ideas rapidly, but must plod
along, slowly absorbing $nowledge. (owever, this attribute assures them of the
retainment of everything they learn.

They #an be troubled with arthritis of the bones and )oints. Be#ause of this, they should
eat properly, ta$e vitamins, and engage in some form of physi#al e*er#ise every day.
0al#ium and Eitamin 0 are e*tremely important supplements.

0apri#orns have a lot of patien#e. This is fortunate, for they are for#ed to see many of
their aimes meet with delays, setba#$s, and obsta#les. The stoi#ism of the 0apri#orns
helps them fa#e these ob)e#tively. f one path is blo#$ed, they will try another. They $now
intuitively that wor$ is therapeuti#. This trait develops their strength of #hara#ter. And
yet, at times, the obsta#les will produ#e pessimism' and some of them wil #ease trying for
fear of failing. .n#ouragement and praise are essential in motivating a 0apri#orn to

They are thoughtful, self%#ontained people. They may not have the personal magnetism of
some of the other zodia# signs, but they are ta#tful, #ompassionate, and warmhearted.
Their own personal sufferings help them identify with the sufferings of others.

The reason for so mu#h personal suffering in their lives is so that 0apri#orns will see$
spiritual attainment rather than personal attainment. The mountaintop the goat #limbs
represents soul growth rather than personal growth. 5n#e a 0apri#on is made aware of
this, setba#$s and obsta#les diminish.

n love, they are as romanti# and emotional as anyone else, but they may feel inhibited in
e*pressing their emotions. They are #autious in ma$ing a total #ommitment, until they
$now that the traits and lifestyle of the possible partner are #ompatible with theirs. 5n#e
married, they seldom divor#e, for they feel that any situation #an be wor$ed out.

0apri#orns are family%oriented, and en)oy their #hildren. They must wat#h a tenden#y to
want to dominate their #hildren. 1in#e it is easy for them to get sidetra#$ed in their own
wor$ or pro)e#ts, they must ma$e a #ons#ious effort to bring fun into their #hildren!s
lives. t would help a 0apri#orn to set aside a #ertain time ea#h day to do something with
their #hildren. 5therwise, time will elapse without their being aware of it. The #hildren
#an learn mu#h from a 0apri#orn parent be#ause of their parent!s responsibility and from
their dry sense of humor whi#h ma$es life appear amusing. A 0apri#orn woman en)oys
wor$ing but should, if possible, avoid going ba#$ to wor$ until the #hild is in s#hool.

0apri#orn #hildren benefit from beign introdu#ed to a variety of e*perien#es. They should
be praised for effort rather than for a#hievement. n time, their a#hievements will be
great, if not greater, than their efforts. Allow them to a##ept responsibilities early. They
generally loo$ older than they are. (n later life, they get younger%loo$ing.) Be#ause they
appear to be very wise for their age, it is easy for their parents to unburden their troubles
to them. This #auses the #hild to lose his < her own small amount of optimism, sin#e he <
she is not old enough to help the parent solve the problem.

Natal Sun in Aquarius

(Betty Lundsted)

A,uarian #hildren #ome into a very impersonal household. The father runs the show and
instills in his #hild the philosophi#al basis for life. The father is interested in the unusual
and the unorthodo*, and may have what the neighbors thin$ are strange or odd
involvements politi#ally or philosophi#ally. (e lives in his mind and is often ,uite distant
from the #hild. A,uarian #hildren want approval and a##eptan#e from their father, so
they grow up to pursue the world of !the idea! even more thoroughly than the rest of the
Air signs. For some reason, A,uarians don!t fit into the e*pe#tations of the family or the
environment, and they grow up feeling there is some mysterious plasti# wall between
them and the rest of the neighborhood. This instills a feeling of loneliness, #ausing them
to spend a great deal of time as adults loo$ing for groups they #an )oin in order to a#hieve
a sense of belonging somewhere. (owever, bea#use so many years pass without the
!belonging! e*perien#e, A,uarians tend to ,uestion everything % every tradition, every
group moral % and seldom stay involved very long with any one idea. This separation frmo
other #hildren (A,uarians #an be alone in a #rowd) serves to give them impetus to
develop their minds more than other #hildren, so the A,uarian types #an be infinitely
#reative. Be#ause the #hild doesn!t fit in, the adult doesnt! fit in either. A,uarians end up
being the s,uare beg in the round hole as far as so#iety is #on#erned. The !misfit!
#omple* has benefits however- innovations and inventions are #reated by those who hear
the beat of a different drummer.

A,uarians bring new #on#epts to everything they tou#h. They ma$e innovations in so#ial
wor$, spirituality, humanitarian areas and the s#ientifi# world. They ta$e the traditional
ideas that 0apri#orn presents, and bring them into new perspe#tives. This #reative ability
doesn!t always ma$e them popular, and #an even #ompound the A,uarians! diffi#ulty in
fitting in with the group. :atural talents or abilities are seldom re#ognized when
attention is fo#used on what is la#$ing- the A,uarian fo#us is on belonging somewhere
when it should be on the #reative pro#ess.

A,uarians are raised in an impersonal atmosphere % one of ideas, intelle#t and words. Life
situations are handled by their parents with rationality. A,uarian #hildren don!t see
anyone rea#ting in an intense and personal way. t is diffi#ult for them to develop the
personal side of relationships be#ause they have so little e*perien#e from the #hildhood
environment to guide them. "hen personal problems arise, they tend to be solved with
theories and ideas, whi#h is more appropriate for dealing with #on#epts than with people.
Although A,uarians #an be so#ial innovators in theory, it be#omes hard to put theory into
pra#ti#e in personal relationships' they feel more #omfortable in groups than in one%to%
one situations.

The A,uarian woman is interested in following in her father!s footsteps. Li$e her other
positive sign sisters, she wants to be $nown as a #areer woman. 1he!s unsure of herself
se*ually for her mother doesn!t present a se*ually feminine image. 1in#e her father is
$nown for his un#onventional stands, she want to be $nown for hers % therefore, she will
pursue anything that seems different or unusual. 1he remains unsure of herslef as a
woman, for when #on#entration is on mental abilities, the physi#al side remains
unfamiliar. 1he may want to reassure herself that she is a woman, but she gets nervous
when too mu#h attention is paid to her body. The dilemma #on#erns whi#h dire#tion to
follow, the intelle#t or the emotions, and she va#illates ba#$ and forth. "hen she!s feeling
emotionally inse#ure, she #an be#ome what is #ommonly #alled promis#uous. But she
isn!t promis#uous at heart % she!s only sear#hing for her identity. As she gains a sense of
identity, or if she gets hurt enough, she!ll stop. 1he has to learn that self%assuran#e #omes
from within and #an!t be gained through approval from others.

The A,uarian male has trouble settling into a relationship be#ause he, as well as the
A,uarian felame, has a strong need for so#ial intera#tion and intelle#tually stimulating
relationships. 1in#e he also ,uestions his se*uality, he may e*periment with se* for a
while until he figures out whi#h dire#tion he wants to move in. +ost of his problems in
relationships stem from the fa#t that he is too impersonal. (e doesn!t $now how to give
personal reassuran#es or the emotional responses ne#essary to his partner. (e needs to
learn how to operate in a personal relationship. (e doesn!t $now what is e*pe#ted of him.

"hen he was a #hild, his mother often prote#ted him against the violen#e (either mental
or physi#al) of his father. 0onse,uently, the A,uarian male is #hary of a##epting help
from a woman. (is mother as$s that he never forget her and that she helped him, and
he!s afraid all women will re,uire the same #ommitment. (e #an be an interesting and
diverse partner if his need for freedom is understood.

((aydn 6aul)

The A,uarian personality displays a tenden#y towards humanitarian servi#e designed to
benefit others. 7ou are li$ely to be friendly and so#iable with a large #ir#le of friends and
a#,uaintan#es, although you also have an impersonal attitude towards them. 7ou are
sin#ere, or at least you thin$ you are, and usually have ,uite distin#t li$es and disli$es in

7our mental outloo$ tends to be dispassionate, based on logi# and reason, dealing well
with fa#ts' and you have a good retentive memory. 7ou prefer your attention to be
dire#ted towards intelle#tually appealing topi#s. 7our mind is very fertile, imaginative
and ,ui#$%thin$ing' but you may need to stop sometimes and #onsider before spea$ing, as
you #an #reate problems by spea$ing out first without giving due thought to #ontent or
effe#t. 7ou may be interested in artisti# e*pression, and #an display some ability, too.

7ou are often motivated by strong ideals, whi#h you try to use as a guiding for#e in your
life. 7ou believe in the values of a #o%operative approa#h to life, but this #an #lash with
your need for personal freedom. 7ou often for#efully pro)e#t your ideas and thoughts' and
idealisti# or pra#ti#al disagreements with others #an brea$ down attempts at #o%
operation. 6ositively though, you are #apable of applying great energy towards furthering
any #ause that you believe in, and are li$ely to tend towards unorthodo*y and
un#onventional behaviour, attitudes and ideas' sometimes you #an be unpredi#table,
e##entri#, and attra#ted to anything unusual, at least through #uriosity. There #an be a
#onfli#t within you of introversion or e*troversion, where a part of you wishes to be ,uiet
and unobtrusive, and another aspe#t wants to be a #entre of attention and a dramati#
fo#al point.

7ou #an be impra#ti#al with possessions, and may need to learn how to deal with money
more effi#iently, as well ad)usting any atta#hment to material possessions and the values
given to them.

7ou usually overflow with ideas and tal$ about them at length, but there #an be problems
in appli#ation and seeing pro)e#ts through' it is the mental world of ideas that fas#inates
and stimulates you, and you often lose interest when time #omes for pra#ti#al appli#ation.
f you allow it, you #an be#ome obsessed and immersed in wor$, ta$ing it very seriously,
and this often leads to worry and nervous problems.

7ou do not fall deeply in love easily or often, as your mind remains deta#hed from your
emotions' when you do, however, you might have diffi#ulty #oming to terms with your
emotional power and intensity. ;enerally you su##eed in $eeping emotions away from
many aspe#ts of your life, believing that they distort the )oys of the intelle#t. 7ou may be
late settling down with a partner, and need to #hoose wisely by see$ing an intelle#tually
#ompatible personality. 7ou wish to retain independen#e and do not li$e being di#tated to
or dominated.

This e*tends to #ommon A,uarian beliefs in universal )usti#e, pea#e, e,uality, and radi#al
#hange of anything that leads to suffering for humanity. 7our views are strongly
e*pressed, and radi#al enough if you persist in them to disrupt groups or upset people.
7ou may need to avoid a tenden#y to ma$e !spee#hes! #alling for progress, liberation et#.,
and yet, when the time #omes for a#tion, being engaged elsewhere. 7ou #ould be a
visionary, but will need to learn the values of persisten#e and a#tion to ma$e those
dreams a reality. 6restige and a#hievement is important for you, but be #areful not to get
a mentally inflated self%image if it does o##ur.

(4an 1piller and /aren +#0oy)

1un in A,uarius individuals feel they have the right to be different and uni,ues' to be
impersonal and ob)e#tive in their sear#h for individuality' to intelle#tualize the
sensitivities of others.


7our attention might fo#us on wanting others to refle#t a publi# a#$nowledgement of the
A,uarius uni,ueness. This fo#us may lead to behaving in ways that do not a#tually
#ontribute to the group or to individuals but merely serve as ego enhan#ement. 7ou
might want to be re#ognized as #o%operative and fair, yet feel defensive about losing your
identiy in relationships. This may lead to responding in ways that are errati# and
disruptive to others, and #an result in alienating them.

f, under the preten#e of ob)e#tivity, you try to impress others with the A,uarius #ertainty
of $nowledge, you may develop deta#hment and insensitivity to individuals as well as the
group. This might result in a lowering of vitality if you be#ome un#ertain of your own
wisdom in interplay with others.


"hen you fo#us on inspiring others, you may realize that your $nowledge is less
important than the individuality of other people. By allowing others to e*press their point
of view, you #an e*pand the fa#ets of your intelligen#e. Then you #an share appropriate
$nowledge that #ontributes to the situation for mutual inspiration. "hen you use your
ob)e#tivity within the framewor$ of other people!s sensitivity, your uni,ue talents are

Awareness of the power of your identity and natural independen#e allows you to share
insights in a balan#ed way. This revitalizes you and the relationship. 7ou #an re#ognize
the power and the willfulness of the free #hild within yourself. This gives you the #larity
to handle relationships with a sense of humor and perspe#tive, to relate pea#efully.

7ou possess the ability to view any situation ob)e#tively. Thus, you #an inspire, enhan#e,
and lead group a#tivities without giving an impression of dominan#e. 7ou have a soothing
ability to ta$e the vote or get the data effortlessly. This automati#ally leads to the #o%
operation of others, sin#e they feel in#luded in the government of the group.
A,uarius females

7ou #an lead a horse to water, but.... 1o the saying goes, and it most #ertainly applies to
an A,uarius woman. This lady #an be as fi*ed and determined as any person you!ve ever
met, but you #an win her if you follow these hints-

=. 1in#e she is idealisti# and airy in temperament, ta$e her bluster and show of
pugna#iousness with a grain of salt. 1mile at her' ma$e her realize that, no matter what
she thin$s, you are her friend. 1he appre#iates and understands friendship, perhaps
above all else.

D. Let her $now she is not the only person with 3ranian interests. Tell her about a few of
your own, in#luding astrology8 Let her $now that you are on her side when it #omes to
bu#$ing tradition and #aring for the underdog.

A. This might be the most important hint of all- be #harming and imaginative in
entertainment plans' remember, she lives in a world where dreams #an % and often do %
#ome true. f you are drab in manner, in entertaining, in presenting your ideas and
ambitions, she is li$tly to thin$ you a fool % or worse, a bore. 1he is a stimulus in the
manner that #old, bubbly wine is % and before you $now it she!ll go to your head8

This woman does li$e to have her own way. "hen she is right, let her. But when you feel
she is in error, fight her every in#h of the way8 1he en)oys a good fight' it has a toni#
effe#t on her, and she will loo$ at you with new respe#t. 1he!ll lead you in #ir#les if she
#an get away with it. Tell her where you stand, what it is you want and e*pe#t of her, and
you will be on the way toward a happy, fruitful relationship. 1he loves the unusual. 1he
wants you to be daring, dashing. Admittedly, this #an be tiring' but the lady is worth it8

An A,uarius woman #an bring out the best in you. (er own poise, mental and physi#al,
#an be an inspiration. t #an also be damned irritating8 That!s part of the inspiration-
being inspired to thin$ of ways to sha$e her up.

n all, the A,uarius woman is loyal, is a wonderful person to ta$e your problems to, and is
able to help you to help yourself. There are li$ely to be very few dull moments with her.
(er intuition is developed to a fine hone' she #an usually sense what the future holds.

A,uarius males

1ometimes this man!s mind is so mu#h on the future that he tends to overloo$ the present
#ompletely8 +a$e sure he doesn!t forget you. Let him be aware of your presen#e. +a$e
yourself a part of his plans, for he is #onstantly planning, dreaming, inventing, devising,
prophesying. (e is airy in temperament, fi*ed, determined at times to the point of being
stubborn. (e isn!t always easy to get along with, and he #an be a bully, and
absentminded- but those are the negative sides if his nature. 5n the positive side, he is
worth wor$ing to #at#h8

This man has a tenden#y to ma$e dreams #ome true. (e #an fight and wor$ against the
odds. But he needs someone to have faith in him- you #an fill that role. 6lease do not
e*pe#t the A,uarius man to be perfe#t- he has faults, loads of them % and he #an be
e*asperating. (owever, he is generous, reasonable, and willing to help' to listen to your
problems' and to offer intelligent, sometimes sage, advi#e. (e pra#tises what he
prea#hes, too. 7ou have to tea#h him to be pra#ti#al. f left to his own devi#es, he might
give everything away. (e e*periments' ma$es friends with persons others are apt to
#onsider mere #ran$s.

(e is willing to pioneer, to a##ept #hallenges, to lead a life of adventure and ris$. s that
what you want2 f it isn!t, it would be better to forget these hints and to find yourself
another, safer, more reliable individual. This man is not apt to fit into any pigeon%hole- he
tends to sprout wings and to fly high.

This man possesses the ability to learn without formal study- his $nowledge #ould be
des#ribed as sub)e#tive or intuitive. (is learning and abilities are not a#ademi#- he learns
by doing, feeling, e*perimenting, ma$ing as many mista$es as any beginner, yet
displaying a master!s !feel! for a sub)e#t. The A,uarian man is #on#erned with hopes,
wishes, friends, loyalty, promises- a bro$en promise #an mean a bro$en relationship as
far as he is #on#erned. (ere!s an important hint- do not say one thing and do another. :o
matter how inno#ent or noble your intentions, this man #an interpret your word to the
letter' and if you brea$ that word, it is a serious affair with him.

(1$ye Ale*ander)

6eople with 1un in A,uarius are usually independent, un#onventional, outspo$en and
fair%minded. 7ou see your !role! in life as the rebel, the person who re)e#ts bogus
authority and outworn traditions and ushers in the new order. (owever, you sometimes
la#$ perspe#tive in your battle with the establishment. At times, you simply provo$e
#onfrontations to see what impa#t you have on others' and you en)oy antagonizing people
who are in positions of authority. 7ou li$e to ta$e #han#es, to $eep things stirred up' and
relish a good argument now and again. (owever, you may be#ome the rebel without a

Always ahead of your time, you are seen by others as a bit different or unusual % an image
you en#ourage. 7ou li$e to sho#$ people and sha$e up institutions that have be#ome too
rigid. 7ou have the ability to bring a breath of fresh air into stale, stagnant environments.

.,uality, freedom and fairness are important issues for you. 7ou believe all people are
#reated e,ual and should have the same rights and opportunities. 7ou are willing to stand
up and fight for the rights of others as well as your own, often without regard for your
own safety or advantage. +ost li$ely, you are so#ially and politi#ally progressive, and are
#on#erned with humanitarian issues. Though you are interested in the well%being of
others, your interest is in an abstra#t, ideologi#al #on#ept and does not stem from
empathy or true feeling. 3nless you also have several water signs in your #hart, you #an
be ,uite deta#hed and impersonal.

nventive and ingenious, you eagerly see$ out new ways to do things, and may e*#el in
s#ientifi# or ele#troni# fields, aerospa#e te#hnology, #omputer s#ien#e, astronomy or
astrology. ;enerally, you #an be found on the #utting edge of te#hnology and s#ientifi# or
!new age! thought. Always loo$ing to the future, you run the ris$ of losing tou#h with the
present and not learning from the past.

Friendly and so#iable, you probably have an e*tensive and diverse #olle#tion of friends
and asso#iates' and your friends are very important to you. 7ou are not status%#ons#ious'
you #hoose your #ompanions for their ideas, and en)oy the #ompany of others of li$e
mind. ntelle#tually oriented (though not ne#essarily intelligent), you are happiest in the
world of ideas. 7ou love to share what you $now with others, and be#ome bored easily
with people who don!t provide grist for your mental mill. Although at times you #an be a
bit abrasive and ta#tless, you are usually good%natured, enthusiasti#, off%beat, and willing
to try almost anything % ,ualities whi#h gain you popularity among your peers. 7ou are
most #omfortable in group situations, and might belong to numerous organizations, #lubs,
and professional or so#ial groups.

(owever, you may have some trouble in intimate, personal relationships sin#e your
feeling don!t run very deep and you tend to be ,uite deta#hed. 0lose emotional
relationships also #an threaten your independen#e. 7ou insist on remaining !free! to do
your own thing, and to engage in relationships with whomever you please. 3nless your
Eenus and < or +oon are in more emotional, possessive signs (su#h as 1#orpio, 0an#er or
Taurus), you may de#ide to remain single or insist on an !open marriage!.

At your best, you are the one who fights for liberty and )usti#e for one and all. At your
worst, you are the freedom%monger who see$s #hange for the sa$e of #hange, without
offering a better alternative to repla#e the stru#tures you!ve destroyed.

(1asha Fenton)

A,uarians, while being very friendly, are a#tually ,uite hard to get to $now' and some of
them are sp strange that it is diffi#ult to wor$ out what they are doing and why.

An A,uarian friend of mine who, unusually perhaps, is not interested in astrology pointed
out that both he and his wife are A,uarians, as are seven members of their family. (e
told me that, as all these people were very different from ea#h other, this proved to him
that there #ouldn!t be anything in astrology. laughed and told him that all A,uarians are
different from everybody else, in#luding fellow members of their own sign and of their
own family. .a#h one is an individual who mar#hes to his own drumbeat and doesn!t
follow any $ind of #olle#tive thin$ing. .a#h A,uarian must live by his own rules and needs
to do his own thing most of the time.

ntelligent, logi#al, and blessed with the ability to thin$ not only laterally but also around
#orners, these sub)e#ts are possibly the most e*#iting of the zodia#. They #an also be
infuriating be#ause they #hoose to #ling to their odd way of life and their ideas with great
tena#ity. 6arents with A,uarian offspring fre,uently write them off be#ause they #annot
be made to #onform to the family pattern. A,uarians ma$e the most wonderful friends,
but anyone who tries to #ling to them or e*pe#ts their friendship to be e*#lusive will be
very disappointed. Anyone who needs en#ouragement #an be sure of re#eiving it from an
A,uarian friend, but they are ,uite #ompetitive and won!t appre#iate being overta$en in
their own #hosen field.
A,uarius is a fi*ed sign, whi#h ensures that these sub)e#ts sti#$ to )obs and relationships
through thi#$ and thin. f they de#ide that they need to ma$e a brea$, they do this in an
almost #lini#al manner and, although they may feel guilty about leaving, they still go
ahead with it. f possible, they try to remain on friendly terms with the person or group of
people even after they deta#h themselves from them. A,uarians #an be loners who feel
stifled by too mu#h #loseness. They don!t li$e to be #losely ,uestioned about their
intentions, or even their whereabouts the previous night8 But they appre#iate a non%
#linging relationship. A,uarians do need to relate to others on a deep and loving level,
but it may ta$e them some time before they #an rela* and trust others to love them or to
be loved by them.

A,uarians #an be stubborn and determined, and also infle*ible in their attitudes' and they
may have an attitude of superiority. They genuinely believe that they are spe#ial, and may
patronise those whom they see as unfit or unable to #ome up to their e*a#ting standards.
+ost A,uarians have fields of spe#ialist $nowledge, often in offbeat and interesting
areas' and they are happy to tea#h anyone who shows an interest in their parti#ular
sub)e#t. 1ome be#ome involved in politi#s or #auses of one $ind or another, and are often
way ahead of the #rowd. Their very stubbornness ma$es them the most loyal and
wonderful friends' the $ind who #an be #alled up in the middle of the night and as$ed for

+ost A,uarians love to tea#h and have a real talent for the )ob, and many of them wor$ in
the field of edu#ation, while others are happy to #oa#h others in a more #asual manner.
These sub)e#ts derive a real sense of a#hievement from improving the lives of others,
either on an individual basis or by edu#ating the world in general. have noti#ed that
most A,uarians are strangely blind to the pain and anguish of those who are around
them. They #an deal with problems on a distant level % for instan#e, by #ampaigning for
politi#al #hange % but, when it #omes to their own families, they #annot. 1ome of these
sub)e#ts genuinely #annot see that a #hild or a partner is suffering, while others #an see
the pain but are irritated by it. 5ne A,uarius friend tells me that, if anyone in his family is
ill, he gets out of the house be#ause he $nows that he will lose patien#e with them if he
hangs around. To be honest, most A,uarians are e*tremely helpful and sympatheti#, but
none of them #an stand moaners or the type of person who has a negative attitude to life.
They will, therefore, help out immediately when fa#ed with a pra#ti#al proble' but they
be#ome distant or angry when fa#ed with someone whose emotions are out of #ontrol.
They respe#t strength of #hara#ter, and have very little time for what they see as
wea$ness or failure % even when this is their own failure. A,uarians need to see
themselves as #ompetent, #lever, and su##essful in their #hosen field. They need to stand
out from the #rowd and to be respe#ted for their $nowledge. There is a tenden#y for
A,uarians to be ta#tless, and some #an be bullies. This is be#ause they are devastatingly
honest about other people!s faults and failing, and also be#ause they sometimes fail to
understand how their behaviour affe#ts others. n some ways, these people are easy to
respe#t but hard to love.

The typi#al A,uarian is tall and slim, while some are positively s$inny. +any have a
strong, bony frame. n white ra#es, the #omple*ion is pale and the hair blond or mousy.
+any A,uarians have wispy and lifeless hair, and many A,uarian men go bald. f the
A,uarian is blessed with good hair, then it is very good indeed, being thi#$, straight and
dar$. Their hands and feet are long and elegant, but they sometimes loo$ as if they
belong on a mu#h older person. +any A,uarians have a strong )aw and a large, toothy
smile and light%#oloured or very bright eyes whi#h loo$ at others with a very dire#t and
interested gaze. Their #hoi#e of #lothes is totally individualisti# and often downright
pe#uliar8 A,uarians adored the fan#y dress whi#h was fashionable in the late =>Q@s and
early =>L@s be#ause they #ould indulge their personal fantasies to the hilt. .ven in the
staid and #onventional =>>@s, A,uarians were seen in )odhpurs, flowing $aftans,
strangely patterned denims and top%of%the%range designer model #lothes.

The an$les are the traditional A,uarian wea$ spot for health, whi#h suggests that brea$s
and sprains are li$ely. Flebitis, thrombosis and leg ul#ers are also possible. Fuite a
number of A,uarians have sensitive lungs, so they may suffer from asthma, and they may
be un#omfortable when among smo$ers.

A,uarians are so varied in their nature that they #an do almost any $ind of wor$.
(owever, self%employment and owning a small business appeals to many of them. 1ome
years ago, my friend &enise had to hire a fairly large gang of wor$men at her pla#e of
wor$, and she #ommented to me that out of the twelve wor$men with whom she was
dealing, eleven were A,uarians8 t!s not surprising that A,uarians find their way into
building and other pra#ti#al #rafts be#ause they are the world!s best problem%solvers and
they are also very independent. This is the sign of the )ourneyman, #raftsman and
#omputer%whizz. +any A,uarians ta$e up astrology, so mu#h so that it would be a very
strange group of astrologers that didn!t in#lude at least one A,uarian. +any are drawn to
the world of tea#hing be#ause they have a real gift for this. All A,uarians have e*tremely
en,uiring minds, and often have a great depth of $nowledge in a variety of areas. +any
are e*#ellent advisors, #ounsellors and listeners, whi#h leads them into either paid or
voluntary #ounselling wor$. A,uarians are attra#ted to #ommittee a#tivities and to
politi#s' and many of them find wor$ in those areas where their sense of #ommitment,
logi#al minds and humanitarianism #an be put to good use. To be honest, A,uarians #an
be found in almost any $ind of )ob, but they usually gravitate to something whi#h has a
humanitarian edge to it. Among my A,uarian friends #an #ount a ban$ #ler$, the head of
the #entral sterilising department of a large hospital, a designer of surgi#al instruments,
the head of a large mail%order firm, the owner of a small publishing firm, shop$eepers,
#raftsmen and #raftswomen of all $inds, #omputer e*perts, and astrologers by the dozen.

f an A,uarian #annot help people, use his intelligen#e or spe#ialise in his wor$, he will
use these s$ills in his hobbies. A,uarians ta$e their spare%time a#tivities very seriously.
These sub)e#ts may loo$ after animals, wor$ for the preservation of our planet, or ma$e
ships in bottles, but they don!t simply #ome home and sit in an arm#hair in front of the
television. 6erhaps the greatest A,uarian hobby is friendship, be#ause they love to #hat
and learn about ways of life whi#h are different from their own. 5ddly enough, very few
of them seem to be $een on travel, and some be#ome very ill%at%ease when away from
their usual surroundings.

A,uarians have a reputation for being non%materialisti#, humanitarian and e##entri#.
These sub)e#ts are supposed to be elevated to an e*alted level where all is love and light,
and where money is unne#essary. 6oppy#o#$8 A,uarians li$e money as mu#h as the ne*t
sign, and more than many. 1ome A,uarians li$e money so mu#h that they are prepared to
wor$ hard for it. 5thers are #ontent to fiddle and dream their lives away while their
spouses, relatives and friends pay their bills. +any A,uarians wor$ at )obs whi#h are far
beneath their levels of ability, possibly so that they #an e*pend their energies on more
interesting pursuits. (owever, those who do pursue a #areer en)oy being well paid.
A,uarians are so different from ea#h other that few generalisations #an be made. 1ome,
for instan#e, live in pristine #leanliness in ultra%modern apartments, while others live in
rambling old houses whi#h are filled with #hildren, animals, visitors, lodgers and filth.
+any A,uarians wor$ #lose to home by running farms or smallholdings' and others have
offi#es or even s#hools within their homes. This suggests that their homes are viewed not
as a possession, but as part of their general lifestyle.

There are A,uarians who have a multitude of fas#inating and wonderful possessions,
ranging from the latest in #omputers to mobile games, ornaments and even, perhaps, a
spa#eship in the garden. 5thers #olle#t anti,ues, )un$ or animals. All A,uarians seem to
#olle#t boo$s and bits of paper. 1ome A,uarians spend their money on e*perien#es rather
than things. A,uarians #an be found riding horses, learning to paint, hunting for ley lines
or attending astrology groups. (owever mu#h friendships and e*perien#es are valued,
the A,uarian also values a #omfortable home, a good, fast #ar, and whatever e#le#ti#
status symbol appeals most to him.

A,uarians need friends, but they don!t all ne#essarily need lovers, partners, spouses or
families. Their needs #an #hange from one phase of their lives to another, so the A,uarian
who starts out as a loner may end up happily surrounded by family and friends, or vi#e%
versa. These sub)e#ts are so unusual that they need partners who #an understand their
pe#uliarities and #an put up with them. The best relationship for these people is usually
with a partner who shares their interests and wants the same $ind of lifestyle. t is not
un#ommon for A,uarians to live with other A,uarians or to #hoose partners who have a
strong A,uarian #ast to their #harts. (ot favourites are 0apri#orns or 6is#eans who have
neighbouring planets in A,uarius. Anyone living with an A,uarian will have the benefit of
his < her e*#ellent mind, while another benefit is that boredom is unli$ely to set in.
A,uarians are not really homema$ers in the old%fashioned sense of the word, but they do
li$e to live in a pleasant area with enough spa#e both indoors and out for them to be able
to breathe. 1ome A,uarians are e*#eptionally neat and tidy in their habits, $eeping a
really well%run home, but many others seem to prefer living in a mess, #omplete with
#hildrem, animals and neighbours wandering in and out. These homes, albeit untidy, are
wonderful to visit, be#ause the #aller is always sure of a #up of tea, something to eat and
an hour or two of wonderful #onversation. +ess or no mess, most A,uarians are very
good #oo$s who try to ensure that they and their families eat a healthy diet.

A,uarians are not as easygoing as they first appear, be#ause this is a fi*ed sign, whi#h
denotes a stubborn and determined attitude to life. A,uarians tend to do e*a#tly what
they want to do, usually )ust when they want to do it, and it is no good trying to get them
to behave in any other way. These sub)e#ts seem to have an agenda all of their own,
together with a hidden set of rules by whi#h everyone around them is supposed to live.
They fre,uently have strong politi#al views, or they may be !into! some belief or pe#uliar
way of life. .ven the most ordinary, unassuming and !normal! A,uarian #hooses the $ind
of #areer whi#h will help humanity in some way. 1ometimes their beliefs ta$e over the
whole of their lives. Being highly intelligent, these sub)e#ts are sure that they #an see
themselves #learly and that they understand others )ust as well. (owever, they a#tually
have ,uite a few blind spots whi#h #an ma$e them diffi#ult to live with. A,uarians #an be
unrealisti# and impra#ti#al in some ways, while being very sensible and #apable in others.
This all depends upon the frame of mind they happen to be in at the time.

A,uarian women need a )ob or interest of their own. They may #hoose to do something
unusual but, whatever they do, they will be wholehearted about it and will find it hard to
be #lo#$wat#hers. This means that their families will have to learn to #ope by themselves
from time to time.
1ome A,uarians are amazingly mean, being unable to see that other have any $ind of
#laim on their in#ome. 5ther A,uarians are amazingly generous be#ause their values are
mental and spiritual rather than materialisti#, and they rarely worry about money or
se#urity. All A,uarians are in#redibly independent people who are very hard to influen#e'
but if they respe#t their partner!s views and find them logi#al, they #an usually be
brought round to a different way of thin$ing. +ost of these sub)e#ts lead very busy lives,
and they would rather do almost anything in preferen#e to sitting slumped in an
arm#hair, staring at the television. A,uarians are fre,uently late for appointments
be#ause they try to pa#$ too mu#h into ea#h day amd they leave too mu#h to the last
minute. A,uarians en)oy going out with their families, and ta$e an interest in their
partner!s hobbies or pastimes, although they may not want to )oin in on a permanent
basis. These sub)e#ts need mental and physi#al spa#e' and they are also prepared to give
this to a partner. About the only thing they #annot stand is being probed and
investigated, be#ause they seem to need to $eep a little part of themselves private.
A,uarians #an be rude, bad%tempered and arrogant, but if their partner #an laugh off
these foibles and #on#entrate on the A,uarian!s virtues, the relationship will su##eed.
5ne thing A,uarians #annot #ope with is an over%emotional partner, be#ause too mu#h
emotion upsets their e,uilibrium and may ma$e them ill. 5ddly enough, many A,uarians
are worriers, and this tension #an translate itself into ailments su#h as asthma and
e#zema. All A,uarians #an be $ind, #aring and loving if given half a #han#e, although
usually find that female A,uarians are ni#er, softer and more genuinely #aring than the
males of this sign.

The vast ma)ority of A,uarians are loyal and faithful lovers who won!t brea$ up a
relationship without good reason. These sub)e#ts are not #omfortable with dupli#ity' so if
they meet someone they li$e whilst they are still in a relationship, they are li$ely to brea$
up the first relationship before be#oming involved in the se#ond. A,uarians need freedom
in a relationship' and a )ealous or suspi#ious partner is absolutely no use to them at all.
They find it hard to give reassuran#e when none is needed. The vast ma)ority of
A,uarians are perfe#tly reasonable people who li$e nothing better than to find a soul%
mate and spend their lives with them. 3nusually, in this age of short%lived relationships,
A,uarians tend to get married when young and then stay with the same partner
throughout. They love to tal$ to )ust about everyone, but they don!t usually allow
emotional or se*ual #uriosity to get them into triangle situations.

The saving gra#e of A,uarians in all situations is their wonderful sense of humour.

A,uarians vary so mu#h from one another that it is not surprising that they vary in their
se*uality. +any of these friendly, outgoing people are very attra#tive, but whether they
will a#tually ta$e up all the romanti# offers they re#eive depends upon other fa#tors on
their #harts. 1ome A,uarians prefer to be on their own, without any $ind of involvement
other than that of friendship' while others only really en)oy se* when in a safe,
#omfortable partnership. These sub)e#ts have many friends, but are #autious when it
#omes to deeper relationships, and they prefer not to flirt or play dangerous games with
other people!s partners. 5n#e they are in a happy relationship, they en)oy ma$ing love,
and #an a#hieve a greater sense of #loseness through se* than they #an in pra#ti#ally any
other way. A,uarians li$e a bit of variety in their se* lives, and will ta$e pleasure in a
partner who dresses well and wears attra#tive underwear. They themselves are usually
slim, elegant and good%loo$ing people who #an be ,uite vain about their appearan#e.
They either are well%dressed, appre#iating the pleasure that this gives their partners, or
dress in an e##entri# manner whi#h pleases nobody but themselves. A,uarians #an be
fussy about their partner!s appearan#e, and they appre#iate a lover who $eeps in shape
and loo$s good. These sub)e#ts espe#ially en)oy the sight and the feel of food underwear,
and they #an have fun by dressing up spe#ially for love%ma$ing. f the se*ual side of a
relationship diminishes, they will remain friends, but they may not #ontinue to feel as
deeply about the other person.

A,uarians usually have many friends and a#,uaintan#es' and they are ,uite happy to
have #ompany or to go on holiday in a group. As far as the family is #on#erned, they try to
avoid too mu#h #loseness. A,uarians see themselves as e,ual to other people' therefore if
a member of the family demands to be treated with deferen#e, the A,uarian will not
a##ede to this demand. f any member of their family or of their partner!s family needs
help, the A,uarian will do whatever he #an, but will not be bullied or di#tated to by

A,uarians are good parents, espe#ially if their #hildren are reasonable and intelligent,
but they will swit#h off if a #hild be#omes aw$ward and demanding. They will try to do
everything in their power to help a #hild su##eed, but they are not good at handling a
#hild!s emotional problems, and they may not even noti#e when a #hild is unhappy.

A,uarian #hildren are not diffi#ult to deal with, as long as their parents respe#t their
dignity and realise that they have strong opinions of their own. These #hildren are usually
$een on s#hool and fond of a variety of outside interests. They have many friends, and
ad)ust fairly well to whatever #ir#umstan#es they find themselves in. &espite their logi#al
and somewhat unemotional natures, they need to feel se#ure and to be understood in
addition to needing spa#e and freedom.

(4ulia and &ere$ 6ar$er)

The A,uarian need for independen#e #an!t be underestimated, and it is essential that
A,uarians develop and sustain the right lifestyle. Although they have the reputation of
being friendly, in many ways they are very private and disli$e having their priva#y
invaded. Their natural friendliness is lin$ed to a genuine desire to be helpful, so anyone
in trouble will always find them ready to help, approa#hing others! problems as they
approa#h their own % logi#ally, deta#hedly, and without undue emotion.

A,uarians have an original, idealisti# strea$' and the more positively this is shown, the
more fulfilled they will be. (owever, this originality must not be#ome too idiosyn#rati# or
perverse, as others #an then be at best embarrassed and at worst seriously annoyed.

A,uarius is an air sign, and its inhabitants need air, both physi#ally and metaphori#ally.
They must realize how very stubborn they #an be, and should try to #ounter this
tenden#y. "hen young, they are usually leaders of their generation' but sometimes they
#ontinue to #ling to youthful opinions, so that what was on#e a splendidly forward%loo$ing
nature be#omes ultra%#onservative. Again, awareness of the problem will go far to
#ounter it.

6ositive and optimisti# even when life gets diffi#ult, A,uarians rarely lose hope' and their
natural humanity always reminds them that many others are less fortunate (in every
sense) than themselves. Their #hief fault is usually unpredi#tability' but their
independen#e #an also ma$e them very remote, #ausing emotional problems. 6artners
and friends may be )ustified in suspe#ting that sometimes A,uarians a#t out of sheer

5f all the 1un signs, A,uarians #an find it most diffi#ult to settle into and sustain a #lose
emotional relationship. Their powerful need for independen#e ma$es it parti#ularly hard
for them to let others into their lives, for they realize this will mean modifying their
lifestyles and tolerating an invasion of their living spa#e % psy#hologi#al as well as
physi#al. They often de#line to enter into a relationship until they are so set in their ways
that it all seems impossible, so remain permanently single. .ven so, there is a strongly
romanti# strea$ in many A,uarians, who li$e the glamor of roman#e, and on#e #ommitted
are % li$e their 0apri#orn #ousins % very loyal. The pla#ing of Eenus will #olor this aspe#t
of an A,uarian!s life, and may modify the attitude #onsiderably.

A,uarian individuality and the need to be different will soon emerge in #hildren of this
sign, who on the whole will be happy and positive, with a great desire to do their own
thing. 6arents should wat#h for waywardness' the best antidote is to suggest that they do
the opposite of what you really desire8 Bear in mind that they will truly need to be
un#onventional, so a s#hool devoted to rigid dis#ipline, with very strong or obsessive
a#ademi# aims, may not be suitable. They are rational, however, and always listen to
reason. This will be a distin#t asset in later life.

A,uarian #hildren are naturally friendly, but alas this means they may be overtrusting
and too ready to wander off with passing strangers who ta$e advantage of that
friendliness. t must be very firmly impressed on them frmo an early age not to do this. t
is parti#ularly good for young A,uarians to be#ome involved in #harity wor$' it will help
them to develop their strong humanitarianism, whi#h is li$ely to be one of their strongest
and most positive traits. 0reative and s#ientifi# flair should be eagerly en#ouraged when
and if it develops. These #hildren often have an interesting sense of drama, but it #an be

A,uarian parents #an have a very individual attitude to the edu#ation of their #hildren.
They must remember that the #hild may be more #onventional than the parents, and it is
a mista$e to for#e him or her into a parti#ular mould )ust be#ause they wish it. 1e#urity
and dis#ipline may be really important to a #hild' and the parents, however adventurous,
should a##ept this. A,uarian parents should always as$ themselves whether they have
moved with the times. Their immediate reply will be !yes!' but they should realize it is
unli$ely (espe#ially for them), and should not assume automati# and #omplete
understanding of their #hildren. They must learn to really listen to them. &espite possible
problems, they usually ma$e lively parents, always ready to bring out their #hildren!s
potential and ma$e the most of it.

A,uarians must have a free rein to do whatever is e*pe#ted of them in their own way,
uninhibited by #ontinual advi#e or the insisten#e on a parti#ular rCgime. They have to
e*press their inventiveness in their wor$. whether #reative or s#ientifi# (or both). They
may be#ome inventors of some $ind. 1ome do e*tremely well wor$ing in #ommuni#ations
% the airlines, or the te#hni#al areas of television or radio, for instan#e. &espite their $een
sense of ambition, they en)oy and are good at wor$ whi#h allows them to e*press their
#on#ern for humanity. They ma$e e*#ellent field or so#ial wor$ers, or administrators for
large #haritable organizations. :ot obsessive about in#ome, they must avoid wasting
their money on trendy fripperies.

A,uarians are often ,uite seriously disturbed if they are $ept waiting for final de#isions,
or feel some #hange hovering over them without $nowing pre#isely when it will happen.
A sudden de#ision (whether their own or someone else!s) is not nearly as diffi#ult for
them. Their ,ui#$ rea#tions may even ma$e them sweep out of a well%established )ob
given enough provo#ation. They should try not to let the prospe#t of retirement ma$e
them miserable for ten years before the event, instead gradually building up new areas of
interest whi#h #an fill more of their lives when the time #omes. f their wor$ has been
dull, uninteresting or too #onventional, they should surely loo$ forward to being able to
e*press fully their originality and #reative or s#ientifi# flair. They should give spe#ial
thought to any ne#essary ad)ustments they may have to ma$e, perhaps thin$ing of ways
in whi#h spare%time wor$ #an bolster their retirement in#ome.
The #ir#ulation #an be vulnerable. A,uarians are often at their best in #old weather' and,
li$e 0apri#orns, they usually en)oy it' but they should $eep warm, wearing light but
windproof #lothes whi#h won!t restri#t their movements. 9egular e*er#ise should be
#reative rather than dull or repetitive. Li$e all air signs, A,uarians thrive best on a light,
nourishing diet. The an$les are ruled by this sign, and #an be vulnerable' e*er#ises to
strengthen them, perhaps shoes with good an$le support, are desirable, espe#ially if
s$iing or winter sports are en)oyed.

(9obert (and)

7ou li$e new things and new ideas, and are bored by old ways of thin$ing and a#ting. The
friends you #hoose are people who feel the same way. 7ou are an individualist and a free
spirit, but at the same time you need to wor$ and share your life with other people.
Friends are very important to you, although if they try to hold you ba#$ or ma$e you
#onform to their ideas, you will rebel and go your own way.

(owever, even though you are attra#ted to new ideas, you don!t readily #hange your
thin$ing on#e you have made up your mind. A#tually you are ,uite stubborn, whi#h may
#onfuse other people, who interpret your interest in everything new and different as
eviden#e of a very #hangeable mind.

Be#ause of your fondness for new ideas, you en)oy studying s#ien#e, te#hnology and other
sub)e#ts that enable people to #ontrol the world in some way. As you get older, you may
be attra#ted to more offbeat studies, su#h as astrology and the o##ult.

"hen you are with a group of friends, who thin$ about the group as a whole rather than
)ust about yourself. 7ou try to do what is best for everyone, without at the same time
going against your personal needs. This #an #ause problems for you if your needs #onfli#t
with the needs of the rest of the group. But basi#ally you are fair, and you try to ma$e
sure that everyone gets the same deal. 7ou will stand up for anyone who is not being
treated fairly.

(;rant Lewi)

The motivating for#e behind A,uarius is some form of gregarious, or herd, instin#t. (e
li$es fol$s. (e is so#iable. n a higher manifestation, he is so#ial. n a lower
manifestation, he thin$s that the world % the fol$s % owe him a living. Any way you loo$ at
the A,uarian, and whatever A,uarian you loo$ at, you will find fol$s at the #entre of his
attitude. .ither he depends on them or they depend on him. "hether he is a so#ial
reformer, or a hobo, people will be around him' he will be holding them up, or they will
be holding him up. (e thin$s himself a great individualist, and he may be, but you!ll
rarely find him alone. 9i#h or poor, great or small, deep or shallow, he is the life of the
party. (e may put his mind on the woes of humanity, solve their problems, give his time
for theirs in a figurative or literal sense. 5r he may fritter away his time in pool halls. But
he will always be where there are people, in the flesh or in theory. (is best e*pression
#omes when he has hit#hed his wagon to a star of so#ial wor$ or one of the so#ial
professions- invention, medi#ine, law, politi#s, ar#hite#ture, literature, s#ien#e, musi# or
art with some so#ial appli#ation. (is worst e*pression is going pla#es and doing things to
no purpose. 1ome prime e*amples of wasted talents #ome in this sign % as well as some of
the greatest martyrs and benefa#tors of the human ra#e. A,uarius is generally
misunderstood even when he has a#hieved greatness % and always thin$ he is
misunderstood when he is wasting himself. n love, A,uarius is noble but not ne#essarily
#onventional' loyal, if not faithful' affe#tionate, if not independent, and resentful of
intrusion on his private studies, whi#h may ir$ the spouse be#ause they never seem to
produ#e anything e*#ept big ele#tri#%light bills. A,uarius the so#ial or so#iable #an be
anything or nothing, but the one thing he will almost never be is lonesome. (e may thin$
his spirit yearns for understanding, but he will never be far from someone to listen while
he attempts to e*plain himself.

(Fran#es 1a$oian and Louis A#$er)

ndividuals born under the sign of brotherhood and fraternity have as their symbol the
water%bearer, who spills out to man$ind the life%for#e and spiritual energy. 1in#e the
planet 3ranus rules A,uarius, friendship and #ompanionship are e*tremely important to
A,uarians. Those whom A,uarians befriend have their unswerving loyalty.
Born under a fi*ed sign, A,uarians have e##entri# temperaments and are determined and
stubborn. They sometimes feel that those who are listening to them are unre#eptive and
in#apable of #omprehending their ideas, and they tend to be#ome annoyed when people
fail to understand them. Then A,uarians argue' and when they do, they stir up opposition
from others. They are #apable of dis#arding these people from their intelle#tual #ir#le.
The $ey phrase for A,uarians is ! $now!.

There is no affe#tation or snobbery in the A,uarian personality, but a disli$e of spurious
imitation and hypo#risy in any form. A,uarians operate as e,uals among e,uals.
(owever, they are not dependent on their environments for their se#urity, be#ause they
derive this from being in the #ompany of others.

6ersons born under A,uarius #an be anything or nothing, but they are never lonely. The
influen#e of 3ranus promotes an honest en)oyment in meeting new people and
e*#hanging ideas. A,uarians! group instin#t will always dire#t them to where there are
people, or else people will #ome to them.

1in#e A,uarians have friends of both se*es, they see no reason for giving them up, even
after marriage. Be#ause A,uarius is an intelle#tual air sign, those born under it relate to
others at a mental level.

A,uarians love the beauties of nature, but they li$e to admire them in #omfort. They long
for material possessions but are not greedy. They are disin#lined to engage in sports as a
rule, e*#ept as observers. Their pursuits are more intelle#tual than physi#al.

"omen with this sign should wat#h their tenden#y to e*aggerate their problems.
(owever, one #an forgive them, for their #harm and brightness of e*pression ma$e them
very attra#tive.

The A,uarians! appearan#e of #almness is de#eptive' their an*iety #an even ma$e them
feel ill. 1in#e they ta$e their wor$ very seriously, nervousness and apprehension seldom
leave them. They do their best wor$ with others or with organizations that attempt to
bring about some ideal. n su#h pursuits, their e*#ellent memory, #reativity, $nowledge,
love of freedom, an humanitarianism find their outlet.

Their interest in and sympathy for human problems win the respe#t and #onfiden#e of
those about them. Their sympathy is impersonal and their response intelle#tual, but on#e
aroused, A,uarians are tireless wor$ers.

(Lyn Birbe#$)

7ou have an open, though potentially indifferent, heart. 7ou should aim to have the will to
use generously your sense of impartiality % without your be#oming impersonal. 7our life
should be led in a spirit of liberation and reform % as opposed to your being aloof or anti%
so#ial. 7our father is seen or e*pressed as one who is #ool and friendly, and < or i#y and

7ou generate a regard for 5ther!s uni,ueness and ,uir$s of personality, thereby ma$ing
him < her feel spe#ial. 7ou #reate an ele#tri# and unusual atmosphere that is a #onstant
sour#e of surprise. 7ou assume an air of gentle deta#hment that does not )udge other,
giving him < her spa#e to be free.

7ou #an alienate 5ther with your oddness' or, by way of #ompensation, with your being a
nonentity. 7ou #an also alientate with an unpredi#tability that is borne of your refusal to
a##ept the limitations that ma$e possible a measure of stability. 5r you #an alienate
5ther by a failure to tune into where he < she is at emotionally.

7ou overemphasize your idea that 5ther and the world in general should fit some $ind of
so#ial or s#ientifi# theory. 7ou overstress an insisten#e that you be treated in some
spe#ial way, and that you be un#onditionally a##epted, for all your foibles. 7ou
overa##entuate a set of values that often finds 5ther wanting, but always e*onerates

7ou #an feel wea$ when having to live in the real world of material < emotional things, or
even within your own physi#al body' when you realize that this imperfe#t world will not
offer you very mu#h until you offer up your own imperfe#tions' and when nobody a##epts
or is impressed by your version of how things ought to be.

"hen you are alone, it is be#ause you have allowed deta#hment and e##entri#ity to run
rife and develop li$e a virus until 5ther #an no longer be bothered with trying to relate to
the absurdly non%negotiable front you present. +ore than any other sign, you are #apable
of ma$ing being alone into an art form. The trouble is that this might not amount to ,uite
what you originally had in mind. Beneath all your rationalizations of you%versus%the%world
lies a deep fear of being seen to be )ust another human being, #omplete with emotionally
ta#$y bits. But the parado* here is that they are partly what ma$e anyone spe#ial8 And
the more we loo$ at and allow others to see our emotional interiors, the more we grow
and develop as people, rather than remaining frozen at some i#y altitude of emotional
immunity. A failure to evolve and mature in this way #an mean that 5ther #hanges but
you do not % leaving you apparently out#ast. 7ou must tra#$ ba#$ to when in your life you
#ut out emotionally in the first pla#e % and why, for it holds the $ey to how you got to be
this way.
(4ohn Townley)

7ou are a very understanding lover, with a spe#ial ability to be helpful when a partner is
having emotional diffi#ulties. 7our sympathy of others! foibles may even appear e*#essive
to some people. But you do draw the line in what you will put up with, and when a
partner goes past that point, he or she will find it very diffi#ult to get ba#$ into your good

7ou #an en)oy a wide variety of se*ual e*perien#es, and if you limit yourself to one
partner, that person should en)oy lovema$ing as a #ontinuously #hanging adventure, not
)ust as a series of repetitions, however affe#tionate.

7ou are not the type to be tied down intelle#tually or emotionally, so you must have a
partner who respe#ts your freedom' and that respe#t will bring you #loser to your lover.
True freedom and e,uality bring a #loseness, a mingling of mind and body that #an!t be
attained in any other way.

A#hieving the $ind of #ommuni#ation you want re,uires #onta#t on many levels with your
partner, so a #lose relationship will develop slowly. 5n#e established, it will last a long
time and be strong enough to withstand the heaviest assaults.

Although you find se* by itself naturally satisfying, you are ,uite #apable of #arrying on a
love affair without any se*ual #onta#t at all. 7ou #an transmit the same deep and loving
#ommuni#ation through other #hannels of e*pression' and that is the essen#e of an affair
for you.

(+ar#ia +oore and +ar$ &ouglas)

/eynote- The power of originality manifests through inventiveness.
1ymbol- A plane loaded with passengers rises gra#efully into the s$y.

6eople born with the 1un in A,uarius are #harged with a subtle ele#tri#ity whi#h wor$s
,uietly but effe#tively to ma$e them more dynami# than they seem. Theirs is a power as
parado*i#al as that of a heavy metal plane whi#h uses the air to over#ome the pull of
gravity. The A,uariuan who lives up to his inner potential #an trans#end ordinary
limitations by invo$ing nature!s higher laws, and he sees nothing mysterious about so
doing. Therefore, the sign is asso#iated with both 1aturn (law) and 3ranus

1in#e A,uarius stimulates the mind, as its opposite sign Leo arouses the emotions, the
native of this sign is governed by his head rather than by his heart. (is love nature is
more altruisti# than egotisti#, and he prefers to e*press it in an impersonal manner. This
#oolness may seem enigmati# to the sentimentalist for whom love is a warm, spontaneous
feeling rather than a mighty #osmi# energy whi#h #an be tapped and utilized as
s#ientifi#ally as the physi#al energies of heat and light.

At first, it seems a #ontradi#tion that A,uarius should be both a fi*ed and airy sign, for air
must move and #ir#ulate. (owever, by one!s broadening one!s perspe#tive, it be#omes
apparent that the only really fi*ed mass of air is that whi#h envelops the .arth, remaning
with the planet while it #ir#les the 1un, and serving as an insulator and as a medium for
the transmission of light. Analogously, the A,uarian temperament is programmed to
regard things from many points of view and to thin$ on a global s#ale rather than in
terms of the needs and desires of its own #hauvinisti# group. Abstra#t prin#iples rather
than outward appearan#es are sensed to be the enduring realities of life.

f many A,uarians seem aloof and deta#hed, it is not be#ause they are indifferent to
others. 5ften they are too deeply #on#erned with the plight of humanity as a whole to
e*pend themselves #atering to the foibles of individuals. To the A,uarian, time is energy'
and he is #hoosy about the people with whom he spends this pre#ious gift. 1in#e he is
relatively unegotisti#al, he may not bother to e*ert himself to win approval. (e would
rather tend to his )ob and let others #urry #ompliments.

&espite his underlying impersonality, the A,uarian is human in the most literal sense of
the word. "hen one says, !5h, be human!, he is appealing to an individual!s higher
nature. To be a humanitarian means to show #ompassionate #on#ern, not only for family
and friends, but for all man$ind. +an is #aled (omo sapiens, the #reature that thin$s,
and it is the rational fa#ulty that the A,uarian glorifies, believing that intelle#t is the most
purely human part of any person. Be#ause man transforms himself and his world through
the appli#ation of his mental abilities, the 3ranian sign of transformations is asso#iated
with the higher mind.

A,uarians seldom fall very low or engage in #riminal a#ts, but too often their energies are
short%#ir#uited and they fail to fulfill the promise of what they might be#ome. f they have
not evolved to the point of being able to e*press individual love in the impersonal manner
of dedi#ation to a #ause, they may remain un#omitted to anything. Then they be#ome
drifters be#ause, li$e the air, they must move and #ir#ulate. f their unusual ideas #annot
find a responsive audien#e, A,uarians may simply slide into a superfi#ial e*isten#e.
1ometimes so mu#h of their energy goes into #ogitation that little remains for tangible
a#hievements. A,uarians #an rationalize their la#$ of a##omplishment by de#laring that
the game is not worth the effort, and thin$ that the world is unprepared to be awa$ened.
Their outloo$ may be too panorami# to ma$e the everyday struggle to eat, reprodu#e, and
survive seem worthwhile. Then, if an A,uarian is unable to rise to the #hallenge of
3ranus, he falls ba#$ into 1aturnian pessimism and inertia. 1ome modern%day !dropouts!
seem to be tuning in on the vibrations of the A,uarian Age in this negative fashion.

The 1un is in detriment in A,uarius. 1ymboli#ally, this shows that the desires of the
individual personality must now be subordinated to the re,uirements of so#iety as a
whole. The s#ientifi#ally enlightened A,uarian realizes that there are many suns in the
heavens and that, of these, .arth!s 1un is but a minor star. This broad view ma$es him a
#o%operative member of a group or asso#iation. 1in#e he does not see$ power for himself
alone, people instin#tively trust him and elevate him to a position of authority.

As the most liberty%loving members of the zodia#, A,uarians #an relin,uish their petty
egotism be#ause they realize that it is man!s self%#enteredness that ma$es him a slave of
unworthy impulses and an enslaver of others. The lesson this sign tea#hes is that the
more #haritably people behave, the greater are their #han#es of en)oying the benefits of
freedom. 0onse,uently, A,uarians are simultaneoualy the most individualisti# and the
most group%oriented of all the zodia# types. f, however, this individuality is #arried to
e*#ess, it be#omes mere e##entri#ity.

A,uarians instin#tively realize that true liberty grows out of freedom of thought. 7et
1aturn!s pra#ti#ality, #arried over from 0apri#orn, reminds them that the goals they see$
must be won through the betterment of material #onditions. Therefore, they often devote
their talents to the tas$ of ma$ing this earth a more #omfortable pla#e in whi#h to live.
They are #on#erned with abstra#t reasoning mainly be#ause their e*perien#e has
demonstrated that ideas are the most potent for#es at wor$ in the world today.

(sabel (i#$ey)

The 1un in A,uarius is represented by the !#lear #rystal ele#tri# air of winter!. The
$eyword is ! $now!. t rules the an$les and the #ir#ulation in the physi#al body.

A,uarians are the mental pioneers, the forward%thin$ing individuals who live in the future
and not in the past. They are outgoing and impersonally friendly, and appear to have a
great deal of #onfiden#e. The fi*ity of the sign is not apparent on the surfa#e, but
A,uarians are infle*ible in their ideas and #annot be pushed into anything they do not
want to do. There is an impersonality and a deta#hment that is maddening to those who
are #ompletely immersed in their emotions. A,uarians approa#h life through their
intelle#ts, and it is diffi#ult for them to understand those who respond to life emotionally.
A,uarians fun#tion e*#eptionally well in the s#ientifi# fields or in resear#h wor$ of any

A,uarians are mu#h more emotionally involved in their wor$ than they are with people. t
is important that they li$e the type of wor$ they do, for it o##upies most of their time and
they invest most of their vital for#e and energy in their o##upation. The A,uarian!s home
is important as a status symbol. t has to be a home that in#reases his < her sense of pride
and prestige.

A,uarians heartily disli$e any restraint. They are rebels and individualists that have to go
their own way. ndependent, imaginative, #reative and inventive, they possess a genius
about them if they are evolved. f they live on the destru#tive side, they #an be mentally
#ruel, sadisti#ally so, and totally la#$ing in love or mer#y. Be#ause of their strong will
that broo$s no interferen#e with their desires, they have diffi#ulties in marriage or in

They have strong physi#al bodies, though they would rather use their minds than do
physi#al wor$. A,uarians are #riti#al and demanding in positions of authority, and it is
not easy to be their employees. There is a #oldness and a deta#hment that repels rather
than attra#ts, espe#ially if the 1un is affli#ted. "hen they are evolved and their emotions
are tenderized, no sign is more magnanimous or as monumental. "hen they !feel! love
instead of !thin$! it, they are great souls. :o%one #an !thin$! love' one has to !feel! it.

The A,uarians usually have two types of friends, and never the twain do meet. They have
the #onservative, traditional type and the un#onventional bohemian friends. 5ne type
represents the 1aturnian side of their nature, the other group the 3ranian side.

A,uarians wor$ well in organizational wor$ or in big business. They are #apable of being
good leaders and organizers. They are the individualists who are ready and willing to
brea$ new trails where inventive ideas and new pro#edures are #on#erned. "hen
A,uarians are of the higher type, they ma$e lasting #ontributions to the world.

A,uarius has two rulers- 1aturn and 3ranus. They must wor$ together or #haos will
result. 3ranus is the shattering for#e that brea$s up old forms. 1aturn is the agent whi#h
#rystallizes forms or stru#tures and establishes them in an ego #omple*. 1aturn is the
oldest of the gods, and represents the first law of manifestation- the law of limitation.
"ithout the #on#entration of energy within a defined field of a#tivity, there would be no
power or fo#us. 3ranus represents the power or life for#e' 1aturn represents the
#onfining form that ma$es it useable on the earth plane.
Natal Sun in Pisces

(Betty Lundsted)

This is the most theoreti#al, or the least personal, of the "ater signs. t seems that 6is#es
people arrive in the universe through a diffi#ult birth- the mother may have a long or
diffi#ult labor, or the #hild is born with some !strange! disease, li$e e#zema. 5ften 6is#es
#hildren get a fever or the flu early in life, and several days are spent worrying whether
they!ll ma$e it through the e*perien#e without brain damage. They pi#$ up this worry
from their parents be#ause 6is#eans are so intuitive. They begin to worry a lot about their
health and welfare at an early age.

The mother of a 6is#es is a lady who worries a lot and who is afraid of everything- she
worries about getting robbed, mugged and $illed. 1he worries about life % and in the
middle of all her worry she plays the martyr role. 1he will a##ept her fate, she sighs, and
the little 6is#es #hild soa$s up these vibrations. These #hildren are so intuitive and all%
$nowing that they often ma$e their parents un#omfortable. 5ne mother of a 6is#es
#onfided in me that her brother #ame for a brief visit when her #hild was si* months old.
"hen the #hild was about four, the brother reappeared and the 6is#es as$ed un#le where
his beard was, sin#e he!d had one the last time the #hild saw him. The mother #ouldn!t
believe what she!d heard. 1he had no photographs of her brother, and had not dis#ussed
his beard with the #hild. The memory these #hildren have is terrifi#. /armi# astrologers
feel that 6is#es types bring a lot of past%life fears, apprehensions and $nowledge with
them into this life. 6erhaps this is why 6is#eans are so #reative and intuitive. (owever,
the early #hildhood environment usually #reates a fear of developing their intuition % and
as spiritual as this sign is, they often fear e*ploring the o##ult, the religious or the more
spiritual sides of life. t may be that their fear of spirituality or their fear of developing
their intuition #omes from the fa#t that they $new too mu#h as #hildren' that every time
they #ame up with some interesting information they were either turned off, dis#iplined,
or made fun of by one of their parents. 1o 6is#eans bury the spiritual self deep inside.
The more intuitive they are, the more anti%religion they may be' the more psy#hi# they
are, the more they!re against the o##ult in any form.

The more 6is#eans re)e#t their natural #reativity and re)e#t their natural intuitive abilities
and try to be#ome hard, rational adults li$e some of the other sign types, the more
miserable they be#ome. t isn!t unusual for them to immerse themselves in al#ohol or
drugs. They seldom beome s$id%row al#oholi#s be#ause they en)oy the easy life too mu#h.
They are the !mira#ulous! wor$aholi#s who drin$ at night but manage to show up for wor$
every morning. They #an be the !wee$%end! al#oholi#s or drug abusers. 1ometimes they
go for al#ohol be#ause they #an!t #ope with their intuitive or psy#hi# e*perien#es. f these
e*perien#es don!t manifest during the day, they sometimes manifest at night during
dreaming. The dream e*perien#e #an be so overwhelming for 6is#eans that they start
drin$ing, sin#e al#ohol dulls the dream pro#ess. 6ropheti# dreams #an be hard for anyone
to ta$e when one doesn!t $now why one is having them or doesn!t $now how to wor$ with
the energy in a more positive sense.

The 6is#es female enters her adult life with many of her mother!s e*pe#tations and
habits. 1he often resents the power of her mother, and she also resents her father
b#eause he didn!t stand up for himself in the marital relationship. 6is#es pi#$s men that
are as wea$ as her father was, and then resents them for being that way. 1he tends to
#hoose someone she feels sorry for when she pi#$s her first marriage partner. After she
be#omes #ons#ious of what she has done, she begins to feel sorry for herself % and a little
bit of the martyr begins to #ome out. 1he #onfuses sympathy with love, and doesn!t
understand that a love relationship #an!t be shared with someone she feels pity for.
6is#es should use her strong altruisti# tenden#ies for wor$ rather than marriage. 1he
suffers a great deal, either with an in#ompetent lover or husband, or with someone who
mistreats her. "hen she learns to pi#$ better material, and de#ides that although her
mother suffered it isn!t ne#essary for her to, she will get involved in healthy relationships.

The 6is#es male ma$es the same mista$es as the 6is#es female. "hen he is younger, he
also marries a person he feels sorry for. 5r, the first !big! love arffair is with someone who
needs to be saved from herself or from something else. (e soon finds that he has to ta$e
#are of this woman all the time, and that he doesn!t really have anyone to share his life
with, and so he tries to get out of the relationship. (owever, if he fails to wor$ his way
out of the martyr syndrome that his mother taught him to be normal behavior, he will
#ontinue to ma$e a martyr of himself in any relationship he forms. (e will #ontinue to
e*pe#t to be a martyr, to be mistreated, and to be misused. (e needs to learn to tal$ out
his problems. "hen there are diffi#ulties that need to be wor$ed through in the pro#ess
of a maturing relationship, he tends to withdraw and suffer. This is a habit he learned
from +om, and he doesn!t $now any other way to behave. (e #an, if he wants to, learn
how to ma$e a relationship wor$ by giving as mu#h as he e*pe#ts to get. (owever, the
"ater signs have trouble giving in a personal sense. They!re more #on#erned with
getting' they worry about how mu#h they!ll get from a partnership. They don!t get mu#h
guidan#e in their #hildhood environment to tea#h them the give%and%ta$e ne#essary in a

1in#e 6is#es is a theoreti#al sign, these people are interested in the theory behind the
idea' and, mu#h li$e the A,uarian, they are an impersonal group of people. They tal$
about feeling' they tal$ about spiritual evolvement' they tal$ about how spiritually
evolved and #ons#ious they are. But when the time #omes for being understanding or
open in their own personal relationships, they tend to be more verbal than a#tual. They
are mother imitators, and whatever the mother gave the father is often what 6is#eans
give their prartner, friends and business asso#iates. 5ften the mother was a user' and
6is#eans #an use people too. 1ometimes one hears from them only when they need
something. They may never as$ you how you are, or if you feel o$, but they!ll tell you how
miserable they feel and how mu#h they need. "hen one observes 6is#eans over a long
period of time, one begins to noti#e that they don!t really need that mu#h, that they aren!t
doing badly, and that they #omplain more than is ne#essary. 5ne may even begin to
suspe#t that they en)oy #omplaining. They are here to learn spiritual awareness. t seems
that they bring a lot of $nowledge from the !other side!' but they are here to learn how to
put this $nowledge into pra#ti#e.

As far as profession is #on#erned, 6is#eans usually do ,uite well' they tend to get the
brea$s in life, and often wind up in positions they don!t really have the ba#$ground or
e*perien#e for. They!re usually drawn to the #lassi#al theatre, literature and art, or the
humanitarian fields. They are also drawn to the pleasant so#ial%servi#e positions li$e a
maRtre d! or manager of a great resort hStel, and positions that ma$e a #omfortable living.
The #reative 6is#eans sometimes sell out, ele#ting to ta$e the easy money rather than
using their #reative energies. "hen this o##urs, they suffer be#ause the energy remains
untapped. 1ome 6is#eans may li$e money so mu#h that the female #an be drawn to the
oldest profession in the world' she thin$s she won!t have to wor$ too hard. Again, the
spiritual urges in 6is#eans hurt when su#h types of de#isions are made, and they suffer
later in life.

6is#es #hildren need lots of en#ouragement in early #hildhood. They should be e*posed to
musi# and dan#e, and #reative endeavors in general. They often live in a fantasy world
full of imaginary playmates, #reating a universe of their own when the family stru#ture is
too harsh for them to #ope with. This ability to #reate fantasy #an be #hanneled in su#h a
way that the #hild be#omes an e*tremely #reative adult, offering wonderful things to the
rest of the world. .instein was a 6is#es who used his retreat into the !windows of the
mind! to bring a new perspe#tive to the s#ientifi# #ommunity. All 6is#eans have a pie#e of
this gift, and it!s there to be used. (owever, in order that 6is#eans may use their #reative
energies, they must give up the martyr role % unless, of #ourse, they!re going on the stage
to a#t the part of 4oan of Ar#.

((aydn 6aul)

The 6is#es personality tends to be easy%going, sympatheti#, trusting, $ind, loving,
#haritable and modest' and not parti#ularly interested in drawing attention to itself. 7ou
have a gift of understanding, although this may #ome about by using a psy#hi# fa#ulty
whi#h you #an un#on#siously rely upon to re#eive information. 7ou tend to !merge your
mind! with another during #ommuni#ation' and information is transmitted, often
bypassing the #ons#ious mind.

7our approa#h to life and wor$ will be orderly, although your inner states of mind,
emotions and being will tend to be very #hangeable and fluid, refle#ting the 6is#ean
water affinity. 7ou may be too impressionable, espe#ially in your youth and early
adulthood' and your life #an be dominated in several ways by the power of your emotions
and imaginative fa#ulties. f you be#ome #ommitted towards supporting an idealisti#
#ause, your involvement is li$ely to be an intense e*perien#e- partly be#ause of the
emotional attra#tion and energy e*pressed' and partly through the e*perien#e of
dis#iplining your nature towards fulfilling any obligations and responsibilities that the
!#ause! imposes upon you, and the inevitable inner struggle that usually o##urs in su#h a

7ou may la#$ firm self%#onfiden#e, and are rarely $een to push yourself into situations of
#ompetition and aggression, preferring to ma$e efforts to see$ a harmonious resolution of
problems and #onfli#ts in any #onfrontational situation. 5ften, you may inwardly rely
upon money and possessions to give you a sense of self%worth, and to enhan#e your
#onfiden#e in your abilities to su##eed in the world.

6otentially, you #an be ,uite #reative if you su##eed in finding appropriate #hannels of
e*pression' and the most attra#tive areas for you will be musi#, literature and the arts,
espe#ially when responses from your feeling nature are evo$ed, in addition to your mind.
7ou tend to indulge in daydreams, partly as a form of evasion and es#ape from the
demands of the real world' and you may have to be #areful that you do not generate an
inner #limate of illusions, desires and wishes that prevent you from e*perien#ing your
a#tual reality, or even ma$e you blind as to what is a#tually o##urring' inner unfulfilled
dreams #an ma$e you lose appre#iation of life.

