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Team Planning of Our Prelim

Me and my group which consisted of Ben and Josh done our team planning of our
prelim where we had to discussed our outcomes and responsibilities/roles that
we are all taking part in.

We discussed who is doing what and the roles we are taking on. I am going to be
finishing off our story board, acting as one of the main actors in our prelim video
called Drew an Antagonist drug runner who betrays his boss and get fired
demonstrating to our audience a stereotypical lower class (Socio economic
group: E) male. I am also going to be finishing off our Actors record and out
come. Ben is going to be our second main actor but he plays the role of the
Protagonist DON who is a strong, confident counter type drug for a male who
played as the boss of the drug dealing gang show how successful he is. Ben also
has to finish Props record, Send us the shot list and Screenplay over email and do
his part to finish the storyboard. Josh played the role as one of Drew's customers
when selling drugs to him also he is in charge filming, lighting etc. and locations
record. We are all going to be contributing with a bit of filming and editing as
part of a team. We have also used other actors in our Prelim one is Dewayne
played by Isaac he is one of DONS bodyguards and appears in a few scenes and
Wayne played by Anthony he speaks in one scenes and is one if DONS

We had a little trouble with filming time as I was unable to attended the lesson
due to me having to be somewhere which was already planned, at first we had a
little bit of trouble but we was able to solve the problem we faced and came to
the agreement that we would film at break today on October 3rd and at lunch
same day. Today we had to film bits of our scenes as Ben had lesson and was
unable to film when me and Josh was free so we done that parts where Ben
wasn't needed. Later on today at lunch we will be filming the bits needed with
Ben and Isaac hopefully Anthony will be there or will have to ask another person
to fill in for him.

I felt today went well even though there was a few set backs I still think what we
done went well. My contribution was good we was able to allocate jobs fast with
out forcing people to take a job every took what they wanted also I gave up my
free time resulting in us getting some of our work done so I feel my contribution
was good.

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