7ou appear to be a fle*ible and malleable person, but there is a strong strea$ of
stubbornness that #an emerge when you are provo$ed, and you are not as open%minded
as you #an seem. 5ften you get !stu#$! on ideas, beliefs and attitudes from whi#h you #an
almost refuse to move' and, in a way, these tend to give you a sense of personal !#entre!
amidst the ebbs and flows of your tidal feelings.
7ou will desire the !ideal home and family!, and #han#es for su##ess depend upon the
degrees of realism or illusion e*pressed by you in relationships, as your e*pe#tations may
be too high and not easily attained. 7ou are liable to be emotionally hurt and
disappointed. 9ealisti# per#eptions of relationships may re,uire prior disillusioning
e*perien#es. There is a tenden#y to initiate #hanges in relationships or environments
whi#h refle#t a !new start, new dreams to #reate and #hase!. 7ou will have a romanti#
attitude to your love affairs, and #an be ,uite sentimental. 5ften you #an be ,uite #riti#al
of your partner, pro)e#ting your ,ualities of self%doubt and supposed inade,ua#ies or la#$
of #ertain ,ualities onto your partner, loo$ing to him or her to provide you with these
,ualities that you la#$. 7ou need a reliable, methodi#al and effi#ient partner' and you will
wor$ to ma$e any marriage a su##ess, but you may be tempted to evade #onfrontation
and #rises, pushing problems away. 7ou may have diffi#ulty at times ma$ing de#isions,
and #an be psy#hologi#ally dependent on others.

7ou need to dis#over an inner faith, finding a #lear dire#tion and purpose to your life' and
forms of humanitarian servi#e may be a suitable path to loo$ towards.

(1ydney 5marr)

6is#es females

This woman appre#iates $indness and #onsideration above almost anything else- you #an
win her by being sympatheti#. (owever, on#e you do, she is apt to be possessive, and has
a tenden#y to !ta$e over!. n a way, this #ould be pleasant- 6is#es women are lovely,
poeti#, emotional, giving, generous' to have a woman su#h as this wanting you all to
herself is not hard to ta$e. 5n the other hand, if you are basi#ally independent you will
soon resent her. This brings us to the all%important hint- when dealing with 6is#es
women, be fran$, open and honest to the point of #onfiding your se#rets. This appeals to
her and gains her #onfiden#e. 5n#e this is established, she is not li$ely to hold so tight to
the reins. The se#ret hint, in other words, is to give the 6is#es lady #onfiden#e in herself.
1he has a tenden#y toward self%doubt, often e*pressed in her possessive attitude.

f you want to be happy with a 6is#es woman, don!t hold ba#$. :o matter how terrible the
truth, it is better to tell it. This lady is a fighter as well as a poet- she has a few se#rets of
her own' some #onta#ts or ideas whi#h, if utilized, might well pull you out of diffi#ulties.
1he is not an easy woman to understand' she often #hanges with the s#enery, with the
situation % as if nature had given her a strange power to fa#e any situation, no matter how
pleasant or awful.

7ou will want to shield her, prote#t her' but time and again she will prove that she is
tough, able to ta$e it. Then, in almost the ne*t moment, she on#e more will be#ome the
gentle, leaning dependent 6is#ean. 5ne of her great assets is a sense of humor- she will
laugh when you most need to hear the sound of laughted. ;ive her #onfiden#e, warmth
and love % and you will be amply repaid.

These women are e*traordinary when it #omes to psy#hi# power- they #an see through a
falsehood' they #an tell what the ne*t move will bring' they #an read your motives with
#rystal #larity. n a way, living with a 6is#es woman is similar to living with a lie dete#tor.
t is a wonderful feeling of vindi#ation % when the indi#ator point to !truth! % but the
feeling of depression is severe when the needle points the other way.

5ne more hint- despite her hun#hes, her psy#hi# abilities, and her sympathy for the
underdog, this woman has plenty of #ommon sense. &on!t attempt to play upon her

6is#es males

5ne of the best hints is to go slow with this man. &on!t push or for#e issues. Be subtle.
6lan #arefully. ngratiate yourself with him' ma$e yourself a part of his life and wor$. (e
will soon as$ your opinions' he will #onfide in you. (e is a sensitive soul if you ta$e it
easy. f you push, for#e, demand, he will stand up to you and show you the door. (e is not
the easiest man to be with, but he may well be one of the $indest and most #onsiderate.

;entle methods #an #apture this man!s heart' he does have a tenden#y to be self%
indulgent, and for#eful arguments #an send him into a prote#tive shell, where he will be
,uite satisfied to #ommiserate with himself. f you abhor daydreaming, then find another
man. The 6is#es male is imaginative' often highly #reative' and he is a dreamer if ever
there was one.

(e is emotional, :eptunian, and at times mediumisti# in that he appears to be inspired
out of the blue. (e has flashes of insight' and these first impressions not only are often
#orre#t but ultimately prove profitable8 This man is never #ompletely #ontented. t is
important for you to be aware of this trait. 5therwise, the tenden#y would be for you to
blame yourself, or to blame him. The #hara#teristi# is ingrained' it is part of the man % it
is a healthy dis#ontent. 5n the highest or most #reative plain, it #ould be termed !divine
dis#ontent!. (e is not satisfied to rest on past performan#e' he strives for improvement.
5ften he appears abstra#t- you are tempted to #omplain that there are problems to be
attended to #lose at home % this instead of dreaming of a 3topia. But you ahve been
forewarned- the 6is#es man is a dreamer, but he is not a s#hemer.

"hen he de#ides he loves you, it is with all his heart.

This man!s greatest fault, perhaps, is a tenden#y to be too trusting- he sees persons and
situations the way he wishes or would li$e them to be instead of in a#tuality. This is part
of his #harm, however. t is one of the things that #ould ma$e you love him.

(e is wonderfully #onsiderate of those who are wea$ or ill, or who need help. (e will
seldom disappoint you when it #omes to ,ualities of integrity or sympathy.

(1$ye Ale*ander)

6eople who have their 1uns in 6is#es are usually sensitive, shy, introverted, emotional
and #ompassionate. 6ea#e%loving, $ind%hearted and passive, you re#oil from all forms of
violen#e, #oarseness and aggression. 0hristianity, for instan#e, with its emphasis on
pea#e and love, often is #onsidered to be a 6is#ean religion. 7our gentle spirit is easily
bruised, and you need regular periods of ,uiet isolation, to rest, meditate or simply
restore your inner balan#e.

7ou see your !role! as the savior < martyr, and fre,uently help others at your own e*pense.
Be#ause 6is#es is a non%personal sign, more #on#erned with the universal than the
individual, you rarely #onsider yourself first. n fa#t, you may negle#t yourself altogether-
either through sa#rifi#ing yourself for an ideal, another person or ;od, through religious
as#eti#ism' or through ignoring your health and your body!s needs. For this reason,
6is#es sometimes is #alled the sign of self%undoing. At times, it may seem that you follow
the most harmful or unprodu#tive #ourse, or get involved with people who aren!t good for
you. 7our ego isn!t very strong, and you may la#$ self%esteem and #onfiden#e.
0onse,uently, your attitudes and behavior are sometimes self%destru#tive.

7ou are more #on#erned with others! well%being than your own, and want to save people
from themselves. 1ympatheti# to the plight of the worlds! unfortunates, you!d li$e to
bring home every stray animal and helpless soul you meet. 7ou are easily ta$en in by a
hard%lu#$ story, and often leave yourself open to being used. Tender%hearted and non%
)udgemental, you are always there with a shoulder to #ry on and a #up of herb tea for a
friend in need. Friend and stranger ali$e tell you of their problems' and you not only
#ommiserate with them, but a#tually feel their pain. 7ou sympatheti# and supportive
nature is a soothing balm for those in need. (owever, you have to guard against letting
others influen#e you too strongly or ta$e advantage of you.

7our #aring nature and #on#ern for the welfar of others may lead you to a #areer in so#ial
servi#es, psy#hology, nursing, nutrition, veterinary medi#ine or religion.

7our sensitivity to others allows you to tune into their un#ons#ious sides, and you often
seem, to $now what they are thin$ing and feeling. As a result of your $een intuition and
your fas#ination with the spiritual realm, you may be#ome interested in the psy#hi# or
mysti#al arts.

+ost probably, you have an artisti# sensibility' and you may possess musi#al, poeti# or
other artisti# talents. At the very least, you will probably appre#iate art and musi#, and
are sensitive to #olor, tone and rhythm. 5verly idealisti#, you sometimes find it hard to
live in the physi#al world and deal with the harsh realities of earthly e*isten#e. The non%
physi#al realms may be more real to you than the physi#al one, and you rarely seem to
have both feet on the ground. 7ou might forget to pay the bills, $eep appointments or put
gas in the #ar. 7our unwillingness to deal with pra#ti#al issues might #ause you to
be#ome dependent on others to ta$e #are of you physi#ally and < or finan#ially. At times
you appear !spa#ey! or unfo#used, lost in daydreams and fantasies. This #an be the sour#e
of great imagination and #reativity % but it #an also be dangerous if #arried too far. 7ou
have a tenden#y to retreat into your own fantasy world in order to avoid responsibilities,
painful e*perien#es, or other diffi#ult !real%life! situations. n the e*treme, you may es#ape
through al#ohol, drugs, insanity or religious isolation.

7our greatest gifts are your #ompassion and your all%en#ompassing love for the least as
well as the greatest of ;od!s #reatures. 7our greatest failing usually result from refusing
to fa#e fa#ts and learn the lessons of earthly e*isten#e.
6is#eans may be multifa#eted' sometimes #onfused' and able to be in tou#h with both
heaven and earth, the spiritual and the material world, and also able to understand all
the subtleties of thin$ing and feeling.

6is#eans are rather unworldly people who have their heads in the #louds and their feet
)ust about anywhere from the ground upwards8 6is#eans are gentle #reatures who want
to ma$e the world a better pla#e than it is now, but who may la#$ the energy or the
mental #o%ordination to do so. These sub)e#ts invariably #hoose to wor$ in some $ind of
#aring field, whi#h #ould ta$e them into anything from politi#s to animal welfare. They
loathe the idea of vivise#tion, prison, restri#tion and punishment of any $ind' and it is
probably this whi#h leads so many of them to find wor$ as nurses, prison visitors or

t seems that 6is#eans grow to adulthood with painful memories whi#h are left over
either from their own #hildhood or possibly from a previous life. This ma$es them
espe#ially sensitive to the pain of others. n most #ases, they respond to this by wanting
to heal the world and to put right all the wrongs whi#h they #ome a#ross. (aving said
this, some 6is#eans respond to the pain of others by lashing out and hurting the one who
is suffering, presumably in order to push their own pain away in an attempt to relegate it
to some far off #orner. This $ind of syndrome may lead a 6is#ean man to hit his unhappy
wife and then rush out to drown his own painful emotions in the nearest pub. 5thers have
su#h a need for se#urity that they be#ome desperately mean and penny%pin#hing or they
#olle#t so mu#h )un$ for a rainy day that they #an hardly move around their homes.

6is#eans are idealisti# and, in some #ases, unrealisti#. They #an be#ome very e*#ited by
an idea, and set off on a #ourse of a#tion without really thin$ing it through' but their
superb intuition leads them safely and surely in the right dire#tion. n both wor$ing
#ir#umstan#es and their personal life, 6is#eans benefit by having a steady, pra#ti#al
partner who $eeps them from going off ant a tangent or from falling into despair.
6is#eans #an be#ome helpless, out%of%#ontrol and terribly depressed at times. (owever,
these sub)e#ts have a pi,uant sense of humour whi#h probably does more to save them
from themselves than anything else. They also have amazing powers of re#overy, and #an
boun#e ba#$ from physi#al or emotional problems very ,ui#$ly when they want to.

6is#eans are highly #reative and often very artisti#, with a strongly visual imagination.
This ability to visualise, added to strongly intuitive #apabilities, leads many 6is#eans to
en#ounter #lairvoyant e*perien#es, whi#h means that many of them develop an interest in
mysti#al and mediumisti# sub)e#ts. 5thers #an be found in all areas of #reative or artisti#
wor$ su#h as musi#, painting, film video re#ording, the #reative side of the media, and
fashion design. f a 6is#ean finds a )ob he really li$es, or de#ides to go into business for
himself, his stubborn determination to su##eed will ta$e his friends and relatives by
surprise. These sub)e#ts also have the happy $na#$ of ma$ing influential friends who #an
and do help them get where they want to be in life.

6is#eans are not easy to live with be#ause, although they are very loving and very
lovable, their moodiness ma$es them diffi#ult to understand. These sub)e#ts respond to
everything in a mysti#al and sensual manner, so if something in the atmosphere is not
right, they will feel it $eenly. The 6is#ean may be uneasy be#ause a storm is on the way,
be#ause a neighbour or friend is si#$ or unhappy, be#ause one of his #hildren has been
nasty to him, or be#ause he senses #hanges #oming in his pla#e of wor$. (e may not
$now what it is that is a#tually ma$ing him depressed, simply be#ause the problem may
not yet have o##urred, and may only be apparent in the form of a presentiment. 6is#eans
#an be made to suffer by bullies or uns#rupulous people, but they do have some forms of
defen#e. They #an be surprisingly sar#asti#' and #an, of #ourse, see straight through to
other people!s underlying faults and failings regardless of how #arefully hidden these may

n many ways, these people never grow up but retain the inno#en#e of a #hild or animal'
and, indeed, many of them are happier in the #ompany of #hildren or animals than with
adults. 6is#eans #an be surprisingly resour#eful, and #an also manage to live on
surprisingly little. n the ma)ority of #ases, their values are spiritual rather than material,
but they li$e to eat well and to live in #omfort. +ost of all, they value freedom and hate to
feel that they #annot #ome and go as they li$e. 1ome feel un#omfortable when
surrounded by the trappings of material goods, but most a#tually need a ni#e home and a
ni#e garden, both as a form of se#urity and as a pla#e to whi#h they #an retreat. +any are
good #oo$s and homema$ers, and most are very loving parents, but this #an go vaguely
wrong for strange reasons.

This is su#h an indefinable sign that it en#ompasses su#h varied #hara#ters as 6addy
Ashdown, the e*%9oyal +arine 0ommando and leader of the 3./. Liberal &emo#rate
party, top surgeons, head%tea#hers, and down%and%outs who live in #ardboard bo*es,
underneath the ar#hes of a railway line.

6is#eans are generally medium in height, and either slim or slightly rounded in
appearan#e. +any of these sub)e#ts have to wat#h their weight later in life. n white
ra#es, the #omple*ion is fair with a good #olour, the nose is ,uite prominent, the eyes are
pale and prominent, and the mouth is generous with a large and happy smile. 1ome have
fly%away hair whi#h is hard to handle, while others have a good head of thi#$, straight
hair. +ost 6is#eans seem to wear glasses, and many need to wear sun%glasses in the
summer be#ause their pale eyes let in too mu#h light. 6is#ean women are often very
photogeni# due to their strong bones and large features. 6is#eans are ,uite fussy about
their appearan#e, and they may spend ,uite a lot on #lothing. They prefer to buy good%
,uality #lothes whi#h will last' and they always spend a good deal on #omfortable shoes.
1ome 6is#eans go for the sporty loo$, with upmar$et tra#$ suits and training shoes, while
others are !#ountry #asual! in style.

The traditional area of wea$ness for health is the feet' and 6is#eans do have either very
good or very bad feet. 6is#eans seem to be !#rea$ing gates! who lur#h from one strange
ailment to anohter, but who still manage to live long and relatively healthy lives. 6is#eans
are very sensitive to #hanges both in the environment and inside their own bodies' and
they respond to this by admitting that something is wrong rather than ignoring any
symptoms. These sub)e#ts are very health%#ons#ious, and may dose themselves with all
$inds of alternative medi#ines or see$ out treatment from a variety of alternative
pra#titioners. 1ome 6is#eans drin$ too mu#h.

6is#eans wor$ in a variety of fields and #an be very su##essful if they are e*#ited by their
)obs. (owever, a great many of them only wor$ be#ause they must, and are #ontent to
ta$e )obs whi#h are well below their ability level. 6is#eans are not parti#ularly ambitious
or materialisti# in outloo$, and they may save the bul$ of their energies for their many
and varied pastimes. (aving said this, if a 6is#ean gets the bit between his teeth, he #an
be e*tremely su##essful. +y 6is#ean friend Barbara .llen re#ently opened a holisti#
health #entre in "ales' and, through a mi*ture of faith and determination, is turning this
unusual venture into a great su##ess. 6is#eans #an be found wor$ing for themselves as
#raftsmen or as builders, gardeners and small farmers. Traditionally, 6is#eans are
supposed to be attra#ted to wor$ on the sea, fishing, shoe%ma$ing and #hiropody (through
the sign!s asso#iation with feet). #an!t say that have a#tually noti#ed 6is#eans being
attra#ted to these trades, whereas the world of art and entertainment is full of them.
5ther traditional areas are #onne#ted to the oil and gas industry and also film and
photography. A number of 6is#eans are attra#ted to medi#al or veterinary wor$, while
still others tea#h. 6is#eans love sports, dan#ing and movement, and may be found
tea#hing these sub)e#ts. They are restless, and may therefore find wor$ in the travel
trade. 6hilosophy, religion and mysti#ism attra#t 6is#eans, to a point where many of them
find wor$ in these fields. Among my 6is#ean a#,uaintan#es, $now a musi#ian, a builder,
a swimming instru#tor, a flying instru#tor, a le#turer in history, an e*e#utive in an oil and
energy #ompany who sells gas' many astrologers, palmists and #lairvoyants, healers and
medi#al wor$ers' and one prostitute. +ost of the people have wor$ed with in the
psy#hi# field (as opposed to the astrologi#al field) have either their 1un or their +oon in

6is#eans #an be e*tremely determined people who will not be defle#ted from their #hosen
pathway. Their #hoi#e of o##upation or road to su##ess may be an unusual one, but this is
followed with more tena#ity than most other members of the Bodia# but together. f a
6is#ean de#ided to open a sheep farm in the middle of 6i#adilly 0ir#us, he would end up
either a#hieving his aim or dying in the attempt.

1ome 6is#eans are penny%pin#hing, but these sub)e#ts are often as miserly to themselves
as they are towards others. 5ther 6is#eans wil spend freely on food and drin$ for
themselves and others, and happily forget all finan#ial #onstraints if there is any #han#e
of holding a party or festivity of some $ind. 3nder everyday #ir#umstan#es, 6is#eans #an
be very frugal, saving paper bags, bits of string and slivers of soap for re%use. All "ater
signs are e*#ellent re#y#lers, but 6is#eans ma$e an art of this. +any 6is#eans are poor in
a pe#uliarly romanti# style. 5ne e*ample is 1arah, an a#,uaintan#e of mine who lives in a
garret wor$ing as a #hina restorer, while another has turned her hobby of gardening into
a livelihood. This type of 6is#ean will live for his art or #raft rather then do an ordinary
)ob whi#h brings in real money. &espite this, 6is#eans worry #onstantly about money, and
#ould really do with a ni#e, fat lega#y behind them. There is another $ind of 6is#ean who
a#tually does ,uite well finan#ialy but still lives on ne*t%to%nothing and feels )ust as
inse#ure as his genuinely impe#unious #ousins. There are yet more 6is#eans who live
,uite normal lives. This is one of those signs whi#h, li$e its neighbouring sign of
A,uarius, is hard to #ategorise.

6is#ean possessions #an range from an o#ean%going ya#ht to a few eating utensils and a
#at. +any 6is#eans don!t drive, and those who do usually own beloved old bangers from
whi#h they #an!t bear to be parted. 1ome 6is#eans are very independent where money is
#on#erned, and yet others may be (almost) generous.

6is#eans ,uite li$e their own #ompany, and #an live happily alone. (owever, they don!t
spend all their time in isolation be#ause they usually have many friends. +ost 6is#eans
seem to drift in and out of relationships, perhaps being married for a time, and then
slipping away to live with someone else. These sub)e#ts may share their homes with
friends for a while, or they may #hoose to live temporarily with a friend in between one
set of #ir#umstan#es and the ne*t (a situation #ommon to 6is#eans). There are 6is#eans
who marry when young and stay with the same partner throughout their lives, but many
don!t. 6is#eans appear soft and malleable, but they are a#tually rather determined
people. They #hoose a way of life whi#h suits them' and, whether this is pra#ti#al or not
in finan#ial terms, they sti#$ with their dreams, whi#h means that their partners have to
learn to adapt and to live with their spe#ial interests. This also means that the 6is#ean
may not earn mu#h money, so they are probably best suited to a partner who #an $eep
them in a reasonable style. +ost 6is#eans are very proud of their s$ills and talents, and
need a partner who a#$nowledges this and respe#ts their parti#ular art. f a 6is#ean!s
partner ridi#ules what the 6is#ean does, the relationship hasn!t mu#h #han#e of
surviving. A 6is#es friend of mine who is an e*#ellent psy#hi# medium was married for
,uite a few years to a guy who detested what she did. (e eventually told her that she
must give up her wor$ and get a )ob in a shop if she wanted to stay with him' and this
spelled the end of the relationship. Life is never dull with these sub)e#ts, be#ause they
seem to go through a fresh drama every third wee$. 1ome partners of 6is#eans find this
emotional see%saw too mu#h to handle.
A 6is#es home #an be anything from a s,uat to a pala#e. +ost 6is#eans, after drifting for
a while, do try to maintain a pla#e of their own even if they are not always there. This is
partly be#ause they are not adaptable enough to live in someone else!s spa#e for any
length of time, and partly be#ause they see property as a form of se#urity. +ost 6is#eans
do $eep their homes ni#ely' and their gardens are often really beautiful. These sub)e#ts
are usually good #oo$s, and they may also be good at ma$ing and mending things around
the home' but they get bored if they spend too mu#h time indoors, and they have many
outside interests. +ost 6is#eans need to get away to the sea from time to time.

6is#eans are very so#iable, and are also $een on short brea$s of all $inds, so they need a
partner who is as restless as themselves or who doesn!t ob)e#t to them being out of the
house a good deal of the time. 1ome 6is#eans are great travellers who wor$ away from
home mu#h of the time and only see their families on flying visits, when on leave or
between )obs.

6is#es people #an be moody and irritable, and o##asionally self%pitying and angry, whi#h
#an ma$e them pretty diffi#ult to live with. Female 6is#eans #an be draining, demanding
and boring, while males #an spend mu#h of their time drowning some une*pressed
sorrow in the nearest pub.

The thought of a party, a meal out or a holiday by the sea #heers them up immensely.
These sub)e#ts #an be mean in small ways, saving s#raps of soap, little pie#es of string
and paper bags with all the enthusiasm of a refugee' but they #an be generous in big
ways, good to their friends and families, and always ready to spend out on food and drin$.
1ome 6is#eans are loyal and faithful lovers, while others seem to need a #hange of bed%
partner from time to time. f a 6is#ean!s partner de#ides to ta$e his < her love elsewhere
for a while, the 6is#ean will be aware of it almost immediately, but whether he de#ides
that he #an live with this situation or not depends upon his mood and his #ir#umstan#es.
t is no use lying to these people, be#ause they have e*#ellent intuition.

1ome 6is#eans are very fussy and old%womanish, demanding that everything be done in a
#ertain way and infuriating their partners by #reeping around the house double%#he#$ing
that the doors are lo#$ed and that there is enough salt in the #oo$ing. +ost 6is#eans are
very #apable in an emergen#y. Their #almness at su#h times ma$es a star$ #ontrast to
their usual state of near%pani#. These sub)e#ts ma$e wonderful nurses, but they be#ome
bored if a si#$ partner #omplains too mu#h. 6is#es partners #annot ta$e too mu#h
dis#ord, and they don!t en)oy a good row in the way that some other people do. "hen
verbally atta#$ed, they #an be surprisingly hurtful be#ause their intuition tells them
e*a#tly where their partner!s wea$est spot is li$ely to be. 6is#eans seem to go out of their
way to find diffi#ult people to live with, but they survive these e*perien#es, learning a lot
from them and be#oming independent and strongly%#entred later in life. 6is#eans who are
devoted to their partners will do all they #an to help when problems o##ur, and #an be
,uite dazzlingly #ourageous in the fa#e of fier#e diffi#ulties. The problem with these
people is their unpredi#tability and their #laustrophobi# need to es#ape even from a very
good relationship from time to time.

6is#eans are heavily into fantasy, but whether they live these fantasies out in their mind
or a#t them out in the bedroom depends upon the individual. 1ome 6is#eans are happy to
live with little or no se*, saving their energy and their imagination for wor$ or #reative
hobbies, while others are very $een lovers who ta$e every opportunity to e*periment.
+any flu#tuate between periods of intense se*ual a#tivity and nothing at all, depending
upontheir mood and their #ir#umstan#es. f they find themselves with a #o%operative
partner, there may be no holds barred. 1ome 6is#eans en)oy ma$ing love in strange
pla#es' while others li$e to be in, near or under water. +ost find the bathroom an
e*#iting playground. There are 6is#eans who en)oy dressing up and a#ting out a part' and
many li$e to sho#$ their partners or en#ourage them to be more abandoned than they
might otherwise be. 6is#eans are ,uite #omfortable with se* in any form, from playing
affe#tionately to rea#hing for new heights of passion, and they love to instru#t or
entertain a lover with new love%ma$ing e*perien#es. +any 6is#eans are total romanti#s
who love Ealentine!s day, red roses and #andle%lit dinners, and #onsider this as mu#h a
part of love%ma$ing as the se* a#t itself.

6is#eans are rather good at relating to friends and relatives, and will $eep on good terms
with their families and even e*%spouses, wherever possible. These sub)e#ts are good
listeners and great gossips who #an be relied upon to $eep their friends and relatives
entertained. 6is#eans love both feeding people and being ta$en out for trips and meals'
and they en)oy sharing their interests with those around them. They #an be ,uite
unpleasant to anyone who sets out to hurt them, but they will do anything to help
someone they #are for.

As parents, 6is#eans #an be rather la* and absent%minded. The #hildren of a 6is#ean
woman may spend a good part of their lives being brought up by someone else, whilst
6is#ean men may drift away from their #hildren as a result of a divor#e. "hen all goes
well, they are very #aring parents' but they must have a life of their own, and #annot
sa#rifi#e all their time and energy for the sa$e of their offspring. 6is#es parents try to
introdu#e their #hildren to the gentler aspe#ts of life, su#h as art, musi# and !:ew Age!
interests' and they hate arguments and dis#ord.

As #hildren, 6is#eans #an be dreamy and somewhat ineffe#tual, needing a strongly #aring
set of parents to shield them from harsh reality. They may be good at artisti# sub)e#ts
and, oddly enough, mathemati#s and engineering, be#ause they have a good sense of
#olour, line and balan#e. These #hildren are not #ompetitive or ambitious, and they may
suffer at the hands of bullying #hildren or tea#hers. t ta$es a 6is#ean a long time to find
himself' and #hildhood is far too early for him to begin to mould his life into any $ind of
shape. :evertheless, the 6is#es #hild may get a lot out of his interests and a#tivities, and
will ma$e a few good friends among the more adult and tolerant of his s#hoolfellows
along the way.

(4ulia and &ere$ 6ar$er)

The symbol of 6is#es % two fishes swimming in opposite dire#tions % suggests the main
tension in 6is#ean #hara#ter- a natural perversity. /indness )oins with $een intuition to
ma$e 6is#eans the best sort of friends. They are friendly, #haritable and self%sa#rifi#ing,
but their willingness to help others has a drawba#$ in that they too often ma$e it an
e*#use for failing to e*ploit their own high potential' they are so busy using their energy
on behalf of their family and friends that they have little left for their own affairs.

t is often very diffi#ult for 6is#eans to learn to fa#e reality' stronger, #aring people
should en#ourage them to do so at every opportunity. The belief that !whatever will be,
will be! #an be#ome a veritable trap for them, in the worst #ases resulting in #omplete
ina#tion. Ta$ing the line of least resistan#e, and de#eiving themselves be#ause they don!t
want to fa#e up to harsh reality, are ma)or faults.

The #olorful 6is#ean imagination, #reatively and positively e*pressed, is an enormous
asset, but 6is#eans must learn not to allow their imaginations to wor$ negatively,
magnifying small problems into ma)or ones. The negative 6is#ean #hara#teristi#s will
then ta$e over. f they #hannel their imaginations #reatively, finding a spe#ifi# outlet for
them (perhaps in some form of art or #raft), they #an a#hieve results whi#h will surprise
themselves. Traditionally, 6is#es is $nown as the poet of the zodia#, but ta$e this in the
broadest sense % it applies to the #reative use of the imagination in any area of life.

The refusal to fa#e reality #an emerge in an inability to see things as they really are. This
$ind of self%de#eption #an be a really dangerous fault, persuading 6is#eans to lie be#ause
(they tell themselves) the truth will hurt those they love. 5n the #ontrary, of #ourse, they
are usually only ma$ing matters worse. 1un sign 6is#eans should strive to develop minds
of their own, thus avoiding evasion and inde#ision whenever ma)or de#isions must be
made. The position of +er#ury (whi#h rules the mind) in the #omplete birth #hart must be
#arefully studied.

6is#ean emotion is readily poured into an emotional partnership, and loved ones may be
overwhelmed with affe#tion. 6rovided their emotions are $ept under #ontrol, 6is#eans
#an bring something very spe#ial to a partnership' but their feelings are always #lose to
the surfa#e, and surprisingly trivial matters #an sometimes trigger a s#ene. 9omanti# and
sentimental, when they fall in love 6is#eans wear permanent rose%#olored glasses' they
will only dispense with them as the result of bitter e*perien#e, when the partner!s faults
are ruthlessly e*posed. A #lear view of reality, however, usually enables them to build the
relationship on firmer foundations. :ot overly passionate, their romanti# view of se* #an
be tenderly and handsomely e*pressed.

t is vital that the parents of a 6is#ean #hild train him or her to be honest and
straightforward. This may not be easy, but the tenden#y to embroider the truth with
plenty of imaginative #olor #an mean the less desirable 6is#ean traits do serious damage.
Any interest whi#h fires the imagination positively should be en#ouraged and praised
from an early age. This may also be diffi#ult % 6is#eans always $now someone who #an do
things better than them. t is no use denying this' but point out that some #hildren will do
things less well. Their #onfiden#e must be bolstered at all times, and their powers of
#on#entration must also be sharpened if dreaminess is not to hinder progress. Any
s#ientifi# flair should #ertainly be en#ouraged' s#ien#e is potentially a good field for them
to wor$ in, provided other areas of the #hart show that the ne#essary meti#ulous #on#ern
for detail #an be added to their own imagination and inspiration.

6is#ean parents are eager to en#ourage their #hildren, but they #an be too easy%going
with them' parental vagueness #an be even more infuriating to a #hild than
overstri#tness. They put their #hildren firstm wanting them to develop their potential to
the fullest.

deally, a 6is#ean!s #areer should bring out the talent for #aring whi#h is one of the sign!s
strongest attributes, so they are admirably suited to wor$ in the #aring professions. They
are not very good at organization, and usually wor$ selflessly in the ba#$ground' yet they
are often e*#ellent and su##essful a#tors. This is be#ause, on stage, they #an #on#eal
their own personalities behind those of their #hara#ters.

Natal Sun in "st House


;ives honour and su##ess. A proud disposition' fran$, outspo$en, generous' despising
#li,ues and #oteries' independent and firm. t also gives a love of display and
publi#ity, a##ompanied by high motives.

(&ane 9udhyar)

n the first house this energy should illumine and sustain the sear#h for identity and
the intuitive per#eption of who one really is, or of one!s self%image. The person with
the 1un about to rise may e*perien#e an inner enthusiasm, a freshness of viewpoint,
or simply a robust health that will enable him to radiate what he is in a distin#t and
#ompelling manner. t is in su#h a sear#h for identity and in all deeds re,uiring
personal self%assertion and emotional intensity that the 1un fun#tion will be #alled
upon to operate most su##essfully. The negative aspe#t of this position may be pride
and !in%solen#e!.

(1ydney 5marr)

The 1un, traditionally spea$ing, tells of a native with a !sunny disposition!.

(sabel (i#$ey)

/eynote- to be.

As the first house is the outward rea#h for e*perien#e, and the 1un represents the
drive for signifi#an#e, this is a good pla#ement for the 1un. They are the e*e#utive
types with leadership ,ualities, and they are happiest when they are in a position of
dominan#e. They want the freedom of being on their own. There is #ourage,
enthusiasm, dignity and nobility if the 1un is not heavily affli#ted. f it is affli#ted,
espe#ially by +ars or 1aturn, then arrogan#e and ego have to be over#ome if these
individuals would be a su##ess in life. Too mu#h of the +artian for#e in their
magneti# field will drive people away from them rather than draw them to them. An
attra#ting personality draws through the power of Eenus, and an unattra#tive
personality repels through the for#e of +ars. Ba#$ of any planets in the first house is
the energy of +ars, for +ars is the natural ruler of the first house. The 1un is the
most powerful for#e in the universe. t #an warm or it #an s#or#h and burn. Let the
person with a first house 1un learn to use it wisely and well.

(Fran#es 1a$oian and Louis A#$er)

The 1un in the first house, espe#ially if it is #on)un#t the As#endant, indi#ates a
strong will, abundant vitality, and intense self%awareness. This postition #arries with
it great initiative and powers of leadership. 6eople with this position are not easily
swayed by the opinions or desires of others' they manifest a strong determination to
#hoose their own #ourse in life. They have a #lear view of what they want and are
e*tremely individualisti#. They have abundant energy and strong re#uperative
powers that help them over#ome physi#al ailments and affli#tions of every nature#

Their energy ma$es them ambitious for su##ess' and they will wor$ long and hard to
a#hieve personal distin#tion and esteem in the eyes of the world. t is a paramount
ne#essity for them to feel that they are persons of importan#e and distin#tion.

f the 1un is affli#ted in the first house, there #an be e*#essive pride, egotism,
#ompulsiveness, false ambition, and the desire to rule others.

(+ar#ia +oore and +ar$ &ouglas)

A strong sense of identity.

This #onfident, spontaneous, and outgoing individual is determined to ma$e
something of himself. (e rises to a position of eminen#e by his own enthusiasti#
efforts and through an inherent #onvi#tion that he has the freedom to bend destiny to
his will. There is #onsiderable love of power and often a desire to be appre#iated !for
oneself alone!, rather than for one!s ba#$ground, wealth, or prestige. ;ood health is
based upon a robust #onstitution whi#h #an stand up under strain. "hen well
aspe#ted, a first%house 1un shows a happy #hildhood and su##ess derived from being
in on the start of new enterprises.

((oward 1asportas)

Those born with the 1un in the =st are born )ust before sunrise when the #reative
for#es of day and light are gaining suprema#y over the dar$ness of night. As the 1un
edges its way over the horizon, the planet wa$es up % hidden things be#ome visible,
greater a#tivity #ommen#es, and people drag themselves out of bed and into the
world. The 1un in this position has an obvious stimulating effe#t on life' and those
born at this time should have a similar impa#t. These people are meant to influen#e
and #at#h the attention of others, to radiate their power in su#h a way that others are
attra#ted to their energy and warmth. They should meet life with vigour, enthusiasm
and the determination to ma$e something of themselves. 9ather than relying on the
family ba#$ground to feel important and gain a sense of identity, they need to forge
their own !pla#e in the 1un! and be appre#iated and respe#ted for what they
themselves #an do, #reate or ma$e happen. These people should not go unnoti#ed.
They re,uire a position in life whi#h e*er#ises their natural authority and fulfils their
desire for re#ognition.

The #onstitution should be strong if 1un is in the =st, although this will very mu#h
depend on the sign it is in and aspe#ts to it. "hen the 1un and the As#endant are in
the same sign, astrologers say that the person is a double Aries, double Taurus, et#..
n this #ase, they usually #learly e*emplify and embody the ,ualities of that sign.

f the 1un is well%aspe#ted in the =st, the influen#e of the early environment is li$ely
to be supportive of the person!s desire to e*press his or her individuality. 3sually
their birth will draw mu#h attention, as if to #orroborate their need to feel important.
A negative e*pression of the 1un in the =st may be an overbearing personality,
e*treme ego#entri#ity, and e*#essive pride. Those who do not manage to e*press or
develop a healthy outlet for their power and authority may turn bitter and #yni#al.
9ather than being resentful if their worth is not a#$nowledged un,uestioningly, they
should re#ognize that admiration and appre#iation from others must be earned first.

(4an 1piller and /aren +#0oy)

.*presses the right to be a#$nowledged as a leader and the ability to bring this about
by asserting one!s independen#e.

(9obert (and)

7ou have a strong personality that immediately ma$es an impression on other people.
"hen you enter the room, everyone $nows it. 7ou are very strong%willed and
energeti#. The problem with this is that you may not let the people around you be
themselves. 7our own energies are so strong that you try to impress your will upon
others, and you are very impatient when people try to assert themselves with you.
:evertheless, they have the right to assert themselves, and you should give them the
#han#e, even though you may find it irritating.

7our high level of self%#onfiden#e #an be very useful, as long as you $now your
limitations and avoid being #o#$sure. &on!t try to do more than you #an' and when
you are unable to do domething, don!t ta$e it as a personal defeat. t!s hard for you to
realize that no%one #an do everything.

7ou are physi#ally strong and should en)oy good health. f you #an learn to a##ept
your limitations and #ontrol your energy properly, you will be able to do a great deal.
6eople with the 1un in this house who learn how to get along with others and let
them have their way now and then are very well li$ed. But if you do not learn these
lessons, you will not be li$ed.

This position indi#ates that you are a person who stands out in a #rowd. At any so#ial
gathering, you have the first #hoi#e of potential partners. Be#ause of this outstanding
,uality, you don!t need to strive to ma$e a stronger impression when you en#ounter
someone who is attra#tive to you. n fa#t, that might wor$ against you, be#ause you
would probably seem rather overwhelming. Better to rela* and let your naturally
magneti# presen#e do the wor$ for you.

7ou tend to be ,uite dire#t and honest in your approa#h to people, and you don!t
bother to beat about the bush with a potential lover. .laborate #ourting is not your
game. Be#ause of your honesty, your love affairs begin and end ,uite abruptly, as you
have no desire to #ontinue a relationship that is no longer wor$ing well.

7ou tend to dominate your partner, simply be#ause you!re the first one to ma$e a
move in most situations. (ere you must be parti#ularly #areful of your lover!s
feelings, for you may #ause emotional harm without intending to' you must ma$e an
e*tra effort to see that you both have e,ual e*pression within the relationship.

The main advantage of this position is that it indi#ates a strong, for#eful personality.
But you must use that power #arefully in your love relationships.

(4ulia and &ere$ 6ar$er)

This pla#ing is vitally important for the 1un. Be#ause the sub)e#t will have been born
very near sunrise, it is e*tremely li$ely that the 1un and rising signs will be the same.
1u#h people are $nown as !double 0an#erians!, !double Librans!, and so on, for the
1un sign and As#endant sign #hara#teristi#s and motivations will be those of the
same sign. The whole #hart will be dominated by the influen#e of the 1un, and the
effe#ts of the planet ruling the 1un and As#ending signs will also be #onsiderably

1elf%absorption may be a result of this emphasis on the first house, and the individual
should be aware of any tenden#ies toward selfishness, trying to #ounter them
whenever possible.

0onsider the health not only in relation to the sign that the 1un o##upies, but also to
the aspe#ts it re#eives. For instan#es, there may be a tenden#y to nervous strain and
tension (s,uare aspe#t to 3ranus), e*uberant physi#al energy (trine to +ars),
digestive problems or biliousness (s,uares or oppositions to the +oon or 4upiter
respe#tively), and so on.

A #etain Leonine #oloring is given to the personality when the 1un is in the first
house. The bearing will be regal, and the ba#$ and heart will need the spe#ial
attention that is advisable for those who have Leo prominent in their birth #harts.
.,ually, be#ause this is the Aries house, the sub)e#t will be motivated to win, to be
first, and will have the ne#essary #ompetitive spirit.

(1tephanie 0amilleri)

This is a powerful lo#ation for the 1un. t gives great strength, a strong ego, and
physi#al stamina. 6eople with a rising 1un are in#lined to be self%indulgent. They go
after what they want without a se#ond thought, and usually get it. They tend to be
auto#rati# with #hildren, employees, and hangers%on, but are also generous in a
patriar#hal way. They are usually attra#tive, with an air of aristo#rati# authority or
dignity. Their strong egos ma$e enemies, whom they generally ignore. f +ars,
3ranus, 1aturn, or 6luto are #on)un#t or s,uare the 1un, they #an be #ruel, but
usually they are $ind, generous, and paternalisti# to others. That is, unless their
anger is aroused or their status is threatened, when they #an be#ome e*tremely
dangerous to any they per#eive as a threat. "hen they fight, it is animalisti#, no holds
barred % and they usually win.

They may be lazy, unless they are wor$ing toward something they really want or #are
about, in whi#h #ase their strength and energy are double that of anyone else. They
rarely pursue anyone' usually they don!t have to, as they attra#t others easily and will
ta$e their pi#$ of friends and lovers from among those who #ome to them. "hen
friends be#ome disen#hanted by their la#$ of interest in anyone but themselves, they
do not suffer over the loss but simply turn to someone new. t is a good position for
leaders who must pull others with them, su#h as politi#ians, performers, and
statesmen, be#ause the #harisma here e*tends well beyond their immediate #ir#le to
those who $now nothng of their personal lives.

The 1un rising gives great strength and vitality, but ta$es away sensitivity and insight
into others. .ven if the 1un is in a "ater or Air sign, everything must be related to
the self before it #an be a##epted. This is a powerful position, but in#lined to be
narrow in per#eption. 5ther aspe#ts #an broaden the perspe#tive, but nothing #an
mitigate the intense egoism of this position. They #an be in#redible liars, but their
lies are the truth to them. They stru#ture reality to suit their needs, rather than the
other way around. They #an usually ma$e a fairly #onvin#ing #ase for bla#$ being
white, and vi#e versa.

t is a diffi#ult pla#ement for marriage for a woman. 1he may appear passive in the
beginning, but her need to dominate will surfa#e sooner or later, and then, husband
beware8 1he needs her own arena in whi#h to be#ome important, or she will try to
ta$e over his.

The rising 1un gives a strong #onstitution whi#h #an ta$e a lot of punishment in every
way and #ome ba#$ for more. They are usually e*tremely healthy, though there is a
danger of fevers and a##idents, espe#ially in youth, and sometimes heart trouble later
in life.
((aydn 6aul)

The 1un in the house of identity will en#ourage you to be self%assertive, intent on
ma$ing your mar$ on the world. 7ou will be attra#ted towards a !sear#h to be#ome
someone! noti#ed, respe#ted and a#$nowledged by others, and by #hoosing su#h a life
path you will have the opportunity to develop your latent talents and potential whi#h
#an be#ome the main #hannels for your uni,ue self%e*pression. t is this desire amd
ambition for su##ess that begins to fo#us your will and appli#ation into spe#ifi#
dire#tions. The ma)or #hallange fa#ing you is #rossing the gap between your dreams
or belief in being spe#ial and important and the real level of your a#tual

7ou are li$ely to have an eager, enthusiasti# temperament, with abundant self%
#onfiden#e and physi#al vitality, generally possessing an optimisti# spirit whi#h
enables you to pass through times of adversity without allowing depression to o##ur.
There is a positivity about your nature whi#h helps to #reate an attra#tive personality
#apable of radiating a warm, friendly atmosphere to others, and #oupled with an
en)oyment of life this #an ma$e you a stimulating and entertaining #ompanion.

3nderlying this, though, is an impulse whi#h prefers to be dominating, attra#ted
towards roles of authority and positions of power, whi#h tends to refle#t an attitude
that to be#ome influential in so#iety you have to aspire towards leadership positions,
perhaps through management or business endeavours. 7ou disli$e having to ta$e any
se#ondary and subservient roles, as these fail to mat#h your self%image. This trait
#ould be your A#hilles! heel, if you assume the role of authoritative leader too
strongly, and through the for#e of your self%assertion start to impinge on family
members, fellow wor$ers or employees. f an ego#entri# attitude be#omes prominent,
then your sensitivity to others may #orrespondingly diminish, and instead of being a
bearer of a positive stimulating energy you may display #hara#teristi#s whi#h inhibit
the self%e*pression of others, or whi#h #ause interpersonal #onfli#t of wills.

t seems essential that you ta$e the responsibility to unfold your life path, through
determining what you want from life and then pursuing this vision with persisten#e
and determination. "ithout $nowing your destination, whi#h path will you ta$e, and
whi#h signpost will you follow2 0larifying this route has to be#ome a priority for you,
and this #an only be su##essfully a#hieved through $nowing yourself, so that you #an
#hoose a path that has meaning, fulfilment and purpose, one taht resonates within
your being as !right!. 7our way be#omes an individualisti# )ourney, where you learn to
listen to those subtle messages and inner whispers so you do not lose your way. This
#an be a solitary path, even within a family environment' and while the opinions and
#ontributions of others should never be dismissed and ignored, you need to give most
fo#us to your inner promptings and ta$e the initiative in following them. There may
be a realisation that merely pursuing power and influen#e is not suffi#ient to satisfy,
and that the real goal attra#ting you is the need to refle#t an inner image of
manifested potential, to be#ome that spe#ial person by your state of being.

Aspe#ts to the 1un (#on)un#tion, se*tile, trine) #an indi#ate that your #hildhood was
favorable to later development, and that your parents! #ontribution and early
environment helped to form a stable identity. +ore #hallenging aspe#ts (s,uare,
opposition) may indi#ate #onfli#ts that re,uire a deeper resolution' and attempts to
impose yourself on the world may be frustrated until ad)ustments in attitude have
been a#hieved. +u#h will depend on the influen#e of your father in the development
of your identity #entre' and #ertain $eys to yoru ease of self%assertion may lie in the
relationship with him.

(Bill (erbst)

1elf .*pression- The pla#ement of the 1un in the =st house indi#ates that your life%
purpose #enters around spontaneous self%e*pression. .verything else is se#ondary to
self%dis#overy. 7ou are not ne#essarily selfish, althought that pitfall e*ists, but you
are a self%motivated and self%generating individual. "hat you e*press is #ertainly
meaningful, for it #onditions the feedba#$ you get from others and from the
environment. but e*pression itself is the single most #ru#ial fa#tor. nhibit or blo#$
e*pression, and you #ut yourself off from life%energy. The #hallenge is to radiate
outward, letting yourself flow into behavior. Fill your spirit with vibrant life.

:atural persona- 5rdinarily, the =st house mas$s the inner essen#e. n your life,
however, we see your essen#e pro)e#ted dire#tly through spontaneous outer
personality. "hen the as#ending and 1un signs are the same, there is a basi# naivetC
toward life, e*pressed along lines of the zodia#al sign. (owever, mu#h depends on
whether the 1un!s support planets, +er#ury and Eenus, are lo#ated in the =Dth, =st,
or Dnd. "hen the as#ending and 1un signs are different, personality still retains the
!what%you%see%is%what%you%get! tonality, but there is greater #omple*ity in self%
e*pression. (owever, any #onfli#ts are open for all to see. The pitfall lies in assuming
that others are put together in the same way, and #an be understood dire#tly through
their a#tions. This is definitely not the #ase % most people are #onstru#ted differently
from you. The #hallenge is to be yourself.

7our name%tag says, ! am e*a#tly who you see!' and you believe that, even though
finally it #an hardly be true.

1elf%awareness- 7ou are #onstantly !birthing! self%awareness through a#tivity' and
when that a#tivity stops, your awareness subtly begins to fade. The sign pla#ement of
the 1un determines what !a#tivity! is. For Fire signs li$e Aries or 1agittarius, it often
implies literal physi#al movement % you have to do something. For "ater signs li$e
0an#er or 6is#es, a#tivity may mean emotional radian#e % the e*pression of feeling.
7our #hallenge is to awa$en the awareness that you e*ist as a separate individual.
7ou live for the here and now e*perien#e of dis#overing yourself, over and over and

Boundaries- "hat is usually a means to an end is for you an end in itself. The 1un
represents the inner essen#e' and ordinarily we #reate a bridge to #onne#t with the
outer world. For you, the bridge is the same as the essen#e. The !lens! and the
essen#e loo$ing thorugh it are identi#al. Any self%e*pression not true to your #ore self
damages the lens, ma$ing real intera#tion impossible' and purely egoisti# e*#ess
blurs the distin#tion between the self!s inner world and the outer environment,
#ausing so#ial blindness, flawed per#eptions, and the re#urring e*perien#e of
re)e#tion. The #hallenge is to e*press yourself fully while re#ognizing that others
have the same rights of self%e*pression.

Eitality- The #ondition of the 1un by sign and aspe#t is #ru#ial to understanding your
health' but in general you are vital and strong, with the ability to re#over from
otherwise devastating setba#$s, both psy#hologi#ally and medi#ally. 7ou are pushing
into life, determined to !get born!, willing to thrust through any and all obsta#les,
in#luding the personal vulnerability to disease or brea$down. 7our strength is not
!#ons#ious!, but instead refle#ts a fundamental will to survive at a very basi# level.

(9obert 6elletier)

7ou are optimisti# and have faith in your ability to su##eed. 6eople easily let you
e*ert your influen#e, so you have little diffi#ulty in promoting your plans. 7ou are
aggressive, outgoing and personable. f you persist, your talents will be re#ognized,
whi#h is very important to you. ;etting some formal training will help you a#hieve
your ambitious ob)e#tives and refine your #reative talents. .ven your #ompetitors will
admire you, for you try to be the best in whatever you underta$e. t is heartwarming
to $now that the publi# appre#iates you, as do those #lose to you. 7ou en)oy
travelling, and when possible you try to mi* business and pleasure. 7ou learn all you
#an about your #ompetitors! strengths and wea$nesses, but you also try to stay on
good terms with them.

7ou want a lot out of life, so you use your #reative ideaas to rea#h your future goals.
A self%made person, you would rather not depend on others for assistan#e, but you
will help anyone who deserves it. 7ou en)oy a broad so#ial #ir#le and are ,uite
influential with friends and #lose asso#iates, so there is always someone who will do
favors for you. 7ou plan for long%range goals rather than immediate results. 7ou!ve
learned mu#h from your parents! failures and su##esses' and this $nowledge guides
you as you pursue your goals.

Though you appear to be in #omplete #ommand of every situation, you are more
easily intimidated than you would #are to admit. 7ou feel most threatened by people
who are your e,ual in #reative talent, be#ause you hate to admit that you #an!t
always #ompete su##essfully. By improving your s$ilpls, you #an avoid this problem in
the future. t isn!t easy for you to distinguish between people who are )ust trying to
win you over and those, a#tually your staun#hest allies, who offer #onstru#tive
#riti#ism. 7our #hildhood has left s#ars, and you tend to loo$ for #onfli#ts where none
e*ist. But you are determined to improve on your early #ir#umstan#es. The
frustrations of that time produ#ed some an*iety about your ability to rise above the
#onfli#ts that #ome up in interhuman relationships. 7ou want to live up to your
parents! e*pe#tations, but you also want to pursue your own destiny without guilt.
7ou are basi#ally loyal, but you $now that you must rise to your fullest potential.

7our dilemma is to #hoose between indulging yourself and ma$ing some meaningful
#ontribution to improve other people!s lives. This is a powerful problem, be#ause you
are not in#lined to ma$e #on#essions to others. f you give the matter more thought,
however, you will understand that your publi# stature will in#rease only if you
#ontribute your vast #reative talent where it will be appre#iated. Also, this will
improve your self%image. 7ou #an motivate people and tea#h them to use their own

7ou wor$ hard to promote your talents be#ause you are afraid that otherwise you
won!t be re#ognized. 7our temperament is suited to handling demanding
responsibilities. 7our self%esteem if tied to the value that the publi# pla#es on you for
your servi#es. 7ou don!t li$e to be without funds, but human values are more
important to you than a#,uiring great material wealth. To negle#t #hara#ter
development is to waste your potential and pla#e a low value on your worth.
Natal Sun in $n% House


;ain by superiors and asso#iation with persons of ran$ and title. The native is
in#lined to e*travagan#e and lu*ury. ;ains by high offi#es and affairs of government.

(&ane 9udhyar)

n the se#ond house, the 1un tends to stimulate the produ#tion of inner or outer
wealth % that is, the outpouring of #olle#tive, an#estral, or so#ial energies into the
personality' the result may be that these #olle#tive energies % whi#h may manifest as
money % will overpower the person!s individuality, that they will use him instead of
being used by him. Eitality #an be#ome possessiveness' !having! may over#ome
!being!. 5n the other hand, the person may be#ome an eminently su##essful manager
of wealth and fulfill his individual destiny in this way.

(1ydney 5marr)

The 1un in this position is ,uite favorable. The personality is integrated where needs
are #on#erned. The native is able to distinguish between desire and a#tual
re,uirements. This position often !attra#ts! money.

(sabel (i#$ey)

(ere the desire for power is #on#erned with resour#es, values and material su##ess.
"ith the 1un in the se#ond house there is the power to attra#t finan#es and
gratitudes. &esire for material su##ess is strong, and desire is potent. There is a
strong stubbornness, and with it a stability and a persisten#e. f they want something,
they never give up until it is attained. Be#ause energy, ba#$ed by a#tion, is e*tremely
powerful, they usually attain what they want. "here the first house 1un wants
re#ognition on the personality level, the se#ond house 1un is interested in material
values. f the 1un is unafflie#ted, there is se#urity where resour#es are #on#erned. f
the 1un is afflie#ted, there is ability to attra#t money' but often there is no happiness
with it.

(+ar#ia +oore and +ar$ &ouglas)

0on#ern with values and possessions. The 1un in the se#ond house gives a fa#ility for
handling money and an appre#iation of the #omforts it #an buy. There is a tenden#y
to a##umulate status symbols, to lavish #are and attention upon them, and to adorn
the body in ways that indi#ate refinement and an individualisti# sense of style. The
person with a se#ond%house 1un #an be generous to the point of e*travagan#e, but he
li$es his good wor$s to be re#ognized. A great deal of energy goes into ma$ing money
solely for the sa$e of spending it again. Benefits are often obtained through the
father and through the patronage of superiors.

(Fran#es 1a$oian and Louis A#$er)

The 1un in the 1e#ond (ouse indi#ates natives who must learn the lesson of
stewardship in the #orre#t use of material resour#es. This will be in relation to the
affairs ruled by the sign the 1un is in. They must learn to use money and property
#onstru#tively, in ways benefi#ial to life, and not merely for their personal

The sign position gives an important #lue to the way the person will a#,uire and
utilize wealth. For instan#e, if the 1un is in ;emini in the 1e#ond (ouse, the native is
li$ely to earn money and spend it through intelle#tual pursuits' if the 1un is in Leo in
the 1e#ond (ouse, the native might earn money in a managerial #apa#ity and spend
it in pursuit of theater arts and romanti# or so#ial endeavors. n any event, these
natives will want to earn money sin#e they have a strong will to attain finan#ial

f the 1un is affli#ted in the 1e#ond (ouse, the natives may believe they #an a#hieve
prestige merely through wealth. They also tend to impose their will on others for
purposes of material self%aggrandizement. n addition, they may s,uander money on
e*pensive lu*uries for purposes of display and ego gratifi#ation.

(4an 1piller and /aren +#0oy)

6inpoints the right to establish personal values and the ability to attra#t monetary

(9obert (and)

7ou love se#urity, whi#h for you means being surrounded by #omfortable and familiar
ob)e#ts. 7ou li$e to own things % toys, boo$s, whatever % be#ause it ma$es you feel
good. The only problem is that you may try to own more things than you really need,
so that your life is #luttered with material possessions. 7ou are li$ely to be a #olle#tor
of some sort' and sin#e you have an e*#ellent sense of value, your #olle#tion will
probably be ,uite valuatble, as long as you are systemati#. 5therwise you will be
surrounded with vast ,uantities of )un$.

t is diffi#ult for you to part with your possessions' and you may find it diffi#ult to
share, but if you want to have good friendships, you will have to learn how. 7ou are
even possessive of your friends, and don!t li$e to share them with anyone else. f a
friend pays too mu#h attention to someone else while you are together, you are li$ely
to feel )ealous. But you have to learn to share that person with others. 7our friend
#an li$e someone else and still li$e you.

As you get older, you will have a strong sense of values, whi#h you will not
#ompromise. 4ust be sure that your values go beyond material ob)e#ts and that what
you value is worthwhile. 7ou have the ability to preserve a strong sense of integrity
and se#urity in this #hanging world.

(4ohn Townley)

7our style of loving is very #on#rete, and you go out of your way to give your lover
tangible eviden#e of your affe#tions. A few words of love are not enough without a
gift to ba#$ them up. 7ou also parti#ularly treasure any to$ens of love that your
partner gives you, for they represent an assuran#e that the relationship is thriving.

1imilarly, the highest values you see$ in a lover are faithfulness and loyalty, ,ualities
you are most willing to demonstrate on#e you have #hosen the person you feel is )ust
right for you.

But you don!t ta$e a lover hastily' in fa#t, it ta$es you ,uite a while to really settle
into a relationship. 5n#e that is done, you are a model of steadfastness and often are
the main sour#e of stability in the union. 9emember, however, that your partner may
not be ,uite so settled and may re,uire more freedom while still remaining true to
you. Therefore, you should try to be more tolerant with your love than you would be
with yourself and avoid letting feelings of )ealousy hurt your relationship.

(4ulia and &ere$ 6ar$er)

The a#,uisition of possessions is e*tremely important to the sub)e#t, who will feel a
great sense of pride in showing these off on every possible o##asion. (e or she will
not simply want to gloat over an ever%in#reasing ban$ balan#e or folio of sto#$s and
shares, but rather will want the world to $now of su#h su##ess.

;enerosity is usual unless it is mitigated by other influen#es (a !#areful! 1un sign, for
instan#e). n some #ases, the a#,uisitive powers #an e*tend into the personal life,
with the partner be#oming yet another possession. The Taurean tenden#y is to own'
and when the 1un is in the se#ond house the attitude is !Loo$ % this is mine8! f this
happens, problems #an arise sin#e the sub)e#t is insensitively bulldozing over the real
needs of his partner.

6leasure is important to the individual, su#h as a #on#entration on en)oyment of
e*pensive, ri#h food in glamorous surroundings. All of these tenden#ies will be
en#ouraged by positive aspe#ts between the 1un and 4upiter, while either an
opposition or a s,uare may ma$e the sub)e#t go overboard in se#ond house matters.

Eenus will not be very far away if the 1un is in the se#ond house % and do not forget
that Eenus rules this house. f there is an aspe#t between the 1un and Eenus, the
influen#e of the 1un!s house position will be in#reased, espe#ially in relation to the
overall influen#e of Eenus itself.

(ard wor$ will always be underta$en to a#hieve the sub)e#t!s ever%in#reasing
materialisti# needs % his solar vitality will be powered by the material results of his
efforts, and he will bas$ in the light of any glory that #omes his way.

((oward 1asportas)

f the 1un is in the se#ond house, this area of life should be met with vitality and
for#efulness- there is a pressing need to develop personal s$ills, values and resour#es
to a#hieve a sense of individuality. They need to find and define what #onstitutes
se#urity for them, rather than relying on other people to provide safety, money or
resour#es. A sense of power and self%worth #an be gained through a#,uiring money
and possessions and through the ability to manage and organize the material world.
1ome may in#line towards status%see$ing, showiness and e*travagan#e to prove their
value and enhan#e an inse#ure internal identity. They #an be generous with money
and possessions, but usually e*pe#t some sort of re#ognition in return. "herever the
1un is is where the personal ego is see$ing a#$nowledgement. The impe##able,
internationally loved singer and a#tor +auri#e 0hevalier had the 1un in Eirgo in the
Dnd- he was born in a slum and died a millionaire.

The nature of whatever planet is in the Dnd house is valued be#ause those ,ualities
offer us se#urity. Therefore, with the 1un in the Dnd, se#urity #omes through
developing and possessing su#h attributes as strength, nobility, authority, a sense of
spe#ialness, and #ourage. 6eople with this pla#ement will feel safer in life if they
foster these traits, regardless of how mu#h money is in the ban$.

(1tephanie 0amilleri)

"ith the 1un here there is instin#tive good taste, with a feeling for the basi# worth of
things and the ability to translate this awareness into dollars and #ents. There is a
need to be surrounded by beauty and ,uality. These people are strongly attra#ted to
those who #an provide them with the environment they see$. ;enerally !handy!, they
are able to #reate attra#tive environments, so this is a good position for ar#hite#ts,
builders, #arpenters, lands#apers, and interior de#orators, as well as fashion
designers, dressma$ers, hairstylists, )ewelers, perfume and #osmeti#s manufa#turers,
and all those who are adept at enhan#ing the environment or the body.

Eery sensual, they have a powerful se*ual #harisma that enables them to attra#t
others easily. They are usually ,uite su##essful at establishing se*ual relationships
with those they desire. f other aspe#ts frustrate this, it #an be a sour#e of great
physi#al and emotional suffering be#ause the desire nature is so powerful. t is very
important that there be suffi#ient love from both parents in infan#y and #hildhood.
5therwise, the need for it may manifest later in agonizing desires and abnormal se*
relationships. The stability of a dependable on%going se*ual relationship is a real
need. They will wor$ hard at a marriage be#ause of this. 1eparation and divro#e only
o##ur when the se*ual aspe#t of the relationship fails.

The desire to be independent of others is a powerful motivating for#e that #an result
in su##ess. t #an also #reate diffi#ulties by $eeping them from )oining partnerships,
groups, #ompnaies, staffs, or other organizations that are ne#essary to establish any
$ind of wor$ < #areer position in the #ommunity. most women, and some men, with
this 1un position are into body #ulture in some way, fre,uently dan#ing, or, if the 1un
is in a water sign, swimming.
Natal Sun in &r% House

((aydn 6aul)

7our path to unfold life potential will lie in the #ultivation of your mind, intelle#t and
#ommuni#ative abilities. This is an espe#ially important area of e*perien#e for you,
and will help to shape your identity and life dire#tion, and be the #hannel for your
spe#ifi# type of self%e*pression.

7ou will en)oy learning' and a spirit of #uriosity en#ourages the e*amination and
e*ploration of many varied and fas#inating avenues of human $nowledge. n su#h a
ri#h world as ours, there is no real e*#use ever to feel bored with life, as even the
most a#tive of individuals #an only tou#h a minis#ule fra#tion of its treasures. This
#uriosity may be strongest in those areas of life symbolised by your 1un%sign.

7our mind may be biased towards the e*ternal reality, e*hibiting a more s#ientifi#
attitude towards e*ploration, although the stimulus for this is often a less re#ognised
need to understand the nature of the universal life pro#ess. As your mind tends to
display an analyti#al tenden#y and intelle#tual #larity, life appre#iation is often found
in matters of mental interest' and it is important to #ontinue simulating this as it
vitalises you. (owever, if you elevate the a##umulation of information and $nowledge
into a reason for life, then you may be ma$ing a mista$e' it is understanding and
synthesis that is the real $ey to applying $nowledge. ntelligen#e is displayed through
your whole life, not )ust in the refle#tion of a spe#ialised area of $nowledge, and also
involves adaptation to your environment and the #reation of a fulfilling lifestyle.

5ne of your ma)or assets is that en,uiring nature' and this #an be dire#ted towards
an intelle#tual sear#h in either the outer or the inner worlds. 7ou may find that a
redire#tion of ,uestioning inwards to e*plore yourself proves to be highly rewarding
and illuminating. t is important to follow your light, having faith and trust in the
validity of your beliefs, values, attitudes and feelings, rather than needing to rely on
others to provide you with your worldview. 5bviously, so#ial #onditioning imposes its
perspe#tive on everybody while maturing towards adulthood % and many #ontinue to
refle#t the mass mind all of their lives % but this is not inevitable, and you #an brea$
free to dis#over your own perspe#tive if you are wiling to ma$e the effort to build a
truly uni,ue and personal view. f you #an a#hieve this, then greater energy and
vitality will begin to flow through your intelle#t, ma$ing deeper insights and
revelations possible, as well as enhan#ing your sense of identity and self%esteem.
6assive absorption of so#ial attitudes, values, beliefs and traditions effe#tively
diminishes individual identity, redu#ing it ba#$ into the mass mind and so restri#ting
opportunities and freedom.

7ou will derive #onsiderable en)oyment and stimulation from #ommuni#ating with
others, and the e*#hange of ideas and personal perspe#tives will prove to be highly
valuable. This opens you to the multifa#eted ways of loo$ing at life and the world,
pointing towards different areas of interest of whi#h you had previously been
unaware. A toleran#e of other points of view #an develop' but you may tend at times
to be#ome intelle#tually arrogant and too self%assured in the rightness of your views.

n relationships, you may need to open to the variety of others! individual
e*pressions, and to share whatever you feel might be of some use to them, su#h as
your information, $nowledge or understanding. This #an minimise any tenden#y to
for#e your worldview on people, or those pro)e#tions of power and authority that #an
distort your relationships if mishandled, and whi#h derive from those needs to be
assertive within your sphere of influen#e. Be wary of adopting an intelle#tually
dilettantish approa#h, that of the !a##umulatory magpie!, where information and
$nowledge is e*pressed in a style designed to gain admiration and so#ial approval,
and yet is inherently superfi#ial and unintegrated. f aspe#ts to your 1un are
#hallenging (s,uare, opposition), then you may have e*perien#ed some diffi#ulty in
absorbing information properly, perhaps an interrupted s#hool life or an inability to
$now what to do with your $nowledge or a struggle to #onvey this to others. +ore
appli#ation on gaining intelle#tual #larity and arti#ula#y may be ne#essary prior to
your potential progress. The prospe#t is that your identity be#omes defined and
assured through deepened #ommuni#ation with others, and that by living from your
light you are able to help others to develop their uni,ue per#eption of the varied
world in whi#h we live.

(1tephanie 0amilleri)

The 1un at this #ommuni#ative angle is an e*#ellent position for tea#hers, writers,
a#tors, performers of any $ind, or for any position in television, film, advertising,
publishing, or #ommuni#ations. They have a fa#ility for transmitting information,
ideas, and new ways of loo$ing at things.

;ood #ompanions, they usually have a wide #ir#le of friends and a#,uaintan#es. They
usually have at least one brother who is important to them. f not, establishing a
permanent brotherly relationship with a male friend is very ne#essary. They are good
neighbors (unless there are affli#tions) and usually wor$ to $eep up relationships
with friends, family, and neighbors, organizing get%togethers, relaying news, and so
on. f they get into politi#s, it is usually more be#ause some group needs a spo$esman
than be#ause of their own hunger for power or the spotlight.

They don!t li$e to be stu#$ in one pla#e, and will go from )ob to )ob until they find one
that offers a lot of mobility' for instan#e, where they must drive a lot or #an travel. f
their )ob won!t let them do this, they will save up for va#ations in far%away pla#es.

They usually en)oy s#hool % parti#ularly the so#ial aspe#t % and #ontinue the study of
one thing after another all their lives, though the #redit aspe#t, degrees, et#., is
usually of little interest (unless the 1un or its dispositor is in 0apri#orn). They
generally relate well to #hildren and have a way with them. They maintain a youthful,
eager approa#h to life, and rarely get overweight or out of shape.

((oward 1asportas)

9ather than )ust absorbing and refle#ting attitudes and influen#es from the
environment, these people should develop and honour thier own thoughts, views and
perspe#tive on things. A sense of value, worth and power #omes through
strengthening the intelle#t and #ommuni#ation abilities. 5ften they feel the most
alive when they are learning something, or when they #an be sharing and e*#hanging
their ideas and $nowledge with others. Those with the 1un in the Ard need to feel
heard and to be noti#ed in the immediate environment. 0onse,uently, rivalry with
siblings and #ompetitiveness among peers #ould be issues worth investigating. 1ome
may pro)e#t their own need for power and authority onto a brother or sister. 5r
$nowledge itself is worshipped li$e the 1un. &iffi#ult aspe#ts to the 1un in the Ard
#ould indi#ate problems with early s#hooling. These will need to be e*amined if
learning is to pro#eed unfettered. :o matter how #lever or arti#ulate the Ard house
1un appears to others, those with this pla#ement normally feel that they #ould still
$now more or #ommuni#ate better.

(Bill (erbst)

5utrea#h- "ith the 1un in the Ard house, you are fas#inated with the stimulus
provided by any natural or human environment. Fuality is less improtant than
,uantity, #ontent less important than form, for in your life it is the sheer $ineti#ism of
a#tivity at the surfa#e that provides the essential energy for all other life pro#esses.
&epth has less meaning than breadth. Additionally, simple day%to%day a#tivity is
#ru#ial. "here there is no $ineti# movement, there is no vitality. The #entral
#hallenge of your life is to dis#over the infinite variety of that whi#h is not%self, to fuel
yourself from that diversity, and to move energeti#ally through the environment.

0on#rete mind- This level is the #ore of Ard house meaning, and with the 1un it
indi#ates that the essen#e of your life%purpose is in the evolution of #on#rete
mentality. The development and use of rational intelligen#e be#ome paramount. 6ride
is dire#tly tied to the development and e*pression of your intelle#t, as is its negative
shadow, shame. The view that all e*perien#es in life should be seen as learning
e*perien#es is in some ways true for us all, but it is spe#ifi#ally true for Ard house
1un individuals. For you, learning is at the #enter of all things' and logi#, rationality,
and #ategorization are all ways life%energy is absorbed and transformed for personal

0uriosity- 0uriosity may or may not be a strong trait in your apparent personality.
7ou #ould #on#eivable seem #alm and self%absorbed. "hat is overtly visible to us
depends on many other fa#tors. But however you appear, you!re li$ely to e*perien#e
#uriosity as a fundamental sour#e of motivation. t gets you up, gets you going' and
even when life is too mu#h, as sometimes it #an be, #uriosity will renew you, lifting
your spirits.

Basi# edu#ation- Basi# edu#ation is #entral to the fulfillment of your life. t si not
simply one of a number of e,ually important phases of growth, but rather it is the
tou#hstone from whi#h everything else will later blossom. f the e*perien#e of
primary edu#ation is a positive one, thent he #hild!s life unforlds with vibran#y. 5n
the other hand, if the e*perien#e is stultifying, mu#h of what #omes later will be a
struggle. n either #ase, the emphasis usually returns to the fundamental #on#epts of
basi# edu#ation- reading, writing, and spea$ing. A signifi#ant part of life!s essen#e is
edu#ation, and with this pla#ement espe#ially, learning is built on the #ornerstone of

0ommuni#ation- 7ou depend more than others on the ability to #ommuni#ate with
words, sin#e development and use of the nervous system!s rational #apabilities are so
strongly indi#ated as a $ey to life%purpose. 7ou want to shine through your words. As
usual with the 1un, the sign and aspe#ts reveal the tonal ,uality of #ommuni#ation
and spee#h patterns. But whatever the sign, whatever the interplanetary #onne#tions,
the issue of #ommuni#ation is #entral. Anything that #an!t be understood through
thin$ing or spea$ing has lowered value in the evolution of self. 0ommuni#ation is a
battery #hange, filling the tan$ of life%energy.

(9obert 6elletier)

7our affable disposition is the result of having so many interests and wanting to say
in the mainstream of so#ial a#tivity. 7our ability to e*press yourself dramati#ally
attra#ts people!s attention. 7our views are reasonably well%informed, but you are
willing to #hange them as you gain new information. 7ou are eager to get on with
a#hieving your goals' and your optimism about the future helps you get through
diffi#ult situations. 7ou do learn from past mista$es, whi#h helps you plan more
#arefully for the goals you aspire to rea#h. f you put your ideas into a#tion you are
very li$ely to get what you want out of life. Lu#$ily, your easy way with words
#onvin#es people to give you the ne#essary #o%operation for su##ess in your
endeavors. A formal edu#ation will enhan#e your natural talents and give you greater
finesse and polish. 6ubli# relations, edu#ation, writing or a related profession would
give you the stage you need to e*press your #reative potentials.

Be#ause you e*press yourself freely, everyone $nows e*a#lty where you stand. 7our
self%promotion yields signifi#ant results, for you realize that your innovative mind is
useful only when you apply it and spread your ideas around. 7ou are optimisti# that
your #hildren will fare as well, and you hope their su##ess will )ustify the energy and
effort you!ve e*pended on them. 7ou are a friend to your #hildren, and should en)oy
good relations with them throughout your life.

t is urgent that you a#,uire as mu#h training as possible in order to deal su##essfully
with #ompetitors. "ith edu#ation, your ability to meet #hallenges will improve so
mu#h that no%one will be able to intimidate you with #laims of great #ompeten#e. 7ou
must be as determined to find answers as you are to as$ ,uestions, or you will be
poorly e,uipped for open #ompetition. Be sure that you don!t overstate your abilities,
be#ause ma$ing #laims about your ,ualifi#ations that you #annot possibly live up to
will #ertainly ruin your image. 7ou might be tempted to do this be#ause you are
repelled by the idea of being for#ed into an obs#ure position. But this need never
happen if you use your natural talent for learning. f you develop great e*pertise in
your #areer, your #redentials will #ertainly be re#ognized.

+ore important than merely tal$ing about what you hope to a#hieve is the need to
physi#ally apply yourself to that ob)e#tive. t will mean hard wor$' but few
alternatives will give you the same yield. 7ou will have no diffi#ulty #onvin#ing
superiors of your #apabilities, and your #han#es for improving your position on the
)ob are better than most other people!s. 7ou may have to ma$e some sa#rifi#es on
your way up the ladder, but su#h an investment will pay handsome dividends. &on!t
be afraid to help someone who is in a similar position, for that #an be an investment
also. Those you help will re#ipro#ate with favors when you need help in the future.

f you want to derive the utmost benefit from your natural talents, you must establish
your independen#e as early in life as possible. The longer you delay ma$ing your own
de#isions, the more opportunities you will miss. t is espe#ially important that your
de#isions be based stri#tly on your own beliefs rather than on your parents! ideas.
Thin$ing for yourself is the first step toward building an identity that is e*#lusively
your own.

Natal Sun in 't( House

((aydn 6aul)

The sear#h for the path of development lies in !your roots!, whi#h #an in#lude family
heritage, an#estral patterns, so#ial traditions, the #olle#tive mind and your home life,
both as a #hild and as an adult. These roots represent individual identity and se#urity'
and it appears as though part of you has been submerged and re,uires a #ons#ious
raising to the light through an inner investigation and integration of the #reative
roots that have been influential in forming your nature.

Loo$ towards your early home life, #hildhood environment, so#ial #onditioning and
relationship with parents, espe#ially your father. These may hold #lues as to the later
development of your personality tenden#ies. Try and evaluate if you have su##eeded
in asserting your identity by now, or do you still refle#t #hildhood #onditioning and
live a life formed by powerful so#ial traditions or family attitudes2 &o your #hoi#es
have to #onform to parental or si#al pressures, or do you feel free (and guiltless)
when you follow your path2 s your father figure a symbol of so#ial authority, or a
supporting parent who en#ourages the unfolding of your potential and identity, and
who never #ondemns if you ta$e wrong turnings2 0an you stand free and alone from
the shadow of your parent!s presen#e2 (ow do you per#eive your father, as a sour#e
of strength and power, or as an absen#e in your inner life2 "hat are your attitudes
towards so#ial traditions2 &o you a##ept their validity, and #onform a##ordingly to
their dire#tives' or do you #hallenge and ,uestion them, eventually #reating your own
response and way of living, irrespe#tive of issues of #onformity and so#ial approval2

"hile you may loo$ e*ternally for roots, their real an#horing point is within your
nature. 0reating a beautiful, se#ure and safe home environment may be #ertainly an
advantage, but unless those inner roots are se#ured will still remain unsatisfying.
Family life will prove ne#essary for you, providing that you do not depend on it for
your sense of life meaning and purpose. 5therwise, #hanges in family #omposition
and relationships will have great effe#ts on your state of well%being, espe#ially at
times when #hildren mature and leave home, or teenage fri#tion with parents may be

t may be during the later part of your life that you begin to sha$e off the influen#es
of earlier #onditioning, or find the path whi#h redefines your sense of identity.
6robably the earlier part of your adult life will be spent in following so#ially
a##eptable life%tra#$s with relatively little ,uestioning. A reorientation towards inner
unfoldment may be re,uired, so taht your attention is less fo#used on attaining
se#urity, stability and roots only in the outer world.

The point to be realised is that #hildhood foundations are present only to build the
adult life upon su##essfully, so that individuality #an flourish. +ost adults fail to build
upon their foundations, ta$ing those patterns as boundaries and dire#tions that they
have to #onform to for fear of losing parental approval' and so they fail to be#ome
free and independent. Through integrating those roots firmly in the ground of your
being, you #reate the opportunity to grow and be#ome self%assertive, #onfident in
your nature, responsibilities and individual e*pression. As self%belief matures, a sense
of inner se#urity begins to form and a renewed degree of vitality flows, enri#hing
your life again. 7ou will feel that finally you have arrived home, and that your past is
now fused and integrated #orre#tly into your present.

(1tephanie 0amilleri)

&eeply #on#erned with basi# values, these people generally have a philosophy of life
that ma$es them un#omfortable with mere surfa#e show. They #rave to live
righteously, to be a meaningful part of a healthy so#iety. They will wor$ hard to own
their own home or a pie#e of land. f they grow up in #omfortable surroundings, they
may find it hard to leave. They usually stay near their #hildhood roots, maintaining
the family and neighbor relationships they have $nown sin#e #hildhood. f life for#es
them out and they must live far from !home!, they will miss it, sentimentalize it, and
yearn for it.

They gravitate toward the $ind of wor$ they #an do at home' if they must have an
offi#e or pla#e of business away from home, they will usually #ontrive to do their
#reative thin$ing at home.

6oliti#ally they see$ a )ust so#iety, with e,ual opportunity for all. To this end, they
will wor$ hard, usually on the than$less, organizing, detail end. They tend to shun the
limelight and, when they must step forward, are $nown for their modesty and
#on#ern for issues rather than ego.

They tend to be shy and undemonstrative (unless other aspe#ts #ontradi#t), but their
feelings are deep and a#tive, and they never forget love or $indness. They have great
enduran#e, usually wor$ into old age, and, if for#ed to retire, soon find something
useful to $eep them a#tive.

((oward 1asportas)

Those with the 1un in the Tth need to delve deep inside to find themselves. "hat is
a#hieved in the outer world is perhaps less important than what is a##omplished in
terms of soul%growth and inner spiritual development.

The struggle to define the self rages on the home front. They need to distinguish their
own individual identity as distin#t form the family ba#$ground, without denying that
they are also part of the family. 5n one side, the danger is deriving the identity too
mu#h from the an#estry and be#oming )ust a repli#a of what it represents or how it
has shaped them. 5n the other side, however, there is the danger of totally re)e#ting
the ba#$ground altogether as a means of freeing themselves from its imposition. The
first instan#e denies their own uni,ueness and originality' the se#ond denies their
!fate! % their biologi#al and psy#hologi#al roots. The tas$ at hand is somehow
#ombining the two- a#$nowledging their heredity and lin$s with the family of origin,
and yet at the same time developing an identity in their own right. They may #arry
something of the tradition of the family, and yet do it in their own way.

f the Tth house is ta$en to be the father, energies here may be e*perien#ed through
the father or pro)e#ted onto him. Those with the 1un in this house might have
e*perien#ed the father as so powerful and authoritative that they subse,uently
#annot surmount a #rippling sense of their own smallness or inferiority. They may
have to do battle with the father to sever the hold he has on them. n other #ases, the
father may have been physi#ally or psy#hologi#ally absent. For the boy%#hild this
#ould mean that there wasn!t a #lear sense of a father upon whi#h to model his own
mas#uline ,ualities. These would have to be found from within the self. For the girl%
#hild, the e*perien#e of the absent father #ould entail a lifetime sear#h for the lost
father. 1he, too, would ultimately need to !find! father ,ualities inside.

There is a strong need to own their own homes where they #an e*er#ise authority and
influen#e. 1ometimes there is a prolonged sear#h for the right pla#e to root.

The 1un in the Tth suggests that they #ome more into their own in the se#ond half of
life.A ewnered sense of #reative poten#y, vitality, and the )oys of self%e*pression are
potentially avalable in the later years.

The nature of the 1un in the Tth is similar to Leo on the 0. A deep need to e*press
their own uni,ue and spe#ial identity is the foundation upon whi#h mu#h of the life is

(Bill (erbst)

+i#ro#osm- A Tth house 1un indi#ates that you have #ome to the .arth to realize that
you are ultimately the #enter of all things in life. This is the essen#e of the life%
purpose, to e*perien#e fulfilled self%#enteredness in as personal a way as possible.
7ou!re de#idedly modest where overt e*pression is #on#erned, as the Tth is not only
#onservative, but private' and the 1un!s pla#ement here shows that you plug into life%
energy by maintaining essential priva#y, as a way of guarding your importan#e. The
#hallenge is to prote#t your sense of divine #enteredness without denying others their
own sub)e#tive e*perien#e of ;odliness.

6ersonal se#urity- (ome, family, and the traditional values that form our #ultural
sense of personal se#urity are at your #ore. 7our life goal is to a#hieve and maintain
se#urity, to define what family means, and to e*perien#e the fulfillment of total safety
for yourself and #omplete a##eptan#e by those you emotionally value. At any given
moment, you may or may not feel se#ure, but you inevitably return to the sear#h for
the perfe#t nest. The sign and aspe#ts of the 1un reveal the type of family se#urity
most suited to your parti#ular evolutionary dan#e. n a #risis, you will sa#rifi#e
everything else to prote#t your family.

.motional imprints- .motional imprints and the #onditioning of early family life form
the #enter from whi#h everything grows. Though the matri* of family systems is
important to ea#h of us, regardless of the 1un!s pla#ement, for you it is the hub of
e*isten#e. 7ou e*perien#ed an early sense of self%importan#e in your family system,
but #uriously, what was even more #riti#al was your re#eption by the world outside
your family. This is li$ely to have been either a triumph of #onfirmation or a trauma
of #ontradi#tion. nsofar as the imprints were positive, your life unfolds in a $ind of
perpetual, happy sentimentality' and where they were negative, your life be#omes a
long and painful ambition to dig up, reveal, and free yourself through understanding
and a##eptan#e.

!nner%lin$! parent- 5ne or both of your parents had e*traordinary importan#e in your
development, even more than we would normally e*pe#t. 7ou were very atta#hed to
nourishment, sin#e you needed more emotional warmth than other individuals. This
atta#hment o##urs whether your e*perien#e was positive or negative. "hether the
inner%lin$ was your mother or your father, you tend to !maternalize! the memories.
"hat you learned from and about your own parents has dire#t and powerful
relevan#e to the way you understand the #entral role of parenting as an adult, sin#e
your life%purpose revol#es around the issues of prote#tion and se#urity. t is often
helpful with this pla#ement to unearth your parents! ba#$grounds, to separate myth
from fa#t, for your #hallenge is to amplify what was best about them while improving
on their flaws.

6rivate intuition- 6rivate intuition is a natural method of re)uvenation, something too
important to be overloo$ed or ta$en for granted. The radar of inner guidan#e is often
more #ompelling than the rationalities of ordinary life. 7ou see$ to #onta#t the
deepest, most personal inner san#tum of selfhood. .very time you truly feel your
inner self, life%enmergy rushes into your whole being. t is a !#oming home! to oneself,
a life built around private answers to the ,uestion, !"hat do need to feel whole, safe
and se#ure2!

(9obet 6elletier)

7ou have strong family ties, and you need to have the se#urity of familiar
surroundings in order to feel at ease. Be#ause of this need, you would be more
#omfortable wor$ing in an environment where you $now most of the people you deal
with. To win approval for your a##omplishments, you must first understand what
people need and then get the right $ind of training to satisfy that need. ndulging in
daydreams about your future a##omplishments is futile unless you a##ept the
responsibilities that go along with su##ess. f you are somewhat apatheti# and
#ontent with only a modest level of a#hievement, it is highly unli$ely that you will
ever gain publi# re#ognition for your efforts. "ith proper motivation, however, and
by using the resour#es of your #reative imagination, you #ould ma$e a substantial
#ontribution to fulfill your so#ial obligations.

7ou are afraid that you #annot earn enough to feel se#ure' but this an*iety will
diminish as you start putting your ideas to wor$ and more #onfidently assert your
right to thin$ for yourself. The value of your ability to solve problems #an be
determined only when you apply when you $now. 7ou will be#ome independent and
free from obligation to others a##ording to the amount of effort you put into
developing your #reative talents and resour#es.

The publi# at large will provide every opportunity you need to a#hieve distin#tion in
your #areer. "hen you live up to so#iety!s e*pe#tations, you also live up to your
potential. Fearing failure, however, you tend to withdraw from a #hallenging
opportunity when you feel intimidated by #ompetitors. f you #an resolve your self%
doubt and fear, you will soon have proof of your #apabilities. 7ou will be#ome more
aggressive and determined to rea#h your goals as soon as you realize that setba#$s
and reversals are normal for most people who are pursuing an ob)e#tive. 1omeone
you love, perhaps your partner, will give you the stimulus you need to e*ploit your
talents. This will win that person!s respe#t asnd also improve your own self%image
and feeling of self%respe#t.

The future is yours to shape and mold. 7ou #an ma$e it #omfortable and se#ure or
dreary and dulpl, depending on how ambitious you are. 7ou must slowly pull away
from depending on others or allowing them to depend on you. Then you #an begin to
lay the foundation on whi#h to build your future. The best motivation for this is
edu#ation and training. 1tart by turning a deaf ear to people who try to ma$e you feel
guilty for refusing to hel$p them when you $now they #an help themselves.

7ou will progress more rapidly and be#ome more self%reliant if you live apart from
your family. 7ou must learn the )oy of being truly independent and realize that you
are #ompetent to ma$e the most of your mental assets and resour#es. 5nly then #an
you be sure enough of your talents to dismiss anyone, in#luding a member of your
family, who says you #an!t do this or that.

Natal Sun in )t( House

((aydn 6aul)

n this house, the natural tenden#y of the 1un is towards more ego#entri#, hedonisti#
pleasures in life, whi#h may be asso#iated with the releasing of a #reative artisti#
spirit. t is a sear#h for en)oyment that be#omes a path of development, although #are
may be ne#essary to moderate any innate selfish traits that rise to the surfa#e and
demand satisfa#tion. An underlying attitude is li$ely to be a self%#entred naive
inno#en#e, whi#h may sometimes fail to be #onsistently #ons#ious of the rea#tions
and feelings of others.

This #an be displayed in attra#tions towards roman#es and love affairs whi#h initially
often appear so enti#ing and e*#iting, and yet #an bring #onsiderable #onfusion and
emotional suffering in their wa$e when the sprar$ of love or lust e*tinguishes itself.
7ou may noti#e that while the flame of love burns brightly as passions are ignited,
your intensity of feeling is more short%lived, and your interest wanes. +aintaining
permanent relationships may prove problemati# for you' and attra#tions to pleasure
may sometimes prove detrimental. 7ou will en)oy #hildren, however, feeling great
pride in your #reative prowess, and will happily spend many happy hours playing with
them or performing dramati# theatri#al roles for their entertainment.

7our attitude is that life should be fun' and you intend to pursue this theory and
prove that it is right. 7our vitality is in#reased by spending as mu#h time as possible
devoted only to doing things whi#h are generally en)oyable. !"hy waste time in
a#tivities that are not en)oyable2! you wonder. deally, you want to transform your
whole life into one of pleasure and interest' and it is through your endeavours to
a#hieve this that your dire#tion unfolds with a sense of purpose and meaning. The
sear#h for personal satisfa#tion motivates you' and if this diminishes in your life, then
so does your level of vitality, as the two are interwoven and affe#t both your
psy#hologi#al and physiologi#al states of well%being. .*pansive desires #ould be#ome
distra#tions for you, as you may feel that you have to #hase every ob)e#t, person or
interest that a#tivates your #uriosity. 7ou may e*press a #hildli$e one%pointed fo#us
of desire towards whatever promises you pleasure, and this #ould have #ompulsive
,ualities. 7ou may be li$e a #hild standing in a toyshop, who loo$s round and says !
want! to everything.

&eveloping your artisti# #reativity #ould prove important to release self%e*pression
and a #hannel for some of your overflowing energies. 1u#h #reativity is li$ely to have
a passionate emotional #ontent, a dramati# or theatri#al intensity and )oy whi#h adds
in#reased #olour to life, lifting it above the greys of mundane superfi#ial e*isten#e.
6er#eiving yourself as a #reative artist in some sphere offers an alternative self%image
and a so#ial role to perform to in#rease your influen#e in the world. 7ou en)oy
attra#ting attention, and this helps to vitalise your sense of identity, as you hope that
you stand out from the #rowd' being anonymous and invisible is not to your taste, and
you prefer to be noti#ed and appre#iated by others.

7ou may overpro)e#t yourself at times through sheer ebullien#e, and you may need to
$eep a wary eye on any adoption of roles, so that you do not begine losing your full
nature through the performan#e of sele#ted fa#ets. 7ou #an be over%#onfident, ta$ing
unne#essary ris$s or adventures, or through unwise spe#ulation may )eopardise your
position or family se#urity. 1ometimes, a pause for refle#tion and thought may be
appropriate before you leap into a#tion.

(1tephanie 0amilleri)

Those with 1un in the fifth possess a strong sense of self, a natural pride and dignity,
and e*hibit great #reativity and originality in everything they do. They #an be self%
#entered, so inner%dire#ted that they may lose sight of others' but on#e reminded, are
usually ,ui#$ and generous in their response. They li$e being left alone to do things
their own way, though, as soon as they feel the need for #ompanionship, it is easy for
them to find, as they are #harming and entertaining #ompanions.

They are usually healthy, strong, and very #ourageous % physi#ally in .arth, mentally
in Air, emotionally in "ater' and apt to be re#$less in Fire, ta$ing ris$s without
paying mu#h attention to danger.

They are very in#lined toward love affairs and roman#e all their lives, whi#h #an be a
problem' other pla#ements will show how mu#h of a problem. Affairs are brief,
intense, and se*ual in Aries' they are se*ual and enduring in Taurus, and liable to
be#ome marriages or as enduring as marriages. n ;emini, affairs will be sentimental
or mostly mental' they may involve two partners at on#e, or a relative, neighbor, or
#hildhood #ompanion. n 0an#er, love affairs are very emotional' in Leo, very se*ual'
in Eirgo, #autious but enduring' in Libra, marriage, sometimes several, sometimes a
refusal to marry anyone' in 1agittarius, intense but brief' in 0apri#orn, slow to
develop but enduring' in A,uarius, either sudden and uni,ue, or similar to 0apri#orn'
in 6is#es, sentimental first, then se*ual.

There is a danger with this fifth%house 1un of withdrawing from life to too great an
e*tent, shutting out the world and its #onfusing demands, prote#ting a priva#y that
be#omes all%engulfing, parti#ularly later in life. (ere are maveri#$s, e##entri#s,
loners' those who go their own way, no matter what. There is the danger of ignoring
the attitudes of so#iety to too great an e*tent, ignoring publi# opinion.

These people are hard wor$ers, able to $eep at the )ob longer than others. They li$e
to wor$ hard and rela* thoroughly. 6hysi#ally, they are healthy and strong. They
generally li$e #ompetitive sports, espe#ially in .arth and "ater signs, and li$e to play
hard to use up their abundan#e of physi#al energy. The #ompetitive nature of the fifth
house is not so apparent with the 1un in it' it seems to s#orn #ompetition. The true
#ompetition here is with the self, to outdo oneself, to be better ea#h time than the
time before. 1elf%development is generally more important than a single steady
#areer effort.

Fre,uently, the family pet in #hildhood, the apple of the parents! eyes, these
individuals have been given su#h a strong sense of their own innate worth and
importan#e that they feel no need to prove themselves to anyone but themselves.

(Bill (erbst)

0ons#ious persona- "ith the 1un in the ?th house you are truly the !star! of your own
life%movie. 6ersona, and the parado* of #ontrolled yet spontaneous behavior that
a##ompanies it, is #ru#ial. 7ou have #ome to the .arth to develop more awareness of
the self!s radiant power, and to use that power as an a#tor would, fuelling a
#ons#iously%#hosen ego%role. .very time you see your name in lihgts on the mar,uee,
every time you o##upy #enter%stage su##essfully, you absorb basi# life%energy, whi#h
is then transformed for use in other areas of the psy#he. The pitfall involves
be#oming so self%#entered, so enamored of your ego presentation that others are
alienated. 6omposity is not be#oming to your essential dignity. The #hallenge is to
develop a #ons#iously powerful personal #harisma that retians its sensitivity both to
the audien#e and to other performers.

9oman#e, giving love- Life is a #ontinual romanti# adventure. 7ou are the #ourtier
who loves nothing better than the pursuit of a possible beloved. The very #enter of
your life%purpose lies in loving, in the ris$s, the e*#itement, the sheer thrill of
personal impa#t through the game of #ourtship. The aspe#t of performan#e in loving
is part of your #ore' one way life%energy is absorbed from the #osmos. f you stop the
#reative flow of the ris$ to love for a short time, energy inta$e is redu#ed sharply,
allowing any ba#$log to radiate outward, thus re%establishing homeostasis. But if the
ris$ to love is #urtailed for any prolonged period, your life%energy #an be endangered.
Love alone is not enough' you must have powerful impa#t on others for love to be
fulfilled. First generate #harisma' then learn to use it well.

1e*ual performan#e- 1e*ual performan#e is an important part of your life%purpose.
7ou are #harged by the impetus toward being !the world!s greatest lover!. &ire#ting
energy into another person, having the thrill of seeing, sensing, and feeling the result
of that psy#hi# % and physi#al % penetration is an e*perien#e that goes right to your
#ore. :aturally, the 1un!s sign and interplanetary aspe#ts strongly highlight your
natural approa#h to lovema$ing' but with any #ondition, what!s important is the
#on#rete e*perien#e of self%validation through the su##essful e*pression of se*ual
ardor. 7ou love the idea of having #hildren. (owever, whether you love the sustained
effort of raising them is another matter entirely.

6ersonal #reativity- 7ou are #reative by nature, and it is a signifi#ant part of what you
intend to develop and e*press in this life. 7ou may #hoose an obviously artisti# path,
but it is more li$ely that you will #hoose your ni#he in the world based on other
#onsiderations, then attempt to use that ni#he as the outlet and arena for your
#reative impulses. "hether or not your #reativity ever fully fleshes itself out, and
whether or not it is #onsidered su##essful, depends on a myriad of fa#tors beyond the
#ondition of the 1un, fa#tors that go beyond even the symboli# indi#ations of
astrology in general, ,ualities su#h as !heart!, depth of #hara#ter, and, espe#ially,
fle*ibility in the fa#e of #riti#ism.

0ompetition- Life is a gamble, a game to be won or lost' and no%one appre#iates this
more than you. .very time a ris$ is #hosen, every time #ompetition is a##epted, life%
energy flows into you. The very essen#e of your life involves the parado*i#al dan#e
between #onfiden#e and ris$. "inning or losing is not the #ru#ial issue. The #hallenge
is to play the game fully, with all the #ons#iousness you #an muster. ;o for the gusto.

(9obert 6elletier)

7our ability to develop your #reative potentials gives you many options for self%
e*pression. 7ou are generally a #harming person who loo$s at life optimisti#ally,
$nowing you will rea#h your ob)e#tives. 6eople who are #lose to you find you
delightful, and you en)oy their attention. 7ou should ta$e advantage of your #reative
gifts, or the #han#es of a#hieving your ambitions will be greatly diminished. 7ou have
lots of talent, but it may be obs#ured by your preo##upations with pleasure' and you
may not have enough time to rea#h your goals. 7ou #annot afford to ta$e that #han#e.
t!s fine to believe in your eventual su##ess, but until you #an demonstrate your
effe#tiveness in real situations, you haven!t a#hieved anything. The future is not a
vague abstra#tion' it is every tomorrow of your life. 7our magnetism and dramati#
flair for #ommuni#ation are your best assets, whi#h you should use to distinguish
yourself. 6eople li$e you and you li$e them, so you #ould wor$ most effe#tively with
the publi#. 5n#e you get started, you will be filled with enthusiasm, and every
su##ess will be a #atalyst for greater a#hievements.

7ou $now how to #ommuni#ate with people, and they respond to you. 7ou #apture the
publi#!s imagination and win their #onfiden#e that you will fulfill your promises. 7ou
$now how to generate enthusiasm, for whi#h people are very grateful. 7our partner
will be loyal and dedi#ated to your #auses. 7ou may have more to #hoose from than
most people, so your de#isions my be more diffi#ult.

6attern your growth after the lives of your su##essful asso#iates' learn how they
establish and realize their goals. 7ou need substantial finan#ial resour#es for the
lifestyle you want, and you msut a##ept responsibility for devising ways to in#rease
your in#ome. .ven people who are less talented are able to do well finan#ially, but
you #ould do at least as well as they, if not better. 7ou #an easily resolve these
developing an*ieties about your worth by applying yourself. Before you do anything,
however, you must define your goals and ob)e#tives and glow with the e*pe#tation
that you will a#hieve them. By developing self%dis#ipline, you #an sustain yourself
solely on your merits. This investment means sa#rifi#ing #ertain pleasures, but you
will have established your priorities, whi#h #an guide you.

7ou will have to give up some of your self%indulgent ways to ma$e a personal
investment that will provide long%term dividends. f you start at the bottom, you #an
learn how not to fall flat on your fa#e' and if you suffer some setba#$s, only a few
people will $now. 6ut your vanity on the shelf, and do your best to earn the position
you want. f you bring all your #reative resoure#es to the surfa#e, you will attra#t the
attention of important people, who #an help you move up the ladder of su##ess.

7our early #onditioning has give you a good base on whi#h to build your life. But
don!t thin$ that you #an #oast along, letting your family ta$e #are of your needs. 7our
heritage should be the bottom rung of the tall ladder you will #limb in fulfilling your
destiny. 0reative talent has no value unless you develop it. t!s what you do with your
#reativity that determines how su##essful you will be. 7ou may not en)oy hard wor$,
but you, espe#ially, have to a##ept its reality in your life. To es#ape from it is to
es#ape to nowhere.
The 1un is strongly pla#ed in the ?th, its natural domain. For those with this
pla#ement, a sense of identity, power and purpose in life is found through
wholeheartedly engaing in a#tivities whi#h ma$e them feel good about being alive.
The need to give e*pression to the self is vital to physi#al and psy#hologi#al health'
and people be#ome ill and depressed if they have nothing to live for. 5f #ourse, they
also fall si#$ if they are trying to pa#$ too mu#h in. t is not a #ase of how mu#h the
?th house 1un #an do, but rather the ,uality of the involvement and the degree of
satisfa#tion whi#h is obtained from it.

1ome form of artisti# e*pression is advised % not ne#essarily in order to be another
+ozart or +atisse, but more for the sa$e of freeing the spirit, releasing emotions and
feelings, and having the opportunity to #reate from inside the self. The ri#hness of life
is also enhan#ed through hobbies, sporting events, re#reational pursuits, trips to the
theatre, art galleries, et#..

The !playful #hild! is alive and well in someone with a ?th house 1un, and struggling
to be free. :o matter how #reative people with this pla#ement may appear to others,
they usually feel they #ould be better at whatever it is they do. The 1un by nature is
e*pansive' and in teh ?th it see$s to e*press itself more and more and #ontinually
in#rease its territory of influen#e.

For those with the 1un in the ?th, love affairs and roman#e heighten their sense of
parti#ipation in life as well as embellishing their feelings of spe#ialness. 6rodu#ing
#hildren is another way they #an bolster their sense of identity as well as e*tending
their power and influen#e. There is a danger, though, that a parent with this
pla#ement #ould attempt to !live out! his or her life too mu#h through a #hild,
pro)e#ting unfulfilled needs for fame and glory onto the offspring. The #hild might be
e*hibited li$e a wor$ of art in the hopes that what has been !produ#ed! will be

The need to be the #entre of attention is very strong with the 1un in the ?th' and
these people may be unable to tolerate situations in whi#h all eyes are not fo#used on
them. A diffi#ultly aspe#ted 1un in this house #ould resort to devious, manipulative or
e*aggerated ways of gaining attention- even negative !stro$es! are better than no
!stro$es! at all.
Natal Sun in *t( House

((aydn 6aul)

7our life dire#tion and sense of fulfilment #an be dis#overed through involvement in
the areas of wor$, health and servi#e' and applying your attention to these spheres
will help to deine your sense of uni,ue identity and offer #hannels for your path of

The organisation of life, both within domesti# routines and through a wor$ing
environment, is espe#ially important, and provides a fo#us for your abilities,
effi#ien#y and pra#ti#al s$ills. Being #apable of fun#tioning well in the material world
is probably one of your assets, espe#ially if there are harmonious aspe#ts made to
your 1un' and this is also a sour#e of #ompeten#e that adds to your self%esteem.

7ou tend to develop regular routines or private !habitual rituals! as an ordering
pattern to your life' and providing that these do not be#ome #ompulsive and you do
not feel that these routines are inviolable, then they #an serve as a positive
stru#turing to your days. 9etain some fle*ibility of a#tion and #hoi#e within these
routines. Asso#iated with this habit%forming tenden#y is a willingness to a##ep the
boundaries of your situation. This may be a pragmati# a#,uies#en#e to #ir#umstan#es
that you feel #annot be #hanged, or it #an be a fear of a#tually stret#hing beyond your
present limitations, in whi#h #ase it #an be#ome restri#tive. A point to be
remembered is that if you #hoose, you #an #hanvge anything in your life that fails to
satisfy, on#e you de#ide to do so.

6art of your self%definition is derived from your wor$, and you are normally a hard%
wor$er and #on#entrated on your tas$s, hoping to a#hieve due re#ognition from your
efforts, either from an employer or by the su##ess of your own business. 7ou feel that
su#h a#$nowledgement is ne#essary, and #an be#ome disheartened whenever you fail
to re#eive this for your wholehearted efforts. 7ou may need to be wary of any
tenden#ies to be a hard tas$master as an employer, and need to re#ognise that not
everyone has your #apa#ity and dedi#ation for wor$.

f your 1un has more #hallenging aspe#ts (s,uare, opposition), then you may dis#over
hindran#es within your wor$ing life, perhaps re,uiring additional edu#ation and
training to open new paths for development, or there may be diffi#ulties in settling
into suitable employment. As your identity #an be asso#iated with your wor$, this #an
have a detrimental effe#t on your well%being, so you may need to ensure that self%
esteem is disasso#iated from your wor$ing status, or else it may be#ome permanently

(ealth may be#ome a fo#us of attention, espe#ially the relationship between body%
emotions%mind and psy#hosomati# lin$s. 0hallenging aspe#ts may imply physi#al
wea$ness or liability to illness and la#$ of vitality, perhaps through a sensitivity to
types of food and diet. Ta$ing #are of body needs and your level of physi#al vigour
may be re,uired, so listening to the promptings from your body is important, and
e*er#ise may also be ne#essary. The #on#ept of body%mind wholeness may appeal,
and you may #hoose to pursue studies in the #omplementary therapies or allopathi#
medi#ine. (erbalism and the medi#inal use of plants may attra#t, espe#ially on#e you
have re#eived benefits from any herbal remedies, or homoeopathy, aromatherapy,
refle*ology and the various types of body massage and energy alignment, su#h as
9olfing or polarity therapy. 7ou should not forget the importan#e of your emotions
and mental attitudes if you be#ome involved in body preo##upations- the three are
interwoven, affe#ting ea#h level' and harmony and balan#e need to e*ist between all
of them.

This #ould be#ome the sphere of servi#e to a broader #ommunity for you, perhaps
through helping to heal others or to show them ways to attain satisfa#tory health and
well%being. 7ou feel that it is important to be of value to the #ommunity and to
#ontribute in some way for the benefit of so#iety' and this #ould be a path that you
eventually ta$e. The ideal of servi#e is one that #an inspire your energies, #reating a
fo#us and a dedi#ation to your self%#reated tas$s. 7our s$ills of pra#ti#al effi#ien#y
#an be valuably employed wherever you #hoose' and seeing their results will help to
heighten your sense of self%worth.

(1tephanie 0amilleri)

This #an be an aw$ward pla#ement for the 1un unless it is supported by strong
aspe#ts from other planets. This is a !1aturday!s #hild! who must wor$ for a living.
;enerally not the family pet, they were loved, perhaps, but not enough. They must
get away from the home environment in order to dis#over their worth among
strangers. At home, they may #rave the love of a parent, parti#ularly the father, and
see all of it go to a brother or sister instead.

Away from home, they still have a hard time fitting in, and often feel somewat out of
pla#e or misunderstood. Their egos are not strong with the 1un at this =?@ degree
angle of sa#rifi#e' and they need a good deal of stro$ing by those who love them,
though they will rarely as$. They are hard wor$ers, very demanding of themselves
and of others who may wor$ for them. They yearn for the perfe#t wor$ situation, with
a boss who behaves li$e a good father % demanding, yet understanding and
appre#iative % though few find it.

&isgust over bad wor$ situations often drives them to wor$ on their own' yet this is
not the answer, either. There is loneliness here, a feeling of being off to one side,
unre#ognized. They do best in the helping professions, as do#tors, nurses,
veterinarians, so#ial wor$ers, healers, spe#ial edu#ation tea#hers, or wor$ing with
the underprivileged or handi#apped. They #an identify with those they serve, to some
e*tent' and their need to lose themselves in wor$ goes for a #learly re#ognized #ause
and is of obvious value. Their need for love and appre#iation, if unre#ognized or
unfulfilled, #an manifest physi#ally as a variety of illnesses or psy#hologi#al problems.

f the 1un is trine the +idheaven, or if another important planet is in the tenth house,
there may be an opportunity to rise past all diffi#ulties by means of a su##essful
#areer effort.

((oward 1asportas)

"ith the 1un in the Qth, the e*perien#es needed to develop a solid ego%identity
revolve around health, daily ritual and wor$. "ithout be#oming unduly obsessive,
those with this pla#ement should pay parti#ular attention to matters of self%
improvement. 6hysi#al and psy#hologi#al wea$nesses and imperfe#tions are often
highlighted in some way so that ne#essary ad)ustments #an be made.

First and foremost, they need to form a good relationship to the body % respe#ting the
physi#al vehi#le is a lesson they sooner or later must learn. 3nfortunately for some,
the re#ognition of the importan#e of #aring for the body only registers when the
#onse,uen#es of negle#t and ill%treatment have gone too far and manifested in illness.
And yet, even if diffi#ulties do arise in this area, the ,uest ba#$ to health and
wholeness will serve the larger pro#ess of individuation more appropriately than
other paths. They also have the ability to enlighten and illumine other people about
better ways to parti#ipate in maintaining good health.

Those with the 1un in the Qth house strive to develop s$ills and abilities whi#h se#ure
them a useful pla#e in the employment mar$et. A sense of personal worth, value, and
distin#tion is obtained in this way. They !find themselves! through being of servi#e to

There is a need to organize effe#tive daily rituals and routines whi#h ensure a
smoother running of the life. Learning to fun#tion effi#itnely in pra#ti#al matters
strengthens the sense of identity. This is not the pla#ement of someone who should
)ust sit and meditate all day. t is suprising what poignant realizations #an dawn
s#rubbing the $it#hen flaw or washing your so#$s. "ith the 1un in the Qth, a##epting
boundaries and routines empowers a person to perfe#t and refine the art of living.
The end results of this attitude are not ne#essarily glaring, but show ever so subtly
and tastefully in all the person does, re#alling a Ben saying- !Before enlightenment
#arry water' after enlightenment #arry water!.

(Bill (erbst)

&isease and healing- &isease and the #areful restoration of health are at the #enter of
life%purpose. 7ou!ve #ome to the .arth to e*plore and #orre#t anything that prevents
fulfillment in wholeness, both for yourself and others. .ven when you are healthy,
disease is still a presen#e in your life' it will tou#h you in some signifi#ant way. 5ften
this ta$es form through a professional interest in health and healing. 6ride and
dignity are usually involved in any signifi#ant disorders. The pitfall is su##umbing %
,uite literally, surrendering to diseases of the body or neuroti# attitudes. The
#hallenge is to re%energize through a persistent fo#us on wellness, to learn and
pra#ti#e a wide range of healing te#hni,ues.

3ne,ual relationships- 7ou have great sensitivity to the proto#ol surrounding
e*#hanges between persons of une,ual stature. Fulfillment depends upon how well
you #ondu#t yourself when relating to superiors of inferiors. The pitfall is #onfusion
about authority. "hen we defer to a )udge, a poli#eman, #ounselor, lawyer, or do#tor,
even a priest, we do so out of respe#t of the position, not the human being. A person!s
inherent ,uality is not ne#essarily refle#ted in the so#ial role he or she portrays. 7our
#hallenge is to treat ea#h person in a manner appropriate to the #ultural role, while
striving to honor the essential e,uality of our spiritual dan#es. 0uriously, you have a
mu#h easier time when in the inferior position' it!s the superior role that gives you

&uty and servi#e- Being helpful is nothing short of essential' if you don!t demonstrate
a sin#ere interest in aiding others, you unplug from the sour#e of #osmi# energy that
fuels your being. But that li$elihood is remote, and passes ,ui#$ly if it happens, for
you #an feel your life%energy beginning to ebb. 5f greater danger is the possibility
that you feel too flawed to be helpful to others. t!s #ru#ial to be proud of the servi#es
you offer. The worst pitfall lies in e*aggerated subservien#e % false humility that!s
a#tually self%denigration mas,uerading as devotion. True humility needs to be
fo#used in servi#e, in the a#tion of helping. 9emember, however, that #ompensation
or payment is also #ru#ial to your life%purpose. 9e#eiving gratitude is as important a
#hallenge as offering #ompetent aid.

Te#hni#al mind- 5ne aspe#t of your life%purpose is to develop analysis into an artful
lifestyle. "hen you use your mind to organize and understand se,uen#es or logi#al
pro#esses, you plug into a sour#e of universal energy, and your fuel tan$s begin to
fill. As dis#rimination develops into #areful reasoning, you draw purer energy. Let
your mind move toward signifi#an#e, even when it begins with trivia. The #hallenge is
to observe and intera#t with anything that #at#hes your interest, to learn how it
wor$s, and to empathi#ally understand why it e*ists, what fun#tion it fulfills in teh
larger s#heme of things.

&is#ipline and routines- The e*perien#e of regularity is essential for you. A life
without dis#ipline is no life at all. 7ou are on the .arth to understand effi#ien#y, to
promote steady produ#tivity in your pragmati# and spiritual goals. The a#tual
regularity of yoru living depends on other fa#tors, su#h as the 1un!s sign and aspe#ts'
but remember that you #an enhan#e your a##ess to life%energy through #onsisten#y.
The pitfall is losing the forest for the trees, while the #hallenge is to organize the
layers of self into shining effe#tiveness.

(9obert 6elletier)

7ou try to ma$e the most of your everyday #ir#umstan#es by setting up a plan for
developing your #reative s$ills. As a result, you have little diffi#ulty finding suitable
employment that allows you to in#rease your s$ills in diversified fields. 7ou $now how
to use your resoure#es effi#iently and imaginatively to earn a #omfortable living and
have a feeling of a##omplishment. Although money is important to you, the way you
earn it and the s$ill re,uired in your wor$ are e,ually important. 7ou believe in
yourself, and you $now that your dedi#ation in #arrying out your #areer
responsibilities will one day bring you deserved re#ognition and satisfa#tion in
ma$ing the most of your #reative potentials.

7ou are grateful for what you learned from your parents, and you $now that their
training was instrumental in preparing you for the responsibilities of ma$ing a life for
yourself. Be#ause you appre#iate their effots, you won!t forget them in later years,
and you will be in#reasingly able to provide for them, if ne#essary. 7ou loo$ forward
to a time when you #an help people in genereal with their problems' and you hope
that with their assistan#e they will be#ome more self%reliant in using their resour#es.

f you are willing to wor$ behind the s#enes, there is mu#h you #an do to help
improve so#ial #onditions. 7our understanding of how to #onvert people!s basi#
resour#es into worthwhile tools #an be of inestimable value to those who are
untrained and therefore uns$illed. 7ou $now how valuable your edu#ation was in
ma$ing you ready for any opportunity, and you want to use that talent as an edu#ator
to give others a similar #han#e for su##ess. 7ou!ve learned to thin$ for yourself and
use your ideas to get ahead, although at first you were un#ertain that you #ould do

7ou $now that it ta$es a lot of hard wor$ to su##eed in rea#hing your goals' but you
#onsider this an investment in your future, and you are right. But it is important not
to overe*tend yourself and negle#t getting enough rest and rela*ation. &on!t feel
obligated to lend your friends a hand unless you are sure they are ma$ing a
reasonable effort to help themselves. 6eople who have su##eeded on their own will
motivate you to a#hieve your goals as they have. At wor$, you should be #autious
about doing more than your share, and learn to say !no! when others as$ you to
#ompensate for their in#ompeten#e.

7ou wor$ hard to provide for your family, and you hope that your #hildren will benefit
from your e*ample by ma$ing full use of the material advantages and training you!ve
given them. /nowing that you are loved and that your efforts are appre#iated gives
you mu#h inner satisfa#tion and #ontentment. 7ou are devoted to your partner' and in
return he or she helps you in your pursuits, so you both benefit. 7our mate supports
you when you are down and re)oi#es with you in your su##esses' and that!s a winning
Natal Sun in +t( House

((aydn 6aul)

The sphere of so#ial relationships will assume a high priority and importan#e in your
life' and your path of self%development will be interwoven with e*perien#es within
partnerships and relationships.

There is a need to reforge yoru identity so that you #an follow the way indi#ated by
your light, rather than a#,uies#e to paths imposed by so#ial traditions, or parental or
peer%group pressures. By your redefining your self%understanding and ta$ing
responsibility for your a#tions and #hoi#es, there will be a #orresponding shift in
so#ial and intimate relationships. A new per#eption fo the intera#tion between
yourself and the outer world #an begin to emerge, and a new type of relationship may
be dis#overed.

3ntil this shift o##urs, you may display dependen#y tenden#ies, allowing a relian#e
on others for a sense of se#urity and life dire#tion, la#$ing real #onfiden#e in your
strengths and #apabilities. 7our solar power may have been pro)e#ted into the world,
so that others are per#eived as e*pressing a ,uality of power whi#h is a#tually latent
within your own nature. Failing to a#$nowledge its presen#e within, you sear#h for its
refle#tion by others and be#ome involved in a variety of relationships. This is not a
power that should be dominating, but a power emanating from inner light and
personality integration' yet through outer pro)e#tion and refle#tion, you mis#on#eive
its presen#e as e*isting only within others.

The dangers of su#h a pro)e#tion are that you are left vulnerable to any tenden#ies of
emotional manipulation and domination by others who may be less sympatheti# or
even uns#rupulous. f you allow a passivity to rise in your relationships, then partners
may ta$e advantage of you, until you begin to assert your own strengths.

ssues of domination are often asso#iated with #hallenging aspe#ts to the 1un in this
house. An alternative e*pression of this 1un position is to be too assertive, la#$ing
sensitivity to others, and adopting a more self%#entred attitude whi#h #an ignore the
needs and desires of partners. The lesson that re,uires understanding in this #ase is
the development of a #o%operative spirit whi#h re#ognises the validity of differing
styles of self%e*pression, and a #orresponding dominution of that impulse to
dominate. 1ometimes there are needs to attain so#ial prestige or #ommunity
authority, so that a mar$ on so#iety is made. The sear#h for !power! is again
e*ternalised into so#iety' and eviden#e of personal poten#y is gained from the range
of so#ial influen#e, rather than unfolding the inner solar strength.

7ou will probably redis#over someone who serves as an inspirational role model to
emulate' or you may observe ,ualities in asso#iates that you would li$e to e*press.
6art of your unfoldment will #ome through a pro#ess of personality modelling,
although this should be only a preparatory phase to #onvin#e you of the mutability of
the personality and the potential for a #ons#ious reshaping. Later you #an begin to
wor$ with the totality of your nature, revealing those innate strengths and ,ualities
through your so#ial intera#tion.

This stage may develop after e*perien#es of relationship #onfli#ts and
disappointments have served to awa$en you to your independent nature,
transforming the nature of your so#ial relationships. t is through parti#ipation with
others that your new identity will be shaped, and you #an dis#over a renewed sense
of power, meaning and dire#tion within your intimate relationships. As insight
deepens, self%motivation e*pands and your life path be#omes more illuminated. "hile
e*ternal su##ess may not form until after you have #reated a more su##essful
partnership, inner #hanges will #ertainly #ompensate you for any earlier diffi#ulties.
There may be a potential to share your insights about the nature of relationships and
the need for individual integration and partnership balan#e, through some sort of
#ommuni#ation to others, perhaps through #ounselling or writing. But this is a later
stage of your possible life path' and unless those earlier and ne#essary personal
modifi#ations are made, you may still be #onfronted by relationship #hallenges and

(1tephanie 0amilleri)

!Always true to you, dear, in my fashion' always true to you, darling, in my way.!

This is a strong position for the 1un, bringing all the ,ualities that #ome with an
angular 1un' strong sense of self, strong #onstitution, powerful will, but at this =U@
degree angle, these people always need partners in order to put their tremendous
#apabilities to wor$. 3ntil they have found the appropriate partner, they will seem to
drift from one thing to another. This is true of love partners as well as business or
professional partners. Those with the 1un in a fi*ed sign, no other planets in the
seventh house, and no unrelieved affli#tions, will probably ta$e their time about
finding a partner and then remain with the same person for life. 1u#h people are
in#lined to be somewhat emotionally dependent and, if the partner brea$s off the
relationship, leaves, or dies, may feel that their lives are shattered.

Those with the 1un in #ardinal or mutable signs, or with other planets in the seventh,
are not li$ely to remain with one partner' and some will #hange partners regularly
throughout long, lusty lives, perhaps even maintaining several long%term
relationships at on#e. Their need for a partner usually finds them married at a very
early age and, as an angular 1un is a sign of life%long growth and development, they
often outgrow these early relationships and move on to greater #hallenges in their
love lives as their #apa#ities grow. They usually have a philosophy of life that suits
their style and needs, and so will be advo#ates of free love, open marriage, or
something of the sort % privately if not publi#ly.

As long as they have a dependable nature, these people #an support whole tribes of
admirers, dependents, employees, and su#h, standing gladly at the #enter of
movements, spe#ial interest grouips, #ults, et#., as a father or mother figure. They
have a great sense of purpose and ma$e good leaders, but whether for good or evil
must be indi#ated by other fa#tors, as their sense of being right is so strong that they
#an ta$e large numbers of their fellows a long way down the wrong path.

Although this is a strong lo#ation for the 1un, it is not so good for a #areer, as they
are so strongly in#lined to follow their own private star wherever it may lead. The
path of personal development will #arry them far from a single #areer tra#$, and they
may end up a long way from where they began.

(Bill (erbst)

+irrored Awareness- n the Lth house, the 1un indi#ates that you!ve #ome to the
.arth to dis#over yourself through the #onta#t you ma$e with other human beings.
This mirroring is #ru#ial, for it!s the way you plug into 0osmi# 0entral. .very time
you relate to someone, every time you even #onsider relating, you energize yourself.
The pitfall lies in believing that the other person is the energy sour#e. The #hallenge
is to maintain the self%awareness you #reate through relationship, so that your
awareness #ontinues even when relatedness isn!t present. n that way, ea#h new
en#ounter, whether with the same or a different person, builds on a previous
foundation, the #omprehension of who you truly are.

.,ual partnerships- The fa#e that you tap into power through relationships doesn!t
mean you need to be with a partner twenty%four hours a day. n fa#t, it is essential
that on#e you have established a signifi#ant relationship, you then use the energy it
generates to further your own singular pursuits. Thus, the pitfall is the tenden#y to
be#ome overly dependent on your partners, to feel in#omplete without them, and, as
a result, to diminish your sense of self. The #hallenge is to #reate partnerships that
are mutually supportive to the uni,ue life%paths of both partners. &o not be#ome 5ne
with another, but instead stay in the dynami#, unresolved polarity of two%ness.

0ontra#ts, #ommitments- 0ommitment is life%affirming' non#ommitment is life%
denying. (onoring promises furthers life%purpose' brea$ing promises damages it.
That mu#h is simple. "hat is not so simple are the intri#a#ies of distinguishing a
good #ommitment from a bad one. 9elationships manifest the e*traordinary
parado*es of being alone and being together' and it is easy to lose our bearings.
6artnership is a two%way street, involving mutuality by two individuals, yet ea#h of us
alone must de#ide for ourself what we want and are willing to promise. Fo not
#ommit to someone else, for that surrenders your essen#e. nstead, #ommit to the
willingness to share yourself with another.

0o%operation- f, for any reason, you e*perien#e #onfrontation rather than
negotiation, defian#e rather than #ompromise, or opposition rather than #o%operation,
your life%purpose falters. The more you are able to see and understand the other!s
point of view % without giving up your own % the more vital your life be#omes. Ba#$
away from relatedness when #ompromise is temporarily impossible. 1ee the ebb and
flow as natural, not as winning or losing. Anything #an be negotiated between
partners if there is suffi#ient time, interest, and good faith. 1o loo$ for partners who
will negotiate with you, partners who understand that #ompromise does not % and
should not % re,uire winners and losers.

:atural partner or partnership- 7our natural partner embodies essential power and
visible dignity. This peron!s life%purpose should affe#t you deeply' you feel yourself
responding, moved by the sense of meaning in your partner!s )ourney. 7our mate
must have a stronger%than%average will, a #entral #ore with real power. There!s a
radian#e that others besides you #an see.

A natural partnership stimulates your pride, not the false glory of ego%#entered
vanity, but the pride that results from re#ognition of your essential wholeness, and
from the in#reasing ability to e*press yourself in open and fulfilling ways. t should
#larify your life' and though it #annot hold the limelight % that is for the self alone % it
must o##upy a position near #enter%stage in your e*isten#e. The image is dawn, with
the sun brea$ing through the #louds, rising to warm the earth and evaporate the

(9obert 6elletier)

7ou must depend largely on others for opportunities to e*ploit your #reative talents.
Through the people you meet and deal with, you will a#hieve re#ognition for your
a##omplishments. 5n#e you get the approval that you need to be reassured of your
#apabilities, you #an use your authority to a#hieve your goals and ob)e#tives. 7ou
need to gain publi# support for the programs you initiate, so you must find a way to
win #onverts among your #ompetitors. 7ou are easily intimidated by people who
,uestion your motives, and you resent having to e*plain your a#tions to anyone. 1till,
if you try to be understanding of others! motivations, you will have every #han#e to
)ustify your position on issues and your reasons for a#ting as you must. 7our
sweeping #ommand of language will be an asset when you are #hallenged, for few
#an resist the persuasiveness of your delivery. "ith a formal edu#ation, you #an win
over the most unyielding adversaries. 7ou need to be fully informed at all times so
that you don!t have to ta$e se#ond pla#e to anyone.

7ou have a way of #onvin#ing people that you are important to them and to their
dreams for the future. 7our flair for #ommuni#ating dramati#ally what people need to
$now about your s$ills is formidable, to say the least. :o press agent or publi#
relations person #ould mat#h your ability to promote yourself. 7ou feel that the publi#
needs and wants your produ#t' and your effe#tive salesmanship wins you their
patronage. 6ubli# relations and sales are two areas in whi#h you #ould e*#el. 7ou
truly believe in yourself and your ability to serve the publi# with dedi#ation.

7our most persistent opponent is yourself. .ven the slightest doubt about your ability
to win in #ompetition #an be devastating to your self%image. 7ou un#ons#iously #reate
situations and foes that stimulate you to prove that you #ould win in spite of the odds
against it. "hen you were young, you might have had some diffi#ulty in a##epting
this responsibility, be#ause your training #aused you to doubt your ability to #ompete
su##essfully. "ith e*perien#e, this attitude #ould #hange. 7ou will grow more self%
#onfident and learn to roll with the publi# #riti#ism that is often levelled at peole in
authority. 5n the other hand, the publi# admires and respe#ts those who distinguish
themselves by their a#hievements.

7ou should a##ept the fa#t that you will earn your living mainly from the servi#es you
offer the publi#. &on!t #onsider this demeaning, for servi#es in#lude a wide variety of
produ#ts or s$ills. nstead, #onsider it an opportunity to e*ploit your talents and
derive mu#h satisfa#tion and fulfillment in doing so. 7ou don!t have to ma$e huge
sa#rifi#es to win publi# re#ognition for your efforts. 1top #omparing your position to
other people!s' and be grateful for the privilege of utilizing your s$ills in ways that
bring you the greatest benefits.

The publi# needs your s$ills mu#h more than you $now. 5n#e you realize this, you
will be inspired in finding ways to give people what they want and earn a #omfortable
living at the same time. As long as your patner doesn!t threaten your self%image, the
relationship will go along well. &on!t #hoose someone who needs you to #ompensate
for his or her defi#ien#ies. 7ou #annot afford to be less ,ualified than your opponents
in any endeavor, or you ris$ being relegated to insignifi#an#e.
((oward 1asportas)

"hen the philosopher +artin Buber wrote that !+an be#omes an through a 7ou!, he
#ould have been referring to those with the 1un in the Lth. Almost parado*i#ally, a
sense of their own power, purpose and individuality is found through partnership and
relationship. 6arti#ipating in )oint a#tivities raises issues whi#h enable them to define
who they are more #learly. Through the ups and downs and entanglements
en#ountered in the attempt to form vital, honest and life%supporting allian#es, the
identity is shaped and strengthened. t is a fa#t of life that something e*ists more
#learly if it #an be seen in relation to something else' li$ewise, a personality has more
meaning when seen in relation to other personalities. "hen the 1un shines in Libra!s
house, the !! needs a !Thou!.

(owever, it doesn!t always wor$ this way. n some #ases, those with the 1un in the
Lth may try to abs#ond with another person!s identity by finding someone who will be
big and strong for them or who will tell them what to do with their lives. 5r they may
be preo##upied with gaining prestige and authority through aligning themselves with
an important or influential figure, or by loo$ing for a hero or heroine they #an serve,
worship and forever adore. n a man or woman!s #hart, the 1un here #an indi#ate a
sear#h for a !daddy! figure. n short, an attempt is made to !live out! the solar
prin#iple through pro)e#ting it onto the partner. This is different to dis#overing the
self via the help of another. t is also less produ#tive, and often doesn!t su##eed for
very long.

The Lth house also depi#ts how we intera#t with so#iety in general. For the sa$e of
the individuation pro#ess, those with the 1un in the Lth need to be involved with
people. 1ome may even find a vo#ation whi#h deals with the issues of interpersonal
relationships % marriage guidan#e #ounselling, for instan#e, or wor$ whi#h re,uires
s$ill in arbitration and diploma#y. Leo on the &es#endant is similar in meaning to the
1un in the Lth.
Natal Sun in ,t( House

((aydn 6aul)

5ne important tenden#y in the psy#he is the deep impulse to move beyond e*isting
boundaries, barriers, limitations and restri#tions. t is an e*pansionary drive that
see$s the e*perien#e of an intense union whi#h dissolves the paramets and
#onstraints of the separate self.

This impulse #an be dis#on#erting and disruptive, agitating within your personality,
manifesting as an undefined inner pressure striving for release, and often displaying
its presen#e through #ompulsive fas#inations, un#ons#ious motivations and an
ambivalent rea#tion to life' there #an be a simultaneous desire to taste life as deeply
as possible or to withdraw from e*ternal life involvement.

3nderlying this is a need for re#onne#tion, to tou#h a deeper #entre of your nature
that is magneti#ally attra#ting you. 7our emotional and feeling nature is espe#ially
responsive, and due to inner #onfli#t may be#ome a battlefield that is opening you to
e*perien#e greater life intensity. This may not be easy, as it is probably your
relationships that be#ome the sour#e of #ontention' and as those inner pressures
in#rease, they will strip away the veneers of #ontrol and self%image previously
imposed upton these relationships. n the star$ light of emotional anguish, you may
be#ome aware of unresolved areas of your nature, negative emotional patterns and
un#ons#ious tenden#ies that re,uire #leansing, releasing and healing. 7et it is
through su#h e*perien#es that your lighted path #an be dis#overed. By these
un#ons#ious patterns rising to the surfa#e of your life and #ons#iousness, you have
the opportunity to use painful e*perien#es in a positive and transformative manner,
even though one result may be a phase of diffi#ult relationships. f this has o##urred,
then the message is pointing you towards personal #hange, and su#h e*perien#es are
serving as #atalysts for an e*pansion beyond your present limits.

7ou may be#ome interested in deeper self%understanding, and through your need for
this begin to sear#h in the realms of psy#hology, religion and o##ultism and
#ommen#e your spiritual ,uest to dis#over your holisti# #entre. This attra#tion to the
mysteries of life is asso#iated with the Uth house' and your solar path of development
will lead towards su#h realms. Areas of so#ial taboo #an parti#ularly fas#inate' and
you may be#ome interested in te#hni,ues that re,uire the appli#ation of a fo#used
will, su#h as magi# or #reative visualisation.

The e*ploration of your se*uality may assume a high profile, as that is one way to
gain e*perien#es of emotional and physi#al intensity. +u#h will depend on your
rea#tions to the issue of life intensity, whether you wholeheartedly embra#e its
potential or whether you feel afraid of e*alted and heightened feelings and senses. f
fear dominates, through unease about moving beyond e*isting boundaries, then you
may #hoose to resist deeper life intima#y and re)e#t the potential transformation.
however, if you persevere in daring to e*plore the s#ope of life, your inner e*perien#e
#an be#ome enri#hed and those pressures dissolved through #ons#ious self%
e*pression. 9elationships may then be#ome less a battlefield and more a foundation
for progressive growth and en)oyment of life, as you su##eed in transforming your
need for union into positive life enhan#ement, instead of passively allowing yourself
to be dominated by the #onse,uen#es of inner storms.

Another sphere within this Uth house dimension is related to investments, lega#ies,
law and resour#es. 7our path may be helped or hindered by family relationships,
espe#ially through the potential of lega#ies and personal partnerships. f the 1un has
#hallenging aspe#ts (s,uare, opposition), then there may be more diffi#ulties
o##urring, whi#h #an frustrate and restri#t you, so #are may be needed in respe#t of
marital and legal disputes. f the 1un has harmonious aspe#ts (#on)un#tion, se*tile,
trine), they you may have better fortunes if involved in family lega#ies, business,
partnerships, finan#ial transa#tions and spe#ulation' but be #autious if you feel the
impulse for greater e*pansion, and ensure that you #arefully investigate and evaluate
your plans and options to assess their viability. Fortune may arise from utilising your
personal #onta#ts, and through the sharing of resour#es in )oint endeavours. deally,
you #ould use any finan#ial su##ess to in#rease your potential for greater life
intensity and inner abundan#e, rather than allowing money or possessions to a#t as a
substitute for a life meaning and purpose.

(1tephanie 0amilleri)

(ere the 1un gives strength, independen#e, enduran#e, and great potential power,
whi#h #an show forth in the outside world as su##ess in business, politi#s, the arts, or
in any arena. There is the ability to sense what will wor$ and the #ourage to a#t on it.
There is also an ability to manage others with s$ill, though that s$ill may sometimes
appear somewhat +a#hiavellian.

3nfortunately, along with these powerful gifts this position also brings emotional
isolation in some form. n youth, they were usually so#ially isolated in some way, the
ego undergoing diffi#ult tests of the loss of love, death of loved ones, undue
restri#tion, so#ial ostra#ism, possibly even institutionalization, or a #ombination of
these, at an early age, and often alone, without loving #ounsel. 9ather than destroy
the ego, this usually wor$s to #rystallize it, strengthen it, for#ing it to feed on ideas,
fantasies, on religious truths, or plans for the future, giving it great potential for the
adult years of power.

These people seem #omplete unto themselves, #ool, self%reliant, and se#ure within
their own abilities' but they will always be vulnerable, deeply #raving affa#tion and
#ommitment, and more or less terrified that they will never find it. n their own
isolation, it is hard for them to see the need and vulnerability of others' and they may
be #apable of terrible #oldness, and even #ruelty, to those who need the, They may
lat#h onto one person who they hope will give them all they #rave in the way of
emotional sustenan#e and #ommitment' but this #an be neuroti# in intensity and lead
to an agonizing brea$up. There may be a number of su#h relationships.

A woman with this position tends to #hoose a partner whose need is even greater
than hers. 5ften, though, she will eventually #ome to resent her partner!s
dependen#y, not realizing that it was her own need to be needed that prompted her
to form the relationship in the first pla#e.

A man with this position will yearn for a partner who seems to be emotioanlly se#ure,
often someone with more money or so#ial position, one with a powerful or well%to%do
father, or who is older and more su##essful in her #areer' or the well%$ept mate or
lover of a su##essful man, whom he will woo with all his power. These relationships
usually have a hard time in reality. (e may dedi#ate mu#h time and effort to winning
her (or him), then ba#$ out at the last minute out of fear of the emotional or finan#ial
demands of the relationship. 1hould the ob)e#t of his dreams a#tually turn to him and
begin to reveal an ordinary neediness of her own, he may even begin to hate her.

&eath, imprisonment, and < or e*ile may mar$ the life' if not dire#tly, possibly
through someone else. n a group, they tend to stand apart in some way, isolated
from the rest by fate or by #hoi#e. n their isolation, they are vulnerable to the
intrigues or enmity of groups, and #an be made into s#apegoats or patsies, suffering
#ondemnation, ostra#ism or worse for doing the same things that others do with

(Bill (erbst)

3nion- An Uth house 1un indi#ates that the ,uestion of personal worth through
partnership is #entral. The e*perien#e of being with someone % not )ust intera#ting
with the person, but truly merging % is an e*perien#e so important that everything
else pales in #omparison. 7ou plug into life%energy through trusting relationships.
Faith in your partner parallels belief in yourself' #hoose the wrong partners and you
short%#ir#uit your growth. The !right! partner will wor$ with you to a#hieve a state of
union. The surrender is not to ea#h other, but to something mutual, and more
profound than either ego. 7ou!ll $now you!re on the right tra#$ when togetherness is
a##ompanied by the feeling that you are more and more your true self. The #hallenge
is to be produ#tively #onne#ted % not dependent, yet not separate' lin$ed in trust
while still honoring your own path.

Transformation- Approa#h transformation with your whole self. t!s mnot a pro#ess
you #an flirt with, for when you underta$e this path, the essen#e of your life%dire#tion
#hanges. t!s li$e a solar e#lipse. The lights of your universe temporarily go out % not
something to be underta$en lightly. f you #an!t die well, you #an!t live well. 7ou
didn!t #ome to the .arth to live one life' you #ame to live many, in se,uen#e, ea#h
built from the ashes of the one pre#eding, and all within a single lifetime, within a
single body. An ordinary life is not for you, so don!t try to #reate one % it #an result
only in the suffo#ation of being buried alive. 7ou need to live in the flow of the
e*traordinary. Forget normal#y' go for the gusto.

1e*ual merging- The psy#hologi#al release of se*ual union is #entral. 5rgasm opens
the door to the #osmos, espe#ially that a#hieved by a steady in#rease in emotional
and physi#al stimulation, one where you momentarily lose tra#$ of who is penetrating
whom, where maleness and femaleness lose their distin#tions, where lover and
beloved merge together into a different sort of #reature, something more than
human. t!s a release that may be fuelled by biology, but is #onsummated in spirit.
:eedless to say, this is most effe#tive when your heart opens, when you are with a
partner you truly love. &uring se*, fo#us on the #enter of your being, and flood
yourself with warm, inner light.

Fo#used intuition- ntuition brings out your divinity. The tools e*ist innately within
yourself' they merely need to be brought into play. 7ou #an see into anyone you!re
willing to fo#us on, for your radar is strong. The pitfall is your tenden#y to be
overwhelmed by what you pi#$ up. 7ou may have diffi#ulty distinguishing between
your subtle per#eptions of others and your own e*perien#e' and this #an be
#onfusing. The #hallenge is to a#t on what you sense, without #on#ern for its origin.
0he#$ out your hun#hes. 6ush for full #larity. The benefits will be heartwarming.

1hared assets- 5ne level of your life%purpose involves the management,
responsibilities, and benefits of money, property and possessions. There is no #lear
way to tell from the 1un!s pla#ement alone what your monetary #ir#umstan#es are,
not what your #hara#teristi# rea#tion will be' the sign and interplanetary aspe#ts
must be #onsidered for that. "hat we #an $now is that your #ir#umstan#es and
rea#tions dire#tly influen#e essential fulfillment. 7ou may have power you apparently
didn!t as$ for, or you may la#$ power you desperately want' but in either #ase, the
power of shared resour#es will eventually be yours. The pitfall is failing to see how
many people you affe#t. The #hallenge is to own this power fully. 3se it #ons#iously,
however you #hoose to !spend! it.

(9obert 6elletier)

Fulfilling your destiny re,uires parti#ipating in publi# affairs and serving the needs of
others, even though it means ma$ing sa#rifi#es. f you turn your strong desire nature
to providing dependable publi# servi#es, you will be amply rewarded for your efforts.
A #areer in medi#ine, psy#hology, resear#h, #rime dete#tion, insuran#e or finan#ial
guidan#e might be suitable' and you #an earn a #omfortable living in these areas if
you a##ept the responsibilities. 7our parents will en#ourage and support you until
you are established in your #areer. .*amine your moral and ethi#al standards, for
nothing erodes your gains so ,ui#$ly as ta$ing liberties with legal guidelines.
+isrepresenting your ability to perform the servi#es that your #areer re,uires will
undermine your #redibility. "hen you agree to provide a servi#e for someone, you
are in that person!s debt until the servi#e is rendered.

7our position is uni,ue be#ause you are so sensitive to people!s failings and needs.
7ou also understand that you have a need responsibility to others, be#ause they tell
you their problems, $nowing that you #an help them, and of #ourse you #an. +a$e
#ertain that your profession allows room to grow and e*pand the servi#es you give to
those who need them. As you grow and develop, your earnings will in#rease and
bring you finan#ial independen#e.

9omanti# affairs and self%indulgent a#tivities may divert you from getting established
in your #areer. 5n the other hand, your desire for pleasure and freedom to en)oy
yourself with your loved one and #hildren may be so intense that you will ma$e the
ne#essary sa#rifi#es in your early years. 1u#h a sa#rifi#e would indi#ate that you are
willing to a##ept the #hallenges of responsibility. 0onta#t with well%to%do people may
motivate you to rise to the highest degree of #ompeten#e in your field. f you give the
best servi#e, you #an #harge a##ordingly. 7our friends may provied opportunities
during your training period' but they may demand favors when you rea#h your goal.
+oney is very important to you, but you en)oy $nowing that you are ma$ing a
worthwhile #ontribution to the people who depend on your servi#es.

An effe#tive salesperson, you easily #onvin#e people of the value of your servi#es.
They are impressed by your ability to #arry out your promises' and they learn to
depend on you. Be wary when you are as$ed to give away your talents, as often
happens in a so#ial gathering when people assume that it!s all right to as$ favors of
you. 7ou may have to steer the #onversation elsewhere or suggest that they #onta#t
you in a different setting. n your desire to serve others, you sometimes do more than
you should, whi#h doesn!t allow them to solve their own problems. 7ou should serve
in an advisory #apa#ity and help people when they truly need you, but you should not
ta$e on their responsibilities. Be alert to the danger of be#oming so greedy that you
a##ept )obs for whi#h you aren!t ,ualified, simply be#ause of the money you #an

7ou demonstrate your best ,ualities when you stimulate people to #apitalize on their
own resour#es. This gives you an opportunity to repay any debts you feel you owe
so#iety for the benefits you!ve gained in serving the publi#. This applies to your
partner, who values your talents and supports you in your endeavors. 7our mate must
share your desires. f you maintain high ethi#al standards, you #an!t lose.

Natal Sun in -t( House

((aydn 6aul)

This indi#ates that your self%development path lies in the realm of the higher mind,
whi#h #an in#lude a spiritual sear#h, #reativity and imagination, philosophy, law,
#ulture and foreign travel. This involves an impulse to move beyond e*isting
boundaries through a broadening of life interests and e*perien#es, so that your
mental worldview gains an e*panded perspe#tive and the world is enri#hed by your
intelle#tual #uriosity and studies, be#oming a perpetually interesting and stimulating
environment for your e*ploration.

The motivation to pursue su#h a path may be present from birth, unfolding a natural
#uriosity, or may be awa$ened by an awareness of your life!s la#$ of meaning or
dire#tion. 7ou are li$ely to loo$ for an underlying order to life, a stru#ture that both
e*plains and illuminates the ,uestions about life that begin to preo##upy you. 7ou
may have an intuitive sense that a deeper meaning is present within life, and
following su#h promptings you will begin to fo#us your e*plorations to dis#over this
golden unifying thread. 7ou want either a#tual $nowledge or a suitable belief
stru#ture to #reate inner stability, and #an be attra#ted to reluigious do#trines, moral
and ethi#al philosophies, humanitarian prin#iples or politi#al ideologies, believing
that these hold the $ey that you see$.

t is the issue of relationship between the individual and so#iety that perple*es you'
and you need to arrive at an understanding of this intera#tion, whi#h #an form a
dynami# and positive #onne#tion serving to inspire the #reation of a more utopian
vision of the world. t is a resolving and re#on#iliatory impulse a#ting within you,
see$ing to re#onne#t you to a deeper #entre, that )oins the individual in #ons#ious
relationship to the #olle#tive group, and begins to integrate the whole individual.

Through your ongoing e*ploration of varying approa#hes to this $ey issue in the
world, you will eventually develop your own uni,ue perspe#tive and worldview whi#h
#ould be useful to others through shared #ommuni#ation. 7our path #ould be highly
influen#ed by foreign lands, people, #ulture and traditions' and this may imply a
resonan#e and attra#tion towards the spiritual paths of the .ast at some stage.

7ou see your sear#h as a lifelong ,uest, perpetually assembling new pie#es of the
#osmi# )igsaw puzzle, re#ognising that there are many paths and viewpoints on the
mystery of life, and that all #ould be valid and trye from #ertain perspe#tives. A
pi#ture is assembled, a pi#ture is disassembled' the mental sear#h #an be never%

(owever, there may also be a teneden#y towards fi*ed attitudes, espe#ially if your
1un is pla#ed in a fi*ed sign. 3nder the influen#e of #ertain religious, moral and
do#trinal tea#hings, the assumption of #ertitude #an be made, espe#ially as there #an
be an underlying pattern of desiring to be authoritative, and to assert or impose
personal views as being the only #orre#t ones. 3ltimately, ta$ing su#h a stan#e
proves to be restri#tive and self%limiting, #losing per#eptions and options down to
only those whi#h are !allowable!, and thus distorting individual understanding and
perespe#tive. Ta$ing moralisti# attitudes often #orresponds with assuming #riti#al
and )udgemental positions, whi#h only fuels the separation of people within so#iety
rather than #onne#ting them more strongly. Ta$e #are not to fall into any trap of
viewing others through moralisti# filters' allow them freedom to live their lives in
their way. "hy should they #onfortm to your pre#epts2 &o you intend to #onform to
theirs2 +oving towards ta higher path always ta$es you #loser towards inadvertently
assuming #ondes#ending and hypo#riti#al positions' and those who ta$e that road
need to remain on their guard against their own separative inner patterns reasserting
their presen#e in more subtle ways.

By your dis#overing the foundational patterns of life, your vision will e*pand due to
the insights revealed by lighting your inner flame. +ental intuition will be amplified,
and you may feel inspired to offer your dire#tion to others who are still sear#hing in
their own dar$ness, those who are trying to dis#over their path. "hatever you have
found useful #an be shared, and it is hoped will be of value to people too. The
dissemination of $nowledge, insight and information is probably one of your s$ills,
and may be e*pressed through the spheres of tea#hing and writing as your vision
be#omes more widely influential in the world. The #ontent of this is li$ely to in#lude
the themes of inspiration, relationships within so#iety, the potential for individual
development and integration, and the visionary pointing towards future trends. For
those who be#ome #hannels for insight, one of the greatest tests is for them to
embody the wisdom themselves, rather than )ust perform the role of offering it for
the benefit of others.

(1tephanie 0amilleri)

These people are dreamers who are also doers. 0ourageous, pioneering,
adventurous, and very demanding of themselves, they #ompare themselves with ideal
models, heroes of history or fi#tion, rather than with ordinary people $nown to them.
They tend to settle far from native roots. They are often very #areer%minded and will
sa#rifi#e home ties and stret#h bonds of affe#tion to the brea$ing point to a#hieve
what they desire. Their sear#h for meaning may #ause them to #hange #areers or, at
least, to #ontemplate su#h a #hange. At any rate, they are always intent on a#hieving
great things in some area (the lo#ation of the 1un!s dispositor #an give a #lue to
whi#h area).

They are usaully attra#tive, with a #harisma that outshines any physi#al imperfe#tion
they may have an attra#ts others to them, a popularity they do not see$ as they are
intensely private and prote#t their inner selves by be#oming distant or polite at
moments of potential intima#y. They are in#lined to be truly intimate with very few.
They may #hange their inner #ir#le from time to time, but rarely see$ to widen it.

Fre,uently e*#eedingly gifted in their field of interest, they seem to have a sour#e of
$nowledge, inspiration, vision and insight that puts them above everyone else,
#ausing legends to form around them. 5ften, they are #reators of new ways of
thin$ing, of new forms, higher standards, and newer, higher goals. #ono#lasts, they
destroy the old ways of seeing and doing in order to find new ones. "illing to ta$e
ris$s for what they believe, they will sometimes ris$ everything (in#luding their lives)
in pursuit of impossible goals.

Although the ninth house is the politi#al angle par e*#ellen#e, for some reason the
1un here ma$es them somewhat politi#ally vulnerable. They have strong politi#al
ideas and ob)e#tives, but tend to la#$ the finesse and diploma#y ne#essary for
su##essful politi#al maneuvering and the #aution ne#essary for politi#al survival.
Therefore, although the 1un in the ninth gives them the ne#essary upward thrust to
a#hieve high offi#e, they will need trines to outer planets in the first or fifth houses,
or planets in the tenth house, in order to remain in power.

(Bill (erbst)

0on#eptual framewor$s- f the 1un is lin$ed with the >th house, the essen#e of life%
purpose involves opening the mind to new realms. 7ou!ve #ome to the .arth to
pursue fresh mental perspe#tives' to develop, e*plore, and find a philosophy of lide.
"henever you open mentally, you plug into the #osmos. By living at the highest
ethi#al level you #an a#hieve, you e*pand the life%energy available to you. t isn!t
suffi#ient that you adopt an e*isting philosophy' you must synthesize all you learn
into an original understanding, a personal philosophy, one that you #an live by. The
pitfalls lie in having your head so #ompletely in the #louds of abstra#tion that you lose
tou#h with the grounded reality of one living on the .arth. 3nderstanding the se#rets
of the universe has little point if you #an!t remember your zip #ode. The #hallenge is
to merge the delight of pure thought with the dis#ipline of a moral life, and to #onvey
this wisdom wherever it #an uplift others! spirits.

0ultural perspe#tive- 9eading about faraway pla#es, thin$ing about them, and
travelling to e*plore them are a natural way of life for you. The sense of e*ploration is
fundamental, whether physi#al, mental, emotional, or spiritual. The more you #an
learn about other #ultures, espe#ially by dire#t e*perien#e, the more you fulfill your
#entral life%purpose. 7ou are more yourself when you!re on the go, moving through
foreign territory. This in#ludes not only far%off lo#ales, but the infinite varieties of
e*perien#e right in your own ba#$yard. 7our #hallenge is to assimilate the broadest
views of humanity, to a#t as a networ$er of the one human world.

(igher edu#ation- 7ou $eep yourself #harged by the stimulation of learning. "hether
or not your early edu#ation refle#ted this basi# enthusiasm, there is little ,uestion
that you will develop into a perpetual student as your life goes on. .spe#ially as an
adult, you are an eager student of the more #on#eptual fields of study. "hile you are
#ertainly permitted to underta$e these studies on your own, there!s a great deal to be
said for using the formal stru#tures of #ultured edu#ation, sin#e #redentialing is a
relevant #on#ern. Learn everything you #an, then tea#h by e*ample.

The sear#h for truth- (ere, more than with the other >th house planetary pla#ements,
there is little distin#tion between profound and pragmati# truths. "hat is important
is the absen#e of untruth. And there are two $inds of untruths. The first is a#tive
lying, whi#h is to say believing or #ommuni#ating something whi#h is ob)e#tively
false. That e*perien#e is #learly negative for you. t dis#onne#ts you from your
divinity. But e,ually important is the e*perien#e of passive lying, either by
withholding the truth when it is $nown, or by substituting a lesser truth for the one in
,uestion. These diminish your essen#e % a very serious pitfall. t is of paramount
importan#e that you sear#h for the highest truths you #an dis#over, and #ommuni#ate
the highest truth you $now relative to any #ir#umstan#e. t!s not ne#essary that you
be able to e*press it perfe#tly, nor that others totally #omprehend. But it is your
#hallenge to strive for honesty, integrity, and illumination. Truth is life.

deal so#iety- 7our perfe#t so#iety would be 5lympian in s#ope. (umans would
be#ome li$e the ;ods of an#ient myths, with honor and wisdom spar$ing an
un#easing flow of #reativity. The #onsensus of opinion on any sub)e#t would refle#t
your own most basi# beliefs. As 9uler of the "orld, you would be authoritative but
generous, powerful yet benevolent, noble and dignified but always a##essible to your
loyal sub)e#ts.

(9obert 6elletier)

Be#ause you believe in yourself, you will probably su##eed in your endeavors. :ot
one to avoid any opportunity to demonstrate your talents, you eagerly rise to every
o##asion that offers a #han#e to prove yourself. At times you are willing to ta$e ris$s
be#ause you are so #onfident. 5n#e involved in a pro)e#t, you grow in#reasingly
enthusiasti# and sure that it will su##eed, but your patien#e may wear thin if there
are delays beyond your #ontrol. 7ou want to $now that your efforts have influen#ed
others' and when they appre#iate what you are trying to a##omplish, you are even
more inspired. 7our #hildren are espe#ially aware of your ability to inspire others,
and they hope to do the same and live up to your e*pe#tations. 7ou offer your
#hildren every opportunity to e*ploit their potentials, and you let them ma$e
mista$es, $nowing it is the only way that they will ta$e full responsibility for their

7ou $now you must have training to a#hieve your goals, so you strive to get the
formal edu#ation that will enhan#e your natural talent for #reative self%e*pression.
7ou get involved only in enterprises in whi#h you #an visualize su##ess. 7ou $now
how to #ultivate the right #onta#ts through friends and asso#iates to help a#hieve
your plans. 7ou prefer a professional #areer that will bring you into #lose #onta#t
with people, for you understand their problems. They loo$ to you for insight to find
solutions to their diffi#ulties. The partner you #hoose will be most helpful in your
affairs and will share your enthusiasm for the goals you see$.

7ou will go far if you don!t assume that you $now everything there is to $now. 7our
sustained interest in a#,uiring $nowledge will assure you a permanent pla#e in the
publi# eye and eliminate the ne#essity of having to wor$ at routine tas$s. +any
o##upations would be too boring and tedious for you, sin#e you need #onsiderable
mobility and freedom to e*press yourself. 7ou should be self%employed if possible, or
at least have a #areer that allows you some self%determination. 7ou #an serve people
by helping them understand their predi#aments and thus arrive at solutions. 7ou
have mu#h to #ontribute to so#iety, and you will not live up to your greatest
potentials unless this ob)e#tive is part of your #areer.

7our a##omplishments may have little relation to your parents! lifestyle, for they may
not have helped you get established. The #han#es are you had to wor$ hard to
prepare a base on whi#h to build your own life. t is also possible that family
obligations delayed the time when you #ould utilize your talents for personal
ob)e#tives. Any sa#rifi#es you made to get an edu#ation were worth it, for that is the
best investment you #ould ma$e in the se#urity you want for your later years.

7our ma)or obligation is to help people whose la#$ of edu#ation or s$ills has denied
them some of the priviliges you en)oy. 7ou #an derive mu#h satisfa#tion from $nowing
that you!ve been instrumental in improving the ,uality of their lives. 7our own growth
is intimately tied to your ability to handle this responsibility. 7ou might have to
a##ept some obs#urity during your developmental years until you are #ompetent
enough to fulfill the publi#!s e*pe#tations in the #areer you!ve #hosen.
Natal Sun in ".t( House

((aydn 6aul)

The fo#us of attention is towards the outer world and the assertion of your nature and
,ualities through so#ial status and a#$nowledgement. 7our motivation will #ome from
a desire to be#ome so#ially influential, aspiring towards publi# re#ognition and the
satisfa#tion of needs for power and the attainment of your ambitions. This will attra#t
you into striving for #areer or so#ial progression, so that you #an rise to positions of
authority and responsibility, and others #an easily re#ognise your su##ess and
a#hievements. 7ou want to rise above the #rowd through e*pressing your abilities, to
be#ome a leader dire#ting others rather than be a passive follower.

This refle#ts a need for egoi# assertion' and your e*perien#e of self%worth and esteem
will be dire#tly related to your degree of visible su##ess in the #ommunity. .ntering
so#ially respe#ted professions may be the dire#tion you #hoose' and your self%image
will be #losely #onne#ted with and modelled upon the ideals of your profession or
type of employment, espe#ially if you are at supervisory or management levels.

As su##ess is so important in your #hosen dire#tion, you should have the ability to
fo#us your will, #onsistently and powerfully applying it to amplify self%dis#ipline and
perseveran#e so that some degree of attainment is a#hieved. (owever, by rigidly
pursuing this path you may simultaneously restri#t your freedom and options in life,
as #ertain ways may be #onsidered to be unsuitable as they fail to fit into the
idealised image that you are pro)e#ting. The danger may lie in the possibility that
even if you do rea#h your aims, the ape* fails to fulfil and you are #onfronted with the
,uestion of !what ne*t2!. At some point you will rea#h your ape*, whi#h #an be#ome a
limiting plateau and may have a dispiriting effe#t on your well%being and identity.

"hile you have to strive for your ambitions to a#tivate your path of development and
purpose, try not to narrow those goals but instead e*pand them so that they be#ome
more in#lusive, tou#hing all areas of your life and nature. This will lead to a greater
sense of satisfa#tion, and will unify disparate aspe#ts of your life. 5therwise, by
following the star of the glorious #areer to the e*#lusion of other spheres of life, you
may be #reating your downfall in your private and domesti# life, having a negative
effe#t on marriage or family relationships. 0onfli#ts may rise between #areer and
home, espe#ially with any #hallenging aspe#ts of s,uare and opposition to your 1un'
and a balan#e may need to be established for personal se#urity and stability.

7our 1un!s ideal is to help you be#ome #entred, e*pressing your strengths and
,ualities' this is what #an ma$e you impressive to others and a sour#e of inspiration
and influen#e, rather than the positions of prominen#e that may glitter as the
summation of your dreams. &ispla#ing your sense of identity into a professional
#ommunity role or position of so#ial status is often unwise, be#ause at the end of a
#areer (through retrement, ill%health or redundan#y, or perhaps through some #areer
reversal or disagreement), there is always the possibility that some e*ternal agen#y
#an be destru#tive to both your aims and your stability of identity. 7ou may fall prey
to temptations whi#h surround positions of influen#e, and your morality and integrity
#an be #hallenged or impugned' few rise to the !top! without having upset others
along the way. f your 1un has #hallenging aspe#ts (s,uare, opposition), then you may
display di#tatorial traits, a love of power and tenden#ies to be less than s#rupulous in
#hasing your aims, or fail to realise how power #an !turn the head! through an
ego#entri# misappli#ation. 7our need for personal and so#ial power is li$ely to be
dire#ted through the 1un%sign asso#iations.

t may be benefi#ial to #onsider parental influen#es upon your life path and #areer
needs. The =@th house is asso#iated with the importan#e of parental #onditioning,
parti#ularly that of the mother' and evaluating their impa#t on your attitudes, values,
motivations and aims may be illuminating. 7ou may be striving to a#hieve so that they
fully a#$nowledge your worth and abilities' you may have #ome from a high%
a#hievement family, and so need to mat#h an unspo$en level of su##ess' you may be
living out parental desires, rather than fulfilling your needs, as they may have
en#ouraged you to ta$e a #ertain life path and you surrendered to their pressure.

A need to be seen by others as being an a#hiever #an emanate from a hidden
inse#urity' but the right use of your 1un poten#y would heal any su#h tenden#y,
giving you a stable, deeper #entre to live your life from, transforming your style of
personal assertiveness from any predisposition to e*ploit power over others into a #o%
operative attempt at mutual benefit for all.

(1tephanie 0amilleri)

This is one of the strongest testimonies of #areer su##ess. :egative aspe#ts in the
#hart must be e*tremely severe to #ountera#t its effe#t. t gives a proud, #alm,
dignified bearing, with an air of authority and a #harismati# ,uality that others
admire and respe#t, though they are usaully ,uiet and undemanding in attitude. They
appear to rise to high position through little or no effort of their own, )ust by being in
the right pla#e at the right time.

At the same time, there is a loneliness here' events of early life operate in some way
to set them apart from others so that their ,ualities of #hara#ter and mind develop in
solitude. They are gratified by the admiration they attra#t, but would gladly e*#hange
it for the rolli#$ing freedom of a #lose%$nit group of life%long buddies with whom they
#an be totally at ease and let down their defenses % something they may imitate, or
e*perien#e in passing, but rarely find for real, or for long.

Family relationships are e*tremely pre#ious to them, and they may #ling to their
family ties and early%life relationships, sometimes to too great an e*tent (parti#ularly
women), thus blo#$ing their own natural growth and development away from the
family into broader and more effe#tive spheres.

There is great power in this lo#ation of the 1un, but they are often unaware of it, or
unwilling to use it, fearing the loneliness that #omes with it. f they try and fail, it is
always due to their la#$ of belief in themselves or their willingness to #ontinue always
to see themselves as the fol$s at home see them. They must learn to let go of the
advi#e and opinions of others and ma$e de#isions on their own. 5n#e they #an do
this, their rise will be rapid. The earlier they are on their own, the better, as the habit
of ma$ing their own de#isions and ta$ing immediate a#tion will #arry them forward.
They should steer #lear of #losely binding business partnerships at the outset, as
these will often #ome to hamper them later. The warmth and trust they see$ will
#ome later from people who trust them and are supported by their strength and self%
#onfiden#e- their employees, students, #onstituents, or own #hildren.

(Bill (erbst)

0olle#tive responsibility- 7our life%energy #omes from the awareness of #olle#tive
#ulture, life in the visible world. There!s !guru%#ons#iousness! operating here. t may
be profound and powerful, or subtle and almost unfelt' but others re#ognize the
potent divinity that flows through you. 7our tas$ is to ma$e e*pression of that energy
as #omplete and #orre#t as you #an, for you are on the .arth for a purpose larger
than personal fulfillment. .very time you!re responsible, every time you su##eed in
right a#tion, you absorb life%energy. n order to live, you must address your pla#e in
the world. The #hallenge is to #arve out a ni#he where you ma$e as signifi#ant a
#ontribution as your potential allows.

6rofessional ambition- &epending on other fa#tors in the #hart, you may be
#onservative, a three%pie#e suit%and%tie person, formal and #autious, or you might be
,uite the opposite, someone who rises out of the #rowd to assert his own opinion. n
any event, you!re sensitive to the issue of #ultural power, and are drawn to a#,uire as
mu#h as you #an, whether you earn it, inherit it, borrow it, or steal it. 7our life%
ma#hinery gets basi# energy from #areer #onsiderations' and whenever you need to
energize yourself, )ui#ing your profession is a natural way to do it. The 1un is too
broad to indi#ate spe#ifi# #areer #hoi#es. t does show that whatever you do for a
living must have #ore importan#e in your life, that you must do it with great dignity,
and that you want impa#t on the world. 7our #hallenge is to a#hieve broad so#ial
respe#t. 9emember % be authoritative, not authoritarian.

+issions and messages- 7our personal purpose and your mission are the same,
although you may not e*perien#e them as the same. There is often #onfli#t between
living for yourself, and #onse#ration to a larger purpose. 7ou are #ertainly self%
involved, and you may have at least a slight ;od #omple*. t!s not that you see
yourself as more improtant than others, but you are very ego#entri# in e*pression of
your message. 7ou are the message. n observing your life, we!re reminded how
important it is to maintain our dignity, and we remember the relevan#e of personal
integrity. The 1un!s sign and aspe#ts reveal the tone of what!s #oming through you,
so loo$ to those fa#tors to fine%tune your message.

!5uter%lin$! parent- n either obvious or subtle ways, your father embodied strength'
and you!ve assimilated many of his attitudes and traits. (is importan#e in your life
#annot be underestimated. f he was #learly present during your #hildhod, then his
imprint is profound and enduring. The similarities between you grow as you age. f he
was physi#ally or psy#hologi#ally absent, you!ll flounder until a surrogate authority
figure #an be found, someone who ta$es the missing father!s role, or until you ta$e it
for yourself.

Authority- Authority may be your great strength or your A#hilles heel. t all depends
on your maturity, on how well you!ve re#on#iled the parado*es surrounding pride. f
your inner growth has gone well, you may be a model of responsible power. 5n the
other hand, you #ould be ambivalent in your behavior, oppositing any e*ternal
authority wielded over you by others while #ommanding total authority in your own
dealings with others. This pitfall is the !pot #alling the $ettle bla#$!, and results in
others eventually opposing or undermining your power. The #hallenge is to
understand the gentle strength of true fathering, to develop and release the authority
that resides within you, in a way that is honorable, respe#tful to others and yourself.

(9obert 6elletier)

To realize your ambitions, you utilize every opportunity that arises. 7ou are
determined to gain re#ognition, but in your own way. (aving a position that re,uires
responsible leadership will help you feel important, be#ause others will depend on
your s$ill and good )udgement in fulfilling their needs. 7our enterprising ability
enables you to a#hieve many ob)e#tives with ordinary #reative talents. For the most
part, you truly li$e your wor$, and you energize others who are involved in your
goals. 7ou understand the value of money and #an use it effe#tively to buy the talents
you need. 7ou avoid being obligated to others, be#ause you want to $eep #ontrol of
your own destiny.

7ou generally $now what people want' and you offer yourself as the person most
,ualified to provide it. 7ou aren!t afraid to promite yourself, and you are #onvin#ing
enough to win people!s #onfiden#e. 7ou realize that you must plan ahead so that you
will be prepared when an opportunity #omes along. &on!t form se#ret allian#es with
so%#alled friends who may be using you to satisfy their own ob)e#tives. Being well%
informed at all times should prevent this. Try to be spe#ifi# about what you hope to
a#hieve in life, and don!t be misled by well%meaning friends. 7ou #an a##omplish
almost anything if you are willing to sa#rifi#e some immediate pleasures. And you will
gain the resour#es you need for se#urity in your later years.

7our domesti# relationships may be strained if you be#ome so obsessed with
satisfying personal goals that you negle#t to spend time with your family. 7ou #ould
be trying to live up to the e*pe#tations of your parents, who may have unwittingly
programed you that way. 7our need to assert yourself and win over your #ompetitors
#ould alienate you from your loved ones. 7ou must e*pe#t some loss of personal
freedom and priva#y when you are in the publi# spotlight, so be prepared to live with
it. 5ne of your best assets is $nowing how to promote yourself, whi#h will bring you
many gains. 7ou probably want a partner who supports you in your ob)e#tives. 7our
mate!s sympatheti# understanding of your needs will give you additional strength.

6robably your #hildren have a high priority in your life and will serve as the #atalyst
to your su##ess. 7ou hope they will benefit from your e*perien#e, and you ive them
training so that they #an a#hieve a##ording to their individual needs. 7our
preo##upation with a #areer may not leave enough time or energy to fulfill your
responsibilities to your loved one. Admitting you are wrong ta$es #ourage, but it also
gives you the opportunity to #orre#t your errors. 7our many valuable ideas need
development, but you will gain a great deal if you de#ide to invest in them.

f you assume you #an do whatever you want without a#,uiring the ne#essary s$ills,
you are deluding yourself, as you are if you feel you #an wor$ outside the law or
ethi#al guidelines. Be#ause you are better informed than most people, you #an be
held more a##ountable for your a#tions. &on!t assume that everything will wor$ out
favorably in the end unless you have planned #arefully to ma$e it so. f you treat your
friends $indly, they will help you when you need it. 7ou should derive mu#h
satisfa#tion from wor$ing to improve so#ial #onditions. The #han#es are good that
you will also gain the se#urity you need for retirement.
"ith the 1un in the =@th, the identity is bound up with #areer and professional
a#hievements. The =@th house des#ribes the ,ualities in ourselves whi#h we wish
others to noti#e- in this #ase, the 1un strives to be seen as emanating power, strength
and authority in respe#t to the sign in whi#h it is pla#ed. The 1un in ;emini there, for
instan#e, wants the power of its intelle#t a#$nowledged' the 1un in 6is#es #raves
re#ognition for its power to heal, en#hant, or inspire, et#..

The 1un in the =@th has a deep urge to be admired as a !1omebody!. 1ome degree of
ambition should be !owned! and satisfied if they are to fulfil their life%purpose. "omen
witht his pla#ement who do not satisfy their own need to a#hieve through a #areer
may be drawn to prestigious or su##essful men as partners (the !(ollywood wives!
syndrome). For either se*, #onfli#ts between the home and personal life versus
a#hieving publi#ly and professionally are shown by oppositions from teh Tth house to
the =@th house 1un. The $ind of self%e*ertion, dedi#ation and perseveran#e re,uired
to as#end the ladder of su##ess often limits the freedom and spontaneity to move in
other dire#tions. Another danger with this pla#ement is that the sense of identity or
worth #ould rely too mu#h on their title or position in the world. 1hould that be lost,
they are left totally bereft and annihilated.

f the =@th house is ta$en to be the mother, then the 1un in this position ma$es her
very important. The #hild with the 1un here #ould pro)e#t his or her own identity and
power onto the mother- her needs and wants be#ome the #hild!s needs and wants.
0onversely, this pla#ement sometimes indi#ates a #hild with a mother who re,uires
that the #hild mirror her, imposing her own individuality onto the offspring, as in the
#lassi# e*ample of the !stage mother!. (!!m a frustrated a#tress, so my #hild is going
to learn to a#t.!) 3sually there is a #ollusion here- the #hild worships and adores the
mother and offers the self up to her % !7ou want be as your showpie#e and want to
be that for you!. At some point, those with the 1un in the =@th must e*amine how
mu#h they are doing something for themselves, and how mu#h it is being done to win
+other!s love.

Natal Sun in ""t( House

((aydn 6aul)

This indi#ates that your path of development is dire#ted towards group parti#ipation
in the ongoing sear#h for so#ial and #ultural progress. dealism and dreams of a
better future are vitalising energies' and you may be#ome a #hannel for new
per#eptions, insights, $nowledge and understanding of so#iety, and a living e*ampe
of how su#h abilities serve as a transformative poten#y whi#h generates periodi#
so#ial reform or revolution in varying ways.

7ou will probably have a developed group or so#ial awareness, #ons#ious of the
interplay between the individual and the #olle#tive, and an awa$ened heart to the
often unne#essary suffering that man often infli#ts on his fellow men, animals and
nature un$nowingly. This will lead you eventually to be#ome more a#tive in )oining
with others to propose #reative solutions to minimise group pain and dis#omfort
through the #reation of greater publi# awareness and alternative poli#ies that #an be
applied to resolve #onfli#t situations.

1u#h group endeavours #an in#lude those of hte e#ology and environmental #auses,
#ivil liberty and #ommunity welfare groups, or those dedi#ated to providing spiritual,
religious or psy#hologi#al te#hni,ues designed to integrate the individual and awa$en
him < her to his < her power within so#iety. As you are more future%orientated, you
will feel less bound by the weight of e*isting traditional attitudes, and may enter into
adversarial or #onfli#ting relationships with those who stand firmly behind older
viewpoints. 7ou may be #onsidered to be radi#al in attitude' and this #an always
ma$e those who prefer the maintenan#e of the status ,uo feel un#omfortable.

Following your sense of universal fellowship, you may be#ome a staun#h advo#ate of
human rights and liberation, and through integration with the #olle#tive favour a
vision of universal guiding prin#iples. This #an involve you with a#tivities related to
politi#al and so#ial humanitarian development, and provide you with an ideologi#al
foundation in life and a defined meaning and purpose. .nlivened by su#h group
parti#ipation, you may need to be aware of the nature of your self%e*pression, so that
you remain open to other points of view too and do not be#ome blin$ered by the
parti#ular fo#us and worldview of any parti#ular group. The persuasive powers of a
group #ause and belief stru#ture are often e*tremely powerful, and liable to
overshadow individual attitudes' by #hoosing to remain a group parti#ipant, many
lose the ability for free thin$ing due to having to #onform to the dominant group
per#eption, and they lose sight of everything e*#ept the group viewpoint. This is the
main danger of the group poten#y and should be avoided through understanding.

0ertainly the potential for your path of development lies within group a#tivity, and
in#reasingly your sense of identity will be asso#iated with group affinities. f your 1un
aspe#ts are harmonious (#on)un#tion, se*tile, trine), then your relationships with
groups should run relatively smoothly, positively and #o%operatively' if they are
#hallenging (s,uare, opposition) then more fri#tion and disputes may o##ur.

Through asserting your solar poten#y, you #ould rise to positions of spo$esperson for
su#h groups, and gain re#ognition for your so#ial #ontributions and progressive
innovations whi#h help to regenerate and revitalise so#iety. 6ubli# involvement and
organisational abilities are li$ely, although you may need to ensure that your grand
designs and s#hemes for so#ial betterment are #apable of being applied and are
a#tually tested in the fires of daily life. t is through be#oming a solar #rusader for a
better ,uality of world life that your identity is reformed into one of purpose and
power. 9eleasing your inner light through affinitive group a#tivity and $indling the
#olle#tive light is the ideal dire#tion for your 1un e*pression, and one to whi#h you
should pay the most attention.

(1tephanie 0amilleri)

This lo#ation of the 1un gives a strong and unsha$able sense of self from early
#hildhood on. They seem to $now who they are and what they want from the
beginning. ;enerally attra#tive, they #an be intensely #harismati#, in some #ases
pro)e#ting an almost godli$e ,uality of higher $nowledge, inner strength, or
supernatural wisdom. +any $ings, ,ueens, emperors, heroes, and a#tors who portray
heroes have the 1un here, as well as many great innovators, those who set new styles
or start new ways of thin$ing and doing things. They go their own way and devil ta$e
the nidmost. They attra#t others to them, and they en)oy the #ompany and the good
times, but they also thin$ nothing of pulling up sta$es and seting forth on their own,
leaving old friends behind forever. They feel #onfident in their ability to form new
relationships when they need them.

They are #harming and #an pro)e#t great warmth toward others, but are not at all
sentimental, and rarely #reate needs out of habit. Those who are #lose to them may
#ome to be very angry at them for this #old strea$. They are e*#eedingly #lass%
#ons#ious' and, though they may appear to be #ompletely demo#rati# in their
treatment of others, in truth they will usually )ettison one set of friends for another
group higher on the so#ial ladder, one that is #loser to the glory land of big names,
easy living, and #lassy surroundings.

They are #apable of wor$ing along their own lines for years without #ompromising
their integrity, believing that their way will win out in the end or not really giving a
damn, more interested in doing it their own way than in any eventual su##ess.
(owever, if and when su##ess does #ome, it usually #omes as mu#h from their being
adept at so#ial manipulation as from the ,uality of their efforts.

((oward 1asportas)

Those with the 1un in the ==th establish a more #ogent sense of identity through
so#ial, humanitarian or politi#al a#tivities. The phrase !no man is an island! is
#ommonpla#e' but it still has parti#ular signifi#an#e for this pla#ement.

n some way, the identity should be lin$ed to a larger unit than the individual self.
6ersonal re#ognition #ould be gained through group involvement, and it is not
unusual for someone with the 1un here to rise to a position of prominen#e or wield
influen#e within various $inds of organizations. The nature of the e*perien#es
en#ountered through group situations % how easily a person fun#tions or ad)usts in
this sphere % #an be seen by aspe#ts to the 1un in this house. The person may be a
#hannel through whi#h new #urrents or trends entering the #olle#tive #ould manifest.

There is a danger that the identity #ould be bought wholesale by alignment of the self
with a group, belief system or #ause. n this instan#e, it!s not a #ase of you are what
you eat, but you are what the group feeds you. Those with the 1un in the ==th need
to distinguish #arefully between what they believe and what the group tells them they
ought to believe.

Friendships are important to the full development of the 1un in this house. Those
with this pla#ement #ould have a mar$ed impa#t on #lose friends and #onversely
friends #ould open new vistas and be helpful in the a#hievement of goals and
ob)e#tives. As with groups and belief systems, ta$en to an e*treme, some sort of
divine poten#y #ould be pro)e#ted onto friends.

t is wise for people with the 1un in the ==th to ma$e a #ons#ious effort to set
themselves feasible goals towards whi#h to aim. 1omehow, their efforts to realize
these will #ontribute towards the formation of a more solid and #on#rete sense of
identity, purpose and power. 5ne of the most vital ingredients in the self%healing
pro#ess is having a reason to live.

(Bill (erbst)

;roup parti#ipation- ;roups are where you shine. .*er#ise dimploma#y, however, for
you may throw your weight around a little too freely, assuming a dominant or
superior pose. Be e,ually #areful to avoid identifying so strongly with a group that
you #reate a psy#hologi#al #li,ue, an in%group < out%group, !us%versus%them! reality.
These pitfalls may initially offer you more stability, se#urity, and #onfiden#e' but in
the long run they #ould sap your energy and threaten your life purpose. 9emember
that everyone on the planet is a member of the same group- humanity. 7our #hallenge
is to ground yourself in so#ial reality, using groups to help define and e*press the
most important themes of your life.

Appropriate behavior- 7ou!re a very so#ial animal' you don!t set your own standards,
but instead absorb a sense of appropriate behavior from the milieu of those around
you. As your so#ial group #hanges, your sense of #orre#tness #hanges with it. As
always, the sign and aspe#ts of the 1un #an dramati#ally alter your attitudes' but in
any #ondition, you will be aware of others! e*pe#tations. "hat is #onstant is the
emphasis on dignity. The ma)or pitfalls involve inordinate pride surrounding your
!perfe#t! behavior, as well as haughtiness in rea#tion to #riti#ism. The #hallenge is to
find a way to merge your inner self with the best outer behavior, so that ea#h
supports the other.

Friendship, so#ial #ir#le- 7ou absorb life%energy through your friendships. The
support of true friends is a #ru#ial re,uirement in your life%purpose. :o friends, no
life. 7our so#ial #ir#le is large and diverse. 5ne or two friends are not enough to feed
your demand for #onta#t. .,ually, if all your friends are of the same general mind or
orientation, you limit the s#ope of fulfillment. t may seem that you!re building a
wonderful world, but you!ll later dis#over that you!ve limited the potential of your
own ;odliness. Loyalty is essential, but there #ould be #onfli#ts around dignity and
power. &on!t let pride get in the way. Be the best friend you $now how, then wat#h as
others are drawn to you.

1hared #reativity- 7our power in#reases when you wor$ #reatively in a group setting,
and this energy is then available not only for you, but for the others in your group.
And though this pro#ess is, by definition, shared, you want to lead, to #all the shots.
Temper your ambitions with humility. 7our #reative role is to provide basi# fuel for
the group!s e*pression, to give it both power and purpose.

9e#eiving love- Being loved means being treated with respe#t. t also means having
another!s attention' if people say they love you, but then ignore you, you don!t feel
loved, even if you!re deeply in their hearts. .*pressions of #are must be powerful and
total, to penetrate your own power #enter. 0uriously, to feel loved, you must love.
7ou #annot #on#eive of being loved by anyone for whom you don!t feel love. .,ually
parado*i#al is the fa#t that you are not re#eptive to #ourtship unless you!ve already
#hosen the #ourtier as your beloved. 7es, you are sus#eptible to flattery (sometimes
too mu#h...), but unless you a#tively love the individual already, #ompliments are
interpreted as simple friendship. Those who love you need to $now that their love is
safe with you. The #hallenge is first to be loving, then to let the love that #omes in
return fill your #enter until you glow.

(9obert 6elletier)

7our life #ir#umstan#es are su#h that you see$ opportunities to freely e*ploit your
talents. Be#ause you want to be free from finan#ial burdens in the future, you
willingly wor$ at your #areer to get the greatest yield from your efforts. 7ou loo$ for
opportunities to promote your ideas, for you $now you #an satisfy the demands of
your )ob and have some assuran#e of tenure as well. 7our partner must support you
in your endeavors and show appre#iation for your a##omplishments. 9ea#hing your
goals will benefit both your partner and yourself. 7our in#ome will allow you to en)oy
a #omfortable lifestyle while you are employed, and will assure you of se#urity in
retirement. The publi# you serve is generally pleased with your efforts, be#ause you
$now how to serve them. 7ou are very s$illed in #ommuni#ation, whi#h is refle#ted in
your su##ess in dealing with people.

7ou ta$e great pride in being able to rea#h your ob)e#tives without having to resort
to ,uestionable pra#ti#es. 7ou are sure of what you $now' and you aren!t afraid to
#ommuni#ate that fa#t to your superiors. 7our ability to satisfy your employer!s needs
and ob)e#tives ma$es you a valuable employee. 7ou en)oy the friendship of your
personal and professional asso#iates, on whom you #an depend for support if you
need it. As you realize ea#h goal, you immediately set yourself a new one, ever
widening your sphere of influen#e among your #olleagues and in general.

The one fa#tor that may frustrate your desires is being overburdened by family
obligations so that you are for#ed to a##ept an inferior )ob that will provide an
immediate return. .ven with this predi#ament, you #an still strive to rea#h your goals
if you plan #arefully. 7ou want the best for your #hildren so that they #an better
e*ploit their potentials a##ording to their dreams for the future. As long as you don!t
try to tell them what to do with their lives, they should appre#iate what you have
done for them. 7ou may have to ma$e some sa#rifi#es as you invest in your personal
development, and you and your partner may have to #urtail your spending for a time,
but the eventual returns will more than offset your present dis#omfort. 7ou have the
ne#essary potential for growth and development, so you don!t ever need to fear that
you won!t a#hieve finan#ial se#urity.

7ou #an guarantee your future by being willing to wor$ at refining your s$ills. f you
plan #arefully, you won!t )eopardize your health while pursuing your ob)e#tives. Be
sure to set aside time for simply indulging in personal pleasures. The need to satisfy
your family obligations ma$es you push yourself beyond safe limits, but you should
avoid doing that. As long as their needs are being met and you have suffi#ient
opportunities to e*pand your area of responsibility, you should feel all right about

7ou have all the resour#es you need to satisfy your material re,uirements and
a#hieve fulfilment. "ith a reasonable amount of self%dis#ipline, you #an a#hieve your
goals. 7ou are lu#$y to be so aware of the so#ial problems around you, be#ause you
have the talent to do something about them. t #an be rewarding to $now that you
have stimulated the people around you to improve the ,uality of their lives.
Natal Sun in "$t( (ouse

((aydn 6aul)

This suggests an emphasis away from the outer world towards an inner dire#tion, in
an attempt to shine the 1un!s light into those dar$er re#esses of the emotions, mind
and psy#he. 7our #ons#ious identity needs to be redefined in a way whi#h ta$es
a##ount of your whole nature, and has the healing ,uality of in#lusiveness rather than
tending towards a separatist e*#lusive bias whi#h has #onse,uen#es of inner
alienation and personality splitting.

The =Dth house has deep asso#iations with the #olle#tive un#ons#ious mind, the
personal sub#ons#ious, and the past' and it is the psy#hi# #ontent of these that
interferes with and infleun#es your present life e*perien#e. 9esidues from the past
and the #onstraints of !unfinished business! may still litter your psy#he, and you may
need a phase of releasing energies and blo#$ed emotions from your nature by
e*perien#ing a healing and liberating inner #leansing. f you suffer from feelings of
guilt, irrational worries, or a sense of unease, then it is li$ely to be patterns agitating
within your un#ons#ious mind, whi#h if left unresolved #ould begin to form neuroti#
#omple*es or inhibit your #apa#ity to form satisfa#tory so#ial relationships.

7ou may be highly self%aware, and this #an be restri#tive, espe#ially as you may
register empathi# vibrations from people around you whi#h #ould be#ome
un#omfortable or even distressing, parti#ularly if you fail to identify that you are
being re#eptive to others! feelings and pain, and that they are not ne#essarily your

7our un#ons#ious mind is demanding a##ess into your life' and a #onfrontation with
those inner ghosts is essential to begin resolving #ertain #onfli#ts. These unlived or
repressed aspe#ts of your nature plus any absorbed psy#hi# a##retions from your
environment have to emerge into the light, or else they will unbalan#e your identity
and personal stability. 7ou may sometimes feel as if you are struggling to maintain
barriers, fearing that those inner dam walls will #ra#$ and those stormy waters will
brea$ through, tearing down all attempts at #ontrol and limitation. 5ne of your
strategies is often denial' but this is sowing seeds of later problems, as energies are
repressed and personality splits amplified by su#h an approa#h' or you try to
established fi*ed habit patterns and worldviews whi#h you hope will support se#urity
and stability in life, ignoring and disregarding anything that fails to fit the
#onstri#tive bounfairs that you have established around yourself for prote#tion.

7our path of development has to be two%fold- an inner healing is re,uired whi#h
purifies and liberates any blo#$ages, and offers a transformative attitude of self%
a##eptan#e as its foundation' and the ne*t stage is then to begin opening the
parameters of your self%#ir#ums#ribed barriers against life, so that a new and more
in#lusive identity #an slowly form and be more suited to deal with life.

This #an involve a fusion of your #ons#ious and un#ons#ious mind, of your ego and
higher self, and re,uires a greater fle*ibility of your personality than you have
previously allowed or believed possible. This step may not be easy to ta$e' and you
may feel that everything is falling apart, but it is a phase of dissolution prior to a new
re%assembly of the psy#he, and is a transformation of state similar to the phases of
the new #reation in the al#hemist!s #ru#ible. A reunifi#ation of the separated
#omponents of your nature is re,uired' this is your solar ,uest and tas$, and when
a#hieved will open a whole new dimension for you to en)oy, as your inner life ta$es on
a new vitality and #ohesiveness.

t is unli$ely that you will dis#over this path early in life, but you may find it later
on#e you have undergone #ertain e*perien#es. 7ou have to heal yourself, and may
need periods of relative priva#y or se#lusion to generate the healing silen#e. 7ou will
probably feel uneasy about intimate relationships during youth and early adulthood,
and may #hoose to withdraw from deeper human #onta#ts. Trans#ending any feelings
of inferiority and inse#urity may ta$e you several years of effort, but will be worth
your attempts to #hange. +undane life may seem to la#$ a vital spar$ with you, and
you may not be at your best in dealing with the demands of everyday reality' it is not
your favoured dimension, and you prefer the inner life, even when it is not so
pleasant. &is#overing a life purpose, meaning and dire#tion is li$ely to be diffi#ult
until you re%orientate your inner life.

There may be artisti# and #reative talents present' and these should be #ons#iously
developed as a medium for self%e*pression and as a #hannel through whi#h to release
blo#$ed energies. &an#e, musi# and art may be spe#ifi# areas, and there will be a
latent psy#hi# ability whi#h #ould be e*ploited for both your own and others! benefit.
+ediumisti# tenden#ies may lie #lose to the surfa#e of your nature, and through your
sensitivity healing powers may also be #onta#ted' but until you rebalan#e your nature
and have healed your dilemmas and #onfli#ts it may be wiser to leave su#h types of
e*pression alone. 1imilarly, prophe#y and visionary tenden#ies may also be present,
emanating from that #lose #onne#tion to the #olle#tive un#ons#ious mind. .soteri#
and o##ult wor$ may appeal, espe#ially the type of inner meditative servi#e that
invo$es spiritual energies and poten#ies into fertilising, influen#ing and
overshadowing the #olle#tive mind of humanity, and whi#h inspires the global vision
of interdependen#e. 6arti#ipation in this servi#e is an a#t that all #an )oin.

7our potential is #onsiderable, but it is imperative that you redefine your identity in
more in#lusive ways, so that you e*pand beyond the walls of your self%imprisonment,
a#hieving this through an inner redemptive healing. Then your so#ial #ontribution
and desires for servi#e #an be#ome more effe#tive. 9efusing to ta$e su#h a#tions is
liable to intensify your dis#omfort as inner pressures are amplified and be#ome more
insistent, brea$ing those dam walls whi#h #annot remain inta#t for ever as the !water
level! rises. The preferable alternative is that through your using healing and #reative
!val#es! the pressure #an be regulated and dire#ted into positive #hannels.

(1tephanie 0amilleri)

(ere the ego is under great pressure. They have the same powerful ego thrust as
those with the 1un rising, but are met by so mu#h opposition in youth that the ego
either swells to immense proportions to #rish out all opposition, or retreats from
battle altogether. n youth, they are so determinedly and un#ompromisingly
themselves that they attra#t the opposition of family members, s#hoolmates, friends,
and neighbors, who never #ease to give them a hard time.

They will learn to live with others the hard way. 1ome truly learn to #ompromise, and
some to dissemble and intrigue, pretending to #ompromise while pulling strings and
ma$ing se#ret deals to get what they want' while some retreat from all #onfrontation,
if they #an. Those who attempt to retreat often find that life has a way of #oming after
them and for#ing #onfrontations that they would rather avoid. 1ome be#ome
monsters of egotism, seeing enemies everywhere and #rushing all who stand in their
path. Anyone not with them will be #onsidered against them, and even their friends
may be suspe#ted of being enemies in disguise. 1till others will go the opposite way
and #ome to suspe#t their own egos, and ego itself, as a negative, selfish for#e. These
people will be in#lined to #hampion the voi#eless underdogs of the world and give
endlessly of themselves to others.

+ost people with this position have an intensely private side that they $eep hidden
from all but their most intimate friends. 5n the other hand, there are those who go to
the opposite e*treme and live only for the spotlight and, as their #lose asso#iates
$now, have absolutely no private life at all. They have an instin#t for the publi# mind
and #an #apitalize on (or even #reate) popular trends, though there is always a strong
strea$ of the purely individual in everything they do that brands it theirs.

They are usually ,uiet on the surfa#e and be#ome tal$ative only with those #losest to
them, though even this #an go to the opposite e*treme, in whi#h #ase they #an be
#ompulsive tal$ers, pouring out a #ontinual stream of egotisti#al self%applause.

They are usaully involved with an institution for a while, whether as a patient in a
hospital, as a student in reform s#hool, in an orphanage, as an inmate of a prison, or
as a wor$er in one of these fa#ilities.

;iven to wor$ing for #auses, they #an even #reate a #ause in order to give themselves
something to wor$ for.

The overall truism about the twelfth%house 1un is that it tends to go to e*tremes'
what sort of e*tremes will be indi#ated by the aspe#ts to the 1un and its dispositor.
5ften, these people will go to one e*treme in youth, then over#ompensate at mid%life
by swinging to the opposite e*treme, #oming finally late in life to more perspe#tive
and a more #omfortable position near the middle of the road.

Those who rise to power have a tenden#y to misuse it. The tenden#y to go to
e*tremes and to va#illate from one e*treme to another #an have terrible
#onse,uen#es, both for them and for their #onstituents. Those who be#ome
su##essful in other fields often #arry a reputation for misbehavior or suffering' for
instan#e, a#tors or writers may prefer to portray martyrs, villains, or underdogs, than
more upbeat types. n almost any field they may have a reputation for being hard to
get along with.

(Bill (erbst)

magination- Fantasy is #entral to your life%purpose. :o dreams, no life%energy, it!s
that simple. Fantasies are #onstru#ted around two sets of images- monumental self%
importan#e where the whole univese is #ommanded by your parti#ular essen#e, or
total surrender, the release of self as you dissolve into the #osmos. The differen#e is
that one image e*pands ego while the other evaporates it, but the end%result is
identi#al- reunion with everything. The pitfall is losing the distin#tion between what
is real and what is only possible, what!s a#tually happening and what you imagine to
be happening. &on!t get lost in the Twilight 1one' you #ould go #razy. The #hallenge
is to offer no resistan#e to either realm. Allow dreaming to influen#e and be
influen#ed by real life' and let fantasies gently guide your development rather than
blinding you to what is true.

3nfo#used intuition- ;ive intuitive re#eptivity high priority in your life, without
#ontrolling the spe#ifi#s of what you re#eive, and your life sings with vibrant energy.
1hut down your intuition, and you #lose off a##ess to #osmi# )ui#e. &on!t strain to
figure out why you pi#$ up flows of imagery and feeling, bits of information and
insight. &on!t strive to figure out what they mean nor what you should do with them.
7our tas$ is to remain radiantly ,uiet, vibrantly still, pregnantly #alm. The pitfall is
misinterpretation, #reating sophisti#ated forms while missing the truth. The
#hallenge is to be#ome a #lear #hannel for the universe to spea$ through, a prism for
otherwise invisible light.

"ithdrawal or isolation- 7ou re,uire fre,uent periods of isolation from ordinary life.
7ou nee time away to re#harge. t is when you are most isolateed that your purpose is
revealed. This propels you ba#$ into the world with renewed enthusiasm. 7ou are
everywhere and nowhere simultaneously, both a real person and yet a mere vessel
for greater divinity. 7our power somes from balan#ing the parado*, allowing both
poles to e*ist simultaneously. +editation in some form is an essential.

1elfless giving- "hen you give of yourself with total #ompassion, you plug dire#tly
into your ;odliness. "hen you a#t with forgiveness, you absorb life%for#e. "hen you
give of yourself, you fulfill your destiny. ;iving does not mean martyring yourself.
&on!t give yourself away. nstead, give the understanding that we!re all in the same
boat. &on!t strive for sainthood, for too often that #ourse boomerangs ba#$ toward
egotism. Let your life respond to a power beyond that of mere selfhood. !:ot my will,
but Thine.!

!6ast lives!- 7our past lives are pressing in, trying to be felt and understood. 7ou!re at
the end of a life%series' it demands integration through this #urrent life if the whole
evolutionary pattern is to be made spiritually meaningful. The pre#ise nature of the
lives in ,uestion #annot be seen from the 1un!s pla#ement alone. "e #an suggest,
however, that they fo#used on developing personal effe#tiveness through the
integrity of individual power. n addition, your relationships to your father or to other
authority figures have $armi# rhythms. :aturally enough, the pitfall lies in replaying
the mista$es of the past without letting go of the atta#hment that #ause su#h patterns
to e*ist in the first pla#e. The #hallenge is to see in every a#tion the signature of prior
momentum, and to ad)ust your understanding a##ordingly. .ventually you #an
a#hieve true spontaneity rather than be undermined by repetitive #y#les of
un#ons#ious rea#tion.

(9obert 6elletier)

7ou #an a#hieve signifi#an#e and su##essfully e*ploit your #reative potentials if you
use your s$ills for some #ause that improves the ,uality of life for others. 7ou may
have to maintain a low profile, but that should afford you priva#y to #ome and go
freely a##ording to the demands of your wor$. 7ou need to go your own way in your
#areer, so you #an grow into in#reasing opportunities to demonstrate your s$ills. 7ou
invest your resour#es as ne#essary, and you e*pe#t a favorable return. An
imaginative and #reative person, you realize you #an!t do everything yourself, so you
obtain the servi#es you need from people who are ,ualified in their fields. t is
important to establish your own roots to prove to yourself that you #an a#hieve on
your own. 7ou $eep your private life separate from your professional affairs, rarely
allowing one to interfere with the other.

7our #areer allows you to utilize your ideas in a program designed to satisfy your
need for personal se#urity. 7ou need to $now that you are independent and that you
#an e*tend your field of infleun#e when the opportunity #omes up. 7ou see what goals
#an be a#hieved by #apitalizing on your resour#es, and you have the fo#us and
determination to pursue your ob)e#tives with #onsistent effort. 7our ability to
improve your finan#ial #ondition is unlimited, and you have the imagination re,uired
to su##eed where others fail. 1u##ess inspires you to even greater a#hievements.

7ou will always be #hallenged to find worthwhile ways to use your s$ills #reatively to
get the results you want. 7ou will have to be very dis#riminating in handling
#hallenging situations, whi#h may o##ur often in your #areer. This may #ause some
problems if your partner resents the time and attention you give to your professional
interest. ;etting an edu#ation will enable you to define your goals and ob)e#tives and
de#ide on what training you need to pursue them. 7ou have always $nown that you
have the potential for su##ess' and you spend mu#h time formulating plans for
ma$ing the most of your #reative ideas. 1u##ess depends on paying attention to all
the details of a pro)e#t, so that you $now the results in advan#e.

7ou must invest in your #reative potentials if you want to derive any benefits from
them, and you should establish priorities in your professional and personal ob)e#tives.
t!s simply a matter of de#iding whi#h is more urgent. 7our #areer may have to ta$e
pre#enden#e over personal #onsiderations, for that re,uires the greatest #o%
ordination of your s$ills. 1u##eeding in the mar$etpla#e also satisfies your need for
gainful employment and se#urity. deally, your partner should get involved in your
#areer' but he or she should also realize that you need some time to be alone with
your thoughts. A sympatheti# mate will stimulate you to greater a#hievements.

Failure to re#ognize your potentials #an be a serious liability. 7ou #an su##eed if you
promote your s$ills aggressively. 5bs#urity in your developing years doesn!t matter if
you $now your efforst are appre#iated by those who benefit from them. 7ou might
prefer to $eep a low profile so that you #an have a private life away from the publi#
eye. At the same time, you will $now you!ve made a signifi#ant #ontribution to
improving the ,uality of life for other people. 7ou #an satisfy your own needs when
you wor$ to serve others.

((oward 1asportas)

There is a basi# ar#hetypal dis#repan#y between the solar prin#iple and the essen#e
of the =Dth house. The 1un!s tas$ is to establish, #larify and perpetuate a separate
identity, while the =Dth house dispat#hes for#es whi#h threaten to dissolve,
undermine, de%stru#ture and overwhelm the boundaries of the individual ego.
9esolving the #onfli#t re,uires that the person!s sense of !! e*tends in s#ope beyond
the more normal or usual rea#hes of #ons#iousness. "ith the 1un in the =Dth, the ego
must play its part as a servant of the soul.

Those with the 1un in the =Dth need to learn how to straddle the borders between
personal and universal, #ons#ious and un#ons#ious, individual ego and #olle#tive self.
This is #hallenging- the personal ego needs to be fle*ible enough to allow entry to
these elements and yet not so wea$ that it is overwhelmed by them.

n the effort to maintain a solid and firm identity, the person may re)e#t the e*isten#e
of a personal or #olle#tive un#ons#ious altogether. n the name of #larity and reason,
barriers are ere#ted to prohibit the entry of anything fuzzy, vague, irrational,
mysti#al or transpersonal. The daytime border patrol follows the orders of the ego
with the utmost alertness and ala#rity, but the nightwat#hmen are notoriously
ineffi#ient. As soon as they fall asleep on the )ob, what has been hidden or $ept out of
#ons#iousness slips through and invades. The ne*t morning the day patrol is ba#$ at
wor$ and the intruders are driven out on#e more. And so it goes on % vast reserves of
psy#hi# energy are spent $eeping one part of ourselves away from another part.
Alienated from aspe#ts of our own ma$e%up, it is not surprising that we suffer so
mu#h #onfli#t and disease, not to mention the feeling of being #ut off from other
people. The 1un in the =Dth, however, is given the opportunity to )oin the two sides of
the self % personal and universal, #ons#ious and un#ons#ious % in an attempt to help
these ma$e friends with one another.

The #oalition between the for#es of the ego and the hidden, deeper realm of the
psy#he is potentially very fruitful. Those with the 1un in this house #an a#t as
#hannels or mediums for the e*pression of mysthi# or ar#hetypal images in the
#olle#tive un#ons#ious, whether it is through art, poetry, dan#e, musi# or some form
of psy#hi# wor$. Their sensitivity and openness to that whi#h is beyond the
re,uirements of the personal self ma$e them effe#tive servants and healers who
respond to the needs of others. They may be used as vessels for invo$ing #han#es on
the level of the #olle#tive. n some way the personal identity meets and in#orporates
something larger and more universal.

n line with traditional =Dth house asso#iations, those with the 1un here may need to
spend a good deal of time on their own. 1o re#eptive to others, they #ontinually
absorb influen#es from the environment. 6eriods of withdrawal and retreat help them
to shed what they have !pi#$ed up! and regain a sense of their own boundaries again.
1ometimes, #risis and #onfinement pre#ede an e*perien#e of awa$ening and
illumination. 5thers may be so #onfused and undermined by un#ons#ious for#es or
outside elements that leading an ordinary day%to%day e*isten#e is severely hampered.

Earious forms of institutions may play a part in their lives. The vo#ation #ould involve
wor$ in hospitals, prisons, museums, libraries, et#.. 0ertain astrologi#al te*ts suggest
that those with the 1un in the =Dth have used their will%power too selfishly in a
previous lifetime. :ow they must employ their power for the sa$e of other people, or
have the e*perien#e of being at the mer#y of somebody else!s authority. (idden pride
and arrogan#e or the un#ons#ious belief that the world owes them a living and should
without ,uestion re#ognize them as spe#ial #ould #ause problems.

The 1un is a !male prin#iple!' and in the nebulous =Dth it #ould mean some #onfusion
around the father or other males in the life, or sa#rifi#es to be made regarding them.
1ometimes, there is a strong psy#hi# lin$ with the father.

Natal Sun con/unct 0oon

(9obert 6elletier)

This shows that your temperament is unilateral, or almost unaffe#ted by #onfli#ts
with the will of others. 7our personality is basi#ally integrated, but this does not
mean you will have a trouble%free life. t merely indi#ates that you are reasonably
satisfied with yourself and with the goals you hope to realise. 7ou do not adapt to
#ir#umstan#es unless doing so will serve your best interests. Bea#use you are highly
motivated to a#hieve your ob)e#tives, su##ess is more than li$ely. 7ou waste very
little effort in a#tivities unless they will benefit you in some way. 7ou $now how to #o%
ordinate your available resour#es with your life pursuits, and always have the s$ills
re,uired to #arry out any spe#ial tas$ you #hoose.

:o%one is allowed to interfere in your affairs' nor do you #on#ern yourself with the
affairs of others. 7ou establish a barrier between yourself and others and do not
permit anyone to intrude. 7ou allow yourself the privilege of going beyond that
barrier, but you rarely do so. ;enerally, a person who wants to meet with you will
have to ma$e the first gesture. 7ou would rather not have to e*tend yourself if it #an
be avoided. Be#ause you prefer to be independent of #lose involvement with people,
you have to rely on your own ingenuity when the going gets rough. n this way, you
are self%sustaining and self%defeating at the same time.

7ou #an be#aome enormously su##essful in your own estimation, even if others #an!t
)udge your su##ess. 7ou don!t measure your level of a##omplishments by the same
devi#es most people use when ma$ing #omparisons. 7ou #an best su##eed when you
wor$ alone or at least #an determine for yourself how or when you do your wor$. 7ou
are ,ualified for positions of authority, although you may be resented by those under
you be#ause you are so sure of yourself. 7ou have the power to help others be#ome
intergrated, although you may de#ide it isn!t worth the effort.

n spite of your seeming self%assuran#e, you are not too su##essful in relating to
people e*#ept at the so#ial level. 7ou are so afraid to have your emotions trampled
that you $eep personal #onta#ts at arm!s length. 7our sensitive nature is your A#hilles
tendon, whi#h you try to prote#t.

7ou depend heavily on small ,uiet moments to give you the spiritual nourishment
that your outer life feeds on. rritated by the #onstant distra#tions and the hustle and
bustle of #ompetitive so#iety, you must periodi#ally re)uvenate your for#es privately,
perhaps in meditation.

((aydn 6aul)

The #on)un#tion indi#ates the potential integrated personality, moving towards self%
#ontainment and self%suffi#ien#y fo#used on a firm identity and a purposeful life
dire#tion. As there #an be a fundamental inner harmony between your feelings and
will, energy will not be diverted into dealing with inner #onfli#ts and stresses, and
this will enable you to #on#entrate on unfolding a life%path or #areer.

7ou will feel #omfortable with your temperament and pursuing your aims absorbs
most of your time and energy. 1u##ess is li$ely due to the #onsistent level of
motivation and perseveran#e that you #an apply, and the ability of ma$ing ma*imum
use of personal and material resour#es to further your ambitions is a great asset.
"asting time or effort is not your style, as you feel that you are following a golden
thread of density whi#h offers meaning and #ontinually urges you to follow its
dire#tion. f the spiritual dimension is your #hosen route, then you may feel a
!mission! waiting for you to perform, some type of world servi#e. This #an be the
presen#e of your solar #entre ma$ing an impa#t on your #ons#iousness, trying to
guide your path of purpose.

Ta$ing responsibility for dire#ting your life is important, and you #an display a self%
assured independen#e of spirit, refusing to a##ept any unne#essary interferen#e and
being determined to follow your own light. 7ou may find that wor$ing alone, or ta$ing
full responsibility for a self%employed business, is preferable to being an employee, so
that you gain the full benefits of your efforts. "hile you may be able to a#t in a
responsible position of authority, there may be a ,uestion mar$ against your style of
relating. Through tenden#ies of self%absorption you may la#$ awareness of others,
and this #an result in authoritarian attitudes, #reating barriers of #ommuni#ation and
retaining a deta#hed role denuded of any #on#ern for how others are rea#ting to you.
9elationships #an be a wea$ point, e*#ept on basi#ally superfi#ial so#ial levels, and
people may re#eive the impression that you are not unduly interested in human
#onta#t and friendship. They may also note a #ertain infle*ibility about you, whi#h
rarely dissolves unless it is for a matter whi#h will a#tually benefit you' #ompromise
for mutual harmony may be a #asualty with this attitude, whi#h #ould be des#ribed as
an almost inno#ent self%#entredness. 6riva#y and independen#e of thought and a#tion
remain high priorities for you.

+u#h of this stan#e is derived from a need for prote#tiveness, emanating from the
moon!s influen#e. t is not that you feel threatened by others, but that you feel you
should prote#t your vulnerable emotions. This side of you is often $ept hidden,
although you re#ognise how intense your feeling nature really is, and in many
#ir#umstan#es you are highly dominated and influen#ed by the +oon!s promptings in
#hoi#es and de#isions. There is a fear that your emotions may be battered by
e*perien#es, so at times there #an be an avoidan#e of #ertain relationships or
#ontentious issues, be#ause your sense of well%being is intimately #onne#ted to the
feeling tone of your emotional nature. 7ou #an be emotionally impulsive, espe#ially if
the balan#e between the sun and moon is swinging to favour the moon, as there #an
be an alternating pattern where one planet is more dominant than the other, before
the balan#e re#tifies itself again.

t is perhaps fortunate that you are able to trust the unity of feelings and will,
applying it instin#tively and spontaneously in #hosen dire#tions and e*pe#ting that it
will lead you towards right results. T(is enables you to #on#entrate your energy into
narrow #hannels of attention, and through the a#t of fo#using ma$e it more powerful
and penetrating.

Being self%#ontained, you may la#$ the ability of self%refle#tion and have no ob)e#tive
perspe#tive and appraisal of your a#tions and temperament' you may rarely try self%
analysis. 7our ambitions are often e*tremely personal in nature, and may not be
easily understood by others. "hat you may need to guard against is an overemphasis
of either 1un or +oon tenden#ies, perhaps through an e*#essive preo##upation with
#areer de#elopments whi#h #an amplify the 1un prin#iple in your nature, or even
through and absorption in the traditional lunar preo##upations of domesti# life. An
e,ual e*pression and balan#e is re,uired, or there is the possibility that health
problems may o##ur if one planet be#omes #onsistently dominant. 7our emotional
and physi#al well%being #an be affe#ted by unbalan#ed a#tivity, espe#ially if the
#areer < mission #ons#iousness rises to the forefront. To remedy this, you may need to
withdraw into periodi# inner #ommuni#ation, possibly through ,uiet retreats and
meditation to re#harge your batteries. 7ou should also insure that your emotional
nature is regularly vitalised by intimate human #onta#t and not left to atrophy
through a temporary ignoring of its needs. +aintaining a flowing balan#e helps to
avhieve your goals as well as $eeping that temperament healthy.

(/aren (ama$er%Bondag)

The sun and moon go together to form a unit, whi#h #ertainly has its good side, for
the behavior we adopt in order to feel #omfortable (the +oon) #oin#ides with the way
we naturally develop and realize our potential (the 1un). This gives a #ertain poise
and sang%froid. +u#h #an be a#hieved, both so#ially and in the inner life, than$s to
the sense of unity imparted by a sun < moon #on)un#tion.

Astronomi#ally spea$ing, a #on)un#tion of the 1un and +oon is a new moon' the
symbol of a fresh start, a propitious moment to sow. f the sun is well pla#ed, the
#on)un#tion #an give plenty of drive and enthusiasm. But if the +oon is the stronger
of the two, involvement in new underta$ings is often mu#h more impulsive, and their
#onse,uen#es are not properly thought out % whi#h is not to say that these initiatives
are any less important.

At its best, this #on)un#tion unites the male and female prin#iples % anyway, the
native see$s to unite them. 1ometimes this leads to strained relationships, be#ause
the native does not $now whi#h ought to have the upper hand. the a#tive male side or
the passive female side. Both side are niseparably bound together. Be#ause the sun
sign re#eives added emphasis from this #on)un#tion, there may be an identity
problem or a poor understanding of the nature of a#tivity and passivity. +ore
e*pli#ity, the relationship with the partner #an be#ome #onfused.

5n the one hand, the emotions (+oon) #an be stimulated by the #on)un#tion with the
1un' on the other, the emotions #an sometimes have a detrimental effe#t on the
resilien#e of the sun.

The #on)un#tion of the planet of personal awareness (1un) with that of un#ons#ious
rea#tions (+oon) often gives great immedia#y and appli#ation. "hatever is done is
done wholeheartedly.

(Betty Lundsted)

This #on)un#tion indi#ates that one parent is both mother and father to the #hild, one
parent is very strong and out%influen#es the other. This may mean that one parent is
missing so that the other is for#ed to ta$e both roles. 1ometimes it means that one
parent is ill and the other must pi#$ up all the parental responsibilities for the #hild.
+ost of the time, the stronger parent #an be dis#overed by observing the polarity of
the 1un and +oon, for it indi#ates that either the mother or the father was super

n the sear#h of someone with sun #on)un#t moon trying to dis#over the early
#hildhood environment, the parents may not be truthful about what was going on at
that time.
(0harles 0arter)

This is sometimes regarded with disfavour, it being stated that it tends to wea$ness
of body and no very bright #ondition of mind.

t is of #ourse a #riti#al position, sin#e the two most important bodies of the
horos#ope are pla#ed together, usually in the same sign and with the same aspe#ts. t
#an s#ar#ely, of itself, tend to breadth of outloo$ or adaptability, for the interests will
naturally in#line to #entre on the matters of the house that is o##upied and the
#hara#ter will be heavily mar$ed with the sign in whi#h the Lights are. t often
happens that +er#ury and Eenus are also one or both in the same sign and house,
and the tenden#y to unbalan#e is then #onsiderable. 1ome e*tremes must therefore
be e*pe#ted- in fire, the emotional nature will be a#tive' in water, the feelings and
sus#eptibilities will be stong' in air, there may be mental #oolness or fi#$leness and
#apri#e' in earth, heaviness and stagnation. 7et these dangers are by no means

t may be surmised that this #on)un#tion does tend to ma$e the native in some way
(to use a #ollo,uialism) a whole%hogger, or one whose eggs are all in one bas$et,
whether they are material, emotional, or mental eggs. t is li$ely that they will be in
part emotional in any #ase, and some degree of self%will and stubbornness is
probably, for the plian#y of the +oon is stiffened by the 1un. t in#lines a little to
vanity and self%opiniation.

1ometimes there is #onsiderable repression, and a tenden#y to live to oneself, in
mental or a#tual isolation.
Natal Sun trine 1 se2tile 0oon

1un trine +oon (9obert 6elletier)

The trine of the 1un and +oon indi#ates that there is a #ertain harmonious balan#e
between your will and your habits and emotions. 7ou naturally rea#t to stimuli in
su#h a way that your ego #an #ontinue to develop properly. There is a good balan#e
between the lessons you have learned from your past e*perien#es and your ability to
use these lessons to realize your destiny. 7our relationship with your parents was
generally favorable to your #ontinued growth. They might even have inspired you to
assert your own individuality so that you #ould be#ome your own person rather than
a refle#tion of their desires. 7ou should en)oy a pleasant relationship with them and
with other members of your family throughout your life. 5nly stress #onta#ts between
the 1un or the +oon and other planets in your #hart #ould #ompli#ate the foregoing.
n su#h instan#es, you would be responsible for the diffi#ulties' the favorable
influen#e here would still hold true, as you would eventually realize.

7our greatest problem, if it #an be #alled that, is your tenden#y to be apatheti# when
you #ould deliberately assert yourself. 7ou have an abundan#e of #reative talent that
#an be usefully applied in situations that involve people and #lose relationships.
7oung people and #hildren are #omfortable with you and are on their best behavior
be#ause they want to please you. They respond to your attitude of prote#tive #aring
for them, and they would never forget your #onta#t with them.

7ou have the opportunity to rise to prominen#e if you want to. There is a lu#$ fa#tor
in your favor, but you also have the temperament to feel #ompletely at ease in
positions of authority. 7ou always e*er#ise your will with an understanding of how
people will rea#t to it. 6ersuasive but not offensive, you have a $na#$ for getting
people to do what you want without appearing domineering. 7our refined nature is a
de#ided asset if you #hoose to pursue a professional #areer.

7our sin#erity and honesty ma$e you attra#tive to both se*es. 7ou are warm and
friendly towards #asual a#,uaintan#es as well as #lose friends, and wherever you go
you leave a lasting impression.

7ou underestimate your potential to #limb to the top in any endeavor you find
attra#tive. 7ou should #hoose a field that has possibilities for growth. Land or land
development, homes, and domesti# enterprises in general are some of the areas in
whi#h you #ould build a very rewarding future. "or$ing with the publi# is advised
be#ause you have the #alm disposition to #ope with any situation that ##ould develop.

1un trine +oon ((aydn 6aul)

This indi#ates that there #an be a positive harmony of #ons#ious will and your
instin#tual, emotional, and habitual response patterns to life' fewer inner #onfli#ts
between your feeling rea#tions and the appli#ation of your purpose should o##ur. 7ou
are li$ely to feel self%#onfident and optimisti# about fulfilling your potential, aims and
ambitions, and you may dis#over that doors open for you at the right times, or people
offer support and help whi#h enable you to move forward' lu#$ may be a fa#tor in
your life.

7our early life e*perien#es, parental relationships and #hildhood so#ial #onditioning
are li$ely to have been generally favourable, and little negativity has made any
deleterious mar$ on your development. There may be benefits from hereditary
influen#es, possibly in natural talents and gifts, and some of your habitual pattern
tenden#ies may be family traits, although the li$elihood is that they are essentially
positive and #onstru#tive. n your adult life, you will try to maintain good family
relationships, both with your parents and with any family that you are responsible for
#reating. 7ou tend to relate well with young #hildren, who en)oy your sin#ere
#on#ern, #are, understanding and attention.

7ou ensure that you learn from all e*perien#es so that lessons do not need to be
painfully repeated. 5ne area where e*tra prompting may be needed is in appli#ation.
As your basi# temperament is rela*ed and laid%ba#$, generating suffi#ient momentum
towards a#hieving aims #an sometimes seem to be too mu#h hard wor$ to bother. 7ou
may be unwilling to stret#h and really #hallenge yourself to develop, and thus may
fail to realise the depth of latent potential that you a#tually possess. n fa#t, you
should have #onsiderable natural talents waiting to be e*ploited, and you should
be#ome alert to any opportunities that offer the prospe#t of growth and unfoldment,
so that your #reative drives and ability to unite feelings and will are su##essfully
released in your environment.

1elf%assertion may need a #on#entrated fo#us for you to progress in a #areer'
although the potential is there for good advan#ement to be made, there may be a
,uestion mar$ against your level of #ommitment and desire a#tually to enter senior
positions. 7our sensitive good nature may be less of an asset in su#h positions,
however, where harsh impersonal de#ision may be re,uired for business viability. 7et
you #ould effe#tively serve in an authoritative role, espe#ially in spheres of
interpersonal #onta#t and #ommuni#ation, where your assets of friendliness,
sin#erity, persuasiveness and understanding people!s motivations #an ma$e you a
very good mediator between levels of employees.

Feeling right with yourself is important, and you re#ognise that is a $ey to good
personal health and en)oyment of life. The free%flowing nature of this 1un%+oon
#onta#t helps you to appre#iate your strong physi#al vitality, stamina and ability to
re#over easily from any temporary illness.

n so#ial situations, you tend to a#t as a !bridge! between people, being able to
understand and empathise with different types, and throgh that re#on#iling aspe#t of
your nature #an help people to )oin together more easily. 7ou #an be se*ually
attra#tive, and this #an lead you into su##essful relationship e*perien#es. The main
issue is to use this aspe#t!s positive and #onstru#tive nature as fully as possible, and
not )ust allow that stable, tran,uil and #ontented nature to #ast a soporifi# spell over
you. 7ou need to awa$en your solar nature and ,ualities, in addition to e*pressing
your lunar ,ualities #omfortable, be#ause that will be#ome your path of self%

1un se*tile +oon (9obert 6elletier)

The 1un se*tile the +oon indi#ates that, as a whole, your life will be reasonably
happy and essentially tran,uil. 7ou relate easily to people in general and will en)oy a
lifelong pleasant relationship with your parents and other members of your family.
7ou maintain a well%balan#ed attitude toward both the past and the present. &eriving
mu#h benefit from your e*perien#es, you use the lessons suffi#iently effe#tively to
be#ome su##essful in future enterprises. 7ou are suffi#iently strong%willed to assert
yourself when ne#essary, but you are #areful not to offend people who may be
sensitive. 7ou try to treat people as you want to be treated, and your #onsideration
ma$es you well li$ed. 7ou understand people and ma$e allowan#es for their negative
,ualities while en)oying them for their good points.

A very #reative person, you have a wealth of ideas to draw on. 0ommuni#ation is
relatively easy for you, and you strive for mutual understanding between you and the
people you deal with. 7ou are not afraid to ma$e #on#essions to others if it will
promote greater rapport between you. Be#ause you are se#ure about your goals, you
never really feel threatened when #hallenged. 7ou feel that even though you may lose
a few, you will win at least as many and probably more. 7our ego is important, to be
sure, but not so mu#h that you would see$ another person!s submission in order to
satisfy it. 7ou prefer to relate to people as e,uals, regardless of their situation in life.

There is every indi#ation that you will su##eed as a person. 7ou #an a#hieve
fulfilment in whatever profession you #hoose and simply need the right opportunity to
e*press your #reative talents. 7ou are on good terms with your superiors and #o%
wor$ers, and you respe#t their trust in you. Be#ause you are a good listener as well
as a good tal$er, you learn well and #an use what you learn.

7ou remember the lessons of the past, but you have no desire to return to it. 7ou are
#ontent with the present, $nowing it will provide you with what you need to
#ourageously fa#e the future, and you are grateful for it all.

7ou are e,ually #omfortable with men and women. 7our early relationship with your
own parents has given you a healthy attitude about people and resulted in no
important inner #onfli#ts. 7ou #an probably always #ount on your parents to give you
a helping hand when you need it. 7our #hildren will learn your un#ompli#ated outloo$
on life, and they will benefit from it as mu#h as you have. f you #an operate from
your home, you will en)oy your #areer interests. "herever you go in pursuit of your
destiny, you will tend to establish #areer residen#e, if only for a short time.
Sun square 1 opposition 0oon

1un s,uare +oon (9obert 6elletier)-

The s,uare from the 1un to the moon means that you will have some diffi#ulty in
using your resour#es to satisfy your desires. 7ou bitterly resent that you must ma$e
eenormous ad)ustments in order to get what you want from life. t seems as if you
never have ,uite the right training for what you want to do, but you ma$e only half%
hearted attempts to a#,uire the training you need to su##eed. Although you want the
!good life!, you aren!t willing to dis#ipline yourself to get it. 7ou are at odds with
important people who will not a##ept you unless you #an prove yourself by
demonstrating a willingness to wor$. 7our negative response distorts the information
you re#eive, whi#h ma$es it more diffi#ult to learn from your e*perien#es. ;enerally
you rea#t to stimuli in a way that is not #onsistent with a#hieving the re#ognition you
want. The frustration you feel has inhibited your #hara#ter development and is a
problem in other areas, in#luding domesti# matters, so#ial relationships, emotional
interests, and professional affairs. 7our la#$ of su##ess in these areas shows that you
have a lot to learn before you #an e*pe#t to reap any rewards.

7ou must learn to bring your emotions and your will into line and subdue them with
intelle#t and organization. 7ou seem to thin$ that any response will satisfy the will to
a#hieve signifi#an#e, but you will have to realize that only hard wor$ and self%#ontrol
#an get you what you want. "hat you gain from your habitual a#tions is inade,uate
to your needs, as #an be easily demonstrated. For one thing, you haven!t progressed
from obs#ure positions to position of in#reased responsibility. Also, you either haven!t
been able to win favor with people in high pla#es, or you!ve done so by ma$ing
#on#essions to them. f you get your ego out of the way, you #an a##omplish many

7ou may have some problem in relating to the opposite se*. 0omfortable domesti#
#onditions may be impossible unless you #an get that #hip off your shoulder. 7ou are
argumentative and defensive, probably be#ause of your emotional inse#urity. This
#an be reversed if you will #hange your fighting attitude and be#ome more
#ompromising. 7ou have a serious misalignment between what you want and what
you are willing to do to get it. The possibility of realizing your dreams is in dire#t
proportion to the investment you ma$e.

1un s,uare +oon ((aydn 6aul)-

This suggests the e*isten#e of #onsiderable inner stress and tension within the
personality, where solar will is in #onfli#t with deep%rooted feelings, emotions and
instin#ts, and where the #onsious and evolutionary self may be trying to move in a
dire#tion whi#h is #ontraty to #ertain habit patterns, espe#ially those #onne#ted with
se#urity and prote#tion of self boundaries.

The ongoing struggle is in resolving #ontradi#tory inner messages, a psy#hologi#al
tenden#y whi#h may have its roots deep within #hildhood per#eptions of the parental
relationship and your sense of emotional #onta#t with your parents. As the +oon
signifies the mother, and the 1un the father, in this #onte*t, there is the impli#ation
that there was a #ru#ial problem inherent in that parental relationship, perhaps
in#ompatibility on some vital level, or a la#$ of #ommuni#ation whi#h may have led to
a marriage brea$down in some respe#t. This may not have been evident on the
surfa#e of that relationship, but e*isted as an underlying #urrent within the domesti#
psyh#i# atmosphere whi#h you registered. There may have been a partial
identifi#ation with one parent to the e*#lusion of the other, perhaps be#ause one
parent had little time to spend with you. 1omehow the inner dynami#s have been
distorted, resulting in personal frustration and diffi#ulties in )oining will and feelings
in #o%operation together.

3nless steps are ta$en to a#hieve individual integration, you are liable to suffer from
emotioanl inse#urity founded on a resistan#e to fully a##epting the nature of your
habitual feeling responses. A probable a#tion that you ta$e is inner denial and
repression, and this will have eventual #onse,uen#es of intensifying those inner
tensions and possible personality splits. 7et be#ause these powerful emotions seem to
burn within you, you try to #ontrol their release through e*pressing them in daily life,
and be#ause of the pressures that #an a##umulate you may display argumentative,
provo#ative and belligerent tenden#ies in your relationships at times.

The danger is falling vi#tim to your own powerful desire nature, and being
perpetually frustrated through aiming high and losing an appre#iation of what e*ists
in the present. There #an be a restless, sear#hing ,ulity to this apse#t whi#h results
from the need to resolve deep inner #onfli#ts' the poblem is finding the way to
a#hieve those desires. This need stimulates inner ,uestioning, espe#ially related to
!"hat!s it all about2! and !"hat is the measning of life2! These be#ome promptings
from your inner 1un, en#ouraging you to start on your heroi# ,uest to dis#over the
solar #entre and the spiritual dimension of life.

7et you #an often a#t as your own worst enemy, rea#ting in ways that diminish any
li$elihood of su##ess. 7ou may fail to see how you #an utilise e*isting resour#es to
deepen life en)oyment or rea#h aims' you may refuse to ma$e ne#essary
#ompromises' you may #ons#iously devalue your potential and abilities, eroding away
self%#onfiden#e' you may #lash with others who #ould have been supportive to your
efforts. These un#ons#ious patterns of unresolved frustrations interfere between your
#ons#ious will and deeper needs, tending to negate satisfa#tion for either.
1ometimes, as a result of this inner stress, all you feel li$e doing is being very
destru#tive, liberating the repressed energies by either verbal or physi#al
e*pressions of bad temper.

The problem fa#ing you is the movement from !here! to !there!. That abyss stares you
in the fa#e and will not go away, and apparently, try as you might, you still #annot
#ross over to the promised land. Being !here! feels wrong, and you believe that you
should be !there!, but how #an it be a#hieved2 The only way to gain your aims is
through a radi#al transformation, so that the !old you! remains on this side, and the
!new you! appears there to #laim your ambition. This is the #hallenge #onfronting the
hero at every stage of his ,uest, and ea#h step forward on his path represents
diffi#ulties over#ome on the )ourney towards the magneti# light that he senses and

(ow may this be done2 The honest answer has to be !with diffi#ulty! and with mu#h
hard wor$. 7our promised land will not be gained without great persveran#e and
stuggle, proving your #apabilities, trans#ending any obsta#les on the way and never
a##epting defeat. 7ou may need to pursue additional training or study to ,ualify for a
spe#ialist s$ill, or to help unfold latent ,ualities and talents. 7ou may need to apply
self%dis#ipline to maintain your efforts, and to display your intention to wor$ until
su##ess happens.

9elationships may need improving through #ompromise, to avoid unne#essary
#onfli#ts resulting from your frustrations. Lessons need to be learned from previous
e*perien#es, and applied in daily living. 0larity may be r,uired between what you
desire and what you are prepared to do to a#hieve it, and trying to ensure that your
aims will a#tually be emotionally satisfying when a#hieved. ntegration between your
#ons#ious will and those underlying emotions is vitally ne#essary, and the best way
for this is to allow the emotions to rise to the surfa#e of your mind, so that you #an
loo$ at their nature and develop an understanding of their needs, and then attempt to
fuse will and emotions via the medium of the intelle#tual mind, through imposing a
more powerful light upon that emotioanl sea. nvesting great effort should result in
steps towards realising those desires. t is not an easy path, although viewing that
inner stress as motivation is at least a positive per#eption of what personal
frustration #an provide as a transformative spur.

5therwise, what options are left to you2 Living with personal disharmony'
e*perien#ing la#$ of su##ess and frustration of aims' a restri#tion of personal
potential' problems spilling over into your domesti# life, #areer and so#ial
relationships' dissatisfa#tion in intimate affairs with the opposite se*' domesti#
responsibilities and duties limiting your freedom to rea#h your ambitions, and
possible ill health (digestive problems) stimulated by emotional and psy#hosomati#

f you ta$e the #hallenge to resolve the #onfli#ts and #ontradi#tions of this s,uare,
then finding #onstru#tive outlets for your powerful energies may help to form your
new path. Learning how to listen to those agitating feelings, and managing to
integrate them into your life instead of ignoreing them, will help to restore a sense of
balan#e and well%being.

1un opposition +oon (9obert 6elletier)-

The sun opposition the +oon shows that there are diffi#ulties between you and the
people you deal with. 7ou have a natural #onfli#t betwen your emotions and your ego,
and you un#ons#iously #ommuni#ate this psy#hologi#al hang%up to your asso#iates,
family, friends, and even your romanti# partners. 7ou often a#t in a hesitant spurt of
enthusiasm, whi#h is followed by anguish that your a#tion may have been ill%advised.
"hen you try to assert your own individuality, you are often torn by loyalty to those
#losest to you. 7ou would prefer to have their full support so you #ould avoid the
painful e*planations and guilt that seem to a##ompany anything you want to do.

9elationships mean a great deal to you, and you long for someone with whom you #an
totally identify. Although you en)oy #asusal #onta#ts, they never suffi#iently satisfy
your need to beliong. 7ou want a person who will fulfill your every need- love,
friendship, sustaining you in your goals, sharing in your setba#$s, fortifying you in
your wea$ness, inspiring you in e*ploiting your #reative talents, and sharing the full
benefits of your #ombined efforts. A tall order, to be sure, and you will have to ma$e
#on#essions to obtain that $ind of partner. 7ou will have to be more giving than
re#eiving, more #ompromising than obstinate, and more humble than arrogant. This
too may be a tall order, but you #an do it, or at least give it a good try. Any progress
will prove benefi#ial.

7our greatest handi#ap is your unwillingness to let go of the past. &on!t be afraid that
people will #onsider you indifferent and unfeeling % you #ould never be unemotional.
+a$e a realisti# appraisal of what you want from your life, and file a plan with
yourself to a#hieve it. &on!t wait for people to open doors for you. 1ome things you
must do for yourself, even if it means you have to indulge in yourself.

7ou will e*perien#e some problems with partnerships until you $now where you stand
and #an state your position honestly. 7ou might feel sorry for yourself or be#ome
bitter when matters don!t progress e*a#tly the way you want them to, but that!s life.
The hard $no#$s are what ma$e the su##ess that follows so pre#ious. Try to maintain
a moderate physi#al pa#e, for you #an!t get away with burning the #andle at both

1un opposition +oon ((aydn 6aul)

This indi#ates that there are li$ely to be two main #hallenging areas in your life. 5ne
involves your relationship with so#ial and intimate partnerships, and your ability to
ad)ust to the demands of the e*ternal world' and the se#ond is #on#erned with inner
tensions asso#iated with #onfli#t and #ontradi#tion between your #ons#ious egoi# will
and your un#ons#ious mind, feelings and emotions. 1tudying the nature of the
spe#ifi# houses of this planetary opposition #an offer valuable indi#ations as to the
spheres of life that are li$ely to be espe#ially influen#ed.

7ou will probably feel internal division, with opposing messages and impulses rising
from the differing 1un and +oon tenden#ies, and this #reates stress and #onfusion
regarding whi#h inner voi#e you should follow. "hat may be e*perien#ed is one inner
voi#e en#ouraging you to follow an adult path of #areer, vo#ation and progress (the
1un), and another more instin#tual voi#e (the +oon) trying to ma$e you pay more
attention to your emotional needs for personal nourishment. 6ulled in two dire#tions,
loo$ing towards those individual future aims and desires, while also turning towards
the se#ure and familiar past, you be#ome unsure of what to do. The +oon!s
instin#tive responses may re)e#t the egoi# ambitions of the 1un, and the 1un refuses
to allow time and attention to satisfy the +oon!s need for emotional nourishment as
this does not #onform to an adult self%image of independent maturity.

5ne #onse,uen#e of this inner polarisation is a diminution of vitality and energy,
whi#h are burnt away by the fri#tion #aused by tension and internal fighting over
suprema#y. &iminishing both the e*pression of 1un and +oon redu#es your
opportunities for satisfa#tion in either sphere of life' ambitions may fail to be
realised, and relationships fail to fulfil your emotional needs. 5ver time, there
develops a pattern of os#illation as your inner balan#e between 1un and +oon tilts to
favour either one or the other' if the balan#e is regularly in favour of one planet, then
the ,ualities of the other planet are repressed into the un#ons#ious mind. The
tenden#y may be to repress the deeper energies of the +oon ba#$ into the
un#ons#ious due to their natural affinity there, but in elevating and listening only to
the 1un many personal emotional needs are denied, and this will eventually stimulate
later problems of integration and will burst through under pressure in later love

n opposition aspe#ts, often part of the planetary polarity whi#h is less e*pressed and
integrated is pro)e#ted e*ternally onto the world and people, and it is li$ely that the
e*isten#e of your inner #onfli#t will be un#ons#iously transmitted to others, who then
serve to mirror ba#$ your unintegrated aspe#t. 1tress in the psy#he is refle#ted by
relationship diffi#ulties, and this is li$ely to be an ongoing #hallenge for you to
resolve, and may spill over into domesti#, finan#ial, romanti# and marital situations.
0ontinual tension may #reate ill health and deplete your vitality, and one sign of this
may be e*perien#es of restlessness, nervous agitation and psy#hosomati# illness.
0hanges of moods and emotional responses may o##ur, ranging from an e*hilaration
and sense of purpose, meaning and self%#onfiden#e to deep depressions, feelings of
being unloved, and loss of individual stability. These may be triggered by movement
within your inner polarity of 1un%+oon, when the balan#e of energy flows errati#ally.

This unstable energy flow #an be noted in times when you #ommen#e a new pro)e#t
or #hange dire#tion with great enthusiasm and will, and then suddenly everything
appearas to be a waste of time and a mista$e as your energy level wanes. 1#attered
and un#ompleted s#hemes, pro)e#ts and ideas may litter your life. 9elationships too
#ould follow a similar pattern, starting as !the love of your life! and then #ollapsing
into an unsatisfa#tory withdrawal as feelings #hange and disillusionment sets in.

3nderlying your relationships lie those deep +oon needs and desires' fulfilling
these is the root of relationship diffi#ulties. 7ou tend to hold an image of a loving
partner being able to satisfy all your needs, even needs that you often deny or #hoose
not to even a#$nowledge to yourself, someone in whom you #an almost be#ome lost
and rely on totally. These are probably refle#tions of previous #hildhood patterns
where your parents proved unable to fully satisfy your #hildhood needs' now you
sear#h for another adult to do so. For you, a partner has to be a lover, friend and
#ompanion, sustaining you, healing your #onfli#ts, tending to your needs, and offering
#lear dire#tions in life. There are dependen#y needs entangled in this pattern, needs
of belonging whi#h temporary short%lived affairs will fail to satisfy. 7ou hope to find
someone who either ta$es #harge of things, or help you to develop your own
potential' somehow you feel inade,uate to do this on your own.

7our diffi#ultly lies in a tenden#y to pro)e#t your inner stresses on to your #lose
relationships, with phases of dissention, #onfrontation and argument o##urring as a
means of releasing energies. 0ompromise may need more development, and learning
how to give rather than )ust ta$e is essential. Balan#e and moderation is one
approa#h to #onsider, instead of rea#ting to #ontradi#tory feelings and responding
only to the temporary dominating voi#e. Ta$e time to determine what are your most
#onsistent aims in life, ma$e a realisti# appraisal of your ,ualities, talents and
potentials, and try to dis#over how the voi#es of 1un and +oon #an be united and
integrated into a #ommon message to follow. Brea$ out of that sub)e#tive prison,
unfold a sense of ob)e#tivity, and refuse to blame the environment or people for the
obsta#les that stand in the way of progress.

"hile part of this personality pattern may have developed during #hildhood, with you
per#eiving your parents as offering you two sets of opposing messages, or perhaps
losing one of them due to divor#e or death, it is your adult responsibility to trans#end
this diffi#ulty rather than perpetuate it again. ntegrating the prin#iples of 1un and
+oon in your psy#he may not be easy, and a #areful balan#e of listening and
honouring both voi#es needs to be a#hieved, but dis#overing a way to do this may be
essential to your well%being, emerging after a period of losing life meaning and
purpose. A #hange in #ons#iousness and integration of those deeper and ignored
+oon needs #an be a#hieved, if you generate the will to do so. 6ursuing humanisti#
self%therapy te#hni,ues designed to liberate repressed feelings and individual desires
< needs may be appropriate at su#h a stage, and loo$ing towards psy#hosynthesis,
gestalt, en#ounter and #o%#ounselling groups may be benefi#ial. These #an all help to
stimulate the integrative ,uality of both lunar and solar #entres, leading to inner
balan#e and freedom of e*pression.

1un s,uare or opposition +oon

(/aren (ama$er%Bondag)

The un#ertainty generated by the s,uare arises from the fa#t that the #ons#ious
behavior (1un) #onfli#ts with the behavior needed to give a sense of se#urity (+oon).
Therefore a s,uare between 1un and +oon #an ma$e the native very unsettled,
espe#ially if the ba#$ground of the elements is tense.

n the opposition, the $ind of un#ertainty is different. This opposition ma$es us
painfully aware of our duality. 0ons#ious behavior and un#ons#ious rea#tion patterns
#lash with one another, yet always have something in #ommon be#ause the signs in
whi#h they are posited lie on the same a*is. Therefore, when they are in opposition,
the 1un and +oon #an #omplement one another well on#e they ma$e #ommon #ause.
3ntil su#h time as they do (and this may ta$e ,uite a while), the native will suffer
from a nagging sense of dis#omfort and inse#urity.

n either #ase, the native is in#lined to adopt a #ertain form of behavior to the virtual
e*#lusion of its alternative, and so the latter see$s to e*press itself indire#tly. But if
he does give both forms of behavior a #han#e, he generally ends up feeling li$e !two
individuals rolled into one! with first one, then the other in the forefront. Those
around him never $now what to e*pe#t, and the native feels plagued by inner
instability. 3sually he has an identiy problem and often wonders whi#h #hara#ter is
the real him, to whi#h the answer is !both of you!.

The un#ertainty #an result in many things being left half done, or in perpetual
#hanges of opinion, or in general dissatisfa#tion with one!s performan#e' in short, a
great deal of energy has to be e*pended on ta#$ling inner inse#urity before the native
#an begin to solve e*ternal problems.

:evertheless, hard 1un%+oon aspe#ts do have #onsiderable energy at their disposal.
The un#ertainties and the obsta#les produ#ed by their tension #ompel the native,
sooner or later, to start sorting things out. The tension between the 1un and +oon
send him in sear#h of answers to su#h ,uestions as !"ho am 2!, !"hat is really
implied by the differen#e between male and female2! and !"hat is signifi#ant in a

t is not un#ommon for #onfli#ts between the 1un and +oon to present problems with
the life partner. 1in#e, among other things, the +oon represents what a man is
loo$ing for in a woman, and the 1un represents what a woman is loo$ing for in a
man, the native tends to fall in love with somebody who )ars him or her in some way.
At the same time, the hard aspe#ts provide suffi#ient energy to deal with any
problems that may arise. The latter are usually #aught in time be#ause, being so
inse#ure, the native is ,uite sensitive to them and is prepared to wor$ hard to stop
them es#alating. Therefore it is entirely possible for people with a s,uare between
the 1un and the +oon to ma$e happy marriages.
Natal Sun quincun2 0oon

(9obert 6elletier)

The sun in#on)un#t the moon indi#ates that your ties to the past and to emotional
se#urity are misaligned with the ways in whi#h you #ons#iously e*press your will and
desire. The resulting stress is usually seen in your relationships. n your desire to
hold on to old friends and asso#iates, you may enormous #on#essions that interfere
with your own development. 7ou #reate situations that bind you with obligations to
people and that are diffi#ult to free yourself from. 7ou so #ompli#ate your life this
way that one would suspe#t you en)oy suffering at the hands of others. 7our
eagerness to be of servi#e to people would be better utilized by getting a )ob with
that aim in mind.

There is #onstant danger of abusing you health when you yield to the demands people
ma$e on your time and energy. 7ou must over#ome the feeling that you owe it to
them. Furthermore, you don!t have the right to interfere with other people!s lives by
ta$ing their responsibilities on yourself. "hat are you trying to prove2 Are you trying
to win their approval be#ause you really feel you don!t deserve it2 Be assured that
you are probably far more #ompetent than those you serve, only you don!t $now it.
7ou should spend more time with your own affairs and #apitalize on your own talents
and #reative abilities. Let your #ontribution be to develop your potentials and gain
re#ognition for e*#ellen#e in everything you do.

7ou are painfully sympatheti# to anyone who #omes to you with a tale of woe.
0hannel that sympathy into a#tivities that #an bring you some benefits. +any
o##upations re,uire your depth of understanding, su#h as medi#ine, physi#al therapy,
and wor$ with young people and #hildren. n these fields thre is a genuine need for
your $ind of unselfish dedi#ation to others. n a more ob)e#tive appli#ation of your
talents, you #ould be happy wor$ing woth welfare programs or with fund%raising
organizations that serve those who are unable to help themselves.

9ela*ation is essential if you want to maintain your gneral good health. ;et away as
often as you #an to unwind from the pressure of your daily #on#erns. Avoid visiting
relatives if you are e*pe#ted to !#hip in! and help while you!re there.

7our romanti# interests #an be disappointing be#ause you assign undeserved
attributes to the person you love. Being re)e#ted is espe#ially painful to you, and you
might say !!ve been so good to taht person, and don!t deserve to be treated this
way!. 1top feeling sorry for yourself and learn to a##ept people the way they are. f
you #an!t a##ept them as they are, don!t try to reshape them to your design, for that
always fails.

7ou #an offer your prospe#tive mate many advantages, and you are willing to wor$
side by side to get the things you both want. "hen you $now that you are loved, you
are inspired, and the best in you is brought to the surfa#e.

(/aren (ama$er%Bondag)

An in#on)un#t between the 1un and +oon gives a dormant, #landestine tension that
does in fa#t produ#e a great sense of inse#urity, although the native is only
marginally aware of it. 1omething is ,uite li$ely to $eep bothering him but he is
unable to say what it is.

Be#ause the two lights have to do with the life for#e, this aspe#t #an undermine the
vitality every now and then. (owever, nothing need be seriously wrong' the #ause is
usually an inability to rela* properly.

There is a #omplete #leavage between the #ons#ious behavior and the un#ons#ious
rea#tion pattern. This leads to #onsiderable #onfusion in everyday life- the attirude
adopted to the outside world is entirely different from the attitude the native would
li$e to adopt.

Be#ause the a#tive and passive sides operate ,uite independently, it is often hard to
stri$e a balan#e be#ause he dithers over them or even tries to ignore them.

Troubled relationships may be e*pe#ted too with this 1un < +oon aspe#t. 3sually
husband and wife have #ompletely different dispositions and e*pe#t to lead their own
lives. The in#on)un#t is more li$ely than the other hard aspe#ts to obstru#t the view
of problem areas, whi#h #an therefore be#ome more painful and tiresome. The
in#on)un#t betweem the 1un and +oon #an raise false hopes about the partner whi#h
end in disappointment.

After a #risis, the dilemna #onne#ted with the in#on)un#t #an be seen more #learly
and the situation #an be resolved. n other words, a sense of balan#e #an be
developed through weathering a #risis % although the native will always be aware that
the balan#e is pre#arious.
Natal Sun con/unct Venus

(9obert 6elletier)

The 1un #on)un#t Eenus represents a strongly developed love nature. Although it may
not be apparent to a #asual observer, you are e*tremely eager for people to li$e you.
n fa#t, you ma$e subtle ad)ustments in your urge for re#ognition so that they will be
warmly disposed toward you. But you may not always #ompromise, simply be#ause
you don!t want to give an impression of being wea$ in #hara#ter. n more intimate
#onta#ts with persons you $now well, you are not afraid they will mis)udge you this
way, so you behave more naturally.

7ou espe#ially want people to re#ognize you as a substantial individual who offerrs
many important values to those who are willing to share them. 7ou are open to
#ommuni#ation with others and will listen enthusiasti#ally in #onversation with them.
7ou en)oy people and are generally #heerful and so#iable in large or small
gatherings. 5n the #han#e of meeting someone who #an be useful at another time,
you ta$e #are to #ir#ulate freely and !tou#h base! with everyone. 7ou $now how to
ma$e lasting impressions by dramatizing yourself, for you don!t want to be
overloo$ed merely be#ause you didn!t ta$e the time to ma$e your presen#e $nown.

7our greatest problem is that you assume people will thin$ well of you even if you do
nothing to deserve it. 7ou #an be#ome pompously presumptuous that your presen#e
alone is enough to merit everyone!s attention. 7ou are a romanti#ist at heart and #an
be swayed by a display of affe#tion. Appre#iative of the finer things in life, you get a
sense of fulfillment when you indulge in them, in addition to the #omfort and pleasure
they give you.

((aydn 6aul)

5nly the #on)un#tion, semiVse*tile and semi%s,uare aspe#ts are astronomi#ally
possible between the 1un and Eenus, as the ma*imum distan#e between these
planets is TU degrees.

This #on)un#tion #onveys an optimisti# and #heerful spirit, where you will greatly
en)oy so#ial #ompany and the pleasures of life, so that eastheti# and hedonisti#
a#tivities are indulged to stimulate your sensual nature. Love and so#ial relationships
are highlighted, and you will be attra#ted to parti#ipate in the so#ial whirl,
#ir#ulating around your #olle#tion of friends, family and a#,uaintan#es.

7ou feel it important to be li$ed by others, and this need may ma$e you a#t in #ertain
ways whi#h gain the approval of people, so #are may be re,uired to ensure that you
do not overly #ompromise your own feelings and thoughts in order to remain so#ially
a##eptable. There #an be a dramati# ,uality to your style of self%presentation,
perhaps emerging out of an artisti# and #reative sensitivity, and this will be employed
to gain the attention of people' you prefer to leave your mar$ and need to feel

"hile some may see you in a superfi#ial light, this is not how you desire to be so#ially
a#$nowledged. The re#ognition you are loo$ing for is of your whole personality, your
talents and ,ualities, and as you grow older you will prefer to en)oy the #ompany of
those who #an appre#iate you more fully. This may be through mutual interests in art,
#ulture or the beauty of nature, be#ause lying beneath any so#ialite veneer is your
real appre#iation of the harmony of life and nature whi#h evo$es that romanti# and
poeti# spirit that inspires your per#eption of life and infuses a hidden desire for inner
pea#e and integration. 7ou en)oy ,uality in life, and will try to #reate a pleasing home
environment whi#h allows rela*ation into domesti# #omforts and pleasures.

7ou will attra#t others to your potent magneti# personality, and you are li$ely to
e*perien#e a variety of relationships as a #onse,uen#e of your romanti# attitudes.
7ou open easily to demonstrations of love and affe#tion, and your heart #an ,ui#$ly
melt. As a lover of life, a #ertain intensity will be present, as will the tides of love!s
)oys and pains, but never attempt to turn off your developed love nature, or you may
find that life rapidly loses its lustre and be#omes grey, mundane and lifeless. 6art of
your role is to spread life%appre#iation, enlivening others so that they too #an be#ome
sin#ere lovers of life, and isn!t that a tas$ well worth pursuing2

1ome may find you !too alive! or nar#issisti#, so you may need to be aware of others!
rea#tions, and if they are #orre#t in their evaluation of your self%#entredness then
some modifi#ation may be advised, so that you e,ually a#$nowledge their natures,
,ualities and personalities too. n #onversations, the art of listening is as important as
the art of #ommuni#ation, and your enthusiasms may re,uire o##asional toning down.

7ou #an bring positive benefits to those who be#ome intimately #lose, through
sharing your vitality, love and affe#tions, and even if your relationships do not
persist, you hope that those involved with you do not regret the time that has been
shared. 0hanges will #ome through the e*pression of your heart and life en)oyment,
and these may reshape your #ons#ious identiy and self%image over time, so that more
depth and insight begins to be unfolded. 5thers may turn to you for support and
advi#e, wanting your flame to relight their own. 7our pather of solar development is
though the unifying love energies of Eenus, so let these radiate ourwards into the
world, tou#hing and igniting the hearts of others.

(/aren (ama$er%Bondag)

"hen #ons#ious behavior (1un) is attended by the need for emotional and material
safety and #omfort and the desire for beauty and harmony (Eenus), the behavior is
generally friendly and a##ommodating. Friends are easily made and the native also
finds it easy to move in so#iety. The feeling for harmony in relationships gives
diplomati# ability.

5n the other hand, the native finds it diffi#ult to air problems or to tal$ them through,
sin#e he or she loves to be surrounded by a pleasant atmosphere. T(e danger is that
this attitude will result in a false bonhomie and in superfi#iality. And so the
#on)un#tion will deny depth to the personality if the native is #ontent to smooth
things over on the surfa#e.

7et, as we have seen, this #on)un#tion does have its good side. ;enerally, the native
is very agreeable and has no diffi#ulty in being friendly and sympatheti# to others.
There is also a need for shared e*perien#es, preferably with the life partner. 1howing
affe#tion is an essential mode of e*pression for the native and he or she is e*tremely

The feeling for art is often well developed, although the ba#$ground of the signs will
have a say in this. The individual with the 1un #on)un#t Eenus is fond of pleasure and
the good things of life, and may sometimes overindulge in them. By and large, the
aspe#t is an en)oyable one to have, even though it may ma$e the native a trifle lazy.

(Betty Lundsted)

Eenus is similar to +er#ury in that it is nevery far from the 1un. Eenus is usually in
the same sign as the sun or one behind or ahead of it. Eenus represents what we
want in life- the finer pleasures, the things we want around us, the person we want to
be, the way we appre#iate art, the way we appre#iate love. t helps to define how we
re#eive loving as well as our intelle#tual #on#ept of what we thin$ love is. The Eenus
position in relation to the 1un sign give a #lue to what people are (1un) and how this
relates to what they want to be (Eenus). "hen people tal$ about what they want to
be, it is usually Eenus tal$ing.

6eople with Eenus in the same sign as the 1un usually are ,uite satisfied to be
themselves, whatever that is. They have the potential to li$e themselves if the
#on)un#tion is not affli#ted by another planet. t #an ma$e them very smug and self%
satisfied, for they li$e being the person they are. "hen we try to wor$ out our ties to
our parents, or when we try to understand our life, Eenus #on)un#t the 1un #an be
diffi#ult' for, we tend to stay in our rut rather than try to get out of it. Eenus in the
same sign as the 1un may indi#ate that a #ons#ious de#ision has to be made before
we #an loo$ at the motivation for what we do in some serious manner.

"hen Eenus #on)un#ts the 1un, the father either overaffe#ts the #hild or the #hild
sub#ons#iously plays the role of the mother in order to gain &addy!s approval (Eenus
indi#ates a tie to the mother' 1un indi#ates the physi#al father.) This #loseness to the
father may be diffi#ult to understand or to be#ome #ons#ious of, and the only time it
be#omes important is when the person is in the pro#ess of self%e*amination regarding
relationships. A woman with Eenus #on)un#t the 1un is tied to her father from a
sub#ons#ious psy#hologi#al point. 1he may marry a man who has the same attributes
as her father. f she has Eenus #on)un#t the 1un and no other emotional blo#$s (by
aspe#t) in her #hart, this problem is relatiovely easy to wor$ with if she wants to be
free of the influen#e. But if her +oon, Eenus and the 1un are affli#ted her #hart
be#omes more obs#ure to wor$ through' the struggle for #ons#iousness be#omes
more #omple*. f she is interested in developing relationships tha tdo not in#lude the
father image, she must find a way to understand the #onfli#t.

A man with Eenus #on)un#t his 1un is emotionally #lose to his father, and the aspe#ts
to the 1un%Eenus #on)un#tion will indi#ate how this #loseness will ta$e pla#e. "hen
Eenus #on)un#ts the 1un, the psy#hologi#al influen#e of the mother (Eenus) is very
#lose to the father image on a physi#al level (1un). The #hild sees the parents! roles
)umbled together and this #an #onfuse him. A boy #hild may use his mother!s !role!
games to get #lose to his &ad.

This aspe#t depi#ts a relationship that is not un#ommon among parents. The power
parent is determined by the 1un sign' yet, when Eenus #on)un#ts the 1un, the mother
has a #lose rapport with the father, whi#h may not be #onfirmed by the rest of the
#hart, by the power parent, or by what she says about her husband. n other words,
not matter what she says about her husband to the #ontrary, she really li$es the way
he is. This #onfuses the #hild. n adult relationships it #auses the following problems-
a mother%dominated male may use his mother!s ta#ti#s to get on with men as an
adult' a father%dominated male feels that there should be some mysti#al%bond
between his lady and himself, and is disappointed when he doesn!t feel it' a mother%
dominateed female will feel a #loseness to her dad that she #an!t understand, so it!s a
#ombination of love and resentment' the father%dominated female may marry a man
in her father!s image.

The only time it is ne#essary to do something about this #on)un#tion is when
something $eeps interfering with the development of meaningful, lasting emotional
relationships. "hen we thin$ our problems happen to us be#ause we only meet !awful
people!, we need to loo$ inside ourselves to understand what has been programmed
into our sub#ons#ious selves % for this program is the one we draw to us. t #ures
itself when we be#ome #ons#ious of it.
Natal Sun semisquare 1 semise2tile Venus

1un semis,uare Eenus (0harles 0arter)

This in#lines to ma$e women and girls e*#itable, emotional, warm%hearted, but
without mu#h stability. t is, in my opinion, by no means inferior to the #on)un#tion so
far as a#tual artisti# ability is #on#erned, and when it is #lose (say within DW) there is
usually talent for Eenus pursuits, and parti#ularly for musi# and dan#ing. t is not
very favourable for marriage, although by itself it should not be ta$en as a suffi#ient
indi#ation of #eliba#y or an unfortunate allian#e. The family may be numerous, and,
in female #harts, it seems strongly to in#line to feminine offspring' there is usually
trouble with one of them. t #ommonly bestows personal #harm.

+u#h the same is true of men. t is not good for #ompatibility in marriage' or, if this
e*ists, there is usually some other #ause of sorrow in the married life. :evertheless,
it is a se#ondary influen#e, and must be )udged as su#h. t seems (in men) to indi#ate
shyness and solitary habits, with #onsiderable sensitiveness, even though this may in
some instan#es be mas$ed behind bravado and noise.

n the #harts of rulers, it seems to denote restless and disloyal sub)e#ts and
unfortunate foreign adventures.

1un semis,uare Eenus (4ulia and &ere$ 6ar$er)

This is a ma)or aspe#t between these planets, and tends to in#rease the possibility of
a brea$down in marriage or a permanent relationship.

1un semise*tile Eenus (0harles 0arter)

The 1emi%se*tile, though a wea$ influen#e, beto$ens good humour, #heerfulness, and
optimism. There is often a li$ing for human nature and for fun. An orb of about DW
might be allowed for this #onta#t.

1un semise*tile Eenus (4ulia and &ere$ 6ar$er)

The semise*tile is not a strong feature, but with it and the #on)un#tion there is nearly
always an appre#iation of beautiful things, su#h as art and musi#. f +er#ury is
involved, there will be a talent for #raft wor$.
Natal Sun con/unct 0ars

(9obert 6elletier)

The 1un #on)un#t +ars gives you a sense of power in asserting your will. 7ou don!t
feel that you have to #ompromise in your dealings with anyone. 1in#e you pro)e#t
your will for#efully and with undeniable intensity, your presen#e may unintentionally
threaten less hardy individuals. 7ou are ambitious to be re#ognized, not so mu#h for
your a#hievements, but simply for yourself. But this may antagonize others, who will
resent your assumption of superiority withtout having any a#hievements to )ustify it.
t is diffi#ult to determine whether you are driven by ego#entri#ity or merely by
having energy to spare. n any #ase, you respond ,ui#$ly to #ompetition and use
every s$ill at your #ommand to win. Be#ause you find status ,uo #onditions
intolerable and apathy unforgivable, you stimulate people to ta$e a#tion when they
might have indolently failed to do anything. 7our #onsiderable physi#al strength
sustains you in e*pressing your boundless enthusiasm.

7ou have enormous #reative ability and #an e*#el in any leadership #apa#ity. The
$ind of wor$ you do isn!t as important as the manner in whi#h you a##omplish your
ob)e#tives. ntolerant of insubordination, you rea#t violently to #riti#ism. you tend to
be un#ompromising with people whose opinions differ from yours, and you are blunt
in reprimanding them for it. 7ou feel that anyone who e*presses a different opinion is
ma$ing a dire#t, personal atta#$ on your #redibility.

7our temperament is suitable for #ompetitive o##upations in whi#h hazard and
danger are #ommonpla#e. 1ports, ra#ing, e*ploration, military servi#e, wor$ing with
ma#hinery, or hunting would provide good means for #reative e*pression, as would
more intelle#tual pursuits, su#h as medi#ine, surgery, law, or poli#e wor$.

7our insisten#e on asserting your own desires with no #onsideration for others is a
distin#t liabilty. n evaluating the fa#ts before ta$ing a#tion, you often disregard
#ommon sense, whi#h ma$es it ne#essary to repeat the wor$ later. 7ou are ineffi#ient
in managing your energies and waste a lot of effort in unrewarding enterprises. A
trusted adviser #ould help you plan your ta#ti#al moves, serve as your spo$esperson
in disputes, and restrain you from destru#tive impulsive a#tion.

7our powerful libido urges you to violen#e when your desires are not satisfied. not
only that, but you are insensitive to the feelings of others' you must learn to ma$e
ad)ustments for those whose feelings are not as intense as your own. Be#ause you
rea#t impulsively when you are angered, the #han#e of physi#ally hurting yourself is
in#reased. 7ou waste large amounts of energy in fruitless effort that #ould be utilized
#onstru#tively. Being hypera#tive, you need suffi#ient rest to preserve your health.

((aydn 6aul)

This indi#ates the presen#e of an energy that is !mas#uline! in essen#e, being highly
vitalised, vigorous, for#eful and assertive. The appli#ation and e*ploitation of your
powerful will be#omes a ma)or impulse that demands e*pression, often resulting in a
more self%#entred level of preo##upation, fo#used on satisfying your desires and

7ou may have an aggressive, #ombative temperament, whi#h #an respond ,ui#$ly to
any hint of a threat or potentially #ompetitive situations, seeing these as an
opportunity to display your for#e and innate abilities and talents. 7ou will feel a need
to prove yourself to the world through a#hieving, or at least rise to a higher so#ial
profile than the ma)ority. 7ou may tend to assume attitudes of superiority, whi#h is
often derived from a sense of self%#onfiden#e, and inwardly you hold a self@image as
a leader in some #apa#ity. An urge to battle lies near the surfa#e of your personality,
and you #an approa#h life as if it is a #hallenge, almost provo$ing en#ounters by
!throwing down the gauntlet! as a testing of your strength and power.

To some, you may sem overly assertive, and your presen#e may threaten them by its
for#eful vibration. 7ou may a#,uire several adversaries in the #ourse of your )ourney
through life, espe#ially as you are liable to be insensitive to others! feelings. This may
o##ur parti#ularly within your employment or business life, where you are li$ely to
#onta#t other powerful individuals. 7ou intensely en)oy applying your will%power, and
may need to pay e*tra attention to your relationship manner and style of e*pression,
as this #ould be#ome a sour#e of #ontention and downfall if it is misapplied. A liability
to anger ,ui#$ly may need some #ontrol too, or words spo$en in haste may ruin
relationships or friendships.

7ou rea#t against limitations and restri#tions, and find adheren#e to the status ,uo or
repetitive routines anathema to your volatile spirit. 7ou love a#tion, and the
adrenaline rush of physi#al or dangerous sports and a#tivities is highly appealing.
7our enthusiasms #an be spontaneous and imulsive, and you prefer to leave spa#e in
your lifestyle for sudden de#isions and #hanges of dire#tion whi#h #an renew vitality
and add a tou#h of freshness when life be#omes )aded and familiar. 7ou may be
attra#ted to share this love of life and e*#ess energy with others, stimulating them to
brea$ free of their self%imposed ruts and sha$e off their apathy. 1ome may not
appre#iate your endeavours though, and you may need to re#ognise when your
efforts will fall on stony ground.

There is an opinionated strea$ in your #hara#ter that #an ta$e offen#e if anyone
#hallenges your attitudes, values, thoughts or beliefs, and you ta$e this as a personal
atta#$, rather than a sharing of differing points of view. 7ou #an adopt an attitude of
!!m right, and you!re wrong! in su#h en#ounters, and refuse to #onsider alternative
per#eptions' this #an be a restri#tion of your openness to life!s many wonders and
infinite variety of per#eptions.

n relationships, you do not easily #ompromise, as you tend to be self%#entred and
#on#erned about rea#hing for your desires' this #ould be#ome a problem unless it is
#arefully modified, or you have an e*tremely passive and supportive partner. A strong
se*ual drive and inflamed passions are li$ely fa#tors in your relationships, and you
may be espe#ially attra#ted to sudden love affairs, parti#ularly if that theme of
!#on,uest! is paramount in your nature.

"hile you are li$ely to possess #onsiderable #reative abilities, you may have
diffi#ulties in fo#using these #onstru#tively and #onsistently, and despite your high
level of a#tivity you may waste energy that #ould be more positively applied. 6art of
this is due to an impulsiveness that prefers a#tion to forethought and planning, and
this tenden#y may need tempering by better managements of your resour#es and less
haste in #harging towards your ob)e#tives. Listen to the advi#e of others, or ta$e
professional suggestions' you may not always $now best.

7our fo#us is power through a#tion, and the main areas that this #an be released
through are the #on)un#tion house, and the houses ruled by both 1un and +ars in
your #hart. Loo$ at these, as they may offer additional opportunities for a su##essful
use of your talents and energies, espe#ially when you begin to handle them with
greater self%understanding.

(/aren (ama$er%Bondag)

Two a#tive planets )oin for#es here, signofying a ready identifi#ation of the self (1un)
with ambition, e*e#utive ability and leadership (+ars). 5ften the individual is rather
pugna#ious, #ompetitive and fond of sport. 1u#h a fiery #ombination as the 1un and
+ars #an ma$e for great liveliness and enthusiasm. There is a #apa#ity for hard wor$
and the native!s sights are set on solid a#hievement % also on the honors that go with

+ars is inflammable and, when #on)un#t the 1un, #an give a very volatile personality.
The native is e*#itable and sub)e#t to bursts of enthusiasm' sometimes being short%
tempered and agressive into the bargain. Be#ause +ars is un#ompromising, the
individual is one of those go%getting, turbulent people who display s#ant
#onsideration for others and are intent on ma$ing the most of their own
opportunities. The person with a 1un < +ars #on)un#tion pulls no pun#hes and is not
easily thwarted. But, though ,ui#$ to flare up, he or she is not usually one to bear a

The 1un #on)un#t +ars fre,uently opens up opportunities in sport, but the native also
treats everyday life as something of a sporting event. .*#ellent outlets are sports
su#h as bo*ing, fen#ing, wrestling, or sports that re,uire e*plosions of energy.
Fre,uently there is a fondness for high%ris$ sports and for sports demanding #ourage
and speed. The 1un #on)un#t +ars #an warn of violen#e, but only when there are
insuffi#ient outlets for the enormous amounts of energy generated by this aspe#t.

6eople with this #on)un#tion $now where they stand and are not afraid to ma$e their
position #lear. 5thers may be apprehensive of them be#ause they seldom min#e
words. The native is more for#eful than he or she realizes, and unintentional and
unwanted ruptures with others #an o##ur. 1o restraint is advisable, espe#ially as
there is a tenden#y to a#t before thin$ing.

(Betty Lundsted)

This aspe#t should be read in the #onte*t of other aspe#ts that involve the 1un%+ars
#on)un#tion. +ars heats up everything that it tou#hes, so it tneds to give energy and
spontaneity. "hen +ars #on)un#ts the 1un, the personality is a#ted out' it #an be
volatile' it #an be ,ui#$ to a#t and rea#t. "(en reading this aspe#t it!s important to
remember in what sign the #on)un#tion ta$es pla#e in order to evaluate how the
energy will e*press. +ars adds intensity to the 1un so there is a stronger vitality than
without the presen#e of +ars. "ell aspe#ted #on)un#tions of 1un and +ars give
added energy, but, when other planets are involved, how those aspe#ts affe#t the
13n must be #onsidered.

(0harles 0arter)

do not thin$ that this #an be differentiated from the trine and se*tile (,.v.), e*#ept
that it usualy denotes some danger of physi#al in)ury or disease % usually the former.
t ma$es the native tremendously hard%wor$ing, and he < she may toil on the verge of
brea$%down year after year. 5n the whole it is benefi#ial, unless the #on)un#tion itself
re#eives other important bad aspe#ts, in whi#h #ase it will bring some of the
deleterious effe#ts of the bad aspe#ts into the life.
Natal Sun trine 1 se2tile 0ars

1un trine +ars (9obert 6elletier)

The trine from the 1un to +ars shows that you have leadership ability and the self%
#onfiden#e to use it #reatively and fairly. 7our #ourage and enduran#e enable you to
a##omplish very demanding tas$s. 7ou have faith that you will always be able to
su##eed without resoprting to de#eption or dishonorable pra#ti#es. :ot only are you
honest in your dealings, you pride yourself on #ompeting su##essfully with those who
aren!t so honest. Although you may behave impulsively at times, on the whole you
plan your a#tions effi#iently and purposefully. 7ou #an always e*press your #reative
abilities in su#h a way that you benefit from it. f anyone dares to ,uestion your
ethi#s, you rise in anger, generally with the support of those who $now you well.

"ith an abundan#e of energy to sustain you as you see$ your goals, you won!t be
greatly restri#ted in e*pressing your talents in the life wor$ you #hoose. n
performing your duties you don!t #hallenge or threaten people, and you get along
well with most of them. 7ou li$e everyone, and other people thin$ well of you too.
"hen someone needs assistan#e you will provide it, sin#e you are se#ure in your own
destiny and no one #an seriously deter you from it. 7ou mind your own business and
maintain priva#y in your affairs.

t is possible for you to gain prominen#e in the fields of law, managements, or sports,
in #reative a#tivities su#h as a#ting and the #ommuni#ations media, or in wor$ing
with young people as a tea#her or guidan#e #ounselor. ;uidan#e #ounseling is
espe#ially suitable to your #apabilities. 7ou easily win the approval and admiration of
youngsters be#ause you a##ept them at their own level of development, not e*pe#ting
them to behave as adults.

7our emotional interests are average, so you will be able to ad)ust your desires in
order to en#ourage a partnership with someone who fulfills all your e*pe#tations for
a mate. 7ou a##ept people for what they are and e*pe#t the same treatment.

7our life is apparently untroubled, and you ta$e #are of any problems without fanfare
or publi#ity. 7ou are #ontent to let those with driving ambitions have all the rope they
need, but you don!t need that $ind of an*iety to spoil an otherwise tran,uil e*isten#e.
:ot that your life is uneventful, for you wor$ diligently and play enthusiasti#ally. But
be#ause you don!t have high e*pe#tations, your investment is less burdensome.

1un trine +ars ((aydn 6aul)

The trine enables you to turn theory into pra#ti#al appli#ation, and this re#on#iling
,uality #ould be#ome a sour#e of your life dire#tion, as your ability to apply your
energy positively #an generate ways to resolve problem situations. This may be one
approa#h that utilitises your energy in a #reative and benefi#ial manner, and whi#h
poses #hallenges that you intend to over#ome.

7ou will be self%#onfident and believe in your own abilities, setting goals and pursuing
ambitions, emerging from your uni,ue aims dire#ted towards #reating a suitable
lifestyle, whi#h may not always #orrespond to traditional paths and signs of su##ess.
7ou do not appre#iate a volatile living or wor$ing environment, prefferring a more
tran,uil atmosphere where you are free to follow your interests. "hile you en)oy new
#hallenges, the #ut and thrust of #ompetition seems less appealing, and you see little
value in e*alting yourself if it re,uires another!s detrimental fall.

Fairness, integrity and honesty are ,ualities that you respe#t and e*pe#t in your
dealings with others, and ethi#al or moral #onsiderations are ta$en into a##ount in
your life. These form your #ode of relationships, and you try to stay as true to these
as possible, even if at times this may re,uire you to forgo some su##ess or progress,
as you are not usually willing to #ompromise for the sa$e of any advan#ement. 7ou
#an adopt an individual #hivalry and style of #ondu#t. "hile you have leadership
ability, you try to ensure that you deal #orre#tly with others from any position of
responsibility, and are willing to help others on their way, provided they do not
attempt less s#rupulous ta#ti#s to progress.

5rganisational and managerial ,ualities are li$ely to be present, and you #an ta$e the
strain of highly demanding tas$s, proving to be a reliable, effi#ient and #ons#ientious
wor$er who #an purposefully #arry out and design su##essful plans of a#tion.

1pheres that may atta#t in#lude law, business management, edu#ation, media,
personal #reativity and physi#al endeavours. 5pportunities may steer you towards
deeper interpersonal #onta#ts, and wor$ing in areas of #ouselling and guidan#e may
be highlighted. 5ne asset that you may possess for this wor$ is a genuine toleran#e
for others, allowing ea#h to hold their uni,ue view of life, and having respe#t for their
free nature. +any inwardly #ondemn people for failing to be li$e themselves, ta$ing
an attitude that everyone should #onform to a pi#ture that they have developed.
Fortunately, the life pro#ess disagrees with that attitude, and displays an in#redible
abundan#e of variety.

7ou tend to form a realisti# per#eption of life, so that your e*pe#tations are not too
e*#essive and unreal, and you appre#iate the gains that you do ma$e through
e*pressing your #reative talents and powerful energies. A need for dis#iplined fo#us
may be re,uired at times, as you may be fa#ed with various options and la#$ a #larity
of purpose whi#h diffuses your will power. Be wary against o##asional a#ts of
impulse' they may not always wor$ to your advantage, and a #areful and steady
progression #an prove more benefi#ial. "or$ing in harmony with this trine energy
#an serve to open doors throughout your life' be alert to re#ognise when
opportunities are being presented, so that you #an ta$e full advantage of the gifts of

1un se*tile +ars ((aydn 6aul)

The se*tile #an offer #onsiderable energy that #an be best applied through your mind
and intelle#t, and this level may be#ome the sour#e of your life dire#tion from whi#h
your main a#hievements may be derived.

7ou should have a gift for #reative thin$ing whi#h #an be turned into building positive
and #onstru#tive enterprises, and it is through developing these that your spe#ial
talents will be displayed. Following your interests #ould open this dimension of your
nature, #reating #hannels to e*press your #reative spirit. This #reativity may flow
through the houses and signs whi#h are o##upied and ruled by the 1un and +ars, and
if your interests #oin#ide with the asso#iations of su#h planetary pla#ings, then ta$e a
deeper loo$ at their potential for e*ploitation. Additional opportunities may o##ur
when transit or progression movements #onta#t the natal se*tile, restimulating the
flow of inspired ideas.

The se*tile energy is more balan#ed and #apable of easier assimilation than the
abrasive #on)un#tion vibration, and while you will be a for#eful personality with a
powerful will, this is more #ontrolled and less so#ially assertive. 7our awareness of
relationships is developed, and so you do not seem threatening or overly #ompetitive
to others. 7our personality #an be #onfident, se#ure and relatively stable, and others
may a#$nowledge your integrity and interpersonal #ommuni#ation s$ills by turning to
you for supportive aid. 7ou will tend to e*press your views firmly enough, but are
always willing to listen to what others are saying or suggesting, re#ognising that
their #ontributions #an be as useful as your own' you do not believe that you have a
monopoly on being right.

7ou have an ability to initiate new pro)e#ts and s#hemes, and #an be an effe#tive
leader or #o%ordinator #apable of managing tas$s re,uiring group #o%operation. 7ou
will usually plan a#tions and ma$e de#isions #arefully, resisting any impulse to laun#h
into a#tion until you feel totally satisfied about the feasibilitiy of an enterprise. 7ou
re#ognise that you #an ma$e mista$es, and so try to minimise them.

1o#ial interests are a#tive in you, and following #urrent world affairs will be a natural
study area to pursue. The whole field of resear#h, study and a##umulation of
information and $nowledge will attra#t your #urious mind, providing a #onstant
sour#e of mental stimulation and intelligent spe#ulation. 7ou may prefer a variety of
!different inputs! into your mental database, and it is li$ely that you will remain a
!student! all of your life, whether this is through improving s$ills and $nowledge
within formal edu#ational #ourses or following your own independent resear#h
interests. These #an lin$ with areas of opportunity, espe#ially within the spheres of
writing, )ournalism, tea#hing, media and #onsultan#y. 7ou may be drawn towards
wor$ing with the minds of the young, inspiring the future generation, or developing
future dire#tions for the benefit of the world, as you attempt to e*press so#ial

7ou have a highly developed sense of )usti#e and fairness, and often view the world
through this lens, possibly be#oming involved in issues of #ivil rights and so#ial
matters. .ven though you may be intelle#tually biased, you have the per#eption that
everyone has their own gifts and talents, even if they are different from yours, and
that all #an #ontribute something valuable to the well%being of so#iety.

n relationships, you prefer intelligent and #ulture #ompanions, those who
a#$nowledge a sensitivity to life and appre#iate its beauty. 6artners #ould possess
either a devleoped intelle#t or artisti# awareness, and you will en)oy #ommuni#ating
on su#h topi#s. n love, you e*pe#t a high ,uality of partner, one who #an mat#h you
on all levels, as well as being suitable for your energised physi#al nature. 7ou will be
#areful ma$ing partnership #hoi#es, and finding a good relationship #ould be a $ey to
dis#overing a deeper and more fulfilling life dire#tion.
Natal Sun square 1 opposition 0ars

1un s,uare +ars (9obert 6elletier)

The s,uare from the 1un to +ars gives you mu#h enthusiasm and energy to #arry out
your tas$s, but under prolonged pressure you periodi#ally need to wind down and get
away from your wor$. 7ou must try not to drive yourself so hard in fulfilling your
ambitions. "hen your efforts don!t yield the e*pe#ted results, you be#ome annoyed
and fly off the handle in disgust. .*perien#e will probably tea#h you that you did not
plan your a#tions #arefully enough, so that you got e*a#tly what you deserved under
the #ir#umstan#es. n time you should learn to meet obsta#les by anti#ipating them
and ta$ing steps to over#ome them in advan#e' in this way you #an avoid the
frustration of resistan#e. Thin$ before you do anything, and you will save the
pre#ious time that is wasted in doing it over again. 7ou need to learn patien#e in
handling diffi#ulties and to #onserve your energy for #onstru#tive purposes. "hen
#hallenged, you rea#t with indignation, feeling that your #ompeten#e is being
threatened. 7ou would be better advised to observe and learn how others #ondu#t
themselves under pressure. This is better than indulging in a senseless argument or a
bitter display of temperament.

There are many fields in whi#h you #ould su##essfully apply your talents, su#h as
tea#hing, writing, sports, military servi#e, medi#ine, law, and poli#e wor$. (owever,
you would have to understand the limitations to your freedom that these #areers
involve. Be#ause you value your freedom, you should determine your priorities before
indulging in any worthwhile endeavor. 7ou must be willing to ma$e that investment if
you e*pe#t to gain prominen#e and re#ognition.

7ou are fairly good%natured and en)oy the #ompany of many friends whom you admire
for their own a##omplishments. But you #an be overbearing in demanding attention
and trying to fo#us dis#ussions on sub)e#ts that you are espe#ially $nowledgeable
about. 7ou have to learn to be a good listener too.

Although you have a highly developed se*ual nature, you aren!t too su##essful in
over#oming the frustrations involved in satisfying it. .ither you want what you #an!t
have, or you!ve grown disinterested in what you do have. t is obvious that you will
have to #ompensate as mu#h as possible by diverting your energies into satisfying
and en)oyable a#tivities. The mate you are loo$ing for is one who #an mat#h your
physi#al needs and also be a #ompanion in your other interests.

1omewhat #areless about safety pre#autions, you invite a##idents. Ta$e #are of any
#uts as soon as they happen in order to redu#e the possibility of infe#tion.

1un s,uare +ars ((aydn 6aul)

7ou may be #onfronted with frustrations and a la#$ of satisfa#tion with this aspe#t,
partly as a #onse,uen#e of your own attitudes and style of e*pression whi#h often
spoil your #han#es for su##ess and fulfilment. 7ou #an feel a restless energy see$ing
release, and this inner agitation lin$ed to strong desires #an lead to an uneven and
eventful life, resulting from the effe#ts of impulsive and sometimes ill%#onsidered
a#tions. 7ou easily be#ome impatient, espe#ially when results are slow in #oming,
feeling anger and frustration' your natural rea#tion then is to apply more for#e and
will%power to attain your aims, but this does not ne#essarily #reate the effe#ts you
want. By tending to a#t without prior thought, you often sow the seeds of your future
failures, undermining what might have been perfe#tly reasonable plans if they had
been more #arefully thought out.

7ou are a self%see$ing individual, loo$ing to impose your presen#e on so#iety and
ma$e a mar$ on the world. 1triving to prove your worth, you may find that by
modifying your approa#h you a#hieve greater su##ess. 7ou #an have plenty of energy
and enthusiasm, yet one problem #an lie in your ability to dire#t and fo#us these
along positive and #onstru#tive #hannels. t may be that #ertain lessons re,uire
learning before your path forward opens. +ore forethought and planning would be
helpful, minimising wastage of energy and restri#tive dire#tions, enabling you to plan
ahead and form #ontingen#y routes to surmount any predi#table obsta#les. 6atien#e
is ne#essary, so that temporary setba#$s do not frustrate too mu#h, and you are able
to rely on ingenuity and faith in your abilities to persevere. Being able to maintain
your dire#tional fo#us is also important, as there is a tenden#y to lose #onfdiden#e
and #hange dire#tion when you hit obsta#les and disappointing results.

0hanging your relationships may also be a $ey whi#h benefits you, espe#ially in
#ons#iously modifying any tenden#ies towards arguing, demanding attention,
ego#entri#ity and being temperamental. "(ile you #an be good #ompany, your la#$
of ta#t and diploma#y is sometimes stri$ing' ill%#onsidered impulsive #omments may
not be appre#iated nor any attempts to hi)a#$ #onversations so that they fo#us )ust on
you and your interests. 7ou #an rea#t against any opposing points of view, often
seeing them as a personal atta#$, rather than #arefully listening to see if they offer
new perspe#tives whi#h #an enri#h your per#eption and understanding of life or a
spe#ifi# topi#.

1e*uality will be a ma)or fo#us of e*pression, and your passions will run strongly with
this aspe#t, although there may also be frustrations and #onstraints fa#ing you. These
#ould range from a la#$ of a partner, to desiring someone who is unattainable, to
falling out of love with a partner. An ideal lover is one who suits your needs on every
level, and #areful #hoi#e needs to be ta$en in de#iding to settle down with anyone, or
else you may dis#over that freedom has been restri#ted through an impulsive a#tion.
9ight #hoi#es depend on self%$nowledge' deepening self%understanding will reveal the
type of partner who #an #omplement you. Be wary of allowing a #ontentious nature to
interfere with your intimate relationships, or else they #ould degenerate into an
emotional battlefield. f your se*ual energies remain high, and there is little
opportunity for a healthy release, then to avoid be#oming in#reasingly irritable and
unstable, a redire#tion into #reative #hannels may be re#ommended. Allowing se*ual
preo##upations to be#ome dominant in the personality is also unwise and rebalan#ing
may be ne#essary for ad)ustment.

"ith several personality modifi#ations, your future #an loo$ more promising, adn you
may dire#t energies into the spheres of writing, law, medi#ine, tea#hing, or military%
style #areers whi#h #ould suit your temperament, although limitations on freedom
may also o##ur. Freedom is important to you, so you may oppose any demands for
#ommitment made of you, through wor$ or partnership' and, until that issue is
resolved, you may feel unable to ta$e full advantage of presented opportunities. f
you are #onfronted with situations whi#h may #ompromise your freedom, then you
rea#t by being less de#isive, as you hate feeling imprisoned in any way. Finding
employment that allows you s#ope for movement and independen#e, and a partner
that re#ognises this need, may be a step in the righ dire#tion. 7our abilities are
present, but may re,uire unlo#$ing to be#ome manifest, yet on#e they begin to flow
#an be highly transformative.

1un opposition +ars ((aydn 6aul)

7ou probably have a view that per#eives life as a #hallenge, a fight between yourself
and the world for suprema#y, and you adopt this #ombativeand assertive stan#e in an
attempt to prove your self%worth. underlying this attitude is a #lashing of inner
energies, whi#h are pro)e#ted out as shadow%adversaries in the e*ternal world, so
that arguments, dissention and #onfli#t almost seem to follow in your footsteps. There
is little tran,uillity in your world' it be#omes more of a battlefield where you believe
you #an !win your spurs! proving your #apabilities. 7ou are fired by the #ompetitive
spirit, intending to win and be number one, although the ,uality of your aggressive
vibration tends to attra#t similar people into your life, and this #an result in power
struggles in wor$ing or domesti# environments. Applying e*tra for#e may leave you
in a position of superiority, yet #an also in#rease the number of adversaries that you
leave in your wa$e' your genuine friendships #an be few if you a#t in this manner.

7ou have a powerful desire nature, and you easily be#ome fi*ated on attaining these
desires, whether they are lovers, positions of e*e#utive status, or whatever, even if
your energies are fo#used only temporarily in su#h spe#ifi# dire#tions. These desires
#an refle#t the themes of the houses and signs of +ars and the 1un, and often
#ontain the issues that you feel most #ombative about. T(ere #an be an aura of
!danger! surrounding you, possibly with a se*ual magnetism and aggressive power
that some #an find e*tremely attra#tive, although this energy #an overflow through
displays of iras#ible temper and potential violen#e if un#ontrolled. 7ou are very
physi#ally responsive, and will have a developed visual and sensual appre#iation of
life. 7ou may have to ensure that your desires do not be#ome #ompulsive or obsessive
in nature.

n relationships, you may la#$ sensitivity to others! feelings and needs, and may need
to transform e*pe#tations of a partner so that they #onform more #losely to a realisti#
appre#iation, rather than providing fuel for later disillusionment. A wise #hoi#e of
partner is re,uired' otherwise your domesti# life #ould be#ome volatile and
traumati#' a partner who evo$es your higher nature and ,ualities is probably more
ideal than one who )ust stimulates your passionate and vigorous nature. Finding a
suitable #ompanion, who is strong enough not to allow you to dominate, would
probably help in modifying your attitude towards life. A danger #an lie in a tenden#y
to ma$e impulsive de#isions or a#tions, and then regret them later.

t may be that e*perien#e eventually influen#es you to ma$e #hanges in your style of
e*pression, and this may not o##ur until later in life, perhaps after the age of thirty
and through developing maturity. t is to be hoped that there will #ome a point when
you lessen that driving feeling of inse#urity and la#$ of worth, so that you #an
re#ognise your real value and potential. 5n#e that self%imposed pressure to #hallenge
and #ompete has diminished, and a#$nowledgement of your performan#e has been
a#hieved, then new life dire#tions may open. "hen this o##urs ta$e the opportunity
to dismantle your #ombative attitudes, by broadening your world view beyond those
limiting tenden#ies of yours to per#ieve life in star$ bla#$%and%white distin#tions. This
#ould develop to in#lude involvements with so#ial #auses and pressure groups, where
your partisan approa#h and abundant energies #ould be put to positive use, providing
that you #an maintain a balan#ed perspe#tive on your beliefs and attitudes, and do
not attempt a for#eful proselytising or fanati#al e*pression.
Natal Sun quincun2 0ars

(9obert 6elletier)

The in#on)un#t from the 1un to +ars indi#ates that there is an element of strain in
everything you try to do. 7ou are enthusiasti#, energeti#, and eager to demonstrate
your s$ills, but you seem to offer your servi#es to the wrong people. &isappointment
is li$ely when you find out that your efforts are unappre#iated. 7ou seem to be on the
prowl for problems to #ontaminate your life, and you don!t la#$ for them. 7ou want to
win the approval of everybody you meet and be remembered for all the favors you
have done for them. Although you are more than #ompetent by anyone!s standards,
you are not personally sure of it. The only way you #an be #onvin#ed is by enduring
the abuses of those who are less #ompetent. 7ou spe#ialize in using all your physi#al
resour#es well, so that you #an be regarded as someone of obvious worth. "hen
people bargain for your s$ills and are willing to pay for your e*pert abilities, you are
finally #onvin#ed of your worth. Then you #an afford to be sele#tive.

7our talents #an be applied in many diverse fields. 7ou #ould be a diagnosti#ian,
medi#al resear#her, industrial resear#her, or physi#al therapist, or have a trade, su#h
as a #arpenter, mason, or plumber. 7ou would be well paid for your wor$, be#ause
you would do it as though it were for yourself. 7ou don!t put your name on any
produ#t that doesn!t meet with your full approval. Although you may not gain the
re#ognition you deserve, e*#ept in your immediate environment, it doesn!t matter to
you be#ause you are more interested in doing a good )ob.

7ou have to be on the loo$out for people who will e*ploit you and try to #ash in on
your ideas. 7ou are vulnerable to su#h people be#ause you are so generous in
displaying your talents. 5n the other hand, be mindful of your tenden#y to use
people!s ignoran#e as a devi#e for selling serives to them that they may not need.

7ou underestimate your ability to win the affe#tion of the person you are attra#ted to.
Anyone who is realisti# would $now that you don!t #arelessly or insin#erely toss your
feelings toward someone. 7ou are more than dependable and #an fully )ustify
yourself, even to the most demanding #riti#.

(/aren (ama$er%Bondag)

The in#on)un#t between the 1un and +ars enters the un#ons#ious realm more deeply
than the other aspe#ts do' therefore it is more aw$ward to handle. As with the s,uare
and the opposition, the #ons#ious attitude is out of phase with a#tual performan#e,
but in the #ase of the in#on)un#t the natives have little awareness of the fa#t. nitially,
they don!t $now the #ause for the inner unrest and aggression or for the tension they
pro)e#t. (owever, they #an be#ome e*tremely irritated and may fly into a rage
without a good reason.

As with all 1un < +ars aspe#ts, these people have #onsiderable will power and a
desire to please themselves. (owever, the snag with this aspe#t is that it is often
hard do tell what they really do want be#ause nothing they underta$e gives rest or
satisfa#tion. :either are they aware of how mu#h they try to ram their opinions down
other people!s throats until others be#ome resentful.

Be#ause the nature of the aspe#t ma$es it so hard to #omprehend or #ome to terms
with the intera#tion of the planets, there is a #han#e that people with the aspe#t shall
be#ome overe*#ited internally. This #an affe#t the health, and the fa#t that the aspe#t
is between the 1un and +ars adds the ris$ of a##idents. A good safety valve for this
#onfli#t (as for other 1un < +ars #onfli#ts) are sports that use up plenty of physi#al
energy, but anything that helps let off steam is good.

(Betty Lundsted)

The ,uin#un* represents a strain, and wherever it appears there is a #onfli#t between
two approa#hes to life. The 1un is the essential spirit' +ars represents ! a#t!. "hen
the ! am! prin#iple is in a strain aspe#t with the a#tion prin#iple, the person
e*perien#es a #onstant feeling of unspo$en apprehension or inse#urity. The ,uin#un*
of +ars to the 1un serves as a stymie. The strains in behavior have to be wor$ed
through, with the understanding that a#tion must ta$e pla#e in respe#t to the 1un, or
a feeling of isolation, loneliness and la#$ of purpose will eventually ta$e pla#e.
Natal Sun con/unct 3upiter

(9obert 6elletier)

The #on)un#tion of the 1un and 4upiter indi#ates that you almost never a#t in
moderation. n everything you do you show boundless enthusiasm, and you never
really believe you will fail. Be#ause of this faith in your ability to do anything you set
your mind on, you may overestimate your #apabilities and suffer disappointment on
o##asion. But even then, you #an pi#$ up the pie#es and start in on another venture.
f you learn to plan your a#tions more #arefully, your su##esses would be more
#onsistent. La#$ing the ability to effi#iently manage your talents, you tend to wander
aimlessly from endeavor to endeavor, trusting that everything will eventually wor$
out satisfa#torily. "hile you don!t ne#essarily rely on it, lu#$ seems to attend you
when you need it most.

Although you want re#ognition for your efforts, you are not driven by ambition. For
you it is more important to live a full life, ri#h in e*perien#es and with abundant
possibilities for using all your potentials. 7ou are generous to a fault, and no one who
brings you a tale of woe will go away empty%handed. This is one of the many reasons
why you have some diffi#ulty saving money. .ven when thrift is essential, you are

7our o##upational interests are varied, byt you are generally in#lined toward a
profession, su#h as medi#ine, law, edu#ation, philosophy, philanthropi# endeavors,
travel, or any other field that offers opportunities for growth. 7ou ,ui#$ly tire of
routine )obs that have few #han#es for progress and development or )obs that don!t
use your imagination. 7ou wor$ best when you are permitted to use your #reativity
and wor$ to the full measure of your enthusiasm. 7ou are well informed on many
sub)e#ts and always eager to learn more.

7ou tend to be liberal in your religious views and somewhat indifferent to religious
organizations, a matter that you feel rather apologeti# about. An avid reader, you feel
you must develop your own philosophy to guide you in life. 7ou have high hopes for
the future and never allow yourself to get into a rut that limits your progess. 1ubtle
spiritual urgings tell you that everything that o##urs in the outer world has a purpose
in the inner world of #ons#iousness. 7ou have enormous faith, although it does not
follow any stru#tured ideology, and it sustains you be enabling you to fulfill your
destined role.

7our emotional #onta#ts are primarily with individuals who share your enthusiasm
about lie, who are eager to share their e*perien#es with you and are not e*#lusively
preo##upied with material #on#erns. 7ou appre#iate the san#tity of all life %
vegetable, animal, and human % and you are warmly disposed toward anyone with a
similar feeling. 7ou are an emotional glutton, and may have some diffi#ulty finding a
partner who will satisfy your physi#al, emotional and spiritual needs in a totally
satisfying relationship.

7our physi#al problems #ome about through la#$ of moderation. &oing too mu#h for
prolonged periods of time without suffi#ient rest #an easily produ#e physi#al
weariness' also, your blood pressure #ould be#ome troublesome. 0ultivate healthful
living habits.

((aydn 6aul)

7ou will be naturally optimisti#, enthusiasti# and eager to e*plore the potential of life,
loo$ing to e*ploit your solar power and 4upiterian e*pansive tenden#y to enable you
to taste life as deeply as possible. An image that fits this aspe#t is that of the see$er,
be#lieving that you are following a se#ret path towards a future destiny, rea#ting
against and resisting any restri#tive limitations that may o##ur as obsta#les to your

This #an, however, be an ambivalent tenden#y. 7ou may be #orre#t in your intuition,
dis#erning the signposts of your path' yet e,ually, this #ould be#ome a path of
evasion if you believe that it offers a )ustifi#ation for self%#entred #hoi#es, or if you
assert personal fredom to the point where you wander through life with no sense of a
#lear dire#tion.

5ne of your main assets is an innate self%#onfiden#e whi#h generates a powerful faith
in your ability to attain aims su##essfully. Through positive thin$ing you #an attra#t
!good fortune! into your life, naturally e*pe#ting that all will wor$ to your benefit.
3sually, your positive attitudes will prove effe#tive, yet there will be o##asions when
over%optimisti# tenden#ies may stret#h your a#tual #apabilities too far, and you
e*perien#e temporary setba#$s to your plans. But even then, due to openness to new
opportunities and dire#tions, you!ll su##eed in dis#overing new roads to travel.

7ou may need to ma$e more effi#ient use of your personal talents and resour#es,
perhaps through greater self%dis#ipline and fo#using on your intentions. Forethought
and planning may be s$ills whi#h re,uire additional development, and whi#h #an help
to ma*imise future su##ess. 7ou will want to use your full potential, and sear#hing for
ways to do this may ma$e you restless and unable to settle for very long. t is the
e*pansionary ,uality of 4upiter that #auses this agitation, and by re#ognising this
a#tivity you should ensure that routine wor$ or lifestyles do not restri#t or trap you,
or else its intended positive #ontribution to your life #ould initially result in more
disruptive effe#ts.

Areas that may attra#t your interest in#lude edu#ation, medi#ine, law, travel,
philosophy, religion, so#ial and humanitarian influen#e. 7ou loo$ for progress and
s#ope for e*pansion wherever you be#ome involved, espe#ially when your
#ontribution #an be benefi#ial for others! welfare. There is the potential of merging
your talents and interests with areas of so#ial #on#ern, so that your energy flows into
the resolution of so#ial issues, or you may be#ome a spo$esperson or representative
of group ideals and so#ial aims. "or$ involving the initial impulse for transformative
so#ial pro)e#ts may parti#ularly suit you, and offer ample s#ope for ongoing
development. Lin$ing your path with so#ial needs #ould be an appropriate a#tion and
wise #hoi#e.

7ou en)oy e*pressing personal #reativity and imagination, feeling that energy flowing
into new forms and #hannels, spar$ing off new thoughts, dire#tions and per#eptions.
&is#overing a path whi#h evo$es self%motivation is very important, enabling that
enthusiasti# energy to be released. 7ou li$e to be well%informed, and will be aware of
most #urrent so#ial trends and world news. 5ngoing learning is espe#ially en)oyed, as
it provides a sour#e for the renewal of interest in life and opens up new areas of
fas#ination and e*perien#e. t is a fullness of life that you see$, a real en)oyment of
yourself and the world, and this #an lead you to be attra#ted towards more hedonisti#
e*plorations. 7et underlying this is a need to #reate your own uni,ue per#eption,
philosophy and worldview, whi#h is a refle#tion of a spiritual need to dis#over your
own meaning and purpose of life.

7our spiritual interests do not really fit within orthodo* tea#hings and religious
organisations, and mainly derive from the sense of inner guidan#e and trust in the
benefi#ien#e of life. 7ou will adopt a position of toleran#e and freedom, espe#ially
valuing the unity of all life and the #on#ept of universal human fellowship, so #ivil%
rights issues may interest you, or e#ologi#al #on#erns.

n relationships, you prefer partners who are fundamentally in tune with your
per#eption of life, fellow enthusiasts amd positive thin$ers who appre#iate the subtler
,ualities of people and e*perien#es, rather than being preo##upied with materialisti#
matters and the a##umulation of money and so#ial power. 7ou will e*pe#t mu#h from
a partner, and #an inadvertently pla#e pressures on others to satisfy your needs,
rather than ebing e,ually aware of their own feelings and desires. +ore awareness
may be needed in intimate relationships. For e*ample you may need to #urb your
tenden#y to over%indulge in pleasurable a#tivities. 5therwise you may #reate
imbalan#es in yourself that need ad)ustment through greater health #are. 0ontaining
that restless spirit may also be ne#essary at times, and you may need to realise that if
you always fo#us on the horizon then you #an lose sight of what is around you, and so
diminish your appre#iation of what is #urrently present in your life.

(/aren (ama$er%Bondag)

T(e e*pansiveness and progressiveness of 4upiter go hand in hand with the way the
psy#he see$s to develope- a #ombination that fre,uently results in self%relian#e,
optimism and su##ess. An air of #onfiden#e usually has a stimulating effe#t on others.
(owever, people with this aspe#t need to be #areful not to thin$ too highly of
themselves- big%headedness and megalomania are the bad side of 4upiter. n
prin#iple, 1un #on)un#t 4upiter #an heal both literally (the physi#ian) and
immaterially. 6roperties su#h as )oviality, fair play and optimism #ome well to the
fore with this aspe#t, enabling these people to put fresh heart into others. Also they
are ,uite li$ely to be open%handed, magnanimous and prote#tive, but run the ris$ of
a#ting in a spirit of self%importan#e and so of e*tinguishing the spar$ of true

Thin$ing too highly of themselves #an also be e*pressed in the optimisti# laying of
grandiose plans with an inattention to detail that is bound to produ#e mista$es and
disappointments. But then, doing things with a flourish is typi#al of this aspe#t.

:atives with 4upiter in #ombination with the 1un tend to see things in broad
perspe#tive. Fuite often they have philosophi#al, pedagogi# or religious interests,
and are $een on anything that gives food for thought or widens the horizons.
Toleran#e results from a deep #onvi#tion that humanity is essentially freedom%loving'
people with a 1un < 4upiter #on)un#tion li$e to ma$e up their own minds and to
arrange their own lives.

+oderation is not 4upiter!s strongest point and, when the planet is #on)un#t the 1un,
psy#hologi#al and physi#al problems #an arise through an unwillingness to e*er#ise
restraint. These problems are seen in su#h varied a#tivities as spea$ing, eating, and
drin$ing. :evertheless, mu#h of the damage #an be repaired than$s to the native!s
:atal 1un #on)un#t 4upiter (D)

(Betty Lundsted)

These planets in aspe#t indi#ate an emphasis regarding how the individual is
programmed to relate to the self (the inner values, the personal needs). 4upiter
symbolizes how we relate to the #one#ept of self, family and the universe around us.

The #on)un#tion represents the well%born in some way. These #hildren are born at a
time when the father feels good about himself and the family is doing better than
other families in the naighborhood. f they are born in a poor neighborhood, their
family is the most su##essful around. f they are born to a professional or wealthy
family, the environment is #omfortable. But the #omfort usually e*presses itself in
finan#ial terms rather than in emotional terms' so, the #hild may be well fed, well
edu#ated and well #ared for, but the sense of happiness, or emotional #omfort, may
not be there. t brings an energy to the #hild that attra#ts money, prestige and trust
as the #hild matures. Be#ause people trust them, any venture that these individuals
underta$e will probably go well, unless there are other aspe#ts to the 1un%4upiter
that #ause a problem.

"hen the father feels good about himself, the #hild absorbs an inner sense of well%
being and brings to maturity the ability to #o%operate with authority figures. The #hild
born in a mas#uline sign will always do better than the #hild born into a feminine sign
for the .arth < "ater sign #hild gives more emphasis to the aspe#ts #oming from the
mother!s side of the family. n order to develop the influen#e from the father (the 1un
sign) the mother%blo#$s must be released. Then the energy is free to flow.

(0harles 0arter)

This #on)un#tion may be regarded as a potent benefi# influen#e, probably in a
general way se#ond to none in this respe#t. t is more ambitious and a#tive than the
trine or se*tile, but #ommonly it resembles them in the simpli#ity of its life. t has
literary, religious, s#ientifi#, and philosophi#al tenden#ies, and may also be in#line to
military and naval matters.

t has the benevolen#e of the good aspe#ts, but perhaps it is more vigorous, de#isive,
and dire#t in e*pression, and there may be a taste for inve#tive or satire if +ars is
also strong.
Natal Sun trine 1 se2tile 3upiter

1un trine 4upiter (9obert 6elletier)

The trine between the 1un and 4upiter gives you abundant #reative potential, but in
oreder to benefit from this potential you must use it. 7ou are in#lined to be paatheti#
so that you don!t ta$e advantage of your assets. Although you are intelligent,
optimisti#, responsive, arti#ulate, and well informed on many sub)e#ts, you don!t see$
#hallenges. t never seems important to assert yourself toward a spe#ifi# goal. 7ou
prefer to live outside the painful pressures that #hara#terize the !rat ra#e!. 7ou li$e to
play a #omfortable role that doesn!t #ut too deeply into your freedom and ma$es only
moderate demands. This is a lazy planetary #ombination, re,uiring the stimulus of a
strong 1aturn relationship to either your 1un or 4upiter. This would fortify you with
the #ourage and faith to ta$e on massive burdens, $nowing you have the intelle#tual
s$ill to handle them.

+any fields of endeavor are suited to your #reative talents, although there is no way
you #an be for#ed to apply them. 1uggested fields in#lude medi#ine, law, philosophy,
writing, edu#ation, theater, wor$ing with large animals (animal husbandry), or any
field in whi#h you #ould set your own level of appli#ation. This aspe#t in#lines you to
see$ less demanding o##upations, but you #ould still pursue your destiny in any of the
above fields. 7ou are not a trailblazer, be#ause you la#$ the ne#essary in#entive to
ta$e on arduous tas$s.

7ou are indulgent to yourself and similarly generous toward others. 7our air of self%
assuran#e is #omforting to those nearest you in their times of stress or diffi#ulty.
7oung people and #hildren are drawn to you be#ause you don!t e*pe#t a lot from
them and don!t #hallenge them. 7ou are doting rather than stimulating.

9elating to people is relatively easy for you be#ause you are not sele#tive in your
#ir#le of asso#iations. 1in#e you tend to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, you
are vulnerable to those who #apitalize on your good will. 7ou are espe#ially fond of
individuals who are psy#hologi#ally un#ompli#ated and live simply.

7ou are dire#t and forthright in see$ing your mate. 7our partner must be reasonably
polished, have good moral fiber, and uphold good taste in #ondu#t. A person!s level of
edu#ational a##omplishments is less important to you than the degree of good
#ommon sense and understanding.

1un trine 4upiter ((aydn 6aul)

There is the indi#ation that your life is !prote#ted and guided! and that !lu#$! #an lead
you on the path to good fortune. (owever, the #hallenge is that you must fully use
your ,ualities, talents and natural gifts as the means to a#tivate this !inner blessing!.
"hile the trine offers a re#on#iliation of these planetary energues, the result may be
an in#lination to rela* into a #omfortable lifestyle, #oasting along modestly and
reasonably, failing really to apply and e*ert yourself. ;rowth and self%development
does not ne#essarily o##ur naturally through life e*perien#e, and to some degree
re,uires a #ons#ious sear#h and deliberate effort to stimulate the pro#ess.

&o you re#ognise your assets, your potential #reativity and ,ualities or talents that
#ould be positively used2 &o you $now what you really want to do, or what your aims
and ambitions are2 Are su#h goals meaningful to you2 5r are you #ontent to pass
through life without ma$ing mu#h effort or e*ertion, failing to manifest your latent
potential2 5nly you #an answer su#h ,uestions, and ony you #an #hoose how to live
your life. 7et #onsidering some of the astrologi#al indi#ation of this aspe#ts may help
you view yourself from an alternative perspe#tive.

7ou are li$ely to be optimisti#, enthusiasti# and self%#onfident, and to hold a positive,
#onstru#tive and altruisti# attitude to life and people. 7ou #an be very generous and
supportive to others, finding so#ial #onta#ts easy to ma$e and en)oying #ompany.
7our attitude is rela*ed and easy%going, and you refuse to feel pressurised to #onform
to others! e*pe#tations. Freedom and personal indulgen#e appeal more, and apart
from #reating that #omfortable lifestyle you may evade more demanding endeavours.
7ou may fall into the #ategory of !under%a#hiever! often applied by s#hools. 7et you
also develop your own philosophy, founded by ideals, honesty, morals or religious
tea#hings whi#h underpin your life a#tions and #hoi#es.

The issue whi#h may re,uire #onfronting is that of appli#ation and use of resour#es.
7ou are intelligent and reasonably arti#ulate, but how far do you intend to a#tually
apply that intelligen#e, and in what dire#tions2 Are there ways to e*ert yourself more
that offer greater life fulfllment, but do not either #ompromise your philosophi#al
ideals or demand that you enter a #ompetitive rat%ra#e situation2 Are there
opportunities within areas that may interest you % li$e medi#ine, law, writing,
edu#ation, study, the #ommunity, #ommuni#ation % through whi#h you #ould grow,
e*panding your potential without #onstraining your freedom too mu#h2 (ow #ould
your en)oyment of study, $nowledge and inner #ontemplation be used to #reate a
#ompatible #areer2 5r #ould this be lin$ed to an ability to see future trends, perhaps
as a !future analyst! and a predi#tive so#ial #ommentator in some #apa#ity2
&is#overing alternative ways to per#eive the uses of talents, ,ualities and interests
#an be #ru#ial in forming uni,uely individual life paths, and yet often there is a la#$
of so#ial en#ouragement to learnthe means and te#hni,ues of a#hieving these. 7ou
have the responsibility to determine your own degree of ambition and effort, but loo$
first to see if an alternative path #ould open for you by a shift of per#eption and self%

7our so#ial relationships #an be ,uite varied, and your level of toleran#e is high,
preferring to open to people, a##epting them as they are, and not imposing
e*pe#tations on them to #onform to any inwardly pre#on#eived impressions. 7ou #an
en)oy the vitality and fresh minds of #hildren, and s$ills in this dire#tion #ould be
usefully applied, providing you are not see$ing to evade #hallenges and growth in
other areas. 7ou prefer simpli#ity in life, and may not be too attra#ted to people who
offer greater intelle#tual #hallenges and #omple*ity. t isn!t that you #annot #ope with
them, but it!s the effort that you may resist.

7ou will loo$ for a high%,uality partner, one who also has their own moral standards
in life and posseses a #ompatible philosophy to your own. 6ra#it#al abilities will be
prized, as will stability of personality and genuine toleran#e and understanding' your
partner will be someone with whom you #an easily rela* and en)oy life, and ideally
one who will also stimulate you rather than stultify you.

1un se*tile 4upiter ((aydn 6aul)

7ou should find that you are able to $eep fo#used on your aims and ambitions, and
lin$ing these with your innate optimism and self%#onfiden#e should ensure su##ess.
7ou may be espe#ially attra#ted towards opportunities asso#iated witht the media
and #ommuni#ation, or in the generation of ideas for s#hemes and pro)e#ts whi#h
improve the ,uality of life in so#iety.

7ou feel the need to develop a suitable personal lifestyle in whi#h there are
opportunities for freedom, growth, and #reative development, enabling you to
dominish those less en)oyable aspe#ts of life, #ons#iously repla#ing them by a#tivities
that evo$e your strengths and talents. 1ee$ing wealth may not engage your
wholehearted parti#ipation, but the abundan#e and prosperity of a suitable lifestyle
will attra#t your #reative endeavours. This #ould be through #reating a more
simplified, natural lifestyle, provided it fulfils your need for en)oyment.

7ou may find many standard forms of emplyment restri#tive, as they often prove to
be inimi#al to #reativity and the appli#ation of intelligen#e, through being repetitive
and limiting the e*ploitation of natural talents and personal ,ualities. 7ou may need
to loo$ for new employment avenues, or move into your self%dire#ted path for real
satisfa#tion and greater opportunities.

7our #ommuni#ative s$ills #ould be usefully employed, and this opens areas of
edu#ation, tea#hing, publi# relations, #onsultan#y, law, media and theatre wor$ for
possible #onsideration. As your fo#us is probably on your mental level engaged in
intelle#tual a#tivity, you #an easily manage to study and learn, and over time this
in#reases your inner storehouse of $nowledge and information, giving you a !well%
sto#$ed! mind. Applying this #an #reate opportunities for your persuasive s$ills,
#onvin#ing arguments and displays of logi#' asso#iating these with a taste for
dramati# e*pression #ould turn you into a !#hara#ter! #apable of personality
pro)e#tion through media #hannels. Eerbal arti#ula#y is a valuable s$ill to possess,
and if you feel #omfortable with this s$ill, then loo$ for suitable opportunities for

7ou feel an inner resonan#e with the problems and pain of so#ial issues, both
nationally and globally, and your temperament is naturally sympatheti# and #aring.
7ou prefer to a#t and live in ways whi#h are benefi#ial to everyone, and underlying
this is a philosophi#al or religious nature whi#h forms your own worldview. "hile you
may be dire#ted towards attaining your personal aims, you do not #hoose to a#hieve
by ta$ing advantage of others, and your tenden#y is to loo$ for the path by whi#h
#onstru#tive #o%operation #an be a#hieved to resolve diffi#ulties, rather than attempt
to manipulate for your own gains. This ,uality #ould offer paths of #onfli#t resolution,
where by applying your #reative thin$ing abilities you #an bring about the healing
of differen#es through mutual #onta#t and ad)ustments.

ntegrity and ethi#al issues may be#ome important, and you will #arefully #hoose
your intimate partners and friends a##ording to #ertain guidelines and methods of
evaluation. A#,uaintan#es will be many, but the sele#t #ir#le will be more e*#lusively
#hosen, and will be #omposed of similarly #onfident and self%a#tualising individuals.
&oors open for you, and you may feel that your life is guided and prote#ted by an
invisible guardian angel, helping you to ta$e the opportunities that enter your life.
Travel may be#ome important too, or #onta#t with other nationalities, as you open to
the ri#hness of the world and its varying rainbow #olours of different #ultures.
6eriods of #ontemplation and temporary withdrawal from the whirl of life may be
worthwhile, as they enable you to gain a renewed perspe#tive and re#harge those
inner batteries by re#onne#ting to your deeper self, espe#ially if your lifestyle
re,uires #onsiderable #onta#t with other people or !personality pro)e#tion!.

7our basi# attitude is to put a lot of energy into living be#ause life will return that
amplified, in#reasing your appre#iation and en)oyment. 6roviding you #an #reate a
suitable lifestyle, then you will re#ognise that your life has been blessed, and that
even your earlier #hildhood had helped to sow the sees for your future benefit
Natal Sun square 1 opposition 3upiter

1un s,uare 4upiter (9obert 6elletier)

The s,uare from the 1un to 4upiter indi#ates that you are e*tremely immoderate in
your a#tions and attitudes. Learn to e*amine your priorities #arefully before you a#t,
or you will waste a lot of effort and time. 7ou tend to bite off more than you #an #hew
and then desperately try to #ope with the situation as best you #an. 7ou don!t plan
your affairs well, but you are annoyed when someone offers a suggestion, even when
you!ve as$ed for advi#e. t is pompous and arrogant to presume that you #an
a##omplish what you want without self%dis#ipline. 5nly e*perien#e will subdue this
arogan#e, and you will realize that everyone depends to some e*tent on others in the
struggle to gain signifi#an#e and re#ognition.

After you learn to a##ept reality and gain some degree of self%#ontrol, you #an assert
yourself toward any goal that you #hoose. 7ou #ould attain e*#ellen#e in edu#ation,
the media, theater, law, philosophy, or publi# relations. 7our desire to e*ploit your
#reative potentials must be a##ompanied by a full realization of the responsibilities
this entails. 7ou have to a##ept both good and bad, su##esses and failures, advan#es
and setba#$s, be#ause they are all part of the tapestry of a##omplishment. Through
the problems you en#ounter you #an ma$e your greatest development, if you are
willing to learn from your mista$es. 7ou want to su##eed so mu#h that you #an fairly
taste it, but unless you plan your moves #arefully the taste of su##ess may be

n many ways you are a wheeler%dealer and en)oy be#oming involved in manipulating
people in their human situations. 7ou are not afraid of a good fight that tests your
#ompeten#e in the open mar$et of human frailties. 7ou en)oy #hallenges, but you may
have to endure failure before you eventually su##eed. 0ommuni#ation is one of your
strongest traits, but you must be properly informed before you attempt to present
your ideas. 7ou may sometimes bend the truth to a#hieve your ob)e#tives, whi#h #an
lead to unhealthy #ompli#ations later. 7ou tend to push your lu#$ unwisely, but it is to
be hoped that you will learn greater dis#retion as you grow in e*perien#e.

7ou demand a lot from the person you love. 7ou e*pe#t devotion, approval and, if
possible, admiration for your efforts. 7ou want your mate to indulge all your
#onsiderable desires, and you e*pe#t that person to stand by you through all your
highs and lows. 7ou ma$e promises you #an!t always fulfill, although you may fully
intend to at the time you ma$e them.

1elf%indulgen#e is basi#ally the #ause of your physi#al problems. Too mu#h food,
drin$ and pleasure need to be balan#ed by moderation and suffi#ient rest. Avoid
doing things on impulse, be#ause this planetary #ombination in#lines you to
a##idents, espe#ially during periods of rela*ation when you may be engaged in

1un s,uare 4upiter ((aydn 6aul)

This implies #onfronting frustrations whi#h have their roots in your nature and
attitudes, and whi#h #an only be resolved through #hanges and modifi#ations within
yourself. The 4upiterian ,uality of e*pansiveness is very potent, stimulating e*#ess
e*pansion in your a#tions and attitudes, tempting you #onsistently to overrea#h your
a#tual #apabilities. 7ou may la#$ patien#e, planning abilities, self%dis#ipline and
persisten#e, and these will wor$ against your ambitions su##eeding, even though
attaining your aims may be highly motivating.

t is not that you are in#apable of su##ess, but that your approa#h sows seeds of
future failure as you pass. f this has happened in your life, then a#$nowledge it, and
realise that future progress #an be made if #ertain inner #hanges are ta$en. The first
step is to ensure that you determine your intentions and aims, and how you #an
pro#eed to a##omplishment. As your desires and dreams #an be varied and multiple,
fo#using your path may prove diffi#ult, and you may need to pursue a thorough re%
evaluation of your priorities and ma)or needs in order to gain #larity of purpose.
+oving too ,ui#$ly #an often lead to failure due to ill%#onsidered plans, so you may
need to stop and thin$ more feeply before )umping into a#tion, or pay more attention
to the advi#e of others. A #areful assessment of your #urrent #apabilities is re,uired,
so that they mat#h the level needed for your goals' wor$ing with talents tends to
e*pand latent potential, but a re,uisite level of s$ills is initially ne#essary. A more
realisti# appre#iation of time is essential, or else you will feel your frustrations rising
if su##ess does not happen ,ui#$ly. .*#essive optimism and enthusiasm may need to
be warily reined ba#$, as do restless tenden#ies for #hanges in life, whi#h #an
be#ome more disruptive than helpful unless properly understood.

The areas of life espe#ially affe#ted are the houses and signs whi#h are ruled and
o##upied by the 1un and 4upiter, and it is through those spherees that you may over%
e*pand or see$ fulfilment within. f you sin#erely wish to transform any pattern of
frustration in your life, then be#oming more realisti#, mature and self%#ontrolled will
begin to show benefits, espe#ially if you are systemati#ally dis#iplined to over#ome
obsta#les as they arise. A##epting that failure need never be permanent, or that
su##ess is never final or guaranteed, #an offer you a more balan#ed perspe#tive to
view your progress. +odifying your attitudes towards life #hallenges so that they
be#ome opportunities for development and growth, instead of perpetuating attitudes
of adversarial #onfli#t imposed by a universe intent on thwarting your dreams, will
ensure that every e*perien#e #an bring something of potential value to use as a
foundation for your eventual su##ess.

Balan#e and modertaion may need to be #ons#iously developed in your nature and
life%style, and e*travagan#e or ostentatious tenden#ies may need to be #ontrolled due
to that pattern of e*#essive #onsumption that #ould be adopted as a #ompensation for
other areas of personal failure. Learning to use your energies and time #arefully is
important, as you may waste them by futile pursuits. 3nlo#$ing latent #reative
potential may be diffi#ult, yet if you #an do so this may open several new doors of
opportunity, liberating blo#$ed inner energies and providing the $ey to future

n relationships, you may need to guard against tenden#ies to manipulate people, as
this will rarely wor$ to your ultimate advantage' there will always be some other
puppet master #apable of pulling your strings. 1imilarly, attempts to distort
information for your own aims will e,ually be turned ba#$ against you by others also
adroit at su#h ta#ti#s. Treating people honestly and dire#tly is the best approa#h, and
you should possess good #ommuni#ation s$ills whi#h #ould be applied to transform
blo#$ages and obsta#les. 7ou may find that if you rely solely on your !lu#$! your
progress will be restri#ted' but if you begin to #hange those problemati# attitude
areas and approa#hes then !lu#$! will begin to flow again in your favour.

7ou have high e*pe#tations in intimate relationships, espe#ially #entred around the
fulfilment of your needs and desires' remember that it ta$es two to ma$e partnership
and marriage, and that there is no law that asserts that your needs are paramount.
9eal love involves mutual sharing and #o%operation, ea#h helping to ma$e the other
happy, fulfilled and #apable of rea#hing his < her highest potential' it should not be a
one%way traffi#. 0o%operation and interdependen#e may need developing, through a
diminution of the insistent demands of your ego' otherwise, e*#essive self%indulgen#e
#an stimulate problems of health and #orresponding illness. +a$e sure that your
e*pe#tations and demands of a partner are e,ual to your own #ontribution, and to the
degree of #ommitment and effort that you are applying to ma$e the relationship

0hanges #an be made to improve the ,uality and fulfilment in your life' but only if
you are willing to start the pro#ess and then persist towards !#ompletion!. Thie may
not always be easy to do, but all positive steps that you ta$e will bring benefits into
your life, and the option to ta$e that path is yours to #hoose.

1un opposition 4upiter (9obert 6elletier)

The sun opposition 4upiter shows that you are energeti#, enthusiasti#, and well%
informed in using your #reative talents. 7ou $now how to put your best foot forward
in a#hieving your ambitions, but you ta$e great #han#es when you should plan
#arefully. 7ou assume that people will ma$e way for you as you #limb to your goals'
when they #hallenge you instead, you #an!t help but be disappointed. 7ou ma$e
glowing promises, but you are irresponsible and negligent about $eeping them. 7our
asso#iates #all you a fair%weather friend who #an!t be found when the going gets

7ou $now how to turn on the #harm to gain the approval of those you deal with in
your daily affairs. t may be, however, that you are not totally honest with yourself
and others, for you bend the truth to gain your ob)e#tives. 7ou are in#lined to ma$e a
grand display, playing the su##essful role, but in fa#t you are #onstantly fearful of the
#ompetition that may one day topple you from your throne. 7ou need to be#ome
totally aware of reality in your striving so that you only ta$e on e*a#tly what you #an
#ope with. 1top playing the #onfiden#e game with those around you. They $now you
better than to fall for it. 7ou #annot afford to lose pre#ious allies for the momentary
pleasure of vi#tory.

7ou are enormously talented and #reative. These ,ualities should be dire#ted to su#h
fields as edu#ation, the media, business managements, travel, or publi# relations. 7ou
must have self%#ontrol in order to obtain the best results in any of these endeavors, as
well as a willingness to a##ept the full responsibility of your position. 7ou must $now
your limits and delegate others to perform the tas$s that go beyond those limits. 7ou
are ambitious for re#ognition, but as you #limb to the heights of a#hievement you
should see$ #ounsel. Try not to lose #onta#t with those who may have made your
su##ess possible % they will support you if you remember them for their efforts.

n your romanti# #onta#ts you are demanding and e*pe#t to be given )ust about
everything you as$ for. La#$ing #ontinuity of feelings, you may indulge yourself for a
long time before ta$ing a partner. .ven then, you will grant yourself privileges that
you won!t allow your partner. 7ou need to be #onstantly on the move, and you en)oy
travelling. :ew pla#es mean new people and new distra#tions. 7ou must be dis#reet
at all times, or through une*pe#ted developments you ris$ losing everything you have
gained. t is hard for you to believe that su#h things #ould happen to you.

1low down, for you have a lifetime to live. 6ay attention to your diet and don!t
overindulge in food or drin$. 6lan to ta$e va#ations from your daily routine as often
as possible to restore yourself to the vigorous health ne#essary to sustain you in your
Natal Sun quincun2 3upiter

(9obert 6elletier)

The sun in#on)un#t 4upiter indi#ates that you la#$ the self%assuran#e to be #ompletely
independent. As a result, you strive to show people how #ompetent you are by trying
to do things for them. Through their praise you hope you will gain the self%#onfiden#e
you need. 7ou overrea#t to anything that hints of #riti#ism and offer your servi#es in
hopes of reversing the negative opinion (whi#h the person may never have had in the
first pla#e). Being unsure of your #apabilities, you underestimate them and need
physi#al proof of their e*isten#e. 7ou are a tireless wor$er, eager to be re#ognized as
an authority in whatever you do, but even more #on#erned about developing your

.du#ation is very important to you, and a wor$%study program would be an e*#ellent
idea. 7ou will have to apply yourself with great determination to a#,uire the
e*pertise you desire, but you do have the ne#essary ingredients with whi#h to build
and be#ome a spe#iallist. 7ou #an apply your efforts in su#h endeavors as edu#ation,
#raftwor$, physi#al therapy, veterinary medi#ine, or any other o##upation in whi#h
su##ess means performing an important servi#e. 7ou must always be #areful in your
relationships with #o%wor$ers, however' you are in#lined to ta$e on others! duties and
responsibilities at the slightest suggestion that you should. Be wary of opportunists
who may try to use your ideas for their personal gain. Be #autious about sharing
#onfiden#es unless you $now you #an do so safely.

7ou probably feel that your talents are not ade,uately rewarded, and you #an suffere
mu#h dison#tent be#ause you are not appre#iated. n general, you are worth more
than you are being paid, if only be#ause of the effort you bring to your )ob. 1ee$
advi#e in order to set a proper value of your s$ills, obtain a suitable #ontra#t, and
demand that it be observed. This is the only way you #an prote#t yourself.

7our emotional relationships are not easily fulfilled be#ause you don!t feel you
deserve su#h a reward. 7ou assume that you don!t measure up to your lover!s
e*pe#tations, but of #ourse you do. 7ou always offer more than ne#essary in a mutual
relationship, and you probably get less out of it than you deserve.

+oderation in everything you do is advised. 7ou are in#lined to worry that you are
not doing your best or not doing enough, whi#h #an #ause digestive problems and
mu#h dis#omfort. &riving yourself beyond sane levels invites physi#al e*haustion.
Li,uor is espe#ially troublesome for you, but if you must drin$ never do so on an
empty stoma#h. Liver #omplaints are rather #ommon with this planetary #ombination.
;et a full measure of daily rest % you!ll live longer and better if you do.

(/aren (ama$er%Bondag)

The more trying fa#ets of the 1un < 4upiter asso#iation emerge in the in#on)un#t.
Although with this aspe#t we #an radiate optimism and self%#onfiden#e, we are not
parti#ularly aware and may a#tually feel very inse#ure. "e are in#lined to push
ourselves forward or prove ourselves, without seeing what we are doing. This
un#ertainty #an result in subliminal feelings of self%importan#e or in a need to mean
something to others. "hether deep down we are see$ing re#ognition or only
reassuran#e, there is a danger that we may attempt too mu#h. The #onse,uen#e #an
be overwor$, be#ause we a##ept too many responsibilities, or be#ause we do not
delegate properly. Also, we may land ourselves in trouble through promising more
than we are able to perform.

"ith this aspe#t, there is a possibility that we shall have unfair advantage ta$en of us
be#ause we are willing to be at the be#$ and #all of others or be#ause we fall for
flattery. .a#h 1un < 4upiter aspe#t has a tenden#y toward self%glorifi#ation' the
in#on)un#t is the least able to handle it.

3nder this ,uin#un* of the 1un and 4upiter, matters often get out of hand due to a
la#$ of estimating and planning ability' therefore #are is needed. "e #an
unintentionally overdo things, and are sometimes arrogant, but usually possess a
#heerfulness that helps us to re#over from any setba#$s. 5n#e we #ome to terms with
this aspe#t, we #an use it to fine advantage and should do well in fields represented
by 4upiter % law, philosophy, religion, et#..

(Betty Lundsted)

This aspe#t #reates a strain. 4upiter indi#ates how we relate to the world, and the 1un
represents what we are. The strain usually e*ists be#ause our relationship abilities
#onfli#t in some way with our inner needs. The ,ualities of the two signs #onfli#t and
the owner will feel dis#omfort.

;enerally spea$ing, 4upiter%1un affli#tions represent a #ertain barrier to personal
growth. f we #an!t relate to who we are, how are we really share ourselves in a
relationship2 n the spiritual sense, 4upiter and 1aturn are the planets that get us
from this plane to the others, for they are the ,ualities that permit #ons#iousness to
e*pand. 9eferring ba#$ to the an#ient houses, 4upiter and 1aturn rule the ninth,
tenth, eleventh and twelfth houses. These are the areas that represent #ons#iousness
e*pansion. f 4upiter or 1aturn affli#tions e*ist in the #hart, they should be the first
planets to be understood.

Natal Sun con/unct Saturn

(9obert 6elletier)

The #on)un#tion of your 1un and 1aturn shows that you are serious and perhaps
profoundly moved by everything that gains your attention. .very e*perien#e tea#hes
you a lesson. 7ou are more #apable of handling responsibility than most people, but
you may resent it if others always e*pe#t you to be the one to ta$e the burden. 7ou
may feel that your struggle to gain mastery over material #ir#umstan#es seems more
harsh than what others must fa#e.

7ou matured rather early and probably were dis#iplined more stri#tly than other
#hildren. 7ou may have en#ountered restri#tion from either or both parents in your
formative years. :o%one ever gave you anything, and now you don!t e*pe#t anyone to,
in your driving ambition to realize your goals. Austerity is a familiar way of life to
you, whi#h probably helped you learn to stand on your own feet as you developed.
7ou have depended for su##ess on your ability to effe#tively mobilize your personal

7ou don!t generally e*press your opinion unless there is a reason for doing so.
Although you are not ,ui#$ to assert your will, when you do you e*pe#t others to
listn. 7ou don!t indulge in idle #onversation, and you don!t put up with it from others,
unless they have something worthwhile to dis#uss.

7ou must be #areful not to feel sorry for yourself if a#hieving your goals seems to be
a laborious and painful pro#ess. 1elf%denial is easier for you, sin#e it is #onsistent
with your early training. 5n#e you realize your ob)e#tives, they will be permanently
se#ure be#ause you have made su#h a tremendous investment in them. 7ou will
tena#iously hold on to the benefits brought by rea#hing your goals. t is not easy for
you to be generous' you!ve wor$ed too hard to get what you want, and you #an!t
forget the lean years.

7our su##ess results from your abuility to effi#iently #onsolidate your resour#es in
order to e*ploit them to full advantage. +any fields need talent su#h as yours,
in#luding industrial management, tea#hing, politi#s, s#ien#e and resear#h,
mathemati#s, and law. .a#h is a very demanding o##upation' the only ones who
survive are those who #an dis#ipline themselves and who are not afraid of

7ou will #hoose a partner who has self%respe#t, for you #onsider this an important
,uality. 7our mate must be willing to share your determination to rise above past or
present #ir#umstan#es. (e or she must have humility and sin#erity and be able to
a##ept temporary limitations in anti#ipation of future growth and su##ess.

7our greatest peoblem is that you rea#t negatively to setba#$s and be#ome bitter.
1ome physi#al problems #an develop, su#h as digestive ailments and ul#ers, unless
you maintain an attitude of hope and high e*pe#tation for the future. Try to establish
goals that #an be realized in the near future. t is also very important that you
o##asionally get awy from familiar routines and indulge yourself a littel. "asting time
on#e in a while will allow you to return to your responsibilities with renewed vigor
and enthusiasm. &on!t get into a rut % this limits you, so that #hallenges no longer
seem e*#iting.

((aydn 6aul)

7our potential su##ess is dependent on personal ,ualities of perseveran#e, self%
dis#ipline, oragnisation and your ability to ma*imise the effe#tiveness of all your
available resour#es. Ambition is li$ely to be a powerful motivating for#e within your
personality, and, on#e your aims have been #larified, #areful planning and appli#ation
#an help you to a#hieve them. 6ersisten#e and hard wor$ may be the $eys to later
su##ess, and it is unli$ely that progress will be swift or aims realised at an early age.
As 1aturn implies limitations and barriers, it is probable that even when following
your solar path there will be obsta#les and frustrations #onfronting you, and there
may be periods when you begin to feel the inhibitions of your nature and path

7ou #an la#$ suffi#ient #onfiden#e, adopting a self%depre#ating attitude as )ustifying
any la#$ of progress. Temperamentally, you are serious and reserved, often ta#iturn
in e*pression, #ontrolled and dis#iplined and viewing life with an uneasy attitude. To
you, life demands effort and appli#ation, and nothing #omes easy or free. 1o you
believe that to be#ome materially #omfortable you may have to deny #ertain feelings
or needs in order to #on#entrate and fo#us on your aims. 3nfortunately, through self%
denial and austere attitudes, you may repress self%e*pression, #reating inner
imbalan#es whi#h have later negative side%effe#ts. These #ould be#ome more
predominant if you enter a phase of frustrations, where disappointments generate
tensions, stresses, angry thoughts and emotional attitudes. &isorders of the digestive
system may be asso#iated with this, and you may need to in#rease rela*ation in your
life, perhaps by #ons#iously dismantling any fi*ity of lifestyle and daily habit patterns
that may be un#ons#iously ere#ted around yourself as a form of prote#tive barrier.

The house position of the #on)un#tion is a sphere of opportunity and of limitation for
you, depending on the inner #hanges that you #an #ons#iously ma$e. 1u##ess #an
result from applying your strengths, whi#h are li$ely to be in areas of organisation,
self%relian#e, dis#ipline, persisten#e and determined appli#ation. The theme of
#onsolidation and building is asso#iated with this aspe#t, where e*isting resour#es
are used in ways whi#h ta$e greater advantage of their potential, e*panding from a
se#ure foundation but not overly ris$y or spe#ulative. 0areers in management,
politi#s, law, s#ientifi# resear#h, tea#hing, lo#al government may be attra#tive,
espe#ially if you are able to use an ability to assume responsibility within your

7our earlier #hildhood development will have been influen#ed by the relationship to
your dather. Loo$ at the attitudes towards life that your parents e*pressed, and see if
these have be#ome your dominating attitudes and values too. 7ou may have re#eived
a highly ordered and stri#t parental dis#ipline, en#ouraging #onformity to parental
desires and #odes of #ondu#t' moralisti# or religious attitudes may have #onditioned
your worldview. There may have been a la#$ of parental approval or response to your
uni,ue #hildhood nature, perhaps a la#$ of emotioonal affinity (per#eived or a#tual)
whi#h made you feel more isolated and independent' #ertainly you would have
e*perien#ed an early inner maturation pro#ess. (ave you be#ome what your parents
wanted you to be2 And is this in a##ordan#e with your desires and dreams2 7ou may
need to brea$ free from these earlier psy#hologi#al programs that are still operating
in you, so that you #an move in new dire#tions or trans#end those restri#tions in life
that are a#ting as barriers to fulfilment and su##ess.

7ou have mu#h of value to share with the world, but this may need greater releasing.
For instan#e, you may feel that everyone ma$es their own destiny (and #ertainly, to
some degree this is #orre#t), but this should not stop you being generous if you have
finan#ial abundan#e in your life' you #ould help others to help themselves. There may
be a belief that there is a lesson or message within every life e*perien#e, but this
should never stop feelings of love and friendliness flowing out naturally from you to
others. A#$nowledging others in a different way may be ne#essary, so that you are
more aware of their needs and ,ualities, and this #an divert you from your self%
preo##upations. 0ertainly you will re,uire a #ompatible intimate partner who
re#ognises your need for a#hievement, and who is willing to support your
endeavours' but e,ually, you should not forget that your partner also has their own
life path to follow, and you should not forget their needs either. +utual aid is the
ideal approa#h. Loosen the #hains of your self%imposed limitations, and you may be
surprised by how your life #an favourably #hange.
Natal Sun trine 1 se2tile Saturn

1un trine 1aturn (9obert 6elletier)

The trine between your 1un and 1aturn shows that your drive to a#hieve su##ess will
be easier than for most others be#ause you do not find it diffi#ult to a##ept
responsibility. There is no need to struggle for mastery over the #ir#umstan#es of
your life be#ause you inherently $now how to ta$e advantage of opportunities when
they arise. Almost whithout effort you #an mobilize your talents #reatively to gain
your ob)e#tives. 7ou $now you are loved, and you $now you have talent. Be#ause you
are reasonably sure of yourself, there are few impediments to your rise to su##ess.

There are a great many o##upations in whi#h you #an e*press your #reative
potentials and be#ome su##essful while ma$ing an important #ontribution.
0onservation, law, politi#s, industrial management, ar#hite#ture, mar$et spe#ulation,
land development, or par$ and re#reational management % these are )ust a few of the
fields to whi#h your talents #ould be applied. 7ou are only moderately ambitious, but
you #an #limb to important positions as long as you $now that your abilities are

7ou may not be lu#$y in the usual sense of the world, but you have a $na#$ for doing
the right thing at the right time to a#hieve the best results. 9egardless of the partner
you #hoose, you will bring mu#h stability to the relationship. 7our partner must be
sin#ere, #reative, and self%dis#iplined, and have reasonably well%defined goals. f your
partner has to wor$ hard to get anywhere, you will be the sustaining for#e, be#ause if
your attentiveness and your faith in the good out#ome of su#h a ,uest.

This planetary #ombination shows general good health, probably be#ause you #are
enough about yourself to pay attention to good healthful habits.

1un trine 1aturn ((aydn 6aul)

The trine helps to re#on#ile these two planetary energies more su##essfully, and
there is less eviden#e of any underlying 1aturnian tenden#y to restri#t and limit. The
positive ,ualities and abilities of 1un%1aturn #onta#ts are present' responsibility, self%
dis#ipline, pra#ti#ality, patien#e, organisation, reliability, #on#entration,
determination, persisten#e and honesty. These #an all be used to further your
ambitions, although you may need to be wary of innate 1aturn tenden#ies towards
#aution whi#h may prevent you ta$ing advantage of all opportunities.

&etermining your solar purpose and tapping into that power will be most importnat
in applying these energies and ,ualities, and gaining insight into your life dire#tion
may be a ne#essary first step to a#hieve before this trine #an be used positively. As
you #an move through life smoothly without fa#ing obstru#tive #hallenges, you may
not always feel the need to draw upon your full potential. 7ou are attra#ted towards
having a !#omfortable life!, and with your self%#onfiden#e and #reativity e*pe#t that
this will naturally #ome to pass.

7ou should be able to use peronal ,ualities and resour#es effe#tively, espe#ially to
produ#e an intended pra#ti#al result, and you probably have a sense of appropriate
timing whi#h ensures that your a#tions are su##essful. This #an be used in a variety
of employments and #areers, espe#ially management, law, politi#s, #onservation,
finan#ial servi#es and organisational posts. 7ou will en)oy assuming any positions of
responsibility, but you may e*perien#e inner resistan#es in any environment that is
undergoing rapid #hange due to so#ial or te#hnologi#al progress, as this #an #lash
with your innate #onservatism and preferan#e for the familiar.

7our lifestyle is li$ely to refle#t mainstreadm so#ial attitudes, and you will try to
develop it in a moderate and balan#ed manner, loo$ing to #reate solid foundations
and finan#ial se#urity. 7ou prefer life to feel stable and almost predi#table, and will
ta$e ea#h step onwards with a patient attitude, usually re)e#ting any #han#es that
may lead to speedier progress yet whi#h also may lead to failure. A personal
philosophy and value system will be established, and on#e you feel #omfortable with
your uni,ue worlldview you may evade situations whi#h offer valid alternatives to
your #hosen perspe#tive. n this #onte*t, the 1aturninan rigidity may a#t as a
limitation, but as your #onformity is grounded within established so#ial values, this
should not wor$ against you in a#hieving your ambitions.

0hoosing a right partner is important, as he < she needs to be similar in nature to
yourself, either wholeheartedly supporting your ais, or alternatively pursuing his <
her own ambitions. 0areer and so#ial involvement is the probable sphere of mutual
endeavour, and personal honesty and integrity are ,ualities that are e*pe#ted, as is
stability and responsibility in your partnership. Balan#e and moderation are two
$eynotes that will apply a#ross your whole nature and lifestyle, and this will be
refle#ted in your good health and sense of well%being. Feeling respe#ted and loved by
others, and a#$nowledging your own talents, will amplify your self%worth so that you
#an move #onfidently onwards on your solar path.

1un se*tile 1aturn (9obert 6elletier)

The se*tile from the 1un to 1aturn indi#ates that you have great depth of
understanding and the #apa#ioty to help others understand what you have learned.
7ou are modest in assessing your self%worth and are aware of your limitations, but
you also $now how to ma$e the most of your potentials. 7ou have a respe#t for
authority and #ompeten#e. bBe#ause you rarely voi#e your opinion unless as$ed, your
views are #onsidered authoriotative and sin#ere. 3sually you prefer to remain in the
ba#$ground and let others with greater needs gain the attention. 7ou don!t need
anyone!s approval for your a#tions be#ause you generally observe the rules of good

Although you have a driving ambition to su##eed, you methodi#ally plan ea#h step
toward your goals, ,uietly and without fanfare. 7ou have a distin#t rapport with your
professional superiors be#ause you #arefully avoid threatening them with your
ambition. 7ou always e*tra#t important lessons from your e*perien#es.

7ou are suited for su#h o##upations as tea#hing, resear#h and devlopment, industrial
management, politi#s, or law. n any of these professions you would very probably
rise to a management position. 7ou ta$e your wor$ seriously and always strive to
maintain your position by staying abreast of new developments in your field. t would
be diffi#ult for anyone to remove you from your position, be#ause you have gained it
by demonstrating #ompeten#e, effi#ien#y, integrity, and sin#erity. n other words,
you!ve earned everything you!ve gained.

7ou relate well to anyone who upholds the virtues mentioned above. 7our mate
probably shares your high regard for tradition and orderliness. Together you plan for
a future made se#ure by your efforts.

1un se*tile 1aturn ((aydn 6aul)

This indi#ates that you will have a #onservative attitude to life, preferring order and
dis#ipline lin$ed to tra#itional values and so#ial life paths. 7ou will naturally follow a
mainstread #ourse through life, whi#h also offers established routes towards
a#hieving !su##ess!.

The se*tile is espe#ially effe#tive within your mental nature, helping you to deepen
your understanding and e*tend your #ommuni#ative s$ills. 7our thought provesses
are li$ely to have a natural logi#, organisation, #larity and per#eption that #an be
e*ploited through several #areers. +ental pre#ision is valued in management roles,
s#ientifi# resear#h, law, politi#s, tea#hing, business, and this ba#$ed by leadership
ability and pra#ti#al, methodi#al abilities should enable you to attain your ambitions.

"or$ #an be#ome e*tremely important, offering a purpose and life dire#tion, as well
as being the sphere where many of your ma)or personal assets are applied. "hile
su##ess highly motivates you, there may be a distastes for assuming a !high profile!
that draws personal attention, as you prefer to remain ,uietly wor$ing in the
ba#$ground. 7ou #an feel un#omfortable at personality e*troversion, and in some
situations this #an wor$ to your detriment, and you are overloo$ed or misvalued.
5pportunities #ould be lost and progress halted. f this does o##ur, then you are
fa#ed with two alternatives. 7ou either adopt a higher personality profile, or #onsider
different routes to your ambitions, perhaps a #hange of )ob or #areer. &oors never
#lose for ever, unless you refuse to open them' there are always alternatives and
different options available to those who refuse to limit themselves.

7ou may find your life path in the sphere of #ommuni#ation and tea#hing, mainly
through your ability to e*plain and e*press your $nowledge in an a##essible and
meaningful way. 7ou realise the essenti#als of a sub)e#t and ensure that these are
grasped, so that a good foundation of $nowledge is transmitted. 1o#ial #on#erns may
be#ome more predominant in your life as you grow older, and politi#al issues may
attra#t your attention. 7ou may be#ome involved with #ommunity or so#ial a#tivities,
or loo$ for power and responsibility lin$ed to politi#al ambitions. "hile you favour
traditional attitudes and values, you also a#$nowledge the need for development and
progress, so you try to a#t as a !bridge! between the past%present%future, #arefully
retaining the value of the past with an awareness of what is re,uired tomorrow.

n so#ial and intimate relationships, you prefer the #ompany of li$e%minded
individuals, those who have a similar or #ompatible per#eption, and whose attitudes
do not openly #hallenge or disturb your impli#it assumptions about life and yourself.
&omesti#ally, you will follow established so#ial lifestyles, rarely #onsidering any
radi#al deviations or #hoosing to step outside #onventional patterns. "hile you are
aware of your own limits % but less so of those self%imposed ones % you may not always
ta$e advantage of your whole potential, and #an #reate subtle demar#ation lines of
personal restri#tions formed by your un#ons#ious attitudes. 6erhaps a greater
toleran#e of those who feel less need to #onform may open you more to the potential
and possibilities of life' not everyone has to follow the same road, and there are more
ways open for you than have been #ons#iously realised.
Natal Sun square 1 opposition Saturn
1un s,uare 1aturn ((aydn 6aul)

The s,uare indi#ates that restri#tions and limitations derived from your own inner
psy#holgo#ial attitudes, values, beliefs and image are li$ely to #onfront you, and that
these often emerge from a la#$ of self%esteem and personal inse#urities.

The power of your solar energy is being held in #he#$ % almost imprisoned % by
1aturn, until you su##eed in !learning #ertain lessons!, !re#ognising inner messages!,
and manage to transform those #onstraining attitudes that #an #ause the failure of
your dreams through attra#ting obsta#les along the path.

6art of this may have been influen#ed by your early #hildhood environment, where
#onfli#ts with parents (espe#ially your father) or with authority figures have left you
feeling defeated and psy#hologi#ally wounded. 6ossibly attempts at being #hildishly
self%assertive were unsympatheti#ally #rushed and re)e#ted by stri#t and
dis#iplinarian adults, or your efforts at self%e*pression and #ommuni#ation of feelings
were dismissed and ignored. "hatever #ir#umstan#es were e*perien#ed, the result
was a diminution of a developing personality and loss of #onfiden#e and self%esteem.

7ou are li$ely to hold psy#hologi#ally defensive attitudes towards life, not able to
trust in the benefi#ien#e of the universe or people around you, often e*pe#ting that
re)e#tion and failure will be the only results that will #ome to you. "ith su#h
e*pe#tations, the mirroring by the universe will bring su#h results. A transformation
in your worldview is re,uired to alter this pattern.

The operative effe#ts of su#h a pattern are as follows- a fear of !superiors! and
authority figures, and the forming of negative #omparisons between yourself and
others' an underestimation of or failure to re#ognise your latent potential, ,ualities
and strengths' a la#$ of personal assertion, and a tenden#y to be passive, fatalisti#,
pessimisti#, rigid and inse#ure' a la#$ of self%#onfiden#e, and a belief that you are
unlovable and will never taste su##ess' health may be affe#ted, with a loss of physi#al
vitality and vigour, or psy#hosomati# ailments may periodi#ally erupt. Loo$ing out at
life, you may imagine a #onstant frustration at your efforts, a life of hard toil for little
result, and a s#attering around you of unrealised dreams.

But if this is the #ase, then it is within you to transform the inner attitudees that
generate su#h a reality' your life #an always be #hanged for the better. This is the
#hallenge and test fa#ing you, to rise beyond those apparent inner limitations and
restri#tions that to some degree you are #hoosing to impose on yourself. 1pe#ifi#
areas of oppression may be those asso#iated with the sign and house positions of 1un
and 1aturn, and resolving the lessons implied in those spheres may hold a $ey to
open the rest of your life to a more favourable future.

n failure and re)e#tion lie the seeds of possible su##ess, providing that you re#ognise
the lessons and messages that are #ontained within su#h e*perien#es. A new
approa#h to self%evaluation is re,uired, one that is not depre#iating and negative in
prior assumption, but values your strengths and ,ualities and sese them as assets
that #an be su##essfully employed. 7ou may need to review all those traditional
attitudes and worldviews that you have a#,uired in life, and see if they are restri#tive
or #an postitively serve you. "hen life presents obsta#les in your path, you have two
fundamental #hoi#es' defeat or dis#over a way of moving beyond. The first is a path
of self%limitation and stagnation, the se#ond is the path of self%development and
evolutionary growth, and that is the assertion of the solar power and of a higher self.
This se#ond path is the one that be#$ons to you.

"hile su##ess may never be easy, and you have to wor$ hard for every step forward,
#hanging your #onditioning attitudes is the transformative $ey. 7our #hara#ter #an be
strengthened and amplified by attitudes of optimism and positive #heerfulness' begin
to trust in the universe and yourself, and you will su##eed in restoring your self%
image to a positive per#eption. The aim is to re%empower yourself. 5ne of the most
effe#tive ways to do this is through te#hni,ues of #reative visualisation, whi#h #an aid
in the psy#hologi#al reprogramming of all inner attitudes, repla#ing them by beliefs
and worldviews that be#ome positively attra#tive to the good e*perien#e of life. Ta$e
the time to e*plore su#h te#hni,ues.

9elationships #ould be similarly transformed. f you have been holding a negative
self%image, it is always diffi#ult to believe that anyone #ould love or be interested in
you, so relationships may have been unsatisfa#tory, uneasy and la#$ing development.
f you trnasform any unsuitable self%images, then relationships #an assume a new
light and vitality. 6artners may appear who understand and value you for what you
are, and have a faith and trust in your latent potential being a#tualised. Love is a
great transforming power, and you will develop under su#h a gaze from another.
Through #onsolidating and re#ognising your power, your solar will #an be applied to
attain your ambitions. Through sharing with a partner, you #an gain a renewed
perspe#tive, healing and resolving #onfli#ts whi#h may have been previously
detrimental. This s,uares! tenden#y for negativity is not inviolable' it #an be the spur
to #hange, provided you #hoose to ta$e the future into your hands, and to re#reate it
into a positive pattern. This is the 1aturn lesson and test that is really #onfronting
you' a demand to assert your uni,ue solar power.

1un opposition 1aturn ((aydn 6aul)

The opposition refle#ts an inner #onfli#t e*ternalised into the outer environment of
relationships. The issue of self%esteem and worth is highlighted, and you may
e*perien#e a degree of hidden inse#urity and fears of full involvement in life.

7ou may feel that your su##ess is being frustrated by the world, whi#h appears to
#onfront you by obsta#les on your way. +u#h depends on your rea#tions to su#h
e*perien#es, and your inner attitudes will determine how you deal with them. At
times, you #an seem almost over%assertive or aggressive, and this #an diminish
opportunities for #o%operative endeavours to develop, espe#ially when you fail to
noti#e your effe#t on others, or inadvertently ignore their feelings and sensitivities.
5ften this is )ust an overrea#tion to your fears in relating to people, and instead of
rela*ing more, you tend to pro)e#t through your tightness an overdominant energy
that others #an find un#omfortable. Alternatively, you #ould retreat ba#$ into a
surrendered posture of passivity to life!s #hallenges, defeated before you start.
0ertainly learning how to live with any restri#tions imposed by 1aturn may be a
ne#essary form of ad)ustment, although this should not imply a resignation to them,
but merely a #ons#ious modifi#ation to #ir#umstan#es and a #onse,uent step to
trans#end them later. The #hoi#e is yours to reshape your lifestyle patterns into a
way that is more suitable and open to development.

1elf%e*pression and #reativity may feel restri#ted, although this is often dependent on
your #onfiden#e in your abilities and self%image, rather than on any la#$ of talents
and ,ualities. Being able to per#eive yourself in a positive light may be#ome a $ey to
your su##ess, be#ause that would also alter your relationships with others. There may
be an emotional reserve and la#$ of warmth in your so#ial #onta#ts, so that you feel
un#omfortabnle in bridging so#ial divides and entering deeper relationships. 0o%
operation may need further development, and that air of formality and stri#tness may
have to be rela*ed so that friendships or partnerships #an be more easily formed.

The need for rela*ation is presnt in both your outer and inner relationships. 7ou may
be unable to see your nature and dire#tion #learly and this #reates an inse#urity
whi#h destabilises your self%esteem. 7ou try to prote#t this by establishing defensive
barriers from the world, and probably by denying inner inse#urities, with needs and
potential being !lo#$ed away!. 7ou may #hoose to hide behind responsibilities, your
wor$ or #areer, family or parents, and these be#ome an e*#use for restri#ting options
and failing to e*ert your power towards su##ess. 6ersonal tightness and #ontrol may
need to be relin,uished, and greater self%rela*ation would be highly benefi#ial,
espe#ially in #hanging #ertain attitudes and in#reasing your physi#al vitality whi#h
periodi#ally #an be#ome low as the energy is diverted towards restraints. Be#oming
looser, more tolerant, a#e#pting and understanding would a#t as a great liberator, or
you may begin to bow under the strain of those self%imposed restri#tions, espe#ially
as your en)oyment of life progressively diminishes.

A new inner balan#e and self%image is ne#essary. As this is a#hieved, any outer
frustrations will #orrespondingly start to dissolve in e,ual measures to the in#rease
in your self%#onfiden#e and #larified inner perspe#tive. "hile initially it may appear
as if the outer world and people are opposiing you, it is this same sour#e whi#h #an
offer great opportunities as your #hanges pro#eed. Through the interplay of your
nature and the environment, many inner #rises and tensions #an be healed and
resolved, releasing latent ,ualities, talents and potentials in their renewal of blo#$ed
energies. Loo$ espe#ially towards the houses and signs of the 1un%1aturn opposition
for areas whi#h #ould be espe#ially revitalised, or where your talents #ould be
effe#tively applied.

1imilarly, intimate relationships with partners or parents #ould be e,ually
transformed, as old patterns derived from #hildhood fri#tions with authority figures
or stri#t partents are repla#ed by more adult ones suited to your developed
personality. &is#overing a sin#ered loving partner #ould be very important, as a lover
will revivify your self%image refle#ting your ,ualities ba#$, and this #an #onvin#e you
that you are worthy of being loved. 7our inner ,uestion mar$ over this urgently needs
resolving. A partner #an also be a sour#e of advi#e and #onfiden#e, and wor$ing #o%
operatively will open many new areas of potential, prviding you rela* suffi#iently to
be open about your feelings and fears, and to a#$nowledge the emotional
vulnerability of others too. Through greater sensitivity you #an enter a different type
of so#ial relationship, as those barriers will have been dismantled, and your
#ontrolling nature redu#ed. Ta$ing su#h a step may initially feel un#omfortable and
unsettling, but doing so will transform the nature of your universe and liberate many
repressed energies, re#reating your future and enabling the following of your solar
1un s,uare 1aturn (9obert 6elletier)

Be#ause of the s,uare of the 1un to 1aturn, you have had to resolve #onfli#ts about
your self%worth during your early years and even into adulthood. 7ou are naturally
defensive and fear re)e#tion by people you thin$ of as superior. 1u##ess will not #ome
easily be#ause you underestimate your potential and don!t assert yourself when you
should. 7ou must be willing to suffer the pain of re)e#tion and the frustration of not
rea#hing your goals. From these e*perien#es you will learn, and your )udgement will
be sharpened so that you #an ma$e de#isive plans for su##ess. 7ou )ust may have to
fail in order to su##eed.

7our ,ualifi#ations show that you are suited to ma$e a#hievements in tea#hing,
philosophy, industrial management, #onservation, or any o##upation that re,uires
methodi#al appli#ation of $nowledge and e*perien#e. 7ou must e*pe#t to begin at the
bottom in your #hosen field and plan your rise to prominen#e one step at a time. 7ou
must also learn to li$e yourself so that you #an su##essfully meet #ompetition as you
#ontinue to grow.

7our present la#$ of #onfiden#e #an be#ome self%assuran#e later. And this applies to
your personal relationships as well. n your early years, you tended to assume that
others would not wel#ome your #ompany, perhaps be#ause you were not as
aggressive and #ompulsive as they were. But then you relaized that not everyone
admires people who #ome on strong and that you #ould relate to many people after
all. 7ou will undoubtedly #hoose a partner who #an a##ept you as you are. 7our mate
will re#ognize that your potential is mu#h greater than you $now and will believe in

Try to maintain a positive outloo$ on life. By tal$ing to those you admire, you!ll
dis#over that they too have apprehensions and fears, and you are not alone.

1un opposition 1aturn (9obert 6elletier)

The opposition of your 1un to 1aturn indi#ates that you are undergoing a #risis in
#ons#iousness, trying to dis#over who and what you are. 7ou see #hallenges where
they may not e*ist, and you need to be #onstantly reassured of your self%worth. 7ou
are trying to resolve your personal inse#urity so that you #an get on with the business
of ma$ing a pla#e for yourself. +ost of your lessons will be learned through personal
dealings, in whi#h many #rises will be resolved. 5thers feel as threatened by you as
you feel threatened by them. .ventually you will a#hieve a proper perspe#tive, and
your self%#onfiden#e will be restored to normal.

5n#e you have #onfiden#e in yourself, you #an go on to su##ess in su#h endeavors as
tea#hing, #ontra#ting, #onservation, law, mathemati#s, ar#hite#ture, politi#al
organization, or any fun#tion in whi#h you must e*press your talents and resour#es
effi#iently and with authority.

7our partner in life will probably be your greatest sour#e of advi#e and sound
guidan#e. &is#uss with your mate any pending de#isions. Try not to be#ome so
hardened by e*perien#e that you are unmoved by emotional #onsiderations. 7ou
should be #on#erned with the feelings of others as you assert yourself in the world.
Temper your )udgement with tenderness.

7our la#$ of self%love is your greatest deterrent to su##ess. f others won!t give you
room to e*pand, ta$e it anyway. &on!t wait for a##olades from your #ompetitors % you
may wait a long time. But be #areful that you don!t restri#t others when they try to
e*press themselves. 7ou must observe the same rules of behavior you e*pe#t others
to abide by.

As for your health, $eep your salt inta$e at a minimum, and avoid remaining
sedentary for long periods. This #an have an important effe#t on your #ir#ulation.

1un s,uare 1aturn (Betty Lundsted)

The #hild is born into an atmosphere in whi#h the father does not li$e himself. The
1un represents ! am!' it also indi#ates the type of physi#al father. 1aturn indi#ates
where repression #omes from. t also indi#ates the psy#hologi#al influen#e of the
father on the #hild. t #an also be used to indi#ate how the father!s father was % for
when 1aturn s,uares the 1un, it indi#ates that the grandfather was influential in
developing the behavior pattern of the father, who in turn influen#es the #hild.

1aturn runs in seven%year #y#les, and the Bible is full of referen#es to heredity and
the sins of the fathers being visited on the sons. This metaphor #an be interpreted as
the influen#e of a parental behavior pattern on the #hildren born into a family. "hen
this aspe#t o##urs it #an mean that the father is feeling sorry for himself when the
#hild is born, or he resents his fatherhood, his #areer, his life style, his
responsibilities, his neighborhood, et#.. The #hild born at this time will inherit or
learn &addy!s behavior pattern. The learning pro#ess is an un#ons#ious one' the
parent may not even be aware that he #an influen#e his #hild in this manner.

The life pattern that the #hild develops witll be des#ribed by the signs that the 1un
and 1aturn are in. Again, the #hild born into a positive sign may be anti%tradition,
anti%father, anti%men, anti%organization. This energy #an be used for a##omplishing
either good or bad, for world #hangers go against tradition but so do rabble%rousers.
(ow one wishes to use this energy is a personal de#ision.

"hen the #hild is mother%dominated, the 1aturn affli#tion may affe#t him <
her differently. The male #hild has to garner a sense of self%worth in a world he feels
is balan#ed against him. +others rule the universe, he thin$s' men have no value, he
doesn!t #are for his father, and eventually he may manifest symptoms of not #aring
for himself. f the #hild is a girl, this aspe#t will affe#t her relationships with men, for
she will have to wor$ through her disli$e of them. (ere is the set%up for the
homose*ual woman, or for women who marry in order to disempower men, or for
women who be#ome passive and sele#t men who destroy them, for what else do men

5ften the 1aturn s,uare 1un #hildren have a father who leaves them. This is
parti#ularly important for girls, for some of them sub#ons#iously e*pe#t any man they
love to leave them sin#e &addy did. 5ne never $nows how the energy of the early
environment affe#ts the mind' but we #an begin to understand when we listen to a
#lient!s problem and begin to tie it into the #hart. Be#ause we don!t remember our
early #hildhood impression, sometimes the only way to unearth them is by trying to
understand the language of the symbolism #ontained in astrology.

1un s,uare 1aturn people #arry with them an aura of resentment toward any
authority figure, in#luding the boss. 6eople in management disli$e people with this
aspe#t, fora lthough the employee does his )ob he often does it with an !attitude!.
These people are sometimes better off self%employed or wor$ing at the management
level, for they don!t wor$ well with others. n order to get into management, however,
one has to do some time on the obedien#e level. 5n#e a )ob is well learned, or if we
have a talent to offer, we #an advan#e our status. t!s important that these people
re#eive the training ne#essary to free them from subordinate positions.

The aspe#t also doesn!t ma$e for enthusiasm in the s#hool system, for tea#hers
represent a form of authority too. 7oung people with this aspe#t need to learn to
wor$ with the 1aturn energy long enough to turn it into a friend. 5n#e the energy is
dis#iplined, they #an be world #hangers, for they methodi#ally plod through reams of
ideas and #an de#ide whi#h ones will be most produ#tive. They have energy that
allows them to sti#$ to a #ommitment long enough to #omplete it.

5n the self%awareness level, sin#e the father negatively influen#es these #hildren on a
psy#hologi#al level, and this influen#e is rarely #ons#ious, they need to develop
feelings of self%worth. They have to #onvin#e themselves that they have a right to
invest time in themselves, to build a sense of self. "hen one has no sense of self%
worth, one even feels guilty about as$ing for help, so it!s diffi#ult to go into therapy.

These individuals may pro)e#t all their problems onto others % it!s the world!s fault
they aren!t su##essful % and they may sound rather paranoid. A relationship that
doesn!t go well is the partner!s fault' and all the ills in life happen be#ause of other
people. (owever, they aren!t able to put mu#h into a relationship until they li$e
themselves, so healthy people may leave them. 3nderstanding the attitude alleviates
the problem. Learning that we all have a right to do something to help ourselves #an
lead these individuals into the right path. "hen we are on the right path for
ourselves, we #an feel it in our guts. "e begin to feel good.
Natal Sun quincun2 Saturn

(9obert 6elletier)

The in#on)un#t from the 1un to 1aturn shows that you are somewhat #areless about
your health and that you tend to ta$e abuse from others. 7ou seem determined to
allow others to ta$e advatage of your inability to say !no! when they as$ favours of
you. 6erhaps in your early years you did more of the household tas$s than other
members of your family, be#ause you felt it was your duty. 7ou have a subtle fear of
others and the power they seem to have over you. 6sy#hologi#ally, this may be
referred to as latent maso#hism, whi#h means you are see$ing ways to be punished
for what you #onsider to be past mista$es.

n your wor$, you might a##ept an obs#ure position in whi#h there is little possibility
of promotion, and in time your )ob would be#ome boring and dull. t isn!t that you are
in#apable of rising to better positions, but you may not be aggressive enough to be
noti#ed by your superiors. 7our survival instin#t is distorted' you believe it is better
not to !ro#$ the boat! than to ta$e the #han#e that you #annot #ompete with others.
But you must realize that others #an ta$e advantage of you only if you let them.

7our striving for identity and personal signifi#an#e will be greatly hampered unless
you #an deta#h yourself from others and be#ome self%suffi#ient. Try to define a goal
that you want to a#hieve, and then lay the groundwor$ and plans to do )ust that.
Forget about what you will do beyond that. "hen the time #omes, you will establish a
new goal. f you ta$e one step at a time, su##ess will be yours. &on!t #ompare your
a#hievements with those of others % your greatest priority should be yourself.

n your eagerness to be a##epted you be#ome tense and apologeti#. 7ou must learn to
rela*, or these rea#tions #an lead to poor #ir#ulation and digestion. Be good to
yourself and let others ta$e #are of themselves % you!re worth more to yourself that

(/aren (ama$er%Bondag)

The in#on)un#t between the 1un and 1aturn ma$es a person very diffi#ult and tou#hy.
(e suffers from a vague sense of inferiority, and is haunted by an*iety for no
apparent reason.

The latent inferiority #omple* #an ma$e the native want to prove himself in a life of
unremitting toil, or #an ma$e him try to #urry favor by being very subservient and
self%effa#ing. n the first instan#e, he #an be#ome e*tremely isolated through la#$ of
time to so#ialize and #an begrudge himself all sorts of inno#ent pleasures' in the
se#ond instan#e, nobody bothers with him be#ause he never lets them see his true
worth. .ither way he has problems, but 1aturn in#lines him to persist in his #ourse of
a#tion for a rather long time. f he remains as he is, he $nows what to e*pe#t' if he
#hanges his attitude, who #an tell what might happen2 Better to have #ertainty with
some dis#omfort, he reasons, than to brave the hazards of un#ertainty. And so he
obstinately #ontinues to stand in his own light.

:evertheless, the native #an gain self%#onfiden#e from his dis#ipline and solid hard
wor$ and, as soon as he has a better understanding of the #hallenge posed by the
in#on)un#t, he #an fun#tion in a more #ons#ious and stru#tured way, $nowing that in
spite of being )ust one small #og in the ma#hinery of the universe, he does have his
own spe#ial )ob to do.

(Betty Lundsted)

(ere the father influen#e is not downright negative, but it #auses a strain to develop
in the #hild. The strain #on#erns the ! am! prin#iple versus the tradition of the day,
and the #hild wants to $now !"hi#h do follow2! Father disapproves in a vague way
of the #hild!s behavior, or even of the #hild!s e*isten#e, but not in a violent way. "hen
this #hild be#omes an adult, the problem will manifest as a #ompromise between
feelings of self%worth and restri#tion. The feeling of la#$ #aused by 1aturn will subtly
undermine the e*pression of self. By using the $eywords of the signs, planets and
houses, the person with this aspe#t #an train the energy to be manifested in a
positive way.
Natal Sun con/unct Uranus

(9obert 6elletier)

"ith the 1un #on)un#t 3ranus, you are highly aware of yourself. 7ou move freely in
your environment, e*pressing yourself in your own uni,ue fashion, unmindful that
some people regard you as an e##entri#. A very willful person, you are sho#$ed if
anyone dares to restrain you in any way. 7ou )ealously guard your rights to be
yourself and speal$ your mind without #ompromise. "hen your freedom is #urtailed
or denied, you have the #ourage to fight to regain it. 7ou are intolerant of tradition
and the so#ial limitations resulting from it. 7our permissive attitude #ould hinder
su##ess, be#ause even people who are impressed by you may misinterpret you as
being essenti#ally unstable.

7our arrogant nature developed early in life, in $eeping with your a##elerated
individuality. n #hildhood you were as diffi#ult to #ontrol as you are now. 7ou too$
mu#h less time than most to rea#h maturity, for you were too impatient to endure the
restraints imposed by your elders. Be#ause you grew up so ,ui#$ly and had su#h a
short #hildhood, you were maligned by some and admired by others.

7ou love being free, and your profession must provide you with freedom to perform
your assigned tas$s in your own way. The possibilities for a #areer are almost
unlimited. 6oliti#s, s#ien#e, edu#ation, or some te#hni#al aspe#t of industry would
allow you to e*ploit your #reative potentials. 7our philosophy is progressive, and
these fields would benefit from your intuition and forethought. 6rogress is your most
important produ#t' you a##ept the lessons of the past only as a basis for #ontinued

7ou en)oy the #ompany of others who share your e*#itement and e*pe#tations for the
future. 7our free%wheeling temperament, however, needs to be balan#ed by having a
more down%to%earth mate. 5therwise it is too easy for you to lose #onta#t with reality
and meaningful so#ial #onta#t, whi#h #an enri#h your life.

((aydn 6aul)

7ou are li$ely to e*perien#e ongoing #lashes and dis#ord with others and so#iety.
T(is is due to your essential tenden#y to be hughly individualisti# and no%#onformist,
and this will inevitably bring you into #onfli#t with the so#ial traditions and lifestyle
patterns of your #ountry, by your determination to follow your uni,ue path through
life. 7ou will not have a passive nature, or a#,uies#e easily in what is re,uired of you
by parents, s#hool, religion or the state%aproved ways of so#ial living' but you will be
a passionate rebellious spirit re)e#ting, ,uestioning or opposing those pressures with
whi#h you disagree or whi#h you believe are intending to hinder your freedom.

This !passion!, however, is not really emotionally rooted, but is your way of releasing
a build%up of energy within your nature whi#h has to find some means of release,
similar to the boiling of water whi#h transforms into steam to es#ape from a
#ontainer. The slightest threat or fear of !imprisonment! will #ause you to begin
loo$ing for the es#ape route.

This need for freedom % in whi#hever and however many ways you define !freedom! %
will be a dominant fa#tor influen#ing your life. The urgent need to e*press this
tenden#y will #reate an unsettling impa#t upon your adult #hoi#es and life dire#tion,
and will probably interfere with fo#using on your solar path. As a result of
e*perien#ing this inner pressure for #hange, you are li$ely to observe the elements of
unpredi#tability flowing into your established life patterns. n some ways this #ould
be benefi#iial, but an energy a#ting in un#ontrolled un#ons#ious ways #an severely
disrupt a relatively harmonious lifestyle or family, be#ause someone under its
influen#e begins to a#t in a potentially destru#tive manner. 4ust !throwing the energy
away!, attempting to redu#e the inner pressure, is not #onstru#tive or sensible. This
inner pro#ess indi#ates that #hange is needed, that this will usually be asso#iated
with a parti#aular sphere of life (indi#ated by this natal house #on)un#tion or by
planetary transits a#tivating this aspe#t), and that a #ons#ious attentive fo#us is
re,uired to tune into the messages being internally triggered so that the energy #an
be dire#ted into suitable #hannels of e*pression.

7ou will have to a#$nowledge and #onfront the impli#ations of any innate hatred of
restri#tions, as life will invariably impose them through family, wmployment, and
type of so#ial environment. 7ou may struggle against restri#tions all your life,
wanting to be !free!, but free to do what2 And free to live in what way, and where2
6robably you!ll la#$ real answers, but a sear#h to find a satisfying dire#tion is #ru#ial
for you, and will refle#t your ,uest for your higher so#ial path' otherwise in gaining
your freedom you!ll dis#over that through #utting the binding ties you have be#ome
lost or have destroyed those foundations that are now re#ognised as being important
and meaningful for you.

n your intimate relationships, you will have to be aware of a tenden#y to invest your
needs with supreme value and importan#e, where you insist upon individual rights
and freedom to e*press your own nature without #ompromising, yet often fail to offer
the same to your partner. 7ou #an have a problem of impatien#e tinged with
intoleran#e, whi#h #an #reate fri#tion, as #an your attra#tion towards areas of
e*perien#e that some may #onsider to be unorthodo* or deviant from any so#ially
a##eptable norm. :ot that su#h rea#tions unduly #on#ern you' in fa#t you may feel
tempted to flaunt any su#h preferen#es in the fa#e of others.

6robably you will be attra#ted towards entering sudden, intense, e*#iting physi#al
and emotional relationships, espe#ially spontaneous ones that #an o##ur without too
mu#h #onsideration of any future impli#ations. 7ou prefer !newness!, through
e*ploring the un$nown, and may often shy away from #ommitment and responsibility,
partly based on fear and on your inability to often #onsider your partner!s needs as
highly as you do your own. The problem is how to balan#e your need for novelty and
new e*perien#es, your hatred of resti#tions, and your desire for individual freedom,
with the demands of living with people in so#iety.

7ou need to be#ome more mature in relationships, to be#ome more aware of the
value of mutual sharing, to #are as mu#h for your partner as you do for yourself, and,
by helping him < her to e*press his < her own totality and not subduing his < her
personal development by the dominating insisten#e of your needs, to learn to wal$
side by side with your partner into freedom and fulfilment.

9e#ognising these tenden#ies is the first step to beginning ta$ing #ons#ious #ontrol
to use innate energies, so that your life begins to wor$ better, and be#omes more
meaningful and satisfying by gaining a greater so#ial #ohesion through integrating
these planetary energies.

5ne dire#tion that may help in this self%renewal and personal re%orientation lies in
e*pressing your urge for e*ploration, to investigate new horizons and interests' try
not to live this out in a purely self%#entred way, but instead attempt to redire#t any
benefits towards the well%being of others too, espe#ially through improving the
,uality of relationships.

7our mind may have an attunement to the 3ranian !higher mind! or !3niversal +ind!.
This implies that there #an be mental power, perhaps by your mind ta$ing sudden
logi# leaps and ma$ing #onne#tions whi#h #an offer new insights or ways of loo$ing
at life. "hile sometimes this #an be too errati# and undis#iplined to be fully utilised,
the natural dire#tion that it moves towards is futuristi#. This is both a rea#tion
against the restri#tions of predi#table staid and stati# so#ial traditions and also
potentially a tool to be used in the visualisation and formation of possible future
so#ieties. 0ombining your natural tenden#ies to permissiveness and #reative
e*pression, you may develop in terms of progressive futurist philosophies and
attitudes, asso#iating with li$e%minded groups and individuals to help build the
A,uarian :ew (umanity. .mbodying new lifestyle patterns and more open attitudes
#an offer a new world for you to e*plore and one whi#h #an benefit others too. (ere
lies a freedom with less restri#tion, allowing you to e*press a rebellious nature
against so#ial limitations while helping to build a more understanding and free world
for everyone to share. Ta$ing su#h a dire#tion #an enable you to dissolve previous
self%preo##upations into parti#ipation in group endeavours. This fusion of your
3ranian tenden#ies with a pro)e#ted heroi# path #an build a lighted way in your life,
where the positive #ontributions of both 1un and 3ranus #an be released for
individual and #olle#tive benefits.

(/aren (ama$er%Bondag)

The great need here is to develop as an individual, and, where feasible, to brea$
through set patterns in order to #reate profitable new openings % even though 3ranus
does not ne#essarily en#ourage pra#ti#ality.

The pattern%brea$ing #an sometimes be destru#tive from sheer perverseness and an
unwillingness to be trammeled by #onvention, be#ause the pasion for freedom is
sometimes unbridled. To those around, the native!s liability to sho#$ and to ma$e
sudden brea$s #an be seen as irrational, deliberately provo#ative and very unsettling,
and to some e*tent they are right.

:evertheless, the same la#$ of restraint and need to brea$ through e*isting
stru#tures that ma$e the 1un < 3ranus #on)un#tion so unpredi#table are responsible
for a glittering #as#ade of original ideas. 1ome of these ideas will have little value,
but many will be useful innovations. :ot for nothing do we thin$ of 3ranus as the
planet of the inventor.

All the same, the native is often too impatient to spend time developing ideas.
9estlessness finds e*pression in many different areas- #hanges of o##upation, of
opinion, of life%style, et#.. But one thing is always #entral- personal freedom,
independen#e and individuality. 0ertainly, someone with a 1un < 3ranus #on)un#tion
#an have ties, but then he must (in his own eyes anyway) en)oy freedom of movement
within those ties and must be able to be himself. As soon as the ties start to tie him
down, we may e*pe#t a shattering e*plosion.

The person with a 1un < 3ranus #on)un#tion goes whirling through life' perhaps li$e a
fresh breeze bearing the seeds of renewal, perhaps li$e a devastating tornado % it all
depends on the rest of the horos#ope.

(Betty Lundsted)

These people are honorary A,uarians. The ,ualities of A,uarius are added to the 1un
sign #hara#teristi#s. These are the people who have #hosen to be a part of the new
age, for they are involved with the uplifting of the #ons#iousness of the sign type. The
responsibility of these people is awesome. The energy for#es a parti#ular soul to
grow, to transform itself, to be#ome #ons#ious.

The life will be unusual, perhaps errati#, perhaps e##entri#, as they loo$ for the right
path to wal$. The influen#e of the father is important, for he is an unorthodo* and
unusual man in some way' he spar$s his #hild!s growth be#ause of his effe#t on the
personality. The father is for#ed out of his parti#ular !rut! when this #hild is small,
and his #hild will be for#ed out of the rut of his sign type

The person with 1un #on)un#t 3ranus has to learn to #hannel the energy of the
aspe#t or he will be #ontrolled by it. 5ne of the problems here is an unorthodo*
approa#h to life that may not be understood or appre#iated by fol$s who don!t have it.
6arents have problems raising this #hild, for the #hild pi#$s up the father!s
unorthodo* behavior and ends up harassing the parets by being diffi#ult to manage,
hard to train, and stubborn and e##entri# even early in life. This is a highly
independent #hild. n #ertain atmospheres, the #hild will or #an be overwhelmed by
the stronger parent, sometimes by sheer for#e, for the #hild doesn!t fit a##eptable
#hildhood patterns that the parents re,uire.

As the individual learns to use the energy, the interpreter of the #hart #an evaluate
the #ir#umstan#es with an eye to the growth of the personality, and help this energy
to manifest itself in a #onstru#tive way. The possible effe#t if the #han#e to be a far%
rea#hing e*ample of the sun sign % grow and be different from those who have #ome

(0harles 0arter)

The #on)un#tion of these bodies is a powerful #onfiguration with an influen#e not
dissimilar from the harmonious aspe#ts, but liable, if the rest of the horos#ope
in#lines in that dire#tion, to some of the features of the malefi# aspe#ts, su#h as
rebelliousness, perverseness, and obstinate persisten#e in unwise #ourses. t seems
to favour a s#ientifi# or literary #areer' it is averse to #onventional o##upations and
must be permitted to ma$e its own way through life.

1in#e the planet is said to rule, or to have a mar$ed affinity with, A,uarius, whi#h is
the detriment of the 1un, it may be supposed that the two have little sympathy. 7et
there are un,uestionable points of resemblan#e, and have not myself observed
disastrous #onse,uen#es from the #on)un#tion. 5n the other hand, it is very
fre,uently indi#ative of great talent.
Natal Sun trine 1 se2tile Uranus

1un trine 3ranus (9obert 6elletier)

The trine from the 1un to 3ranus indi#ates leadership ability, #reativity, and the
inspiration to use them effe#tively. 7ou have a ,uality of personal magnetism that
delights others with the )oy of being in your #ompany. 7our liberal outloo$ on life and
your understanding of people bring you mu#h satisfa#tion. 7ou are talented at finding
ways to e*ploit your #onsiderable #reative abilities. Lu#$ily, you are not too
impressed with your own a##omplishments, so you should never be a##used of being
an egotist. 7ou understand both your #apabilities and your liabilities, butu you have
learned to a##entuate the produ#tive ,ualities.

There is little you #an!t a##omplish if you set your mind to it. 7ou have an endless
fund of ideas that #an be promoted and developed su##essfully. 1u##ess #omes easily
to you, unless there are barriers elsewhere in your #hart to frustrate it. (uman
servi#e enterprises su#h as edu#ation, group en#ounter therapy, and so#ial fun#tions
with a spirtiual motivation, would give you the inner satisfa#tion you want. /nowing
that you have made an important #ontribution to others is sometimes all the reward
you need.

6eople are attra#ted to you simply be#ause you are more interested in them than in
yourself. 7ou give others an enthusiasm they often need, in)e#ting a $ind of life%for#e
without realising it. "hen others need you, you are intuitively aware of it, and you
generously give of yourself. 7ou are never superfi#ial, and you don!t assume that
anyone else!s problems are trite.

To the ob)e#t of your affe#tion, you bring mu#h enthusiasm and optimism. 7ou
#ontinually $eep your lover!s interest alive and e*#iting with your meaningful
#ontributions to the relationship. 7our openness in e*pressing your feelings is warmly
wel#omed and ma$es the relationship easy.

1un trine 3ranus ((aydn 6aul)

1imilar to the se*tile, the energy emanating from the trine aspe#t is harmonious in
dire#tion and able to be positively assimilated. +ost of the #hara#teristi#s of the
se*tile are repeated with the trine.

The natural attunement with the !3niversal +ind! should help you to re#eive valid
insights and intuitions, espe#ially at times when the trine is rea#tivated by transit or
progression movements, whi#h offer opportunities for greater #reativity and usable
ideas. 1u#h periods may also stimulate a heightened awareness of your solar path
and purpose, and should be #arefully noted so that you #an hold your mind in a
meditative and re#eptive mode of operation, in order for insights and promptings to
be #ons#iously registered and then a#ted upon.

The future orientation preferred by 3ranus will be present, but it is li$ely that with
the trine su#h ideas are founded on a more immediately pra#ti#al basis, possibly as a
result of an attitude whi#h is more rooted within a s#ientifi#, logi#al and ob)e#tive

7ou should find it relatively easy to e*ploit your #reativity, as this aspe#t releases a
large ,uantity of potentially produ#tive ideas into those areas of life for whi#h you
re,uire inspiration. 1tudy the house positions and signs of both 1un and 3ranus for
areas that may be spe#ifi#ally influen#ed by this trine. Aided by perseveran#e and the
appli#ation of a fo#used will, you should have no real obsta#les #onfronting your
efforts to manifest #reative ideas. These #an ta$e a myriad of forms, from
e*perimentations aimed at developing new pro)e#ts, to more ade,uate modifi#ations
of e*isting produ#ts.

There is li$ely to be an inner deta#hment to your sear#hes and #reativity, a perpetual
,uest of en,uiry and fas#ination, with a form of #reativity whi#h wor$s through the
#reator, and is never per#eived in any egotisti#al perspe#tive. This #an help you to
be#ome ,uite produ#tive and varied in your #hosen sphere, as you loo$ around to find
ways whi#h are suitable to stret#h your wings and e*plore new horizons.

7our reformist, idealisti# and humanitarian tenden#ies #an find su##ess through
#ommuni#ation and sharing with others, and this #an be important to your sense of
well%being, as you do need to feel that you are of some use to others. 7our sense of
#ommitment, enthusiasm and positivity #an be most helpful in supporting others, or
through transmitting these energies to help motivate group endeavours. 7our
relationships #an also benefit from this outpouring of optimism, positivity and sense
of mutual sharing, helping to develop those strands of intrinsi# meaning and purpose
in both your and others! lives.

1un se*tile 3ranus (9obert 6elletier)

"ith the 1un se*tile 3ranus, it is important for you to maintain #ommuni#ation with
other people at all times. 7ou are eager to share your e*perien#es with others and
impatient with those who are unwilling to in#lude you in theirs. 7our opinions are
willful and outspo$en, but you #an usually )ustify them in su#h a way that they are
a##epted. 7our attitudes are relatively uninhibited and not bound by tradition. 7ou
find life e*#iting, and you live every moment of every day. Boredom is something you
never have to #ope with be#ause your mind is so a#tive. n your philosophi#al view of
life, everything has meaning. 7ou ta$e even negative in#idents positively, so that you
are rarely !down in the dumps!.

7our original thin$ing and strong will are suited to the fields of politi#s, s#ien#e, or
edu#ation. 7ou #an adapt to any profession that #learly has the ob)e#tive of improving
the masses. 7ou are able to pro)e#t your ideas and opinions without demanding that
others yield to them un,uestioningly. But you are impatient with dawdlers who
#ontinually put off ma$ing de#isions. 7our development is a##elerated, and your
intuition is so finely honed that you #an instantly evaluate fa#ts and render a

Tea#hing others is probably your best avenue of e*pression. 7ou #an effe#tively
dramatize $nowledge to ma$e learning easy for your students. Truth is something
you insist on, and you deal harshly with those who distort it in their dealings with

7our restless mind and eager disposition #ontribute signifi#antly to your romanti#
relationships. 7ou are broad%minded and understanding of human nature. Although
you will tolerate failure, you do not a##ept dishonesty from anyone with whom you
are emotionally involved. 7ou #an easily deta#h yourself from an insin#ere or
dishonest individual, as though you had never had any feelings for that person.

1un se*tile 3ranus ((aydn 6aul)

The more radi#al use of the #on)un#tion energies are potentially easier to e*press in
both the se*tile and the trine. "hereas an important shift may need to o##ur in the
individual with the #on)un#tion aspe#t % in order to renew and redire#t any
overflowing, insistent 3ranian energy through the unifying 1un #entre % these other
two dynami#, harmonious aspe#ts are ripe for e*ploitation and unfoldment.

7ou should have a progressive outloo$, and a sense of so#ial affinity whi#h is dire#ted
towards affirming its positive side and potential for future improvements in the
,uality of life. The assertive and possibly aggressive rebellious stan#e is alreay
transformed within you into a reformist tenden#y. !0hange from within! is more your
$eynote, rather than a dire#t destru#tive atta#$ or negative attempts to withdraw
from parti#ipation in so#iety.

7our mind will be very a#tive, sear#hing, ,uestioning, and naturally e*plorative,
allied with an intuitive #reative need for self%e*pression. t will be important to be
personally assertive, but undue e##entri#ity is not your style. &ue to that positive
solar relationship, you will feel more #entred, forming a stable inner #hara#ter and
e*tending an ability to dire#t your life and ma$e wiser #hoi#es. Toleran#e and
understanding of others will be more evident, espe#ially an intelle#tually derived
toleran#e based on your innate humanitarian instin#ts, although often your emotional
affinity with others #an be a little #old or withdrawn. 7ou do not feel at one with this
world, yet intelle#tually your mind is' perhaps more empathy is re,uired.

7ou are li$ely to #ontribute to groups whi#h support so#ial reform, and have an
attitude of !#hanging the world to be a better pla#e for everyone to live in!. 6robably
you #ould rise to important positions in su#h groups, transmitting your enthusiasms
and positivity by be#oming a spo$esperson for their visions and ideals. 7our opinions
are usually forthright, and you try to stay true and #ommitted to your beliefs. (onesty
and straightforwardness are high on your list of essential values, and you have little
toleran#e for lies and de#eits and those who perpetrate them. This #an easily lead you
towards opposing a national government or establishment groups who are
!e#onomi#al with the truth! on orders from their !superiors!. .,ually, it #ould lead you
to brea$ away from groups that you are asso#iated with, if they % in your opinion % fall
to su#h low levels or #ompromise and fail to live up to the high ideals whi#h they may
offer to the publi#.

7ou believe that life has an inner meaning of great value, and #ontinually sear#h for
the threads of this throughout your life, trusting in the belief that life is good, often
despite appearan#es. This is part of your ,uest for the spiritual dimension of your
solar #entre, and will draw you in#reasingly #loser to that integrative heart of your
nature. (owever, you are aware of the dar$er sides of e*isten#e, and feel inspired to
try to improve the ,uality of life for those who suffer or for the following generations.
At times, espe#ially perhaps after any disappointments on your path, you may #oolly
withdraw from relationships or so#ial involvement. 1ee this only as a temporary
phase for re%evaluation. 7ou need to #ommuni#ate with li$e minds, sharing
e*perien#es, insight and $nowledge. This may easily develop over time into forms of
tea#hing where through sharing you #an #ontribute towards progress for others, and
this #ould be#ome a fulfilling route for you to follow to embody a higher solar
1un trine or se*tile 3ranus (/aren (ama$er%Bondag)

Li$e the #on)un#tion, the harmonious aspe#ts between 3ranus and the 1un indi#ate
an individual who wants to live his or her own life without any restri#tions. (e or she
will be alert, restless, higly strung, and full of s#intillating insights. "e should realize,
however, that remar$ably brilliant as some of these ideas and insights may be, there
is no guarantee that they will be usable or true

1un < 3ranus aspe#ts promise new and stimulating ideas whi#h )ust $eep popping up
every so often. "ith the easy aspe#ts, the native is able to integrate su#h ideas into
his or her daily life in a less traumati# fashion than we would do with the hard
aspe#ts. To be sure, teh easy aspe#ts also produ#e dissatisfa#tion with the status ,uo,
but they enable the native to build the new on the foundation of the old, and this
willingness to preserve some lin$s with the past often brings the support he or she
needs from others.

n many instan#es, people with 1un < 3ranus aspe#ts ta$e an interest in all things
te#hni#al. They are fas#inated by whatever brea$s new ground, su#h as aeronauti#s
(in#luding aeromodeling), radar, radiote#hnology, ele#trote#hnology, or indeed
anything re,uiring insight, intuition and s$ill. The resour#efulness bestowed by the
harmonious 1un < 3ranus aspe#ts is great.

Be#ause they are so intent on personal development, these people are unli$ely to
tolerate having someone over them to tell them what to do, but they are not averse to
good advi#e. They need a partner who is an e,ual, neither above nor below them.
(owever, in many #ases, they a#t as a $ind of informal leader by setting the tone and
dire#tion of the partnership and by a#ting in an inspiring manner, all the while
ma$ing sure that their own freedom and that of their partner is preserved.

(owever, they should be on their guard against losing tou#h with reality, be#ause
they are apt to venture down strange, impassable byways and to end up going

1un trine 3ranus (Betty Lundsted)

(ere the personality #hose to evolve in a positive way during this lifetime. The #hild
arrives in an atmosphere that gives it a #han#e for growth. The parents en)oy being
unusual, or un#onventional, and the #hild is e*posed to new ideas. f ther person
#hooses to grow in a happy, produ#tive dire#tion, the attitudes of the generation that
he is born into will help dire#t his ideas as an adult.

(owever, the trine aspe#t will bring this person into whatever behavior patterns e*ist
at that time within the attitude of the masses. This #an mean that he #an offer
produ#tive ideas to the #ommunity, or he #an flow with the tide and be#ome a part of
the generation problems that e*ist, for instan#e the drug #ulture.

5bviously the #reativity and inventiveness of this aspe#t will only show if the energy
is used. 5ld programs #an be modernized, tradition #an be restru#tured whtn this
aspe#t is dire#ted into a #areer. 5n a personal level, the owner of this energy is
innovative and interesting, for the mind is #apable of wal$ing many paths.

1un se*tile 3ranus (Betty Lundsted)

This #hild #omes into a #onstru#tive but !different! type of atmosphere. The
personality #an be ,uite #reative and innovative as an adult. (e understands the
#hanging ethi#s, morals and needs of the masses, and #an help bring these #hanges
about. The energy needs to be developed, but he seems to be $armi#ally here to help
#arry out the best of the ideas brought here by people born with the #on)un#tion.

1un trine or se*tile 3ranus (0harles 0arter)

This is pre%eminently a #onta#t of leadership, for the will, in all 1un%3ranus aspe#ts,
is strong and independent, and the native will, either naturally or by his own
#ons#ious efforts, obtain a position of some authority and independen#e. +oreover, it
is a very popular #onfiguration, and the native is readily li$ed and obeyed, sometimes
by reason of his mental or other powers, but more often by his personality, whi#h
appears to emanate some $ind of magnetism that attra#ts and holds. t is not always
ta#tful' but there is breadth of vision and stability of purpose' the native is often
identified with some #ause or movement' he does not waver or flu#tuate in his aims
and opinions' there is nothing in him of the opportunist (unless other aspe#ts bestow
this), and as a result people feel that he stands for something definite, and #an be
depended on. But, while not of a time%serving temper, the 1un%3ranus man has a
$een and true sense of the dramati#, and may often be a most #onvin#ing and
powerful orator, there being great reserves of nervous and emotional strength, and a
burnig zeal.

As a ruler it ma$es the native effi#ient, s#ientifi#, despoti#, but not unbending or
automati#' he has feeling, and #an be appealed to on the emotional side, espe#ially if
the #ause that is pleaded has a dramati# aspe#t.

1o far as feeling goes, 3ranus tends to a rough%and%ready, #areless good%nature.
3ranus rising is usually $ind but rather #asual and off%hand. t differs diametri#ally
from 1un%:eptune in its love of power, responsibility, and publi#ity.

This aspe#t o##urs #onstantly in the nativities of statesmen, generals, muni#ipal
offi#ials, #ivil servants, and, to a lesser e*tent and in #ombination with other planets,
in those of eminent thin$ers. n the nativities of girls it often indi#ates a !good!
marriage to one in authority.

1un trine 3ranus (9obert 6elletier)

The trine from the 1un to 3ranus indi#ates leadership ability, #reativity, and the
inspiration to use them effe#tively. 7ou have a ,uality of personal magnetism that
delights others with the )oy of being in your #ompany. 7our liberal outloo$ on life and
your understanding of people bring you mu#h satisfa#tion. 7ou are talented at finding
ways to e*ploit your #onsiderable #reative abilities. Lu#$ily, you are not too
impressed with your own a##omplishments, so you should never be a##used of being
an egotist. 7ou understand both your #apabilities and your liabilities, butu you have
learned to a##entuate the produ#tive ,ualities.

There is little you #an!t a##omplish if you set your mind to it. 7ou have an endless
fund of ideas that #an be promoted and developed su##essfully. 1u##ess #omes easily
to you, unless there are barriers elsewhere in your #hart to frustrate it. (uman
servi#e enterprises su#h as edu#ation, group en#ounter therapy, and so#ial fun#tions
with a spirtiual motivation, would give you the inner satisfa#tion you want. /nowing
that you have made an important #ontribution to others is sometimes all the reward
you need.

6eople are attra#ted to you simply be#ause you are more interested in them than in
yourself. 7ou give others an enthusiasm they often need, in)e#ting a $ind of life%for#e
without realising it. "hen others need you, you are intuitively aware of it, and you
generously give of yourself. 7ou are never superfi#ial, and you don!t assume that
anyone else!s problems are trite.

To the ob)e#t of your affe#tion, you bring mu#h enthusiasm and optimism. 7ou
#ontinually $eep your lover!s interest alive and e*#iting with your meaningful
#ontributions to the relationship. 7our openness in e*pressing your feelings is warmly
wel#omed and ma$es the relationship easy.

1un trine 3ranus ((aydn 6aul)

1imilar to the se*tile, the energy emanating from the trine aspe#t is harmonious in
dire#tion and able to be positively assimilated. +ost of the #hara#teristi#s of the
se*tile are repeated with the trine.

The natural attunement with the !3niversal +ind! should help you to re#eive valid
insights and intuitions, espe#ially at times when the trine is rea#tivated by transit or
progression movements, whi#h offer opportunities for greater #reativity and usable
ideas. 1u#h periods may also stimulate a heightened awareness of your solar path
and purpose, and should be #arefully noted so that you #an hold your mind in a
meditative and re#eptive mode of operation, in order for insights and promptings to
be #ons#iously registered and then a#ted upon.

The future orientation preferred by 3ranus will be present, but it is li$ely that with
the trine su#h ideas are founded on a more immediately pra#ti#al basis, possibly as a
result of an attitude whi#h is more rooted within a s#ientifi#, logi#al and ob)e#tive

7ou should find it relatively easy to e*ploit your #reativity, as this aspe#t releases a
large ,uantity of potentially produ#tive ideas into those areas of life for whi#h you
re,uire inspiration. 1tudy the house positions and signs of both 1un and 3ranus for
areas that may be spe#ifi#ally influen#ed by this trine. Aided by perseveran#e and the
appli#ation of a fo#used will, you should have no real obsta#les #onfronting your
efforts to manifest #reative ideas. These #an ta$e a myriad of forms, from
e*perimentations aimed at developing new pro)e#ts, to more ade,uate modifi#ations
of e*isting produ#ts.

There is li$ely to be an inner deta#hment to your sear#hes and #reativity, a perpetual
,uest of en,uiry and fas#ination, with a form of #reativity whi#h wor$s through the
#reator, and is never per#eived in any egotisti#al perspe#tive. This #an help you to
be#ome ,uite produ#tive and varied in your #hosen sphere, as you loo$ around to find
ways whi#h are suitable to stret#h your wings and e*plore new horizons.

7our reformist, idealisti# and humanitarian tenden#ies #an find su##ess through
#ommuni#ation and sharing with others, and this #an be important to your sense of
well%being, as you do need to feel that you are of some use to others. 7our sense of
#ommitment, enthusiasm and positivity #an be most helpful in supporting others, or
through transmitting these energies to help motivate group endeavours. 7our
relationships #an also benefit from this outpouring of optimism, positivity and sense
of mutual sharing, helping to develop those strands of intrinsi# meaning and purpose
in both your and others! lives.

1un se*tile 3ranus (9obert 6elletier)

"ith the 1un se*tile 3ranus, it is important for you to maintain #ommuni#ation with
other people at all times. 7ou are eager to share your e*perien#es with others and
impatient with those who are unwilling to in#lude you in theirs. 7our opinions are
willful and outspo$en, but you #an usually )ustify them in su#h a way that they are
a##epted. 7our attitudes are relatively uninhibited and not bound by tradition. 7ou
find life e*#iting, and you live every moment of every day. Boredom is something you
never have to #ope with be#ause your mind is so a#tive. n your philosophi#al view of
life, everything has meaning. 7ou ta$e even negative in#idents positively, so that you
are rarely !down in the dumps!.

7our original thin$ing and strong will are suited to the fields of politi#s, s#ien#e, or
edu#ation. 7ou #an adapt to any profession that #learly has the ob)e#tive of improving
the masses. 7ou are able to pro)e#t your ideas and opinions without demanding that
others yield to them un,uestioningly. But you are impatient with dawdlers who
#ontinually put off ma$ing de#isions. 7our development is a##elerated, and your
intuition is so finely honed that you #an instantly evaluate fa#ts and render a

Tea#hing others is probably your best avenue of e*pression. 7ou #an effe#tively
dramatize $nowledge to ma$e learning easy for your students. Truth is something
you insist on, and you deal harshly with those who distort it in their dealings with

7our restless mind and eager disposition #ontribute signifi#antly to your romanti#
relationships. 7ou are broad%minded and understanding of human nature. Although
you will tolerate failure, you do not a##ept dishonesty from anyone with whom you
are emotionally involved. 7ou #an easily deta#h yourself from an insin#ere or
dishonest individual, as though you had never had any feelings for that person.

1un se*tile 3ranus ((aydn 6aul)

The more radi#al use of the #on)un#tion energies are potentially easier to e*press in
both the se*tile and the trine. "hereas an important shift may need to o##ur in the
individual with the #on)un#tion aspe#t % in order to renew and redire#t any
overflowing, insistent 3ranian energy through the unifying 1un #entre % these other
two dynami#, harmonious aspe#ts are ripe for e*ploitation and unfoldment.

7ou should have a progressive outloo$, and a sense of so#ial affinity whi#h is dire#ted
towards affirming its positive side and potential for future improvements in the
,uality of life. The assertive and possibly aggressive rebellious stan#e is alreay
transformed within you into a reformist tenden#y. !0hange from within! is more your
$eynote, rather than a dire#t destru#tive atta#$ or negative attempts to withdraw
from parti#ipation in so#iety.

7our mind will be very a#tive, sear#hing, ,uestioning, and naturally e*plorative,
allied with an intuitive #reative need for self%e*pression. t will be important to be
personally assertive, but undue e##entri#ity is not your style. &ue to that positive
solar relationship, you will feel more #entred, forming a stable inner #hara#ter and
e*tending an ability to dire#t your life and ma$e wiser #hoi#es. Toleran#e and
understanding of others will be more evident, espe#ially an intelle#tually derived
toleran#e based on your innate humanitarian instin#ts, although often your emotional
affinity with others #an be a little #old or withdrawn. 7ou do not feel at one with this
world, yet intelle#tually your mind is' perhaps more empathy is re,uired.

7ou are li$ely to #ontribute to groups whi#h support so#ial reform, and have an
attitude of !#hanging the world to be a better pla#e for everyone to live in!. 6robably
you #ould rise to important positions in su#h groups, transmitting your enthusiasms
and positivity by be#oming a spo$esperson for their visions and ideals. 7our opinions
are usually forthright, and you try to stay true and #ommitted to your beliefs. (onesty
and straightforwardness are high on your list of essential values, and you have little
toleran#e for lies and de#eits and those who perpetrate them. This #an easily lead you
towards opposing a national government or establishment groups who are
!e#onomi#al with the truth! on orders from their !superiors!. .,ually, it #ould lead you
to brea$ away from groups that you are asso#iated with, if they % in your opinion % fall
to su#h low levels or #ompromise and fail to live up to the high ideals whi#h they may
offer to the publi#.

7ou believe that life has an inner meaning of great value, and #ontinually sear#h for
the threads of this throughout your life, trusting in the belief that life is good, often
despite appearan#es. This is part of your ,uest for the spiritual dimension of your
solar #entre, and will draw you in#reasingly #loser to that integrative heart of your
nature. (owever, you are aware of the dar$er sides of e*isten#e, and feel inspired to
try to improve the ,uality of life for those who suffer or for the following generations.
At times, espe#ially perhaps after any disappointments on your path, you may #oolly
withdraw from relationships or so#ial involvement. 1ee this only as a temporary
phase for re%evaluation. 7ou need to #ommuni#ate with li$e minds, sharing
e*perien#es, insight and $nowledge. This may easily develop over time into forms of
tea#hing where through sharing you #an #ontribute towards progress for others, and
this #ould be#ome a fulfilling route for you to follow to embody a higher solar
1un trine or se*tile 3ranus (/aren (ama$er%Bondag)

Li$e the #on)un#tion, the harmonious aspe#ts between 3ranus and the 1un indi#ate
an individual who wants to live his or her own life without any restri#tions. (e or she
will be alert, restless, higly strung, and full of s#intillating insights. "e should realize,
however, that remar$ably brilliant as some of these ideas and insights may be, there
is no guarantee that they will be usable or true

1un < 3ranus aspe#ts promise new and stimulating ideas whi#h )ust $eep popping up
every so often. "ith the easy aspe#ts, the native is able to integrate su#h ideas into
his or her daily life in a less traumati# fashion than we would do with the hard
aspe#ts. To be sure, teh easy aspe#ts also produ#e dissatisfa#tion with the status ,uo,
but they enable the native to build the new on the foundation of the old, and this
willingness to preserve some lin$s with the past often brings the support he or she
needs from others.

n many instan#es, people with 1un < 3ranus aspe#ts ta$e an interest in all things
te#hni#al. They are fas#inated by whatever brea$s new ground, su#h as aeronauti#s
(in#luding aeromodeling), radar, radiote#hnology, ele#trote#hnology, or indeed
anything re,uiring insight, intuition and s$ill. The resour#efulness bestowed by the
harmonious 1un < 3ranus aspe#ts is great.

Be#ause they are so intent on personal development, these people are unli$ely to
tolerate having someone over them to tell them what to do, but they are not averse to
good advi#e. They need a partner who is an e,ual, neither above nor below them.
(owever, in many #ases, they a#t as a $ind of informal leader by setting the tone and
dire#tion of the partnership and by a#ting in an inspiring manner, all the while
ma$ing sure that their own freedom and that of their partner is preserved.

(owever, they should be on their guard against losing tou#h with reality, be#ause
they are apt to venture down strange, impassable byways and to end up going

1un trine 3ranus (Betty Lundsted)

(ere the personality #hose to evolve in a positive way during this lifetime. The #hild
arrives in an atmosphere that gives it a #han#e for growth. The parents en)oy being
unusual, or un#onventional, and the #hild is e*posed to new ideas. f ther person
#hooses to grow in a happy, produ#tive dire#tion, the attitudes of the generation that
he is born into will help dire#t his ideas as an adult.

(owever, the trine aspe#t will bring this person into whatever behavior patterns e*ist
at that time within the attitude of the masses. This #an mean that he #an offer
produ#tive ideas to the #ommunity, or he #an flow with the tide and be#ome a part of
the generation problems that e*ist, for instan#e the drug #ulture.

5bviously the #reativity and inventiveness of this aspe#t will only show if the energy
is used. 5ld programs #an be modernized, tradition #an be restru#tured whtn this
aspe#t is dire#ted into a #areer. 5n a personal level, the owner of this energy is
innovative and interesting, for the mind is #apable of wal$ing many paths.

1un se*tile 3ranus (Betty Lundsted)

This #hild #omes into a #onstru#tive but !different! type of atmosphere. The
personality #an be ,uite #reative and innovative as an adult. (e understands the
#hanging ethi#s, morals and needs of the masses, and #an help bring these #hanges
about. The energy needs to be developed, but he seems to be $armi#ally here to help
#arry out the best of the ideas brought here by people born with the #on)un#tion.

1un trine or se*tile 3ranus (0harles 0arter)

This is pre%eminently a #onta#t of leadership, for the will, in all 1un%3ranus aspe#ts,
is strong and independent, and the native will, either naturally or by his own
#ons#ious efforts, obtain a position of some authority and independen#e. +oreover, it
is a very popular #onfiguration, and the native is readily li$ed and obeyed, sometimes
by reason of his mental or other powers, but more often by his personality, whi#h
appears to emanate some $ind of magnetism that attra#ts and holds. t is not always
ta#tful' but there is breadth of vision and stability of purpose' the native is often
identified with some #ause or movement' he does not waver or flu#tuate in his aims
and opinions' there is nothing in him of the opportunist (unless other aspe#ts bestow
this), and as a result people feel that he stands for something definite, and #an be
depended on. But, while not of a time%serving temper, the 1un%3ranus man has a
$een and true sense of the dramati#, and may often be a most #onvin#ing and
powerful orator, there being great reserves of nervous and emotional strength, and a
burnig zeal.

As a ruler it ma$es the native effi#ient, s#ientifi#, despoti#, but not unbending or
automati#' he has feeling, and #an be appealed to on the emotional side, espe#ially if
the #ause that is pleaded has a dramati# aspe#t.

1o far as feeling goes, 3ranus tends to a rough%and%ready, #areless good%nature.
3ranus rising is usually $ind but rather #asual and off%hand. t differs diametri#ally
from 1un%:eptune in its love of power, responsibility, and publi#ity.

This aspe#t o##urs #onstantly in the nativities of statesmen, generals, muni#ipal
offi#ials, #ivil servants, and, to a lesser e*tent and in #ombination with other planets,
in those of eminent thin$ers. n the nativities of girls it often indi#ates a !good!
marriage to one in authority.
Sun square Uranus
((aydn 6aul)

The energy of the s,uare aspe#t #an feel higly frustrated and in some #ases turn
towards a more aggressive and potentially violent form of e*pression, if there is not a
suitable #hannel for it to be released through. &is#overing ade,uate forms is
important to an#hor the 3ranian energy su##essfully, so evo$ing that 1un #entre
#ohesiveness is essential in dealing with the highly #harged 3ranian energy and is
#ommon to all these aspe#ts made to natal 3ranus. This is a perpetual 1un%3ranian

7ou #an be errati#, individualisti#, restless and nervously agitated, desiring
independen#e and freedom from all so#ial restri#tions. you may be a natural
dissenter, a so#ial trouble%ma$er, preferring to support your own minority view' it is
even li$ely that your tenden#y to dissent #an lead you to be#ome so#ially isolated and
alienated from others or radi#al groups with whom you are in basi# agreement. f
unmodified, and released indis#riminately, this energy is ,uite #apable of !#ausing
trouble in an empty house!. Being the devil!s advo#ate is a fun#tion that #an often
lead to #onfusion and loss of self, as eventually you either erode or lose sight of your
own attitudes, beliefs or ideals, and this displa#es you from strengthening your solar
#entre. .ven if the ma)ority hold a #ertain opinion or belief, then that alone #an
re,uire you to re)e#t it and to oppose its validity. From a more in#lusive perspe#tive
there #an be some truth in su#h a standpoint, as the ma)ority viewpoint is often that
of !the lowest #ommon denominator! and #an refle#t the most separative beliefs and

t must be remembered that su#h an attitude is really the intrinsi# tone of the
e*#itable, highly #harged and volatile 3ranian energy, but ta$en to a more personally
destru#tive e*treme. The e*altation of the uni,ue individuality has to be a#hieved in a
#orre#t and wise manner, by attuning to the deeper solar #entre of the individuality'
otherwise, the negative and separative destru#tive tenden#ies #an emerge into

7ou #an be undis#iplined, hating those predi#table routines of life and wor$, often
finding it hard to a#t responsibly and with full #ommitment. 7ou rea#t against
#onforming to so#ial rules, feeling that they #onstrain your freedom, and you often
follow your #hoi#es, irrespe#tive of the reper#ussions and #osts of doing so. 7ou will
probably fail to listen to well%meaning advi#e, and a stubborn need for self%assertion
#an lead you towards those very e*perien#es and problems that you were being
warned against. f you loo$ honestly at your life, you will observe those times where
you mis)udged, ma$ing foolish de#isions and #hoi#es often through sheer
#ontrariness and by asserting your !free individuality!. "ithout awareness, no%one is
ever free, but is merely a prisoner to their own un#ons#ious tenden#ies, a prey to
them, li$e playthings of the inner gods. t is only through your solar #entre that the
planetary influen#es #an be #ontrolled and balan#ed, so that the positive
#hara#teristi#s #an shine through, illuminating your life and #reative e*pression.

At times you may be#ome a little paranoid, espe#ially when your #hoi#es have been
unwise, influen#ed by less #ons#ious and unintegrated for#es in your psy#he. t does
not have to be li$e that. 7ou #an #hoose to ta$e a more dire#t #ons#ious role in your
life, and not be a vi#tim of your own ignoran#e. Those !enemies! that you #an pro)e#t
out into the e*ternal world are often your own unresolved inner demons that are
slowly #onsuming you from within.

The s,uare #an be an aspe#t of frustrated blo#$ed transformation and renewal' the
inner personal revolution that both 1un and 3ranus would li$e to bring is being
blo#$ed. These inner tensions #an be#ome potentially violent, and need to be
redire#ted into #onstru#tive positive #hannels. 7ou need to release any tenden#ies
towards impra#ti#ality, antiso#ial attitudes and hidden urges for personal power, to
stop being antagonisti# purely for the sa$e of performing the adversarial role, and
use the freed energies to renew your own life. 0ompromise and balan#e within your
nature, and allowing an inner transformation to strengthen your fo#us on your solar
#entre, is the $ey to a more satisfying relationship with the greater #ommunity, and
for you to enter into more benefi#ial and harmonious intimate relationships.

As is probably re#ognised, you li$e others to be submissive to you, yet tend to lose
respe#t for their individuality when they fall into that pattern of behaviour. 7ou need
to learn how to respe#t and elevate their uni,ueness be#ause that is the #orollary of
your !trip! and !philosophy!. .motional depths need to be stirred more, letting those
poisons of frustration and emotional #onfli#ts rise to the surfa#e to be en#ountered
and understood, releasing and transmuting them by a##epting them as a shadow part
of yourself whi#h should be a#$nowledged and never denied. &oing so will harmonise
your energies more, offer greater inner pea#e and tran,uillity (as far as 3ranus will
allow), and #lear those festering poisons out of you. This will enable your uni,ue
individuality to flower in freedom. 7our life #an #hange from a#ting as a frustrated
opponent, and be#ome more what you arelly are and what you truly stand for, moving
away from a negative stan#e into one of positivity. 7our #hoi#e is to do this, and the
benefits will be yours to en)oy as the aims of your solar nature begin to reshape your

1un opposition 3ranus ((aydn 6aul)

Both s,uare and opposition aspe#ts have a pe#uliar ,uality whi#h is similar to an !on%
off swit#h!. nternal and e*ternal errati# behavior may be e*pe#ted, whi#h #an lead to
those dramati# and often drasti# #hanges of behavior and lifestyle.

"ithin your hidden inner life, you are li$ely to feel under#urrents of restless a#tivity,
whi#h, while pea$ing and troughing, are an ever%present parti#ipant in your nature.
This #an lead to nervous tensions and irritability, and an edgy tone to your energy
whi#h is often psy#hi#ally #ommuni#ated or re#eived by others and e*perien#ed as an
intangible sense of unease. 7our emotional and mental moods are errati#,
unpredi#table and temperamental, #reating sudden #onfusing #hanges and
relationships, or even #ontradi#ting statements that you have )ust made. sometimes
you may fail to be aware of this la#$ of #ontinuiry that you e*hibit.

ndividuality and independen#e will be emphasised, with insisten#e upon your own
needs and freedom from all restri#tions. This #an manifest as a #ompulsion to display
a rebellious antiso#ial attitude, mainly as a rea#tionary e*plosion of energy rather
tahn$ any #onsidered response whi#h #ould also offer some viable alternative ways to
follow. 7our rea#tions are li$ely to be more negative in ,uality and #ontent, and may
need a #ons#ious degree of self%moderation to avoid an instin#tive !$nee%)er$!
response. 7ou may find that you obtain pleasure from seeing others rea#t to your
i#ono#lasm, as it #an add some e*#itement to life, but it is unli$ely to be inherently
#reative or positive a#tion as you often fail to have anything of value whi#h #ould
repla#e whatever it is you are opposing.

n many ways you are inse#ure, feeling lost and frustrated with both the world and
yourself. 7our inner energy flow is uneven' sometimes you are higly #harged and
have diffi#ulties dealing with that' other times the energy seems to be swit#hed off,
and life goes flat and #olourless. 7ou probably la#$ a stable #ohesive #entre, missing
the positivity of an ad)usted planetary relationship to your 1un, and you may need to
struggle towards establishing a firm, se#ure point of balan#e within your identity.

7ou #an be hypersensitive, but may tend to deny this aspe#t through feeling
un#omfortable with your emotional nature and its ebb and flow, as this does not fit
into that intelle#tualised self%image that you have developed. This #an be ,uite
delusory, but is also a prop for you to #entre your identity around. These images #an
in#lude #onsidering yourself !before your time!, an unre#ognised genius or artist, a
#ultural bohemian, a radi#al revolutionary, an important so#ial adversary. ;lamorous
images emerge from that high opinion of yourself and those pe#uliar insights and
ideas that you attempt to #ommuni#ate to others. There are li$ely to be some nuggets
of gold s#attered around, but more often than not you fail to deliver, wisps of
intentions dematerialising into the air. 7our evaluations are often impra#ti#al, and
due to diversions towards new glamorous ideas, or to an unfo#used will, you often fail
to develop fully any natural gifts.

"hile you tend to insist that your will is paramount, you really need to learn effe#tive
forms of so#ial #ompromise, realising your misapprehensiuon of being the all%
important #entre of the universe, whi#h is symptomati# of an imbalan#ed 1un. 4ust
learning to listen seriously to other points of view and per#eptions on life #an tea#h
you mu#h, in distin#tion to one of your behaviour patterns whi#h sees su#h #onta#t
and #ommuni#ation as a form of #ompetitive #hallenge, mentally pitting yourself as
an adversarial opponent of another point of view.

7ou may need to stop tilting against windmills. 7our heroi# ,uest should not be
e*ternally dire#ted, but internalised in an attempt to a#hieve an inner transformation.
This is not to imply that the windmills are not there % they probably are % but you need
an effort to redire#t and redis#ipline your nature nd energies so that your solar
#entre be#omes more powerful and integrative. A redefinition of rebellious spirit
needs to be made by you, a re%#hannelling of your s#attered energies.

Learning forms of rela*ation or meditative te#hni,ues #ould be#ome very important
to your well%being, and may help in this re%#entering pro#ess of evo$ing the solar
power. (ighly strung nervous states are not benefi#ial to health. 9elationships #an
also be fraught with problems, as your errati# hot and #old #ontributions are not
always made in apt timing for your partner!s behaviour patterns. 7ou may need to be
wary of ma$ing e*#essive emotional demands, espe#ially as you may not be so
balan#ed in your emotional nature, and you probably have a la#$ of understanding of
that level. n many ways, it is li$ely to be an immature aspe#t of your nature, and may
re,uire #ons#ious development and further e*ploration.

Attempts to restri#t the freedom of others should also be guarded against, as should
undue attra#tions towards promis#uity, unless you are personally liberated from any
emotional rea#tions against su#h freedoms also being e*pressed by your partners.

1un s,uare 3ranus (9obert 6elletier)

The s,uare from the 1un to 3ranus shows that you are e##entri# and sometimes
unprin#ipled in your behavior. 7ou insist on being allowed to do anything you want,
even when you $now you!re wrong. 7ou have a strong desire for power, and you
persist even when it is #lear that others won!t grant it to you. Basi#ally an upstart,
you always have to e*press an opposing point of view, if only to #ause dissension.
Learn to base your position on sound, realisti# values so that you aren!t un)ustifiably
at varian#e with the ma)ority.

Before you #an su##eed, you must re%e*amine your attitudes about authority in
general. 7ou must get over the idea that people are deliberately trying to restrain
you, or that others are treated better than you. 7our arrogan#e and unwillingness to
follow rules will restri#t your development. (umble yourself when ne#essary and
learn how to grow one step at a time. 7ou will earn the respe#t of others if you don!t
seem to threaten them. Although you doubt your own #ompeten#e, you dire#t your
an*ieties toward other people.

5n#e you realize that others may be as sensitive about their own egos as you are, you
will have established a solid foundation for realizing your ob)e#tives. 0ompomise will
assure mutual benefits for everyone. 7ou do have leadership ability, whi#h you #an
use dramati#ally in dealing with large numbers of people. Tea#hing, the physi#al
s#ien#es, politi#s, or government servi#s at any level will provide you with the
#reative e*pression you want and need.

1o#ially, you are at odds with anyone who #hallenges you, and you may be referred to
as a !troublema$er!. Although you have many friends, they are mainly those who are
willing to submit to you. This fa#et of your individuality #olors your romanti# affairs.
7ou demand subservien#e from others, but lose respe#t for them if they submit. 7ou
will have to ma$e many ad)ustments in your outloo$ before you #an attain emotional
satisfa#tion. 7our strong will may disguise the depth of your emotional feelings.

1un opposition 3ranus (9obert 6elletier)

The opposition of the 1un to 3ranus represents a high%strung, irritable, and nervous
disposition, indi#ating that you often need to rela*. 7ou fear #ompetition, and yet you
see$ out people who will #hallenge you. Be#ause you are inse#ure and doubtful of
your #ompeten#e, your self%esteem #onstantly needs to be reaffirmed. &ealing
su##essfully with others is the best way to prove yourself, you feel. 7ou must surely
realize that you are e*#eptionally talented and #an su##eed if you really want to. 7ou
#an meet people at the highest level of authority and easily mat#h them in

3ntil you learn to #ompromise with others, you will find it diffi#ult to a#hieve your
ob)e#tive. There are other points of view, and many are as valid as yours. t isn!t easy,
but try to listen well to what others say. t is to your advantage to realize that you
don!t yet $now it all, that there are still many lessons to learn. f you a##ept this, you
#an go far in many professions. 1#ien#e, so#ial servi#e, and edu#ation are some of the
many meaningful fields in whi#h you #ould e*#el.

The same #ompetitive fa#tor spills over into your so#ial world. 7our errati# behavior
#an alienate you from those who may mean the most to you. 7ou have highs and lows
of temperament, whi#h ma$e you unwel#ome in many #ir#les. Be#ause of your
impatien#e with anyone who seems dull and une*#iting, you may lose friends and
asso#iates who will not tolerate your outbursts. The fa#t is, you wouldn!t tolerate
su#h behavior in someone else.

7ou ma$e enormous demands on those with whom you are emotionally involved. 7our
lifestyle is e*#iting, but you e*pe#t others to mat#h your interests. 7ou are
promis#uous by temperament, if not by physi#al ma$e%up, and this is an importnat
part of your personality. 7ou don!t want to be #onfined, yet you try to #onfine others.

9ela*ation is e*tremely important to you. 7our state of nervous irritability will
improve with periodi# withdrawal and rest. 7our health depends on getting moment
of emotional tran,uility.

1un s,uare 3ranus (Betty Lundsted)

Be#ause the 1un represents the self and 3ranus represents the behavior pattern of a
generation, the s,uare is not easy. &uring the individual!s #hildhood, the father is
stubbrn about his e##entri#ity. (e may be a !thwarter! in the so#ial stru#ture, or he
may resent the so#ial stru#ture of his day. (e may be a religious or politi#al
dissenter. But, in some way, this father rea#hes out to ma$e some #hanges in his
world. (e may do this from a positive or a negative point of view % and end up by
being produ#tive or merely stubborn and e##entri#. The father probably finds his
#hild!s behavior diffi#ult to #ope with as well.

The aspe#t wor$s differently a##ording to the se* of the individual and the dominant
parent situation. A male with a positive sign 1un will be a radi#al' so will the female.
The person #oming from a mother%dominated family will resent the father!s radi#al
position. The mother%dominated male may have problems a##epting his
un#onventional attitudes' or he may be un#onventional at the #ost of getting to
understand himself. The mother%dominated female will have an unorthodo* attitude
toward men sin#e she resents her father!s position. 1he will draw an unorthodo*
male, and perhaps will not develop her talents be#ause of su#h relationships.

The unorthodo* fa#tor will be present throughout the life, but one #an #hoose to be
unorthodo*%produ#tive or not, as one wishes. As we mature, we find via the system of
trial and error that #ertain energies #an be used produ#tively or not. "hen a woman
#hooses an unorthodo* mate (or a #ontraversial one) and plans to have a gamily, she
may end up with a mate who refuses to ta$e the responsibility of fatherhood. This
eventually limits her growth, sin#e she may be for#ed to support her #hildren rather
than being in a situation where she gets help. "hen she is twenty, she #an!t see this %
therefore the trial and error.

1un opposition 3ranus (Betty Lundsted)

The behavior patterns of the father are not produ#tive at the time this #hild is born,
and the #hild is #aught in the unprodu#tive pattern. The father presents himself in
su#h an unorthodo* way that the sub#ons#ious mind of the #hild develops a pattern
that in#ludes !unsureness! of self. The father #auses the #hild to undergo some $ind of
hardship' perhaps the life situation or hardships that #onfront the father are ta$en
out on the #hild when &ad #omes home. "hatever the #ase, the #hild usually assumes
that life should not be easy. "hen one believes this, one usually draws the life
e*perien#es one e*pe#ts.

9elationships are often diffi#ult for those with this aspe#t, for they present
themselves to others in a manner that is diffi#ult to understand. The generation they
are born into may have an adverse effe#t on them. They may also be#ome involved in
the e*#lusive idea of being !different!. 3n#onventional or e##entri# people #an be
either interesting or self%destru#tive. "hen we pursue the unusual merely for the
sa$e of being unusual, either to get attention or to bother someone else, we seldom
stop to see if our e##entri#ity is produ#tive. Be#ause ea#h individual is free to #hoose
how he will live his life as an adult, it!s impossible to predi#t the behavior patterns of
people born with this aspe#t. The 3ranian type is either ahead of or behind the times,
whi#h adds to the diffi#ulty of predi#ting behavior patterns for this individual.

t seems as if the father does not provide a dependable image for this #hild. f the
#hild is born into a positive sign, he may suffer through his e*perien#e with &ad,
dealing with some form of physi#al violen#e, or perhaps some $ind of emotional
violen#e that serves to develop a ,uality of inse#urity. f the #hild is born into a
mother%dominated atmosphere, the father is even more unorthodo*, although
probably less produ#tive, less mature and less #on#erned with his responsibilities as
a father.

7et, the aspe#t brings with it a transformational ,uality, and be#ause the #hild is
e*posed to unusual behavior patterns he < she is #apable of developing new avenues
of thought as an adult. These #an be the individuals who evolve #ons#iously, who
be#ome the #ontemporary philosophers of their generation, for 3ranus lifts up the
sign type. (owever, the uplifting e*perien#e seldom ta$es pla#e until they get over
hating &addy or feeling self%pity be#ause of their #hildhood #ir#umstan#es.

1un s,uare or opposition 3ranus (/aren (ama$er%Bondag)

"hen the aspe#ts between the 1un and 3ranus are disharmonious, there is a danger
that the native will a#t impulsively without e*er#ising suffi#ient #are. 3ranian
re#$lessness, impatien#e and provo#ativeness are #learly mar$ed. The native ele#ts
to go his or her own way in sear#h of renewal and #hange. nner striving is #onveyed
to others, and he or she in turn is affe#ted by the resulting build%up of tension in
them. Be#ause it is so hard to e*press the need for #hange in a #alm and balan#ed
way, we ,uite often find that the native e*hibits destru#tive tenden#ies. Fre,uently,
with the disharmonious aspe#ts, old stru#tures are razed to the ground and old ties
are severed before any thought is ta$en for what is to happen ne*t. +u#h of the
demolition is needless but it is prompted by ungovernable impulses.

Li$e the harmonious aspe#ts, the disharmonious give an interest in te#hni#al and
s#ientifi# matters' also in re#ondite studies and reforms. The s,uare and opposition
may even en#ourage regular a#tivity in these areas. mpulsiveness aand a
re#eptiveness to sudden thoughts ma$e the native!s rea#tions rather abrupt and
e*pose him or her to ris$. (e or she tends to a#t on ths spur of the moment and is
unable to $eep still. For e*ample, a rash de#ision to overta$e on the road #an end in
disaster. These aspe#ts #all for spe#ial #are in traffi# % the native often belongs to the

"ith the disharmonious aspe#ts, life is lived at a very high tempo. t is hard to #alm
down, impossible to stagnate (that would be unbearable), and there is a hatred of any
form of restraint. f the native is unable to $eep up with himself, however, he is liable
to be#ome distraught.

Natal Sun quincun2 Uranus

(9obert 6elletier)

The 1un in#on)un#t 3ranus shows you often deprive yourself by yielding to other
people!s demands. t isn!t easy for you to give in to orders' and, when you do, you
be#ome bitter. 6erhaps you permit su#h intrusions be#ause you feel a deep inner
guilt about turning people down. 7ou feel severely #hallenged by others, espe#ially by
their authoritative attitude when re,uesting your servi#es.

7ou have to be espe#ially alert to the trap that people use when they say !!ve loo$ed
everywhere, and you!re the only one #an trust with my problem!. "ith this
te#hni,ue, they are pandering to your vanity and thereby indu#ing you to yield. 7ou
will suffer silently if you let yourself be used this way, and if you allow it to #ontinue
you may be#ome vindi#tive.

Beware of other traps also. "hen you re)e#t someone!s demands, they may say
!Aren!t you humanitarian at all2! f you feel you must answer that, your reply should
be only that you are not sa#rifi#ial.

n your profession, you will be similarly bothered by #olleagues trying to impose on
you. 7ou should loo$ for an o##upation in edu#ation, therapy, rehabilitation,
institutional servi#es, or any a#tivity in whi#h freedom is in some way the main
ob)e#tive. Freeing the minds of the young by stimulating them intelle#tually would
serve both them and yourself to great advantage. n whatever wor$ you do, you
should be able to see the effe#ts of your efforts. f your #ontribution is not
appre#iated you may doubt your #ompeten#e and value, although you should not.

The people with whom you are emotionally involved e*pe#t you to prove that you
#are. Learn to rela* when you suspe#t that your love is not returned. 7ou #an be
de#eived by people who may use you to satisfy their desires. True love is not diffi#ult
to demonstrate, so let the other person ma$e the first move to e*press it.

(/aren (ama$er%Bondag)

"ith the in#on)un#t, as with the other 1un < 3ranus aspe#ts, the native is in#lined to
go his or her own way' but in this #ase does so without realizing it. The underlying
#ause is emotional, so that he or she is very vulnerable where personal individuality
is #on#erned. Therefore he or she #an rea#t negatively to #ommands or instru#tions.
Anything that threatens to thwart provo$es tremendous resistan#e. 3nfortunately, he
or she often fights the very things that would prove helpful, and ends up running
round in small #ir#les. All 3ranian aspe#ts ma$e for restlessness, but the on#on)un#t
introdu#es a feverish hunt for who $nows not what.

:erviness is a mar$ed feature of the in#on)un#t and #an e*press itself in many
different ways, from nail%biting to hypera#tivity. 1udden movements invite minor

"ith the in#on)un#t, the native is always see$ing personal transformation to an
imagined !other life! full of renewal and #onventionality. 3ranian aspe#ts are
renowned for produ#ing an interest in the esoteri#, and, with the in#on)un#t, we
might even go so far as to #all the interest a fas#ination. The need and longing for
that !other life! #an un#ons#iously evo$e for#es manoeuvering the native into
situations that repeatedly #ompel him or her to alter #ourse. This is very tiring- it is
as if tran,uility were being denied. But on#e he or she sees what he or she is doing, a
life #an be #hosen in whi#h the need for #hange #an be e*pressed in a more #alm and
deliberate way and #an stimulate both personal development and the potential in

(Betty Lundsted)

The #hild born with this aspe#t has to wor$ harder to attain #ons#iousness than the
#hild with the otehr 3ranus aspe#ts. The attitudes of his generation don!t affe#t him
as overtly, but they bother him. The 1un has to in#orporate the values of the 3ranus
sign pla#ement into the lifestyle. ! am!, says the 1un' ! behave a##ording to the sign
3ranus is in!, says 3ranus. 6erhaps the in#orporation of the ,ualities of this aspe#t is
easiest in the #areer. +u#h time #an be wasted, for the values that need to #hange
are different from the life path, but not strong enough to #ause enough
dissatisfa#tion to for#e the owner of the aspe#t to ta$e a#tion. This person #an either
stagnate or grow.

Natal Sun con/unct Neptune

(/aren (ama$er%Bondag)

n all its #on)un#tions, :eptune offers the opportunity to travel beyond the #onfines of
individuality and this to refine individuality. t #an lend depth and perspe#tive to the
1un (the ego) but, at the same time, it leaves the boundary of the ego rather hazy and
#an desert us in a visionary no%man!s%land, a dream world from whi#h it is diffi#ult to
es#ape be#ause appearan#e and reality seem to mingle there. "ith this #on)un#tion,
we #an, as it were, loo$ through people and sense what they are feeling and thin$ing
even when their terms of referen#e are very different from ours.

Thus :eptune #on)un#t the 1un gives the ego little to hold on to' we are ,uite
impressionable, often without intending to be so. "e are liable to feel very inse#ure,
and a flight to our trusted dream world seems li$e a pleasant alternative to everyday
life. But a dream world lying beyond the already indistin#t borders of the ego poses
the danger that we shall identify with the non%individual, #olle#tive #ontents of the
un#ons#ious. This #an pose a threat to the inherently sha$y ego.

5ur inse#urity #an ma$e us withdrawn, or #an stop us from standing up for ourselves.
"hat is more, the #on)un#tion of the 1un and :eptune (and the same may be said of
other :eptuni#an aspe#ts) brings us into un#ons#ious #onta#t with the emotions of
others. "e sense hidden problems and under#urrents of opposition and aggression in
our environment, but #annot lo#ate them. This imperfe#t half%$nowledge of what is
going on in the minds of our fellow humans #an ma$e us feel suddenly isolated and
alien and #an in#rease our reserve and un#ertainty.

:evertheless, :eptune has a great deal to offer. ts refining a#tion and subtle
#reativity #ome into their own when we engage in musi#al, artisti#, and other forms
of emotional e*pression, or in spiritual and religious e*er#ises. Thus it #an be very
inspirational and #an build a bridge between our dream world and the world of the

The 1un < :eptune #on)un#tion #an ma$e us over%sensitive, not only to things that
might affe#t the development of our identity, but also to things affe#ting our body.
5ur health is probably good but the least trifle upsets us.

(Betty Lundsted)

This is a powerful #on)un#tion. These individuals are influen#ed by a strongly
spiritual father image. They have #hosen to develop a spiritual #ons#iousness this
lifetime, and this #ons#iousness may be hard to dis#over.

They are born with insight that may not be appre#iated by the family. +u#h of the
insight is derived from something pi#$ed up from the father image. (owever, these
individuals usually get some $ind of disorted father image later on in #hildhood and
don!t later remember what the father stood for. Be#ause they #an!t #ons#iously relate
to what they intuitively feel for the father, they get #aught in self%doubt. "ith
:eptune affe#ting the !self! energy, the personality is influen#ed by fantasy. This
aspe#t indi#ates and intuitive, #reative potential that #an ma$e these #hildren
unwel#ome in the household, for they see and $now things that ma$e parents
un#omfortable. +u#h as applies to a 6is#ean, the intuitive fa#ility is well developed.
These #hildren may live in two worlds- the world of parental authority and s#hool
systems, and the world of fantasy and illusion.

f properly guided when young, they #an develop into tremendously #reative and
intuitive types, being drawn to the more #reative aspe#ts of life % the #lassi#al ballet,
#lassi#al musi#, the arts. f the early environment doesn!t provide this insight, they
may begin to wonder if they are living a lie and wonder what is real. &epending on
how the rest of the #hart is aspe#ted, they may be#ome adults who muddle through
life until they find some form of #reative e*pression' they may develop into adults
who have trouble dealing with what the rest of us #all reality. These individuals may
be so sensitive that they retreat into a world of drugs or fantasy or both, in order to
avoid fa#ing the more harsh aspe#ts of the living e*perien#e.

5ne interesting aside in #onne#tion with the 1un%:eptune #on)un#tion (and also with
:eptune #on)un#ting the As#endant) is that the individual may loo$ !dumb!. +any
times do#toes thin$ a patient with this #on)un#tion is a drug addi#t or !on something!.
n offi#e situations, other employees thin$ this individual is not ,uite !with it!. For a
woman, this aspe#t #an be a lot of fun, if she $nows she has it. "omen who loo$
!dumb! #an muddle through life doing very well' if +er#ury is not tied into the
#on)un#tion, she #an plan her moves and not !threaten! anyone. 6eople who are more
obvious, who loo$ !smarter!, usually are more harassed on the way up the #orporate
ladder than those who are wor$ing with the :eptune aspe#ts.

These people need stability, and the #on)un#tion does not give them that. Be#ause the
world of fantasy is )ust behind the blin$ of an eye, it!s easy to wander off in the
mental realms of delusion, illusion or #reative imagination. As the mind wanders far
from home, the personality may periodi#ally be#ome sui#idal, espe#ially when the
1un is under heavy affli#tion by transit. +ost people are unaware that many
philosophers have #onsidered the prospe#t of sui#ide before be#oming more
impersonally involved in the stru#ture of the universe. "hen we #onsider sui#ide, we
are at first feeling very sorry for ourselves be#ause we haven!t gotten our way about
something. !f you don!t marry me, !ll $ill myself8! has been said more than on#e.
After we get tired of feeling sorry for ourselves, we begin to ,uestion why we are
alive. "hen we get more #omfortable with the ,uestion, we then move on to the
,uestion of why anybody or anything is alive. 1hortly beyond that #omes the ! am!
prin#iple and we begin to sound li$e 6lato or &es#artes. As we begin to observe life
patterns, whi#h happens after we wonder why a tree is alive season after season, we
begin to tune into the pattern in the universe. "e #an then begin to see +other
:ature at wor$, espe#ially in the spring. As we begin to a##ept +other :ature, we
begin to thin$ about Father :ature, and life be#omes an e*#iting prospe#t. +any
people are afraid of the word !sui#ide!, but it is merely a #ons#ious #ontemplation of
life after death. As soon as we are born we are approa#hing death.

6eople born with this #on)un#tion (as well as the s,uare or opposition) will wal$ many
different paths on the way to spiritual enlightenment. This #an be an e*#iting trip.
The blo#$s on the path are often #aused by misunderstanding the father. (e was
loo$ing for something and he may not have found it. (e, too, was trying to find
himself, in his own way. f he sold out, if he gave up his ,uest, if he left home or
happened to die when these people are young, they may have great diffi#ulty sorting
through the family history so that they #an get at the truth about the father. But
when one is armed with the $nowledge that &ad was sear#hing for something, the
mystery be#omes #lerer, and the ,uestions #an be as$ed better. f relatives other
than the mother are available, they may be more helpful, for in some #ases the
husband or wife may $now less about the spiritual #risis of a loved one than would
the friends or brothers and sisters.

(0harles 0arter)

This powerful position in#lines strongly to matters of whi#h the essential
#hara#teristi# seems to be deli#a#y or remoteness from what is ordinary, tangible,
and #on#rete. +usi# is very #ommonly the main interest and pursuit, and other forms
of art are often followed, in parti#ular the drama. +ysti#ism, o##ultism, and spiritism,
in their many forms, often attra#t the native, and it is #ertain that this aspe#t is
#ommonly found in the horos#opes of astrologers, espe#ially of those who are
parti#ularly interested in the predi#tive art. should say that 1un #on)un#t :eptune is
the #ommonest aspe#t in astrologers! birth #harts.

0ontrary to what is sometimes taught, the position is not unpra#ti#al or la#$ing in
worldly ability, e*#ept in so far as devotion to su#h pursuits as are mentioned above
is li$ely to be antagonisti# to material su##ess. There is usually a sensitive but gifted

t seems to indi#ate very great enthusiasm for whatever sub)e#t is studied, and a
lifelong devotion to it. n these it may go with #onsiderable su##ess, fame and
re#ognition, but it in#lines to s#andal and the native is li$ely to be the vi#tim of
rumours and tales of a subtle #hara#ter, emanating from sour#es hard to dete#t and
e*pose. These atta#$s are generally dire#ted against the moral #hara#ter and are
sometimes of a parti#ularly odious $ind, espe#ially if the ?th or ==th house be

The father is sometimes involved in dubious affairs or may be engaged in :eptunian
matters' or, again, there may be some mystery or strange #irumstan#e #onne#ted
with him.

n women!s #harts, there is often either widowhood or spinsterhood.
Sun trine Neptune ((aydn 6aul)

"ith the trine, there is the potential for a su##essful re#on#iliation and resolution of
the :eptune%1un energies, leading to a powerful positive blending of the individual
1un #entre and the transpersonal outer planet.

6otential is present, but there may be ,uestion ma$s against your in#entive,
motivation and appli#ation in e*ploiting latent talents. This is the hurdle that #an fa#e
you, espe#ially when #onfronted with the nature of #hoi#e and de#ision over your life%
dire#tion. 7ou may be multi%talented in a variety of artisti# and #reative ways % musi#,
art, literature, dan#e, drama % yet find it hard to be fo#used and suffi#iently
dis#iplined to be#ome a master and not a )a#$ of all trades. deas spring forth easily
and naturally, followed by an enthusiasti# grasping of them, only for them to be
,ui#$ly put aside, repla#ed by the ne*t set of shooting%star ideas. 0ommitment and
perseveran#e may be la#$ing, and the dire#ted energy is fragmented by turning
towards too many dire#tions at the same time.

Asso#iated with a per#eptive mind, whi#h is #apable of good assimilation and
understanding, should be an intuitive ,uality too, whi#h you #an use as a sour#e of
insight and $nowledge. This intuitive or psy#hi# fa#ulty will mainly operate through
the emotional nature as empathi# identifi#ation, in distin#tion to the 3ranian intuition
whi#h is more mental and impersonal in nature. This intuition often gives you insights
into the nature and motivation of others around you, and environmental atmospheres
#an influen#es your state of mind and well%being.

There #an be an ambivalen#y towards so#ial involvement and responsibility. +u#h
depends on the nature of your e*pression' if it is within #reative and artisti# spheres,
then your fo#us of attention and energy is absorbed within the #reative vision. 7ou
are not unresponsive to so#ial #on#erns, but you feel that being a #reative #hannel is
your #ontribution to so#iety. 5r you may respond to the :eptunian vibration by
opening your heart wider, feeling a #hannel for !universal love! supporting and
uplifting others. This path is one of servi#e to the #ommunity of human beings, and
medi#ine #an be a favourite e*pression, or similar forms of physi#al, emotional and
mental therapy and healing.

Be#oming #lear as to dire#tion is the #hallenge' on#e determined, you should be able
to pour your energies and talents into a#hieving those aims, and in so doing wal$
your solar path of purpose. 7ou have the #apabilities to a#hieve your ob)e#tives, on#e
definition and fo#us is made. There may be a need to be more pra#ti#al, perhaps
modified by evo$ing a strong 1aturn or +er#ury influen#e to ensure that material
results o##ur, or you #ould waste those talents and end as a negative dreamer,
#hasing your flights of imagination but never #ontaining them within ob)e#tive form.

n relationships, emotional freedom and trust are highly valued as #omponents of an
ideal romanti# love. 7ou tend to be emotionally faithful, and give priority to the
virtues of a #lose and loving family environment. 7our empathi# and sympatheti#
nature adds to those feelings of #loseness with family and friends.

1un trine :eptune (9obert 6elletier)

The trine from the 1un to :eptune means that you have enormous talent to e*press,
but you may never find the right way to e*ploit it. 7ou ta$e up ideas with enthusiasm,
then drop them right away. 7our mind has a pre#o#ious ,uality, in that you learn
,ui#$ly and with deep #omprehension. 7ou respond to what you learn both
emotionaly and intelle#tually. n reality, you are e*tremely psy#hi#, and mu#h of your
$nowledge has been a#,uired through this fa#ulty. This may have been the reason
you were bored, as a #hild, by tea#hers who were giving you information that you
already $new intuitively. Be#ause you learned easily and didn!t have to over#ome the
usual obsta#les, now you don!t readily ta$e on duties unless you want to very
strongly. 7ou may avoid involvement in the affairs of the #ommunity, for it is almost
impossible for anyone to provo$e you to respond to your so#ial resonsibilities.

7ou #an write your own ti#$et to your professional ambitions. 6robably you will never
en#ounter a #hallenge that you #an!t su##essfully meet. 7ou are e*tremely #reative
and will be able to perform almost any tas$ assigned to you. 7our greatest problem is
dawdling when time is urgent or s#hedules must be met. 0onse,uently, it is better for
you to be self%employed, so you #an wor$ at your own pa#e, and others don!t have to
depend on you. Art, drama, edu#ation, writing, and medi#al resear#h would all
pprovide you with a field for #reative e*pression. .ven though your ambitions may
not be defined, others will benefit from your efforts.

7our personal relationships are #hara#terized by permissiveness between you and
your mate, a freedom based on mutual trust. 7ou and your beloved en)oy a blissful,
romanti# love and #an indulge in es#apes to 1hangri%la. 7ou #an be devoted to your
mate and $now that indis#retion will never #ome into your life. 7our family will be
warm and tender toward you, and your #hildren will be a sour#e of endless )oy to you
as they grow into maturity.

1un se*tile :eptune ((aydn 6aul)

3nli$e the #on)un#tion aspe#t, whi#h poses the problem of dealing with both the
positive and negative influen#es of :eptune on the individual life, the se*tile is an
easier aspe#t to live with.

The themes of #reativity through art, musi#, #rafts, writing, and drama are
highlighted, as are the inner paths of mysti#ism and psy#hi# sensitivity as ways of #o%
operating with the :eptunian impulse and moving towards the solar #entre. 7ou are
li$ely to be aware of your own #reative potential, and in#lined to allow this natural
e*pression. 5ne ability that you may possess is #reating vivid mental images, whi#h
through the pro#ess of #reative visualisation #an be used either in the building of
your own future path, or by being offered for the stimulation and e)oyment of
others through musi#, art and literature. +anifesting these evo#ative images into a
tangible form is a very important gift, and #an be applied in a variety of ways, for
self%aggrandisement, for the a##umulation of wealthe and power, or to benefit others.
This issue of selfish versus selfless a#tions is one whi#h may #onfront you, influen#ing
your de#isions and motivations. The art of visualisation is a powerful merging of
mind%will%imagination, and is the sour#e of #reation.

7our sensitivity to others and world pain will be strong, #onne#ted to a reasonably
well%developed awareness of so#ial responsibility, where by empathi# feelings you
believe that you should and #ould aid in the alleviation of human suffering. 7et this
psy#hi# absorption of pain #an also ma$e you turn away from a#tually doing anything
about this so#ial awareness, so you may register and a#$nowledge its e*isten#e yet
attempt to deny your role in healing. t is unli$ely that you will be #apable of dealing
with the #auses of suffering, but you may prefer to hold a soothing and healing balm
to the symptoms of the pain. 7ou hope that others who are stronger and perhaps less
sensitive than yourself will deal with the negative #auses in so#iety.

7ou may be of value by #ommuni#ation inspiration, perhaps through writing for
publi#ation or through the media. Lin$ing your grasp of so#ial responsibility with a
good dramati# e*pression #ould bring aspe#ts of so#iety that need transforming to
the attention of others' #rusading )ournalism and TE do#umentaries are prime
e*amples of su#h wor$. This is an asset that you #ould apply' and, if you #hoose to
develop this, then your imagination and inspiration will be re$indled. This need to
maintain relationships with people, whi#h also involves a broader so#ial sphere than
that of )ust friendship, is a route through whi#h :eptune wor$s, leading you towards
your solar purpose.

"ith most people, you e*perien#e a laissez%faire relationship, where toleran#e and
empathy dominate, and interpersonal pressures are not imposed. "hile your
sensitivity is ever%present, you are not overly demanding or tied to impossible
e*pe#tations of others, although you do prefer self%#onfident #ompanions whose
asso#iations for#e you to firm up any tenden#y towrds :eptunian nebulousness and
inde#ision. 7ou have a humanitarian spirit, relating freely and easily to a wide range
of human types, seeing value in all and not )ust in those who are !su##essful! in terms
of so#ial evaluation.

There is an element of a #hameleon nature about you, a malleability enabling you to
fit into a variety of situations and so#ial s#enes, an inner fle*ibility whereby your
attitudes and e*pression mould themselves to any spe#ifi# environment and ta$e over
from deeper personal preferen#es. This is a :eptunian water ,uality in your
personality, where you !ta$e the shape of any #ontainer!. t #an be advantageous, yet
e,ually #an lead to losing your distin#t identity due to repeated #hameleon
transformations. This may therefore need to be #arefully monitored or guarded
against if your personality begins to fragment and dissolve' although, if you are
following a mysti#al path, your aim be#omes dissolving into the !o#ean!, where the
droplet of the separate self loses all boundaries and disappears into the universal
o#ean of life.
Sun square Neptune ((aydn 6aul)

This indi#ates tenden#ies of psy#hologi#ally based inhibitions, restri#tions and
frustrations whi#h pose #onsiderable #hallenges that need over#oming before the
more positive #hara#teristi#s of :eptune and the 1un emerge.

7ou tend to la#$ #onfiden#e in your identity and ability to a#hieve your ambitions.
6art of this may have been derived from your parental relationships, espe#ially with
the father, as your developing nature may have e*perien#ed #onfli#t through la#$ of
understanding or of per#eived love' it may have been that by asserting your own
individuality you #lashed with the stronger parental will.The results are that your
self%#onfiden#e has fragmented, and that your appli#ation of will is less fo#used and
effe#tive, and #onse,uently you have developed psy#hologi#al defen#es against
others and from fa#nig personal failure.

This is displayed in es#apism, and avoidan#e of responsibilities and of the need for
self%dis#ipline, unless a powerful 1aturn in your #hart #an rebalan#e this tenden#y.
6referring to run away from #onfronting reality leads to distorted per#eptions, whi#h
ma$e #areful evaluation of options diffi#ult as well as generating fears of ma$ing
de#isions whi#h may prove to be unwise. At its worst, this #an #reate inertia through
fear of ta$ing deliberate a#tion. These inner images of failure tend to #reate e*ternal
failures, and so emphasise a repetitive vi#ious #ir#le. 7et by lin$ing this pattern of
failure within aims and ambitions that are probably beyond your #urrent #apabilities
to a#hieve, you also su##eed in evading the realisation that you are #reating most
failures in your life. This is e*a#erbated by the dreams of the unintegrated and
unfulfilled :eptune, who may be noti#ed as a thread of guilt related to your la#$ of
a#hievement, and as an ongoing sensation of dis#ontent. 7our solar power is being
diverted and dissolved by the a#tivity of an unintegrated :eptune, and, unless you
#an begin to reassert this solar #entre and fa#e your :eptunian #hallenges, this
unsatisfa#tory #ondition may #ontinue.

These #hallenges #an be mitigated by a de#ision to ma$e suffi#ient effort to #onne#t
to your hidden solar #entre, to move beyond those superimposed images of guilt,
failure and inferiority that have developed as a defensive response to emotional pain.
1u#h a reorientation may not be easy to ma$e, as you will be opposing established
patterns of behaviour, yet the gains that #an be made are li$ely to transform your life.

The first step is self%a##eptan#e, to #ease any self%)udgement and #ondemnation.
Then, if you really want it to happen, feel #onfident that any #hange #an o##ur. 7ou
have suffi#ient inner #reativity, imagination and potential waiting to be released from
imprisonment, although finding appropriate #hannels of e*pression may still ta$e a
little longer. (owever, you need to define any ambitions within a more realisti#
perspe#tive than previously. 6ossibly some form of #ounselling may be effe#tive in
helping you gain more #larity regarding your self%potential, or wor$shops in self%
assertion and de#ision%ma$ing < goal%setting. n effe#t, you are being as$ed to see
yourself as a young #hild, ready to enter adulthood, and you are e*pe#ted to re#reate
yourself into a new and more suitable identity. Ta$e smaller and easily a#hievable
steps in this pro#ess of re#reation' a#$nowledge that o##asional failures are
inevitable, but try not to turn them into traumati# dramas, and realise that su##ess
will not happen without the parallel ris$ of failure side by side. .verybody is a failure
at something, and that isn!t an e*#use to #ondemn yourself again.

As your self%#onfiden#e grows, your life will begin to ta$e a more positive shape. t
will not happen overnight, as transforming long%established behaviour patterns
#annot be a#hieved that ,ui#$ly' but persevere, an# #hanges #an happen. 6erhaps
using te#hni,ues li$e #reative visualisation and affirmations, or subliminal
programming en#oded on self%development #assette tapes, #ould strengthen this
pro#ess. The essential realisation is that #hange is possible, and that you #an a#hieve
this in your own way' in hope lies the fountainhead of the waters of potential and
transformation. 1u#h improvements #an benefit your intimate relationships too, as
well as enhan#e your self%image, #onfiden#e and de#ision%ma$ing abilities.

;enerally you are emotionally vulnerable, possibly e*ploited or abused by others,
de#eived or manipulated in various ways' but if these tenden#ies e*ist, they are
refle#tions of those dominating patterns within you. There #an be unusual emotional
needs and desires lin$ed with romanti# idealism that are e*pressed in physi#al
se*uality' these may re,uire healing and #leansing in some way. But the proposed
transformation and refinement that is implied by resolving the #onfli#t of the 1un and
:eptune would simultaneously deal with that level too.

There #an be an attra#tion towards o##ultism and mysti#ism, whi#h, if followed in the
pre%transformation stage, #an lead to self%e*altation (in #ontrast to an inferiority
#omple*), and to be#oming self%deluded as a voi#e of ;od or the +asters' although, if
the transformation has been made, you #ould a#tually fun#tion in su#h a way as a
purer #hannel. But some degree of #aution and restraint may need ma$ing if you do
e*plore su#h dimensions of life, as there #an be an un#ons#ious desire for self%
aggrandisement operating through and motivating your a#tions. As the imagination
aspe#t of :eptune is so strong, this #an #reate inflated egotism and self%delusion
where instead of finding the light you be#ome lost in the dazzle of glamour and

1un opposition :eptune ((aydn 6aul)

The opposition between :eptune and the 1un #an stimulate a distorted and self%
deluding perspe#tive of reality, whi#h tends to #reate additional problems and
obsta#les in your life and de#ision%ma$ing. 7ou may find it diffi#ult to analyse and
evaluate options and #hoi#es #orre#tly, often fo#using on self%#reated and imaginary
issues rather than a#tual problems. 1ometimes these #an ta$e the forms of voluntary
suffering arising from inner guilt patterns asso#iated with deep%lying desires' an
e*piation or atonement of !sins!, a#tual or imaginary. This #an result in the sa#rifi#ial
martyr attitude, and is often ,uite unne#essary, yet in a strange way provides a
foundation to your life. A sa#rifi#e may well be re,uired, that of your imagined
illusions, prior to your attaing the deeper solar #entre of balan#e, but su#h a sa#rifi#e
is often misunderstood and misapplied in daily life.

7ou tend to rea#t strongly against any domination imposed by others, yet #an easily
submit if under the influen#e of a mispla#ed sa#rifi#ial trip. 7our relationships #an be
#hara#terised by degrees of #onfusion and misunderstandings, and through powerful
emotions you are liable to overly intimate relationships with fantasies and wishful
thin$ing, forming a de#eiving miasma whi#h affe#ts all involved. There #an be a
pattern operating through you that subverts #lear, honest and dire#t #ommuni#ation,
even though you may not fully a##ept or realise this. As you tend to be inse#ure and
defensive in relationship attitudes, tensions #an be generated by your style of
e*pression, whi#h rarely a##epts being wrong or any responsibility, yet operates in
a manner whi#h attempts to lay any blame on the shoulders of others. This #reates
#onfusion rather than #larity, and over time it may produ#e #onsiderable fri#tion. This
nebulousness dominates your personality, turning you into a !psy#hologi#al
#hameleon!, #hanging appearan#es and attitudes as distorted per#eptions and
personal biases intrude into reality.

7ou often avoid #ommitment and entering fully into emotional involvements through
fears of being trapped or dominated, whi#h, allied to a suspi#ious nature, does not
augur well for stable relationships. As you are liable to fall under the negative
:eptunian glamours regarding love and roman#e, this tenden#y may have developed
from previous shattering disappointments. f this be#omes a repetitive pattern in
your life, then the #ause is probably within yourself, and it is by e*ploration and
inward )ourney to #onta#t the solar light that you #an dis#over and illumine your
potential solution.

0oming to terms with su#h influential patterns #on#erning your identiy and
relationships re,uires #onsiderable honesty and #ommitment. Benefi#ial #hange #an
be stimulated, but only if you really want it and are willing to put in the effort. The
main problem with inner glamours and illusions is that they are so diffi#ult to identify
#orre#tly, and obviously su#h distorting mirros ma$e it hard to per#eive with #larity.
The real effe#t of spiritual transformation shatters these mirrors. Being able to
re#ognise and a#$nowledge that su#h problems e*ist is the first the first and most
important step, followed by #onsistent a#tion to dis#over the appropriate remedy.

Through inse#urity, you are liable to doubt your #apabilities and potential, fearing
#hallenges as e*posing failings and wea$nesses. 9etreat or defensive me#hanisms
may have been established as forms of prote#tion. .ssentially, you need to strip down
your habitual per#eptions of others and yourself, so that the reality #an shine through
more ob)e#tively. Fa#ing the reality of avoidan#e patterns and observing the
influen#e of your emotional biases and defensive me#hanisms #an be very revealing,
as #an noting how you distort relationship #ommuni#ation' #onsider all this without
self%#ondemnation or )udgement. n loo$ing lie the seeds of transformation. 9efinding
your own solar self and #entre beyond these ephemeral influen#es is the purpose of
your )ourney' and establishing strength in your own identity and resour#es will
demonstrate a developing maturity, rather than any unhealthy relian#e on others.

&is#erning your aims in life, perhaps developing a programme towards a#hieving
some of them, #an give a dire#tional fo#us, and allow you to e*press freely that
blo#$ed and frustrated potential whi#h may have been previously inhibited. Ta$ing
su#h steps #an renew yourself and relationships, prote#ting you from being
negatively influen#ed by surrounding environmental influen#es entering your psy#he.
5n#e the #hanges are made, you #an have mu#h to offer people, where your
sa#rifi#ial tenden#ies #an be benefi#ial and refle#t your higher solar path instead of
an illusory :eptunian one. "or$ing with types of meditation whi#h deglamorise and
strip away illusory veils of personality, or with relationship therapies, #an be suitable
approa#hes to #leanse yourself of the negative :eptunian tenden#ies, in order for the
light of your #o%ordinating 1un #entre to shine through more powerfully.
Natal Sun quincun2 Neptune

(9obert 6elletier)

The in#on)un#t from the 1un to :eptune shows that you #onsider your responsibilities
the most pressing in the world. There is an element of self%sa#rifi#e in the way you
allow others to intrude in your life. 7ou really believe people who suggest that only
you #an solve their problems. Be#ause of this martyr ,uality, you see$ the most
demanding )obs or human situations in order to test your #ommitment to servi#e. 7ou
are unsure of yourself and are #ontinually trying to find ways to prove your
#ompeten#e. n serving other people!s needs, you deplete your own energies.

6rofessional su##ess will be diffi#ult to a#hieve be#ause of your preo##upation with
endless trivia. .*aggerating the importan#e of superfi#ial matters, you tend to get
bogged down by them. 7ou should be#ome selfish enough to e*press your own
#reative potential. There will always be opportunities to render servi#e to others after
you!ve gained a sense of your own importan#e. "elfare programs, hospital wor$,
group therapy, medi#al resear#h, and rehabilitative fun#tions would provide
ade,uate avenues for e*pression. n your wor$, be sure to establish the e*a#t e*tent
of your duties and resolve not to do more than is e*pli#itly re,uired. n other words,
don!t be a !patsy!.

7ou tend to form allian#es with individuals who always seem to need you. They do
need you, mu#h more than you need them. Be wary of people who will e*ploit you, for
they may su##essfully hide their negative ambitions from you. Always be suspi#ious of
the motivation underlying someone!s interest in you. &on!t fall into the trap of
thin$ing that it!s your spiritual responsibility to be of servi#e to others. 7our
emotional nature is su#h that you grant others the benefit of the doubt, and later find
you have been re)e#ted.

Try not to let everyone treat you as a dumping ground for their negative ,ualities. f
someone needs a #onfessor, let him see$ and pay for professional help. 1u#h people
will never pay you for the burdens they unload on you.

(/aren (ama$er%Bondag)

"hen the natal #hart #ontains an in#on)un#t between the 1un and :eptune, we are
e*tremely sensitive and vulnerable. "e feel an un#ertainty that has an unassignable
#ause. For a #onsiderable time we are see$ing the !;reat "onder! without having any
idea of what it is li$e or where to find it' we )ust $now that there is a va#ant pla#e in
our emotional life.

5ur sensitivity is so a#ute that we suffer #onsiderable dis#omfort from influen#es
radiated by others. 5ur being (1un) has nothing in #ommon with :eptune!s world,
whi#h stret#hes beyond the #onfines of the ego into the ina##essible #olle#tive. "e
are ever on the run, for want of a safe pla#e that is not being undermined. The
un#ertainty #an prey on our nerves, #ausing psy#hosomati# illnesses that may be
hard to diagnose #orre#tly. n this in#on)un#t, :eptune #an drain us of our animal
spirits and render us passive and dreamy.

.s#apism is a danger, the more so as this aspe#t is one that leaves us vulnerable to
abuse. All un#ons#iously, we land ourselves in #haoti# situations % at wor$, at home,
or in fa#t anywhere % until it eventually dawns on us that we have been throwing
away life and opportunities by never settling down- we have been li,uidating ea#h
situation and have been repla#ing it by a newer one that will be li,uidated in turn.
The ris$ of #reating a negative spiral is obvious.

5n be#oming aware of this un#ons#ious behavior, we may well dis#over that the
!wonder! we are see$ing is not outside but inside us, along with the #ertainty and
spiritual rest that the world #annot give. Then, if we open ourselves to what is going
on around us, we shall find ourselves in possession of an e*tremely fine instrument,
whi#h #an interpret and understand the meaning of under#urrents and atmospheres
li$e none other.

(Betty Lundsted)

This aspe#t is less noti#eable in terms of personal inse#urity. The #hild has an
internal battle going on, for the self is interested in one thing, yet the #reative or
spiritual urges send it in another dire#tion. The aspe#t #auses unprodu#tive
daydreaming. The energy of the 1un must wor$ #onstru#tively with the :eptune
energy and is best e*pressed via #areer.
Natal Sun con/unct Pluto

((aydn 6aul)

7our ambitions and desires will be highly influen#ed by your natal 1un sign, and
these #an be a#hieved by applying the 6luto energy to amplify your solar will power.
6otentially, this #on)un#tion aspe#t #an be very valuable in enabling you to rea#h
your ob)e#tives, but to ma*imise #han#es of eventual su#ess you may need to ad)ust
#ertain attitudes.

6luto offers the potential of regeneration and rebirth, whi#h is also refle#ted in the
pattern of solar myths, so you should be able to transform yourself and also to some
degree your immediate environment to mat#h your purpose. 5n#e your dire#tion is
determuined you will see what may re,uire #hanging as a prere,uisite to
a#hievement, and then #ommen#e applying your will a##ordingly.

There #an be attitudes of e*tremism, where your beliefs, ideas, and opinions are
e*pressed with for#e and intensity. 7ou will feel ,uite #lear about your preferen#es in
life, and often your attitudes #ould be polarised into !bla#$ and white!, with little
spa#e for !grey! to be #onsidered, or to be a##epted as a viable alternative. 5n#e your
#hoi#es are made, it is as if you have written them on tablets of stone' even though
you have the ability to #hange, you may not willingly do so, or you may alter fi*ed
attitudes only when you feel there is no option. 7ou find it diffi#ult to be balan#ed,
espe#ially in tolerating and understanding the frailties of humanity. 7ou #an probably
adopt a fairly hard%line philosophy, having the opinion that people #an #hange their
lives and be self%suffi#ient if they want to, instead of being wea$ and relying upon
others, although you tend to resist #hange yourself.

7ou may tend to be assertive and attra#ted towards power' those who appear to
possess influen#e over others will serve as a magnet, at least in the sense that you
would li$e to be in su#h positions of authority. 1u#h an inner desire is li$ely to
influen#e your dire#tion in life, wor$ and #areer, or even in the struggles of family
life. 7ou may use manipulation and psy#hologi#al pressure ta#ti#s as levers to
guarantee winning in the midst of any power struggles with others' your one%pointed
ruthlessness #an bring apparent su##ess, but may also bring an in#reasing number of
!enemies! in its wa$e. 7ou will have to learn that you are not !the #entre of the
universe!, and that others have rights and purposes too, and that they should never
be sa#rifi#ed or wal$ed over )ust to a#hieve your desires. An ad)ustment to be#ome
more aware of others, by a#$nowledging that their feeligns and uni,ue outloo$s on
life are as valid as yours, would #reate a mu#h more harmonious energy in your life
and the fulfilment of su##essful personal relationships. Being willing sometimes to
a##ept inevitable failures would be a positive step for you, diffusing tension and
brea$ing any #ompulsive sear#h for !su##ess!' otherwise, you may be#ome obsessed
with a#hieving your goal and possibly be willing to damage people more, apart from
allowing !failure! to gnaw away by unhealthy brooding.

+u#h of your energy will #arry a se*ual poten#y, and, irrespe#tive of your physi#al
se*, will have a penetrative ,uality to it and an aggressive mas#uline nature. 7our
physi#al needs are strong, and there #an be a single%minded dire#tness about your
desires, as you pursue your !prey! without deviation on#e your #hoi#e is made.
.lements of vi#tory, su##ess and manipulation will be present in your relationships,
and you will ta$e any re)e#tion hard as it negatively affe#ts your self%image. (owever,
your relationships will be very intense, and you will give a wholehearted #ommitment
to them while they last, be#oming very emotionally involved.

.motional understanding is li$ely to be a wea$ spot until #ertain transformations
have o##urred within you to brea$ down self%preo##upation. 7ou may e*perien#e
feelings of almost dissolving into passionate relationships, be#oming lost in
absorption with your lover, or possible obsessions with the affair. 1u#h e*perien#es
#ould be the $ey to your transformation, or #ould fill you with so mu#h fear for your
sanity and #hosen purpose that you begin to re)e#t su#h intensity for more superfi#ial
physi#al relationships and energy release without the emotional dire#tion being

Almost parado*i#ally, you #an also strongly rea#t to so#ial in)usti#es, and may be
attra#ted towards the alleviation of so#ial problems. +ovement in this dire#tion is
dependent upon the degree to whi#h you be#ome aware of the needs of others, and a
#orresponding diminution of your own need for power and su##ess. The $ey issue is
whether you are self%oriented or other%oriented' this will determine your responses to
others, forming attitudes of either !they #an #hange and help themselves! or ! will
#hange and use my power to help others to help themselves!. 1u#h a step would
involve a realignment with a higher ideal and purpose, and would represent your
initiation into being a repsonsive member of humanity. This is a progression towards
embodying your solar path!s spiritual dimension, where the inner light begins to unify
life and you feel the inter%relationship with humanity and the world. Ta$ing this
approa#h #an regenerate your life dire#tion, and will lead you towards the
e*perien#es of the heroi# ,uest, #hallenging your perseveran#e and appli#ation of
fo#used will, and demanding #onsiderable inner growth whi#h #an enable you to
attain your ob)e#tives.

(9obert 6elletier)

The #on)un#tion between your 1un and 6luto indi#ates that you are an e*tremist.
7our li$es and disli$es are intense, and a#ting in moderation is diffi#ult. 7ou have a
powerful ego, whi#h you assert whenever you #an. At times you a#t #ourageously, but
at other times you show a surprising la#$ of #ommon sense.

&riven by a lust to gain important positions of authority, you may resort to pressure
ta#ti#s against people who stand in your way. 7ou meet #ompetition dire#tly, even at
the ris$ of finan#ial loss, )ust to prove to others that you are a power to re#$on with.

Be#ause you are basi#ally sensitive to so#ial #onditions, you ma$e a great effort to
bring about improved #onditions in your environment for everyone!s benefit. "hen
defending those in need or wor$ing to #orre#t so#ial in)usti#es, you #an truly a#hieve
greatness. 7ou are not tolerant of wea$nesses, either in individuals or in politi#al
systems, that allow unfair or intolerable human #onditions.

7ou have strong physi#al desires and are li$ely to throw a tantrum if your advan#es
are re)e#ted. Figuratively, you are a hunter or predator in #onstant sear#h of prey. t
is part of your nature that you aren!t #ontent unless you a#hieve vi#tory in every
pursuit. 7our magneti# #harm has a hypnoti# effe#t on people. (owever, unless you
are willing go serve others when they are unable to help themselves, even those who
are #harmed by you will respond with anger.

Avoid driving yourself beyond safe physi#al levels of toleran#e. f you will use your
energy #onstru#tively, su##ess is guaranteed.

(Betty Lundsted)

This is a #reative aspe#t, for it puts the personality in tou#h with the #olle#tive
un#ons#iousness as it is defined in the 4ungian #on#ept. This #onta#t #an be an easy,
#reative talent on#e it!s #hanneled.

The physi#al father plays an important part in the #hild!s development, and how
important this is depends on whether the 1un is in a positive or negative polarity. The
positive signs indi#ate the father is an overwhelming personality who is able to
#ompletely #ontrol and manipulate the #hild. This #hild will be#ome an adult who
automati#ally imitates the father be#ause he doesn!t $now any other set of !normals!.

This is a person who thin$s he must totally #ontrol his environment. 1o he enters
adult relationships with this attitude and doesn!t #ons#iously $now what he is doing.
The people around him resent being #ontrolled and manipulated, and pull away as
soon as they #an. As relationships fail one after another, this person be#omes more
apprehensive and therefore more #ontrolling until he attra#ts only people who are
wea$ enough to be manipulated. This aspe#t needs to relate to strong people in order
to develop balan#e' there is a general feeling of dis#omfort when he be#omes
atta#hed to wea$lings.

"hen this aspe#t o##urs to a #hild from a mother%dominated ba#$ground, the mother
and father are often involved in a great power%struggle. The #hild sees no other way
of life, no other form of relating. The battle that goes on between his +om and &ad is
the one involving the power of the strong versus the power of the wea$. The #hild
doesn!t really $now who!s winning, so he doesn!t $now whi#h role to play. As he
be#omes an adult and attempts relationships, he too will try to #ontrol those
relationships any way he #an. (e #an be strong one day and #ompletely neuroti# the
ne*t, whi#hever ta#ti# will win the war.

0are must be ta$en when trying to determine power in a personality, for power #an
be that of the strong dominating the wea$, or the tyranny of the wea$ in an attempt
to manipulate someone who is physi#ally or mentally stronger. A person who feigns a
heart atta#$ or other forms of illness in order to #ontrol a family is )ust as 6lutoni# as
someone who wields a mighty fist.

6eople with 6luto #on)un#t the 1un do not want to feel out of !#ontrol! in any
situation. They overwhelm others any way they #an. 5ne #an!t really blame them, for
they were taught how to do this early in the #hildhood. They #an overwhelm with
love, #aring, #on#ern, guilt, problems, solutions, or anything else one #an thin$ of. f
you find yourself be#oming resentful of someone' if you feel you have no !spa#e! or
you #an!t breathe, you may be feeling what it!s li$e to be around a strong 6luto type.
The energy #auses others to be#ome defensive, for they feel that their very essen#e is
being invaded.

This #on)un#tion brings great energy, but first the owner must be#ome #ons#ious of
the power. 1ome people be#ome righteous, some have all the answers, some are
obsessive. 5ften they are not #ons#ious of their obsession with an idea or a person.
They #an be so intense that they are #onsidered !psy#hi# vampires! for they ta$e
energy from everyone around them. They don!t always $now what they are doing or
saying' the un#ons#ious need to #ontrol )ust seems to burst forth in the personality. f
the energy is #hanneled, this person be#omes a transformer, a powerful and helpful
person in the universe.
Sun square Pluto
4(aydn 6aul)

The energy and #hallenges indi#ated by this s,uare #an be diffi#ult to deal with, as
the unintegrated negative tenden#ies of 6luto #an be fully present. Arriving at a #lear
understanding of su#h underlying aspe#ts of your nature, by evo$ing the light and the
#ohesive nature of your 1un, will serve to minimise the more negative and destru#tive
effe#ts of this abrasive 6lutoni# energy, allowing you to redire#t it towards more
positive #hannels whi#h are asso#iated with your solar path. (owever, you will have
to remain aware of how you are e*pressing 6luto, as its pe#uliar ,uality will still be
vitalised and #annot be nullified, only used in a wiser manner.

The 6luto tenden#ies of ambition, for#e, power, domination, aggression, and
e*tremism #an also stimulate similar tenden#ies in an assertive 1un, and will e*ist as
motivating and #ompulsive fa#tors in your #hara#ter. +u#h may depend upon your
1un sign, espe#ially if it is pla#ed in either .arth or Fire elements, when those
tenden#ies may be more present as an impulse for !power over! others. f the 1un is
in a "ater or Air sign, then the emphasis may be pla#ed on emotional or intelle#tual
manipulation and domination.

7ou will tend to believe that your fo#used will%power #an a#t in a magi#al way,
a#hieving desires and purposes by the wielding of a #on#entrated will' often, you will
!magi#ally! su##eed, but there is usually some form of hidden #ost to pay. 5ften
applying your potent will, espe#ially when your motives are self%#entred, #an lead to
more negative and destru#tive results whi#h oppose your initial intention' li$e the
1#orpio energy, you are liable to sting yourself and others.

7ou may e*perien#e #onsiderable inner tension as a result of this #hallenging
planetary relationship, often finding it diffi#ult to !brea$ through barriers! whi#h
appear to prohibit the attainment of your ambitions. This is 6luto attempting to for#e
you towards an inner transformation, the need for whi#h you will re#ognise whenever
the pressures of frustrated intentions in#rease, until you find it hard to live with and
in some way !blow up!, releasing the pressure. 1ome #hanges #an o##ur as a result of
powerful #atharti# e*perien#es, whi#h will enable you either to move towards su##ess
or to #reate a new, alternative route to follow.

Attitudes towards authority are ambivalent. "hile you have #ertain leadership
,ualities and management ability, you are often antagonisti# towards authority,
s#epti#al, subversive and i#ono#lasti# in your spee#h and thoughts. 5bviously, this
will not lead to progress in many fields of so#iety, but you are too independent and
free%spirited to #hange and be subservient. t is li$ely that others will maintain a
psy#hologi#al distan#e from you, be#ause your aura often suggests % in an
un#ons#ious manner % that you are !dangerous!' that your way of loo$ing at things is
potentially #hallenging and transformative, and that a deeper involvement would
bring about some un$nown #hange in them. 5thers #ould find it a fas#inating energy,
and greatly en)oy your #ompany' mu#h depends upon their ability to handle it.

7ou are often loo$ing to pit yourself against adversaries as a test and en)oyment,
feeling li$e a fiery warrior at war. This #an be e*pressed on all levels, physi#al,
emotional and mental. 7ou may not always e*press it in real, tangible terms, often
only entering into the adversarial state of mind, mentally ena#ting imaginary battles
with an opponent in terms of ideologi#al disagreement and inner dialogue, as you
hate the thought of losing.

7ou will be hard to understand, appearing ,uite enigmati# to many, and may often
have a resistan#e towards be#oming emotionally involved with others. This is be#ause
you are aware of your emotional depths and strength of feelings, and this intensity
#an ma$e you feel e*tremely un#omfortable, espe#ially if you lose #ontrol when you
have fallen in love. 7ou have a fear of not being in full #ontrol, and will usually try to
#reate a relationship #onte*t where you feel in #ommand of the situation. "hile
giving an impression of great self%#ontrol and balan#e, you often hide the eviden#e of
inner turmoil, whi#h #an erupt as over%rea#tions to trivial, unimportant events in your
life, or be for#efully released when someone !presses your buttons! evo$ing a

7ou prefer stability, and are often resistant to #hange, espe#ially when you have
established a lifestyle whi#h suits you. There #an be a form of apprehension
#on#erning a#tually a#hieving your purposes' sometimes you ma$e good progress,
only to run out of interest at the point when the final effort should be made, almost as
if the subversive tenden#y of 6luto finally erodes your solar purpose. 3ntil the inner
fri#tion between your 1un and 6luto is more resolved and integrated under solar
#ontrol, then you may un#ons#iously a#t as your own worst enemy, defeating your
own intentions. 7ou should learn to a#$nowledge the aid of others in your life, and be
open to all their suggestions, as they #an often indi#ate the dire#tion for you to ta$e.
0ompromise and #o%operation are two lessons whi#h need to be learned as soon as
possible, as well as more inner moderation. 5n#e you a#hieve a balan#e between your
being re#eptive to others and your dominating tenden#ies wanting them to submit to
you, then you should find that the ,uality of your relationships begins to improve in a
#reative and #onstru#tive manner.

deally, you should inwardly redire#t 6luto!s abrasive energy. This may not be easy,
and #an involve some personal suffering, but it #an stimulate a radi#al transformation
to o##ur, whi#h offers #onsiderable benefit and would ma$e your life and
relationships more fulfilling. This would also be the $ey to attaining your solar aims
as you would be remooving an inner barrier whi#h is otherwise li$ely to prevent and
frustrate many of your efforts.

1un opposition 6luto ((aydn 6aul)

This suggests that most of your problems and #hallenges will arise in the area of
interpersonal relationships, often #reated or stimulated by your own un#ons#ious
e*pression of this energy, whi#h re,uires a deeper understanding and inner
ad)ustment to be a#hieved before you #an #onsistently benefit from its power.

7our temperament #an be assertive, aggressive and e*tremist, tending to use your
powerful will li$e a sledgehammer to a#hieve ob)e#tives. 7ou prefer to for#e
situations so that you are ready to ta$e the advantage before anyone else #an, or will
a#t through impulse without fully #onsidering the #onse,uen#es of following your
desires and aims. To others, your will and personality #an seem a little overbearing,
provo#ative and dominating, espe#ially as you always prefer to be in #ontrol of all
situations, and hate to feel unsure of your ground or realise there is nothing you #an
do to influen#e #ir#umstan#es in your favour. This is why you desire to be in a
position of authority, #alling the tune and writing the rules, yet are so rebellious
when roles are reversed' you then use your influen#e to be subversive and
manipulate others to resist authority.

7ou will feel a desire to #hange the world into your image, refle#ting the way that you
thin$ it should be. As virtually everyone else is attempting the same in small or large
ways, inevitably you may e*perien#e #onfli#t with others who do not agree with your
pana#ea for the world!s ills. f you attempt to di#tate to people, by for#eful
e*pression, you may easily fail to get the right $ind of support and #o%operation,
espe#ially if it is made #lear that you intend to be the $ingpin and final arbiter. The
problem with dominating and for#eful personalities is that usually they insist on
having their own way, and are rarely, if ever, wrong. This usually ends in relationship
#onfli#t whi#h leads to their more #reative supporters ,uitting, leaving behind !mere
followers! who remain with the !leader! in sy#ophanti# a#,uies#en#e.

"ithout proper awareness and understanding, these tenden#ies #an be#ome
negatively e*pressed, eventually to your detriment. 7et e,ually they #an be#ome
e*tremely positive ,ualities to be used in so#ially #reative ways on#e e*#ess self%
interest is trans#ended, and you move towards the higher solar path of your
individuality rather than )ust satisfying lower egoi# needs and desires. 7ou will need
to undergo a period of self%regeneration, to a#$nowledge the needs of others to be
themselves, not as mere ad)un#ts to your di#tates, but people e,ually able and right
to assert themselves. +ore harmonious and su##essful relationships are possible,
espe#ially when your need for self%assertion diminishes through self%understanding
and #onfiden#e in your own worth. This #an involve learning to be self%reliant in
a#hieving your own aims, rather than having to manipulate others into un#ons#iously
aiding your private intentions. nner #hanges leading to a less aggressive attitude
and less suspi#ion in wor$ing with others, more #o%operation to a#hieve mutual
goals, and a degree of #ompromise in your attitudes, will #ertainly bring more benefit
to you and others. ;aining an understanding of the elements present in your
psy#hology whi#h desire for you to be#ome an authority and leader #an help to bring
about an inner ad)ustment, and an ability to wor$ with others #an then emerge.
Natal Sun quincun2 Pluto

(9obert 6elletier)

The 1un in#on)un#t 6luto indi#ates that you ta$e on duties that others re)e#t even
though you may be bitterly resentful of these duties. 7ou overrea#t to the
e*pe#tations of others, and usually do more than you need to or should. A guilt fa#tor
in your personality ma$es you #ontinually strive to prove that you are doing your

7ou ma$e punishing demands on yourself, and unless you e*er#ise modertaion this
will bring on negative physi#al rea#tions. +oreover, other people will be e*tremely
displeased and resentful if you e*pe#t them to #opy your efforts. Try not to #ompare
yourself with others who are performing similar tas$s.

n sear#hing for the approval of others, you drive yourself very hard. 7ou tend to be
obsessed with gaining the admiration of people to whom you feel inferior. 7ou are
overly preo##upied with the power and position they may have. 0on#ern yourself with
personal goals and ob)e#tives, and develop your potentials to su##essfully meet
#ompetition. 7ou may have to ma$e sa#rifi#es in order to realize your ambitions, but
don!t sa#rifi#e your ambitions to satisfy someone else!s goals.

As the foregoing suggests, you should be#ome a bit selfish. Learn to understand your
limitations and define your goals within them. 0onfide in someone whom you trust to
advise you, and ta$e that person!s advi#e.

7ou need to li$e yourself will probably be satisfied when you #an see the results of a
well%organized plan for a#hieving su##ess. 7ou must learn to dispense with
nonessentials and to fo#us your efforts on a parti#ular ob)e#tive. 7ou should refrain
from ta$ing on any adversaries until you are fully trained and have #onfiden#e that
you #an su##eed.

&on!t wrestle with other people!s wills. The less #onfli#t you #reate in dealing with
others, the better. Tension and its a#ompanying problems will soon disappear when
you learn to rela*.

(/aren (ama$er%Bondag)

"ith the in#on)un#t we #ome to the most diffi#ult of the aspe#ts between the 1un and
6luto. All the stresses #ommon to the other aspe#ts are also found in the in#on)un#t,
with the differen#e that the natives suffer from #onstant unrest and tension without
$nowing the reason why.

The in#on)un#t between these two planets often gives enormous ambition and a
desire to remain viable at all #osts. &riven by un#ertainty, the natives seem in#apable
of sparing themselves.

Be#ause they are inse#ure, they are fier#ely defensive of others, but, with typi#al
6lutonian lust for power, en)oy manipulating them too. :ot only do they shelter
another person under their prote#tion' they swathe that person in it in order to
impose themselves on him or her. They are adept at guiding a #onversation by the
inter)e#tion of seemingly #asual remar$s, and at engineering situations that favor
their own suprema#y. 5bviously they #an sometimes be #aught in their own net,
be#ause they are only dimly aware of what they are doing and, indeed, prefer not to
thin$ about it. 5ften they half%#lose their eyes to what is going on, and so lose overall
#ontrol. They should eventually see that a #hange of ta#ti#s is re,uired in order to
end the re#urrent power struggles.

Although they have a desire to grow through #onfrontation, the realization #an dawn
on them that they #ould be on a #ollision #ourse. By improving the relationship
between willing and doing, they #an avoid this and release the enormous potential
that is always #ontained in an in#on)un#t. For instan#e, it is not unusual for these
people to underta$e serious studies in su#h fields as those of government, the
un#ons#ious and the esoteri#.

(Betty Lundsted)

This aspe#t produ#es a strain, for the values of the generation, the values of the
!masses!, #onfli#t with the values of the native!s father, or the inherited values. n the
sear#h for selfhood, how does one pro#eed when the father disagrees with the
movement of the times2 These are the #hildren who are born to people who want to
return to the !good old days!. The irony here is that the #hild!s health will suffer until
he or she is old enough to de#ide whi#h road to travel.
Natal Sun aspecting Nort( No%e

(Fran#es 1a$oian and Louis A#$er)

1un #on)un#t :orth :ode- This #on)un#tion indi#ates birth near the time of a solar or
lunar e#lipse. t also shows that this is a ma)or event in the natural world, whi#h
#auses ma)or events and sets of #ir#umstan#es in the natives! world and provides
them greater s#ope for their self%e*pression as well as opportunities for e*pansion of
their po,we and leadership potential. The #on)un#tion suggests an inherited $armi#
tenden#y toward good lu#$ as a result of previous use of the life energies for the
benefit of the individual!s larger environment. "hen #arried too far, however, this
influen#e #an dissipate the individual!s energies, #ausing e*haustion and a depletion
of the life for#e.

1un se*tile :orth :ode- This se*tile to the 1un in#ludes a trine of the 1outh :ode to
the 1un. Any interpretation of the aspe#t must ta$e this fa#tor into #onsideration.

The natives have opportunities to wor$ in harmony with the prevailing tide of so#ial
events. They have the ability to ma$e #onstru#tive use of the e*isting moral and
so#ial traditions of their #ulture. 5ften this is manifested as so#ial leadership,
be#ause they $now how to win the support of other people by appealing to their
so#ial and ethi#al standards.

They may ma$e valuable artisti# #ommentaries, through drama, musi#, and art, on
#ultural #onditions.

1un trine :orth :ode- This trine to the 1un in#ludes a se*tile of the 1outh :ode to
the 1un. nterpretation of the aspe#t must ta$e that fa#tor into #onsideration.

This aspe#t has almost the same meaning as 1un se*tile :orth :ode, e*#ept that a
different house is emphasized. (owever, these natives are more intelle#tually

There will be dramati# #reativity, e*pressed within the bounds of the traditional
so#ial #ustoms and patterns.

1un s,uare :orth :ode- This s,uare #auses the natives! attempts at individual
e*pression to be out of phase with the #urrent of larger events in their so#iety.
1ometimes they hold ba#$ when they should go forward, or vi#e versa.

0ir#umstan#es in their lives and in their so#iety tend to blo#$ their self%e*pression
and #reative endeavors. They find themselves poorly ad)usted in their so#ial and
romanti# lives.

1un opposition :orth :ode- This #on)un#tion (to the 1outh :ode) refers to a
#ondition in whi#h ma)or #ir#umstan#es in the native!s environment deny him
opportunities and resour#es for self%e*pression, limiting espe#ially his leadership and
power potential. 5bsta#les are thrown in his path, ma$ing it diffi#ult to a#hieve what
he desires, even to the e*tent that he is denied the fruits of his efforts.

:atives are not swept along in the mainstream of events, as in the #ase of the 1un
#on)un#t :orth :ode. This #on)un#tion indi#ates a $armi# situation in whi#h
individuals in previous in#arnations selfishly promoted their own ambitions at the
e*pense of the self%e*pression of others. This time around, they e*perien#e what it is
li$e to be thwarted by the a#tions of others. (owever, this aspe#t #an bring a
thorough mastery of that whi#h the native is able to #ommand.

(9einhold .bertin)

1un #on)un#t :orth :ode- ntelle#tual or physi#al asso#iations, the publi#. 1ee$ing
#onta#t with others, the desire to asso#iate.

1un trine or se*tile :orth :ode- Adaptation, preferen#e for asso#iations and for
team%wor$, the sear#h for intelle#tual #onta#ts. 6hysi#al asso#iations, intelle#tual #o%
operation, union with the husband. 1hared e*perien#es. 9elationship with the publi#.

1un s,uare or opposition :orth :ode- A disharmonious attitude towards living or
wor$ing together with others. The termination of asso#iations.

(Berni#e ;rebner)

1un #on)un#t :orth :ode- This gives a strong advantage to the :orth :ode area. The
ego and the new a#tivity flow along the same path. "herever the 1un is lo#ated is
where there is strength, vitality, a#tion and warmth.

1un trine or se*tile :orth :ode- 1u##ess is assured with the affairs of the :odes are
blended favorably with the 1un!s position. The person!s ego is very good. (e has
proper motivation, and above average intelligen#e, and is morally sound. This also
gives great #harm, good health, and long life, espe#ially if :orth :ode is in the eighth
house. 0orre#t and #onstru#tive a#tion #ome naturally to fulfill su##essfully the
destiny of the :odes.

1un s,uare :orth :ode- This seems to put a stronger than usual a##ent on the 1un
and its position. There is a greater awareness of the self or ego. t denotes the person
who #an be self%opinionated. (owever, this would #ause an up%and%down belief in
himself. There isn!t the #alm and poise that is found when a :ode trines the 1un. This
person is apt to be ,uarrelsome #on#erning things at the nodal positions. t is diffi#ult
for him to arrive at su##ess in life. There is diffi#ulty in establishing balan#e of the
fun#tions at this nodal a*is. T(e a#tion and stress seem to #ome out at the 1un!s

1un opposition :orth :ode- This gives greater diffi#ulty in establishing the new
growth at the :orth :ode be#ause the ego wants to stay at the opposite 1outh :ode
area with the 1un. The ego feels beter asso#iating with 1outh :ode affairs' and in
order to grow and learn, the person must bu#$ a strong ego.

(+ohan /opar$ar)

1un #on)un#t :orth :ode- This aspe#t provides strong persoanl elevation in this life.
t usually #omes from la#$ of re#ognition and self%respe#t from the re#ent past life.
They )ust have to get out of the /armi# rut and establish some of their own standards
in this life. The destiny often helps them in most of the ways it #an during life.
1tronger independen#e is taught' but there are always supporting walls around them.
This ensures any fail%safe me#hanism for them. Thus, even if they ma$e a mista$e,
they do not have to pay for it on a grand s#ale... not at least in this life. 6arental
guidan#e and e*#ellent dis#ipline from them are often provided as a basi# growth in
life. 9esponsibilities are often given to them )ust as they are ready for them.
ndividual ego has a proper pro)e#tion fun#tion whi#h uses optimum energy to get
re#ognition in this life for these people. !Father%figure! ideal is ,uite strong for them
in whatever form it may be.

1un trine :orth :ode- This aspe#t provides good popularity, personal elevation and
e*e#ution of proper ego for that individual. 0ir#umstantial assistan#e in getting
re#ognized in the world is noti#ed. 1trong foundation and establishment of identity is
done by the help of the !father%figure! in life. 1u##ess in the publi# life or even in
politi#s is seen. &uring your re#ent life, you have been well re#ognized for your
assistan#e to others. As a result, in this life repayment is done to you to get
somewhere, no matter where you start in life. 5ptimisti# attitudes and open goals are
,uite #ommon for them.

1un s,uare :orth :ode- This is a balan#ing aspe#t in terms of /armi# inflow%outflow.
3nder this #ondition, one has to do )ust the right amount of growing in this lifetime.
The imbalan#e, in whi#hever dire#tion it may be, often $i#$s you around so that you
do )ust what is needed. As a result of this, general frustration, delays and an*iety in
one!s ego%a#hievement are seen. 7ou have to learn to bow to the #ir#umstan#es and
ta$e your number in a long waiting line. t does privide a good amount of fighting
spirit and enduran#e. n this aspe#t, possible birth in a poor or restri#tive family is
,uite li$ely. (idden tensions with !father%figure! or male identity in life are very
signifi#ant. n life, this person goes through various #ir#umstantial suffo#ation, whi#h
ma$es him ,uite self%e*amining or introverted at times as he grows older.

1un opposition :orth :ode- This aspe#t indi#ates la#$ of physi#al vitality and general
suppression of ego. t is more of a #ounter%balan#e from the previous life whi#h tells
the person to slow down regarding the ego%ambition%re#ognition, et#. in this life. f
this is not done #ons#iously, then it will be for#efully a#hieved by proper
#ir#umstan#es. 0onversion of normal energies of !individuality! into evolution of that
soul will be noti#ed in this aspe#t in that parti#ular life. This often indi#ates some
/armi# #onne#tions with the !father%figure! that need to be balan#ed in this life. 5ften
a #onfli#t from a previous life with the father has brought about this #ondition and

(&onna van Toen)

1un #on)un#t :orth :ode- 1ee$ing #onta#t with others results in grwoth. 0reative
porential or power potential aids growth. Ability to perform on a high level in some
respe#t stimulates growth potential.

1un semise*tile :orth :ode- A tenden#y to see$ an inner path to growth % meditation,
spiritual studies, therapy, et#.. 5ften the idea is to see$ a passive approa#h to
growth, although on#e invol#ed the person may ma$e great gains in psite of his or
her faulty or misguided motivations. 6eople with this aspe#t seem to have a high
fre,uen#y of involvement in writing, healing arts, and tea#hing as a#tive paths to
groth. 9eading, attending #lasses, and sometimes guru%see$ing are #ommon as
passive paths.

1un trine :orth :ode- A motivation to grow. A sear#h for growth that involves
see$ing out people who!ll en#ourage physi#al, #reative or emotional development. A
need to progress so#ially, monetarily or #reatively stimulates the desire to grow.

1un se*tile :orth :ode- The motivation to grow is still there but you have to fo#us on
it #ons#iously' it doesn!t #ome as easily as with the trine. There!s a tenden#y to
be#ome so absorbed in some 1outh :ode pursuit that you may miss opportunities to
develop the :orth :ode potential. t be#omes easy to let the 1outh :ode $eep you in
a rut, although sometimes the rut is ,uite a pleasant one.

1un semis,uare or ses,uis,uare or s,uare :orth :ode- Literal or figurative se#lusion
or imprisonment may en#ourage stagnation' these may be either self%imposed or
environmental. 5ften nervousness of some sort ma$es growth diffi#ult.

1un ,uin#un* :orth :ode- nhibitions ma$e growth diffi#ult. 1ometimes there!s an
a#tual physi#al problem or an imagined defe#t that hinders growth.

1un opposition :orth :ode- A #raving for #ompanionship or an overwhelming need to
be part of a #rowd #an lead to stagnation. La#$ of vitality #an en#ourage stagnation.
1hyness #an inhibit growth, espe#ially if angular houses are involved.

(Bruno and Louise (uber)

1un #on)un#t :orth :ode- The #on)un#tion with the 1un pla#es the self%#ons#iousness
of the native in the foreground. "hat matters here is to fun#tion autonomously and
independently, to develop the #hara#ter traits and strengths that already e*ist, and to
#on#entrate on the a#hievement of personal goals. "ith the 1un!s aspe#ts, personal
#ommitment to all affairs of the house or a*is is re,uired. The emphasis is always laid
on individual effort for further development' imperfe#tions or wea$nesses are not
tolerated. ;iven freedom and independen#e, the native will attain his or her ob)e#tive
and will ma$e solid progress.

1un opposition :orth :ode- n the opposition, negative ego%for#es often #ome into
play. The natives are full of self%admiration and believe they have full #ontrol of
everything represented by the a*is #on#erned. +any of them are #on#eited and
proud, and lay #laim to being uni,ue when (in most instan#es) they are not. They
refuse to admit that they possess the wea$nesses of the sign involved, and believe
that, being already suffi#ently developed, they have no need to wor$ on themselves.
5ften, these people feel that they are being negle#ted, and imagine that they are
tremendously important, although usually this is mere self%de#eption. They have a
tenden#y towards monomania.
Natal Sun square 1 opposition Ascen%ant

1un s,uare As#endant (9obert 6elletier)

The 1un s,uare the As#endant indi#ates that when you e*press yourself you
un$nowingly #ause others to rea#t negatively. 7ou tend to get off on the wrong foot
be#ause you have trouble #onvin#ing people that you are sin#ere and honest. 7ou
#ome on a bit strong, whi#h )ust doesn!t set ,uite right with people, and they resent
you for it. All the endearments you use never ,uite offset your suspe#ted la#$ of
sin#erity. 7ou should as$ your #losest friend about this, be#ause the #han#es are that
you will resent and re)e#t what is said here.

7ou will #ompromise only when there is no other alternative. 7ou have an in#redible
inability to fa#e the fa#ts about yourself, although they are painfully obvious to
everyone else. 7ou want to win everyone!s approval, and you #an do so by asserting
yourself more modestly, so people don!t feel that you are for#ing yourself on them.
The same holds true for asso#iates with whom you are in #lose #onta#t for e*tended
periods of time. 6eople will appre#iate you more if you let them ma$e willing
gestures to you. n that way, they #an feel that they are the aggressors. t is better to
attra#t them to you than to demand their submission.

n spite of the foregoing, you are a##ustomed to resistan#e when you try to do
something. /nowing that nothing worthwhile #omes easily, you are ready to endure
frustration at times be#ause the e*perien#e is valuable in building #hara#ter. 7ou had
to over#ome diffi#ulties with superiors in your formative years, and as a result you
may have grown up with a #hip on your shoulder. 7ou also $now that you will have to
rely on your own resour#es if you want to su##eed. The diffi#ulty #omes in dealing
with people in authority who e*pe#t you to re#ognize your inferior position. f you
realize that it!s not your #reative abilities but your attitude that offends people, you
will su##eed in winning #omplete approval for your #ompeten#e.

1un opposition As#endant (9obert 6elletier)

The 1un opposition the As#endant shows that you are easily impressed by people you
meet and hope that they will be similarly impressed with you. 7ou attra#t powerful
individuals with strong egos who always try to gain dominan#e over you. "ithout
realizing it, you are showing that you doubt your own signifi#an#e, in the hope that
others will reassure you. 1omewhat unsure of yourself, you fear you will be re)e#ted
in your relationships. 7ou be#ome affiliated with su##essful persons whom you #an
admire, be#ause you need to $now that you are genuinely appre#iated, not merely
tolerated. n other words, you are always loo$ing for ba#$handed #ompliments. 7ou
en)oy having people fawn over you be#ause it bolsters your sagging opinion of

n personal relationships, you try too hard to do everything you thin$ is e*pe#ted of
you, as if to ma$e doubly sure that your friends thin$ well of you. 7ou must be#ome
independent of the se#urity you had in your parents! home and transfer your need to
belong to someone you #an related to personally.

Before asserting your own opinion, you always try to put yourself in the other
person!s pla#e. This #an be a definite asset if you de#ide to go into business or a
profession, be#ause you would give your #lients the impression that they are the most
important people in the world. Flattered, they would happily pay for your servi#es.
Those who are the re#ipients of your servi#es $now your worth better than you do.

7ou have no diffi#ulty in #ommuni#ating with people, perhaps be#ause you really
en)oy having people around you. But you have to wor$ hard to #onvin#e asso#iates
that you are as #apable as they are, and if they don!t a##ept this you prefer to wor$
alone. 7ou need to assert yourself more aggressively when #ompeting for )ob
opportunities, or you will be left out.

1un s,uare or opposition As#endant (/aren (ama$er%Bondag)

Things are not ,uite so easy in tense aspe#ts between the 1un and As#endant. These
people!s influen#e still ma$es a dire#t impa#t on those around them, and they do have
a desire to manifest in their environment' the trouble is that they are very un#ertain
how to do so. Therefore e*ternal behavior is errati#- at one moment they sound
brimful of #onfiden#e but the ne*t day they #lam up as if they were unsure of
themselves. This ma$es them hard to understand and #ompli#ates relationships with
people. They shrin$ from #riti#ism sin#e it feeds inse#urity. 1ometimes they withdraw
into a shell or hide behind others.

"ith the tense aspe#ts, the ego is out of step with e*pe#tations, and these people
have diffi#ulty in seeing how they ought to behave. The world does not always
respond to them as they thin$ it should % at least, not until they learn to ad)ust.

1un s,uare or opposition As#endant (Betty Lundsted)

"hen the 1un s,uares or opposes the As#endant, there is more diffi#ulty in
e*pressing the ,ualities of the 1un in daily a#tivities. 0onstru#tive a#tion may not be
easily ta$en until these individuals be#ome #ons#ious of the sign dilemma.

"hen the 1un in the Lth house opposes the As#endant, a #ompromise between self%
initiation and relationships. This may indi#ate individuals who feel they must give up
a great deal of freedom and personal de#ision%ma$ing in order to marry and have a

1un opposition As#endant (1ue Tomp$ins)

Those with 1un on the &es#endant #an sometimes seem to !give! their 1un to others,
in as mu#h as they give power to other people. have parti#ularly noti#ed this with
1un%&es#endant #lients, for they seem to ta$e more than usual noti#e of what might
be said during a #onsultation, tending as they do to as#ribe far too mu#h importan#e
to the views and opinions of others at the e*pense of their own and fre,uently loo$ing
to other people to ma$e their de#isions for them. The astrologer%#lient relationship,
li$e any other #ounselling situation, is based on e,uality and sharing. f one person
#ould be said to be more !important! than the other, then that person is #learly the
#lient. n the most e*treme instan#es, the person with 1un in the Lth, when in the
role of #lient, is relu#tant to a##ept this fa#t. (e < she gives away his < her
importan#e, fights shy of the limelight, and tries to manipulate the situation so that
the #ounsellor is #entre%stage and the one pulling the strings in the #lient!s life.
"here this does happen, it is usually repeating a situation that has been #reated in
their other partnerships, whether personal relationships or wor$ing partnerships. All
too easily, the 1un%&es#endant person #an believe that his < her life is fated and that
he < she is merely a pawn in the hands of the heavens or of others! superior power.

This is not always the #ase, of #ourse, but #ertainly 1un%&es#endant, rather li$e a 1un
Libran, does li$e to share the de#ision%ma$ing pro#ess and does li$e someone to do
things with. 9elationship and partnership are very important to this type. t!s a good
pla#ement for people who wor$ in a partnership, and indeed for anyone who wor$s in
a one%to%one situation. n some #ases, the 1un%&es#endant might say ! am nothing
without a partner' life has no meaning without another person!. +ore positively, 1un%
&es#endant people might say ! find myself through #lose intera#tion with another

This is a very good pla#ement for analysts, therapists and the li$e. They #an find their
identity through #lose intera#tion with another person, and, similarly, in a one%to%one
situation they #an enable others to shed light on themselves. They may even a#hieve
personal distin#tion and re#ognition through relationship. t!s a #ommon pla#ement in
the #harts of lawyers too' they often wor$ in partnerships, and on ea#h #ase they
wor$ in partnership with their #lients' usually, also, lawyers are involved in litigation
with !open enemies!, and are wor$ing, ideally, for )usti#e and fairness.

The father of the person with 1un on the &es#endant was usually viewed by the
individual more as a husband to the mother than a father to the #hild. 1ometimes this
is literally true, where the father%figure in the home during the formative years is not
in fa#t the biologi#al father' but usually this is more the psy#hologi#al e*perien#e
than the a#tual one. Father was #on#erned with being a partner (in the marital or
business sense) above all else. f the 1un is in the Lth house, the individual will see$
through marriage a relationship with the father ar#hetype, either by playing the role
of father or by e*pe#ting the !other! to do it for him < her. f the 1un is in the Qth
house, the individual #onsiders wor$ing partnerships to be espe#ially important. n
any event, the individual is usually !fathering! others in the sense of providing some
sort of identity for them.

&es#endant%1un people are proud of their partnerships. This is the type who, aged L@
or U@, #an be found lin$ing arms with their spouses and stating proudly that they
have been married fifty years or so. t is not that relationships are more li$ely to last
with the 1un #on)un#t the &es#endant, or that it is ne#essarily a good thing if they do,
or even that the relationships will be ne#essarily better than any other people!s. But
with this pla#ement relationship tends to be the most important thing, and something
of whi#h to be proud.
Natal Sun quincun2 Ascen%ant

(9obert 6elletier)

The sun in#on)un#t the As#endant shows that you are a tireless wor$er and don!t do
anything unless you #an give it your full effort. 7ou want the approval of everyone
you $now for what you a##omplish. 1e#retly you may hope to gain some publi#
re#ognition too, but you don!t really e*pe#t it. 7ou are generally willing to wor$
behind the s#enes, ,uietly developing your potentials and mastering the s$ills you
need to meet the struggle to earn a living. 7ou realize that your #reative talents are
useless unless you develop them and ma$e them your greatest assets. 7ou respe#t
people who see$ a formal edu#ation, although you yourself #an do very well merely
by developing your latent talents. Always striving for e*#ellen#e, you are impatient
with people who are ineffi#ient or lazy.

7ou learned many valuable lessons from your parents, and you may have followed
their suggestions in getting the training they felt you should have. n fa#t, you are a
spe#ialist. But you underestimate your #apabilities and will be satisfied with yourself
only when you are su##essful in your wor$. 7ou $now how to #onvert your talents into
revenue and e*pe#t to be well paid for your servi#es, for you $now what they are
worth. 3ndaunted by #ompetition, you always try to be the best in whatever you do.
3nless other pla#ements #ontradi#t this one, your future is se#ure.

7ou drive yourself e*#essively, whi#h #arries the ris$ of depleting your physi#al
reserves. &eta#h yourself from responsibility now and then so you #an unwind and
get needed rest. 7ou feel a deep obligation to prove your abilities to yourself,
although you don!t mind it when others ma$e flattering remar$s about your s$ills.
7ou are easily put upon by so%#alled friends, who always want you to do something
for them. This is your #han#e to $now who your friends really are. 7ou should be
wary of revealing your ideas to asso#iates, who may try to #apitalize on them without
giving you the full #redit you deserve and without paying for them.

(/aren (ama$er%Bondag)

n the in#on)un#t between the 1un and As#endant, self%#onfiden#e is at its lowest ebb,
yet the wish to e*#el is unusually great. "hat #ompli#ates matters is the tremendous
dis#repan#y between the 1un sign and the sign on the As#endant, whi#h generally
have little or nothing in #ommon. The way in whi#h these people present themselves
to others is very different from the way in whi#h they would li$e to behave'
#ir#umstan#es seem to frustrate them. "hat is more, the in#on)un#t is so dis)ointed
that it #an ma$e them ungainly as well as inse#ure, and this in itself #an hamper
#onta#ts with the environment.

Another problem is that, underneath all their un#ertainties, these people $eep feeling
important and may fall prey to ambition and perfe#tionism, whi#h tempt them to
saddle themselves with more than they #an #arry % sometimes to the point of physi#al
brea$down. :evertheless, on#e they understand that there are two forms of behavior
open to them % that due to the As#endant and that due to the 1un % they #an stop
wavering and #an adopt one or the other as the #ir#umstan#e may re,uire.
Natal Sun con/unct 0i%(ea5en

(9obert (and)

.ven while you are young, personal su##ess and a#hievement will be very important.
7ou will want to shine among your friends and be someone to whom they #an loo$ up.
7ou will measure your su##ess in life not so mu#h by your inner sense of values, but
by the impa#t you ma$e on other people. This aspe#t often means that you will be
so#ially su##essful, but you must wor$ for it' su#h su##ess is not automati#.

7ou have a great need to be in #ontrol of your life. As you get older, you will try to
wor$ in a business in whi#h you #an be your own boss. 7ou are very independent and
do not li$e wor$ing under someone, whi#h #an #reate problems while you are young.
Thin$ing that you $now better than your elders, you may rebel against their power
over you. f you establish a pattern of rebellion, personal su##ess will be hard to #ome
by. 7ou need help from others to get anywhere. 1o you must avoid being arrogant, for
that will alienate people.

(owever, if you are willing to learn from others while you are young and put all your
energies into developing s$ills that will be useful later, you will probably a#hieve
something important in your own terms. n that #ase, you will $now what you want to
do and how to guide others. 7ou #an enable others to fulfill their destiny as you fulfill

&uring #hildhood, the influen#e of your father or of a similar guide figure is
espe#ially important to you.

(/aren (ama$er%Bondag)

The ego is imposing, and these people are able to hold their own in so#iety. Be#ause
self%assuran#e is infe#tious, others ta$e them at fa#e value as #apable, energeti#
individuals % obviously a great help when they are applying for a position.

All the same, this #on)un#tion does have its bad side. There is a danger that these
natives shall be#ome so smug that they ma$e themselves out to be better than they
really are. Also they do not broo$ mu#h #ontradi#tion' they regard themselves as
important and thin$ that everyone else ought to loo$ up to them. This is an attitude
that either stirs up opposition, or else attra#ts yes%men who are too tame to stimulate
them. Another possibility is self%employment or som other form of free enterprise that
leaves them responsible to no%one. This powerful position of the 1un #an indi#ate
su##ess in life, provided they #urb the tenden#y to pride and arrogan#e.

(1ue Tomp$ins)

Traditionally, 1un #on)un#t the +0 is supposed to mar$ out an individual for great
su##ess and honours. There are many different types of su##ess of #ourse, and many
a yardsti#$ for measuring it. 1u##ess or not, the goal of many with this pla#ement is
to be important, noti#ed, re#ognised and respe#ted in the world at large. Famous in
fa#t. t!s hardly surprising therefore that fame does often $no#$ at the door of those
with this #onta#t, or, at least, su##ess in their field.

0lassi#ally, it is found in the #harts of those who find themselves in #harge of
something, a leader in some way, the one who heads the #ompany, the s#hool, the
hospital and so forth. "hereas 1un #on)un#t As#endant finds it diffi#ult to be
in#onspi#uous in their immediate environment, the noti#eability of the person with
the 1un #on)unn#t +0 is usually mu#h more publi#, or at least that is often the goal.

All other things being e,ual, this is the person who winds up being a pillar of the
#ommunity, renowned for their integrity, respe#ted for the position they hold and the
responsibility it #arries- e*e#utive positions, or publi# positions- but, of #ourse,
aspe#ts to the #on)un#tion have to be #arefully weighed.

asso#iate this #on)un#tion with prizes % honours suppose would be more a##urate.
have even noti#ed that a progression from or to the +0 by the 1un often #oin#ides
with the individual re#eiving some sort of prize. f a #hild, this might be some sort of
s#hool or sports prize but as an adult it may ta$e the form of some other type of
publi#ly re#ognised honour. As a #hild, the person with 1un #on)un#t +0 would have
been en#ouraged to gain publi# re#ognition. The father is often well%$nown and a#ts
as a model for some $ind of !stardom!. And sometimes it is the fa#t that he wasn!t well
$nown that ma$es the #hild so an*ious to be#ome so for him.

(Fran#is 1a$oian and Louis A#$er)

:atives with this #on)un#tion have tremendous influen#e through their #areers,
professions, and reputations. They are often found in politi#s and publ# life, and
usually a#hieve fame or notoriety in some way as indi#ated by the nature of other
aspe#ts made to the 1un and +0, by the sign in whi#h the 1un and +0 are pla#ed,
and by the sign and house position of the ruler of the 1un sign and aspe#ts to this

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